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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 10 KB, 300x300, veils2.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8793950 No.8793950 [Reply] [Original]

are veils effay?

>> No.8794138

Hell no! Looks gross.

>> No.8794264

shaylas are next level

>> No.8794272

yeah i always think hijabs look sick. if i was a white girl i would be pissed because i couldn't wear one

>> No.8794324

ye diggin the shayla, looks like the one slavic women wear

>> No.8794358

some of the ones iranian girls wear are really nice.

>> No.8794462
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hell fuckin yeah! shit is so slick.
they can be worn loose and draped like a hood, tight like a frame for the face, they can hide the face completely, the can only cover hair. its a sick aesthetic.

wish I had more inspo for male veils/ head scarfs though theres very lil.

shit is so next level, more cultures should embrace them, but their all afraid head scarf = sharia

>inb4 remove kebab oppression terrorists

ignore Americans who rag on it, their just a little touchy atm.

and ignore euros bc lel euro
>they hate them so much their giving their countries to them.

>> No.8794467

islamofascist snoods

>> No.8794472

>tfw want to drape one of my sheer black scarves over my head
>can't because I go to a super liberal politics and IR heavy school with a lot of international students
>would probably get shanked if I did

>> No.8794475
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/fa/ af rbuv

>> No.8794485

>m-muh cultural appropriation!

Sorry anon. If you weren't white you could just call them racist

>> No.8794496
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no, I just think its retarded that a lot of ppl here are too xenophobic to even entertain the aesthetic concepts and merits of veils/ head scarfs.

EVERY time u see some1 make a thread on the topic is all
>wow yeah its totally /fa/ to stone our women and not let the show their face after we gang rape them!
>can't wait to have sharia law in the states

>> No.8794504
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>> No.8794512
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>> No.8794529

HTS is 2qt.

>> No.8794533
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>> No.8794539
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>> No.8794541
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>> No.8794552
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>> No.8794562
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>> No.8794564 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8794572
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>> No.8794581
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>> No.8794583
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>> No.8794590
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>> No.8794599
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>> No.8794604
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>> No.8794612
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>> No.8794621
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>> No.8794632
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>> No.8794644
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>> No.8794654
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>> No.8794659
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>> No.8794667
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>> No.8794675
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>> No.8794681
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>> No.8794684
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>> No.8794686
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>> No.8794692
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>> No.8794695
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>> No.8794699
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>> No.8794702
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>> No.8794718
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>> No.8794722
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>> No.8794727
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thanks for making this thread, I want to know if anyone has inspo or info on India's/Asian garbs and pieces for males or other naturally draping cultural clothing for men?

have some veil

>> No.8794731
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>> No.8794738
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I am not op, but Wikipedia has some articles that can help you read up on that stuff, both individual pieces and practices in general

>Among the Tuareg, Songhai, Moors, Hausa. and Fulani of West Africa, women do not traditionally wear the veil, while men do. The men's facial covering originates from the belief that such action wards off evil spirits, but most probably relates to protection against the harsh desert sands as well; in any event, it is a firmly established tradition. Men begin wearing a veil at age 25 which conceals their entire face excluding their eyes. This veil is never removed, even in front of family members.[25][26]

>In India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal, men wear a sehra on their wedding day. This is a male veil covering the whole face and neck. The sehra is made from either flowers, beads, tinsel, dry leaves, or coconuts. The most common sehra is made from fresh marigolds. The groom wears this throughout the day concealing his face even during the wedding ceremony. In India today you can see the groom arriving on a horse with the sehra wrapped around his head.

>> No.8794743

No, they're icky and I hate seeing them irl.

>> No.8794744
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>> No.8794751
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>> No.8794752
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>> No.8794755
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>> No.8794759
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>> No.8794767
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>> No.8794773
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>> No.8794779
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>> No.8794785
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>> No.8794795
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>> No.8794800
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>> No.8794801
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>> No.8794809
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I just like to post the women of Fano and say "Nordic tradition of headcovering, it has its purposes and looks effay as fuq"

>> No.8794808

shalaya is dope some good cuties in them

>> No.8794817
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Oh yeah veils are cool too, I actually am a dyer now and plan on making more indigo headcovering, veils and wraps

This is the one I have had done

>> No.8794818


>> No.8794820

Head scarfs aren't exactly veils

>> No.8794821
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>> No.8794824

Honestly there is over lap, Tuareg women don't necessarily have veils but women speaking to mean they simply pull their headscarf over the lower half of their faces for example

>> No.8794839
File: 174 KB, 500x700, tumblr_n0zi1i4t9n1rtc2n0o5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


as long as we can have open and enjoyable discussions on a potentially foreign aesthetic for some people I am happy.

whether it be from Europe, Africa, Asian or the Americans

looks sick, care to post how its done up?

well there is validity to what your saying, veils are hanging materials meant to cover a part of the wearers head/ face. whether for practical use or ceremonial/ symbolic usage.

Head scarfs are often worn in a similar vein, I decided to branch out a little bit from the op, bc the 2 will never have threads pertaining to themselves individually that can provide any real kind of discussion on the topic.
Also, I think I am tapped out of images for veils/ head scarves

hopefully some of you enjoyed it.

>> No.8794855

Can't gif/webm/record it

But basically I can't say, i never memorized any style and so I made a different look every day. Basically I just did New Orleans Tignon styles or Goree Island Signare styles

I'm not trying to get shot in NYC for having a covered face in summer lol (was in rural Maui when I dyed that) so like it'll be a couple more months before I feel comfortable making veils and headpieces again

>> No.8794904

I can dig it, just have to wear it with confidence and if ppl get uppity about it just say its why its important to you, whether its simply aesthetic or more.

hope your able to make some nice pieces your pleased with.

>> No.8794916

unless they be from Rick O's or some lime sucker like him, I wouldn't consider them /fa/ at all

>> No.8794922

Yeah I am confident I will, hope to even post stuff on here/make a fashion tumblr account

I always worry about people stealing designs but are there things that protect designers?

>> No.8794948
File: 164 KB, 700x1023, 1387919213100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, I did find a few things, but I wanted to see if anyone here was maybe in India, or Indian or from a culture that wears such coverings.

>> No.8795426

w2c everything, mainly bottom half

>> No.8795484
File: 41 KB, 420x310, iranian-women-dk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can rock is pretty hard in Iran....sometimes....if they're rich enough to get away with it.

>> No.8795602


Rather dope. What are these called?

>> No.8795707

Like having your head cutt off and then thrown next to your fuckin friendy cool. #fuckinmoron