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/fa/ - Fashion

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8801552 No.8801552 [Reply] [Original]

Time to know the population of /fa/.

Fill the survey, ask questions, post a fit pic or some inspo if you feel like it.

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
>Describe your social life:

>> No.8801559

>Age: 22.
>Most expensive piece of clothing: 150€ wool coat.
>Country of origin: Spain.
>Height: 181 cm
>Physical activity: Lift weights every day but I don't do diets.
>Marital status: Single.
>Describe you sexual life: Used to be good. Need to find a tall /fa/ lady that isn't a complete cunt.
>Education: Starting my second 4 years degree.
>Work: None.
>Describe your social life: Have to make new friends with students 4 years younger than me. <--- Help me with this!

>> No.8801632

>Age: 19
>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Y-3 shandals
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity:
Fencing, sprinting, calisthenics.
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Mess around with people (regardless of gender) and still a virgin by my own choice.
Med School
>Describe your social life:
Lots of friends
Everyone loves me because I am nice and supah kawaii

>> No.8801747


>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Toj double rider

>Country of origin:


>Physical activity
5 years of going to gym consistently

>Marital status:

>Describe you sexual life:
Now? Hookers. I'm a sex addict. Seriously.

Graduated recently with a nursing and paramedic double bachelor's


>Describe your social life:
-6 months ago before started working: had tight crew of gym buddies. Out almost every night. Beach, gigs, collecting deephouse vinyls, met new chicks constantly. Spent all money from part time job on sick cops and partying.

Now: 0 friends that I hang with on a regular basis. Just working my soul away. Usually I'm too busy to care but when I lay in bed and think about it; the loneliness sets in. I feel old beyond my years, but I have not given up all hope.

Outside of work and talking to immediate acquaintances and family, my social life is you and /fit/, /fa/.

>> No.8801753

Let me do a survey on you

>Most expensive piece of clothing
replacement suit for my shitty office
>Country of origin
>Marital status
>Describe your sexual life
Psychops training, advertisement course, psychological warfare intel
forum sliding and collecting info on 4chan
>Describe your social life

>> No.8801798

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
CP Achilles - $390
>Country of origin:
6'0" / 182 cm
>Physical activity:
Walking and standing
>Marital status:
Single but taken and committed
>Describe you sexual life:
Whenever I want with my gf
3rd year uni
Boutique shaving store
>Describe your social life:
Meh, I'm good

>> No.8801832

>Most expensive piece of clothing: $ 200 peacot
>Country of origin: Argentina
>Height: 186 cm
>Physical activity: I play football 2 times a week, and I go out running every day i don't play
>Marital status: Single
>Describe you sexual life: casial sex with club bitches and fuck buddies like twice a month or so
>Education: Complete highschool
>Work: IT specialist for an internet provider
>Describe your social life: I go out amost every weekend, and play football 2 times a week, all with different groups of people. I don't have any female friends and i don't plan to. just fuckbuddies

>> No.8801868

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
£100 jeans, i've yet to cop anything expensive cause I'm rebuilding my wardrobe from scratch.
>Country of origin:
Russia (permanent resident of UK now)
183cm (6'0)
>Physical activity
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Regular sex that I find no enjoyment in but don't want to feel lonely
Digital Art student
>Describe your social life:
I'm a pleasant guy who most people like, but I'm pretty introverted so I find it difficult to make friends and spend most of my time at home. I don't have social autism and a pretty functional human being.

Most people perceive me as "social" and "cool" and a "playa" but I can only act like that if I'm in the mood for it, with long downtimes in between. My life is like being constantly on mdma, occasional burst of positivity and feeling like the man and then a comedown period of feeling like I want to be left alone and just sit in my room for a week.

>> No.8801881
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>Age: 24
>Most expensive piece of clothing: CP Achilles
>Country of origin: united states
>Height: 6'1"
>Physical activity: walking about nyc
>Marital status: single n rdy 2 mingle
>Describe you sexual life: lacking
>Education: degree in English with specialization in tech writing
>Work: IT, 40k salary
>Describe your social life: hit or miss.

sometimes I go out and garner a lot of attention because I'm loud, talkative and good looking, ill also say the most reckless shit for laughs. other times I just stay in and watch stuff in bed despite being invited various places because I want to be left alone.

>> No.8801882

>Coogi Sweater
>Too young
>Virgin by choice ( Religious )
>At Community College but will transfer nxt year.
>All my close friends moved away but I hang out with some people occasionally.

>> No.8801890

Height is 6'1

>> No.8801902 [DELETED] 

>Age: 17
>Most expensive piece of clothing: £350 trainers or Camel cashmere coat (same price)
>Country of origin: England.
>Height: 183 cm
>Physical activity: Running / cycling / starving myself
>Marital status: Single.
>Describe you sexual life: Mediocre to 0.
>Education: College
>Work: None.
>Describe your social life: Actually okay (Even I am surprised)

>> No.8801906

>Age: 19
>Most expensive piece of clothing: prob qasas or velcros
>Country of origin: usa
>Height: 5'7"
>Physical activity: running, lift moderately
>Marital status: have a gf (tf? most of the people on here are like 16-22, so it's not very likely anyone's married)
>Describe you sexual life: sexy time er day
>Education: goin to uni now
>Work: server at a restaurant
>Describe your social life: good. have a small, close group of friends who chill almost every weekend

>> No.8801911

>Most expensive piece of clothing: Normally my shoes
>Country of origin:USA
>Height:6ft 1in
>Physical activity: I only tone my biceps
>Marital status: Too early
>Describe you sexual life: Sex with my gf
>Education: Highschool starting college soon
>Work: N/A
>Describe your social life: I'll go out sometimes but a portion of the time I just stay home

>> No.8801912

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
250e denim jacket
>Country of origin:
Bosnia (shut the fuck up)
>Physical activity
gym 1-2h daily, and no dinner
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
not a virgin, but it's a dry season
3rd year in computer engineering
I fix PCs and maintain a couple of websites in my spare time
>Describe your social life:
couple of close friends, don't want more

>> No.8801918

Not OP, but what do you do in IT? Interested in the field and may end up there myself.
You don't have to answer.

>> No.8801925

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Dr Martens 1460
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Still had school
Have no job
>Describe your social life:
Almost dead since I have been suffering depression through the summer but hope is on the horizon

>> No.8801926

How do you guys cope with getting laid so little?

For me it's like the end goal of everything. I can't function without it.

>> No.8801930 [DELETED] 

>Age: 17
>Most expensive piece of clothing:Retro 5 "laney"
>Country of origin: US
>Physical activity: going to the gym
>Marital status: in a two year relationship
>Describe you sexual life: every few days
>Education: High school senior
>Work: Full time
>Describe your social life: Very active

>> No.8801933


bye bye idiots

>> No.8801934

Supreme gentleman?

>> No.8801938

we're a managed service provider who does it infrastructure for small businesses around the city, mostly galleries which can get pretty /fa/.

>> No.8801940

>le green arrow

>> No.8801954

good thing this board doesnt have id's or youd probably be one of these cholos in here getting butthurt that a underage american is miles taller than you

>> No.8801969

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
£700 or so miu miu coat my bf brought me
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
>Marital status:
have qt bf
>Describe you sexual life:
>Describe your social life:
my only friend is my boyfriend. I am really bad at making (and keeping) friends

>> No.8801974

>Age: 22
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Some tan leather brogued Chelsea boots
>Country of origin: UK
>Height: 5'0
>Physical activity: Walk a ton
>Marital status: In a relationship
>Describe you sexual life: Would prefer if it wasn't a required part of relationships.
>Education: English undergrad right now, planning to go onto a masters in Anglo Saxon and Norse Studies (then either another in archiving or go onto to museum work)
>Work: Part time as a receptionist currently.
>Describe your social life: I'm too quiet for an active one.

>> No.8801983
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>Age: 18
>Most expensive piece of clothing: an $80 sweater atm, probs gonna cop some hba soon tho
>Country of origin: Canada
>Physical activity: train OLY weightlifting 4 days a week
>Marital status: single
>Describe you sexual life: not bad, could b better tho
>Education: in college atm for Electrical Eng.
>Work: unemployed atm
>Describe your social life: boring, pree much my only outside interaction are w/ gym/teammates

>> No.8801987

>Age: 18
>Most expensive piece of clothing: $150 Burberry Oxford
>Country of origin: USA
>Height: 5'6
>Physical activity: skating, occasional run/bike ride
>Marital status: single
>Describe you sexual life: non existent
>Education: hs graduate, currently enrolled in fashion school
>Work: unemployed
>Describe your social life: non existent, extremely socially anxious, really introverted but i can flip it on and off

>> No.8801995


>Most expensive piece of clothing:
200$ shoes if they count, 200$ winter coat
>Country of origin:
172cm (female)
>Physical activity
dance and that's it
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
post secondary
non atm
>Describe your social life:
very bad hit me up tho

>> No.8802002 [DELETED] 

>a odd future (not fa obviously) button up that's worth about 80$ that I bought for 30 but is too small to wear
>comprehensive fitness class in high school
>just told my gf im isolating myself from the world so single I guess
>still a virgin only got 1 terrible bj which resulted in blue balls
>sophomore in his
>recently decided to get away from the world so non existent rn

>> No.8802006

cya l8r

>> No.8802008

>Age: 24
>Most expensive piece of clothing: AE Strands
>Country of origin: Canada
>Height: 6,0"
>Physical activity: workout regularly
>Marital status: gf
>Describe you sexual life: sex whenever I see gf 1-3x/week
>Education: 2nd year psych major
>Work: security guard
>Describe your social life: have a close group of friends I see sometimes, mostly just hang with gf.

>> No.8802009


>> No.8802017 [DELETED] 


>> No.8802026

are you a gril?
in what way would you sayyou're bad at making friends?

>> No.8802031


>> No.8802037


>Most expensive piece of clothing:
SLP black leather chelsea boots

>Country of origin:

>inb4 when will I learn :^)

>Physical activity
bodybuilding and maybe I'll start a martial art next month

>Marital status:

>Describe you sexual life:
404 error

high school diploma and in a pair of weeks I'll start to attend medicine courses at uni

none, I'm still studying and uni is in my city, btw I hope I'll manage to go studying in another city in the next years so I'll have to find a job to not rely on my parents' money

>Describe your social life:
pretty good, I have some really close freinds, both males and females, that are like brothers to me, and some other "normal" friends, I often go out with them and I don't find any difficulty in making new friends

>> No.8802039

you'll be okay soon anon :)
focus on things you love and have goals also

>> No.8802043
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>Age: 23
>Most expensive piece of clothing: tossup between SNS Herning Stark and pair of C&J
>Country of origin: Netherlands
>Height: 6'3 / 190cm
>Physical activity: jogging
>Marital status: relationship
>Describe you sexual life: odd
>Education: philosophy / biochem major
>Work: student affairs at university
>Describe your social life: nonexistent

>> No.8802046
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>yfw all this guy lives for is the pussy

>> No.8802050

>Age: 20
>Most expensive piece of clothing: 180 dollar boots
>Country of origin: USA
>Height: 5' 11"
>Physical activity - little to none
>Marital status: not married
>Describe you sexual life: p good p good
>Education: undergrad at wesleyan
>Work: process loans at local bank hq
>Describe your social life: tight group of close friends, dont fuck with acquaintances that much

>> No.8802081
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>Age: 19
>Most expensive piece of clothing: CP`s (im a poorfag student)
>Country of origin: Norway
>Height: 182
>Physical activity: 5k run every day
>Marital status: On and off gf
>Describe you sexual life: Average
>Education: Still in school
>Work: Freelance web design
>Describe your social life: I mostly hang out with a close group of friends.

>> No.8802089

I have anxiety and I'm pretty "autistic." People try to be friends with me first but then stop trying when they notice how socially weird I am.

>> No.8802112

>Age: 23
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Shoes, maybe 110
>Country of origin: France
>Height: 5.11 / 1 m 81
>Physical activity: Skinnyfatfat
>Marital status: Single
>Describe your sexual life: Enter the void
>Education: In my third year of philosophy degree
>Work: Been a dishwasher, been on a boat, been doing other shits
>Describe your social life: My what life now?

>> No.8802127

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
D-boots £80 ha
>Country of origin:
London, UK
6"3' (193cm)
>Physical activity
Cycle, Basketball, swim regularly sparsely do other shit
>Marital status:
Singling and mingling
>Describe you sexual life:
Pretty active. I've notice a sharp fall of people sticking to monogamous relationships.
1st class degree in an IT derivative.
>Describe your social life:
Out every weekend, sometime often meet up with friends during the week.

>> No.8802132

>Age: 18
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Prada parka 2k usd
>Country of origin: USA
>Height: 5 4
>Physical activity: bodyw8 fitness
>Marital status: na
>Describe you sexual life: na
>Education: college
>Work: na
>Describe your social life: na

>> No.8802134
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>Most expensive piece of clothing:
like $200 parka i think. maybe my acne jawns/national standards. dont really remember.
>Country of origin:
5'8 tfw
>Physical activity
minimal but still maximum twink mode i dont know how
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
fucking car crash
2nd year uni
hopefully ill do something next year but basically the uni loan pays :^)
>Describe your social life:
not so terrible, go out-out maybe twice a week at home and more at uni. but probably too reliant on the same old group of friends

>> No.8802136

>Age: 23
>Most expensive piece of clothing: I dunno, literally nothing over 60-70 bucks though
>Country of origin: Australia
>Height: 6"2
>Physical activity: N/A
>Marital status: gf
>Describe you sexual life: good
>Education: still studying
>Work: music / call centre / centrelink
>Describe your social life: I have lots of friends, but no groups / "close" friends so I don't hang out much

>> No.8802146


What do you live for? I lack the motivation to do anything unless is for money or pussy.

>> No.8802150
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>Most expensive piece of clothing: arcteryx
>Country of origin: US of A
>Physical activity
>Marital status: N/A
>Describe you sexual life: Gay as fuck i'ma femboy <3
>Education: Studying business/econ
>Work: Internship
>Describe your social life: twelve good friends and a shit ton of acquaintances

>> No.8802153

Height is 6'0"
and physical activity is a shit ton of cardio

>> No.8802158
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20 years old
>Most expensive piece of clothing:
250 euro tailored bomber
>Country of origin:
6'3", 190 cm
>Physical activity:
Walking around the city, dancing, bodyweights
>Marital status:
>Describe your sexual life:
Currently had an 8 month hiatus from any, out of choice and an inner desire for real intimacy; essentially bored with the hook-up culture
2nd year of Bioengineering
part-time, extra cash when I need it
>Describe your social life:
Healthy, but tired of the language barrier (grew up elsewhere speaking English)

>> No.8802161

lmao you're legit retarded
I'm 6'3 and I'm just passing by seeing underage retards posting ehre and getting banned for reveal;ing their age

>> No.8802165

>100$ jeans
>I browse 4chan
>I browse 4chan
>At uni
>Part time at a gas station
>I browse 4chan

>> No.8802171

>bosanci na /fa/

>> No.8802172

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
CPs or Barbour Beaufort
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
Lift 3x per week
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Pull a lot, sex once a fortnight probably
HNC engineering
Engineer/project manager for company with 60k staff and annual budget of £37 billion (guess who)
>Describe your social life:
See friends 3 weekends in a month

>> No.8802173

That's a really shallow existence. I mean I realise the irony of saying that on /fa/ but it still needs to be said.

>> No.8802176

Not him, but mostly an ever-increasing self-awareness, understanding of the cosmic puzzle, and the enjoyment of drawn-out spontaneity.

>> No.8802185

>140$ shoes
>Distance run
>tfw just broke up
>senior in hs
>no work
>great group of close friends I've known since elementary school

>> No.8802188

>Age: 18
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Dunno, I'm pretty entry-level
>Country of origin: England but I live in North America
>Height: 6'1"
>Physical activity: Swimming, occasional cycling
>Marital status: Single
>Describe your sexual life: Nonexistent, too lazy/scared of rejection to go out and search for an /fa/ gay guy who's not campy as fuck
>Education: Starting uni
>Work: Dishwashing part-time at my mom's restaurant when I have the time
>Describe your social life: Tight-knit friend group, not that much association with people outside of it

>> No.8802213

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity:
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
>Describe your social life:

>> No.8802229
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Fresh 18
>>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Poor nigga, probably some parka 150 european dollars
>>Country of origin:
Estonia :(
>>Physical activity
Hate it, 130 pounds.
>>Marital status:
casual dates, nothing serious
>>Describe you sexual life:
the fappening
Starting architecture OR culinary next year.
>>Describe your social life:

>> No.8802255
File: 29 KB, 310x473, The Reason Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Age: 20
>Most expensive piece of clothing: 2k Dries van Noten coat
>Country of origin: USA
>Physical activity: walk a lot, cardio
>Marital status: boyfriend
>Describe you sexual life: my boyfriend, when he visits me in the US
>Education: 4 year neuroscience degree @ ivy
>Work: nah
>Describe your social life: parties every weekend, more relaxed hanging out with core group

>> No.8802257

pls b in london

>> No.8802261

trustfunder detected

>> No.8802267

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
140 euro norse project shirt
>Country of origin:
195 cm
>Physical activity
runs 10 km one day a week
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
line cook
>Describe your social life:
p shit

>> No.8802271

>Age: 19
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Alpha industries bomber
>Country of origin: Ghana (have lived in the US for 16 years)
>Height: 5'8
>Physical activity: calisthenics and cardio
>Marital status:Single
>Describe you sexual life: Virgin by choice (religious)
>Education: currently in community college if all goes well should transfer by next year
>Work: Dishwasher at a nursing home
>Describe your social life: Going to community college I don't have much of a social life as everybody goes to class and then leaves immediately after. Searching for some clubs or activities I could join though. I have a group chat of a few friends but we rarely get to hang out since some of them are away or busy. Recently though I've been evaluating my friendship with a somebody I once called my best friend but we're growing away from each other and have almost nothing in common. Plus his general attitude is very obnoxious, dumb and ignorant which I don't need. / End Blog :^)


>> No.8802272 [DELETED] 

That's true, but I give a lot back to the community and I don't talk about money. It's a sensitive issue here.

east coast beest coast

>> No.8802285

>Age: 22
>Most expensive piece of clothing: A pair of Kapital Century Denim
>Country of origin: Indonesia
>Height: 5'8"
>Physical activity: Running, Taekwondo, Soccer
>Marital status: Single
>Describe you sexual life: Not very active
>Education: Last year of uni
>Work: None
>Describe your social life: Pretty good

>> No.8802290

Why not take a masters degree? You'll get top-tier jobs in an instant.

>> No.8802300



Do you think I don't know that?

My main problem is that I am dead romantically, socially and economically.

Literally, my life consists in going to school because there aren't any jobs available, eating, smoking weed and sleeping.

Let's not forget "thinking about my ex" all day, erry day.

>> No.8802311

>Age: 19
>Most expensive piece of clothing: A pair of Undercover trousers
>Country of origin: United States
>Height: 5'11"
>Physical activity: Lots of cycling, decent amounts of hiking and climbing
>Marital status: unmarried, but in a relationship
>Describe you sexual life: good, especially within relationships.
>Education: High school, some university
>Work: None consistent right now, though I work as many things.
>Describe your social life: Very solid, strange but still positive in that I have some really good friends. I'm a bit of an isolationist from time to time though.

>> No.8802316

>Most $$$ clothing
MMM High Tops for 500$
>Country of origin
174 cm
>Physical activity
I jog every day after college
>Marital status
>Sexual life
Used to be pretty active this summer when I had a gf. Pretty dead now.
Currently in my 1st year of college
Jobless atm
>Describe social life
Pretty good. Many friends who share the same hobby, can easily make new friends in college, can get along with pretty much anyone, I'm a pretty social guy.

>> No.8802336

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Supreme Pullover Jacket
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
Running and the occasional Lifting
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Been dry since 2013 ;/
Cashier at college store
>Describe your social life:
Few friends
Stay isolated from most people
Party hard

>> No.8802340

>Most expensive piece of clothing
National Standard Edition 3, $230
>Country of origin
>Physical activity
lmao fuck that shit
>Marital status
git moni fuk bichz
>Describe you sexual life
bichz don't like androgynous kids ;-;
>Describe your social life
my friends are nice

>> No.8802383
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>Most expensive piece of clothing:
RO Crust Geos

>Country of origin:


>Physical activity
Minor exercises and stretches

>Marital status:

>Describe you sexual life:
My right hand

High School

Data entry stuff. But I'm also a director (afk director more like) of my own company. I have two jobs but I really only work on the former.

>Describe your social life:
Small circle of friends, that's how I like it.

>> No.8802384

>Age: 26
>Most expensive piece of clothing: lady peep loubs
>Country of origin: italy
>Height: 5'2
>Physical activity: cardio and toning mostly every day
>Marital status: engaged
>Describe you sexual life: very healthy
>Education: college grad
>Work: financial advisor
>Describe your social life: few close friends, many acquaintances- i go to social and work events regularly

>> No.8802385

>Age: 22
>Most expensive piece of clothing: $150 oxfords. Poorfag.
>Country of origin: US
>Height: 6'1
>Physical activity: Bodyweight workout 3x a week
>Marital status: Long distance gf
>Describe you sexual life: Long distance gf
>Education: Current astrophysics grad student
>Work: Teaching fellow/research on protoplanetary disks
>Describe your social life: Hang out with other grad students in my department. Just moved to new city a few months ago, and fairly socially awkward so hard to make friends outside of class.

>> No.8802394

Dude you are me but from another country. Wanna be friends? Also fuck community college

>> No.8802397

Also what religion?

>> No.8802398

are you a porn uploader?

you probably arent, but theres a guy on empornium who uses that picture in all of his uploads and is from malaysia. uploads like 400gb a month or someshit

>> No.8802404

>Age: 19
>Most expensive piece of clothing: $120 (LES)ARTISTS jumper
>Country of origin: UK
>Height: 6"1
>Physical activity: weights every seconds day, sqauts and deadlifts n shit
>Marital status: Single
>Describe you sexual life: Girl hasn't touched my willy in a year
>Education: doing my Bachelor of Arts now
>Work: none
>Describe your social life: staying in a College so i got tons of ppl to hang with and all my friends from school moved to the same place i did for uni (Melbourne)

>> No.8802407


>400gb a month of porn

>> No.8802424


>Most expensive piece of clothing:af1's,can't justify spending a lot on clothing
>Country of origin:Croatia
>Physical activity:Constant cycling and occasional lifting,ottermode
>Marital status:in a relationship,straight
>Describe you sexual life:could be better,don't really have places to fuck
>Education:high school student
>Work: none
>Describe your social life:have a gf,friends,need to become a bigger asshole

>> No.8802428

Stop stereotyping me, also I dont live there, I moved 5 years ago to Slovenia, Ljubljana...

>> No.8802429

ya he seems to upload the fetishy websites that no ones ever heard of. its kind of sad, if you browse the [new] section it's full of his uploads but he never reaches first page ;..;

>> No.8802432

good morning krusty crew

>> No.8802438

jebote baš me zanimaju bosanski fitovi

>> No.8802441

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
vince leather jacket
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
I play soccer and run constantly, also lift twice a week. I also have an ed.
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
virgin (done everything else tho)
senior in high school this year, going to college next year
receptionist in hair salon
>Describe your social life:
I have plenty of friends but I prefer to sit in my bed at home or work out than to go out and do anything with them.

>> No.8802469
File: 78 KB, 640x944, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Age: 24
>Most expensive piece of clothing: leather jacket
>Country of origin: USA! USA!
>Height: 6'2
>Physical activity: lite cardio every few days
>Marital status: Single but mingling
>Describe you sexual life: a good hook up every few weeks or so. I'm becoming less and less interested
>Education: college dropout
>Work: Photographer/Studio Manager
>Describe your social life: I mingle with most of our clients and models and stylists after shoots and such, but I don't hang out much.

>> No.8802476

>Work: Photographer/Studio Manager

dude, you're so up your own ass. you're a fucking receptionist

>> No.8802518

Kopiramo Zagreb do tancine, s obzirom da je Bosna 95% ruralno stanovnistvo, /fa/ ces vidjeti jedino u Sarajvu u 3 hipsterska kafica...

>> No.8802519

if only you really knew what I do. but it's cool man, if that makes you feel better think that.

>> No.8802525

oh sorry, do you prefer the term secretary?

>> No.8802542


That photo isn't even in focus. What do you shoot? Baby photos for Sears?

>> No.8802557


>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Flyknit Racers (€150)

>Country of origin:

6ft 1' (185cm)

>Physical activity:

>Marital status:

>Describe you sexual life:
Mainly making out in Nightclubs, stops there.

Going into 3rd year for Web Dev

Worked for the Summer, noting during college months

>Describe your social life:
Extremely busy (town 3/4 nights a week) cruising with friends other nights

>> No.8802564

Age: 18
Most expensive piece of clothing: Raf Simons Blazer?
Country of origin: USA
Height: 6'3" (I've stopped growing)
Physical activity: None, I'm skinny
Marital status: Not married
Describe you sexual life: >implying
Education: Highschool so far, but I'm going to college
Work: I've had small jobs and internships
Describe your social life: Different friend groups makes stuff complicated. Usually busy on weekends and after school, so I can't complain.

>> No.8802582

>work, none
Qué coincidencia

>> No.8802585

>£230 shoes
>i didnt go to high school i bought one
>foot locker smh
>not bad could be much better but its better than it was

>> No.8802594

>Age: 20 M
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Rolex Oyster Perpetual Submariner
>Country of origin: USA
>Height: 5'7"
>Physical activity: Rock Climbing, Hiking, Biking
>Marital status: Single
>Describe you sexual life: Non-existent since my Ex-GF, I don't do hook-ups, though I have had plenty of opportunities, not saying I date to marry, but I don't want to do short term (crude definition, less than a year)
>Education: In College, Chem major
>Work: Computer Programming, Tech Support and legal research at Father's Law Firm, Abercroimbie and Fitch Sales associate.
>Describe your social life: Limited, I have trust issues with people I know drink alcohol, even if they only do so rarely, I don't smoke, drink or use any other substances, and as such am fairly isolated from people my age, of my limited, though close, friend group, most are a few years younger than me, with 2-3 exceptions. Plenty of acquaintances, A good number in other countries, so always someone to Skype or snap or what have you. Activities with friends are typically active and odd (Hiking, Bothering people in stores by trying on wrong gender clothing and dancing in the store, Urban Exploration, Look for Art galleries and so forth).

>> No.8802602

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
>Country of origin:Germany
>Physical activity:Basketball
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:Virgin
>Education:About to start college
>Work:fruit and vegetable retailer
>Describe your social life:420 blaze it

>> No.8802604


>Most expensive piece of clothing:

>Country of origin:

170-172 cm

>Physical activity
Martial arts, pool

>Marital status:

>Describe you sexual life:
Virgin (fuck...)

Double bachleor degree, still at uni though

in search

>Describe your social life:
Pissed of by my so-called friends.
Im not sure what im doing with my life, jesus.

>> No.8802617

>hugo boss blazer - $600
>Ice Hockey, Weight Lifting, Swimming
>Active, mostly hookups, sex only 3x
>Currently at College
>None-Full time student
>Good, bit of an introvert, have friends, can be social, not a Beta.

>> No.8802650

>Age: 18
>Most expensive piece of clothing: carhartt parka
>Country of origin: France
>Height: 5'8
>Physical activity: hiking/outdoor activities
>Marital status: single
>Describe you sexual life: virgin
>Education: post-secondary preparatory school
>Work: none
>Describe your social life: seeing friends from high school/people of my class from time to time

>> No.8802658


>>Most expensive piece of clothing:
EG cruiser jacket

>>Country of origin:


>>Physical activity
skateboarding, walking

>>Marital status:

>>Describe you sexual life:
no longer interested



>>Describe your social life:
small circles of friends

>> No.8802679
File: 175 KB, 498x594, 500millionfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Age: 22
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Either my Acne Silas Bomber or My Gucci and SLP sneakers. Can't remember
>Country of origin: Switzerland
>Height: 175cm
>Physical activity: None, but I work as a gas station clerk so at least I move around a little
>Marital status: Single
>Describe you sexual life: Had sex with 4 different prostitutes last year, although this year I used that money for siqq kawps. Otherwise never had a gf
>Education: Currently entering my final bachelor year at uni
>Work: Gas station clerk
>Describe your social life: I have a few close friends with which I drink beers and smoke weed, but otherwise I seldom go to parties. I have social anxiety though it got way better with time. I wish I had a gf so I could actually know what it feels like to be loved by someone

>> No.8802706

>Age: 21
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Tweed Frock
>Country of origin: US
>Height: 5'8''
>Physical activity: Often but not enough
>Marital status: In a LTR
>Describe your sexual life: Virgin
>Education: In College
>Work: Barista
>Describe your social life: Has just majorly got smaller, trying to rebuild.

>> No.8802710

Remove kebab

>> No.8802715

>Age: 23
>Most expensive piece of clothing: black cp mids
>Country of origin: usa
>Height: 6'3
>Physical activity: biking, skating, walking
>Marital status: single
>Describe you sexual life: nogf since april
>Education: 2 years of college
>Work: bartender
>Describe your social life: lots of male friends, only a few female friends. i'm pretty much always busy with my social life when i'm not working

>> No.8802718

so many manlets and virgins, really explains a lot

>> No.8802719

>>Most expensive piece of clothing:
>>Country of origin:
>>Physical activity
>>Marital status:
>>Describe you sexual life:
>>Describe your social life:

>> No.8802726

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
I guess Thom Browne blazers
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
Lifting and cardio
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Advanced, I fuck a lot of older women/married women/girls with boyfriends.
If I had to guess, probably around 250 women so far, only had 3 girlfriends though.
Culinary school degree that I don't do anything with. Looking to get associates in non invasive cardiovascular tech soon if I can find a school near me.
None, most recent job was night management at an extended stay hotel.
>Describe your social life:
None. I leave the house maybe 3 times a month.

>> No.8802728

Virgin is a given but I don't expect this many manlets lol.

>> No.8802731

>Age: 24
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Burberry Trench
>Country of origin: Korea/US
>Height: 5'2
>Physical activity: Runner
>Marital status: in a LTR
>Describe you sexual life: freaky
>Education: Bachelor's
>Work: Finance related
>Describe your social life: No close friends, just people I hang with because neither of us wants to be bored

>> No.8802748

>If I had to guess, probably around 250 women so far, only had 3 girlfriends though.
>None, most recent job was night management at an extended stay hotel.
>None. I leave the house maybe 3 times a month.

This doesn't seem to add up.

>> No.8802754

Aren't you like 5'9 and work for your mom and dad shoveling shit?

>> No.8802755

18 years old
>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Suit for prom
>Country of origin:
6'3", 190 cm
>Physical activity:
>Marital status:
>Describe your sexual life:
Virgin by choice (religion and tfw no gf)
Graduated high school and missed deadline for community college so entering next year
None,but looking.
>Describe your social life:
Dead as fuck.

>> No.8802759

I hook up online, its very easy. I'm not incredible looking, but have a decent face/body and big dick and that's really about all it takes when someone just wants to fuck.

>> No.8802765

What sites do you use to hook up with milfs?

>> No.8802778

i am 6'3 and work for no man

>> No.8802784

>Age: 25
>Most expensive piece of clothing: 100 €Winter Jacket
>Country of origin: Finland
>Height: 179cm
>Physical activity: Very little
>Marital status: Committed
>Describe you sexual life: Active
>Education: Studying CS in University
>Work: Some work as AV/IT consultant
>Describe your social life: Not as good as it could be, if I were to bother with it.

>> No.8802789

Not every Bosnian is a fucking muslim, fuckface...

>> No.8802790

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
235 eu t-shirt (x2)
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity:
gym every other day
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
pretty good for my age
starting uni next year
buying/selling things
>Describe your social life:
I hate most of the people i get to see and i get a lot of hate too, but i have a few good friends tho.

>> No.8802795

tough day at the kebab shop m8?

>> No.8802815

>Age: 20
>Most Expensive Piece of Clothing: Nike Mags
>Country of Origin: Puerto Rico
>Height: 5'11
>Marital Status: Committed Relationship
>Describe your sexual life: Very active with partner. Daily orgasms
>Education: 2 years Med School
>Work: Paramedic -Advanced
>Describe your social life: Grew up in inner cit Boston so there's always something to do and it explains the Mags.
Usually just try new restaurants with friends or have some parties. Hyped for Color Run in Providence

>> No.8802819



>> No.8802832

>>Age: 20
>>Most expensive piece of clothing: Yohji suit
>>Country of origin: Canada
>>Height: 6'2"
>>Physical activity: None
>>Marital status: Not married
>>Describe you sexual life: Awkward
>>Education: Chem engineering
>>Work: Enough to cop sick shit
>>Describe your social life: Good

>> No.8802845
File: 96 KB, 720x1088, 1409768544855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
My parka or my red wings, both of which I bought for about $300
>Country of origin:
United States
5ft 10in
>Physical activity
Sedentary lifestyle, but I exercise for about 45 minutes a day
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Have nearly given up on finding anyone interested in me
sophomore majoring in Computer Science
Haven't had an 'actual' job yet. Work experience is limited to doing odd jobs for random people.
>Describe your social life:
Good. I'm pretty easy to talk to and a lot of people enjoy being around me, I think. Although, I have extreme social anxiety when it comes to online social networking sites like twitter and Facebook for some reason.

>> No.8802918

your /b/ is leaking

>> No.8802952

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Fossil jacket - 130 or something I can't remember
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Studying for a B.S in Digital forensics/networking
I sell exotic gourmet jerky
>Describe your social life:

>> No.8802956

(whoops, forgot this chunk)
>Social life:
Have a lot of good friends. Apparently I'm attractive which draws in girls, I don't understand. Ever since I worked retail I've gotten increasingly better at communication which is cool. EVERYTHING IS COOL

>> No.8802960
File: 45 KB, 640x588, 1409329695963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Most expensive piece of clothing:
$190 Acne Ace Cash jeans
>>Country of origin:
USA (master race)
5'7 (manlet but it's ok cuz I'm going for little-kidcore)
>>Physical activity
MMA, working out, walking
>>Marital status:
>>Describe you sexual life:
Bitter asspie turns girls off half way through every relationship
Math and CS double major in undergrad
Scholarships + mum's house
>>Describe your social life:
People like to be my friend when they meet me, but then eventually want to stop being my friend

f-fucking normalcunts, a-amirite?

>> No.8802964

Just a concerned friend. You can always talk to me. I'll have a lamb shish and chips though for now m8.

>> No.8802965

Jack off to a lot of random shit from /d/, wimmin quickly stop being anything noteworthy
I can talk to them without wanting to fuck them now, but others I can only imagine having a cock

>> No.8802971

>Age: 20
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Nike Flyknit, Multicolor
>Country of origin: Denmark
>Height: 194cm
>Physical activity: Cardio. Thin and muscular.
>Marital status: Girlfriend
>Describe you sexual life: Girlfriend...
>Education: Bachelor in IT-based marketing communication
>Work: Clothing store
>Describe your social life: Decent, lot's of friends.

A real normfag...

>> No.8802975

not just /b/ but also /pol/

>> No.8802980

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
$250 boots :3
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity:
Soccer, weight lifting, bike riding everyday
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Currently attending uni...so it's good, sex about 5 or so times a month so far
in 2nd year of 4 year degree
part time at a liquor store in an affluent area of the city... get hit on by rich milfs that come in
>Describe your social life:
very tight and very cool group of friends..
some outsiders that i dont mind hanging with

>> No.8802981
File: 377 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n9sxjdqdmK1qgx5a3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Most expensive piece of clothing:
balmain biker jeans $1400
>>Country of origin:
>>Physical activity
>>Marital status:
these hoes aint loyal
>>Describe you sexual life:
in uni
no need
>>Describe your social life:

>> No.8802987

Ralph Lauren Cardigan
United Stated
Gym 4 days a week, mostly sedentary otherwise.
4th year computer engineer at a 5 year school
None - sometimes resell stuff for pocket change
Live alone - prefer to have a close circle of a few friends.

>> No.8802990

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
N&F jeans
>Country of origin:
6' 0"
>Physical activity
Biking, running, sk8board
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Fast food
>Describe your social life:all my friends are faggots, not in the /fa/ way

>> No.8803000

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Thom Browne sweater
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
Cycling and Jogging
>Marital status:
/fa/, single, and ready to mingle
>Describe you sexual life:
currently doing business management course
'team leader' of checkouts in a supermarket
>Describe your social life:

>> No.8803034

>£550 Mismo weekend bag
>About to start masters degree
>Pretty strong; out most weekend; 3 strong groups of friends

>> No.8803042
File: 57 KB, 303x238, Screenshot - 09142014 - 12:05:59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 21
Most expensive piece: $150 pair of Chocoran Mauraders that I got to wear with my uniform, but also wear with normal clothes because I like them.
Height: 5'3" Manlet
Phys. Activity: I do PT every other day because I'm required to, and I also run and lift occasionally
Marital: Single
Sexual Life: I have a girlfriend that I haven't seen in quite a while becuase I'm halfway across the country for training
Education: An associate's degree in programming and an associate's degree in Network Engineering
Work: Air Force, "Cyber Transport".. I do nothing important other than troubleshooting when people call me saying they can't get to the google.
Social Life: Buddies in class, girlfriend, and roommate. I go drink at a bar with complete strangers on the weekends, and I get along great with them I guess.

> Femme inspo because I occasionally cross-dress

>> No.8803053

>Age: 21
>Most expensive piece of clothing: $300 down parka
>Country of origin: USA
>Height: 5'9
>Physical activity: Marathons, calisthenics
>Marital status: single type4lyfe
>Describe you sexual life: empty
>Education: have the writing and mathematics skills of a 7th grader
>Work: Dishwasher
>Describe your social life: Handful of very close friends. Don't really give a shit about making acquaintances.

Is it bad that I'm finally starting to really, really like my life. Not in a complacent way either.

>> No.8803143

>Most expensive piece of clothing
No idea, most recent expensive piece was €120
>Country of origin
>Physical activity
cycling (1 hour a day prob) and some lifting
>Marital status
>Sexual life
mess around with a few girls, still virgin tho
Atheneum (dutch system, but this will get you in university)
Vacation jobs and stuff, nothing permanent
>Social life
Can get along with everyone at school, have a few good friends and a few female friends

>> No.8803150



>Nudies or Varvatos cons, same price



>Run a mile daily

>Not married

>I get around (also l.o.l. at all these virgins)

>Livin the uni life


>I'm acquainted with hundreds of people, have maybe four friends tho

>> No.8803209

24, Male
>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Excluding jewels and vintage/currently illegal stuff (ivory, endangered fur), probably a $300 coat. I don't spend much on clothes themselves.
>Country of origin:
168cm (am small fag)
>Physical activity
None, anorexia
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Active, at least once a day unless I have a very busy day. My husband and I have many kinks/fetishes.
Currently in college (Fashion Design)
Not at the moment, it would kill my free time and ruin my grades
>Describe your social life:
Very developed inside college. Outside it, I cut contact with pretty much everyone I know for personal reasons.

>> No.8803216


I kaj se nosi? Rick i ekipa ili? Imate vi uopce H&M?Nemojte se uvrjedit.

Sjeverna Hrvatska ovdje

>> No.8803218

>Age: 19
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Probably one of my peacoats.
>Country of origin: USA
>Height: 5'3"
>Physical activity: None resting weight of around 100lbs
>Marital status: Going on 4yrs with bf, maybe something will happen when we're out of college, who knows.
>Describe you sexual life: ldr
>Education: 2nd year in college
>Work: Barista in summer, otherwise full time student
>Describe your social life: Set of high school friends I see pretty much every day, lots of casual friends from class but I don't hang out with them, best friends in different cities/states from me.

>> No.8803349

>$600 sheepskin bomber jacket
>ride bike 10 miles every day, AROTC physical training 3 times a week+crawling in the mud every Thursday, adult ice hockey 3 times a week, kendo 3 times a week, occasional trips to batting cages
>haven't done anything fun in 3 years
>2 years of college
>cashier at local grocery store
>I mostly just stay inside and hang out with my turtle.

>> No.8803369

>most expensive piece
Louis Vuitton chukka
>physical activity
run, snowboard, im a slender dood
>marital status
not for a while
>sex life
full time student in college
drug dealer/dairy boy
>social life
life of the party, im very outgoing and sociable

>> No.8803383

>ctrl+f "virgin:

>20 results


>> No.8803391

~$14,000 jacket
Rowing, running
I fuck a lot of bitches, hardly make love, a new slag each time
Ph.D in mathematics (algebraic geometry, so that's not where I'm getting my money from, as you may have expected)
I study L-functions, higher-dimensional varieties and intersection theory for a living
I go out with a fuckload of people but I'm not really close to any of them, I have enough money to do whatever I want to do and that's what my social life is based around

>> No.8803399


>Giving up your most precious possession to the succubi and incubi that inhibit this world


>> No.8803406

I'm fine with it. My feet never hang out the end of a bed.

>> No.8803409

Why would most expensive peice of clothing matter

>> No.8803414
File: 186 KB, 756x600, 1410397938671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
BBB Jacket
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity:
Walking around campus, walking in general
>Marital status:
In a Committed Relationship
>Describe you sexual life:
Honours Bachelor of Arts
Library Assistant
>Describe your social life:
Fun, lighthearted, drama-less

>> No.8803417


Nice double dubs

But no seriously, keep making excuses for never making it around the bases

>> No.8803435

Because an integral part of /fa/ is dickwaving expensive shit because a lot of people think that's the same as being well dresses

>> No.8803441

>Implying everybody on /fa/ gets pussy

>> No.8803461
File: 37 KB, 384x305, DsvgK4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
NP sweater
>Country of origin:
shipped from Denmark, made in italy
>Physical activity
Run 5-8 miles every other day
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
ok I suppose, have sex 1-3 times a week
In college
barista, currently looking for another job as well
>Describe your social life:
virtually non-existent. I don't connect with too many on such a level that I'd want to hang with them. I might go out with a platonic friend maybe once a month, if at all.

>> No.8803464

>Age: 18
>Most expensive piece of clothing: 400$ Evisu pants (lel, not even sure why I bought them)
>Country of origin: Denmark
>Height: 178 cm
>Physical activity: Strength training combined with cardio 3 times a week (also browsing /fit/
>Marital status: tfw no gf, pls /fit/
>Describe you sexual life: Virgin - Kissed with a lot of girls though.
>Education: Last year before going to Uni (Engineering)
>Work: No job - Only work in the summer and in the winter because of school
>Describe your social life: Got lots of friends - hang out, drinking, having fun

>> No.8803475 [DELETED] 

fuck, meant to say I wasn't married. I am in a relationship though.

>> No.8803477
File: 485 KB, 429x750, 1354911341386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Age: 22

>>Most expensive piece of clothing: Tag Heuer Aquaracer (bought for me for my birthday)

>>Country of origin: England

>>Height: 6'3"

>>Physical activity: fairly physical job that requires unloading deliveries and lifting full kegs (50kg+)

>>Marital status: single

>>Describe you sexual life: haven't even kissed a girl since a one night stand in January during which i was blackout drunk (lost my virginity to a girl in the summer of last year)

>>Education: recently graduated with a degree in international business in the summer

>>Work: sort of supervisor at a nightclub

>>Describe your social life: not much because my friends work 9-5 and i wake up at 1 everyday so lots of internet, get fridays off so go to the club i work in and get stupid drunk because of lack of sleep/low tolerance levels due to not drinking often anymore. Been fucking around with mixing software recently and getting an mp3 controller this week, might start DJing at my friend's night that they run in a few months

>> No.8803486

>Age: 22
>>Most expensive piece of clothing: a shity suit .
>>Country of origin: Colombia
>>Height: 172 cm
>>Physical activity. Sports, rugby mainly
>>Marital status: single
>>Describe you sexual life: None, had a few chicks before college, not anymore.
>>Education: In third year of Engineering.
>>Work: None, dont want it and dont need it
>>Describe your social life: got a few real friends in college, got no life outside college though.

>> No.8803491

holy shit,I guess I should've put American in country of origin, the way it's worded made it sound like it's referencing the article of clothing. christ.

>> No.8803500

>suit jacket like 200$
>quiet active
>high school education only

>> No.8803503

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
YMC bomber jacket
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity:
i will soon i promise
>Marital status:
have a gf
>Describe you sexual life:
long distance relationship but makes for bigger payoff when the sex is had
4th year of uni
used to volunteer at charity shop
>Describe your social life:
shit friends, need new ones. one or two solids

>> No.8803506

So it's high school circa 2000

>> No.8803510

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
200$ shoes
>Country of origin:
185 cm / 6' 1
>Physical activity:
Lifting weights
>Marital status:
Just out of a two and half year relationship
>Describe you sexual life:
Banging my ex when we get lonely
Architecture School
Work in a film society, not getting paid..
>Describe your social life:
Pretty good, lots of friends because the architecture milieu is so incestious. Lots of drinking too.

>> No.8803561


>J.Crew Garrison Fatigue @ $144
>5'8'' (5'8.5'' but no one gives a fuck)
>none at the moment
>still a virgin
>High school diploma, in uni for a 4-year degree
>Just got my first job at Starbucks
>meh. There are parties every month are so. Trying to improve

>> No.8803595

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
maybe like $50
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
high school
>Describe your social life:

probably just going to suicide soon

>> No.8803604

>Most expensive piece of clothing: my acne jeans (unless shoes count?)
>Country of origin: USA
>Height: 5'4"
>Physical activity: I go to the gym or go running every other day plus play tennis on sundays
i'm in the best shape of my life fr
>Marital status: single
>Describe you sexual life: satisfying. qt /fa/ fwb
>Education: in college
>Work: currently unemployed although i work in a bakery in the summer
>Describe your social life:
fulfilling but not v. /fa/
i hate my friends sometimes but i'd hate not having any friends more

>> No.8803640

... why would you do that?

>> No.8803651

>Age: 21
>Most expensive piece of clothing purchased this week: $54,000 Rick jacket
>Country of origin: US of A
>Height: 8'7"
>Physical activity: winning Olympic gold medals for lifting and running
>Marital status: i fuck any bitch I see
>Describe you sexual life: i fuck any bitch I see
>Education: doctorate of economics at Harvard
>Work: CEO of Goldman Sachs but not a jew
>Describe your social life: everyone bows down to me

>> No.8803856

>Age: 25
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Vivienne Westwood tee
>Country of origin: France
>Height: 165 cm
>Physical activity: bike, that's pretty much it
>Marital status: single
>Describe you sexual life: nothing since I broke up with my ex 3 months ago and can't find normal-looking guys which are not douchebags full of STDs
>Education: master degree in communication
>Work: Marketing & PR for entertainment industry
>Describe your social life: nothing since I moved to Paris, can't find friends. I'm fucking alone in this city full of shit.

>> No.8803878


You sound like if you were in some kind of underground network for gay poachers.

>> No.8804032

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
$160 rain jacket
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
long walks sometimes
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
wank a lot
high school graduate
>Describe your social life:
hanging with the stoners from highschool

>> No.8804040


>> No.8804044


>> No.8804064

w2c fit

>> No.8804117

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
$350 dress (looks incredibly similar to the one Lupita Nyong'o wore to the Oscars this year)
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity:
Quite active
>Marital status:
>Describe your sexual life:
Nonexistent (Not quite interested)
Just started college.
>Describe your social life:
Pretty extensive and busy most times, I have a lot of acquaintances and some friends. I love a good chat/debate so I usually make conversation even if I don't know the person (in general or just not know them that well.)

>> No.8804122

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
350 euro leather jacket
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
running, road cycling, swimming, a bit of calisthenics
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
unfortunately, non existent, but working on it
studying maths
>Describe your social life:
small circle of friends with whom I meet quite regurarly

>> No.8804135

$600 suit
Lots of squats and situps
Sex life not found
High school completed
Work in IT making a decent wage considering no diploma
Social life is pretty tame, drinks and games with friends on the weekend.

>> No.8804137

fuck man, completely understand that feel.

>> No.8804140

confirmed for buying fake ass lanvin because no job poorbitch

>> No.8804148
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yeah sure pedro.

>> No.8804153
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>Most expensive piece of clothing:
$240 boots.
>Country of origin:
5' 11''
>Physical activity:
Rock Climb 2-3 times a week. Active job.
>Marital status:
Recently Engaged (YOLO)
>Describe you sexual life:
Recently Engaged
I work for the man.
>Describe your social life:
Climbing and drinking.

>> No.8804160

Honestly you just have to, at least, appear to be confident and happy even if you're not getting laid. Confidence is the ultimate pussy magnet.

>> No.8804176

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
RW x Beams suede postman derbies - $350ish
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
Running and lifting
>Marital status:
Single - but seeing someone
>Describe you sexual life:
Virgin, but that'll hopefully change soon
Studying a bachelor of Education and Art (majoring in Japanese language)
Right now I work at a English teaching kindergarten in Tokyo
>Describe your social life
I would say very good. I have lots of very valuable friends and I seem to be able to get along well with most people. I've come out of my social shell a lot over the last couple of years

>> No.8804183

shit was thrifted brand new, so this poorbitch is pretty happy either way

>> No.8804184

pls don't
there are so many great things in the world,
even little things matter, and large unexpected things too and one day you're going to be so glad you didn't

>> No.8804191

Quit smoking weed and obsessing about your ex... That's a pretty sad existence, mane

>> No.8804201
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>Most expensive piece of clothing:
RO 2009 dunks
>Country of origin:
5'8 grew half an inch last year somehow
>Physical activity
compound lifts 3-4x/week, not as much because small gym in 20,000 student school
>Marital status:
1yr with gf
>Describe you sexual life:
satisfied, 3-4x/month
trying to find one
>Describe your social life:
tight-knit group of friends met on the first day, mostly girls, 3 dudes and a hi fashion gay dude

>> No.8804205

That's David Bowie, shitstain

>> No.8804309

Should make an actual net survey so we can compile a little report on the data and get averages. Might be interesting.

>> No.8804386


>> No.8804419

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Sperry's Leeward Chukkas
>Country of origin:
American-Born Chinese
>Physical activity
Soccer practice twice a week, gym 3-4 times a week
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Self-love is the purest love of all.
BS in progress
>Describe your social life:
A few good friends, some farther than I'd like. Many friends and acquaintances. Not about the big, loud life.

>> No.8804467

>>Age: 19
>>Most expensive piece of clothing: Stella McCartney pants. I don't remember how much the MSRP was
>>Country of origin: China
>>Height: 5'4.5"
>>Physical activity: Walking
>>Marital status: Old cat lady
>>Describe you sexual life: Few random hookups, otherwise nothing
>>Education: in college atm
>>Work: student
>>Describe your social life: have a handful of besties I hang out quite often with, a few acquaintances I chat with in passing. Also random strangers who compliment me on my fits

>> No.8804478

whya re you so fukcing short lmao
:raf parachute bomberino
:middle asia, in canada atm, fuck this country tho
:walking swimming
:fuck bitches get money
:not working
:random korean/azn qts downtown I always take from their groups cause korean/azn males are so beta

>> No.8804488

o ye, height

>> No.8804499 [DELETED] 

>$70 MCR Black parade jacket
>Run ~2 miles/week
>Pretty much a stud. (AKA nonexistent)
>In high school
>Meh. Couple of friends.

>> No.8804502

>Age: 24
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Probably my Stighlorgan bag, or a watch... neither really clothes.
>Country of origin: Colombia
>Height: 6'0
>Physical activity: City living, with infrequent work out sprees
>Marital status: Not
>Describe you sexual life: Active
>Education: University
>Work: Retail.
>Describe your social life: Blossoming

>> No.8804504

pls b in london

>> No.8804515

Which country are you from friend? Also I'm a jehova's witness although I've stopped going I still believe the teachings they taught me.

>> No.8804524


>> No.8804543

>Age: 21
>Most expensive piece of clothing: an express peacoat I got when I was 17. I pretty much limit 150 as max for any one piece.
>Country of origin: US, AZ
>Height: 6'2"
>Physical activity: I lift and do cardio daily
>Marital status: I have a casual gf
>Describe you sexual life: only have sex with gfs, easy girls are a turn off
>Education: junior in college
>Work: banana republic sales associate
>Describe your social life: A few close friends, some acquaintances. I make friends easily and am very good socially but chose who I actually want to hang out with more which isn't many people.

>> No.8804549


>1300$ Hermes shoes
>6 ft
>Lift heavy and run almost everyday
>Got laid 2 month ago :/
>Working on college degree
>work in marketing and bartend
>some very close friends

>> No.8804575


>> No.8804591
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>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Poorfag. I never spend more than $200 on a single item.
>Country of origin:
175 cms
>Physical activity:
Walk to and from work everyday (2-3 km). Gym twice a week.
>Marital status:
Been seeing a girl for 3 months.
>Describe you sexual life:
Healthy. About once a week. Pretty vanilla.
College graduate
Foreign languages professor at a college.
>Describe your social life:
Hang out with my friends and colleagues often, although I don't really enjoy going out. Not because anxiety, it's just exhausting.

>> No.8804593

>Age: 19
>Most expensive piece of clothing: $300 custom coat from a relative, ugly as hell.
>Country of origin: Canada
>Height: 6"3
>Physical activity: work out every two days.
>Marital status: Unmarried.
>Describe you sexual life: All over the place. Bisexual, mostly sleep with friends and classmates. No gf for a year.
>Education: Going to college.
>Work: ex-department-store shoe salesman.
>Describe your social life: Busy, lots of strange friends.

>> No.8804596

dont do it bro what if sumthing cool happens tomorow

>> No.8804642

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
I own two jackets that both cost $160, i know, poorfag
>Country of origin:
5'10/11, somewhere between that
>Physical activity
Work out a little at home. Gotta do at least 60 pushups each day, 50 pull ups and 50 chin ups. that's the minimum
>Describe your sexual life
Straight and on my way to become a wizard
Last year of fucking high school
I don't
>Describe your social life
Jerking off around my house with the lights off and curtains closed

>> No.8804647

>Age: 23
>Most expensive piece of clothing: $150 Marmot jacket
>Country of origin: USA
>Height: 5'7'' manlet
>Physical activity: used to lift, mountain bike and parkour. now mostly walking to and from class and to the library
>Marital status: single ..ladies ;)
>Describe you sexual life: not much of one
>Education: bs nuclear engineering in progress
>Work: nah
>Describe your social life: good on weekends, none during the week

>> No.8804649

does this 60/50/50 shit work for you and your body?

>> No.8804671

I like to believe it does. My arms did get *slightly* bigger, but that's the only difference I've seen thus far in around less than a month. It just makes me feel better that I'm doing something as opposed to doing nothing at all.

The other day a girl in my class said I look like I could be a football player. That was a first for me.

>> No.8804682
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>Most expensive piece of clothing:
1460 Doc Martens. Planning to revamp my wardrobe as most of it is all either falling apart, secondhand/thrift or both.
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
Cardio/lift three times a week. Job is physically demanding.
>Marital status:
LDR w/ qt3.14bf for 9 months.
>Describe your sexual life:
A lot of Skype.
Student. Majoring in studio arts, probably going to minor in CS.
I shelve books in a library.
>Describe your social life:
Most of them are creative-types which gets exhausting. Have plenty of friends that are far more effay that I enjoy hanging out with casually.

I get invited to a lot of parties and shows on the weekends, but I also have a hilarious amount of social anxiety/autism so I usually flake out or dip really early. e.g. Last night, I slept in my car while everyone partied because I didn't want to end the night early for the people I drove there.

I don't have a social life at my own uni since everyone's really basic, so I keep it superficial.

>> No.8804705
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>Most expensive piece of clothing:
$850 AUD Kathmandu Gore-tex. Racked it.
>Country of origin:
like 5'10 I think
>Physical activity
Box about 5 times a week.
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
I haven't had sex in like a year.
Just started university.
Builder's labouring, drug dealing.
>Describe your social life:
It's ok!

>> No.8804781
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>Thinking most mexicans look like that.
>Prob. admires Ricardo Castro

>> No.8804811

>Age: 18
>Most expensive piece of clothing: lagerfeld shades, idk cost was gift
>Country of origin:USA
>Physical activity: skateboard, snowboard, run
>Marital status: single
>Describe your sexual life: Virgin by choice, haven't found anyone im head-over-heels for but on occasion hook up
>Education: senior in hs
>Work: Juice bar
>Describe your social life: Chill, skate, party, cook, art with the friends

>> No.8804834


>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Black petit standards (~$230)

>Country of origin:


>Physical activity

>Marital status:

>Describe you sexual life:
sex every day almost

high school


>Describe your social life:
i don't have any friends
i stay home all day studying doing high school shit to get into a good university
i hate my life

>> No.8804838

>Age: 22
>Most expensive piece of clothing: dunno, probably some clae boots
>Country of origin: USA
>Height: 6'
>Physical activity: gym 2-3 times a week
>Marital status: single
>Describe you sexual life: lol
>Education: bfa in graphic design
>Work: live mixer + recording engineer
>Describe your social life: lol

>> No.8804842 [DELETED] 
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>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Poofy Moncler softshell, cost close to a thousand, don't remember exactly
As for shit I wear more regularly, probably CPs and a Ted Baker suede harrington (both around ~$300)
>Country of origin:
178cm (5'10)
>Physical activity:
Was a swimmer/runner, now lift 3x / week
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Irregular hookups in college, last one was a grenade jump week and a half ago
Engineering undergraduate, second year
Used to sell popcorn & work at amusement parks, shit sucks
>Describe your social life:
Breddy gud, get really sauced with good friends every weekend. Trying to adjust into school mode but I haven't gotten it out of my system yet. Liver and lungs taking a beating

>> No.8804846
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>Most expensive piece of clothing:
bespoke dress made after one of Madeline Vionnet's designs, my regular clothes are mostly thrifted
>Country of origin:
a country in Europe known for its poverty and strong dislike of kebab
>Physical activity:
I'm an excellent swimmer
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Ayy lmao
>Describe your social life:
Ayy lmao

>> No.8804849

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Rick Owens stooges biker jacket (around 5200 dollars i think)
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
>Marital status:
Kissless virgin
>Describe you sexual life:
Kissless virgin
Elite private high school
>Describe your social life:
I only go on 4chan

>> No.8804850

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
500 dollar bomber jacket
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
gym every other day
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
get some here and there
art director
>Describe your social life:
drinks and dates and friends take up most of my time

>> No.8804852


>Most expensive piece of clothing:
raf jacket from aw03

>Country of origin:


>Physical activity:
strength training 3x a week

>Marital status:

>Describe you sexual life:

finished year 12, 2nd year at uni

bartender/manual labour/occasional merch sales at festivals and concerts

>Describe your social life:

>> No.8804854
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>Most expensive piece of clothing:
$200 duffel coat. I bought it from some hole-in-the-wall in London I dont know the brand.
>Country of origin:
Poland, living in Canada
>Physical activity
Lifting 5 hours a week. 225 bench, 405 dl, 285 squat
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
my hand treats me well
Second year software development
warehouse job
>Describe your social life:
i get invited to things maybe once a month by my friends, otherwise i'm talking to acquaintances at the gym almost daily

>> No.8804855

>Age: 20
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Iron Heart 301S
>Country of origin: China/HK
>Physical activity:
Kendo, Cross Country
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Just broke up --> no sex
CS Major
>Describe your social life:
Plenty of friends, go to parties every now and then. Hard to find people you actually like in college though.

>> No.8804856

what's your favourite style , backstroke or freestyle?

>> No.8804865
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Butterfly is the most beautiful

>> No.8804877

>>Age: 18
>>Most expensive piece of clothing: vans sk8 hi
>>Country of origin: US
>>Height: 5'9
>>Physical activity: working on car, so random lifting shit
>>Marital status: single
>>Describe you sexual life: virgin
>>Education: senior in HS
>>Work: retail store
>>Describe your social life: have no friends, so i just sit at home and talk to people on my computer, working on my car most of the time

>> No.8804878

> 250 women.
This guy.

>> No.8804888

21, 22nd birthday in 3 hours
>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Penfield parka
>Country of origin:
United States
>Physical activity
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
months from graduating state university undergrad
>Describe your social life:
I spend my nights in bars

>> No.8804893

how big yo dick?

>> No.8804908

it's just so godamn tiring , but looking fab is worth it

>> No.8804930

man don't do it. I tried to kill myself in late-July and am glad I somehow woke up. I'm 21, and at the time felt like I had missed every opportunity life had given me. Long story short after a series of days reflecting on things in a psych ward I realized I was still at the starting line. The only failures I could chalk up to myself simply involved me never giving shit a chance, or even trying.

ps the movies are right, don't take the meds.

>> No.8804936 [DELETED] 

pls b in T

>> No.8804942

happy birthday

>> No.8804946

where do you go to school

>> No.8804995

>Age: 24
>Most expensive piece of clothing: cp Achilles high
>country of origin: Portugal
>Height: 6'0
>physical activity: LOTS AND LOTS OF CYCLING. Also running.
>Marital status: not yet. I had a GF though
>Describe your sexual life: it's meh.
>Education: high school.
>Work: pro cyclist.
>Describe your social life: it is alright. I still talk to close friends from high school. And I am Always meeting new people.

>> No.8805024


Eh, women ruin pussy for me.

>> No.8805066
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>Most expensive piece of clothing
A historical wool coat from Auschwitz. I seriously don't know if I am legally allowed to own this.
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
Lanky af
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
I've kissed girls,but only had sex once
in college
looking to no avail

>Describe your social life
I have dozens of people who know my name and think that I am a decently fun guy. However, I don't feel as if I really fit in to any of the new people I recently met at college. I am trying to find a meaningful connection to a few people I can believe in.

>> No.8805075

Happy birthday anon!

>> No.8805078

Really? It's the easiest one for me. Maybe that's because I learnt it first.

Funny story, that. On the day I learnt how to swim someone shat in the water so the beach had to be evacuated because of floating turds.

>> No.8805087

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Norse projects Thor coat.
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
Run, occasionally go skateboarding
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
College student
>Describe your social life:
Really only party once a month, go shopping a few times a month with gf

>> No.8805099

>>Most expensive piece of clothing:
APC Yeezy tee, but everything else I own is from Qlo, and I never even touch said tee
>>Country of origin:
>>Physical activity:
Running, occasionally
>>Marital status:
>no gf
>>Describe you sexual life:
I pull when I want to, but I have low libido I think
some uni
currently unemployed
>>Describe your social life:
I can dominate social situations, but I guess I'm opposed to actively pursuing social situations, instead preferring to let friends fall into my lap

>> No.8805115

>>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Asuza Jacket
>>Country of origin:
>>Physical activity
cycle, walk everywhere and do one day a week of laboring work
>>Marital status:
single (but seeing someone I guess)
>>Describe you sexual life:
currently seeing super horny ex-lesbian who has mentioned a couple times about getting another gril for threesome
Bachlor completed - currently undertaking honours
Govment $$$ for study + Cash in hand physical laboring one day a week.
>>Describe your social life:
bleak, but fulfilling enough

>> No.8805126


Hasn't the ocean been shat in for a billion years now?

>> No.8805161

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
$250 cole haan
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
Lifting, Crossfit, bicycle
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Shitty. No game or confidence
working on college
>Describe your social life:
more people want to hang with me than i want to do anything. could be as social as I like.

>> No.8805169
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>Age: 18
>Most expensive piece of clothing: $200 Guess genuine leather jacket
>Country of origin: USA
>Height: 5'10"
>Physical activity: Boxing, swimming, weight lifting
>Marital status: Single
>Describe you sexual life: Existent, but not as frequent as one would hope.
>Education: High school, working for college
>Work: Stock boy at retail
>Describe your social life: >See sexual life

>> No.8805176

>Most expensive piece of clothing: Leather Jacket
>Country of origin: USA
>Height: 6'8
>Physical activity: I go to the gym three times a week
>Marital status: Have GF
>Describe you sexual life: Good and fun
>Education: Still in UNI
>Work: Lifeguard
>Describe your social life: Busy

>> No.8805178

w2c wool coat from Auschwitz

>> No.8805182

underage b&

>> No.8805185
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>Age: 18
>Most expensive piece of clothing: idk north face jacket i suppose
>Country of origin: New Zealand
>Height: 6 ft+ not sure specifics
>Physical activity: fuck all
>Marital status: nada
>Describe you sexual life: no libido
>Education: last year of high school
>Work: nada
>Describe your social life: occasional party but mostly weekend get togethers with closer friends

>> No.8805215

>Age: 18
>Most expensive piece : Either my docs or some shitty blazer i bought for formal nearly 2 years ago
>C.o.o: England, in aus now though
>Height: 185cm
>Activity: go to the gym a few times a week and work a shit ton
>Marital Status: Single
>Describe sex life: pretty shit tbh, probs cause i work too much, or im a fuccboi idk
>Education: Completed year 12 and gonna start uni to become a paramedic next feb
>Work: Kitchen hand in expensive restaurant half the week, a waiter the rest of it
>Social life: pretty good, friends with aload of people but only close friends i can name on one hand

>> No.8805241
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>Most expensive piece of clothing:
800$ burberry watch
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
>Marital status:
not married
>Describe you sexual life:
i have sex everyday because i'm in a relationship. i was a virgin until 21 tho. lots of getting different girls nude but not a lot of having sex with different girls.
diploma some college
day job make pizza, make money on the side with music selling hats and t-shirts
>Describe your social life:
a few close friends shit ton of acquaintances. i don't smoke weed but a lot of my friends do. usually at the bar with my boys or chilling sippin some natty daddy while they're getting blunted.

>> No.8805248


>> No.8805251


>> No.8805259

Age: 18
Clothing: Raf Simons Bomber
Tennis, Swimming
Not married
Girlfriend, sex 15-20 times a month
Very happy with going out ever once in a while

>> No.8805262

sup sup

>> No.8805264

I'm guessing some of the swimmers complained. Then again it's Montenegro, you're lucky NOT to find a turd in the sea.

>> No.8805276

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Rx Raybans or $170 Penfield jacket
>Country of origin:
5 11.5
>Physical activity:
Cycling / gym
>Describe you sexual life:
age gap. daddy play.
two college diplomas
>Describe your social life:
mostly with gf. pretty popular in local music/art scenes. don't go out much anymore though. few good old friends.

>> No.8805331

>I have dozens of people who know my name and think that I am a decently fun guy. However, I don't feel as if I really fit in to any of the new people I recently met at college. I am trying to find a meaningful connection to a few people I can believe in.

Ugh iktf even

>> No.8805360

>Age: 32
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Paid a few hundred for some of my outerwear
>Country of origin: USA
>Height: 5'9"
>Physical activity: Gym and cardio 6 days a week
>Marital status: Have a partner
>Describe you sexual life: Sex every day
>Education: Postgraduate degree
>Work: Self-employed writer
>Describe your social life: several close friends, many acquaintances, go out 6 days a week

>> No.8805371

>Age: 23
>Most expensive piece of clothing: parka jacket, very poorfag other than that
>Country of origin: England
>Height: 170cm (5"7)
>Physical activity: 30 hours physical labor per week, skateboarding whenever I have energy
>Marital status: married
>Describe you sexual life: 3-4 times per week
>Education: been working since I graduated high school
>Work: janitor/maintenance
>Describe your social life: I act friendly towards others to save awkwardness but completely lock them out the minute they suggest hanging out. other than my wife I have zero friends.

>> No.8805446

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Wood Wood parka. Or Baxter boots. I dunno.
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
Lazy sorta-skinnyfat no exercise tier
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Kinda infrequent. Need to spice things up I think... it's been almost 2 years and I still don't rly know what turns my bf on (apart from voyeurism)
Graduate end of next year with computer and design shit
Part-time retail, shit pay
>Describe your social life:
1 really old friend that I see pretty often, 1 other friend that I see a little bit less, I don't go out much since my band stopped playing shows

>> No.8805450


>Most expensive piece of clothing
$200 long coat
>Country of origin
5''3 (female)
>Physical activity
sedentary (i'm a lazy fuck)
>Martial status
>Describe your sexual life
no sex life to speak of because virgin
fucked up my first year so now i'm just trying to get my gpa back up to stay in uni
>Describe your social life
shit, i especially haven't made human contact since going to university.

>> No.8805475

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Some jacket for a few hundred, not sure
>Country of origin:
185 cm
>Physical activity
I run sometimes and do stuff like push ups and so on. Nothing much really
>Marital status:
Single, although I'm kind of with someone.
>Describe you sexual life:
Been a while. I can't say that I really care much about this sort of stuff though.
I have a Bachelor's degree in physics and am doing my master atm
I'm working at a particle accelerator. That sounds impressive, so I'm better off not specifying what I'm doing there.
>Describe your social life:
I don't have any friends at all, know this girl who lives far away. We Skype every day, that's the only kind of social output I have. I'm pretty sure I'd be going completely nuts without that.

>> No.8805518

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
Retail was $1400 in US, I paid much less ty based Rak. White Mountaineering long coat
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
Run twice a week, gym twice a week
>Marital status:
Single n ready to mingle B)
>Describe you sexual life:
last had sex 1 month ago w/now ex gf
in progress m8y
retail lyfe
>Describe your social life:
keep to a few close friends

>> No.8805541

Wow, you sound incredibly boring.

>> No.8805544

>Age: 23
>Most expensive piece of clothing: $300 suit I wore to my senior dance
>Country of origin: Australia
>Height: 6'1''
>Physical activity: Mild, though soon to be moderate (starting a new job, will need to cycle to work)
>Marital status: Unmarried, with girlfriend
>Describe you sexual life: Fairly active with girlfriend
>Education: Bachelor of Engineering
>Work: Engineering intern
>Describe your social life: Not very active beyond my girlfriend and one or two other friends who I don't see very much

>> No.8805549

22 in two months
>Most expensive piece of clothing:
$1475 Balmain biker jawnz
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
I work out 3-6 times a week, drink a large amount of coffee and eat 1-2 meals/ day
>Marital status:
I have a qt wasian fashunable gf
>Describe your sexual life:
couple years of community college so far
shit tier retail job with good hours
>Describe your social life:
healthy. I live in a large house with good friends who throw parties a few times/ month

>> No.8805552

>Age: 19
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Supreme bogo T (top kek)
>Country of origin: England
>Height: 5"8
>Physical activity Nothing.
>Marital status: Single
>Describe you sexual life: poo poo
>Education: Uni
>Work: N/A
>Describe your social life: alright

>> No.8805558

are you in vanouver? are you pretty?

>> No.8805568

>Age: 18
>Most expensive piece of clothing: $200 slouched hoodie from OAKNYC
>Country of origin: Born in the States , but Korean
>Height: 5'10
>Physical activity: Skinny Fat. Started swimming and biking again to get rid of this weight.
>Marital status: Single
>Describe you sexual life: Need a break to figure myself out. Haven't had a gf in a few months.
>Education: Going to community college because the university I was suppose to go to with-drawled grant because my family made 6k more than last year and I'm not gonna get a loan for 30k for my 1st year...
>Work: Worked at six flags magic mountain , but quit. Making money reselling clothes and tutoring.
>Describe your social life: Pretty decent. Not going out every night , but I have a good network of friends.

>> No.8805574

>Age: 18
>Most expensive piece of clothing: $300 nudie raw selvedge (overpriced in my country i know)
>Country of origin: Australia
>Height: 6'1
>Physical activity: gym 6 days a week
>Marital status: have a girlfriend
>Describe you sexual life: active with my girlfriend but could be more frequent with us both living at home
>Education: first year of a double bachelor in law
>Work: have a reasonably small trust fund i suddenly inherited that leaks $250 a week (the amount someone would get on welfare as a full-time adult in my country)
>Describe your social life: active thanks to based uni life as well as just leaving high school and still having friends there

>> No.8805580

Yes I'm incredibly pretty and would love to be deflowered by some random internet creep HMU

>> No.8805584

sure bby :^)
where you at

>> No.8805622

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
probably louboutins
>Country of origin:
canada, living in the philippines for 8 months
>Physical activity
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
non existent in this country
finished 1st year graphic design
>Describe your social life:
in canada i had a group of friends that sort of took me in. we shared a common interest in getting fucked up. i didnt really go out of the house though, unless it was for drinking/drugs.
now, i live on an air force base and my closest friend is an 8 year old brat.

>> No.8805655

>Age: 26
>Most expensive piece of clothing: $700 boots from Dundas
>Country of origin: Norway
>Height: 1.83 m
>Physical activity: Climbing, swimming, weightlifting
>Marital status: Single
>Describe you sexual life: Good
>Education: Bachelor's degree in nursing -> specialization in anesthesiology
>Work: Nurse anesthetist
>Describe your social life: Quite good, hang out with coworkers and people I studied with in college and high school. Climbing is a very social activity, know a lot of people from tehre

>> No.8805664

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
>Country of origin:
5'8 :(
>Physical activity:
uh, I snowboard and ski in the winter.
>Marital status:
living with gf
>Describe you sexual life:
~5-10 times a week
currently in college, bdes in graphic design
see above, no job while in school
>Describe your social life:
Have lots of friends but tend to alienate them because I just want to hang out with my gf or play video games or go on the internet. I do go out to bars and clubs probably once or twice a week, and go to concerts/shows a few times a month.

>> No.8805673

>$300 winter coat
>New Zealand
>181cm/5'11" manlet king
>Cardio 5 times/week, occasional lifting through work
>Have a couple chicks that hmu and occasional one night stands
>At Uni, studying Languages and Business
>Part-time porter at a hotel, shit work but close to home
>Pisshead student, on the lash at least twice a week. Social group a mix between /fa/-ish hipsters, nerds, and basic-bitch lads

>> No.8805680

>Nothing expensive at all
>I walk a lot, longboard when needing to get to places fast
>high school, college next
>Music store worker

>> No.8805690
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tripsk are you trying to trick us again.

> majority of /fa/ has never coughed up more than $150 on clothing :|

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
Lifting 3 x week, dodgeball, cycling, starting ballroom dance and taekwondo this week.
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Uni 4th year, CIS diploma
Student again as of this month.
>Describe your social life:
I have a couple of friends I hang out sporadically with.

>> No.8805694

I interpreted country of origin as birthplace, I'm from Canada - I think most people know that already though.

>> No.8805713
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>Age: 22
>Most expensive piece of clothing: $700 leather jacket
>Country of origin: us of a
>Height: 5'7''
>Physical activity: lifting and cardio
>Marital status: single
>Describe you sexual life: duck buddy right now threesome on Molly with her and roommate last Wednesday. 16 partners overall
>Education: bout to finish bachelors
>Work: last stage of interview process for firefighter
>Describe your social life: pretty good and active, but will probably stop when I get this job

>> No.8805723


>> No.8805725

where u studying

>> No.8805726

All these manlets.

6"3 master race reporting post.

>> No.8805735


Which uni?

>> No.8805775

>Age: 20
>Most expensive piece of clothing: 700$ slp hightops
>Country of origin: Murica'
>Height: 5'8
>Physical activity: Cardio.
>Marital status: Single
>Describe you sexual life: Had some fun when I was younger but still virg. It's not that important to me, idk why.
>Education: College
>Work: unemployed
>Describe your social life: It used to be amazing, like really fucking fun. Now I have like 2 close friends and spend most of my days being a nerdo. Mostly like being by myself but every so often I party. Then i crawl back into the depths.

>> No.8805782

>Age: 19
>Most expensive piece of clothing: £210 Loake shoes
>Country of origin: UK
>Height: 6'3
>Physical activity: Run every other day
>Marital status: Single but bf
>Describe you sexual life: notbad.jpg
>Education:Secondary School
>Work: Administration
>Describe your social life: Smoke weed every day with bros

>> No.8805806

>>Most expensive piece of clothing:$200 jacket
>>Country of origin:Australia
>>Height:5' 7"
>>Physical activity: lift weights at home
>>Marital status: seeing someone
>>Describe you sexual life: just deflowered a girl the other night. blowjobs all the time
>>Education: currently studing finance and accounting, failing
>>Work: trying to get bartender work, unemployed
>>Describe your social life: close knit group friends, we trip on psychs once a week

pretty fucking average life, meh. at least im not bottom of the barrel

>> No.8805835

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
$370 leather jacket
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity:
None, ha.
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
non existent
College graduate
>Describe your social life:
non existent

>> No.8805845 [DELETED] 

>>Age: 21
>>Most expensive piece of clothing: I don't know, most stuff I have isn't ridiculously expensive
>>Country of origin: Germany
>>Height: 6'1
>>Physical activity: Weight lifting and cardio
>>Marital status: Single
>>Describe you sexual life: Gay, fucking/getting fucked mostly by older dudes
>>Education: Going to college
>>Work: DJ
>>Describe your social life: Nightclubs, make music with friends, some family

>> No.8805850


>>Most expensive piece of clothing
I don't know, most stuff I have isn't ridiculously expensive.

>>Country of origin


>>Physical activity
Weight lifting and cardio

>>Marital status

>>Describe you sexual life
Gay, fucking/getting fucked mostly by older dudes

Going to college

DJ, producer

>>Describe your social life
Nightclubs, make music with friends, some family

>> No.8805885
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>Most expensive piece of clothing:
bally high top sneakers
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
gym ~3 times/week. daily exercise via work
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
i don't have a lot of sex, but when i do it's usually with very attractive people. i have frequent trouble getting it up. sex is fun, but it's not extremely important to me. i'm not really interested in casual sex, but i'm also not willing to involve myself emotionally or on a daily basis with another human in a romantic relationship. my ideal long-term mate would be someone who is okay with only seeing each other 1 or 2 times a week and who has good taste in music and is fastidiously clean and is able to fully articulate a thought.
BA: English
commissioned salesman. i make between 10 and 30 per hour depending upon how hard i hustle. average maybe 17, 18.
>Describe your social life:
live with room mate from college and his gf in an extremely small apartment. talk to other friends on VOIP. go out to social events maybe 4 or 5 times a year. mostly i just work too much and want to spend the rest of my time at home (reading, netting, eating, sleeping) or in the gym.

>> No.8805905

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
$300 boots (didn't even pay for them, poorfag)
>Country of origin:
Yugoslavia, live in NZ
>Physical activity
Love sports, play basketball, tennis and judo at a solid level, hate the gym/lifting
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Recently out of a 3 year relationship, haven't had any since. Good sex life during relationship.
Triple majoring in Law, Classical Studies and German at NZ's premier university cos I'm a smarty (not really, it's actually surprisingly easy). Only 1st year though obviously
High-end department store in town, sell gross Armani to Chinese people
>Describe your social life:
Used to have an enormous friend group, we were all really good friends. Recently tightened down to <10 close friends.

>> No.8805934

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
Lifting 3x a week and physical labor at work.
>Marital status:
tfw no gf
>Describe you sexual life:
I have had sex twice in monogamous relationships, I am not interested in getting the pussy b0ss.
Highschool/Army BCT/AIT
Work at the family owned Vineyard in rural southern arizona. We recently purchased a restaurant and I will be cooking there. Hopefully going to NYC for culinary schooling at CIA.
>Describe your social life:
Healthy social life, a load of different friends of all ages. Only really missing a gf.

>> No.8805947


>> No.8805954
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Age: 18
Most expensive piece of clothing: 180 euros
Country of origin: Netherlands
Height: 6'2"
Physical activity: 3 times a week gym
Marital status: Single
Describe you sexual life: Healthy
Education: University Student
Work: Grocery store Butcher
Describe your social life: Healthy

>> No.8805957

>14k jacket

>> No.8805962

Loakes are good.

That image is great.

6'2" masterrace.

>> No.8805984

>Age: 18 and a half
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Vans shoes (im a poorfag)
>Country of origin: Poland
>Height: 182cm
>Physical activity: Hitting skateparks with mtb
>Marital status: Single
>Describe you sexual life: Had sex many times
>Education:Starting university
>Work: Filling surveys and getting paid for it
>Describe your social life: Lotta friends, getting drunk everyday

>> No.8805997

>Age: 21
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Royal Republiq derby's (about $310)
>Country of origin: Denmark
>Height: 171cm (5,6)
>Physical activity: Bike everywhere, no suprise. Otherwise, nah... played basketball during summer, going to start lifting with a mate.
>Marital status: single af
>Describe you sexual life: on and off. sometimes I hook up with more than one girl a night, sometimes nothing for a month or two. kinda fucks with your esteem.
>Education: scandinavian highschool/college (17-20) and studying music performance art at the city's conservatory (drummer).
>Work: gigging, dj'ing, writing. Various music related odd jobs, but focusing on getting my own shit up and running... also get paid little over minimum wage to go to school, so there's that.
>Describe your social life: Have a large group of very close friends that all stick together/live together/go out together. Other than that you meet people gigging n stuff...

how am i doing?

>> No.8806001

>Most expensive piece of clothing:
~$300 red wings
>Country of origin:
>Physical activity
Lifting and cardio 4 days a week
>Marital status:
>Describe you sexual life:
Bs to pre med
Computer repair/ electrical apprentice
>Describe your social life:
Avoidant personality disorder at best.

>> No.8806002

>Age: 18
>Most expensive piece of clothing: Suite, $250 for pants and jacket
>Country of origin: France, born/live in Australia
>Height: 6'3
>Physical activity: Casual touch rugby on wednesday nights
>Marital status: single
>Describe you sexual life: Drunk sex and one night stands
>Education: At Tafe atm
>Work: Electrician apprentice/dealer of the buds
>Describe your social life: Chill with the boys and smoke bud, go to gathos and go to parties

>> No.8806005

Could not have fucked that up more.

>> No.8806007


>how am i doing?

A lot of details have been exaggerated, it shows. But it's okay, at least you look cool on a russian animatronics forum now.

>> No.8806008

thats 5'7 ma nigga

not that its much of difference for manrets

>> No.8806010

k... thanks

>> No.8806011

where does it say that

>> No.8806022
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It doesn't, I misread my own mistake.
Double trouble.

>> No.8806043

>>Age: 20
>>Most expensive piece of clothing: Prob APC Petite Standards 160 USD
>>Country of origin: New Zealand
>>Height: 167cm
>>Physical activity: Been running 5 times a week for the half marathon I finally did yesterday
>>Marital status: Single
>>Describe you sexual life: Nothing
>>Education: At Uni right now, 3rd year neuroscience
>>Work: I do casual work as a terms test invigilator twice a semester (basically nothing)
>>Describe your social life: low/average wish my friends did more on weekends etc

>> No.8806044

By premier you mean Otago ae.

>> No.8806052


>> No.8806120

you sure dun goofed yourself on the internet now

>> No.8806183
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>Most expensive piece of clothing:
idk, probably nike free

>Country of origin:


>Physical activity

2 years senior Athletics
2 years basketball

12 years soccer (football whatever dont give a fuck)
12 years junior Athletics
3 years bowling
3 years swimming
2 years gymnastics
2 years touch football

>Marital status:

>Describe you sexual life:
nothing atm, not a virgin though

Dropped out year 12

Apprentice in Signage Manufacturing

>Describe your social life:
Poor, I find it very difficult and out of the norm for me to talk to someone completely new unless I specifically have to, especially for work. Easy for me to become friends but very hard for me personally to keep the conversation going. Have a handful of friends that I sometimes hang out with on weekends. Deep introvert, pretty much wake up, go to work, finish work, head up to basketball courts for 1-2 hours, go home, sit on computer till bed.

>> No.8806526

Naw fam, Otago

>> No.8806724

so ozzie

>> No.8807435

Constant pursuit of knowledge
>le tips fedora

but for real. This is what has given my life meaning.

>> No.8807590

How is that? Tell me everything.
ktf about grinding through the day, though.
It's an eerie feeling. Hang in there.

>> No.8807815
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I hope you have a nice birthday, enjoy tonight.

>> No.8808040
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>Age: 19
>Most expensive piece of clothing: $900 suede bomber
>Country of origin: U.S.
>Height: 6'1"
>Physical activity: Wrestling, swimming, sprinting, weightlifting, sometimes bouldering
>Marital status: Single, endless flings
>Describe you sexual life: See above
>Education: Graduated HS at 16- currently attending a uni on a scholarship
>Work: Part-time lifeguard
>Describe your social life: Lots of good friends, go to parties/clubs whenever I can