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/fa/ - Fashion

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8778364 No.8778364[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /fa/, how do you feel about this kid dressing better than most of us?

>> No.8778370

this kid looks like a fag

fuck off crossposter

>> No.8778371
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>> No.8778379
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>> No.8778385


>> No.8778520
File: 357 KB, 500x499, tumblr_nad14r739b1qgwi7to4_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are jealous you weren't that effay when you were a kid

>> No.8778529

this would look shit on a 15 year old, a 25 year old and evern a 35 year old what the fuck are you on?

i hate this trend of dressing little kids in dadcore means that makes them instantly stylish or shit. boooooring.

>> No.8778552

>being jealous of a poor kid being forced into wearing dadcore shit by his parents

>> No.8778560


lol nope

>> No.8778582

Why is even called dadcore if all ages wear it?

>> No.8778642

>navy blazer
step it up lil nigga
weird ass tint green shirt with pastel green pants? cmon
fit on the jacket is off and tie is too long

but seriously I don't get the point of this. I doubt the kid is choosing out his own clothes; his mom and dad are probably just dressing him. Why spend all that money on clothing he'll outgrow in months when he isn't even developing his own style? idgi

>> No.8778654

>Why spend all that money on clothing he'll outgrow in months when he isn't even developing his own style?

so easily impressed newfaggots like op will yap about his fits on mongolian image planks like its the hot shit

>> No.8778668

he's got a sick ass fro. Jelly

>> No.8778675
File: 913 KB, 1280x800, fuckingrealm8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of parents make this kind of choice. Childhood is a time to enjoy, not to dress like a 21st century yuppi. I would dress my son with a pair of shorts, a wifebeater, and send him with a bike to play with the rest of normal people that still hang out in parks, mostly latino kids.

>> No.8778682

i've never understood why parents dress their children like fucking adults. they're kids, in what world is it necessary for a 7 (??) year old kid to dress up in a tie to make his parents feel a little bit better about their crippling insecurities.

there's nothing wrong with dressing children well, just in age appropriate clothing that doesn't make them look like an inner city department store worker.

>> No.8778691

Yeah, I feel like parents coddle their kids too much nowadays. I read in an article that some schools have removed P.E. because it is now considered "dangerous".

>> No.8778694

This kind of reminds me of the pageant moms, you know the kind that "lives through their children". That shit's pathetic.

>> No.8778707

what the christ

>> No.8779024


>> No.8779097

> Tortoiseshell sunglasses with that skin tone
> Poorly executed dad core
> while being black

It's like his parents are setting him up for massive mental problems in the future if he keeps looking like a fag got.

Sick fro though

Daily reminder to wear regular fit clothes that are not menswear, prep or dadcore

>> No.8779662
File: 50 KB, 600x399, 89dc3b_a11710ad55a2135286e30ab0f7f0b9ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw he's 10 years old dresses himself and pays for his own clothes with money from his cookie business he started in 2009 aka 5 years old
>yfw you can't afford raf simons rick owens usually what I'm dressed in and you're 18+

>> No.8779671

He doesn't


I can do that cause I'm not beta like y'all

>> No.8779752

my streetwear game was stronk when i was a kid

least i kno my dad lil nigga

>> No.8779812

His mother is dressing him just like the man who left her

>> No.8779815

>hating prep
>hating menswear
>hating dadcore
Fuck off goofninja shit

>> No.8779997

>walking negredo
>70s dadcore

mein gott no wonder you faggots are all over hmi

>> No.8780734
File: 10 KB, 220x293, Grigory-Perelman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw 5 years have passed since 2009.

>> No.8780981

because it started with dads, is associated with dads, and makes you fucking look like a dad if you wear it

>> No.8780983

see >>8779815

>> No.8780995

>confirmed prep-menswear-dadcore-MUH-TIEMLISS-CULSHUR

>> No.8780998

honestly id be p pissed if my grew up and realized my mom dressed me up like her pinterest stream

>> No.8781024

No, obviously if you try to wear a victorian suit today you will look archaic.
Have fun dressing like a thug who stepped out of a comic book you fucking child.

>> No.8781082

>using victorian era clothing as an example for timeless (read classic, =prep/menswear/dadcore) culture/fashion
>"A common characteristic of those on the autism spectrum is... Included in the concrete thought process is the propensity to take words or phrases literally."

>> No.8781089

>>using victorian era clothing as an example for timeless (read classic, =prep/menswear/dadcore) culture/fashion
Because that's the only fucking example you fucking retard, prep and dadcore evolves with time to keep up with current day trends, you fags just don't like it because it's the antithesis of what you clowns wear to be trendy.

>> No.8781109

>look through photo album of me as a kid
>flawless fits
>perfect smile
>glistening eyes
>pulling off bucket hats
>hilfiger, polo usually what I was dressed in
>vintage effect on photos

Will I look back and see /fa/ 20 years from now?

>> No.8781133

If I had rich hipster parents who bought all of my expensive clothes and dictated exactly how I dress then maybe.

>> No.8781135

>then maybe.
then maybe what
he asked u how u FEEL

>> No.8781141 [DELETED] 

hes a nigger in boat shoes lol

>> No.8781146


>> No.8781160

>implying that's the only reason dadcore isn't liked
Regardless. I can only speak for myself, but even if you're right in that /fa/gs dislike dadcore because it's opposite of what they wear...lol, why's that got you so frustrated??

keep playing dress-up with the shit you find in your father's closet. if you want to dress the same way now as when you're 40, that's your prerogative.

>> No.8781167 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 500x614, 1395782839524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most offensive thing i've ever seen on 4chan

go back to r/srs you sjw shill nigger faggot

>> No.8781168

nice1 ;^)

>> No.8781178



Welcome to 4chan nigger, now get out.

>> No.8781188

>if you want to dress the same way now as when you're 40, that's your prerogative.
Except a 40 year old wearing prep or a mix of prep and dadcore isn't /fa/, idiot
Old people can only pull off menswear with some exceptions.
>muh rebel youth culture

>> No.8781224

i feel bad for him because he's almost definitely not fitting in with any other kids his age

>> No.8781228

>tie goes down to his dick
yeah fuck off

>> No.8781288

such oldfag, much legion xD

>> No.8783776

>seriously critiquing this child's clothing

all my kek

>> No.8783801

Not everything belongs to pol.