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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 357 KB, 960x960, 1345939215004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8814901 No.8814901 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell is a really skinny guy supposed to wear during the fall/winter to look good? Why is it so hard?
Can we get an inspo thread going?

>skinny jeans all year round, idgaf

>> No.8814906

its bulking season nigga

>> No.8814907

Not that stupid. Get a semi baggy long sleeve shirt and throw a medium tall tee over it.

>> No.8814920
File: 111 KB, 773x1151, 1366348279528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can I get a "medium tall" tee, I don't usually see that size. also pics would be helpful

>> No.8814948
File: 93 KB, 403x640, 1368289590052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz help, I don't wanna freeze to death

>> No.8814952


How tall is he?

>> No.8815161

lol wtf wrong dis nigga's legs lol

>> No.8815212
File: 2.69 MB, 2448x2448, 1410669466767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8815241

that looks like the guy from by H. New York
try byhnewyork.com

>> No.8815986

Thermal pants + shirt at one size smaller than what you normally wear so that it fits underneath everything you wear. Don't be dumb.

>> No.8816261
File: 254 KB, 3428x2757, UwuqHf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8816269

dude are you seriouslly self promoting?
isnt being friends with noirain enough?

>> No.8816272

nope, those tees are from void the brand

>> No.8816449

tight pants
long jackets
long hoodies
long sleeves
how cold are we talking

>> No.8816488

Top pleb

>> No.8816503

What is that? It looks like a cross between a cardigan and a blazer. A lappelled cardigan?

>Not knowing working out is modern couture

>> No.8816548

Get real m8

>> No.8816563

You mean layering season.

>> No.8816571

> how cold are we talking
Not super cold, around 0 - 10 degrees celsius

>> No.8816575

w2c shoes pls

>> No.8816587

lol wow
what have you worn every other winter
skinny tall guys like us have massive swag in winter
wear a fucking knit sweater
make sure the color looks good on your skin/hair, that's about it man.

>> No.8816911

Normally i was just cold all the time. If it gets really cold i have a grey waist length double breasted wool jacket but i dont think it looks very good

>> No.8816920

Should the sweater be fitting or loose and oversized?

>> No.8816933

For something like a plane knit or a full hoody, it should be pretty fitted. Not tight, but you know what I mean. Should also be long. Jackets can be kind of oversized as long as they don't look "poofy", I'm not sure how to describe that but you can look good wearing oversized winter clothing as long as it hangs over you. If it's one-size too big and the sleeves look ridiculously big though you'll look like an idiot.
Well post a picture and check those dubs big guy.
But really, buy a black peacoat, basic as fuck and a good place to start. Shop around, see what brand fits you will in price range. Bring along a friend to check your fit too.

>> No.8816959

w2c jeans?

>> No.8817091

w2c hoodie?

>> No.8817249

I'm not self promoting and idk who noirain is
but I did buy stuff ffrom that site

>> No.8817457
File: 1.17 MB, 200x207, samuel_L_Jackson.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny pants should not combine with boots, unless you are a woman, it will give a effeminate look.

Boots are in to bring out virility. I personaly am not a /fa/g, but a man should have a man body, not a skinny queer chassis. Every thread I see is the same: a dying starving anorexic model posing with a women's pants and classy beak.

Loose pants, man boots, shirt, and cut your fucking hair. And wide base your legs, of course.


Jokes aside, the season goes for utility clothing. The boots every celebrity is using... it is fashion because it is functional. Its a manly man look demand. Boots has large sole for durability and fits for any terrain. It's functional. Other key is the white tank, you must be an adult, so do the math.

Go for pockets, neutral colors and things for heavy work, or things a military man would wear.


>> No.8817519

Quit being a twiggy faggot and start lifting. Even if you only reach ottermode your clothes will look better because your body looks better.

>> No.8817668
File: 582 KB, 553x515, america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


w2c a dark green parka?

>> No.8818175

w2c shoes and jeans?

>> No.8818188

tips fedora

>> No.8818199

jeans could be anything, shoes are MMM x H&M

>> No.8818206

stop lying to yourself. you're still a manlet with a tiny penis and being buff will never help you get over your insecurities

>> No.8818207
File: 594 KB, 1280x1920, tom-ford-gq-3-17jun14-pr_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cares about how other people perceive tight pants, how boots look with them, hair, body weight, etc.
Insecure faggot detected.

>> No.8818410

they're roshes

>> No.8818424

landwhale detected

>> No.8818457

>But really, buy a black peacoat

hey, play nice. people troll other users by giving them info like this and then everyone wonders why /fa/ dresses like shit.

>> No.8818468

so .. you´re throwing all high end fashion brands and some basic brands out of the window just because your /fat/ass cant fit into skinny jeans and cant even wear slim cut boots?

thats why we shouldnt let /fit/ in here, if this keeps going we´ll end up wearing fucking 50cm wide hem washed out jeans and baggy as fuck red flannels with the most unproportioned body ever

>> No.8818484

Gtfo emaciated unfuckable jellyfish

>> No.8818495

What kind of cardigan/blazer hybrid is that? w2c?

>> No.8818518



>> No.8818790

looks like a merlino wool (i might be wrong about the type of wool) cardigan with notched lapel i think

shit looks dope

>> No.8818818


>> No.8818841
File: 66 KB, 740x527, 1406733188372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I live in Florida
>tfw when "cold weather" lasts like 2-4 weeks out of the year

>> No.8818845

>Not having horse legs

>> No.8818849

Thank you Mr. Skeltal

>> No.8818863

So since boots look silly on skeletals with skinny pants, would something like a skinny straight from Uniqlo be a better choice for boots?
Thinking of copping some Rogue Territory SKs and then a pair from uniqlo just for boots.

>> No.8818888

I'm skinny as fuck and ima just throw on a quick outfit thats basically a titan when its cold enough to wear.

>> No.8818892

>So since boots look silly on skeletals with skinny pants
does it look silly? since when? Have I been walking around looking silly all these past years?

>> No.8818909

It is a bit of a silly aesthetic, depending on the boots.

>> No.8818959
File: 495 KB, 1280x1707, 1371514256656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8818972 [DELETED] 
File: 965 KB, 1815x1356, IMG_0749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

colors are desat, had to fuck with the gamma b/c bad camera and lighting.

its not hard to look good m8.

>> No.8818980
File: 772 KB, 1356x1815, IMG_0749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

colors are desat, had to fuck with the gamma b/c bad camera and lighting.

its not hard to look good m8.

>> No.8818990
File: 144 KB, 500x696, psst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psst: really skinny people should not wear skinny jeans as it makes them look like faggots

real fitting cloths, but nothing skin tight. also, gain weight by drinking a decent amount of calories and going to a gym. looking like your on heroin is only fa if you're some dumb faggot on /fa/

>> No.8818994

>socks with sandals


>> No.8819016


>still bashing birkensocks

>> No.8819020

>ever believing birkensocks was a good idea

>> No.8819031

>drinking a decent amount of calories
>drinking calories
>drinking an energy measurement unit
arent you that guy who tought Europe was a country?

you´re straigh retard, please stop posting

>> No.8819045

what the fuck are you wearing

>> No.8819088

3 for 3 man. You look really fucking dumb.

>> No.8819090

>not knowing about Food Energy
you can't seriously be this retarded...

Since Food Energy actually exists in the form measured by calories, you can drink calories just like you can eat them you fucktard.

And skinny fagboy in the picture, drink milk post workouts, but make sure its whole milk and not nonfat or 2 percent, as thats just sugar water. If available and you dont mind the price, drink raw milk

>> No.8819135

w2c jacket?

>> No.8819232
File: 36 KB, 336x366, 1409360648042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-i just ...

fuck it, no wonder why this board has been shitty lately

fyi, food isnt considered energy, is just food, its considered energy when the cells mitochnodria turns regular nutrients into ATP to keep the cell alive and working

for the love of Hedi please make me look like a retard that fell into some good b8 or else i´ll lose hope on humanity

>> No.8819274

nike shorts and a tanktop
>still thinking skinny is the way to go
i've been there. i'm speaking from experience. skinny aspirations are bullshit, get fit if you want to look good and not be miserable.
not like ur gonna listen but w/e

>> No.8819283
File: 46 KB, 233x233, 1410161258803[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8819295

I knew grade 12 bio would come in handy... now i get to kek with you about the uneducated fgts on /fa/ about adenosine triphosphate

>> No.8819309

skinny guys can look good. beastmode guys can look good. fat guys can't

so let's all just rejoice in that

>> No.8819317

Its considered chemical energy

>> No.8819339

Yes, hence the term Food Energy. Its a fucking thing, look it up. Why do you think they put "Calories" on the label? Or are you so autistic you can't understand that naming something after the measurement of energy while keeping the purpose of the measurement of energy is something that would be smart when determining the consumption amount of food?

>> No.8819348

>implying there is no such thing as potential energy

>> No.8819354
File: 236 KB, 1920x2379, 7215303800_2_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about boots like these paired with skinny jeans (not necessarily jeans like in pic) ?
Is this a silly ?

>> No.8819365
File: 110 KB, 453x567, 1406086716021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food isnt considered energy

>> No.8819371
File: 108 KB, 284x334, Screen Shot 2014-09-04 at 11.17.43 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>agreeing with an imbecil

>> No.8819372

>t shirt, cardigan, skinnies, scarf, keds.
>knit sweater, scarf, skinnies, boots
>long sleeve shirt, knit button up vest, scarf, skinnies, boots.
not that hard boys

>> No.8819400



so. /fa/. lets think here. i get laid. im social, i attend one of the top universities in the world. ive recieved many compliments from many people on this exact fit (your argument will be that theyre all tasteless idiots). the difference between me and /fa/ is that ive transcended caring about the opinions of others. i dont go around looking like a total tryhard faggot attempting to pull off couture when im just going to a fucking lecture. im a student, i dress for the occasion, and trying much harder than this for class is basicfaggotry.

if you genuinely think this looks bad, im sorry. there is no hope for you. youll forever be trying to express yourselves, but that expression wont be of your self, it will be expressing the /fa/ hivemind. the collective opinion of an anon imageboard. enjoy that.

>tfw youre a pchem+molecular biology+physics triple major. tfw youre a musician. tfw you have sex with gorgeous intelligent women on a regular basis

obviously boots would look better than the birks, but its not about looking the best you possibly can every time you can. there are occasions for that. i prefer the contrast, i prefer the sandals. it speaks more about who i am than wearing the obvious would.

stay small 4chan, the board will never change, but its constituent members eventually will. i certainly did.

also, every single thing about nutrition itt is so wrong its actually hurting my brain.

>what is cellular respiration
>what is specific heat

its pointless, the only thing this board is good for are the inspo threads.

>> No.8819403

jimjams are being rizzled

>> No.8819415

>being this insecure

>> No.8819419


im 22, its buck night and only math at 12 tomorrow. im going out, getting drunk, hitting on girls. my jimmies rustled? no, i just have absolutely nothing better to do with my time while i wait for my friend to meet me but post shit on 4chan.

i was a competitive gamer for 7 years, you think i get mad about shit on the internet? kid, youve no idea the rage ive incited in others. i cant be trolled. my jimmies cant be rustled.

>thinking im insecure

the projection. oh boy. you think it takes effort to type shit about myself. the fact youre even reading this makes the atp expenditure worth.

i wear what i want, i can only hope youre secure enough to do the same.

>> No.8819430

Can you shut the fuck up? You talk as if you don't care but your jimmies are obviously being rusted kid. You dress like shit.

>> No.8819436

your jimjums have been rofled

>> No.8819440

id rate the jim jamberie rustery at approximately 100% capacity

>> No.8819441

nah m8 i think ur janet jacksons got rolls royced

>> No.8819442

i have a 2 inch dick

>> No.8819445

captcha: rustled jimmies

>> No.8819453


i like the jimmie variations. i like the attention even more.

>> No.8819468

it sounds more like you like your georgeforemans to be rogereberts

>> No.8819490

bruh, i agree that majority of this board is retardedly xenophobic of anything that isn't hivemind approved, and i'm glad you're happy with yourself, but please tell me you realize how condescending, misguided, and hypocritical you are

like damn what kind of halfassed reasoning is "this hot girl was being nice and said i looked cool" or "i know birks don't look great here but that's all according to keikaku because it expresses who i am somehow for no reason"
>inb4 i-i was just trolling!

>> No.8819497

If all that's true then you sound like a pretty cool guy. God-tier degree, social, hot & smart girls... that's all great. Wish I had all that. You're right about the limited circlejerk of the /fa/ hivemind too

But seriously, if all that's true then you've no reason to let your jimmies get flim-flazzle bedazzled skedaddle ship shoobity dop woobity kerflunked so easily

>> No.8819509


so. /fa/. lets think here. i get laid. im social, i attend one of the top universities in the world. ive recieved many compliments from many people on this exact fit (your argument will be that theyre all tasteless idiots). the difference between me and /fa/ is that ive transcended caring about the opinions of others. i dont go around looking like a total tryhard faggot attempting to pull off couture when im just going to a fucking lecture. im a student, i dress for the occasion, and trying much harder than this for class is basicfaggotry.

if you genuinely think this looks bad, im sorry. there is no hope for you. youll forever be trying to express yourselves, but that expression wont be of your self, it will be expressing the /fa/ hivemind. the collective opinion of an anon imageboard. enjoy that.

>tfw youre a pchem+molecular biology+physics triple major. tfw youre a musician. tfw you have sex with gorgeous intelligent women on a regular basis

obviously boots would look better than the birks, but its not about looking the best you possibly can every time you can. there are occasions for that. i prefer the contrast, i prefer the sandals. it speaks more about who i am than wearing the obvious would.

stay small 4chan, the board will never change, but its constituent members eventually will. i certainly did.

also, every single thing about nutrition itt is so wrong its actually hurting my brain.

>what is cellular respiration
>what is specific heat

its pointless, the only thing this board is good for are the inspo threads.

>> No.8819517

>tfw I am the CEO of a biomedical aeronautics engineering firm at 19

>> No.8819528

so. /fa/. lets think here. i get laid. im social, i attend one of the top universities in the world. ive recieved many compliments from many people on this exact fit (your argument will be that theyre all tasteless idiots). the difference between me and /fa/ is that ive transcended caring about the opinions of others. i dont go around looking like a total tryhard faggot attempting to pull off couture when im just going to a fucking lecture. im a student, i dress for the occasion, and trying much harder than this for class is basicfaggotry.

if you genuinely think this looks bad, im sorry. there is no hope for you. youll forever be trying to express yourselves, but that expression wont be of your self, it will be expressing the /fa/ hivemind. the collective opinion of an anon imageboard. enjoy that.

>tfw youre a pchem+molecular biology+physics triple major. tfw youre a musician. tfw you have sex with gorgeous intelligent women on a regular basis

obviously boots would look better than the birks, but its not about looking the best you possibly can every time you can. there are occasions for that. i prefer the contrast, i prefer the sandals. it speaks more about who i am than wearing the obvious would.

stay small 4chan, the board will never change, but its constituent members eventually will. i certainly did.

also, every single thing about nutrition itt is so wrong its actually hurting my brain.

>what is cellular respiration
>what is specific heat

its pointless, the only thing this board is good for are the inspo threads.

>> No.8819542 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 900x1275, 1410788503490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so. /fa/. lets think here. i am a big guy, for you, i attend one of the top universities in the world. ive recieved many compliments from many CIA agents (your argument will be that theyre all hired guns). the difference between me and other big guys is that ive transcended caring about the opinions of others. i dont go around looking like a total tryhard faggot attempting to pull off this mask when im just going to a fucking plane crash. im a big guy, i dress for the occasion, and trying much harder than this for class is basicfaggotry.

if you genuinely think this looks bad, im sorry. there is no hope for you. youll forever be trying to express yourselves, but that expression wont be of your self, it will be expressing the /fa/ hivemind. the collective opinion of an anon imageboard. enjoy that.

>tfw youre a big guy. tfw no one cared who u were until u put on the mask. tfw you have sex with gorgeous masketta and dr pavelhere all the time

obviously boots would look better than the birks, but its not about looking the best you possibly can every time you can. there are occasions for that. i prefer the contrast, i prefer the sandals. it speaks more about who i am(a big guy, for you)than wearing the obvious would.

stay small and not big 4chan the board will never change, but its constituent members eventually will. i certainly did.

also, every single thing about the fire rising itt is so wrong its actually hurting my brain.

>what is our plan
>why does it matter

its pointless, the only thing this board is good for are the bane threads.

>> No.8819547
File: 579 KB, 1296x1735, copypastafaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so. /fa/. lets think here. i get laid. im social, i attend one of the top universities in the world. ive recieved many compliments from many people on this exact fit (your argument will be that theyre all tasteless idiots). the difference between me and /fa/ is that ive transcended caring about the opinions of others. i dont go around looking like a total tryhard faggot attempting to pull off couture when im just going to a fucking lecture. im a student, i dress for the occasion, and trying much harder than this for class is basicfaggotry.

if you genuinely think this looks bad, im sorry. there is no hope for you. youll forever be trying to express yourselves, but that expression wont be of your self, it will be expressing the /fa/ hivemind. the collective opinion of an anon imageboard. enjoy that.

>tfw youre a pchem+molecular biology+physics triple major. tfw youre a musician. tfw you have sex with gorgeous intelligent women on a regular basis

obviously boots would look better than the birks, but its not about looking the best you possibly can every time you can. there are occasions for that. i prefer the contrast, i prefer the sandals. it speaks more about who i am than wearing the obvious would.

stay small 4chan, the board will never change, but its constituent members eventually will. i certainly did.

also, every single thing about nutrition itt is so wrong its actually hurting my brain.

>what is cellular respiration
>what is specific heat

its pointless, the only thing this board is good for are the inspo threads.

>> No.8819556
File: 23 KB, 216x289, copypastafaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so. /fa/. lets think here. i get laid. im social, i attend one of the top universities in the world. ive recieved many compliments from many people on this exact fit (your argument will be that theyre all tasteless idiots). the difference between me and /fa/ is that ive transcended caring about the opinions of others. i dont go around looking like a total tryhard faggot attempting to pull off couture when im just going to a fucking lecture. im a student, i dress for the occasion, and trying much harder than this for class is basicfaggotry.

if you genuinely think this looks bad, im sorry. there is no hope for you. youll forever be trying to express yourselves, but that expression wont be of your self, it will be expressing the /fa/ hivemind. the collective opinion of an anon imageboard. enjoy that.

>tfw youre a pchem+molecular biology+physics triple major. tfw youre a musician. tfw you have sex with gorgeous intelligent women on a regular basis

obviously boots would look better than the birks, but its not about looking the best you possibly can every time you can. there are occasions for that. i prefer the contrast, i prefer the sandals. it speaks more about who i am than wearing the obvious would.

stay small 4chan, the board will never change, but its constituent members eventually will. i certainly did.

also, every single thing about nutrition itt is so wrong its actually hurting my brain.

>what is cellular respiration
>what is specific heat

its pointless, the only thing this board is good for are the inspo threads.

>> No.8819561


>> No.8819770

Anyone know jeans with a similarly light wash? I can't find any good light wash jeans.

>> No.8819775


>> No.8819777


git over urself m8

>> No.8821377

new pasta 2014

>> No.8821497

w2c boots

>> No.8821536

>rolls royced
Gonna save that for later

>inb4 #rollsroyced

>> No.8821668

All right guys we've had a giggle now can we get back on topic please

>> No.8821685

Cheleas are a different story.
I'm talking work boots like Iron Rangers or something.

>> No.8821730


>> No.8821990

last time i checked and what i´ve been taught in highschool calorie is an energy measurement unit based in the specific heat of water to raise it by 1°C bla bla bla ...

idgaf if you /fit/fags call food energy or dicks, a calorie is a measurement unit, not fucking food

>> No.8822008

>doesnt know
>he trips

r u joking

>> No.8824215

bump a rump

>> No.8824899
File: 1.04 MB, 480x331, ha!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't drop your fedora because of me, bbk.

i don't really care, it entertains me. i only care for profitable things. if you live among society you must know everything. you don't agree for a reason and we both know why.

i'm 1,74m, 82kg, ~16%bf. i injured my rotator cuff and lost weight.

i use slim cut and skinny. better off, i used to wear and still
can wear. Slim w/ straight knees are my favorite though. no one's throwing anything out the window. pay attention, i don't want to tell your sense of fashion is poor, but you are forcing me. who said it's all about tight pants and boots? are you a woman???

>> No.8824919

This just in, college dropout mentions high school level science in defense of his "wacky fit" during what many are describing as an
"epic spergout"

>> No.8824928

haha oh fuck

>> No.8826376


>> No.8826565
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>> No.8827242
File: 763 KB, 1024x768, Koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw not in a shit state

>> No.8827278

w2c shoes

>> No.8827363

8/8 made me kek

>> No.8827373

everything Raf Simons