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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 68 KB, 700x650, 1409692531924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8849266 No.8849266 [Reply] [Original]

old one approaching 300 bishes

>> No.8849281

It literally has 16 posts.

>> No.8849286

Nobody is going to use that thread, the OP image is shit and people skim over it.

>> No.8849295
File: 112 KB, 600x913, Justin-Bieber-hair-back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the thing called justin wears on his forehead
and w2c this

>> No.8849310

>not knowing what a bandanna is
jesus christ

>> No.8849315

>and w2c this

>> No.8849319


>> No.8849321
File: 1.12 MB, 1600x2400, 0172982001_0_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the quality of COS' shirts?

>> No.8849361

doesn't have "fuccboi general" anywhere in the op

the guy who made it is a fucking retarded, i hope that shitty thread 404's real fast

>> No.8849368



i'm in europe, reigning camp wants a billion canadian dollars for shipping and taxes or some shit so those are sadly not an option

>> No.8849379

Uniqlo's is good

>> No.8849391
File: 225 KB, 365x503, why not just make it fucking grey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanted to cop a uniqlo, but they only have them in this ugly grey :(

i can spend up to 100€

>> No.8849453
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 10261931_10152782179128916_570837913_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Adidas shoes /fa/?

I tried making a thread asking this, but I got called a newfag and was told to ask here instead. I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but I've been un/fa/ all my life, and only recently decided to try and change.

>> No.8849490

Stan Smith's and ZX Fluxes

>> No.8849494

Not those ones. Personally I think adidas is shit compared to nike in terms of design. I associate them with arabs and Eastern europeans. The three stripes look dumb. The leaf looks dumb. The clothes look dumb. The shoes always look overdesigned or shitty. Stan smiths look like shit, especially irl.

>> No.8849497

can u please tell me how high you are and what size hoodie u copped

>> No.8849513

Zx fluxes just look like a roshe knockoff that adidas tried to make edgy and masculine

They look like something an arab would buy at thr outlets

>> No.8849521

w2c slim fit, high quality dress shirts for wear with ties and suits (so no button-down collars)
I need a variety of colors and minimal understated patterns, and a store in the US to try them on
should I just go to Nordstrom and drop $150 per shirt?

>> No.8849528

"roshe knockoff" is retarded, by that logic roshes are knockoffs of every running shoe that has a sleek minimal design.

and you're racist to boot

>> No.8849532

BRs dress shirts are p.good

>> No.8849541

>using the term "to boot"

Gtfo, nerd

>> No.8849656
File: 373 KB, 2048x1530, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao
>inb4 clean your fucking mirror
>inb4 something else about what's behind or in front of me

>> No.8849798

Y3 is dece. Regular adidas? textbook fuccboi-core.

>> No.8849829

I'm that much of a newfag that I don't even know what that really means. Is textbook fuccboi-core a good thing or a bad thing? Pls no bully

>> No.8849854

>"good" or "bad"
>subjective opinion

lurk more, you'll begin to understand soon

>> No.8849857

He's saying he doesn't recommend them.

I also am pretty newfaggoty, so I'd like a recommendation that isn't $300 wapanese space shoes.

>> No.8849869

Hey what's a good face wash for in the shower?

>> No.8849879

just use ur shampoo
ur face has small hairs on it too u know

>> No.8849892

Stan Smith or Kent Wang are good entry-level mono shoes.
Can't say anything for KW but I have Stans and they're great.

>> No.8849905

>being this poor

lel. just get some vans or nikes.

>> No.8849907
File: 515 KB, 573x387, 1407215341566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to get rid of black scuff marks on CP's? (Didn't get answer last thread)
>Pic unrelated

>> No.8849928

lel, anon don't listen to this bloke

salicylic acid works well for me. but everyone has different skin. water and scrubbing works 2

>> No.8849938


>> No.8849941

>this level of autism
>wondering why question was unanswered

jesus christ anon just go to the mall and buy some leather/vinyl sneaker spray

>> No.8849947

softsoap brand, antibacterial. my skin has never been more clear

>> No.8849948


>> No.8849951

>300$ wapanese space shoes

>> No.8850007
File: 41 KB, 480x480, acid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should your outfits be affected by your way of life and philosophy? What about your race or general attitude?

As a pale, cynical, absurdist with low income, how am I "supposed to dress?

>> No.8850025

The t-shirt is ktz, the yin-yang is in the same material as a towel btw

>> No.8850034

I like to switch wildly from dadcore workwear to jigaboo day to day.

>> No.8850037

What brands have good and relatively cheap pullover hoodies?

>> No.8850040
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>> No.8850052


I already dress like that!

>> No.8850073
File: 106 KB, 1104x778, pLEVI1-7428475t330x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uniqlo pure blue or Levis rigid dragon?

>> No.8850085
File: 225 KB, 1178x2229, 1396308573674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


adidas are cool for a sort of grungey skater look.

>> No.8850096

not great but not bad
fairly priced but you could get something nicer 2nd hand/on sale

>> No.8850108
File: 72 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mvpyxo4GsI1qm2e7zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best & safest way / product to remove black denim dye from white leather?


>> No.8850127

w2c hoodie?

>> No.8850131
File: 151 KB, 870x1110, han k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should probably go here i guess.

About three years ago, I copped a dockers (lmao) overshirt that was great, but i lost it a month ago. I'm looking for a replacement.

Shape like pic related (han kjobenhavn), but i'd much prefer grey or blue. Pockets by the waist a necessity.

Anyone seen anything?

>> No.8850139


idk, i asked him but he never responded.

>> No.8850156
File: 35 KB, 490x581, post oalls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This (post o'alls) is closer but still not quite there

>> No.8850162

What particular brands and materials should I look out for when at thrift stores?

>> No.8850176

u should look out for clothes that look good and fit u

>> No.8850180

Depends on your area tbh
if i go i look for flannel or patterned shirts, wool trousers, coats and knitwear

so look for wool i guess?

>> No.8850186

I think they should. Realists tend to look and feel better in dadcore, workwear, and more function based styles with set rules rarely broken. It appeals to and supports their philosophy of realism.

Romantics tend to enjoy and look better in more trendy/progressive/avant/loud styles like streetwear, dandyism, more silly stuff like lunarcore.

Staples of the entrenched vs. reactionary rule breaking

Someone who calls themselves a cynic would not likely enjoy the loud optimism of the romantics, and would see the realists as stuck ups.

Ultimately there is no set way to dress, and you should go for what makes you feel comfortable. Style looks silly if you keep pulling at it and fidgeting. Mute colors, earth tones, staple pieces, and a sense of anti-establishment may suit you. Look into "comfy-core" and workwear looks, as these will play up your disbelief in the system, easy to obtain on a lower income, and are comfy as heck.

>> No.8850187

w2c a good winter jacket, one that actually keeps you warm. I live in Canada and winter was brutal last year so i need something that is warm without looking like shit. I'm liking fishtail parkas lately so something like that would be cool, it also helps with the wind.

>> No.8850198

Always look for wool.

>> No.8850227

this post makes no sense and comes to no conclusion. good job!

>> No.8850239

I'm hugely realist and into stupid streetwear and lunacore.

Not to belittle what you wrote in the slightest, but, j'sayin, I dunno if that means anything at all.

>> No.8850251
File: 172 KB, 1000x714, Le_Laboureur-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this if i change out the buttons

>> No.8850285

Anyone know where someone could cop a decent minimal thick sweater in Canada?

>> No.8850289


>> No.8850321
File: 15 KB, 428x550, 43184062ae_21_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can a tailor alter a Raf sweater from Large to Small?

>> No.8850338


probably not. Going down more than one size is tricky. It might be possible, but you probably dont want to risk it with a raf sweater.

>> No.8850409
File: 257 KB, 1222x1019, ryan-gosling-drive-christina-hendricks-04[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get told I look like Ryan Gosling at least once a week. Considering doing Drive for Halloween, but minus the autistic jacket.

>White Henley
>Indigo Denim
>Taupe Stacy Adams Madison Boots

Is this a retarded idea?

Pic Related.

>> No.8850414

>Is this a retarded idea?
not to be a dick, but yeah it would be. you'd look like a dude in a white shirt and blue jeans. you'd need _something_ to indicate gosling

>> No.8850425

Add the denim jacket and the hammer
Hand out toothpicks

>> No.8850439

Im 6ft and 119lbs. Can I get some shirt brands that would be slim on me? Its been hard for me to keep having to order and return shirts because they end up being baggy. Just need a few more collared shirts.

>> No.8850443

I'm blonde/blue-eyed with a similar haircut. I was told I looked like him twice just last weekend. I have approx the same build, with less muscle.

I fucking forgot the accessories, thanks a ton Anon.

>> No.8850456


dont buy stacy adams just for the costume. They're terrible quality and will fall apart quickly. Get some boots you actually like.

>> No.8850462


>> No.8850471

You should work out. You weigh 10lbs less than a girl I dated that height. Her hip bones stuck out and you could see her abs.

Unless your goal is to be fucked roughly in the ass I would eat more and work out.

>> No.8850479

Im on GOMAD right now and i work out regularly. I just need some shirts that can fit me at the moment.

>> No.8850481

>go up to qt
>wanna toothpick?
>whip out dick

it'll work

>> No.8850504

are ocbd not fa enough
what shirts should I be wearing

>> No.8850505

You would probably fit in a 00T.

>> No.8850507
File: 10 KB, 183x276, sandpeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some tips for fall and winter cloths, Im moving to Germany next week.

I have never lived in a place with a real fall and winter.

>mfw I born in the desert

>> No.8850527

halp me im swimmin in shirtss

>> No.8850565
File: 125 KB, 379x312, Screen Shot 2014-09-24 at 6.03.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the closest i can find:


>> No.8850567
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 09090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do with an off-white shawl collar cardigan
other than prep

not pic related, just similar

>> No.8850611

please respond, i even ironed perfect 45 degree angles in my shirt

>> No.8850620


protip gomad is an absolutely horrid diet plan for bulking, especially when youre as skinny as you are

>> No.8850627

He should just start smoking weed. That's how I bulked.

>> No.8850661

>autistic jacket
you already fucked up

doesn't matter how much you look like him, it won't be a costume if you're just wearing a henley and jeans.

>> No.8850678
File: 40 KB, 570x513, il_570xN.644734087_jzpd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I should cop, because the shiny leather makes it look like it's plastic to me.

But I want a pair of platform oxfords for my more goth-ish fits. would rather prefer it with some white on the soles and under $100, if anyone has recommendations.

>Men's US Size 10-12

>> No.8850695
File: 119 KB, 1200x1200, 11558552_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's going to wear a denim jacket.

Don't forget the gloves tho bud

>> No.8850877

Stan smiths vs Kent Wangs which is better?
What's a good style for black sneakers? Is all black stupid?
What's a good cheap Jean? Levi's
Are uniqlo It's GOAT or are there any better at a reasonable price

>> No.8850894

I hate the green part of Stan Smiths so I got Kent Wangs as beaters. I own CPs and KW are completely awful in comparison, it's definately worth saving up for CPs

>> No.8850899
File: 24 KB, 440x288, pr_rightimage2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was gonna be my followup question.

W2C lookalikes?

>> No.8850915

what's bad about kent Wang's?

>> No.8850924

Asking again.
Does anyone have the pic of the feels guy in the SLP outfit? Wool pants and he looks cold, it was a drawing or comic style.

>> No.8850926


layer it in palewave fits for the fall

>> No.8850981

thanks for the idea, man.

>> No.8851003

for all blacks go with stan smiths. Whites look good too but that's just personal preference. Don't get them as a CP alternative though, they're different styles.

>> No.8851019

>Stan smiths

way to go shitlord

>> No.8851027

Fucking Hell.
I need to leave /fa/ already.

>> No.8851049


shit quality, bendy sole, clunky toe box, overpriced (although so are CP's)

>> No.8851052

>implying you were ever here in the first place

>> No.8851056

>implying black shoes go out of fashion
>implying there's a better $75 entry-level black sneaker

>> No.8851061
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>> No.8851074
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>> No.8851082

>tfw sunsetcorp don't post anymore

>> No.8851085


Is one of the hardest feels tbh

>> No.8851090

Dat Cara tho
How many pussiz that finger been on?
How many assh0les, how many peachy buttcracks?
One can only wonder

>> No.8851133
File: 31 KB, 484x664, spheres-01-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than Hennes & Mauritz, less than dries van noten, about on par with zara and scotch and soda

>> No.8851138
File: 334 KB, 815x431, Screen Shot 2014-09-24 at 6.17.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanting a rough wool jacket for fall

which one to cop

>> No.8851148
File: 749 KB, 3814x2399, YeTpgHK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grey will wive you more mileage

>> No.8851172
File: 217 KB, 860x981, 1411521682501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2c relaxed resting face, I always look angry, depressed, anxious or tired

>> No.8851210

South Korea

>> No.8851215

try to remember to relax your face muscles when you're lying in bed before you sleep. it will help you develop the muscle memory to know when your face is tensed and when it's relaxed.

>> No.8851217

this, but I want both w2c?

>> No.8851225

How do I even relax my face muscles. Smile?

>> No.8851229

get the fuck of /fa/ and go become a happy person, then your face will reflect that.

>> No.8851241

>implying I didnt have a pissed off look before fa

>> No.8851284

/fa/ approved Nikes that aren't Roshes? I like Roshes, but I kinda just want something else.

>> No.8851296

What's the verdict on the brand Reason?

>> No.8851299

air max one

>> No.8851309

so Stan smith > KW's? am I a fuccboi if I get both all-black Stan smiths and white w/blue or should I spice up my life?
Bear in mind I already own decent black boots, so I may just need the whites for casual wear

>> No.8851316

if anybody here is in NY and goes to sample sales, where do you go online to find out what's going on? I've searched but the popular sites only seem to have the big name sales, not the small stuff.

>> No.8851323

>pakiStan Smiths

Rofl just stop posting

>> No.8851335

Those would be good choices. The toebox on Kent Wangs are fucking weird,

>> No.8851363

what are some good tumblrs/blogs for inspo

>> No.8851379

cody youre too small to pull that off

>> No.8851455

How is Kris Van Assche sneakers sized? If I'm an US 8 i Common Projects, am I an 8 in KVA's as well?

>> No.8851477

I don't know anything about KW's. I do know stans look dope, but they definitely remind of boots cause they're chunkier than the low tops I've had before. So if you love your black boots, black stans might be kind of redundant, but if you feel too dressy or anything with the boots then go for stans.
Don't have white stans cause I'd rather just save for CPs, but that's just personal preference. If you like the blue or green details on the stans, go for them.
I can tell you for sure they're comfortable and look great imo


>> No.8851482

w2c a good winter jacket, one that actually keeps you warm. I live in Canada and winter was brutal last year so i need something that is warm without looking like shit. I'm liking fishtail parkas lately so something like that would be cool, it also helps with the wind.

>> No.8851520

>Stan smith criticism

r u arab, anon?

>> No.8851586
File: 28 KB, 660x499, b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls that criticism

>> No.8851603


>> No.8851616

w2c some destroyed goat dbss highs

>> No.8851655
File: 153 KB, 640x1081, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got these glasses, how'd I do? Do they suit me?
Ignore the mark on my nose....

>> No.8851668


>> No.8851671


>> No.8851678

*tips fedora

>> No.8851720

I have a pair of shoes that fit .5 a size larger than I want. What insoles should I get to fix this?

>> No.8851733

dr manlets

>> No.8851752

My closet!
But check grailed and sufu, they'll show up eventually.

>> No.8851760


>> No.8851982

Stan Smiths: how do they size?

US11/UK10/EUR45 in Nike.

>> No.8852030

>Stan smiths


>> No.8852034

People saying that Stan Smith suck are idiots. They're the go-to trainers for designers, celebrities and cool guys.

Common a Projects are severely overpriced (they cost half as much when they first came out), average quality shoe with an okay silhouette depending on your shoe size. Like a lot of things, they look a lot better in pictures than in the flesh.

>> No.8852042



Keeping up with the jones's like a good little betch

>> No.8852058

Should I cop black Dr Martens 1460's?

>> No.8852061


Nice pasta. Stan smiths are shite

>> No.8852063


>> No.8852068

Nice meme'in cps are shit

>> No.8852098

Common Projects are severely overpriced (they cost half as much when they first came out), average quality shoe with an okay silhouette depending on your shoe size. Like a lot of things, they look a lot better in pictures than in the flesh.

>> No.8852107
File: 130 KB, 667x1000, tumblr_n7p7jnJqNH1s53scro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c pants or some similar to these?

>> No.8852110

>being this broke

you'll cowards don't even smoke crack

shop at wal-mart and spare yourself the discomfort of jealousy you poorfag

>> No.8852139

this is retarded stop shitposting, no one cares what your personal opinion on the stigma surrounding stans
people are just here for good quality, good price shoes that they think look cool, and it's a fact that stan smiths fit that bill.

fuccbois, ignore these people

iloveugly.com has some similar stuff

>> No.8852143

hey man do you own a pair? can you offer sizing advice on the stan smith

>> No.8852146

>you don't like cheap garbage

>you must be poor

Listen little boy get at me when your parents can afford to buy you real sneakers and not mall tier cheap cps

More like commoner projects

>> No.8852172

>commoner projects

toppest of lels. I actually prefer YSL over anything but go ahead and try to fucking tell me that ss are a better sneaker than common projects. You'll cowards don't even smoke crack.

>> No.8852184

>muh dick ovens

mfa pls fucking go

>> No.8852192

ray william johnson pls go

>> No.8852201

Your crack meme will never get popular.

Adidas is shit

Commoner Projects are shit

Name dropping ysl doesn't make you anything, because you are shit

>> No.8852202

>being this buttmad


>> No.8852207

>tricky dick

No correlation found homie

>> No.8852209


u wish m8

>> No.8852215

>being out of the loop this hard

I kek'd. go back to mfa little boy

>> No.8852225


Man I sure made you upset, look at you getting this mad, probably crying irl

>> No.8852227

>implying it isn't already a meme

Jesus Christ anon. Get your shit together.

>> No.8852231

>using the acronym irl un-ironically

Please tell us more about how awesome your sex life is

>> No.8852282

better than urs irl

>> No.8852291

copped this for really cheap off a friend, i usually wear monochrome though so i don't really know what to wear with it. thoughts?

>> No.8852303
File: 12 KB, 236x236, 4340f79625a3c342e8e62213d2228138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic durr

>> No.8852315

when you buy new shoes should they feel comfortable or uncomfortably tight (and then have them break in)?

>> No.8852324

Got me there

Still crying? Want a juice box? :^)

>> No.8852326

>usually wear monochrome


>> No.8852327

I'm shitty with shoe sizing but I'll try

I have Air Force 1's size 11.5, fit like a glove.
I have Retro Jordan's size 11, fit a little tight but still wearable.
My Stans are 11.5, and there's some extra room in the toe, seems like enough for me to have sized down a half size.

So in my unprofessional opinion they run a little large

>> No.8852328

It can be either depending on the shoes and the material

>> No.8852334

depends on the shoes, if they're sports-related they probably shouldn't be but if they're leather it's probably fine

>> No.8852335

what socks do you wear with the stan smiths?

>> No.8852338

>still shitposting

r u trying to embarrass yourself anon

>> No.8852343

None, too broke to afford socks.

>> No.8852354

denim ramones

>> No.8852355

requesting a pic
the pic is a guy in a room, the pic is just of their feet/shins, it used to be posted on /fa/ all the time, his wearing skinny white sk8 hi + american apparel socks
pls help

>> No.8852374

lol not me, I have like 20 pairs of $14 socks
pretty thin ones, almost exclusively Stance if you know them. The Stans would probably fit pretty snugly if I wore like thick wool socks.

>> No.8852376

>damage control


>> No.8852399

>Internet pissing contest
>implying any "damage" other than your own brain

kek, gtfo earth you plen

>> No.8852406
File: 86 KB, 714x476, nike_trainerendor_steve_booker_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Trainerendors TTS?

>> No.8852407

>20 pairs of 14$ socks
>Stan smiths

hahaha what the fuck is wrong with you anon

>> No.8852408

bump. should ramones be uncomfortably tight when you get them new?

>> No.8852410

*tips fedora*

>> No.8852419

is the doc martin 1461 mono /fa/
do they fit TTS?

>> No.8852423


>> No.8852424

Someone said to get 0.5 bigger so I did and now they're a tad bit too big for me so I would say yes.

>> No.8852427

Denim shouldn't be too stiff so I wouldn't worry. My leather Ramones were a bitch to put on tough

>> No.8852482

i'm an 11.5 and 11 fits me perfectly so i dunno. Just go with tts

>> No.8852519
File: 458 KB, 3508x2480, letrollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel, u mad?

>> No.8852572

what are some good brands for black jeans/trousers (no acne ace pls)

>> No.8852591

size down 1

>> No.8852653

le redit mem B-D

>> No.8852683

j crew

>> No.8853039
File: 830 KB, 1461x816, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are any of these working? why/not?

>> No.8853073

ur proportions look bad
not sure if its the angle

>> No.8853077

Shorts don't look good with a jacket most of the time.

>> No.8853090
File: 39 KB, 1280x428, 1094854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think that Acne will exchange my sweatshirt I bought from their store 10 days ago for a different color?

The receipt says 7 day return policy but their website says 14. Tags are still on and everything.

>> No.8853096

give em an email or a call. I don't see why not. perhaps don't mention the receipt though

>> No.8853108

Why are all of the pages on Tuxbell.com empty?

>> No.8853119

>Why are all of the pages on Tuxbell.com empty?
it's an error with the site. if you view the source of every page the wiki markup shows that all the information is still there, just unreadable for some or the other reason.

>> No.8853131
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, EQYdp32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for my dadcore style

selvedge jeans these tee shirt? too mexican house painter?

>> No.8853263

so 2 or 4?

>> No.8853436

im high as fuck and copped size M

>> No.8853474

should i return the shorts

>> No.8853478

Yous should wear diapers and bonnets and go around insisting you are a baby. Everyone loves babies.

>> No.8853522
File: 2.63 MB, 3264x2448, foto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i return these?

>> No.8853531


>> No.8853533

Will the gap on the sole affect its lifetime?

>> No.8853607

nigga look at it. its starting to fall apart and you havent even put it on yet.

>> No.8853611

nigga, shits clearly broken. if you CAN get a refund/ new pair why dont you do it?

>> No.8853616

Thats normal.

>> No.8853619 [DELETED] 

Trainendor restock NDC EU

>> No.8853623

It's a bad shot.

>> No.8853624

Trainerendor restock NDC EU

>> No.8853627

What are other types of pants to consider? besides jeans and chinos.

>> No.8853628

ok, thanks, but I'm confused because of the mixed responses...

>> No.8853630

you may as well listen to >>8853611 and try get the money back / replacement.

>> No.8853636

wool trousers maybe?

>> No.8853639

any recommendations for nice cheap pairs? preferably quite slim.

>> No.8853640

do I have to pay for the return? I ordered them from tres bien

>> No.8853646

nigga you should be doing this yourself. lucky that I had that page open alraedy by pure coincidence.

>> No.8853775

I wear size 9 in nike, 270 in Gats, 9 in Adidas superstars, and 8.5 in Qasas. Size 8.5 stans are too small for me. I say they run tts.

>> No.8853976
File: 131 KB, 500x375, red-wing-boots-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys, cold weather coming up.

Need me some new boots, preferably black.

Pic related too dad tier?

Guess I could also go docs, but I would like some quality here.

>pls respond

>> No.8854102

>all those shitty memes

make your own decisions holy fuck, if you like the black boots, buy them. theres nothing dad about rw

>> No.8854188
File: 48 KB, 959x640, y-3-qasa-low-spring-2015-5-960x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a webshop that will stock these in EU when they drop? Don't feel like paying tax from sneakerboy

>> No.8854294
File: 27 KB, 290x370, image1xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does an ma1 like this work with a dress shirt + perhaps a tie? been looking for a jacket to wear when I need to dress a bit more formal. pants/tie/shoes would be black

>> No.8854308

>make your own decisions
We're in a fuccboi thread you mongoloid, people can ask what they want

>> No.8854372

you realize that it's just 0pn, right? he posted videos to correspond with eccojams and other vaporwave-esque projects he released around that time. he's moved on.

>> No.8854447
File: 1.90 MB, 1200x675, gambino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8854500

Best budget long parka? Preferably not too thick.

>> No.8854506

flecktarn milsurp

>> No.8854529

something like this?

>> No.8854553
File: 214 KB, 426x660, german flecktarn parka front closed jn crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you like it and decide to order, pay attention to sizes. they're very oversized as they're military and worn over bulletproof vests and shit.
maybe ask around for fits or look on some forums

>> No.8854563

awesome. Thank you very much.

>> No.8854766


Are you supposed to size down in APC petit new standards?

Copped my regular size in a sale, waist's like a tent. At least 2" above what it's labelled at.

>> No.8854796


I need to purchase a bag to put clothes in when I travel.
My budget is not very big, about 100€, I can spend a little bit more but that's the price range I would like to stay in

>> No.8854820
File: 773 KB, 2592x1936, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I got really high last night and I left an open bottle of squeeze grape jelly on my bed

How to get grape jelly out of raws?

>> No.8854859

no walmart? wtf is google bro?

if i see you wearing a bandana like the bieb fag, i will punch you in the face.

>> No.8854872
File: 196 KB, 650x650, 12118_a1b20b16e6-n95-024971001-60-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience with Norse Projects knitwear sizing? Looking to get one or two pieces for the winter and not sure if I should size up or down.

>> No.8854920

w2c slim khaki chinos >120$?

>> No.8854926

Where can I buy Cheap Monday jeans if I live in the States?

>> No.8854935

i bought some of their tees and a sweater once. had to return it all it was too small. the xs is really tiny--narrow in the shoulders and short in the sleeve length

>> No.8854939

Oh I was debating between small and medium. Looks like ill probably order a medium then.

>> No.8854945

I'm an ottermode guy, 190cm and about 81kg. Size M slim fit is great for me in most cases. However, my neck is fairly big - size 42 or 43, and all 42-43 shirts are baggy as shit. Do I just have to face the fact that I won't be able to do the upper button in any shirts?

>> No.8854948

The webstore

>> No.8855120


>> No.8855158

nice effort bad post

>> No.8855166

Oxfords under $100 are going to be shit, I would stay away from anything with leather that shiny, especially in that cheap a shoe. You should reconcile yourself either with buying more expensive shoes or tossing them in a year or two

>> No.8855169

too big for your face, your eyes should be near the middle of the lense

>> No.8855171

looking for a good/dece tailor in NYC that can deal with my Rick jeans. The hems are frayed so i'm afraid to bring them to my usuals cause i really don't want these fucked up.

nyc boize where do u go to get your shit tailored?

>> No.8855184

Its not really working, something about it makes you look stumpy (it might just be the angle). It looks like you have wide hips or something, might want to figure out whats making it look that way

>> No.8855191

How much were they? If they were less than $200, probably not

>> No.8855198

They aren't dad on their own, they'll be good. Their are other options tho

>> No.8855210

wow nigga u a violent krok

i got no walmart bcuz im not some american fuck m8

>> No.8855237

best +-€50 white shirt for 6'3/190cm slim build? preferred international or EU based brands/stores

>> No.8855336
File: 436 KB, 787x435, big_guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Yung Lean fat?
I'm kinda built like him...

>> No.8855347
File: 87 KB, 615x481, 1407690784550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c a really good quality plain sweater? with a tight crewneck kind of like Raf

>> No.8855365
File: 42 KB, 600x400, fa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these adidas /fa/?

>> No.8855381

I would also like to know this

>> No.8855385
File: 149 KB, 1078x719, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I use those for uni or too autistic

>> No.8855391

he's baby fat + normal fat
so yeah, he's fat

>> No.8855396

i'm really not sure if u can use that for uni, but what brand is it?

i need a bag to put my stuff in when i travel, maybe they have bags that are a little larger

>> No.8855399

supreme gentleman!

>> No.8855418

idk man, maybe if you were really attractive and always with a few people and laughing.
But the second you start walking alone people are gonna see "school shooter"
there was a kid in my high school that carried a handbag or whatever you'd call that
he also wore a trenchcoat and leather gloves at all times and had stringy blonde hair that he tried to cut like an emo style
I am genuinely surprised he hasn't shot anyone yet, but I think he's a senior this year so he still might

>> No.8855420

pls acknowledge me

>> No.8855465

iise weekender

Yeah I'll just use it for travelling then

>> No.8855531


>> No.8855546

post 'em m80 pls i need inspo

>> No.8855567


>> No.8855575

>hur durr raf simons dick ovens usually what I'm dressed in

/mfa pls go and never return

>> No.8855576


>> No.8855590

eat my ass

>> No.8855601

>implying they don't look like total shite

because they're fucking awful anon

>> No.8855602


>> No.8855610

u mad nigger

>> No.8855619

>repeating yourself ad nauseam

>> No.8855642
File: 2.04 MB, 1200x894, 546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8855643

trying to get shoes off the Zappos (no laugh plz), was wondering if anyone had a coupon code

>> No.8855670

w2c good undergarments?
im not asking for muh effay underwear
i just want to know what brands have the most comfortable socks and underwear, and i want to know that they wont fall apart etc
like wool socks etc

>> No.8855693


these are both really nice. I'd actually go with brown. w2c?

>> No.8855706

Zappos almost never has coupon codes because their stock is so vast. Sorry anon, you are on your own.

>> No.8855717
File: 36 KB, 540x270, wings-horn-dayton-brown-boot-05_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c non bulky boots like pic related? preferably 200e tops

>> No.8855777


no. Get an unstructured blazer.


that's a leather jacket

>> No.8855781


COS maybe, if you don't want to break the bank. They're like $125 and look a lot like that.

>> No.8855858

it's the general idea man

>> No.8855871


I think in this case the material is more important than the design of the jacket. Leather is way more dressy than nylon or whatever bombers are usually made out of.

>> No.8855872

>That's how I got fat

>> No.8855883

w2c Adidas x Palace when it starts to sell?

>> No.8855893

why isn't tuxbell working

>> No.8856021

I desperately need new shoes. I accidentally just ripped my nicest casual pair (they were pretty cheap). I'm down to a single pair of tan plimsolls, that I used just for walking in like nature and stuff. Not really hiking, but not on pavement either.

I don't even know where I should begin..

>> No.8856047

yeah I guess that's true

>> No.8856052

how to I clean my jeans without putting them in the washing machine?

>> No.8856053

what kind of style do you want?

>> No.8856092

well up until now I've literally just worn different colored plimsolls because they were just plain and easy. I've lurked some inspo threads but none of the shoes really catch me, especially since I don't wear joggers or pin roll my pants. I just want something pretty basic again but I've been letting my shoes die one by one so that I could try to branch out.

In short, I don't have a fucking clue.

>> No.8856651
File: 84 KB, 650x418, 942.1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither. Those J.crew jackets are stiff as fuck.

Get these jackets instead.

>> No.8857021

i got that same hoodie in the mail yesterday.
actually looks good

>> No.8857608

what's the rest of your style then?

>> No.8859002

I'm a 9 in Roshes, so I went for a 9 and they're a little snug, but I reckon if I'd sized up they'd look pretty bulky.

>> No.8859020

Is that the classic ma1 he's wearing?

>> No.8859031

They're not horrendous but the frames are a little thicker then I'd recc

>> No.8859038

literally 1 person might realize who you're trying to be without the jacket.
With the jacket it'll maybe be 2.