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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 361 KB, 1280x899, daily carry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8841790 No.8841790 [Reply] [Original]

EDC thread
BONUS, where items are stored on you
>wallet-back left pocket
>phone-front right pocket
>keys and knife-front left pocket
>Tablet and headphones- backpack

>> No.8842205

What kind of camera is that OP?

>> No.8842352

Idk, I just snagged it from a friend for the pic, I'll try to get the info from him

>> No.8842429


>> No.8842711

If you've got a backpack, why do you carry all this shit in your pockets ?

>> No.8843362
File: 1013 KB, 4786x2744, EDC_out_fa_g_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ /out/ hybrid
Everything, including phone is in my backapck

>> No.8843384


is that a smartphone , a larger smartphone and a tablet ?
I hope the larger smart phone is a mirror.
and I hope you use it to handle drugs.
every thing else would be quite weird.

also is that a zorki or a leica.

if zorki , why would you make a film photo develope this , scan it and probably correct it before uploading. isn't that a bit much hassel to enhance you're internet persona ? that's a bit shallow right.

if it's a leica , dang son ,you're rich !

anyway nice carry , sick tablet cover.

>> No.8843385

ITT: Autism

>> No.8843400
File: 178 KB, 480x480, 1359955558558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BONUS, tell people where you put your items like anyone actually gives a single fuck

>> No.8843408
File: 460 KB, 644x671, itscooltorickaround.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't cry but its not like anyone has posted combat knives yet

>> No.8843423

>set up shot
>reach for phone to snap pic

>> No.8843432

also did you stain your moto x? i have a dark "walnut" one but it looks a lot more red tinted

>> No.8843486
File: 617 KB, 1584x1188, 123edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like to travel light
no phone cause autism
mp3 player in front left
cigs & lighter in coat or breast pocket
wallet, key, flash drive in front right.
watch on wrist

>> No.8843487

It's either a Fuji X100 or X100s

>> No.8843535
File: 1.27 MB, 859x728, EDC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a Motorola MOTO G 4G

>> No.8844042
File: 484 KB, 1932x1932, EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in jeans/jacket, camera is hanging off shoulder or held in hand.

>> No.8844046

epic instragam filter, bro

>> No.8844051


Nope, VSCO, bro.

>> No.8844056


>> No.8844070

>watch on wrist
>on wrist
Confirmed for pleb.

>> No.8844284


welk horloge is dat? Uniformwares?


>> No.8844681


OG Lip from the 70's, automatic.

>> No.8844697
File: 321 KB, 1200x906, fagbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8844707
File: 316 KB, 1080x810, 1407815128080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8844711


>> No.8844834

Nice cellphone.

>> No.8846532

bro dont u know roken is dodelijk

>> No.8846556


>> No.8847590 [DELETED] 
File: 366 KB, 1280x853, pocketvomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8847606

i had a good laugh thank u

>> No.8847619

>white lighter

>> No.8847621

knolling is for faggots

>> No.8847686

i-is that a nicon fm2


>> No.8847697


W2c huge camera?

>> No.8847849

>also is that a zorki or a leica.

You are literally retarded. It's obviously a Fuji X100. Do you even shoot film?

>if it's a leica , dang son ,you're rich !
Early Leica camera's aren't just a luxury item. Reason people still use them is that they're the most solidly built, reliable range-finder around.

>> No.8850209



It's heavy and twisting my fragile spine with it's ridiculous weight.


I know, I like to take risks.

>> No.8850225

Where to cop wallet?

>> No.8850822

Are you a vampire hunter?

>> No.8850910
File: 666 KB, 2817x2253, WuRKAye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my poverty core

it's a nikon f5 totally get it dont listen to this bitch nigga >>8850209
he's a bitch its only like 1 and a bit kilos

>> No.8851025

>black tape over the logo
>a fucking f5

woah m8 didn't see ur camera there

>> No.8851506

hey ive got the same phone :~)

>> No.8852978

thats the idea, they dont even know ive got my camera out when theres no logos
f5 2 stealthy :~)

we're like twins!
its such a great phone hey

>> No.8853420

I've got it too! everything you really need in a phone + style!

>> No.8853620
File: 124 KB, 797x1000, Nikon F5 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's an overpowered brick of a camera, most people are better of with an F100 or something else. I'm just using minu until I get an M6 again.

Also the clusterfuck that is the MF-28 digital back, or the custom options, I feel for late 90's press photographers.

It's not bad, it's an amazing camera just not the right camera for everyone.

Also 50 1,4D as well?

>> No.8853648

everyone would be better off with an f100. it does literally the same thing with half the weight, half the price and more battery life
f5 is just sexy as fuck

>tfw 1.8
I told you I was poor niga
eventually gonna get a 24 2.8 and 85 1.8 to go along with it,

why'd you sell an m6?

>> No.8853703

>Smoking weed

>> No.8853747

what the fuck do you guys do with all of these film cameras?

do you actually get this shit developed or do you just walk around posing with them like kids that walk around the mall with acoustic guitars talking to girls?

>> No.8853790

you caught me, fuck
I've never even shot a roll of film i just shoot with an empty camera to pick up chicks
how the fuck did you guess

but seriously I have about 10gb worth of film pictures and thats just what ive actually scanned, which is around a third of what ive actually shot

If i wanted to use a film camera to pose I wouldve bought a different camera. most people think the f5 is digital, and for good reason.

fuck off seig you fat fuck

>> No.8853831

what the shit is the point of shooting a roll, waiting a week paying $13 to develop negs then scan and store them

rather than just pop an SD card in for instant gratification.

>hurr durr film grain

>implying you don't color correct your scans/sharpen/increase contrast/drop/edit your film shots in ps

you're better off buying a fucking low end crop sensor dslr

>> No.8853856


I have to admit the burst mode is addictive, and the F5 does last longer on Eneloops then I expected it to.
Get the 135mm Defocus control and make instant art.

It was stolen from my hotelroom safe in Paris, they payed it back but I then spend the money on other more needed things.

>Not developing yourself, and using superior Plustek to scan them.
>Mah Tri-X

>> No.8853869

>what the shit is the point of shooting a roll, waiting half a day paying $5 to develop negs then scan and store them


because sometimes gratification is better off after waiting a while

its also pretty fun

and it looks nicer

and it makes you think about the photo your taking, burst firing pictures of flowers then wondering why 99% of your pictures are shit

low end crop sensor cameras are actually painful to use, and end up being the same price, if not more expensive than the best performing film camera money can buy
this is what i dont like about low end crop cameras:
the build quality
the image quality
the viewfinder
the lenses
the size
the digitalness
the fucking size like i cant even put 3 fingers on that fucking grip
the lcd screen makes things boring
just fucking everything really

oh and apart from colour corrections and dust removal, I dont edit most of my photos at all

you might be better off buying a shit digital camera, but i'll stick to my film thanks

tl:dr: fuck off seig you fat fuck

i totally bit the bait

ah shit man that sucks, m6's are pretty as hell

>135 defocus

>burst mode
i've literally only used that once, and that was on accident. the thought of being able to burn an entire roll of $20 portra is actually terrifying

>battery life
yeah its not a problem for me either and i'm using ALDI lithium rechargeables

dat weight tho is great

>> No.8853889

then buy a 5D from 2008.

clearly you're not averse to using older outdated tech.

you can have muh nostalgia of using a giant fucking CF card too

>> No.8853896

are you fucking basic?

>> No.8853910

is film just this mystical medium to you because you never had it as a kid?

basic bitches used SLR cameras back when i was in high school son. step yo game up

albeit you kiddos are finding exceptionally nice/high end ones in thrift stores where you get most of your clothes

but still you're spending a fuck ton on pictures of some random roses and shit

and it's not like you're finding nicer lenses at these stores prob just sigma tier shit

>> No.8853931
File: 2.57 MB, 1920x1080, desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i thrift camera gear
thats only for clothes niga

>spending a fuck ton
oh like the 2k i'd have to drop on a comparable digital camera?

>implying i've taken any photos of flowers or animals in the past 6 months

okay, I took one, but that was only to make a cliche desktop background

>not the best digital lenses available currently

but nah, I use a nikon lens, albiet a shit one because im poor

>implying seig knows anything about the nicer highlight rolloff of film
>or the better tonality of good film

you still never answered my question

>> No.8853947


The 135mm is one of the few lenses that rivals the F5 in construction and rigidity, for the quality it's quite cheap. Rent one, you will be amazed at how good it is.

It was an M6 LHSA to be more exact, hence the reason I still haven't gotten a new one, they are rare as dicks and command a price often high enough to make the step to an MP very small.


You know you are baiting.

>> No.8854072

>Phone is front right/back right
>Pen and wallet in front left
>Gum in back left

Bunch of stuff in my backpack:
>Earbuds (if I'm not wearing them)
>Spare gum
>Maybe a sweater/light jacket
>Lip balm
>Allergy/cold medication
>Bunch of extraneous cards (ID, memberships) in a spare wallet

>> No.8854086

It's a phone, tablet, and a laptop.

>> No.8854449

I pay 3.25 per roll and scan the negatives myself so... find a better lab bud

>> No.8854963
File: 389 KB, 1824x1368, EDC - 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8854986

i used to own a pen like that, i dropped it once and it stopped working :(

>> No.8855846
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x985, DSC_0082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing out of the ordinary, just the essentials.

>> No.8855876

>be /p/ regular
>stumble across this thread from front page
>turns out most of /p/ is just cross posting gearfag fuccbois from /fa/
>/p/'s massive drop in quality over the past year suddenly makes a whole lot more sense

>> No.8856254

Ive got the same key chain, friend.

>> No.8856282
File: 902 KB, 200x150, 1405111931852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being left handed


>> No.8856290

>no notebook
0/10 would not drink coffee near

>> No.8856321
File: 7 KB, 225x224, BLASTthemshits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it stopped working