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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 14 KB, 425x331, 41SpATFXMlL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8755232 No.8755232 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/ need advise to buy a cigarette case, I was considering the traditional silver but don't know any good fashion quality brand.

Also general smoker fashion thread.

>> No.8755242
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Shameless self bump

>> No.8755244
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>> No.8755300
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>> No.8755330

>cigarette case

i tip my fedora

>> No.8755342

I love cigarette cases, but I roll my own cigarettes so I'm not sure how that would work out.

I don't care about the brands, there are some pretty cheap ones on ebay.

I'm thinking about buying a tobacco pouch.

Also, is Zippo /fa/?

>> No.8755343
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>smoker fashion thread

>> No.8755344
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not sure wtf smoker fashion is but I guess I'll post this

>> No.8755360

I was thinking of getting a monogrammed zippo but a cigarette case is a bit too far into fedora territory imo. Plus its harder to fit into pockets etc.

>> No.8755379

yeah but smoke rollies and is a pain in the as to carry all the tobacco bag, filters, papers...

I just need a plain not fedora case for rolled cigarettes

>> No.8755382
File: 205 KB, 500x373, 1390974011541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is smoking fashion thread...

>> No.8755383

This is probably the first time I notice the girl is holding a cigarette in that pic.

And I've seen that picture thousand of times. Fuck I even had the picture saved.

>> No.8755385

quit smoking you faggot. it's a disgusting habit.

>> No.8755388

>stopped smoking
>gain 5kg
>now skinnyfat
I wish I could smoke again.

>> No.8755393
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sucking nigger cocks is too and I don't tell you to quit, now gtfo my /fa/

>> No.8755394

I used to roll, I understand. I always put the papers in my filter box though, that helped. Not sure where you could cop a case small enough for rollies. What do you smoke?

>> No.8755403

try working out

>> No.8755406
File: 190 KB, 729x1174, Tabaco Origenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoke different brands, now i'm smoking pic related and is sick with OCB orange, but in general anything from Manitou to American spirit and sometimes Camels.

>> No.8755411
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>> No.8755415

fyi a silver cigarette case was traditionally a way for homosexuals to recognize each other when it was still taboo

>> No.8755418

American spirit is nice. I usually went for GV smooth and now I smoke pall mall reds (when poor) or marlboro reds when I can afford it.

>> No.8755419
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haha yeah i already noticed... smoking haters are always on a second place poor bitch...
>not fa

>> No.8755425

Smoking is bad for your health.

>> No.8755426

shit, well, marlboro red is other world, but i can't afford it and they taste way to good, what a pitty marlbro red to roll doesn't taste the same...

>> No.8755434

I only smoke B&H gold, never tried Marlboro red (only the light ones).

>> No.8755452

put a hard box case around a cigarette pack
it's what i used to do when i rolled my own fags
it's minimal and not as *tip* as a metal case

i used a metal case for a while as well
bought it from a local headshop
if you really want a metal case, just check out local headshops and smoke shops
i stopped using mine when i realized the size and the mirror inside of it meant it was for women

>> No.8755457

This thread is about cigarettes not joints.

>> No.8755475
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She would be a total qt 3.14 if she didn't smoke.

>> No.8755477

I never smoked, but I've considered trying it. Should I?

>> No.8755486

you are wrong, she is a total qt pie because SHE SMOKE, non smoking Asian girls are boooooring as fuck

>> No.8755489

yeah buy some american spirit they are the most casual shit, or marlboro red if you want that "classy and never old" flavour

>> No.8755494

it's strange at first
the rush is like that of an opiate
it's almost too fucking intense to casually use

but after a while the rush isn't as hard
and it's enjoyable

later on, there's little rush
you just have cravings and while it's nice to have something that will instantly destress you a little, it's likely that you're relieving stress made by cigarettes

they feel good
you'll look cool
something to spend money on
good way to meet people

they cost money
you'll lose your sense of smell and won't know how you smell (like smoke or sweat or anything)
food won't taste as good either

gonna go brew some coffee and go smoke a newport
there's also the stigma to consider
oh, yeah, and they'll kill you

>> No.8755503

Smoking is disgusting, I don't like the smell. Everybody can do whatever they want, but damn I hate it when the smokers of my study group come in and everything fucking reeks.

>> No.8755506

tfw no stinky smoker gf

>> No.8755508

>not vaping

>> No.8755509
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forgot pic

>> No.8755517

Then that shows they don't do personal hygiene, or bother to spray themselfs

>> No.8755521

>they'll kill you
When you boil it down everything kills you.

>> No.8755523
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>oh, yeah, and they'll kill you

what are you 13? of course they kill you, every one knows that, the problem is every other fucking product that also kills you and no one give a fuck about it...

Yeah i'm chemical engineer and the shit that we ate on any product kill as twice as fast as any cigarette, so fuck anyone who say "hur durr tobacco is bad for you, you are gonna die" while they eat their shitty cancerous addictive soda and chips products with all the industrialised chemicals to add that delicious barbecue flavour..that.... you......love..............so........................much.

>> No.8755535

Hell Yeah I Vape With My High School Class Mates Haha

Vaping For Life <3

>> No.8755540

vape... well i guess if you like sugar (glicerine) flavoured shit...

>> No.8755574

No, it shows that after some time they just don't smell it any longer. When I tell them, they are legitimately surprised. It varies a lot though. On some days, I can't smell anything either and on some days it feels like I fell into an ash tray when they come in.

>> No.8756477

>I fell into an ash tray when they come in
you are a /fa/gott, no pump intended.

>> No.8758641


Never had the rush. Ever. Still haven't. Been a few weeks now, too.

>> No.8758716

anyone her have an opinion on djarum black?

>> No.8758721

Well the sugar flavored shit beats cancer

>> No.8758865


Fuck I want her

>> No.8758924
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i´m tempted to buy one and a zippo, the zippo might be an obligatory one because IMO theypre reliable in my town with windy weather

is the cigarette case worth it? i´ve seen one and they look comfortable but iddk where to cop a good one

pic sort of unrelated

>> No.8758930

bitches get hypnotized by the sound

once i was carrying my brother zippo cus i couldnt find mine and they were all oer it

>> No.8758944

how to make smoke donuts and other cheeky tricks? i only get to do the ghost and pur smoke in a glass

>> No.8758951

the other day i felt like chills around my arms while smoking like how the junkies do when they need their fix, it creeped me out man, maybe because i that day i hadnt smoke for a week

need muh fix

>> No.8758952

get a plain (or minimally decorated) silver zippo and smoke soft packs.

>> No.8758960

B&H gold sometimes have that sugary taste tho

>> No.8759013

Zippos are nice if you use and refill them often. If you're not using it at least daily for smoking it's a waste of space because the fuel always evaporates.

>> No.8759025


>> No.8759462
File: 476 KB, 600x450, Crossroad_Gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossroads is the best of the aditive free ones, tried A.Spirit (Normal & Organic), Manitou, Pueblo and a couple others

>> No.8759548

yeah Crossroads is sick, probably my next purchase again, also origenes has a very nice spiced flavour..

>> No.8759704

yeah, that blonde color, that lips... that wild face and the fit of the leggings... that attitude...

>> No.8759708

seen these pictures a thousand times and just now realized they were holding cigarettes

>> No.8759714
File: 297 KB, 1920x1280, 1378324882067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess they were on your subconsciousness and maybe that is why you love them so much. Smoking is so god dam sexy for that girls...

>> No.8759715
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this is somewhat related
w2c /fa/ pillboxes
does such a thing exist?
something other than this plastic piece of shit
i wanna look fresh while im popping my fluox, dex and meth

>> No.8759725

are you kidding there is like thousands of /fa/ models for this...

>> No.8759731

where man
when i look online the only sites i find are pharmacy/nutrition stores with generic stuff

>> No.8759734
File: 95 KB, 310x310, NT2065bat-lua-Zippo-black-ice-logo-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always think zippos are the tightest shit
but i dont smoke
carrying one around without really needing it would be edgy and dumb

>> No.8759805

Man I think smoking chicks are hot AF in pics, but since I stopped smoking I can't stand kissing a chick that smokes. Just smells and tastes awful now.

>> No.8760062

Nah its fine it gives you an in to the world of smokers sometimes.

>> No.8760102

If you're looking for a cigarette case, don't forget the oldstyle tins smokes used to come in. They do look nice and are tops $5 (in Australia)

>> No.8760257

Want to know /fa/'s opinion on cigar smoking

I expect to have a laugh

>> No.8760303

I often forget to carry a light. If you have a zippo then, even if you don't smoke, you are my best bud.

>> No.8760307
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what this guys said >>8760303, just carry it and do yourself and us a favour, make the world a better place with your Zippo.