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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 86 KB, 714x476, nike_trainerendor_steve_booker_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8760016 No.8760016 [Reply] [Original]

who else is bored of waiting

>> No.8760021

already owned for about a year. so im not bored at all

>> No.8760022


>> No.8760044

lucky! i think its gonna be the 20th here in the uk for the reissue.

what you wearin?

>> No.8760059

he probably wearing aldens or some other mfa-tier over priced shit that belongs in the 1950s

>> No.8760103


>> No.8760108

>son have you been shopping in the little boys store again

>> No.8760114

in the UK, urban industry is going to be the main supplier i think.

>> No.8760116

How comfy are they? Is it comparable to the real Nike runners?

>> No.8760122

I havent got them, but ive heard they are a similar fit to roshes.

>> No.8760129
File: 15 KB, 361x355, 1379778622421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love trendy running shoes :) lol

i always be sure to wear my nikes for a "dope ass fit" haha

you say class? i say swag

get with the times gramps!!!

>> No.8760137

These look like shit, like a fucking snow mobile or a loaf of bread.


>> No.8760139

geez everyones a bit grumpy today huh

>> No.8760140

ok. enjoy clomping around in ur shitty, uncomfortable old timey cosplay shoes i guess? everyone else will enjoy being comfortable and looking modern

>> No.8760143
File: 125 KB, 609x607, 1408219748938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking modern

Please /fa/ this isn't funny anymore, they're fucking trainerendors.

>> No.8760145

>who else is bored of waiting till we can look like Birthday circa 2013

>> No.8760146

>implying cdbs and wolv5ks are more modern

>> No.8760150

>ad hominem

Because that is exactly what I wear.
You caught me.
I must be a dadcore faggot huh.

>> No.8760153

>called out and being this butthurt

>> No.8760154
File: 21 KB, 534x686, ilya-repin-a-shy-peasant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me what is the actual trendy sneaker for this fall to buy, I'm a poor sheep who wears the same goddamn shoes every day and I need to attract cool females with brand new things on my feet.

>> No.8760159

Where do you live? In the UK if you want to be a sheep roshes or huaraches

>> No.8760161

not at all, very stiff shoes, not comfortable at all. but still sick af

>> No.8760164

timestamp confirms samefag

what did birthday do to you to make you this mad?

>> No.8760228
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 1404959148319.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why i wear running shoes instead haha

whatd u think? i wear shitty shoes? nope!

i wear nike ACGs

theyre modern

for modern people like me

boots? no way jose

sneakers? no chance lance

running shoes?

now thats something for me
a modern guy in a modern world

>> No.8760237

nah, i just hate the trainerendor strap, it's godawful

lunar flow woven suede masterrace

>> No.8760240

adidas zx flux or primeknit
huaraches lmao

>> No.8760254

>thinks trainerendors are running shoes
>is mad butthurt and samefagged 11 times already in this thread
how come old, mfa fags are so dum

>> No.8760311

Why is everyone so mad at these shoes? They look like every other fuccboi shoe on the market that most of you fuccbois are wearing.

>> No.8760314

weird init

>> No.8760324
File: 24 KB, 400x268, angru man pointing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11 times
did you fail gradeschool

think you need to learn to count

post number in thread: 3

>> No.8760348

just buy weightlifting shoes instead

>> No.8760356

>butthurt tryhard tries even harder

>> No.8760360

you could prove that pretty easy

>> No.8760379
File: 34 KB, 793x293, Screenshot - 09062014 - 06:23:25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep talkin pal

at the end of the day you're wearing poverty made in china/vietnam nikes

>> No.8760387

keep trying spastic
never seen a faggot get so mad about sneakers before

>> No.8760391

Anyone know how much these will be? about £70 I heard. I've got Janoski max and Roshes do they fit the same?

>> No.8760392

Maybe his dad works at Foot Locker or is a sneakerhead and he's acting out.
It's ok, anon. Daddy can't hurt you anymore.

>> No.8760400
File: 37 KB, 790x287, Screenshot - 09062014 - 06:29:46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just a simple fact, no need to get angry

your nikes are shit quality, made in vietnam/china

i dont make them

if i did, id make them better quality

just for you

dont shoot the messenger


>> No.8760403

Seems like your pretty angry dude. You okay? anything going on?

sold for 60 before, so they will be around that.

>> No.8760419

i dont get mad on the internet my son

im just telling you

nike manufactures their shoes in china and vietnam

thats why they look terrible (besides the shit design)

>> No.8760441

wait what's post-Fordism?


>> No.8760445

seek help. u seem unhinged

>> No.8760483

is this board called 'fashion' ironically or something?

>> No.8760489

trainerendor or nike sneaker inspo anyone?

>> No.8760491

I think anything techweary

>> No.8760587

>that faggot pleb who actually defends his peasant nikes

enjoy looking like every other tasteless pleb

>> No.8760592
File: 744 KB, 383x866, 1387064901730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know there are companies who dont outsource manufacturing and they always end up with a better quality product for the consumer?

enjoy your glued together plastic "nike acgs" made by a vietnamese kid with no legs lol

pic related = you
liberalism is a mental disorder

>> No.8760615

Ahh one of the biggest aspects of post-Fordism is the illusion of transparency that you are referring too. American Apparel is a good example. You buy your redemption for only being a consumerist already in the product its-self. Bless how you think you are high and mighty.

>> No.8760629

dude this is pathetic really. no one should be so angry or messed up about any clothes, much less a cheap pair of nikes. calm down

>> No.8760633
File: 504 KB, 786x944, tying a noose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a consumerist already in the product its-self

theres no illusion of transparency

you can compare a shitty factory made nike shoe to a handmade boot yourself and see the difference

youll likely never move on from wearing new balances/roshes/acg/shitty running shoes from china though lol

>Bless how you think you are high and mighty.
said the man wearing nike shoes on top of his high horse
l o l

>> No.8760663

I recommend you watch Zizeks, a perverts guide to ideology.


Some light reading for http://www.academia.edu/2546235/Jo_Littler_and_Liz_Moor_Fourth_worlds_and_neo-Fordism_American_Apparel_and_the_cultural_economy_of_consumer_anxiety

>> No.8760666

>recommends zizek instead of an actual response
gg no re

>> No.8760671



>> No.8760672

you're not as smart as you think you are. you can't even use basic vocab right. are you esl?

>> No.8760673

isnt this thread supposed to be about shoes?

shut up you tards, nobody cares, exchange emails if you want to flirt.

>> No.8760681

I'm not going to write an essay for him haha

>> No.8760686


He's right though.

There is literally no way you can compare Nike mass produced shoes to Hand Made boots.

>> No.8760694

english is my second language

they dont call pig latin the language of love for nothing hun ;)

>> No.8760697

+another dozen samefagging attempts

we are witnessing a grown man having a mental breakdown over a pair of sneakers

this is why i love /fa/

>> No.8760707
File: 445 KB, 520x873, Screenshot - 08192014 - 04:07:51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont post without my name moran

>> No.8760715
File: 474 KB, 1619x1725, 1407416406382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's because the reality of this is thay you have no argument, but, in order to seem like the victor, you're going to try to get the last word by turning the entire conversation into a "lol I didn't even care about this argument"

Also, Your next line will be:
>Being this buttmad on an imageboard dedicated to Malaysian Puppetry

In response to me

>> No.8760724

I provided links to learn more about post-Fordism, I dont see the problem.

>> No.8760748
File: 556 KB, 720x720, shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know whether to get these or the black white kaishi???!!

>> No.8760755

Kaishi probably will be the new roshe

>> No.8760756

wait for trainerendors

>> No.8760764

not actually found anywhere to try on kaishi yet

>> No.8760808
File: 3 KB, 125x70, 1383369260509s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copping out this horribly

>> No.8760814

If you want to discuss it further you can add me on skype or something i guess

>> No.8760823

If anything that's a strawman, or an argumentum ad personam if you choose to interpret it as a personal insult. I'm so tired of seeing you phillisters acting smart because you went to that stupid logical fallacies site. Maybe you should pick up a book instead of saying shit you read on the web. Also this is a fucking casual taiwanese motion picture forum, so stop assuming everyone has to be engaged in serious arguments using thought out logical arguments all the time.

>> No.8760828

actually saw someone at my university wearing kaishi, but they looked almost the same as roshes

trainerendor are way more diverse

>> No.8760840


>> No.8760841

I bought these shoes for $80 (which was the retail a while back) and they were NOT comfortable at all. I wore them for a while but I felt ridiculous because they obviously cheap and shit quality. Srs. If you want them, go for it, but you wont be thrilled.

>> No.8760863

nikes are shit
the end

>> No.8760872

Are kaishi going to turn into Roshe's where everyone is wearing them.

Literallly everyon?

>> No.8760892

Lol, I'm glad all youfags are buying running shoes while I do my own wavy shit. Pls stay on these trends so I stay exclusive. K ty

>> No.8760905
File: 149 KB, 600x400, b_grande.jpg 3299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, planned to buy the Trainerendors as my new comfy beaters.

My Roshes are slowly dying after almost two years but I don't want to buy them again as everyone is wearing them.

What are some good alternatives? I like the look of the Free OGs but they don't look very durable to me.

>> No.8760906

Wow ur so original I wish I could be more like you

>> No.8760912

Free OG or Kaishi

>> No.8760913

a lot of people actually exercise when they go out and dont just sit online jacking off in their designer memewear
not many brands out there that are affordable, look alright and you can be active in

>> No.8760919

my trainerendors are comfy and wear really well. only he nubuck on the toe has seemed to age a bit with creasing over a year of regular use. the rest is all good
ymmv i guess

>> No.8760933
File: 3 KB, 124x101, 1409437268358s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dont let the trainerendors become the new roshes

Why wont you nerds stay away from my shoes?

>> No.8760940

Many fuccbois, peasants, trendhopping commoner, and faggots envy me

>> No.8760942

adidas shill marketing is getting really out of hand

>> No.8760954


if anything you're probably that weird guy girls talk about behind his back

>> No.8760957

You must now wear alot of shoes, lmao. My sk8 hi's are more comfy than trainerendors ;p

>> No.8760962

>being this upset and jealous

Some people are just inferior. Live with being an ugly unfashionable chud

>> No.8760965

LOL that wasn't even me posting, but that's dank somebody wanted to be me for a min. Actually, I just naturally like shit that's different. Been that way since birth, I don't really try to. Never liked mainstream shit and since I opened my third eye, I'm too conscious of the world to enjoy the mainstream. Ride the wave, brother, don't be a pawn. (srs)

>> No.8760970

Right?? We need someone to work the fields ;p

>> No.8760977

lmao, you're trying to stay underground with something that's already dead. wanna-be ass nigga. leave. I sold mine a long ass time ago and cocaine leather converses were the last shoes I ever bought off the internet. (2013) Ya'll nigs need Yeezus..

>> No.8760978

>Actually, I just naturally like shit that's different. Been that way since birth, I don't really try to.

lmao is this nigga srs

just stop posting

>> No.8760979

you must have club foot lmao

>> No.8760983

dude they fit exact like roshes, and roshes are super comfy. either you sized wrong or your foot is wide as shit

>> No.8760986

Damn right I do. Aboriginal till I die.

>> No.8760989

What are acceptable sneakers/running shoes then?

All white high tops by various brands?
Any million of other roshe variations by every other brand?

All this shit posting and no alternatives

>> No.8760999

because running shoes are for lames... ayy, but like i said, PLEASE buy some so you fit in with everyone else.get some fluxes and a pacifier and be done with it

>> No.8761009

Post fit

>> No.8761015


I find it fun how you think people who wear running shoes HAVE to wear running shoes all the time.

I wear sneakers when I dress street but change into boots, flats, plimsols, sandals etc. all the time.

You've carved a caricature in your head and waste huge amounts of effort shitting on it. There's nothing wrong with sneakers, but there's lots wrong with a fuccboi who clings to one style and battles against another like they're mutually exclusive.

>> No.8761019


I would but 4chan won't accept my filetype cause it's too obscure, I guess I'm just too underground for you mainstream plebs.

>> No.8761026

LOL wtf are you talking about? autism.
1. never said shit about anyone having to wear ANYTHING all the time
2. Idgaf what you wear when you dress "Street"
3. i never said there was anything wrong with sneakers.
4. why are you assuming I cling to one style, lmao, because i do exactly the opposite.
and what the fuck? mutually exclusive? are you just throwing shit in there to sound like you are that much less autistic than you already are?

>> No.8761028

>unfunny response
>doesn't post fit

Rename it insecurebitch.gif

>> No.8761029


Are you not the same cunt shitting on people for wearing running shoes?

>> No.8761032

>mad that the only way i can describe my style is by saying i dont like mainstream stuff and i tend to be underground
>clearly said I don't try to, I just gravitate towards more unique things
>implying I said I was better than others (im actually better because im more attractive and fit, but you do you, homie)

>> No.8761036


>calls me insecure
>sperging out because I'm not posting a fit


>> No.8761039

>>implying I said I was better than others (im actually better because im more attractive and fit, but you do you, homie)

I think you need to see a doctor and check for narcissism.

>> No.8761045

I am. I'm really poking fun at people for all circlejerking over the same shoes for months on end and never variating, while at the same time making retarded ass threads talking shit about people (mfa, etc. [and im not defending reddit, dont get your shit twisted]) and having JUST as shitty fits.. You can't claim to be fashionable but wear the same shit every goddamn day. ugly peasants

tl:dr everyone's fits on this website fucking suck and so do your tastes in clothing

>> No.8761048

I don't need to, I already know. But if you're above people, you're above people. that's just how it is. Not everyone can be on the same bottom-feeder intellectual level as you

>> No.8761051

>still not posting fit

Why are you afraid, homie

>> No.8761064


I was going to point out you're on /fa/ but then you already did. When you're on a board or forum for discussion, there's always going to be a circlejerk about something. In the internet fashion circle, that just happens to be Geobaskets, Rick Owens, Nikes, Raf Simons and other such things.

>> No.8761071


Because I have nothing to prove to your autistic ass. I called you out on your delirium and you're fucking spazzing out and demanding a fit, lmao.


>> No.8761076

*tips fedora*

>> No.8761078

This thread is full of insecure faggots making ENTIRE THREADS THAT DONT GET DELETED, MIND YOU (FUCK YOU MODS) about "ughhh p-pls rate m-muuuuhhh aestheticssss plss, anon-sama-kun konichiwa bankai" and "what hairstyle will suit my ugly ass poverty mong-shaped head and acne ridden face"

i blame the fuckin britbongs, man

>> No.8761084

Meanwhile, your'e getting no bitches. Stay euphoric, new friend.

>> No.8761085


Are you sure you're in the right thread? Cause this thread has been about Trainerendors, not hairstyles and face ratings.

>> No.8761090

I meant board.

CAPTCHA: fuck me

>> No.8761093

lmao, yeah definitely


>> No.8761099

>being this mad
>resorting to tired /fa/ insults

Keep finding excuses. If you didn't dress like utter shit, you wouldn't be pathetically crippled by fear and doing literally anything but post a fit

>"y-you keep asking s-sperg"

I can't believe you're this afraid of simply uploading a picture of an outfit you've worn recently onto an anonymous board.You don't even have to show your face. You must dress really terribly. I feel legitimate sympathy for your pathetic existence

>> No.8761107

Nig, you can say whatever you want over the internet, but don't forget who the fatty is behind that screen :^)

>> No.8761110


Ask yourself why you want me to post a fit.

No wait, I'll answer for you. Cause you're an insecure lil bitch who can't handle having shit talked about him.

you're laughable, m8 :^)

>> No.8761111

You just admitted you're fat lmao

Probably dress like shit too ayyyyyy

>> No.8761114

I'm not even du, but
>I feel legitimate sympathy for your pathetic existence
nigga, saying shit like that just TELLS everyone you're the sorry pessimistic that "can't find meaning in life because mmuuuhhhh existentializsssmmm" go ask your mom for some guala so you can cop some supreme off grailed, friend. :^)

>> No.8761116

>but don't forget who the fatty is behind that screen :^)


>> No.8761120

Eh, not really, but I'm glad my post made you happy and you have such a KEEN eye for "projecting" <3

>> No.8761125

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, GODDAMN YOU GOT ME. OH SHIT I JUST DROPPED MY SPAGHETTI WHAT DO I DO NOW LMAO XDD AYY LMAO. OII ROFL. hahahahahaha shit i cant wait for next week to get some proper dank ass supreme haha goddamn

>> No.8761127

I like how everyones been biting my "lmao u use grailed" insult lately when you faggots swore by it until I made you feel insecure about being poor. Don't deny you use ebay and grailed because you're not a self made millionaire like me

>> No.8761128

>not really

so you're -somewhat- fat

top kek

>> No.8761132


ooookay bud

>> No.8761147

Just admit you adopted the grailed hate in the past few weeks because I made it cool a month ago

>> No.8761148

No. It was a facetious way of saying you're retarded for trying so hard to call me out on stupid shit. Legitimate autism

>> No.8761157

jesus christ. they are shoes. wtf is wrong with some of you. calm down and post in other threads if this is upsetting u so much. so boring to read

>> No.8761165

It's okay you're chubby. Someone will possibly eventually love your disgusting cellulite eventually. Maybe. Or you could become anorexic

>> No.8761170

Lol, I'm just gonna let you sperg out. Have a good day, bud :^)

>> No.8761178

So desperate for attention. People that deserve attention get it, you can't be something you not, mom ;))

>> No.8761184

>being this upset
>probably crying irl

I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were so sensitive. I'll be nice now, little guy.

>> No.8761187

>fully supported grailed until a few weeks ago

My keks are so top they're above the mountains

>> No.8761223
