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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 787 KB, 1200x1200, 1408156603072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8794648 No.8794648 [Reply] [Original]

have i missed out on lunarcore?

can someone actually dress like this on a day to day basis and not attract a fuckload of attention?

>> No.8794650

w2c goggles

>> No.8794652

he made them himself
depends where you live and which exact pieces you're going to cop.

But isn't attracting attention your goal or one of them?

>> No.8794666

not really, i just wanna dress like a lunar colonist

>> No.8794670
File: 339 KB, 986x700, 1381615590310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8794864
File: 555 KB, 1200x900, moonguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8794993
File: 119 KB, 400x885, 2f7ae313-8cb7-48cf-af82-8e9a74295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its possible, you would just be really limited to a specific combo of clothing.

Black jeans can go with anything, but white/silver pants are more specific.

White PF Flyers are a must though.

>> No.8795141

can you be lunarcore without cargo pants and with darker clothing?

>> No.8795698


>> No.8795883
File: 733 KB, 1148x768, 185772606_1bb38bd4-6b12-41f2-973e-535d0e610337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this work in a lunarcore fit?

>> No.8795972

good luck m8

>> No.8795998
File: 502 KB, 1280x712, Chie_Satonaka_(Persona_4_Arena,_Story_Mode_Illustration,_3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space Chie

I don't know but I need you to try.

>> No.8796151

>all those people selling their Y-3 Warriors

>> No.8796153

epic trole

>> No.8796189

you can.

>> No.8796266
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1649, tumblr_mpud0iQn9U1rvhwhbo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good outfit with warriors was from knoch, nobody else came close to incorporating them into anything worthwhile

>> No.8796272
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1628, tumblr_mpud0iQn9U1rvhwhbo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8796484


>> No.8796499

yohji yamamoto, but he modified them.

>> No.8796532

Knoch's big into DIY.

>> No.8796543

knoch is attractive is fuck but what the fuck is he playing dress up for?

>> No.8796548

your fucking ugly and fat as fuck, why do you bother with fashion?

*hint* because he likes to

>> No.8796558

spacejew is like the lunarcore godfather

>> No.8796560

Seems to me that he likes the art of it, the expression. He's his own canvas, as cliche as that is.

Also, it's just fun to put together a cool looking outfit and be able to pull it off in some capacity.

>> No.8796571

whats space jew?

someone from israel who purchases a ticket for one of the virgin flights into space and just complains the whole time and talks about how the made up holocaust boogie man story should guilt trip you into giving him a discount + free upgrade

owie, is dis cheeseburger kosher?

>> No.8796576

lol no, poet is

spacejew is just a fail copy

>> No.8796583

>Also, it's just fun to put together a cool looking outfit


you sound like one of those over the top efeminite fags at NY fash week who wear some stupid DIY shit and tell everyone how "fun" it is to drape a piece of polyester over your face and wearing women's thigh highs


or those idiots that think it's fun to dress up like video game characters .

this overly accepting, anti-bullying bullshit has led the US into some really stupid bullshit these last few years

>> No.8796585

you're a real funy guy ;)))

explain to me what's bad about that fit

>> No.8796591

Thank you

>> No.8796598

it's just really boring, badly put together without any thought behind it. It doesn't tell a story like poets outfits did

>> No.8796599

Wow imagine typing all of this and hitting enter thinking you're funny.

>> No.8796604

south africa into space... no

>> No.8796607

>you sound like one of those over the top efeminite fags at NY fash week who wear some stupid DIY shit and tell everyone how "fun" it is to drape a piece of polyester over your face and wearing women's thigh highs

There's a huge difference between that, and being actually talented. I'm one of the most anti-anti-bullying people you'll ever meet, this has nothing to do with acceptance. Knoch is clearly a talented individual who is confident and has a definite self-image. That's a far cry from someone who tries to emulate the image of someone else, or search for image by going way out there before coming to terms with who they are.

>> No.8796621

you think i am joking when i call you an idiot for having a hobby where you take pictures of yourself dressed idiotically for the sake of dressing idiotically

and posting it on the internet? (tumblr, lookbook, /fa/, forums etc)

or posting images of yourself dressed up like video game and various anime characters?

it's straight up fucking stupid

and you're an idiot.

oh wow im just a "hater" or a "bully"

but im the guy saying not to stick your hand into a blender.

today all you kids will stick your hand in the blender and claim it's all about self-expression rather than being a dumbass

>> No.8796706

chease cmon, go back and paint some shit, youre wasting your time