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8822955 No.8822955 [Reply] [Original]

any suggestions for someone with really bad acne? my skin is oily as fuck and it's embarrassing.

>> No.8822957

moisturize every night
do not use soap on your face
go see a dermatologist
do not listen to anyone on the internet
trust a doctor

>> No.8822963

ive been considering seeing a dermatologist but a lot of people tell stories about how they've been to a dermatologist and all they did was perscribe them to some shitty expensive pill/cream that did absolutely nothing for them. so i'm kind of iffy on that but i'll probably end up seeing one soon regardless.

>> No.8822973

dermatologists pretty much have to test shit out
everyone's skin is different so some combinations works better than others
accutane works on 80% of people but my derm advised against it
i still have acne but i haven't been consistent with my regimen
just go see one dude
it's really not worth your time to try all these random things people tell you online
the only helpful one is to drink 3L of water a day sporadically and to just watch what you eat
as well as not picking your face/touching it, which is hard if you do it subconsciously

>> No.8822983


>> No.8822986

alright, will do. thanks for the advice!

>> No.8823005


If you acne is really bad go see a dermatologist

i battled with acne for years tried moisturizing all the time ect, didnt work

got roaccutane, skin has never been clearer. feel like an idiot for not getting onto it early. (there's other things besides roaccutane all of them work the same)

there is alot of bullshit on the net saying roaccutane is really bad for you. The doctors know the correct dosage so you dont have anything to warrie about.

>> No.8823121

accutane works wonders but your skin will be absolutely shitty and painful for however long you need to stay on it

>> No.8823138

I'd suggest seeing a professional

Believe it or not but everybody's skin reacts different to stuff.
Previous anon said not to use soap on your face but in my experience soap, esp Dove has really helped with my minor breakouts.
I just use a body sponge and lightly scrub my face... I don't have acne but I do it every time I shower or when I brush my teeth I splash water with a lil soap on my face. It's been religious now.

You should check out "Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula". It's not made for acne, it's just skin cream (idk what white people call it sorry) It really helps with keeping my skin smooth for DAYS. It's really natural and not oily at all. A lot of people just use their medications and leave their skin dry... :(

It's always the little stuff (other than genetics) that can mess you up, and a lot of little things can help you too. Taking care of your skin is very important... for me it's just washing daily. After seeing a pro, just try new shit that doesn't exactly have to do with acne treatment, but rather cleanliness/hygiene and skin care... Etc. All of that shit is common sense. Make change if you have to, but just stay healthy. Know your body!!!

I'm no expert, and probably don't know what I'm talking about but I hope I sorta gave insight.

>> No.8823159

Accutane works but is fucking horrible to be on.

Sore joints, cracked lips, really , really red skin.

Depends how game you are

>> No.8823168

Accutane cleared me up but about a year later I'm breaking out again though not quite as bad but still pretty bothersome.

Gonna try a tea tree cleanser/toner/lotion regimen soon hopefully it works... I've been trying everything lately to get it to clear again.

>> No.8823191
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I really need to talk about Palmer's.
This stuff is really good. This is what pregnant women use for stretch marks. It helps lighten and smoothed complexion.

Use it if you got that crusty skin and you're using acne treatment.

For those with acne scars, I highly recommend this!! I had major oil burn scars (pic related the burns were from June) on my arm and this stuff really helps
AND acne scars they're not visible at all. this stuff works.

>> No.8823207

what I've always wondered about products like accutane, is the idea to return your skin to a baseline, and then you just gotta not fuck it up by eating shit/not washing?

shit skin here, getting ready to finally see a derm because life should not be this unfun @ 21

>> No.8823991


>> No.8824461

This. Dermatologist saved my face and I used to have it bad. Prescribed me on pills and ointment and it eventually went away. Planning on heading back since my acne is coming back up again.

>> No.8824484

just be smart and see a good one.

>> No.8824501

Step 1 to clear skin.

Stop being a teenager.

>> No.8824502

is it the same as accutane?

>> No.8824511

>and then you just gotta not fuck it up by eating shit/not washing
for most people accutane is a permanent cure, you won't get acne any more even if you do eat shit and don't wash

if you DO get acne again, go on another accutane treatment (many people require more than one, but then never get acne again)

>> No.8824521


There's no other way anon.

>> No.8824526

i could give a long list of shit of how to deal with mild/moderate acne. been dealing with it for the last 10+ years.

but for really bad acne -- deffo go see a dermatologist. my sister had acne way worse than mine and her skin is all clear now after accutane. obviously there's side effects but you should probably consider it.

>> No.8824530

I'm under Accutane and i'm a vampire now so i won't recommend it.

Like i can't go under the sun for more than five minutes, my skin is pale and dry and i kill hobos a night to drink their blood.

>> No.8824536

for my mild acne i've found pretty much any product with the word "Acne" in it's description anywhere does fucking nothing.

but using a deep cleansing facewash type product daily does keep my face slightly clearer.

never sleep with your cheek against the pillow.

>> No.8824539

went on accutane everyone telling me its gonna kill me ruin my life etc. I just think i have no life to ruin i look like a pizza faced cunt and cant talk to people. Throughout the side effects, dry skin, lips, eczema, sore joints , i just saw my skin getting better and thought fuck it i dont give a shit anything is better than being acne riddled as fuck. near the end of the treatment my dick stops working and i panic like fuck, go talk to my derma and he says he has seen it before in only 1 patient out of 100s and it should subside when i get off accutane. Immediately stop using it, skin remains clear (still have acne scars but whatever) and my dick starts working properly over 1-2 months.

= worth it (except that panic when my dick wasnt working)

>> No.8824543


You're black, your advices won't apply very well to white skin.

>> No.8824597

does his forehead say arse?

>> No.8824611


>> No.8824639

Hi /fa/
So I don't have acne anymore. Just scars.

What can I do to minimize the look of acne scars on my cheeks. Any meds, procedures or anything special I can be doing to lessen it?

>> No.8824646

mederma would probably work if they're completely healed, i had small 2nd degree burn scars on my arms and that shit made them almost gone completely

>> No.8824679

do an acid peel.
I personally have a lot of dark scars from acne from highschool, and I literally tried everything. Currently, I don't break out as much as I used to, I just get the occasional white head that pops itself when you wash your face, but it's because my skin is so shitty that anything clogs my pores. So that's why I am doing a peel.
I just ordered some 40% Glycolic acid that was around 15 bucks for a couple ounces, I'm going to do a little test on a couple stretchmarks that I have on my arms from lifting, and from there I'll go on my face.

>> No.8824691
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>> No.8824749

is there some good DIY guide for that? where did you order the acid?

>> No.8824803

youtube, a lot of people do it weekly depending on acids. I would just really reccomend looking into the acids and shit, because you don't want to burn your face off and look even worse.
and Amazon.

>> No.8824815

accutae is a wonder drug, if u really hate it then ask ur doctor bout it plz anon

>> No.8824830
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>mfw never had bad acne
>no more than three pimples at any time, usually none
>mfw got through teen years with clean face and no scars


>> No.8825119


this is very interesting anon thanks for sharing :^)

>> No.8825400

>all this useless shit
>no mention of accutane
have fun wasting your time since when you stop doing this shit acne gonna strike back

>> No.8825403

1. OP, depending where you are, try and get no-scented soap. Cetaphil worked really well for me.
2. Moisturise every time you wash your face. Basically, once you wash your face, pat dry your face and while your face is considerably still moist apply moisturiser. Try and use one for sensitive skin.
3. Beware of hair styling products. Some might be a contributing factor to your bad skin/acne.
4. I found that shaving using an electric shaver was much better than a normal shaver.
5. Be careful with acne creams as they can definitely dry your skin out causing more and more acne.
6. Don't pop and pick.
7. Make sure your sheets etc. are clean and maybe you can lay down a fresh towel/soft clean cloth on top of your pillow every night
8. Cut your nails and wash your hands regularly.
9. If you stay in rooms with the AC on constantly or a heater is on constantly, get a humidifier.
10. Get up early, and get out and get some early morning sun. Vit D is great for your skin.
11. Change your diet. Stop eating burgers and oily shit and eat whole foods.
12. If you do exercise, take a shower afterwards.

Just FYI, I used to have horrible acne and I thought it was hopeless. But I did all that and I think I have a pimple once in a blue moon now. I really hope this helps OP.

>> No.8825419

anyone got any recommendations for treating psoriasis?

>> No.8825432

My parents are both doctors.
They clearely told me roaccutane was bad and could even be dangerous.

>> No.8825503

I took accutane for 2 years in highschool, i self-dosed and nothing bad happened

>> No.8825511

but then i cant get drunk

>> No.8825514

Bullshit, accutane is the best shit ever, took it for 9 months acne dried up haven't had a spot in 6 months. Only had some dry lips but worth it bro

>> No.8825517

I drank on weekends when i was on accutane and it was fine. just don't get shitfaced during weekdays as well

>> No.8825521

You can drink on accutane, supposedly it is bad for your liver, but as long as your blood tests are fine then you can drink

>> No.8825524

same here, im 3 years off it now and still never get any acne. my skin is smoother than most girls'

>> No.8825771

Have light acne on my face. and fucking severe acne on my back.
Do dermatologists prescribe accutane in these cases?

>> No.8825842
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>go to five dermatologists
>four of them give me some creme or pills that either burned my skin or made it worse
>last one actually took analysis of piss, shit, skin and so on
>tells me it's because of hormons, but doesn't recommend me hormon therapy to not loose potention and stuff since I'm 19 and my hormons should get to normal somewhere in 25
>tells me to make masks myself and go to cosmetologist once a month to clean the face
>tfw 6 more years with it

>> No.8825927

take accutane
ur doc is crazy smh. hes one of those fucks who dont know that acne is probably the worst thing in the first world. acne automatically makes a 9/10 face into a creepy 3/10 basement dwelling loser

shit go to court and try to remove his license hes too dumb to treat ppl in pain

>> No.8825958

Previous dermatologist gave me accuttane in form of creme. It burned my skin like fucking napalm and made it much, much worse after 2 months of usage.
That's what I have to make now:
>moisturize with hemp oil
>mix fresh aloe vera and honey, wear on face overnight
>turmeric/yogurt/honey mask 1x weekly
>betonite clay mask 1x weekly
>drink warm lemon water every morning before breakfast
I also must send him pictures of my face each month so he can see if something gets better.

>> No.8825980

I'd go on the antibiotics cure your doctor will recommend you and after that try exposed skin care.

I also have very oily skin. I think I was supposed to be born a fish.

>> No.8825997
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Dude, that's a lot of bullshit, they're probably having a laugh at pics you're sending them and then gonna laugh at your reaction when you realise after 6 months your acne is still as strong as it was before.
Go get a real talk derm for accutane and not these stupid fuckers
>masks for curing acne
ayy lmao

>> No.8826010

Okay, I can go and ask him. But I assume caring for skin ist sill important part of it.
Actually, won't acne return when I stop taking this shit like with all these antibiotics and stuff? Also, what's the German term for Accuttane?

>> No.8826012

It has temporary effects so after you stop eating them it's ogre.

>> No.8826029
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Here's some advise from /fit/

>> No.8826032

Then why did these stupid fuckers keep feeding me with it? After that to hormonal acne I also got acne caused by stuff antibiotics killed in my body. Accottance isn't the same?

>> No.8826040

You missed the
>and after

>> No.8826048

Bei uns heißt es Roaccutane.

Es wirkt anders als Antibiotika. Es verkleinert diese Dinger in der Haut, die Öl produzieren, anstatt nur Bakterien zu bekämpfen.

Lass dir es als Tabletten verschreiben. Die Nebenwirkungen können je nach Patient unterschiedlich schwer sein. Depression ist eine von ihnen.

Es kann sein, dass Akne wieder auftritt, dann machst du noch eine Kur, dann ist es wirklich weg.
Probier es auf jeden Fall aus Bruder. Akne ist die schlimmste Scheisse überhaupt..

>> No.8826060

>But I assume caring for skin ist sill important part of it.
Yes, it's important and will help your skin, but will NOT cure acne so what's the point?
>Actually, won't acne return when I stop taking this shit
The probability is much, much higher that it won't return if you get this rather than antibiotiocs with creams.
>Then why did these stupid fuckers keep feeding me with it?
Dunno, I've been through this and was told "to see maybe it will go away that way" since most believe accutane is some dangerous shit(it's not). Well, it didn't, and now I take accutane. Actually, antibiotcs fucked up my liver a bit so I had to take care of it first before getting on accutane.

>> No.8826062

Es gibt nichts schlimmeres als damit sich zu rasieren. Entweder berührt man die und sie fangen an zu bluten und weh zu tun, oder versucht and dieser Stelle nicht zu rasieren und sieht dann wie Altah Mohammed aus Duisburg. Fick die ganze Scheiße. Ich kämpfe damit seit ich 14 oder so bin. Fünf Jahre!
Wie lange dauert der Kurs normallerweise?

>> No.8826078

Paar Monate, je nach Patient. Du musst geduldig sein, anfänglich kann die Akne noch schlimmer werden.
Irgendwann schaust du in den Spiegel und merkst wie gut du eigentlich aussiehst und kannst es kaum glauben, dass du keine Akne mehr hast.

Bei mir fing es auch mit 14 an. Bin jetzt 23, hab Accutane mit 22 genommen. Beste Entscheidung meines Lebens.

Achso, ganz wichtig ist es regelmäßig Blutkontrollen zu machen bei deinem Hausarzt. Accutane ist wie Chemotherapie. Es wirkt, aber fickt deinen Körper.

>> No.8826086

Ungefähr jeden Monat Blutkontrolle machen?

>> No.8826103

Ja. Wenn dein Arzt es nicht machen will, besteh darauf oder suche einen anderen.

Accutane ohne Bluttest ist fahrlässig, aber habe da schon Geschichten gehört, dass manche Ärzte keine machen.

>> No.8826118

Warum braucht man das eigentlich? Was genau zerfickt Accuttane. Ich kämpfe gerade mit Prostatits and hatte immer schon schwaches Leber.

>> No.8826135

>Was genau zerfickt Accuttane

Unglaublich viel in schlechten Fällen.


Das mit der schwachen Leber klingt scheisse, weill Accutane die angreifen kann.

>> No.8826148

Also die Leber kann ich ja noch mal überprüfen lassen. Aber schon wenig etwas mehr als paar Gläser von Alkohol trinke fängt mein Leber an höllisch wehzutun. Kann's nicht verarbeiten.

>> No.8826188

Laser surgery or facial peeling