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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 398 KB, 625x938, ks-paris-lingerie-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8789885 No.8789885 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe you guys can help me.

>Girlfriend is a model
>She got offered to do a fashion show
>Lingerie fashion show
>Possibly wearing see-through lingerie

I'm not sure how I feel about hundreds if not thousands of people getting to see my girlfriend's tits, and having pics of her wearing see-through lingerie online.

What do I do?

>> No.8789888 [DELETED] 

well its not your body so you dont really have any say/ theres nothing you can do

>> No.8789892 [DELETED] 

since i got trips you should post pics of her. Now or after she does the sexy lingerie photoshoot

>> No.8789896

1000 times this. if you don't like it, tough. it's not your place to police what she doesn't and doesn't do with her body.

>> No.8789904

Become an underwear model too so youre both equal. Its the only way. If either of you fuck another person then most likely both of you did.

>> No.8789956


Be proud that you're the one who gets to fuck her after the show. Tell her how hot it was seeing her. Eat her asshole and gain some confidence, stop being a faggot.

>> No.8789966

I dated model , she never had a care when others saw her tits; I didn't like it either but you have to deal with it mate.

>> No.8789971

basically what everyone else said. aint your body, bitch. dont like it? break up with her and continue being an insecure little fuccboi.

>> No.8789973

Jesus Christ since when did the sjw's get on 4chan, surely the boyfriend gets a chance to express and discuss his discomfort with his girlfriend parading naked in front of hundreds... That's what happens in relationships, you make decisions together, maybe if you were in one you'd understand how they'd work.

>> No.8789977
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Not be a faggot?

>> No.8789981

>holding back a significant other because you're insecure

>> No.8789988

lol, tumblr out in full force today.
She certainly has the right to do whatever she likes with her body, but he's not ethically compelled to be comfortable with it.

>> No.8789990
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>> No.8789997

How come I can tell you betas never had girlfriends?

>> No.8789998

Opie, disregard these bishes. They've got a point in as much as its her final decision. That being said, you can and should let her how you feel about it. If she decides to go through with it and you are still really against it, then maybe consider breaking it off with her.

Personally, I'm kinda like you in that it would make me a bit uncomfortable, but if she really wanted to do it/was interested i'd support her and be stoked i am with a model.

Also, im not sure how true it is (maybe someone can speak to this), but i've heard that in this and related industries, suckin dick gets you higher up on the totem poll, so i'd be slightly suspicious/on the look out for that sort of shit

>> No.8790013

Tell her it makes you feel uncomfortable (rightfully so) and you're not gonna sit here and let her pull this shit. If she doesn't listen to you than fucking leave her don't set a precedent of being a fucking beta provider.

>anon its my body and you can't tell me not to fuck multiple black guys in my free time! its not like its affecting you, and its my body anyway so I do what I want!! You didn't have a problem when I did that lingerie photoshoot so why do you care now?

>> No.8790014




>> No.8790016
File: 44 KB, 500x376, tumblr_mz5le7c5Es1s1essao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suckin dick gets you higher up on the totem poll,
pretty sure thats mostly for twink boys

>> No.8790020

Why wouldnt you let her? Theyre just tits- its not like "hundreds if not thousands" of people are blowing a load in her

>> No.8790021
File: 62 KB, 496x501, 1389475466017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my girlfriend can fuck other guys because its her body and Im not going to be an oppressive male pig and tell her what to do with it!

>> No.8790023

It doesn't have to be holding back that's why you discuss the shit. Find a level that you both agree on, and wether that means letting her do whatever the fuck she wants to it doesn't matter, it matters that you discussed the issue.
You suppress all that discomfort and believe all that "it's her body it's her choice" bullshit you're not going to be able to maintain that relationship very long.

>> No.8790030

She can do whatever she wants. You can feel however you want about it.

Don't ask for advice here, because people are only going to say one way is right. Talk to her.

>> No.8790039

Don't get in the way of her career, you can't tell her what to do. She's probably going to dump your ass later anyway and do some lines of some hot male muddle's dick

>> No.8790041 [DELETED] 

No one said he couldnt bring it up to her. Id definiatly talk to her about it if it made me that uncomfortable but at the end of the day you gotta realize its not up to you.

>> No.8790045

It's not her career. She's going to college to be an architect. This is more of a hobby and for some money on the side.

>> No.8790047


>so insecure your girlfriend can't model without you comparing it to her fucking other guys because like those are totally the same thing

i would say i feel sorry for any girls you've ever been with but something tells me u ain't been with any

>> No.8790050

You guys are both wrong. Yes she can do whatever she wants with her body in a literal sense, but in the context of a relationship there are limitations. Literally speaking, she can go and fuck whoever she wants, but in the context of the relationship, OP would probably break up with her if she did.

That being said i think you shouldnt worry about it OP

>> No.8790051


>> No.8790056

That's effay as fuck

>> No.8790059

"kill yourself"

>> No.8790064
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>> No.8790066

>I AM SILLY.jpeg

>> No.8790067 [DELETED] 

im so confused as to whats a fedorawearer train of thought. They used to be "le classy chivalry isnt dead im a nice guy" shit not im pretty sure its against women entirely and more mra shit

>> No.8790070

I just use it for things I don't like tbh

>> No.8790072 [DELETED] 

are you going to post pics of your gf or not

>> No.8790078
File: 67 KB, 1120x977, 4172727+_d50587be817975754807b2f6ff603817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MRA is against women

>> No.8790086 [DELETED] 

under rated post

>> No.8790089 [DELETED] 

its ok we all do.
Yes Mens Rights Activists are indeed against feminism and women. whys that funny?

>> No.8790099

SJW betas attacking, holy shit. There is no chance in hell I would let my girl do that. In relationships you discuss things, and agree not to do certain things, you fucking shut-ins. You *are* allowed to tell your significant other to not do certain things you are uncomfortable with. She is obviously free to do what she chooses, and you are free to dump her ass if she does so.

>> No.8790106

no they aren't dickhead


>> No.8790107
File: 19 KB, 276x362, 1368370420838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not encouraging her to do it then posting the pics on /fa/

>> No.8790120 [DELETED] 

>The MRM is considered to be a backlash or countermovement to feminism, arguing that the women's movement has "gone too far" and has harmed men in profound and fundamental ways
Mens Rights Movements says that feminists are wrong and not all men are the same and that women accuse them of shit like rape

>> No.8790123

Why don't you just discuss it with your gf and tell her how you feel.

If it makes you feel weird because you expect her to be private with you (which is what I understand from you) then tell her so.

Maybe she can opt out of see through lingerie,idk just talk with her not with this waxwork board.

>> No.8790129

you fucking moron did you even open the link i posted?
>The men's movement is a social movement consisting of groups and organizations of men who focus on gender issues and whose activities range from self-help and support to lobbying and activism.[1] Major movements within the men's movement include the men's liberation movement, profeminist men's movement, mythopoetic men's movement, men's rights movement, and the Christian men's movement, most notably represented by the Promise Keepers.[1] The movement is predominantly Western and emerged in the 1960s and 70s.[1]

>Profeminist men's movements[edit]
Main article: Pro-feminism
The profeminist men's movement emerged from the men's liberation movement in the mid 1970s.[2][4] The first Men and Masculinity Conference, held in Tennessee in 1975, was one of the first organized activities by profeminist men in the United States.[5] The profeminist men's movement was influenced by second-wave feminism, the Black Power and student activism movement, the Anti-war movement, and LGBT social movements of the 1960s and 70s.[2][5] It is the strand of the men's movement that generally embraces the egalitarian goals of feminism.[5][6]

Profeminist men have questioned the cultural ideal of traditional masculinity. They argue that social expectations and norms have forced men into rigid gender roles, limited men's ability to express themselves, and restricted their choices to behaviors regarded as socially acceptable for men.[5] Moreover, profeminist men have sought to deestablish sexism and reduce discrimination against women.[6] They have campaigned alongside feminists on a variety of issues, including the Equal Rights Amendment, reproductive rights, laws against employment discrimination, affordable child care, and to end sexual violence against women.[5][6][2]

Significant profeminist writers include David Tacey and Raewyn Connell,[7] Robert Jensen, Jackson Katz,[8] and Don Edgar.[9]

now fuck off

>> No.8790133

i fucked up green text whatever fight me

>> No.8790134

Why is being against feminism against women?

Why is not supporting the biased court system when it comes to custody and alimony for example against women? Is supporting anything that doesn't absolutely pamper women anti-woman?

>> No.8790137

this. My girlfiend is in one of the top dance schools in Sydney and she just got a modelling job. Feels good to have her as my gf

>> No.8790141


this is the only reasonable response I've seen so far in the thread. OP should definitely talk to her about it instead of 4chan. I personally wouldn't be bothered by it, but he has a right to have his own opinion.

>> No.8790142

>he lets other people see his girlfriend nude and has the audacity to call ANYONE else a faggot

>I-its only because I have confidence guys!

>> No.8790145
File: 104 KB, 942x1441, dgbUvyl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good answer, communication is always smart, obviously OP cares.
Thanks for giving good answers

>> No.8790149

tits are just tits, stop sexualizing every part of the female anatomy and there won't be a problem

>> No.8790151

I've probably had sex with more girls than you even know. he has every right to discuss it with her but OP worded it like he was trying to stop her without any discussion.

have fun.

>> No.8790152

will tumblr folks leave once winter starts?

>> No.8790154


it's a lingerie show, I'm pretty sure it's too late for that.

>> No.8790167

Fucking hopefully.

I really can't stand the amount of liberal drivel i read here everyday. Its almost become like /pol/ in the opposite direction

>> No.8790168

this has nothing to do with tumblr, it has to do with not being a fucking neanderthal

>> No.8790169

Pretty sure lingerie was invented to sexualize the female anatomy.

>> No.8790178

chicks dig non possessiveness

>> No.8790184
File: 167 KB, 700x1250, get-the-look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't want other men seeing your girlfriends breasts you're a neanderthal

>> No.8790201

Holy shit you are a fucking beta.

You're gonna end up with a decently hot wife for which you pay the mortgage and buy her heels and expensive bags so she can fuck alpha men at club when you're on business trips.

I bet you could even find out about it because she knows that you're so beta she doesn't have to hide it from you because you won't care. After all it is her body :)

>> No.8790202

All you can do is express your opinion about it with her. Tell her that it makes you feel uncomfortable or whatever it is that you're feeling.

Nothing more, though. Make it clear that you're not trying to influence her one way or the other.

>> No.8790205

grow up

>> No.8790207

>Make it clear that you're not trying to influence her one way or the other.
Why? What the fuck is wrong with you people? What kind of world do you live in where a man doesn't have any say in what his girlfriend fucking does, especially concerning her fucking tits?

Make it very clear you don't want her to do it OP and if she's does then leave her.

>> No.8790221


>i wont let you do X because im an insecure baby

She'll break up with you before she even does what it is you don't want her to do, faggot.

>> No.8790225

Okay that's why you leave...

>> No.8790234

Did you drop kicking your feet and crying when your mum didn't buy you a video game?

>> No.8790236

>my girlfriend might break up with me if I don't let her fuck that nice black man over there so I might as well let her do it, don't want to seem insecure

this is literally your logic you fucking leftist conditioned beta cuckold

You will never have a meaningful relationship in life because you have no idea what it actually means to respect women, you think letting your girlfriend flash her tits left and right is respecting her.

>> No.8790240

No but you probably cry into your pillow every night when your girlfriend sneaks out and fucks some alphas.

You can't talk about it with her because its her body and she can do what she wants so you need to cry to yourself :^)

>he's British
it all makes sense now

Inshallah brother be ready for the coming Muslims invasion of your country.

>> No.8790242

>implying every girl will do that to you
you've been hurt bad anon, I'm sorry for you but open your eyes a little.

>> No.8790245


I can see your point, but it is her fucking job. It's not like she wants to go out and cuckold OP, she's trying to make a living in the modelling industry and sometimes that involves a little nudity.

>> No.8790248

Well they will if you set the precedent like OP is about to do.

>sure honey go wave your tits to the world what do I care?

>> No.8790254


>this level of fucking red herring

You do realize that stretching your shitty argument as far as taking "DOING THIS THING THAT MAY PERTAINS TO THIS INDUSTRY" to "LITERALLY CHEATING" proves you don't have jack shit of a point, right?

Additionally, you shouldn't have to try to get your woman to not cheat. She should just not cheat. If you actively have to go out of your way to fucking fight other guys (as if the problem is with them, and not the fact that your GF is a fucking whore) to get her to not sleep around, then you need to get another fucking girl.

>> No.8790257

OP here, it's not her job, it's her hobby. She's a full time architect student.

>> No.8790260

He said its a side project, she's studying to be an architect and this isn't even her main source of income. I doubt she will go hungry or be kicked out on to the streets for turning down a single see through lingerie casting.

Might as well go all the way and do porn if she needs the money so bad right?

>> No.8790265

usually this kind of behavior can be seen as soon as you meet this person. For example how she interacts with other guys in person or on social media while they date you. If you're girlfriend is not like this and you're treating her fairly, she will always be loyal. She could try to be influenced but she will always turn away. Only if you're a cunt like a majority of guys in this thread you will get exactly what they think will happen.

>> No.8790270

except this is bullshit

most women are whores and if they see that your attitude is one thats permissive of slutiness they will do exactly what all the rational guys ITT are saying they will do.

>> No.8790273

>hey babe, I have to go to the doctors, I think I may have some sort of infection in my vag from all the fucking weve been doing

>wait, what the FUCK? are you actually thinking about showing the doctor your crotch? WHAT THE FUCK? holy shit you fucking whore, your body is MINE, you DO NOT have my permission to show other people your naked body

>o-ok anon i love you i would never cheat on you, you know that right

>did you fucking say something, you cunt? ill see you later, i need to go beat the shit out of that cashier you looked at earlier today, for all i know youre cheating on me with that fucking loser. you better not get one of your fucking guy friends over here while im gone

>> No.8790277

don't go for the "most" then.
The girls that aren't "most" do exist, anon.

>> No.8790279

>showing your vagina to a doctor for medical reasons = showing your tits in a magazine for fun

>> No.8790286

but its not like you can detect them right away anyway

Im not saying be some abusive girlfriend beater, but you need to show her that you don't deal with any of this bullshit that girls like to pull.

>> No.8790288


Be happy for her.

Don't be a total beta and view it as her betraying you or something. Support her.

>> No.8790290
File: 29 KB, 300x286, 1342481785_7079_Ray-Rice_01-300x286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you should ask this guy OP

in all seriousness though, if she's even considering doing this kind of modelling, she's a closet slut and you ought to cut the cord asap

>> No.8790292


>start dating a girl
>make it clear right off the bat that you dont tolerate cheating

thats literally all you need to do

if she does? just fucking break up with her on the spot and dont talk to her again. you absolutely do not need to waste your time on shitty people with so many others out there

>> No.8790296

>I would let multiple men see my girlfriend naked
>I call others beta

>> No.8790301

If you can't detect them then I totally understand why you feel this way. I can and probably heaps of men with even the slightest amount of intellect can tell a slut from a loyal woman.

>> No.8790312

>can't get a model quality girlfriend
>believes in the end they all cheat on their boyfriends

>> No.8790320

>I would let multiple men see my girlfriend naked
>I would let multiple men see my girlfriend naked
>I would let multiple men see my girlfriend naked
>I would let multiple men see my girlfriend naked
>I would let multiple men see my girlfriend naked
>I would let multiple men see my girlfriend naked

>> No.8790323

Would you model naked if you got paid a lot of money? Underwear or fully naked?

>> No.8790327

Not if I had a girlfriend

>> No.8790329

Why doesn't she just do porn then? Why not go all the way right?

>> No.8790338

Maybe the thought of fucking strangers for cash isn't appealing. Don't tell me its the same as modelling nude in front of strangers. Its just not that black & white.
Why you afraid she'll beat you up if you went along with it? You're a bitch man.

>> No.8790347

>Maybe the thought of fucking strangers for cash isn't appealing. Don't tell me its the same as modelling nude in front of strangers. Its just not that black & white.
she doesn't have to fuck anyone, she can just masturbate on camera or something. I mean its her body, are you insecure or something, anon? Are you some primitive neanderthal who doesn't want his girlfriend masturbating online?

>Why you afraid she'll beat you up if you went along with it? You're a bitch man.
No because being in a relationship actually means something to me other than sex, you hedonistic brainwashed faggot.

>> No.8790366

>break it off with a good looking model because she's doing her job

Beta as shit.

>> No.8790373
File: 53 KB, 600x900, model-presents-creation-French-designer-Hedi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her job
>OP states at least three times its her hobby

>all models do see through lingerie

theres a thing called dignity, and it exists in the fashion world too.

>> No.8790387

>Accentuating her beautiful physical form
>Reveling in the way good clothes help bring out the best in a person's looks
>Somehow this is "undignified"

>> No.8790394

holy shiiiit just read the thread; you're losing it, anon. you need to get out before your posts devolve much further than this. you're at like 90% chimpout-imminent capacity here...

OP, you should honestly disregard this entire thread unless you seriously consider these posters to be your peers. i've seen these people take regular fashion shows and xray them in photoshop just to see if some tits are visible, so i wouldn't trust them on boundary issues with your girlfriend.

>> No.8790404

>theres no way to accentuate her beautiful physical form without exposing her tits

>> No.8790415

You can always tell who the really insecure ones because they always bring up black guys for some reason even when it has nothing to do with the actual discussion

>hurr durr if I don't maintain alpha control she's gonna automatically go find dat big black dick

>anon I'm going to wear translucent lingerie for a fashion walk
>n-no, please, it's a slippery slope, first translucent lingerie next thing black bukkake, my internet friends all told me you're wired to be like this genetically!

Jesus christ

>> No.8790423

OK m8 whatever you want to believe, don't come crying to us when you walk in on her riding some big black cock.

>Im gonna set a precedent for my girlfriend that Im ok with people seeing her naked
>This can't go wrong

its not a fashion walk btw its a catalog shoot

>> No.8790425


>believing in the slippery slope fallacy
>implying degenerate acts turn you into a degenerate

evidence of a state should never be confused with its actual cause

>> No.8790429

>alpha = maintaining strict control over your girlfriends image

If anything that exudes beta clinginess. Real alpha would not be giving a fuck who she shows off her body to because then she knows she's replaceable. She should want to save her body for you, you should have to ask her to.

>> No.8790443

>I have no desire for a meaningful relationship, bitches are replaceable so its ok if every girlfriend I have cheats on me I can just get another

Ameribot 2014. The indoctrination has been successful, the nuclear family is dead.

>> No.8790444


> all this alpha/beta talk

Jesus it's like I'm 12 and on /b/ again.

>> No.8790455

>implying it's automatically undignified to do so

>> No.8790463

Not at any point of my mocking dialogue did I imply that I actually believe in the concept of a slippery slope

>implying that wasn't my first post in the thread

Being in scant clothing for a clothing shoot is not pornographic and not even sexualized. The internet is full of pornography, who in this day and age looks up lingerie shoots to get a brief glimpse of a tit? The only people who will even look at this shit are the people interested in the clothing, not the model. This is the same as being a nude model for an art class or having a topless scene in a movie. Would you never date a high profile, A-list actress because she had to have a brief, 5 second shot with no top on? Heaven forbid, right?

>> No.8790465

It is, no amount of your progressive nonsense will convince the average person otherwise.

Go up to anyone on the street that doesn't look like an absolute liberal faggot and ask them if they would be OK with possibly thousands of people seeing their girlfriends tits.

>> No.8790472

I have no desire for a relationship where the only thing that actively prevents my girlfriend from cheating is me actively getting in her way to prevent her from doing so.

If the only reason a girl doesn't suck another dudes dick is because you wouldn't let her model in a lingerie shoot, then I'm pretty sure the problem is somewhere else

>> No.8790483

good point

>> No.8790484

>Go up to anyone on the street
>Except for part of the population

>ask if they would be OK with possibly thousands of people seeing their girlfriends tits.
If they were secure in their relationship and their trust in her, and wanted her to be happy doing what she liked to do, I think they would be.

>Modeling with the nude form visible is entirely undignified
>Models for paintings/sculptures/art are undignified losers
Man, all those beautiful Greco-Roman statues and Renaissance paintings are filled with sluts, aren't they?

>> No.8790486
File: 315 KB, 1100x971, feminists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these faggot SJW's

Jesus Christ.

OP, tell her you don't feel comfortable with it. Sit down and discuss it like mature adults.

>> No.8790493

>my girlfriend is only happy if her tits are in a magazine
theres your problem

>> No.8790502

Are you too ashamed or insecure to go to a topless/nude beach with your girlfriend?

Do you ask her to keep her ankles covered?

>> No.8790503

>My girlfriend is happy being secure in her form and knowing that her boyfriend trusts her, a trust she wouldn't break.

>> No.8790511

as mature as most these fucktards are?

>> No.8790515

There's nothing wrong with being uncomfortable with it, it's why you are uncomfortable with it that's the problem.

There's no reason in this day and age to think that professionalized pseudo-nudity is a gateway to cheating or degeneracy.

>> No.8790516

>she wouldn't break
>except she is breaking it by showing her tits to literally the entire world

>> No.8790517
File: 2 KB, 97x96, tibssfedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon, Im going out with an old high school friend Tyrone to the club. Don't worry, were just going to be dancing nothing else haha, you trust me right?

>of course honey, I would never want you to be unhappy, you're a young woman you should enjoy your youth and go dance in that club with Tyrone

>> No.8790528

>except she is breaking it by showing her tits to literally the entire world
>you own your girlfriend
>seeing someone's body is cheating
>doing it in a non-personal way is still whore-y

Man, anyone who goes to nude beaches, or beaches in general, must be sluts. Fuck them.

>> No.8790536

You have no respect for your girlfriend or yourself do you? Thats your woman, those are your tits, nobody else should be seeing them and if she disagrees dismiss her.

I can't believe this discussion is even being had.

>> No.8790535


I wouldn't want my GF to go to a nude beach without me.
Only a beta faggot would allow that kinda shit.

>> No.8790538

I'm just convinced this has turn into a troll thread, it just has to be. I'm just stupified by what I'm reading.

>> No.8790542

How's that arranged marriage treating you? Your wife still faithfully wearing her hijab/burqa when in public so as to not allow other men to see her face which is sworn only to you? Islam sure is great isn't it!

I mean, why should it only be tits and stuff right? Why not the face too?

>> No.8790545

Okay, and if OP is in the audience of the fashion show, is he still being beta? It should be okay at that pint, right?

>You have no respect for your girlfriend or yourself do you? Thats your woman, those are your tits, nobody else should be seeing them and if she disagrees dismiss her.

>I have to constantly assert my ownership over a person and refuse to allow them to do something because of it
>Who needs trust and freedom of choice?

>> No.8790549

>A trust she wouldnt break.
What do you think separates models from the more beautiful respectable women you see ona regular basis.

>> No.8790551

>there is no difference between seeing tits and seeing a face
>being this retarded

why am I still responding? go be a beta provide, I don't fucking care

>> No.8790552


>> No.8790555

He sure as fuck is if he doesn't approve of it.

They have to make this decision together.

>> No.8790556

>the freedom of choice to be a fucking whore

you would let your girlfriend do porn too wouldn't you?

>> No.8790562

What exactly is the difference between tits and a face? One is just fat, the other can give you a blowjob.

The only reason we continue to privatize boobs is simply because it's just what we've always done. There is no logical reason behind it.

>> No.8790564

>I have no knowledge of social norms
Literally autism

>> No.8790567
File: 37 KB, 616x642, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this fucking thread

I don't think this counts as a fashion thread anymore. Just out of control projection and and /b/ tier logical fallacies.

>> No.8790579

I assume OP wouldn't go out with a whore in the first place.

>They have to make this decision together.
Why? She's not actually going and fucking anybody. At all. She's not showing her pussy. She's not doing anything but walking up and down the runway in nice clothing.

If it was a strip club, it'd be different - that's a place made for lewd, sexualized acts. She's just modeling clothing.

>> No.8790585

>implying being a lingerie model/a-list actress/art model/etc is being a whore

>I follow social norms simply because they are social norms, not because of the logic (or lack thereof) behind them
Not being a sheep =/= Autism

If it suddenly became a social norm to gargle a cock every night, would you adhere to it? Or would you finally stop doing it because it wouldn't be edgy enough for you any longer.

>> No.8790587

Because her tits are being published in a magazine and she has a boyfriend that objects to that, you fucking retard.

>> No.8790598

>If it suddenly
Social norms are developed over time, not suddenly, and we have them for good reason. If you don't like them fine, let your girlfriend show her tits to people, let her fuck other men, let her camphor, whatever right? Its just social norms who cares.

Ill stick to my social norms, and you can stick to trying to fix something that isn't broken, you liberal, indoctrinated faggot

>> No.8790602

If someone's jerking it to OP's girlfriend, they're doing it regardless if they can actually see her tits or not. There's nothing wrong with showing off her tits because she's not doing it in a sexual way. She's just modeling clothing for someone.

>> No.8790610

Just for some money on the side. Thats what her pimp told her to tell you.

>> No.8790614
File: 173 KB, 472x762, feminist fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Right, i'm just gonna go whip my dick out and shake it all around while photographers and a bunch of people watch me and then let them publish it in a magazine and online.

Fuck what my girlfriend thinks. ITS NOT HER DECISION. MY BODY MY RULES.

Like, um, HELLO, its 2014 and its just a penis.

If she disagrees then she's just an oppressive shitlord.

>> No.8790615

>She's just modeling clothing for someone

and fucking everyone involved on the side

>> No.8790616

There is something wrong with it if he doesn't want the world seeing her tits. This isn't a hard concept to grasp.

>People will jack off to your girlfriend anyway so just let her camwhore at least shell make money that way

>> No.8790625

tumblr levels in this thread are through the roof. modeling is by nature objectifying, the model is literally an object to be used to display clothes.

being in a relationship means you have the right to express your feelings and OP is not the only one who would be uncomfortable with the idea of their partner being seen in a revealing way. that doesn't mean that OP can "prevent" her from doing anything but if he is honest and says it makes him uncomfortable she should at least be able to talk about.

>> No.8790626

>social norms are developed for good reasons

Just like persecuting jews, reporting your neighbours for being communist/not communist, stoning people to death for minor misdemeanors, etc, all great social norms from the last 70~ years that were developed for good reasons.

Piece of advice for your first real relationship. If your girlfriend wants to be a whore, she will regardless of whether or not you enforce shit against her. If she isn't fucking other people only because you don't let her, then she's probably still fucking other people and letting you think she isn't. Being vaguely nude in an entirely professionalized environment has nothing to do with that.

>> No.8790631

>Right, i'm just gonna go whip my dick out and shake it all around while photographers and a bunch of people watch me and then let them publish it in a magazine and online.

Is your penis part of you modeling clothing? No.

Obviously. Because if there's anything even slightly sexual, it obviously means orgies are gonna pop up.

>they're her tits
>tits are only seen as this crazy, protected thing in puritanical views
Nude beaches are popular for a reason, and most people don't have an issue with public breastfeeding. There are parks, including Central Park, that allow everyone to be shirtless. People have been modeling topless for art for centuries. There's nothing wrong with any of this. She's not shoving dildoes up her ass for the crowd.

>> No.8790634

you're either a troll or you've buried yourself so deep into tumblr's collective vagina that you have actually convinced yourself that it is the real world

>> No.8790635

>Just like persecuting jews
Jews were responsible for the pathetic state of Germany pre-Hitler

>reporting your neighbours for being communist/not communist, stoning people to death for minor misdemeanors

all things that harm people. Who is being harmed if this whore can't show her tits in a magazine?

>> No.8790650

>Being vaguely nude in an entirely professionalized environment has nothing to do with that.

This. There's nothing inherently sexual about modeling - the point is the clothing and the designs, and the model could easily be a mannequin, if they looked/moved like a human. If anyone's focusing on her tits, it's not the people who should be there in the first place (who are there for the clothing/designs/reporting on the show). Her tits are there, and she's doing nothing else.

>> No.8790651


how the hell do you think women get modelling jobs to begin with?

they climb a ladder of dicks, literally

>> No.8790659

>there are people in this day and age that actively think like this

>Implying tumblr is a hivemind with a singular opinion regarding anything

You're either stupid or ignorant, pick your poison. Like it or not, more and more females are becoming feminist and liberal. If you dump a girl because she's willing to do something that is not at all unusual in the modeling community, she's going to have an easy as fuck time replacing you and you're going to have a hard time convincing any new girl that you were right.

If you're all about social norms, then why aren't you accepting the current social norm centered around liberating women? Or are you only comfortable with the social norms that are convenient for you?

>> No.8790665

>muh tumblr

good argument

dont you have a #gamergate thread to be shitposting in

>> No.8790666

>Literally every model ever had to suck every dick in her way to get there

I'm sure it happens, but I'm also certain it happens a lot less than you people assume.

>> No.8790671
File: 50 KB, 330x319, Uxn9MF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>liberating women
>women aren't free

>> No.8790672
File: 84 KB, 273x225, twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrick Bateman must be in this thread.

>> No.8790679

>I don't understand the difference between social liberation and professional equality

I'm not even feminist, nor do I support many of the advancements made in their favor, but at least I get what they're fighting for in this day and age.

>> No.8790693

lol wut, i'm like, an adult. one who spends time in the real world doing things and talking to people, and it seems to me like you're either from tumblr or some other wussy hole of idealist circle-jerkery

>> No.8790696

get the hell over it

>> No.8790702

likewise dude

again, good argument, id like to hear more

>> No.8790704

If you're so worried about an attractive woman showing off lingerie, and how they look on an attractive female then give her up. I'll take her and she would probably suck my dick better because I'd be ok with it.

>> No.8790708

no time sorry only here to toss some superficial insults before bed

you still suck tho

>> No.8790709

>I spend time in the real world talking only to people with the same opinion as myself, because social debate and critical thinking are too difficult for me to comprehend
>my group conversations mostly center around one person saying something we all think and have probably talked about to death, with everyone else exclaiming "I know right!" Before sharing extremely exaggerated stories supporting the point that are most likely second hand
>Then the next person repeats the process until it's time to go home
>We keep doing this, learning nothing, until we eventually die

>> No.8790717
File: 580 KB, 300x150, 1394115044209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds good man

god bless

>> No.8790756

>all these sjw fucktards itt

yes, you should feel uncomfortable. I would. Bring it up to her and talk about it. relationships work 2 ways, i'm sure she would be a bit upset if her boyfriend became a walking sex symbol for a large group of people. although i'm sure itd be good for her career, a successful relationship should have both parties comfortable. You do have a say, because if you don't, it isnt a relationship.

>> No.8790775

>Assuming OP wouldnt date a whore.
>Making assumptions about strangers.
>Making assumptions.

>> No.8790784

>implying i am straight or even a male

>> No.8790990
File: 9 KB, 236x173, e41d454421bb3ee9469d8825919691d2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying going to school for architecture guarantees any sort of job

top shig

>> No.8790995

teenager detected.

they are in a relationship dumbass. he can and should voice his concerns if he has them.

>> No.8790997

>>>/adv/ saged hidden reported

>> No.8791013

this board is nothing like /co/ yet though, that is truly the tumblr board

>> No.8791041 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 206x390, lesbian girl dissapointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your girlfriend should do what you tell her to do. if you dont want her doing it, she isnt doing it.

lot of cuck faggots in here, really disappointed tbh tumblr/reddit/jews really are winning the war.

>> No.8791059

does your gf do what you tell her to do

doubt it

>> No.8791074

Cheat on her to make yourself feel better

>> No.8791101

Pigfuck is an abusive asshole. No surprises there.

Women are not objects for you to own. I pray you don't have a gf

>> No.8791106

Tell her not too

>> No.8791111

it depends on how important it is to you to say that you're dating a model. personally if she's okay with it id be okay with it.

>> No.8791114
File: 18 KB, 842x180, 1408379247804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see our friendly janitor doesnt like it when people insinuate that sjw/tumblr/pc has invaded 4chan, i wonder why that could be?

listen up you goob, u wont censor me, op should dictate terms that hes comfortable with, if she doesnt like it she can take a walk.

>> No.8791123

Its funny how these guys get called fedora wearing neckbears or whatever, by guys that are for sure Beta fags.

What they said may sound weird, but it's true it's up to her.

It's just a job and proffesion OP, but if you feel unconformtable talk with her, after that the decision lies on you. Accept her or not, yoi gotta know giving up any job just because your SO doesen't like it, is sorta stupid.

>> No.8791147

please stop, saying "most women are whores" is at the same level as stupid extreme feminist rant such as "most men are asshole"

>> No.8791151

>ITT Sexually oppressed Americans

>> No.8791155

you really can't see the difference between masturbating in front of a camera to sexually entertain some men (or women) and walking on a runway with see though bra to promote a brand?

>> No.8791185

Tell her this:
>You look like a fucking pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of niggers, it will be your fault.

>> No.8791655

who give a shit she already dated other guys before you, thousand more people seeing her in lingerie is nothing in comparison.

>> No.8791801

i think there's a huge difference between being looked at and admired and being genuinely intimate with other men.

if she's the right girl for you and your relationship is healthy it shouldn't be a problem at all because she will like you better than whoever happens looking at her lingerie.

look at it this way, you have something of high value that tons of other people are going to want. that puts you in a strong position, not a weak one.

>> No.8791941

isn't this ghengis khan faggot like 16 or something?

>> No.8791952

she basically got hit on, and she's pretty much just going to fuck whoever after the low end show

prob leave her shortly before

>> No.8792170

If she is ok with it, let her do it
Show that what she wants to do is also what you want, to make her happy

Best advice I can give

>> No.8792388

Talk to her, faggot.

>> No.8792852

>There is no chance in hell I would let my girl do that.
>She is obviously free to do what she chooses

Pick one.

>> No.8792887

>There is no chance in hell I would let my girl do that.

also why? So the world sees your GF's tits, then what? What happens next? Some 4chaners wank over her in their basements and that invalidates your relationship somehow?

Being this protective is beta as fuck. Its not even protective, you're not protecting anything, you're just being insecure for no reason.

>> No.8793053

This. She's not doing anything with guys, she's doing a respected profession that just happens to show her tits, and the worse that can really happen is that some people might jerk off to her - which they're probably doing regardless.

>> No.8793072

Ask her to wear pasties.


>> No.8793209

OP is so beta he can't even stop his own property from walking around tits exposed

you own that bitch OP

if she don't like it hit her some

see if the modeling agency wants a bitch walking bruised up and shit

>> No.8793591

If you don't like it, tell her. If she does it, you can leave her.

>> No.8793595

did i accidentally click /adv/?

>> No.8793604

They are right though. OP should break up with her for even considering this since she is a whore.

>> No.8793609

>dating a ho

m8 no

>> No.8793625
File: 10 KB, 419x269, degenerate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's entitled to express an opinion, fuckface. If she wants to be in a relationship with him, she has an obligation to consider his wishes. If he tells her that he does not want her to do this and she still goes ahead and does it, it's a sign of where she stands in the relationship, how she views him and how much respect she has for him.

If your job consists of parading around on stage with your tits out, you're the one holding back your partner.

Look, OP, your girlfriend is engaged in a superficial profession. Chances are she's not very bright and doesn't have much of a moral sense. As a model she's probably a narcissist (of course, since this is /fa/, you're probably either a narcissist yourself or an enabler). Save yourself a lot of heartache and ditch her. Get a girl who actually works for a living - and by "works for a living" I don't mean a stripper, prostitute. Find a woman with self-respect.

A woman who makes her entire living off of her breast size is not a woman who respects herself. Therefore she's not a woman who will respect you.

>> No.8793629

/pol/ incoming

>> No.8793642

As vanguard, let me tell you that a woman who has no problem with dozens of strangers seeing her naked is not wife material. I think you know that too. /pol/ out.

>> No.8793644

She is free to do what ever she wants with her life.

But you are also free to not accept it, if she goes with through with it after you telling her your feelings about it, you are clear to leave her.

>> No.8793648

Wow please kill yourself.

>> No.8793654

Talk about it maybe? If you make a good enough case against it I don't see why she would still go through with it u less she wants to hurt you.

Also I want all the sjw faggots to fuck off back to tumblr. Get pegged beta faggots you don't belong here

>> No.8793668

Everyone should really take a step back and evaluate what's going on here.

They are in a relationship, not a marriage, which they could just break off whenever
It is her body and her decision
Since their relationship amounts to a mutual understanding, and them both saying they're in one, it does not give him any tangible power over her if she has outright decided she will do it.

He can try and convincer her, sure.
He cannot explicitly tell her she cannot do it.
If she does so against his wishes, which it is her right to do so, he is free to exit the relationship.

>> No.8793685

You decide what you want to do.

Personally, I wouldn't be cool with it but not to the point where I'm stopping her if she wants to do it. If it bothers me too much, then I break it off. If she's bothered too much by how I'm not okay with it, she breaks up with me. IDC man

>> No.8793709


this. everyone else is an insecure beta faggot

>> No.8793728
File: 51 KB, 650x436, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard there were some fucking vegan commie faggots in this thread.

OP, tell your woman that there will be hundreds of thousands of perverts beating off to her tits. That should be enough to make her stop. If it doesn't, then your girlfriend is a whore and you should have no more compunctions about fucking her in degrading ways while you look for a decent girl elsewhere.

>> No.8793730


> stop sexualising female anatomy

the fuck am I supposed to sexualise, a lawnmower?

>> No.8793732

whats up with this thread? apparently not treating the body as being inherently sexual is the mark of a beta now? you guys are goofy af.

>> No.8793737


Underrated post.

>> No.8793738

are you 13?

>waah someone else saw my gf naked

jesus christ

>> No.8793740

>fantasizing about lawnmowers
>not fantasizing about the superior male anatomy

come on fa, you can do better.

>> No.8793743


Most men kinda are assholes, though. Just like most women are kinda whorish.

>> No.8793744

You don't own her body. You don't own her image. You have -zero- say in what she does with her body/image. Talk with her about how it makes you feel; you do have a right to feel uncomfortable, but she reserves the right to do what she wants to. Communication is key, and don't get too upset over anything, if you can't deal with her decisions, it's your right to go your separate ways.

>> No.8793746


Pray tell, what are feminists "fighting for" these days?

>> No.8793756


>female model
>going to school to be an architect

Holy shit, my sides need structural reinforcement.

>> No.8793770
File: 221 KB, 550x849, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think it's fair to make racist assumptions about Neanderthals when your kind literally exterminated them.

>> No.8793771

This. OP, stop being an oppressive controlling asshole. Her body, her choice.

>> No.8793777

They're fighting to maintain the idea that they're oppressed so that beta males give them more free shit

>> No.8793800

Many things, mainly the abolishment of male domination(patriarchy). You could've just googled this.

>> No.8793822

why do you care OP?

she most probably got fucked by the manager already.

>> No.8793834

survival of the fittest

>> No.8794640

the only smart one in this thread

>> No.8794763

you're a fucking loser, they're in a relationship and he has all the right in the world to express his discomfort with something she does

>> No.8794771

they would dig it
so ~heroinchic~

>> No.8794934

Jesus fucking christ. WE TUMBLR NAO

>> No.8794960

shes not your property you fucking moron lol

>> No.8794963

theyre fucking boobs you nerd, go to europe and most girls are topless at beaches because NO ONE CARES.

>> No.8794969
File: 286 KB, 960x540, 1407787617088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like we got an SJW
back to tumblr shitscraper

be proud youre the guy fuckin the model

>> No.8794972


I'm smart too fuckhead.

>> No.8794973

not being some redpill fedoralord makes you tumblr now?

>> No.8795011


>> No.8795016


both of these

>> No.8795017

You go girl!!1 You sure showed the patriarchy a lesson