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/fa/ - Fashion

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8844378 No.8844378 [Reply] [Original]

Excuse me, most /fa/ sport coming through.

>> No.8846370

You are the most humongous faggot to ever walk the face of the earth.

>> No.8846383

wtf is wrong with those hockey sticks, they are supposed to bend idiots

>> No.8846385

It's cricket you fucking retard.

>> No.8846404

i was jk bro i totally know what giant ping pong is
>tfw you got rused

>> No.8846407

Even though crew is the most /fa/ sport, those are not actual crew oars in the photo

>> No.8846427
File: 53 KB, 500x327, 2697790741_2278c331f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever hear about fencing?

>> No.8846430


>> No.8846435

fencing has the nerdiest most autistic community around.

>> No.8846444


Any lacrosse bros around here?
Who wants to chill in nantucket?

>> No.8846448

skateboarding is the most /fa/ "sport" there is

>> No.8846467

What is this a british thing?

>> No.8846472

Britfags please leave fa forever

>> No.8846473

stupid sport, not effay, useless skill, not even physically particularly demanding, and spergy as every loving fuck
you seriously got mad about a joke post in a joke thread chill the fuck out
sports are never effay especially when they are championed by waspy preppy eastcoasterlings.

>> No.8846483

i realize this post makes me sound like i am mashing together brits and eastcoasterlings and now i feel dumb

>> No.8846491


Confirmed for swine

>> No.8846525

>getting rused this easily

>> No.8846540
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>not even physically particularly demanding

yes, if you want to fence in a shit tier club and compete in some village. if you want to fence at top tier (=world cups) fencing is impossibly hard and demanding. I invite you to try it.

>> No.8846606
File: 98 KB, 300x399, boating-blazer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never row for Oxford and win the Boat Race

>> No.8846647


>tfw when you end up as the coxswain instead of a rower because of your body

sigh. Don't cox.

>> No.8846738

This is the fucking truth, one reason why I drifted away from it... so many home schooled fedora core weirdos. And libertarians, which is the fedora version of politics.

>> No.8847008

>And libertarians, which is the fedora version of politics.
Kill yourself

>> No.8847100

>tfw give up successful, national prospect level swimming in grade 8 to join rowing
>set me up as cox
So not worth it, I don't know why I stopped swimming. Atleast I won every major canadian event and went to nationals.

>> No.8847250
File: 1.48 MB, 230x172, euphoric.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Confirmed euphoric

>> No.8848199

Confirmed socialist NEET

>> No.8848224


>> No.8848283
File: 801 KB, 360x203, euphoric.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8848290

liberal american - unemployment rate 6.1%
'socialist' norway - unemployment rate 3.2%
socialist cuba - unemployment rate 3.8%(ish)

>> No.8848297

M' lady

>> No.8850021

why do you compare 3 absolutly different states to each other and assume there are more liberals unemployed unemployed than democrats, at least compare them within one country