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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 51 KB, 577x435, 1384295614739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8756923 No.8756923 [Reply] [Original]

>impulse cop rickdidas
>not enough money for rent
>have to return them unless i want to be homeless

h-hold me /fa/

>> No.8756926

ayyyyyyyyyyy lmao

>> No.8756934



>> No.8756939

Why you lookin at a niggas ass you hella sus bruh

>> No.8756943

this is what /fa/ has done to you idiots..

the worst is probably teddy
>tiny 300 sq ft apartment
>thousands of dollars spent on clothes

why are you people so stupid with money?

>> No.8756945

>first day of new highschool
>best fit
>og helmut lang jacket
>norse tee
>slp skinnies
>bernhard willhelm hiking boots
>everyone dressed in jack wills/lacoste
>people give me odd looks
>even indie qts look at me like an alien
>go home at lunch and change into full uniqlo basics so people dont make fun of me, chinos and all

>> No.8756946
File: 43 KB, 651x663, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay off credit credit
>immediately blow it up @ patrik ervell .com

>> No.8756948

what did u cop?

>> No.8756951

yawn u a cunt

>> No.8756956

pic of jacket?

>> No.8756958
File: 1.49 MB, 300x300, 1399126833258.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right in the feels

>> No.8756961

yeah m8 want to cop that hoody but the price plus shipping to Europe plus import tax is toooooo much.

>> No.8756963

>tfw I will never know if this was supposed to be a green texted sad face or an angry green sadface


>> No.8756967

ya you definitely some fag ass nigga just accept who you are pussy boy

>> No.8756969

both :( / >:(

>> No.8756977

too dark rn. its just a denim jacket. bought from here:

>> No.8756990

Fit doesn't sound very out there, should have stuck with in mang.

>> No.8756995

I wonder why is this worth 160£

>> No.8756998

>tfw you found out one of your ex model friends got super hot and she's probably leaving you with the hardest boner on earth
>tfw the same day a tumblr core girl asks your name obviously showing off she likes you
>tfw the best pussy you have is leaving and you realize the best you'll ever get is Dr Martens tumblr hoes

H-hold me /fa/, I don't want to lose that Calvin Klein fat ass

>> No.8756999

That sounds stupid I thought you were talking about some dope bomber or Parka or something. Not some lame as denim jacket.

>> No.8757004

>not living in austerity mode to cop great garments

I bet you have big dinners with desert every night

>> No.8757007

U insecure fag, one big part of fashion is attitude, if you don't behave as what your clothes say its useless


>SLP skinnies without chelseas
You deserved those looks

>> No.8757024

bigger lunch than dinner

plus my desserts are always a healthy option

>> No.8757028

>high school
Underage b&

>> No.8757032
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>>tfw the best pussy you have is leaving and you realize the best you'll ever get is Dr Martens tumblr hoes
iktf, bro...unfortunately

>> No.8757054


>> No.8757061

Stats now

>> No.8757069

160 lbs
~10% body fat

>> No.8757091

I don't derive any enjoyment or utility from a large apartment, tbh. It's like - take that Corbusier phrase, "machines for living," strip it of his theoretical context. That's what I look for in a home, a shelter with everything honed and dialed in, everything readily and literally at hand, to be used for the things that actually make life interesting.

It's a metropolitan thing, I think. I don't cook. I entertain only one or two people at a time. I produce and consume media without a fixed physical form. Everything else outside is far more interesting than anything inside, except intimacies that are better suited for a tucked away concrete hovel anyway.

Why would I want a void between me and the city? Clothes, OTOH, are the first line interface between humans and the city. I'm sure as all fuck where I'd like to spend my money.

Good luck hustling, OP.

>> No.8757118

I live in a modestly sized two bedroom condo in boston. Drive a fairly nice european car. And wear apc, acne daily. I am 24 yo and not a trust fund kid.

Living in a shoebox doesn't "connect" you to the city anymore than me you autistic sperglord.

>> No.8757124
File: 59 KB, 400x300, goatpoo-400x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw shitting balls of shit since one week
>like really hard, little balls of shit
>i'm actually shitting like a goat

what the fuck is happening to me

>> No.8757133

liar liar acne ace cash on fire

>> No.8757134

LOL do they even make clothes that big?

>> No.8757148


Your fiber intake is too low.

>> No.8757165

>do they even make clothes that big

also if any of you let this kind of shitposting get to you, then you are pathetic and need antianxiety medicine

>> No.8757177

im sry did u just call my post a shitpost?

>> No.8757187
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>no sex drive
>drifting between self-effacing hatred and apathy
>can't look people in the eye without feeling transparent
>find value in everyone but not myself
>cannot ration why anyone could ever want me in their company
>feel worthless
>talk to as little people as possible to validate my wantonness of invisibility
>only enjoy being alone in the darkness or walking around at night

>> No.8757202

I didn't say anything about you. I wrote less than 150 words about my relationship to habitation beginning with the word "I."

So, okay?

>> No.8757206

i lel'd IRL

>> No.8757220

notice first word in my post as well and the pls rereference the last two as well ^_^

>> No.8757234


You're lucky, where I'm from people give odd looks if you cuff your pants/jeans

>> No.8757236

R u me

>waist too small for size S
>too tall for size XS
Should I just cop girls clothes or something

>> No.8757237
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>spend hundreds of dollars on clothes
>160 dollar maharishi pants
>don't go out,have no friends,no gf, never go outside,
>last time I hung out with a friend was years ago

>> No.8757247

Holy shit, are you me? Also
>can't look people in the eye without feeling transparent
That's a great way to say that. It feels exactly like that.

>> No.8757269
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>brought some weed today
>i invited a girls i've been talking to come over
>she brings a friend
>smoke some weed
>play nba jam
>they leave
i wanted to fuck both of them at the same time i want to kill myself

>> No.8757274
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>tfw friend tries to set you up with her sisters
>tfw you realise due to being socially awkward and multiple insecurities you wouldn't even be able to talk to them or keep them for longer than a month once the novelty wears off
>tfw you realise because of this you will never be able to have a wife
>never be able to have kids
>never have a happy family
>bloodline will end with you
>ma will never have her grandchildren
>will die alone

>> No.8757282


yeah maybe you are right

>> No.8757283

top kek

>> No.8757297
File: 74 KB, 321x349, 1386218138646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sometimes want gf
>crippling low self confidence, can't think of a single thing I can offer in a relationship
>can't fathom the idea of having sex with another person
>feel intimidated when realizing people all around me have sex on a regular basis

>> No.8757302

this so much this
gotta go pay some whore to take the curse off me

>> No.8757304

lmao bruh you were wearing a tee, denim jacket, jeans

only mildly '''out there'''' garm is the boots

u just a bona fide fuckboy

>> No.8757307

Yeah I realise even if I could get a girl, I'd have nothing to say. She'd text me and be all like wassup and I'd end up ending to conversation like 3 texts later. It already happened with the last girl they set me up with. I just don't even know what the fuck to talk about.

>> No.8757310

> I don't cook. I entertain only one or two people at a time
That's kinda sad.

>> No.8757316

You are not alone with this feel, anon

>> No.8757327


I also have the same feeling but i know why.

It's because i don't know who i am and where i'm going.

>> No.8757337

>be me
>perfectly content with it
>friends always pick on me for it
>not particularly concerned but they make it seem like theres something wrong with me
>mfw i think i'd be perfectly ok with bein a virgin my whole life but the social pressure is getting to me :/

>> No.8757342

I'm the same way, but I'm at the point now where I don't want a relationship at all. I'm working on myself, personally and professionally, to become better until I'm really proud of the person I am.

I can worry about looking for someone after that.

>> No.8757345

This so fucking much. I know i'm boring as fuck... w2c charisma?

>> No.8757358

I feel the same way. I too don't want a gf since it's time and money consuming. I'm trying to work on myself on building confidence and possibly enlisting

>> No.8757361
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>tfw no matter how many yoji or ricks you buy they will never come with a personality

>> No.8757372

Me too. I feel as though I have too many problems and it would be selfish of me to drag someone else into them. In the meantime I attempt to improve myself, and my self-effacing seldom leads to loneliness

>> No.8757374
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>Going out to dinner tonight after having done absolutely nothing/stayed at home for about a week
>Wake up to a cluster of pimples after looking fine all week

>> No.8757412
File: 579 KB, 500x375, sad frog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a dog chasing a car - even if I got a gf I wouldn't know what in the fuck to do with one.

Sex with someone that you actually care about, and who cares about you, seems so terrifying.

>> No.8757433
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>be at a party less than an hour ago
>awkward as fuck not really talking to anyone
>get chatting with a qt 19 year old grill I work with
>she compliments me how young I look and says i'm attractive (I'm 30 and bald)
>she asks me if I think anyone at work is cute
>spaghetti flows out of my pockets
>'Not really'
what the fuck is wrong with me
>mfw I realised while I walked home she was into me and wanted to see if I liked her

>> No.8757455
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>meet qt girl while waiting at doctors office (she had a broken foot or something not std)
>get to chatting
>we have a ton in common
>it's her turn to go into the doctors
>before she goes she asks if I want her number so i have someone to talk to
>"nah it's cool i got like a bunch of friends to text(i didn't)"
>walks away
>i get called into office 10 minutes later
>never see her again

>> No.8757457
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>tfw no gf who dress autism-core

>> No.8757467
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>> No.8757472

I have a similar autism story
>Be at hippie music festival
>drum and bass and drugs everywhere
>be eating blueberries at campsite
>girl walks by
>asks if I like her costume
>say yes
>she says she wasnt sure if she looked good
>flashes tits and panties
>holy shit
>asks if I have any refreshments
>give her gatorade
>she asks what I want in return and smiles
>"oh its ok, you can just take it, I have more"
>she walks away

>> No.8757491

She sounds like a slut. You did the right thing

>> No.8757493
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>girl says shes not over her ex and is confused
>says she's attracted to me but wont come back to mine

What do I do?

>> No.8757500

This. M8, your judgement is great, regardless if it was from autism (intuition), she probably did that to 20+ people before you.

>> No.8757504

You woulda got an std or rape accusation later on anyway. Good thing you're socially autistic right?

>> No.8757520
File: 297 KB, 601x698, feelitself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copped great job, started working out, dressing better, and ready to transition
>recovering from a 1.5 year depression that was the result of a bad divorce
>set up with qt3.14 by a coworker
>text her about going to get coffee, she seems really adorable and agrees
>see her pictures, but she doesn't know what I look like (no social media)
>confidence begins to waver
>doubt sets in
>start questioning everything
>I'm not fit enough
>I'm not /fa/ enough
>am I even interesting?

I guess I need to internalize that the potential good outweighs the chance of her rejecting me, also that being rejected is a part of life that I need to be ok with. I'm just worried that being putdown will set me back a few steps

fuck it- maybe everything will turn out just great... right?

>> No.8757537

poor wording on my part, meant transition to a new period in my life

not changing genders...

>> No.8757538
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>start working at new job
>qt girl always smiles at me and compliments me
>catch her staring at me and ask her why is she looking at me
>literally tells me I look amazing
>coworkers constantly telling me she likes me and telling me to give her the d
>start developing feelings for her, look foward to going to work because of her
>try to muster courage to ask her if she wants to hang out sometime
>turns out she had a bf the entire seven months

>> No.8757541


in my limited experience with this kind of shit id say just drop it because cruel as it sounds girls with emotional baggage will fuck you over and weigh you down

>> No.8757558

mate i feel ya been there done that i thought im gonna nut :(

>> No.8757581

Spending money on clothes just feels good m8.
Personally, all I need is a living room, a bedroom, bathroom, and a kitchen and I'm living the dream.

>> No.8757587

If your hair has a right part, does that mean your hair goes to the right or the part is starting on the right? I can't figure it out

>> No.8757638


>tfw model gf dumps you and moves to Vegas

Christ, I'm never going to find a freak like that again

Kill me pls

>> No.8757641
File: 74 KB, 732x640, thepanicisreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be drunk
>Girl that I've been spending time with walks past
>Me and my buds borrowed her hookah and one of the buds broke it on the way back to her room
>She comes up to me picking up pieces of clay off the ground thinking I could glue it together for her and asks me what I'm doing
>Say I just dropped something
>She has a guy with her
>I pick up the pieces and me and the buds march to her room, she gets distracted by some other friends behind us.
>I am like really drunk and forget that I have a red solo cup full of glass.
>We get in her room and I am like what the fuck why am I here
>I look at my red solo cup and thing there's nothing of importance in it so I fling it at the trashcan
>I throw it like I'm throwing a baseball and it smashes against the wall throwing shards everywhere and burn bits of sticky shisha all over her bed.
>I'm chanting "I just wanted to cuddle"
>My friends are laughing because this has become a meme for me as I never want to go further, actually turning women down.
>Thought my friend would be down for just cuddling turns out she just wants to fuck too.
>Her best friend here's me moaning "I just wanted to cuddle" and whispers something in her ear.
>I want to run away but I can't and I'm too drunk so I just stumble away using the wall for support.
>The girl marches after me yelling my name saying we need to talk.
>I ignore her
>I meet with my friends outside and figure out the next day the guy ended up having to help her clean up the fucking atrocious mess we made

;_; I just wanted to cuddle

>> No.8757681

>qt tells me to come over
>ask her what time, since, earlier in the convo, she said she was taking an online test
>doesn't respond for 30 minutes
>tells me she's finished and to come over
>shower and driver to her apartment
>knock -- no answer
>text -- no answer
>call x2 -- no answer
>texts me saying she went out with her friends and forgot that I was coming over
I got mcdonalds and whisky and plan to watch anime all night

>> No.8757683

Move on dude. Fuck it.

>> No.8757709

fuck her, clearly doesnt give a fuck about you, toxic attention leech

>> No.8757712

Ive never had a gf and this seems like a chance, my social group is so small Ive got no idea where else to find a girl

>> No.8757719

sounds like a nice fit, i bet you were being paranoid/insecure

>> No.8757721

Dude she doesn't give a shit about you if she's leading you on like that. Also having a gf won't magically fix your validation issues. Just wait for the right one. Don't try and settle just because you *want* a gf

>> No.8757727

I suppose I'd like to cook in an abstract way, like I'd like to play violin, but I don't feel any deep need to do so. It's not me. I eat nuts, granola, cheese, eggs, fruits most of the time and I like it that way. I eat out for food prepared by professionals if and when I want something more and better.

As far as the people? Small intimate conversations are my favorite form of socializing, and anything more is better done at a club or restaurant. Are you really telling me you'd rather dance in someone's living room than a club?

Like I said, it's a metropolitan thing. Your sleeping quarters diminish in importance when there's a nearly limitless selection of extraordinary experiences 0-30 minutes from your door.

>> No.8757729

Post pic of fit

>> No.8757742

>are you calling me a faggot?

>> No.8757755
File: 37 KB, 833x768, feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


know the feel too

mine was a cool as fuck, effay, redhead who I was with for 8 years- she broke up with me nearly 2 years ago and it destroyed me, just barely starting to get my shit back together. I sometimes worry that I will never get over her, but maybe it's because I've yet to be with another non-basic chick

getting coffee with a qt3.14 on sunday, hopefully she's interesting and likes me- although I'm sure it will only be one of the two

>> No.8757789

i know that feel bro

>> No.8757812

Abort abort abort

Please listen to me, that shit will NOT end well

>> No.8757841

Don't go in with the "everything will turn out just great" mindset. That will fuck you up worse than anything she could think of doing. Rejection ought to be on your mind as another "potential good," as weird as that may sound. Stumbling back a few steps is part of a recovery (sometimes necessary).

Good luck m8, I'm rooting for you.

>> No.8757858


>> No.8757878

/fa/ here for you, bro. It's been a year and a half since a 4 year relationship ended on very bad terms. I'd be absolutely lying if I told you I was over it, but I don't think about it so much anymore.

So many basic bitches though, eventually it got tiring. I've just been treating everyone Platonically and that has been actually more fulfilling than the obscene sex-spree that university could/did offer

>> No.8757891

Listen, man. She flat out told you, no lie told you, that she wasn't over her ex. The most that you can possibly ever be in her life is a rebound that she will use to move on. More likely, she will just flirt with you whenever she feels unattractive or unwanted or something and string you together with leads just to validate herself. I don't want to try and type out my entire story, but I'm begging you man, stay away. She will hurt you, and not in any good ways.

>> No.8757950

This shit is getting me depressed

>> No.8757964

>tfw 5.9" pencil dick
>tfw attractive parents and brother
>brother has 7" thick dick

am i a loser for thinking dick size is all that matters in life, my ex gf of 11 months was all over my brother after i told her about the size of his dick

>> No.8757967

Waaaaaaaaaaay less depressed than what she would likely do to you.

People who aren't over their exes in general are a very difficult group to be around and an impossible group to date. Take it from someone who has been on both sides of this equation.

>> No.8757977
File: 15 KB, 100x100, shregg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 19
>Have £11k saved up
>Dont buy stupid Helmut Lang lunarcore kawaii Japanesu t-shirts for £400 because im not a fucking retard
>Dress like a normal person instead for like £200 an outfit
>Come here to laugh at you

>> No.8757985

this mofo some kind of urban nomad

>> No.8757987

None of my shoes fit because I thought I was still growing back in high school. I was a shut in for years so they never got wore out anyways. They're not even very effay shoes.

I have two jeans to my name and at least they're APCs I guess. Too bad skinny pants are what's in now and my raws are slim and stretched out. That's all I have to wear besides basketball shorts.

My shirts are basic and not cringey at least. Always plain and no brands or graphics. I feel so boring in my wardrobe though. Plain shirt and jeans just feels uninspired. I want to do more with my wardrobe but I don't even have enough money to eat more than like half a meal a day right now.

I try talking to girls at uni and getting numbers isn't that difficult. Nobody will date me though, and as a result I feel as uninteresting as my fits. Maybe it's because I'm not 6 ft tall or maybe I'm just ugly idk. Girls thought I was cute in high school but I was too caught up in video games to pay them any attention so I never did anything back then.

I've started being more outgoing, but I'm not getting the impression being able to converse with people is enough. Like oh hey aren't you in my history class on such and such days? Yeah I have that class. And they immediately go cold shoulder. I don't get it anymore. People aren't interested in making friends or something in any of my classes.

I'm going to talk to a counselor on Monday about my depression.

>> No.8757996

just wasted a year of your life on some stupid bitch
your penis size is pretty small too

>> No.8757999

What would she do to me?

Isnt everyone getting over someone?

>> No.8758005

nah man as >>8757967
it's just not something that will work out. dating unsurprisingly has few people re-inventing the wheel, so to speak.

just take contentment in someone being attracted to you, and move on. there's always someone else to move onto if you keep your head up( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

>> No.8758023

From a bottle of whisky

>> No.8758044

Like I said, man. Use you, knowingly or not. Emotional comfort, maybe physical, and it seems like you'd be more than willing to oblige either. You can bet your ass that you are not going to start a healthy give-and-take relationship with a girl who admittedly is still hung up on another guy.

I don't know where the hell you are getting the second idea from. I don't know how else to respond to this because it seems so obviously false.

Your reluctance to listen leads me to believe that you are probably pretty inexperienced with relationships, and aren't going to take our advice in the end anyway. It's your life, and there certainly is something important about making mistakes, just understand this is one you don't have to make.

>> No.8758046



>> No.8758053


>> No.8758150

For some positive feels...
>my son is 2 months old and healthy
>my job get me amazing deals on designer gear, can get a lot of nice things for wife
>saving up tons of money by living at home

>> No.8758247

>tfw you were to chill to do something

Iktf bbuh, once I missed the chance to fuck my hit friend the school bathrooms or that other time in the bus (not fuck in the bus, just the insinuations), its those things you take yourself to the tomb

>> No.8758283

h8 this so much

>> No.8758293

I deeply hope this is made up

>> No.8758296
File: 66 KB, 659x424, absolutelydisgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel u except my freinds dont pick on me for it.

P sure they knw though lol.

Do you kind of feel like in a way you're not an equal to other men because you haven't had sex?

>> No.8758305

yeah. Just know that rejection is possible and it will feel bad, but it's not the end of anything.

>> No.8758312

just some advice to people who feel like they're boring or wouldn't know what to say/have nothing to offer etc:

it's probably because you haven't met someone you really like and have a lot in common with. When you do, you will want to just talk to them about stuff you like or are interested in.

>> No.8758338

hehe faggot get on my level

>> No.8758362


Remember, never fall for a woman. Fuck them and keep them around, but never fall in love. They always fuck you over

>inb4 jaded

>inb4 fuck nigger women instead

>> No.8758385

>The most that you can possibly ever be in her life is a rebound that she will use to move on
>implying rebound guys don't get the best sex
trust me, that's my market sector

>> No.8758392

> Dr Martens tumblr hoes

lul tru

>> No.8758424


lel you'll never be 6 feet tall

>> No.8758443

>store's fitting rooms have up to 4 garments only rule
>take at least 6 trips to the fitting rooms

>> No.8758447


>an actually fashun related feel for once

>> No.8758465

>tfw tons of acquaintances that go out of their way to recognize me and say hello
>tfw people I barely know compliment my fits
>tfw none I truly consider friends
>tfw close friend group is getting smaller
>tfw conversing with close friends is getting harder
I don't care about all these people. I know I have no interests in common with them. I just want my close friends back and be able to truly enjoy time with them.

>> No.8758475

w2c sexy cold freak gf?

>> No.8758482

fucking this so much if you´re not ready for a relationship (which is like almost everyone on /fa/)

the my ex model friend who i was talking about started to talk to me because i didnt even looked at her first then we started to hang around on lunch and sit together in class were we aquired that "friendship" of wasting class time and "playing" around

damn son, i´ll miss her so much

>> No.8758489

>being this dlusional

kek, my best friend says he´s okay to be virgin but everyone knows he wants de pussy b0ss, its like negation

>> No.8758501

if real pls go see a psychologist and check that autism

>> No.8758507

well, at least you avoided possible aids

>> No.8758510

im only 18, I can still make it brother, i can still possibly make it.

>> No.8758527
File: 776 KB, 792x629, Screen Shot 2014-09-05 at 10.39.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8758528

sounds like those parties where the music was too low and everyone was whispering and back talking

>> No.8758532

>tfw you're running late for a parkstroll / hike with your fiancé because you spent an hour fussing over your fit.

>> No.8758554

ayy lmao

>> No.8758556

>be at mall
>take little brother to foot locker
>sit on the bench
>bench is 3 feet from shoe display
>2 qts in yoga pants and tank tops stand right in front of me
>dat ass
>so close I can literally smell pussy
>slide down to the end of bench cuz uncomfortably close
>hear them talk about me
>they ask me if I liked a pair of shoes on them
>get to talking
>they're on vaca from Australia visiting cali
>lil bro starts acting like a bitch and has a fit
>forced to leave without getting a number

Fuck man

>> No.8758558

>need to buy groceries
>decide to go shopping instead
>don't get groceries
>no food
oh well

>> No.8758564

wretched wench

>> No.8758583


>end up buying only one or two items
>avoid eye contact with attendants

>> No.8758586
File: 6 KB, 150x131, Feels 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"anon is my favorite"

what does this shit means ?

>> No.8758588
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>> No.8758601

at least you accomplish that calorie deficit by default

>tfw binges are getting crazy
fuck, sometimes i een get calorie surplus

>> No.8758622
File: 139 KB, 704x396, 장미_없는_꽃집_第_11_話_704☆396.avi_003202599_kh914028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw copying a character from a Japanese drama for years
>do it because the dude is the world's nicest guy and is very kindhearted (I want this image)
>even have a similar body
>go to college
>people accuse me of going on /fa/
>everyone thinks I'm the pussy master
>mom accuses me of having sex with girls everyday
>all I do is watch Japanese dramas and admire Japanese men on the internet everyday

why can't I be the nice guy

I just want to be that kindhearted gentle man ;_;

>> No.8758630

*tips fedora*

>> No.8758632

Ha man it's fine if you expect it. The other anon wanted a serious relationship.

>> No.8758635


What's with the weeaboo influx on /fa/? Is it fallout from the tumblr raid on /b/?

>> No.8758642


but anon I only like watching Japanese men

I don't even like the girls or the anime like the weebs do

>> No.8758659

anon, you sound weird as fuck, but not in the good way. I seriously doubt anyone thinks you are the pussy master, unless english is your second (or 5th) language

>> No.8758671


What are you gaining by lying to mysterious people on a Indian Cartoon forum?

>> No.8758672

keep in mind you´re in a gook cartoon based website where the autists are just a click away

>> No.8758689
File: 38 KB, 300x300, 1373931763571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to upload transcript for application I'm filling out
>borrow a friends scanner and get two .png pictures of the two pages of my transcript
>go to upload them, .png isn't an accepted file type
>have to make an account to use a website to convert them to .pdf
>go to upload the two pdfs, ERROR YOU MAY ONLY UPLOAD ONE FILE
>have to make another account to merge two pdfs
>finally finish and don't even want to fill out the application anymore

>> No.8758795 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 640x480, 1387155616652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this so bad. but hey, living a cold, lonely and somber life of regret is effay too, right? right guys?

>> No.8758880
File: 50 KB, 841x431, 1407745199968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't know what to say anyway. Last time I was texting a girl I ended up not replying and pretending I forgot we were having a conversation because I have no idea how to carry a conversation. This carried on with her texting me every night for a month before I told her I was moving to Kenya as a missionary and wouldn't be able to text her. She almost saw me in the mall the other day but I was able to sprint the fuck out of there in time. It's not just girls though, I have the same trouble with everyone.

>> No.8758890

>moving to Kenya to be a missionary

HOLY FUCK LEL at what part in the movie does your Kenya plan backfire and she sees you at a movie?

>> No.8758899

The last part of my post, but i don't go out much anyway.

>> No.8758916


That fit sounds like shit, no brand synergy, none of those should go with each other

You deserved those stares because you are a fuccboi with no taste who blew his cash on shitty second hand designer stuff

>> No.8758935

>go in the shower
>feelin good
>wash hair
>clump of hair in the drain

I wanted to cry

>> No.8758964

this is what happens when you don't go full no-poo

>> No.8758971


are you retarded? just be chill m8, i used to be all italian on everyone, then depresion got me and suddenly i stopped caring what everybody tought about me, later on i realized the less attention you give the more people want you for some reason

>> No.8758975

>moving to Kenya to be a missionary
more like his british mom moving to kenya to get in the missionary position :^)

>> No.8758980

>clump of hair in the drain

>> No.8758985

But I don't even know what to say to carry a convo or make smalltalk. What do you mean by be all italian on everyone?

My mum's not british you cunt.

>> No.8758990

>My mum's not british you cunt.
nice try

>> No.8758998
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not british
>my mum


>> No.8759002
File: 76 KB, 640x640, 10511226_345028728977731_6163824875287456194_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>only england speaks proper english
>not understanding the point of including cunt

>> No.8759005


>Want a gf
>Finally get gf
>After about a month realize that its not even a big deal
>What do

>> No.8759008

spaghetti all over the place

ifyou dont have anything to say dont talk until you get more interesting

>> No.8759011

IKTF ;_;

>> No.8759015

How to get more interesting?

>> No.8759028


Sorry, anon, but it seems you suffer from autism.

>> No.8759039

>people think you're swimming in puussay

>> No.8759045

get a hobby, read books, listen new music, get an interesting job

fuck man, you´re pretty fucked up

>> No.8759046

>can't think of a single thing I can offer in a relationship
I havent been reading this thread but this is something a lot of guys worry about it that is actually very backwards.
Have you ever once thought about what can SHE offer YOU?

No, you haven't, because if you did you would realize that a GF won't bring you that much, if anything. It takes very little effort to maintain a relationship if you go into it with the right perspective. A girl who makes you feel like you aren't giving enough, or keeps bringing drama is simply not worth keeping around.

By thinking of a girl as a "prize" and something to work for, you have already compromised yourself to a lower position. Your relationship should be a MINOR part of your life, almost something in the background. Every man should strive to make that a reality. Let it grow slowly over time, but always be ready to move on when it's clear her interest is gone.

You are the prize. A girl should want to work for you, and it shouldn't be the other way around. By appearing as if you have value and high standards, it makes you seem more important - and girls love an important man.

>> No.8759050

I'm not fucked up.

>> No.8759069


>> No.8759079

I dont care for french

>> No.8759516

>tfw coming home from football game tonight
>stopped at light, windows down
>cass mccombs playing
>prius full of bitches from game pull up next to me
>one rolls down window
>i say hi
>shes about to say something but the light turns green and her friend drives away
>tfw will likely never see her again
>tfw her face is fading from my memory

>> No.8759642
File: 80 KB, 500x547, 1409651276165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bloodline will end with you

>> No.8759650
File: 104 KB, 364x276, Screenshot - 09062014 - 12:28:44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OG helmut lang jacket
i dont believe you until you post a pic

>> No.8759727

>go full swedish high tier mass market
>Whyred, Fillipa K, Tiger of Sweden, Acne
>fit is neat as fuck
>people compliment my coat the most, which is fucking H&M

It's not like I dress for them but still. Plebs gonna pleb I guess

>> No.8759749

i fucking hate girls

>> No.8759751

>155 lbs
>blonde hair
>green eyes
>thick brow
>gaunt jaw/cheeks
>private university
>Saint Laurent, Dior Homme usually what I'm dressed in
>2k/month apartment

>smile at people, overall friendly demeanor
>not even a glance back
Honestly I think I'm just 2much4everyone. Am I okay with that? Not really, I think I have some serious reflecting to do and a lot of self improvement to act on.

>> No.8759778


>> No.8759780

post a pic of yourself

>> No.8759783

lmao it's all right m8
we're just
different I guess
I legit feel like an autist sometimes
that's kinda weird, cause I was the company's soul always
I dunno
it's like there are 2 me's, and the cheerful and socializing me is hybernating or sth
moving 8k km away from home and breaking up with a gf didnt help either

>> No.8759826

>What do you mean by be all italian on everyone?
It means you keep your a spaghetti where it belongs

>> No.8759847

>first day of highschool

I hate this fucking board.

>> No.8759851

>>"nah it's cool i got like a bunch of friends to text(i didn't)"


>> No.8759860

>get on the train
>taller than 90% of people
>get to uni
>dwarfed by all the guys and half the girls

fuck my life

>> No.8759879

>get on train
>taller than everyone
>get to college
>taller than everyone except 6'4+ circus freaks but they dont count for people anyways
>people describe me as tall slim guy

feels good mane!

>> No.8759935

and you need to drink more water cunt

>> No.8759940

>get on the train
>taller than 95% of people
>get to uni
>taller than 90% of men and all women
6'3" masterrace

>> No.8759941

it probably was an og helmut, but it was just a denim jacket so who the fuck cares lel

>> No.8759944


here. sure feels good when you have model proportions while being tall. I'm athletic mode but still appear slim due to an elongated frame, similar to chris hemsworth

>> No.8759945

>Honestly I think I'm just 2much4everyone
just the fact that you typed that makes me think that isn't true at all. rather, you're more stuck up than you think or are generally a cunt without realizing it

>> No.8759961

So much this. Literally never felt romantically attracted to another person.

>> No.8759975

>tfw all it comes down to is that I feel like shit but look great

>> No.8759980

Nah I just like having people over, sometimes i cook for them and sometimes i have more than two people over

it just sounds very spartan

>> No.8761462

>get on the bus because Mexico doesnt hae trains except for the subway
>taller than 99% of people
>get to anywhere
>taller than 99% of people

damn, and i´m only 1.80m tall, feels good

>> No.8761483

>living room
What for? I've lived the last two years with a non-functioning living room (since it was full of junk, basically) and I'm happy with just my bedroom and kitchen (as long as it has a kitchen table). My friends always comment on it but to be honest I don't really care, don't much see the need for the extra room.

>> No.8761496

>tfw you walk by two obvious model scouts and they don't stop you, barely even look at you

It's not like I had any illusions about becoming a model but it still stung a bit ;_;

>> No.8761531

>Get downplayed by a grill who was flirting with me
>As a result I don't take enough iniative with another girl
>Got good game, but never seem to manage to follow-through
>I only seem fun enough for a couple of dates
Fuck. I just wish it was winter so I could wear my new boots

>> No.8761535

should've sucked cheeks in

>> No.8761538

> wearing boots
> 2014
> wanting to look like a degenerate

>> No.8761567

what does a model scout look like?

I'm guessing lady in her late 40s, fashionable and holding a notebook? Sort of Anna Wintour-ish?

>> No.8761598

>tfw hair has been graying since I was 15
>tfw grayish green eyes
>tfw pale skin

>tfw I'm monochrome for life

the fact that I'm probably one of the only ones to ever feel this feel is kinda cool tho I guess

>> No.8761610


>> No.8761648

thank god i have siblings

>> No.8761652

they weren't particularly fashionable but the woman had a notebook and the guy a camera, yeah

>> No.8761693

>be me

>> No.8762342


>be at party
>friends plotting on who they're gonna get shit faced
>2 games of bp and tall vodka cranberry later
>keep handing me drinks
>assholes end pouring me half cup of vodka
>drink it
>sloppily hit on qt
>stick my hand in her back pocket
>say "I wanna beat that ass like it owe me money"
>turned down
>vomit on my shoes
>run to bathroom.
>fall and hit my head on toilet
>put vodka in bp cups
>erbody shitfaced

Fun night

>> No.8762424

>erbody shitfaced
thats the best part of a party, everyone talks to eachother as if they were lifetime friends

i want to go to a shitface party

>> No.8762438

>Be me.
>Starting college.
>Comp Sci.
>College Orientation last Thursday.
>Get talk about contents of course.
>Look around room.
>Just over a hundred people.
>Like 8 of them are women.
>Spot qt3.14 across the room.
>Can't concentrate for rest of talk.
>Talk finishes and people start leaving.
>Consider timing my movement towards the door with hers so I can start up conversation.
>Don't though because that's pathetic.
>Lose track of where she is in the room and leave.
>Turn around as I'm passing through the door.
>I say hi.
>Conversation starts.
>She's Ukrainian.
>Plays Dota2.
>Describes the specs on her laptop like it's not a big deal.
>Isn't wearing make-up.
>Her eyes are violet. Have those bags under them that are sexy.
>She gets shy when I ask if they're contact lenses.
>'I like it', I say.
>'I like it too. But my mother doesn't'. She smiles. With her whole face.
>I'm 19 she's 20.
>We have to separate as we're divided into groups to be shown around the campus.
>I walk by her later during our tour.
>She winks at me.
>Fuck I'm in love, I think.
>Catch up again later and hang out.
>She likes Tarkovsky.
>We talk about programming.
>She knows more about programming than I do.
>She tells me about her family back in Ukraine and her fears for their safety.
>She mentions her boyfriend.
>My heart breaks.

>> No.8762450
File: 52 KB, 418x472, What+Heartbreak+feels+like_754153_4277143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah and she likes post-rock as well.

>> No.8762454

i still dont get why people feel devastated when they realize the girl they want has a bf, just wait for them to break or something while looking for other girls, if she chooses you then its all good even if she didnt and was actually pretty easy and safe because you were looking at other girls

>> No.8762460

literally a 5'10 and a half manlet. That is some serious delusion

>> No.8762461
File: 8 KB, 234x216, I_know_that_feel_bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah man, its alright bro. we'll make it. that feel sucks.

>> No.8762473

>post rock
top kek you loser

>> No.8762481
File: 8 KB, 250x177, frenchy feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel intimidated when realizing people all around me have sex on a regular basis

>> No.8762482

tfw when no Mogwai-liking gf.

>> No.8762504


>> No.8762508

>been with bf since nov
>slowly realising he is very childish and we aren't compatible
>he dresses horribly
>fedora neckbeard style
>has a slim model body so it doesn't look that bad but it's starting to get to me
>don't want to break up over his lack of taste and manchildness
>living together next year in a uni flat that I would have to give up if we broke up
>advised fits for him but he says he dresses how he likes in a sulky childish way

>> No.8762516

that dick better be good or else yr just gonna end up hating his style more and more and resenting him

tough call

>> No.8762523

please be in vancouver

>> No.8762539

plz be Ukrainian.

>> No.8762544

oh its good dick and he has a great swimmer's body plus it would really fuck up my uni course if I had to find somewhere affordable to move out to on short notice
but he uses XD unironically

>> No.8762545

plz be in new orleans

>> No.8762552

My ex gf told me she schlicked while listening to hwndbyw. She's put on 10lbs, got a yeast infection, and got nasty acne since we broke up.

>> No.8762618
File: 208 KB, 1280x1920, http%3A%2F%2F38.media.tumblr.com%2Fcb73a8d577a482fcf7b29d053ad2924e%2Ftumblr_mnqslzwE3n1s9ui1mo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No social interaction besides work
>I don't like to drink
>Home gym and lift alone
>Work at a hospital as a Occupational Therapist
>Hospital full of QT nurses who constantly hit on me
>Only female interaction, so I enjoy it
>Give in once
>Date 10/10 Physical Therapist for 6 months
>Dump her, too narcissistic
>Tell myself I'd never make that mistake again, at least at work
>Ignore every woman's attempt
>"Anon, do you like anyone who works here?"
>Once had a insanely cute daughter of patient family trying to give me her number
>"Sorry, I don't have my phone."
>It was in my pocket
>Crushed her, feel bad. Go home and lift harder than ever.
>Growing up I always thought I'd meet someone else who's Christian and saving themselves for marriage like my parents taught me
>And that I'd eventually have friends who did more than want too drink every time they go out
>Slowly I realize they'll never grow up
>And that I'm in a different generation and it's unfair to place my values on society
>So I carefully distance myself
>And hold onto my beliefs
>I mean I've already gone this long.
>Slowly I let the world pass me by
>This does not break my heart
>It crushes it

The saddest part is how long I've accepted this future. Work, lifting and sleeping. Repeat.

I'm surprised I haven't gone full Kobain. At least this long.

I am beginning to lose hope.

>> No.8762623

>want to start dressing well
>have mild acne
>think there's no point of trying since people will think i'm compensating

>> No.8762644
File: 164 KB, 460x1576, 94t3Jn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>feel intimidated when realizing people all around me have sex on a regular basis

Fucking this so much.

It hurts.

>> No.8762656

nigge, i swear on me mum that almost eeryone in mexico is maximum 1.75m tall in men, except for the golden land of Guadalajara where everyone is aryan master race

i know i´m a manlet but i can still grow

>> No.8762673


ÿeah nah go for it fuck what people think

you can't do anything about acne ( except accutane ), it's mostly genetics, so at least start dressing well, you will be happy will all the knowledge you had gained when your acne will fade out

>> No.8762675

Burgerclap pls

>> No.8762678

why would you even talk to that people?

if the flat thing isnt settle yet, break with him and keep the flat for yourself and find a mature person

>> No.8762683


Try being 1.95.6 meters (6'5) and 193 lbs (10%BF).

>> No.8762694



>> No.8762717

i´m 18yo, how to improve my height growth? i know theres people who stops growing at 23yo

>> No.8762727
File: 9 KB, 200x252, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw the only people you can make smalltalk/flirt with at work are 30-50 year old single mom bartenders. My problem isn't that I can't talk to girls my age it's just that I share nothing in common with them and have nothing that I think will be worthwhile to say.

>> No.8762730


you don't

there's no way to " improve your height ", pure height growth is genetics

if your doctor tells you you will probably still growth, then hope for the best, otherwise don't bother

>> No.8762739


I'm 21, m8.

It's seriously genetics -- I've tapered out at around 18-19'ish. I really pray I don't grow anymore because finding denim is a bitch.

But if you want to maximize your chances, eat good, sleep well and exercise. Especially the sleep part. I've always gotten 8-9 hours a night.

>> No.8762751

it is, and I'm poorfag atm so I wouldn't able to afford the flat alone. its my mistake that I agreed to live with him so I rant in feels threads.

>> No.8762764

yeah, i can confirm this, i´v ebeen such a lazy cunt all my life, and a friend of mine is 1.89 or so and he´s lazier than me

>> No.8762767

get a friend or advertise that you want to share the flat

>> No.8762775

>a few days ago
>waiting in line on the street for Swans concert
>in a bad part of town, I'm the only young, white middle class privileged guy around
>homeless guy comes up to me
>asking for bus money to get home, probably for drugs though
>I try to ignore him, saying I don't have any money with me
>He guilts me into it
>Reach into my pocket, fumble around
>Money falls on the ground everywhere
>awkwardly pick up money off the street, hand him $5 dollars
>everyone in line and the other homeless guys staring at me
please kill me

>> No.8762788

>9% body fat
>easily 8+/10
>smartest person in my year (200+ students)
>good at sport

>no friends
>bad at small talk even though I'm extremely confident
>just lack the ability to talk about pointless bullshit so I find it hard to make friends

I thought girls and friends would be something that would come with being an attractive high achiever. Apparently not.

>> No.8762793

you can only live with someone you're married to or in a relationship with (we had to get a form signed by his former landlord) and they do checks to make sure youre still living there and not letting people crash etc
I think I'll just tell the uni some shit about him not paying his part of the rent so they might let me move into a single flat but even then I might have to pay fees

>> No.8762801

of NEW highschool ratfuck

>> No.8762804

Pls kill yourself

>> No.8762812

small talk is bullshit, youll find someone you can talk to one day who's similar to you

also pls be in london

>> No.8762834

since this is like a personal blog anyway, i'm pretty insecure about this blink 182 cover i tried to do. do some of you guys maybe wanna listen to it and tell me what you thought of it?

>tfw sent it to my friends and they didnt respond :(


>> No.8762855

your voice is quite flat but the guitar is good

>> No.8762859

Develop better taste in music before you try to make music.

>> No.8762893

i wouldnt respond to such shitty "cover attempt" either

also, blink 182 is edgy highschool tier

>> No.8762900

You don't need to be "chatty" over text.
>send basic greeting
>wait for response
>"it was cool meeting you the other day, what night are you free to get drinks"
>i'm free on thursday!
>"aright ill pick you up at 8."
And then leave it. If she doesn't try hitting you up for small talk before, hit her up on Weds or ˇThurs" a couple hours before the date "what's your address?"

I am telling you, it is this simple. I've doen this exact pattern a lot and never had bad results.

>> No.8762906

you're such a shitty trip, please go back to /b/

>> No.8762924

Got a problem with that?
Because I don't.

>> No.8762933

k bbuh, jst dnt b 2mad

also, dont remove your trip when you attack someone

>> No.8762934

Depending on what your face is like, you could rock the shit out of that look man.

>> No.8762951

>Christian and saving themselves for marriage like my parents taught me

>> No.8762959


where u live

>> No.8762967


>> No.8762977

nah ireland

>> No.8762984

The evangelical church is hilarious in burgerland. Watch Jesus Camp on netflix. It's great.

>> No.8762988
File: 83 KB, 1870x568, musict.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm working on voice stuff but its really hard for me, but thanks on the guitar stuff :)

dont actually like blink, as for taste i think it's ok, see pic rel

kinda mean tbh
what was the most shitty thing about it? be constructive! :) (also dont be racist because its annoying)
what covers do you like?
also blink is bored elementary schooler tier

>> No.8763009
File: 2 KB, 124x120, 1404430436344s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lil b
>macintosh plus
>the 1975
>yung lean

>> No.8763015

yeah, sorry, maybe is the mic or the audio recording but it sounds so unflattering like if you were drunk, also the vocalisation is weak and slurred and the instruments sound out of tune

you seem to have a rather nice music taste, may i suggest Ty Segall, The Strokes and early Arctic Monkeys? maybe Cherry Glazerr too

>> No.8763062

like i said i really suck at vox so theyre obviously shit, but the only way i can become good at them is by doing it a lot. the out of tune guitars i haven't noticed, but thanks, i'll try to look into that in the future. :)

yeah i like the strokes and early am (their new stuff can go suck a fuck tho), have to redownload that stuff. and i will check ty segall and cherry glazerr out. :)

>> No.8763090

I used to be a model scout and generally I was looking for a specific person for a specific campaign so a 10/10 could walk past and still not be scouted
>half the time the person I'd spotted would be with someone else
>feeling like a cunt scouting them while their friends awkwardly and jealously stood there
I probably inadvernantly ended lots of friendhsips

>> No.8763105

your voice isn't that great, but maybe you can find something in it to make it special. Look up some daniel johnston for inspo in having a weird voice that somehow works- although a big part of why daniel was awesome was his quarky song writing

anyway, keep on it, from what I remember you seem like a nice dude.

Oh, try to avoid shoving your music onto your friends- it's irritating as fuck when your wannabe musician friends are constantly playing music at parties or making you listen to their shitty recordings

>> No.8763147

pos you know I think you're cool as shit

as for the cover the vocals are interesting but not really suited to the style of blink-182, he's more whiny and higher pitched. It's honestly not that hard to be a decent singer, you just have to find a range that works for you and stick with it. That's why "great" singers are always praised for having large vocal ranges

guitar and dubbed vocal effects were cool tho, I can dig it

>> No.8763172

>Christian and saving themselves for marriage like my parents taught me
you space taking loser

>> No.8763253

i've been trying to kinda imitate adam from tigers jaw, who has a weird voice too, lately but i can't quite pull it off, he does that shit way better than me

>Oh, try to avoid shoving your music onto your friends- it's irritating as fuck when your wannabe musician friends are constantly playing music at parties or making you listen to their shitty recordings

fuck man thanks for reminding me, seriously, ive probably been going overboard with showing my friends my shitty music. :)

>pos you know I think you're cool as shit

ohh thanks man :)

>as for the cover the vocals are interesting but not really suited to the style of blink-182, he's more whiny and higher pitched.

i know that, and i wanted to like make a weirder, sadder, darker version of the song but i'm prolly not skilled enough for that yet

>you just have to find a range that works for you and stick with it

fuck ill just do my best to find that then, genuinely thanks for the advice :)

>> No.8763291

don't listen to that guy

you should be able to show your friends your music as long as you're not being overbearing about it.
If someone won't even acknowledge your interests and shrugs off your passions because they don't find it interesting then they're not good friends to being with

>being in a band feels

>> No.8763307


>they're not good friends to being with

ive been wondering this about some of my friends actually.

>being in a band feels
show me yr band man, i'm interested in hearing new stuff :)

>tfw can never find a drummer

>> No.8763320

how can you tell sexual chemistry and a cocktease apart?

>> No.8763322

what's yr email? Don't really wanna post the link here

>> No.8763354
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>den känslan när lozo

>> No.8763376


>> No.8763386


that guy looks like the male version of april from parks and rec

>> No.8763390

you haven't watched a lot of that series right?

>> No.8763403


this was a surprisingly deep response

>> No.8763431

I'm prepping to take a 3 month trip overseas and then move cities by myself in the hope it'll get me out of my rut. Have a few good friends but don't see them cause of work, they're all hanging with my qt ex. pls tell me I'm doing the right thing

>> No.8763453

Signing you up for terrible things brb

>> No.8763461

>saving transcript as lossy rasterised image
>not consolidating it into glorious, vectorized and universal-format-of-the-gods PDF

not even once

>> No.8763464

>tfw i got my jeans tailored 3 days ago and I'm still scared to try them on

>> No.8763489

why? are they haunted or what?

>> No.8763492

scared that the wouldn't fit good and that i had ruined them, they're good though tried them on

>> No.8763497

did you tailored yourself?

>> No.8763509

>spend money on nice clothes
>no friends so nobody notices anyway
> get stopped by a girl one day while shopping
>'hi. i'm making a local fashion blog do you mind if i take a photo of you?'
>i'm wearing the most basic fit possible

>> No.8763536

my spam email, dont really mind that much tbh

>> No.8763555


this is true. When you meet "the one" all you can imagine wanting is to spend all your time with her, and conversation comes as natural as breathing.


see ^^^

sometimes you meet somebody you genuinely like and want in your life.

>> No.8763562

no i brought it to a local tailor
i could never give myself that much responsibility
i only got them hemmed like 2 inches

>> No.8763575


one episode. is he from that show too?

>> No.8763583
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high value hb8 tells me
>"You dress really cute anon"
thanks /fa/

>> No.8763588

>tfw want to cop clothes for myself
>tfw i need a new transmission for my car
>tfw going to court for a speeding/insurance ticket and idk how much that's gonna cost
>tfw piles of money saved up and i still dont know what to do with it

>> No.8763635

yeah he's a very prominent character. i think he gets introduced at around season 3? (not sure tho) fyi, season 1 starts getting like actually good at the last episode, after that, it's a really solid show imo.

>> No.8763685
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i guess the tailor was blind and had parkingsson or else you´re pretty fucking retarded if a 2 inches hem is your biggest concern about a garment being ruined by a profesional tailor

come on dude, put them on and post a pic, i´m a tailor myself and i know that a hem cant be fucked up by a profesional tailor

>> No.8763703
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>start school at a new place
>there's this girl in my class
>never been drawn to a person this way before, she seems perfect
>she's very outgoing and I am not, don't really see it as a problem though
>but reality hits you and you realize how inexperienced you are with people
>see her talking with all these different people
>feel like if I worked up the courage to talk to her I would just end up being another one of the many people she interacts with daily
>I feel like I could never make an impact in her life
>how is a person that can't show their best in a conversation supposed to stand out against the crowd
>tfw she might have given you a couple looks but it's hard to tell

>> No.8763714

>tfw i have this mindset about metropolitan life but i'm so socially anxious or introverted or w/e that going out to experience the city is just too much effort
>tfw going outside is too much effort

>> No.8763715


>> No.8763728

>green eyes
that alone gave my a boner. That's how hot green eyes are

>> No.8763730

>>'Not really'

>> No.8763776


>I wanna beat that ass like it owe me money


#K #E #K' #D

>> No.8763844

Me too. I feel out of place and lonely. ;_;

>> No.8763849
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Forgot pic

>> No.8763860

this fking feel ;_;

>> No.8764508

IKTF m8. Even if you do start talking to her a lot, you'll realize there's a good other 10+ people doing the same. You think you're making it but could easily be dropped at any moment. ;_;

>> No.8764520

is it bad that im completely content with dr marten hoes

>> No.8764529

it isn't bad that you aren't content with not dr marten hoes

>> No.8764539
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>only time I'm with people I want to make impressions is when traveling int for fencing
>can only bring all clothing in fencing bag along with loads of my gear
>on top of that all my seasons get fucked by travel
>how can I ever be effay with all this chaos

>> No.8764541

Fencing is more /fa/ than clothes could ever be.

>> No.8764609

I'm now validated by an Indonesian cooking board. All my dreams in sport are legit. Sponsors flock to me at the news.

>> No.8764662

welll no, in my situation the problem is that the hot bitch is leaving and usually Martens MD hoes are chubby basic grills

>> No.8764717

>go out bowling with m8s
>everyone is brings their girls
>bring mine - who's pretty reclusive except around me

>on her phone 24/7
>too "grossed out" to touch the ball
>have to tell her its her turn
>just tosses the ball
>even have to remind her that she has to go again

>after the first game tell everyone we need to get home
>dead silent driving her back
>thinking about how much more fun i can have without her
>all the money going to grails
>but too guilty to break up a month before her birthday

god this is the dumbest shit ive experienced

>> No.8764734

>talk to qt3.14 24/7 for 3 weeks
>tells me she likes some other guy
>says nothing changes between us and were still going to talk the same way we always have
>starts ignoring me today (and i mean literally just me, she talked to others and wasnt busy)
>feel sad

whats wrong with me? Why does being ignored hurt so bad.

I've talked to her so much that ive neglected alot of my other friends, and now that we arent talking i feel like something is missing and i have nothing better to do in my day.

send help

>> No.8764761

just do it bro

>> No.8764888

plz be in newcastle

>> No.8764910

>no money for clothing
>only job offer is as commision-only door to door salesman slavery gig
fuck it, working without a real education is shit, probably gonna go straight to med school instead of trying to find a job
won't afford clothes then either but atleast I'll have a purpose

>> No.8765079

damn that's a small collection
Big ups for Drive like Jehu, I Wrote Haikus about Cannibalism, Julia Brown, their they're there and some others, though. Not bad.

>> No.8765100

this so hard, fuck this feel.
IMO you should stay away from putting her on a pedestal, act nicely but that you can leave at any time. Otherwise, you'll just be another beta orbiter.

>> No.8765102

tfw you cry at parties every single time. I never get invited back anymore

>> No.8765265
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>tfw you become infatuated with any girl that shows a slight interest in you
>tfw all your other problems catch up with you when the girl goes and you spiral into an episode of crippling depression.

>> No.8765463


>> No.8765715

Jesus that's me right now.
Had a solid group of about 10 friends through the beginning and middle of highschool. That then dropped to a group of about 5 guys. We were really tight. Now half of them just spend all their time smoking weed and have become distant from me. Went to the gym with one of my remaining friends a few days back and we talked for hours about everything. It was the best feeling but only after did I realize that that was the first decent conversation I've had with a friend for about 6 months.

When I go to a party I get all smiles and "how are you doing anon" and I have a great time with great people who are enjoyable to be around but I really only have 3 close friends now. I'm not sure how this happened.

>> No.8765727

This kills the man...

>> No.8765734

>be me
>be pedo
>get caught
>lose intelligent wife and house and job
>get fat and old
>decide to fix life
>get shit tier job, finally
>start working out, lose weight
>dress better
>meet young, petite qt3.14 asian online
>she likes older men
>have best sex ever over the summer
>visa runs out and goes back to asia
>be alone for weeks
>penis has some sort of weird scab
>go to house party
>cutie indie chick turns up drunk
>red pouty lips
>too stoned, try to leave
>she wants kiss
>kiss her
>feelsgood man
>"is that all i get?"
>fapped three times already that day and cock is scabby
>go home alone and cry

>> No.8765759
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>Be me
>NYE party is being hosted by my close friend
>About 80 people going
>Girl I'm currently dating is going, we've only been on a few dates but we've known each other for about a year
>Yet to do anything sexual with her, only hooked up, she seems like the kind of girl that wants to take things slow
>I'm ok with this, just glad that I have someone for NYE hookup
>Party starts
>Start drinking
>Keep drinking
>Drink some more
>I'm now pretty hammered and it's 10:20pm
>Getting on alright with girl, she behind me in drinking though
>At about 10:40, I walk around the party trying to find her
>She's nowhere to be seen
>Text her to ask if she's alright, get back a reply that she had to go to help out a friend
>Kind of pissed off now. She never said goodbye and only explained where she had gone when I prompted her
>I'm drunk so my texts get more beta "where are you?", "come back", "I wanted to spend NYE with you"
>Just keep getting "sorry" as a reply
>11:30pm, text her to ask if she's actually into me at all or if she just wants to end things. Not sure why I did this, I think I was just fed up with everything
>11:45pm, get back a reply saying she's not interested in me
>She tells me that she was never really into me
>Get mad
>Throw phone
>Spend 00:00 with a couple of mates
>12:10 Sitting in a circle talking about new years resolutions, I'm a virgin, I've received head and handjobs from multiple girls but never managed to fuck any of them
>Tell my mates that my new years resolution is to get laid
>Now, this is where it get's interesting
>Walking around the back of the house
>Bump into a close female friend of mine
>We get on really well but it's always been a friendship, never sexual in any way or form
>She's a tall, thin blonde, good body and kind of quirky I'd say a 7.5/10
>Give each other a hug for new years and then she does something that surprises me
>She grabs my head and goes in for the kiss

>> No.8765772
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>A bit taken aback but fuck it, it feels good
>Don't want our friends seeing what's happening so I pull her away from the people and the hookup gets more intense
>Her hands begin to run their way under my shirt and her fingers are snatching at my waistline
>I'm doing the same to her
>She asks if I want to go somewhere quieter
>My friends house backs onto the schoolyard of a highschool, there's an old gate between the back yard and the schoolgrounds
>We quickly make our way to the gate
>Pitch black
>Long grass and rocks, sticks and branches everywhere but we don't really mind
>Head down to the football pitch
>She asks...
>"Do you have a condom?"
>It's in my wallet and my wallet's in my bag and my bag is in the house
>Sprint like a fucking negro back to the house to get my bag, people asking what's going on as they saw us leave the party together
>Dismiss every question and as I'm walking back, the girl I was dating's friend confronts me. Tells me that I was a dickhead for doing what I was doing
>Tells me that it was unfair to my former girl
>Feel like socking the bitch in the mouth but I resist my urges, I have a tight wet pussy to fuck
>Tell her to fuck off and push past her, back out the gate and down to the football pitch where my friend is standing sheepishly
>Immediately begin hooking up again, we're slowly walking out way out into the centre of the field and then she pushes me down onto the ground and climbs ontop.
>I've always been the initiator in relationships and it suprises me when she starts pulling her clothes off and then my clothes off
>I pull out my condom, and put it on, she's completely naked now, her clothes scattered in all directions
>Even in the poor light I can see her white skin, she's so smoothe and flawless, her pussy is shaved and her tits, while on the smaller side, are perky
>She grabs my dick and guides it into her pussy, it's warm and even in my drunken state, it feels pretty damn good

>> No.8765779
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>She starts going at it, grinding and bouncing on my crotch. She's groaning and squeeling the whole time, I'm hardly doing any work
>We continue like this for 20 or so minutes before switching positions to missionary and then to doggy. She's a virgin as well and I've always thought she was horny as hell
>Tells me half way through that she had already had sex with a guy that night
>Maybe I should have felt annoyed but I just laughed it off
>We've been going at it now for about 30 minutes and I still haven't cum
>We walk further into the school and she starts sucking my dick, feels good but I'm drunk as hell and can't feel anything
>Then we hear noises behind us and the guy whos house it is and another girls approach
>They had seen everything and were laughing hysterically
>I don't mind, I'm proud of myself for achieving my New Years resolution so quickly
>We head back to the party. People are leaving now, it's about 2:00am
>I crash on my friends bed
>I'm exausted
>About half an hour into my sleep, I'm awoken by her again
>She's snuggled in next to me and we begin hooking up again
>She manages to get her clothes off again and she strips me down as well
>Keep hooking up but we are both tired so she ends up asleep, her head resting on my chest.
>I woke up this morning to find her gone
>Oh well, I had a pretty great New Years.

>> No.8765930

I wish this was true