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/fa/ - Fashion

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8813397 No.8813397 [Reply] [Original]

everyone on /fa/ is going through a phase in their life where they are buying ridiculous clothes and having ridiculous hair styles

this usually happens around the ages of 16-17-18..

do not worry..you will get through this and regret the gay shit you purchased when you was in this phase...i went through it and copped many ridiculous things such as these shoes

>> No.8813407

how much what size

>> No.8813416

>buying ugly meme shoes
We say that shit is /fa/ to trick newfags who can't into curating for themselves

>> No.8813424


this was last year sometime OR very early 2014. i do not remember but i havent been on /fa/ since then.i just wear clothes i like..

when you take time away from /fa/ you become extremely enlightened. In a non-offensive way I truly believe anyone that wears rick owens outside is autistic.

I really do not mean that offensively but come on man

>> No.8813426
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>implying not sick af

>> No.8813429

post fit

>> No.8813440

this happens to every person that does not know what hes doing
fashion is not for everyone and this is just another example of people that was never meant to "get into fashion" in the first place

>> No.8813441


i dont give a fuck about fashion anymore i realize its selectively for insecure people

>> No.8813449
File: 57 KB, 345x327, 1410493604146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk shit get hit fuckboy

>> No.8813454


fashion is fucking gay man...if you are gay then fashion is for you

i still wear some nice ourlegacy shirts.....man..even clothes like raf simons is kind of nice still to me..but all that rick owens, anndemeulemeester.you will understand when you take a break from this

>> No.8813458

I think /fa/ is okay to some point. But once you starts getting into it too much. That's when you realize you fucked up. An example of this would be getting those shoes that OP got.

>> No.8813462

so stop posting here

>> No.8813466


i have stopped posting here

>> No.8813467

>fashion is fucking gay man...if you are gay then fashion is for you

i think we have found the problem

>> No.8813470
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>> No.8813473

Aight, way to go you. Some people actually care about fashion design, and the art of it.

>> No.8813475


fashion is very feminine and homosexual

>> No.8813476

>can't curate
>sees anything that isn't memeshoes, meme outerwear, and black skinny jeans get torn apart every time

Lmao conformists

>> No.8813479

>I truly believe anyone that wears rick owens outside is autistic.

Gr8 job m8, you have no taste.

>> No.8813480

>extremely enlightened
back to reddit you autist faglord
you're not better than anyone else, stop thinking that you are just because you spend less money on clothes and look shittier.

>> No.8813481


we are very different then..you are probably someone who likes going to art galleries and some of that stuff..I realized i cant stand people who do that and find them unbearable for some reason...

>> No.8813485


when i posted here i defended people and myself for spending ridiculous amounts of money of clothes. but when you think about it deeply without trying to defend yourself you realize it IS bad

>> No.8813486

not him buy posting fit has nothing to do with giving a fuck about fashion. Its just about posting a pic of yourself. saying some wack ass bullshit like that doesn't make you look good. oh wait you probably don't care what i say because caring about others is the opposite of euphoric.

>> No.8813487 [DELETED] 

>you are probably someone who likes going to art galleries and some of that stuff..

l m a o

>> No.8813488
File: 15 KB, 600x410, 4e5360fcb79db_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr he doesn't like edgy minimalist monochrome streetwear he must hate fashion

>> No.8813492


>> No.8813495


but why would i post a picture of myself...i have absolutely nothing to prove!!!! all the tripfags have deep self esteem issues which doesnt take an idiot to realize..anyone who posts a picture of them self on the internet wants validation and approval...its nothing different to a teenage girl on instagram..

>> No.8813497

Circlejerking Richard owens isn't appreciation of art that's like a high school goth kid saying the band tool is art

>> No.8813498

yeah leave this forum

>> No.8813501
File: 339 KB, 1024x1326, iris9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who decides what's ridiculous? What's wrong with being ridiculous? Iris Apfel is ridiculous and also indisputably the best dressed person living. She counsels us:

“If you put something together and it doesn’t look so good, the fashion police are not going to come a take you away. And if they do, you might have some fun in jail.”


>gay as a negative adjective


>> No.8813502

>we are very different then..you are probably someone who likes going to art galleries and some of that stuff..I realized i cant stand people who do that and find them unbearable for some reason...
the way who structure your posts and the fact that you can't understand that people like different things is increasingly making me think you may genuinely have autism

>> No.8813505

Go back to reddit they're all about mallochrome and layering now

>> No.8813507

How's your autism are you enjoying your time in high school

>> No.8813509


my main post was just giving advice to teenagers who are going through a phase in their life when they buy expensive clothes to fill the emptiness in their souls

>> No.8813511


im also trying to bring awareness to peoples serious mental problems that they project on innocent teenagers...tripfags like twerk it, mammadod, trunks are all mentally unstable people and shouldnt be looked towards as inspiration

>> No.8813516


>> No.8813517

would you say that you have a problem with people who like things that you do not like?

>> No.8813519

>tripfags like twerk it, mammadod, trunks are all mentally unstable people

says the guy whos been posting bart mandela daily for 2 years

>> No.8813521


that guy is not me...but trunks i think you owe something to a community that you post in..you should tell them what your mental illness is so that they can understand what you are going through

>> No.8813526

Those disgusting clashing muddy colors do make me sick actually.

>> No.8813529

>Implying I said anything about Rick Owens.

I just enjoy looking at fashion shows, enjoying the design, saving up to buy select pieces.

we're on a fashion board. If you don't like fashion, the solution isn't to try to convince people fashion is stupid. Try closing the window.

>> No.8813532


Most people would think youre autistic if they see you wearing them. I'd rather have a social life than have "fashion".

>> No.8813536

But you have neither.

>> No.8813541
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>> No.8813542

lmao @ u

>when you're 18 you do stupid stuff
>guys I'm 19 now and so much wiser

>> No.8813543

btfo. Trunks is god of /fa/

>> No.8813546

i think the only trips i ever liked were matt helders and uhhhhh.. not once were they obnoxious or vain..just honest nice people

>> No.8813551

>thinks im op


>I'm very much into fashion
Nigga you probably wore a peacoat and desert boots two years ago

>> No.8813554

smoking cigs is not cool!!

>> No.8813558

Please. What human being doesn't have deep issues, is not looking for validation and approval?

We're social animals who not too long ago outsmarted all the narratives we used to trick ourselves into thinking we can be sure of who we are and what we are worth, that there even are such things as self and worth.

You're here, I'm here, we're all here for the same dead-god-damned purpose and you, whether you realize it or not, are making a very cheap and very transparent play in this game: "I'm above all your insecurities! I'm past caring about this thing you find value in! I'm, like, so over appearances, man! I'm enlightened!"

Look, we've all made similar moves before. Usually happens around the age of 17-18-19-20...

Do not worry... you will get through this and laugh at how so wretchedly cocksure you were of yourself in this phase and how easy you think human life can be... I went through it and regret every unkindness and contempt I tried to pull off.

>> No.8813561

Says the kid wearing outdated spookninja clothes he bought 4th hand on grailed that is a friendless virgin in his parents basement

>> No.8813567

>people actually believe this

>> No.8813574
File: 56 KB, 563x385, Projector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigga you probably wore a peacoat and desert boots two years ago

Oh my god. This projecting going on.

>> No.8813576



>> No.8813578
File: 16 KB, 160x123, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling people autistic and spreading hate
you've learned nothing. Leave again.

>> No.8813579

genuinely #rekt

this reply >>8813576 only confirms it
inb4 samefag

>> No.8813580


>> No.8813592


i neverwant to spread hate

>> No.8813602



Sorry the truth hurts

Not true? Prove it. Post fit pic, pic of apartment, pic of you with friends

>> No.8813607


lol sorry you gave into hype m8
sounds like you like fashion for the brands and not the actual sociology behind it.

I bet you don't even know about the history of fashion from 1900-1950.

Some of us are here because we actually enjoy the part fashion plays in our lives and in history, not just something to wear and show-off how cool you are to girls and boys who don't give a fuck about you.

>> No.8813615


but nearly everyone here buys clothes to show off whether or not they like to admit it

>> No.8813618
File: 33 KB, 920x934, a49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is spot on


>> No.8813622

You got into fashion for the wrong reason.

>> No.8813623

>Post fit pic, pic of apartment, pic of you with friends
Why? To prove what?
That fashion design interests me?
Nobody cares that you now have moved past fashion (despite still shitposting on /fa/).

>> No.8813626


>> No.8813631


i wore desert boots when i first got into fashion

>> No.8813635

You didn't get into fashion. You got into brand hype and then told /fa/ about it in, what may go down as, the worst thread in history.

>> No.8813637

Not OP.


>can't prove being fashionable or having friends or not living with parents

Lmao someone start a reddit board for this guy r/lonelytryhardteens

>> No.8813639


I'm just saying there is more to fashion then what you think you know. Go pick up a few books and actually start to read what academics have gathered on the topic.

I suggest reading into how Balenciaga got his start in haute couture. It's an amazing story that most people don't care to know but it's one of the reasons why I keep fashion as a hobby.

If I based everything I liked on what is available to learn on /fa/ I'd also turn into a cynical sour man like you about fashion.

I'm not denying that we post pictures on here to get validation from our peers, but there is nothing that suggests it's *only* for that as well.

You just can't project your assumptions of reality on to others because the truth is you just don't know what their perspective is on the same environment.

>> No.8813641


>> No.8813649

Lmao, making shit up. Thats what I thought.

>> No.8813655

If you cared about fashion and weren't just regurgitating shit you read somewhere you wouldn't be here

>> No.8813658

inb4 OP does not cogently engage with what you've argued and posts something irrelevant

>> No.8813661

Kek, why would you even cop something from Raf that isn't Dior?

>> No.8813663


Where would I be?

Again you're assuming I spend all my time here when I merely come here for the fun. You dont get this kind of interaction on other boards.

>> No.8813664

>i went through it and copped many ridiculous things such as these shoes
I know this feel

>> No.8813671

drop trip newfag

>> No.8813673

>still viewed as ugly friendless autistic virgin who's fashion knowledge begins and ends with fa and namedropping runway designers

>> No.8813680
File: 52 KB, 960x640, 1408634104820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you must choose words and not battles, friend

This entire thread was a negative shot aimed to spread hate to the kids on this site. It's ingrained in all of the people trapped in samsara, you know not what you do.

"you" are non existent, merely grasping at materialistic things to fill an insatiable desire.

>> No.8813689

a) I namedropped nobody
b) You are cutting my ass for liking fashion on a fashion board
c) My fashion knowledge is much more extensive than /fa/ which is primarily a style board.
d) If anything you should have to prove how great your life is now that you don'g go on /fa/ anymore
e) Fuck off if you hate /fa/ so much.

>> No.8813698


fashion is feminine for males

>> No.8813700


its is funny when looking back lol

>> No.8813701

10/10 post

>> No.8813718

>fashion is feminine for males
that's the only response you have to someone who is making an effort to engage with what you're arguing? maybe you're the one who needs to grow up a little :^)

l m a o

>> No.8813720


i should choose my words wiser i apologize i mean to say rick owens and ann demeulemeester is feminine for males

>> No.8813725

well ok fine if that's your opinion; the point is that as >>8813658 said that is totally irrelevant to the argument of the person you were replying to

>> No.8813749

if i wrote a paragraph of why rick owens is gay i would sound like a cunt i dont want to be horrible

>> No.8813755

In That Paragraph: Opinion

>> No.8813758

alright you're clearly either trolling or retarded so yeah

>> No.8813776
File: 197 KB, 819x421, screen-shot-2013-06-15-at-4-23-12-am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't wreck him, or didn't mean to, hope I didn't. I cut a little at the end, but it was surgical.

Good post.

The most useful and enjoyable way I've found to think about clothes is to think about them experientially. What is it like to look at them? More importantly, what is it like to wear them? And then to look at oneself wearing them?

To touch them, to smell them, to reach for a shelf in them, in a humid room, in a chill room, in damp fog, to dance in them, to put them on, to take them off, to have them blown by a passing semi or the subway cars running into a station. To walk the streets at night in and see the streetlights fall on your sleeve.

And fashion then being the cultural system they interface with, part of but not all of the experience, but also the thing that produces it. From the magazines a kid is inspired by to the design school they attend to the studio they work in to the sweatshop or workshop the garments get made in to the shop they're sold in to the Fijian CGI board fuccbois call them memeochrome on.



Yes! Probably the greatest designer ever.


Good info on his work from a quick Google for people who don't know.


Most knowledge is "regurgitated." Shoulders of giants, citation pages, all that. Being an original expression isn't the same as being a useful one, and TBQH posting substantial original ideas on 4chan is not too savvy. It's asking to get them jacked or you discredited (for plagiarism, not for 4chan) if you ever take them elsewhere.

I hate Fuuka, as useful as it is.

>> No.8813792

I think you need to realize that the reasons you got into fashion and the reason other people did are different. Some of us actually enjoy expressing ourselves through clothing, and don't necessarily do it just to impress others on a internet imageboard. I think you just got caught in the tide of trends and recently realized that you weren't really thinking for yourself and got ashamed, but some of us really like this shit.

>> No.8813798

Re: Rick being feminine for males, interviewer in greentext, Rick in black:

>And in the end, what is a good form?

A good form is a rational line from point A to point B. A satisfyingly rational and graceful line will produce a good form. This goes for both furniture and clothes. Women’s clothes can definitely bear a little more frivolity and coquettishness. With men, I try to stay pretty severe. The history of uniforms is so well documented that we have a blueprint of what’s made a man look the most dignified—what’s been done to emphasize his integrity, his nobility. Uniforms have achieved this so well—why reinvent the wheel?

>That you make this distinction between designing for men and women is interesting because you’ve made it a point in the past, on several occasions, to identify yourself as bisexual. The self-portraits you’ve taken for your photography book, L’Ai-Je Bien Descendu? [2008], include a double exposure of you urinating into your own mouth. And of course, there’s also the naked-Rick wax statue, which I want to talk about later. It seemed to me that “bi” was code for doubling the self. I like the photo of you wearing heels.

I’ve always proposed heels for men. I don’t mean them as feminizing, but more as a Kiss, heavy-metal kind of thing. It’s gender bending, but it’s like Marlene Dietrich wearing men’s suits to exaggerate her femininity. When Kiss wore heels, it was meant to challenge—“just try to call me feminine, motherfucker, I’ll kick your ass.” Frankly, in the beginning, I made a point of bringing up my sexuality just because I wanted to do it before anyone else could. I was with Michèle [Lamy], and hated the idea of someone whispering to her, “You know, I think your husband’s gay.” I was going to say it first. I didn’t want anyone to think they could embarrass me, or Michèle.

>> No.8813800

>But the question of sexuality reaches something more fundamental as to what’s happening when a man designs clothing—visual signifiers—for women, and when a man designs for other men. Is it always a question of projection?

It’s tricky. There is so much mystery there, and it’s the mystery that makes the magic. If we knew the answers, there would be no magic. I will say that, with women, I’ve always resented how they’ve been objectified and made into dolls by gay designers. I don’t want them to be presented like a wedding cake. They realize, “Rick Owens is a man who actually likes me.” With my male models, I often choose these papery-thin, translucent, skinny, white creatures. I end up objectifying them, and I don’t know what that’s all about. [laughs] In retrospect, my favorite male models are the opposite of me. I’ve made myself quite muscular and fit into a certain stereotype, but I imagine my male model as this translucent jellyfish of a man who is totally unfuckable—what does that mean? I haven’t figured it out.

Great interview at:


Any new thoughts in light of this? And what's your issue with men wearing feminine clothes anyway?

>> No.8813802

People who aren't "in the know" think they look like rubbish. I agree. Total rich pissheads wear Rick.

>> No.8813863

And why should we care?

I'm tired of hearing this noxious idea that one must dress to "be attractive" or "look good," with the implied finisher "to the most number of people."

Yeah, I, like most but not all people, want to appeal to others when I put on clothes. But not *everyone*. Not even most people. It sounds almost stupidly simple to say, but I want to appeal to the people who are appealed by the clothes I want to put on my body. It's about affinity. The kind of people I want in my life, versus the far larger number that could never possibly have anything to do with it.

And FTR, since this is 4chan: that doesn't mean those people are better or worse than me. It means equally that they could never be my people and I could never be one of theirs. We're physical proximity but breathe different fluids, like a fish and a seabird.

>> No.8813875

go to bed pigfuck

>> No.8813897
File: 137 KB, 600x800, balenciaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I definitely recommend this book from V&A London.

And I'm glad we agree that Balenciaga is truly one of the most influential designers to the fashion industry we know today.

It's sad when you mention Balenciaga even to people that have a self-proclaimed love of fashion yet they fail to understand the gravity of the fashion house "b a l e n c i a g a". They just think of the recent reincarnation of the brand and not the amazing legacy it has.

You're very articulate in your understanding of fashion and it's a breath of fresh air that's for sure. Unfortunately here on /fa/ it falls on deaf ears.

>> No.8813922


In the link you posted actually most of the quotes come from the book I mentioned in my post!

I highly recommend it.

>> No.8813923

Just read it, that was a pretty interesting interview. Not that guy, though.

>> No.8813995


>> No.8814042

At the end of the day the only thing that matters is how you perceive yourself

I really don't care if look dumb as long as I feel fly when I look down

You know how some fits look good in the mirror but not good when you look down at yourself. I can't wear those fits

I only care about how i feel when I look down

>> No.8814046





>> No.8814066

>still thinks I'm op


>> No.8814071

I'll definitely check it out; thanks for the recommendation.

>It's sad when you mention Balenciaga even to people that have a self-proclaimed love of fashion yet they fail to understand the gravity of the fashion house "b a l e n c i a g a". They just think of the recent reincarnation of the brand and not the amazing legacy it has.

Yeah, and not even Ghesquière Balenciaga, but Wang Balenciaga.

>You're very articulate in your understanding of fashion and it's a breath of fresh air that's for sure. Unfortunately here on /fa/ it falls on deaf ears.

I don't think it does. I've got at least one person to thank for appreciating it.

>> No.8814082

So you're saying you dress to impress socially crippled autistic virgin teenagers on a mongolian puppetry board

>> No.8814212

Rick gives the best interviews.


No, but if I was and found it satisfying, so what?

>> No.8814358

Then I must have stumbled upon a space/time rift, because I'm looking at at least one thread and a number of posts you've made.

>> No.8814399

But now u stocked and 10 years from now you'll be stocked up.

>> No.8814405
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>size 7.5
I understand why you're so mad now OP

>> No.8815443
File: 1.10 MB, 1560x1082, 1409086951894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>translucent jellyfish of a man who is totally unfuckable

>> No.8815527

LMAO I bought these too and never wore them. Did you also get them from the hanon sale?

>> No.8815548


iktf especially with jeans that stack

>> No.8815566

yeah i think it's because you're an outrageous faggot OP

>> No.8816983

cant wait for these to drop