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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 156 KB, 600x387, toro-y-fro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8777731 No.8777731 [Reply] [Original]

Share your products and daily routines. How do my brothers and sisters of /fa/ keep their looking and feeling it's best?

Currently going for something similar to pic related. Right now I'm just letting my hair grow without any direction or much manipulation, but between breakage, shrinkage, and having a dry texture most of the time, I'm about to loose my shit and just buzz again. I've got 4c type hair if that helps.

>> No.8777733

there are no shitskins on 4chan

>> No.8777751


>> No.8777859
File: 1.97 MB, 500x281, tumblr_n8zv45AYQ41r33r0fo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont give up man, I had a dream I cut mine last night and that regret was real.

Coming up on a year of growth, and it's work but it's better than paying for a cut every 2 weeks.
I want winter to be here tho because this summer was savage.

>> No.8777939

>this is my first day on effayshun bored

>> No.8777947

you wish, sorry to hurt your feelings shitskins

>> No.8777949

How long is your hair now? Are you mixed at all? Mine grows at like 3mm/year

>> No.8777961

>there are no shitskins on 4chan
>sorry to hurt your feelings shitskins

Nice argument

>> No.8777990
File: 166 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had to guess it's at about 5.5 to 6 inches.
And naw I'm not mixed.

>> No.8778488

Looks good man. Do you use any specific products? Or what about shampoo and conditioner?

I've heard cowashing is really good for black hair, but dandruff.

>> No.8778496

what did you do to get your hair like that?
is it just natural, what products do you use any specific products?

>> No.8778495

Do you guys with natural hair ever use combs or do you just use your fingers in the shower or whatever?

>> No.8778505

why would hair color make a difference? surely theres no difference in caring for black hair vs blonde, brown, red, etc

>> No.8778646 [DELETED] 
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>and naw I'm not mixed

Nigga no one was think that

>> No.8778652
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>>8777990 #
>and naw I'm not mixed

Nigga no one was gonna think that

>> No.8778688

>I can't into reading comprehension
The guy he responded to asked if he was mixed

>> No.8778850

I cowash, and then every second or third wash I wash it with T-gel before conditioner. Dandruff isn't really an issue unless I go a while without a wash.
I moisturize with virgin olive oil daily, and then use coconut on my scalp every once in a while.
To bring my curl pattern out like that I have a friend or my sister twist/plait it and I coat it in olive oil and then put on a wave cap and sleep in it for one or two nights, then it stays like that for about a week or until I wash it or go swimming then I just do it all over again.

lmao I know I just thought it was a good punch line to my pic.

Fingers mostly but I use a metal pick in the mornings (not all the way through) to get the length back up from where I slept on it.

>> No.8779596

I couldn't take care of my hair I :/
I had a head of fucking thick and fast growing nappy hair that made it a nightmare to comb when I was younger, but if I made an effort now I probably could have gotten it under control.

I got dreadlocks 6 years ago and I'm glad I did cause it's a lot less maintenance and it's the only distinctive thing I have going for me and girls complement me on them lol

>> No.8779601
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>> No.8779649
File: 69 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't black girls grow long hair?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.8779664

if that was lime green that would be texture of some dank ass sour diesel

>> No.8779698
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>> No.8779725

It's rare though. I almost always see black girls with shortish hair.

>> No.8779733

how do you know that's not weave/extensions though?

>> No.8779769
File: 107 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mwjn45N40K1rk74v1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because most black girls don't like going natural and the work it takes to keep it up that way so they throw weave in it or get it permed every other week.
There's also this black mentality of 'good hair' which coerces black men to seek out biddies with straight long hair because that's what we've been conditioned to like. So black chicks try to conform to that and end up looking ridiculous and having really unhealthy hair that in reality can't grow past their shoulders if that.

These days mixed girls are the only ones I see dare to go natural, which imo is best.

I don't, honestly.
I don't even know who that is, was just the only reaction image with a black girl in it I had lmao

>> No.8779841
File: 59 KB, 341x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me introduce you to shrinkage. A lot of black women have tight 4c curls. What you think is short as actually a lot if hair tightly bound in a coil. So of course no one has 4c hair that's very long while curly, because that's an unreasonable length of hair when stretched out.

>> No.8779848
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Second example

>> No.8779859
File: 90 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example with someone just stretching curl instead of straightening it.

>> No.8780021


>> No.8780062

damn these threads rarely make any progress
>not enough poc on /fa/
>hitler youth can't be the only way

>> No.8780083

There's mos def not enough where a random thread will take off on any given day but there's been a couple I've seen stay active for a couple of days, but whatevs.
99% of the other boards aren't exactly nigga-friendly.

>> No.8780087


I'm enjoying this show

>> No.8780116

It's too fucking quotable, bruh.
After every episode I try to find a gif of some line.

I still can't find "You the only light skinned girl that gotta wait in line at the club"

>> No.8780125

how does a hitler youth haircut looks on afro hair? just wondering

>> No.8780127

How do I know if I'm using hairfood right?

>> No.8780148


locs are awesome. All you have to do is wash, spritz and retwist every 3 to 4 weeks.
But its literally a journey to get them, its even harder with sisterlocks or finely sized ones.

>> No.8780149


I love the reason they fuck up Jason's date and ruin his Jordans in the Shit Heist was that he's the only one who knows how to drive stick

>> No.8780187

Are there any girls that can give tips on wearing hair down? My hair is really long and I feel smothered if I don't tie it back somehow. I like how it looks while down but it gets frizzy and tangled and kind of huge if it's humid.

>> No.8780196


>> No.8780235

Cause they either keep putting relaxer or texturizer in their hair or they don't use heat protecting when they hot comb or iron so it falls off.

>> No.8780259
File: 64 KB, 450x450, fantasia_ic_hair_polisher_styling_gel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frizzy and tangled and kind of huge if it's humid.

You need some of that IC fantasia gel. It will help weight it down. Curling creams will help also but are more likely to flake then the gels.

>> No.8780297
File: 84 KB, 398x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have any pics where it's frizzy because I have pretty much stopped wearing it down. But this gives an idea of length and texture.
How does this hold up after a few days? I usually go 3-4 days between washes so I'm afraid the gel might flake or get gunky.

>> No.8780304

>wanted a side fade with afro twists
>keep wimping out, and just fading the sides and getting a low cut
This will be the month that I commit

>> No.8780317


I have no hair advice for you, but you're a fucking cutie

>> No.8780327


>> No.8780341

>a black girl on 4chan
I never thought this would ever happen tbh; you are a rare minority indeed.

>> No.8780351


>> No.8780357

>he wasn't here for based Mitochondria

>> No.8780361


there are a few who get naked on /soc/ all the time

>> No.8780368
File: 145 KB, 509x368, 1410207459939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are a few who get naked on /soc/ all the time
Damn, man.
Maybe black girls and 4chan aren't meant to be.

>> No.8780390


One of them is pretty hot. I don't know if that makes things better or worse, but she is objectively boner inducing

>> No.8780395

>B-b-but I believed

>> No.8780405

>How does this hold up after a few days

Very well. I used it for a long while. Its kinda easy to wash out, the ingredients are nothing much to worry about.

>> No.8780497

Cool. Getting some on Amazon. Look forward to using it as the weather cools down. I think that even if I could manage it, it would be a little too hot for summer.

>> No.8780527

tfw recently got rid of afro for a jeep cherokee. Regretting it now.

>> No.8780536

You could twist them before going to bed and taking them down in the morning.
There is an easier way called the "rubber band" method. Search it up on google.

>> No.8780567

I don't have a problem getting the curls shaped how I like them. I usually put in Cantu leave-in conditioner and let my hair dry in a big braid or two. My problem is that when I wear it down it falls all over the place, curls get frizzy from rubbing against clothes, arms accidentally split curls, and general humidity problems.

>> No.8780572

>thirst follows on tumblr
It all works out.

>> No.8780868
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I usually just brush n stuff.

>> No.8780871
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Terrible pic my bad

>> No.8780973

>hai guise I'm from /b/

>> No.8782250
File: 88 KB, 540x656, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

willing to keep this short sides/back and long puffy top

r8 a m8. does it fits my face?
(xcuse that face)

>> No.8782262

your hair is actually sick m8 how do you acheive the top?

>> No.8782333


It all depends on your type of hair/texture, but anyways, the top there is about 2 and a half months of growing and even tho I'm mixed,
I use a relaxer every 4 months, so that helps.

I'm planning on letting it much more longer on top

>> No.8782394
File: 23 KB, 334x248, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I am doing something drastic

My hair was like 5 years ago was very tight 4a hair that when stretched was shoulder/armpit length

Then I shaved it and did flat tops and then I just finally grew it out to now

>> No.8782398
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Pls help. Considering getting a Caesar.

>> No.8782404
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And because I am a faggot and don't care I am doing a finger wave process because I love old school black hairstyles

>> No.8782419

If Jermaine finds out you're on 4chan you're gonna get your ass whooped, Michael.

>> No.8782420
File: 110 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 9-10-14 at 11.01 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a haircut after 9 months of not doing it for some reason. My hair feels healthier with the excess around the edges shaved off. I'm thinking of making it a closer cut on the sides next time, probably fading up.

>> No.8782423


>> No.8782426

I say healthier because when there was a good mass of hair on those parts of my head, many would dread up and they looked really bad. Having 14 starter-looking dreads amongst the rest of my 4+ year old dreads was rly ugly

>> No.8782489


>> No.8782502

what the

>> No.8783024

I'm a little confused is it that far back on purpose? Can you give another photo?

>> No.8783160

see >>8782489

>> No.8783199
File: 173 KB, 510x768, common%2026[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go all bald man , being black + having that hairline = going bald.

that our a realy realy short cut & hope it will grow back.

>> No.8783561
File: 999 KB, 1728x1163, WP_20140701_00720140701090644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shea moisture is your friend god-tier black hair care product.

>> No.8783597


looks good, keep it tidy and you're good to go

>> No.8783608


Into it

>> No.8783625

the brand? i've tried out some of their products but what would you recommend from that line?

and how do you use them? (how often/much/in what order?)

>> No.8785165
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>> No.8785222

you're cute but your hair is screaming "feed me!"

>> No.8785238

>nose piercing
>hipppycore tank
>mixed but not dark skin


>> No.8785254

i agree, but still very cute

>> No.8785263


bleh, she's cute don't care. I'm a tard anyway so those details don't matter

>> No.8785282
File: 78 KB, 640x590, solange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only complaint with some black women is that they seem to forget the hair they were born with. I can't forget the comments Gabby Douglas got a couple years ago about her hair at the time.
>hot combing hair while sweating it out during the Olympics
I usually do box braids and stopped getting perms for 3-4 years. Coconut and tea tree oil is great for your scalp

>> No.8785338



>> No.8785343


you dumbass. Black hair implies curly nappy hair

>> No.8785464

what is this hairstyle called? I feel like it's not quite a high and tight.

>> No.8786375

False, Asians and Mexicans have black hair without the qualities you've said

>> No.8786412
File: 1.08 MB, 204x195, 00bf2d0cb803c735470ac1bd54d711fa.204x195x73.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being black
>Putting product in your hair ever

And thus perpetuating this cycle of self-hate. Go natural or go home. Black is beautiful. Stop trying to model your hair after white people.

>> No.8786414
File: 76 KB, 360x267, if-this-nigga-don't-shut-the-fuck-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8786437

I wanna fluff a qt mixed girls hair

>> No.8786532


>> No.8786556

Can't we all just get along?

I mean, I know its not really that simple, but a little class and decency wouldn't hurt

>> No.8786557

this is 4chan, not reddit

what do you expect


>> No.8787078

b-but we can try

>> No.8787270

"Modeling hair after white people". Maybe I just want to moisturize my hair and make sure it's healthy. That's a global thing, not a western one.

>> No.8789068

Putting stuff in your hair strips away the natural oils that nature gave you.

Like lip balm. We all know those people that are addicted to lip balm and have to keep "moisturizing"—I'm quoting YOU now—their fucking lips. The joke's on them because the lip balm actually makes the situation WORSE and they get dependent on it.

And of course those idiots with the purell. I'm sure I don't need to go on about that.

You're right, it IS a global thing to try and fuck with what nature already got right. So yeah, you need to moisturize now because your body relies on it now with all the natural oils stripped away.

Good job.

>> No.8789859
File: 380 KB, 645x483, Screen Shot 2014-09-12 at 02.12.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to cut mine this weekend, it's gotten so out of control it stopped growing and ends up in knots thats take hours to undo.
Can any of you recommend a hair style? Was planning to keep some of it so not completely buzzed or anything

>> No.8789944

Does this nigga not know about Shea butter and palm oil? Does this nigga not know that because our hair stands up the distribution of natural oils to the hair ends is near non-existent

Does this nigga not understand lip balm seals moisture because it is mostly sealants and sometimes humectants?

Does this ashy dick ankh nigga smelling like black soap, stale incense and utter disgrace not understand Africans like everywhere else seal in moisture because its necessary?

>> No.8790054


if youre talking about hair dye, african american curls are more porous, so hair color tends to make the strands more brittle and prone to breakage.

>> No.8790155

>Been growing my hair for 5 months
>Not even a short fro

How do guys do it? I've tried using olive oil. Does it take really long?

>> No.8790261

omg let me take you out pls gurl

>> No.8790381

Blow it out or get the neighbor hood thot to twist it for you, homie.
Should stretch it out so you can see your true lenth

>> No.8790436


>> No.8790442
File: 415 KB, 1364x1168, 1403210093015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hella 3.14

>> No.8790458


>> No.8790468

damn nigga you got slave hair.

Get a high and tight though, the thicker your hair is the sicker it looks. Dreds are also an option, just get rid of the under-fro rounded look

>> No.8790478

Hella pie? A burnt one maybe..

>> No.8790494

>tfw she didn't follow me back on tumblr

>> No.8791018
File: 54 KB, 540x960, butfirst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buzz the sides? Buzzcut?
Sudoku :^)?

>> No.8791042

Your hair must look like world hunger.

>> No.8791047

Stop it roody-poo

>> No.8791052

Trim teh split ends

>> No.8791056
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>> No.8791061
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>> No.8791063 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 550x355, naturalisntalwaysbetter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please. Natural isn't always better and we can perfect nature's flaws. You try having a niggers hair and not use any product, it isn't going to work.

>> No.8791068

Those dreads obviously ruined your hair. Shave that shit off. You're already predisposed to a high hairline, why make make it worse with breakage?

>> No.8791073


Feel sorry for the husband after he see's his lizard children's grotesque faces

>> No.8791077

Shave that prepubescent mexican stache off and those little nut hairs off your chin.


>> No.8791080

It's okay. His children can have plastic surgery too

>> No.8791086

Cant replace that shitty metabolic handicapped liver

>> No.8791095
File: 27 KB, 550x355, naturalisntalwaysbetter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what nature got right
>implying nature gets everything right

Technology; fixing nature's flaws one step a time.

>> No.8791103

I can almost guarantee that you're a preachy, smelly vegan. Thank god people like you will die out, because no one will mate with someone who doesn't use soap.

>> No.8791112

Awww. I can fix that. What's your url?

>> No.8791133

I have the same jaw and I think she looks better before the plastic surgery. All of us are beautiful in our own ways.

>> No.8791139

>thinking asian kristen stewart is better

>> No.8791141


>> No.8791154
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>tfw no mention of waves

>> No.8791217

lol gb2/pol/ faggot

>> No.8791380

Yeah sorry about that.

>> No.8791722
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dropping some info forthisnegroessake

>> No.8791728
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>> No.8791733
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>> No.8791736
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man i don't want to just have short hair forever. how can a brotha get the Hitler Youth without dousing himself in chemicals?

>> No.8791739

sorry not short i meant afro textured.

>> No.8791742
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>> No.8791752


Just use a hair relaxer, bruh
won't regret it


>> No.8791756

are there any in particular that stand out for being good/wellpriced/etc? i was thinking of getting the crew but i know that isn't a relaxer...

>> No.8791761
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>> No.8791767
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>> No.8791775
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>> No.8791780
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>> No.8791784
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>> No.8791794
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>> No.8791804


take me <3

>> No.8791811
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>> No.8791820
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>> No.8791830
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>> No.8791841
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>> No.8791853
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>> No.8791875
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>> No.8791883
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>> No.8791902
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>> No.8791917
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>> No.8791925
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>> No.8791935
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>> No.8791943 [DELETED] 

Niggers cannot into good looking hair
>g-g-get b-back to p-pol
Stay mad, shitskins

>> No.8791944
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>> No.8791964
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>> No.8791971
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>> No.8791972
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>> No.8791976
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>> No.8791981
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>> No.8791989
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>> No.8792005
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>> No.8792020
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>> No.8792033
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>> No.8792057
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>> No.8792060
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>> No.8792071
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>> No.8792083
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>> No.8792096
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>> No.8792106
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>> No.8792126
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>> No.8792144
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>> No.8792155
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>> No.8792163
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>> No.8792169
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>> No.8792182
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>> No.8792197
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>> No.8792211
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>> No.8792333
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>> No.8792339
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>> No.8792349

tfw no qt mixed brother to help with hairstyles and watch pull lots of ladies

>> No.8792354

sooo dope

>> No.8792367
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>> No.8792375
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>> No.8792598

who is this?

>> No.8793136

>suggesting shit with petroleum in it

>> No.8793239

suggest me one pls

>> No.8793255

Im actually really afraid of growing my hair out naturally.

I'm not mixed at all, so I have the worst type of hair. I tried going natural for about 6 months after completely shaving it, but the curls were so tiny and dry, it just look like extremely dense cotton, even with moisturizers. It didn't even look like curls because they didn't clump together.

Relaxers damage it to the point where I can't grow it past shoulder length and my mom has been putting them in my hair from a very young age, so I've had them for 17 years now.

That, and the only inspo I've seen for natural hair was mixed or had loose curls.

Is it possible to straighten 4c hair with a flat iron if I did decide to grow it out naturally? Would it be better than chemicals?

>> No.8793301

First and foremost get it out of your head that 4c curls are worse than 3c. You need to understand that different styles work for different hair types. As a girl with 3c, I can't cut my hair very short because my "fro" would look like shit. My hair isn't nice and dense like yours is so even though I've been told my face shape would be good for short hair, I can't do it because it looks like shit. Growing your hair, you need to be patient because the curls are so tight it will take a while before you see progress. Don't give up and ruin your hair trying to straighten it etc

>> No.8793363
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>> No.8793378
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lemme join

>> No.8793390
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>> No.8793392
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>> No.8793400
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>> No.8793402
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>> No.8793408
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>> No.8793409
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>> No.8793417
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>> No.8793432
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Thar guy is my fucking idol
>and so is this guy

>> No.8793437


>> No.8793438
File: 147 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mijw71T0pX1qd9dg0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy is my fucking idol
>and so is this guy

>> No.8793439

>and so is this guy


>> No.8793443


just stop

>> No.8793453
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>> No.8793462
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>> No.8793468
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>> No.8793474
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>> No.8793480
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>> No.8793558
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>> No.8793596
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>> No.8793603
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>> No.8793606

nigga pls

>> No.8793616


>> No.8793621

Trying to go for this. It looks so good

>> No.8793626
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>> No.8793640
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>> No.8793673
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>> No.8793705

shave the sides and back and ponytail/hightop it. dont try to kid and play it though. Let it do its natural thing.

>> No.8793712

>b-but ive been conditioned to like straight hair by the man

the fuck

>> No.8793786
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>> No.8793803
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>> No.8793815
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>> No.8793818
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>> No.8793854
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>> No.8793871
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>> No.8793880
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>> No.8793891
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>> No.8793931
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I like this hair, I was rocking a similar DIY cut about a year ago.(I liked it, but quickly got tired of it, buzzed it all off for about 7 months, and have now been growing it all out since)

Facial hair is cool too, but have you experimented cutting the stache? I have one too, and think my lip looks too long without it, but it's nice to change things up.

other mustache thought: maybe stop it at the corners of your lips so it doesn't handlebar? At least until/if it ever connects to the ... "beard"

>> No.8793997
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>> No.8793999
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This is how I look without the stache, how does it look?
Also I don't really like the "beard" either, I forgot to shave tee hee :^)

>> No.8794006

I'm not one of the people who commented earlier. I think you look better with the mustache, but you'd need to trim it a little. And yes, keep the beard shaved.

>> No.8794010
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well, now the question rises: would you rather look younger or older? heheh

>> No.8794024
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>> No.8794031
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>> No.8794045
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>> No.8794051
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>> No.8794062
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mash half an avocado (or use a mixer until you get a paste), add a teaspoon of olive oil. You can add half a banana if you want, or an egg yolk, to make it even more nourishing, but the avocado and olive oil are enough.

Apply on the hair and leave on for at least 2 hours, ideally 3 or 4. After you've just finished applied it, I'd recommand putting a small plastic bag over the hair, and then a towel around the plastic bag : that helps keep the hair and mixture warm, which makes it penetrate better.

After the leave in period, you can just wash your hair : make sure you're thorough, because otherwise it'll likely leave residue. Don't overlather or anything but make sure you gently scrub the scalp and wash it all out.

>> No.8794074

No. But black people hating on their own hair is a hot topic for me personally. I don't give anyone with a weave the time of day. Fock dat. Let some other brother deal with your self-hatred.



>no one will mate with someone who doesn't use soap
You'll be surprised. But that doesn't apply to me; I've caught homeless getting it in before! lol! And I'm willing to bet they don't use soap.

I do pretty well for myself but it's 2014, stop trying to use lame-ass 90s "HURR, U NEED 2 GET LAID" responses to try and win an argument. You're better than that?

I like these hairstyles that have been posted. Whether they use product or not, al least they still keep it kinky.


>> No.8794090

Can you post some pics of your hair? Not trying to be a bitch or anything but please timestamp. I myself tried doing to no-poo thing for a while and didn't really see improvements. I'd like to see if going without any product at all would be my hair healthier. Thanks.

>> No.8794092
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>> No.8794107
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>> No.8794113
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>> No.8794118
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>> No.8794149
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>> No.8794150

I don't have anything current because I'm in the military. I'm government property, gotta keep it short! But back in the day I kept it free and wild.

Listen, I realize my opinion is the odd one out. I'm not trying to be a Bryan Griffin here. But why would you put these acidic products in your hair? Don't you all know the damage they do? The hair relaxer comes at such a tremendous cost.

I seen so many girls with the fake hair not even having EDGES.

I'm so happy with what Beyonce and Jay-Z are doing with Blue Ivy. PLEASE let her be FREE and don't fuck it up with that acid. Blue Ivy is beautiful. I hope it sparks a second wave of Black is Beautiful.

>> No.8794161
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>> No.8794167
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>> No.8794174

Okay that's understandable, but most of us in this thread are discussing non-acidic natural products. All of the boys are discussing letting their fros grow, the girls are going over things like shea butter and olive oil. I think it's understood that products with a lot of harmful chemicals are especially bad on black hair, but natural oils can't be as bad as you think.

>> No.8794186
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aaaaand last one

redirect anyone who wants some inspo to the (this) thread in the archive

>> No.8794189


How do I get my hair to look like this nigs?

>> No.8794195

You're right. I came on too strong at first. I love all these pix of kinky nappy hair anon's been posting, They make me happy.

>> No.8794205
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Step one: be mixed.

>> No.8794219


I got the light skin but I'm also stuck with shitty tight curly hair . ;_; Please help.

>> No.8794244

If that's not your curl type then that's just not your curl type. Tight curls can look really good too. You can do nice cuts like

>> No.8794312


Yeah, but it's not even just the cut. I don't know what to put in it or how to take care of it so it's soft and malleable. I try to keep it conditioned well but it doesn't seem to do that much in the long run.

>> No.8794328
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>> No.8794357

I leave my hair nappy because I'm lazy, I get kind of embarassed in urban places because my hair is a joke.

>> No.8794373

You look so much like me, at least the part I can see, this is exactly how I'd like my hair to look but my hairline is F'd

>> No.8794538

That wasn't me, but well played on his part.

>> No.8794550

You must be a good lookin nigga then, homie.

My hairlines pretty shit when my hairs short too but it looks okay when it's grown out. Something worth trying atleast.

>> No.8794587

Oh. Well what's yours then?

>> No.8794597

Thank you man
Well This is me and I'm going in tomorrow for a haircut, gonna base it on what is popular in this thread. gg 5 years of afro

>> No.8794626
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>TFW Close my eyes in every picture ever goddamn

>> No.8794658

Me too, how long have you been growing your hair out?

>> No.8794663


>> No.8794683

Fuck man, that seems like such a waste, but I guess I understand.

>> No.8794782
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Here is/was my hair, its not combed at all and had massive shrinkage but it was about 12-13 inches

I cut it off though, honestly I really got pissed at the direction of the natural hair movements obsession with curl definition
...don't most other black Americans people have 4a hair?
My mother has a relaxer and it goes down mid back, many women texlax and grow hair even longer

Basically you are doing it wrong

>> No.8795211
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Id rather look old, I think that I have a baby face.
Also, do you suggest any haircut? I'm getting tired of mine.

>> No.8796381

3-4 months but I don't know what to do to speed up the growth. How long are you at now?

>> No.8796508
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>> No.8796709
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welp here's my hair, getting it cut during the week though. Every 3 or so days I condition (no shampoo). Any suggestions on how I should get it cut?

>> No.8796734

it's sick, keep it. go full fro

>> No.8796801

you always put a smile on my face

>> No.8797723

you pretty much look like the guy in the pic above you

>> No.8797842

damn man that's good
how u did that?

>> No.8797885
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Y-you too

>> No.8797924

I used to have a normal fro, but then i got the back and sides trimmed to a 3 and left the top the same.

>> No.8797964
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>> No.8797972

can i have a front pic?
do you think it could be good with a fade on the back and sides?
how do you take care of it?
what do people say about your haircut?
it's my goal haircut so i'm asking everything i can haha

>> No.8798059
File: 1.34 MB, 754x1000, hair front.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a front pic for ya. I'd say it would look pretty cool with a back and side fade. I cowash every 3 or 4 days. People think my hair looks pretty cool, i hear it every so often. I hope all that shit helps yo.

>> No.8798087

Yep it helps a lot thnx

>> No.8798238


>> No.8798270

chill, i posted that as inspo

>> No.8798420

Doesn't the metal pick get rid of your curls?

>> No.8798498


Have you ever use the sponge method?
You should and report back.

>> No.8798539
File: 188 KB, 1824x1026, DSC_0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how i usually wear my hair. just freeformed. been growing it for maybe 3 years, it goes to my collarbone if i blowdry it

Thinking about getting a fade but im scared, what if it looks like shit.

>> No.8798670

Kele from bloc party??

>> No.8798761
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>> No.8798804
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>> No.8798935

Can I get some suggestions on hairstyles for long hair? I've been doing to same routine for a couple of years. Starts in a braid (or two), then I wear it down, then in a bun or two, then wash, rinse, and repeat. It works but it's a little repetitive. I'd like a few different styles to add in.

>> No.8798977
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I like this but I don't think I'd be able to do it without help.

>> No.8798982
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nice thread

I'm just tryna grow my hair out more so I get a cut like once a month and deal with the ugly

I try not to pick/comb it. I just twist and rock it messy :)

Current without brushing my taper. It looks better than his when I'm out the house.

I've been using a product called "Doo-Gro".

>> No.8798985
File: 157 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Box braids look mad cute imo

>> No.8798991

why does your ear looks like an anus?

absolutely disgusting

>> No.8798992

Yeah my sister had them for a while and they were really nice. I just don't get them because my forehead is kind of wide and I'd have to find someone to do them for me.

>> No.8799007


also at least brush your hair or something to make your face less punchable than it is

or get a buzzcut

>> No.8799015
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>> No.8799017

Yo Doo-Gro is good tho he >>8794328 uses it and it seems to be working.

>> No.8799033

I had an infection for a little bit it was bleeding in that pic lmao had some ointment in it haha :)

post a pic

Foreheads don't matter(girl in pic has huge forehead and is still v. cute)
You don't have any local salons?
If I knew you if hook you up with my aunt :( i even lowkey know how to do a few braids. Lmao it's just random women in my house or front porch getting their hair did.

Have you ever dyed your hair?

>> No.8799039

Anyone with dreads up through here?

>> No.8799046
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Yeah I bought the oil thing and the Vaseline thing of it, gunna use it daily
I will. I've been carefree lately lol

>> No.8799054


choose one

>> No.8799066
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>> No.8799083



u look like you haven't take a shower in months. no offense

>> No.8799087

I do. Since 2010. I'm trapped in the midst of my regular "make it neat for work" vs "but i don't like putting shit in my hair" personal battle again

>> No.8799088

I'm the same person in these
Never dyed it or anything. Lol yeah my aunt does them too but I'm out of town at uni right now. I've always felt I look kind of boyish if I don't have any hair framing my face though.

>> No.8799097


I hope this person gets paid by these companies, if not he looks fucking stupid.

>> No.8799099

Hit 307 guys, need to remake soon.

>> No.8799105

fuck you

Oh cool. I'm just staring mine wth all my sides shaved. They're still twists but what could I do to help them lock faster? I've heard dont do retwists, get retwists often, dont use anything but water & shampoo in your hair, palm roll daily. A young nigga confused

>> No.8799110

dreads are disgusting

pls don't do that to yourself anon

>> No.8799115
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>> No.8799118

Except to have dreads you need to have very clean hair. educated thyself

>> No.8799121


>> No.8799124


*look disgusting

>> No.8799139

what cut do you have anon

>> No.8799153


don't have any pic on this phone but it kinda looks like this


>> No.8799160

Dude I'm the worst person to ask about maintenance. I started out interlocking and getting it done every 2-3 weeks cause of my job. Then twisting every month cause I could do it at home and now I'm interlocking every 2-3 months because fuck it all.

My best advice:
1. Cover your hair at night. Took me forever to get used to shit on my head but it's the single best thing you can do to help the process
2. Pick either twist or interlock and keep at it, I can see the difference in the parts I twisted vs interlocked.
3. The less products the better (with one exception). I use a little oil and water spritz every few days and shampoo once a week and things work out well. The less you twist/lock the better for your roots too. Things will thin out if you constant twist
4. Exception to 3: locking cremes/gels make dreads look smooth as fuck and mine are pretty frizzy sometimes which might matter to you. But then they're a bitch to wash out of your hair and can cause build up so it's up to you

And just like that I typed a whole book, fuck me i'm lame

>> No.8799168

thats boring

>> No.8799177
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Ok i picked it out lol :).
First time in weeks

better? :0

>> No.8799184

Appreciate the advice bro. I'm just leaving it alone besides a du rag at night & bi-weekly shampoo. I try to resist the urge to retwist them. Also I was told (and I have them on right now) to put rubber bands around the head/body of the lock. That will help with the process too?

>> No.8799193

meh, but your face's still greasy

>> No.8799194

fuck it I need at cut. tomorrow

>> No.8799197

Was told the same but since I couldn't do that everyday I went with interlocking

>> No.8799203

at least I got something that doesn't look hideous

good luck with those worms in yr head

>> No.8799206

i recommomend a line up. And choose either to grow your hair or leave it alone. you seem 2 be in the awkward in between phase fam

>> No.8799211

It's just the sides that look a little raggedy, fade that and keep the top

>> No.8799214

I will enjoy it bro thanks.. and i was lowkey joking i had that cut before the starter locks lmfao

>> No.8799220

Yeah I'm just leaving them in all day every day. What's interlockinig btw?

>> No.8799234



>> No.8799249

btw that was just the first vid i saw, she's pretty rough but it's usually not that painful

>> No.8799262

That looks so strange lmao. but i guess ill have to wait for my hair to lock for me to be able to do that. how long did you hair take (im presuming you have afro hair)

>> No.8799279

About 18 months but if you're not into the wait you can get loc extensions and do it overnight. I strongly considered, didn't like the afro

>> No.8799318

Yeah I already had the afro before i started. im about a month in. how do you know it locks? you feel it or see it?

>> No.8799348

probably when I could wash it without the ends unravelling so see it

>> No.8799372

yeah generally I wash with the rubber bands, so only the bases of the section come out. I'm scared that it's prevent the hair from locking though

>> No.8799410

if you're black then all you have to do is wait, the hair locks anyway

>> No.8800396

I mean it well

>> No.8801292


how do you achieve this? right now i have mine as a high top fade, really long maybe 2 1/2 inches if i wash it and pull it.
currently more like this >>