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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 41 KB, 496x300, short celebrities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8752858 No.8752858[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dear /fa/
I have accepted the fact that I will not grow any more, and I'm pretty bummed out about it since I'm only 5'2 (that's 158cm, Eurofriends!). I'm also trying to get over an eating disorder, and part of that is just accepting that I can't have a body like a 5'8+ girl.
So, could we maybe have a short girl fashion thread? And if anyone has pics of nicely-dressed shorter girls (or just girls who aren't very very thin), I'd be so grateful!
Thanks in advance! :)

>> No.8752863

zoe cross from img is a sharp dresser

google her m8

>> No.8752865

pls b in juarez

>> No.8752880
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Hey, short girls are awesome.
Sure, taller grills can pull off some shit you cant, but they will never be able to pull of cute fits.

>> No.8752889

>tfw 5'7
should i trap up?

>> No.8752892


>upset about being short

Pick one bruh

>> No.8752900

we will make it anon

>> No.8752916

5'8 here, sucks in a country where male average is 5' 10½"

>> No.8752952

Thank you! I also just remembered some fit girl Sammy, she's short and has a wonderful body.

B-but I look chubbier at a lower weight :(

Want to switch?

>> No.8752964


post pics ill help u decide

>> No.8752967

ur just fat. >>>/fit/

>> No.8752968

yeah fucking womanlet how does it feel knowing that alpha males will not even look at you because they only talk to females who are at least over 5'8. I mean who would want to mix their DNA with a womanlet so that the kids would end up as woman-/manlets, too, I don't know anyone tbh.

I'm a white male who's 6'4 and I would never date a girl that's under 5'8. I know I can do better than that.

>> No.8752975

Well good... us slightly shorter dudes get to keep the short chicks for our selves.
I really only date girls my height or shorter.
Have been known to climb a tree now and then when needed however.

>> No.8752978

How u livin

>> No.8752980

Pls leave
No faggot zone you cocksucker

>> No.8752982
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>> No.8752999

>us slightly shorter dudes get to keep the short chicks for our selves.

yeah keep telling that yourself. It's not that you can get to keep the "short chicks for yourselves" but that you manlets just won't ever get a girl that's only 1 inch bigger than you. How does it feel to know that the girl you once liked who was only a little bit bigger than you laughed at manlets like you and fucked guys that were over 6'1 while you were fantasizing about her.

stay mad, manlet. maybe you could wear shirts with stripes so you'd look bigger?

>> No.8753002

God damn are girls really this insecure about their hieght?
I should be getting laid way more often

or wait are you more concered about what non-sexual friends and peers think? I don't know the girls psyche here
the bias sexual male opinion here (mine included) is that we'd do you through the foundation if you let us
and yeah buy dinner too

>> No.8753006

not true, you're just a beta that doesn't get laid very often so you'd fuck basically everything.

real man wouldn't waste their cum for a girl that shorter than 5'8

>> No.8753018


also I didn't realize there were so many manlets on this board.

Are you guys trying to compensate your manlet-ness by wearing designer clothes? Every wondered why you didn't get any compliments for your fit? Probably because you guys are too short to be seen.

>> No.8753029

Choke on a dick you fantasizing homo
Only reason you want a tall big woman pegging u is so you think you aint a raging homosexual we all know the truth

Nothing greater then lil big ass women u can hold and carry around

>> No.8753065

Why are you so upset? You're probably 5'10 or something and just don't want to see the truth. Maybe I was a little bit rude, but you have to realize, no woman wants someone who is shorter than they are. There could be 2 persons, both having the same character and looking exactly the same but with different height, guess which one would get laid easier? Obviously the one who's bigger. Lmao now stop making a fool out of yourself you raging manlet

>> No.8753090

I enjoy being a 1.82 m manlet unlike you behaving like an attention whore and instead talking about your pussy and tits, you speak of your height like anyone cares you fucking moron

>> No.8753095

5'9 girl, really only downfall is my feet are big and look fucking retarded in anything flashy. sucks when you meet a perf guy but then it's like oh fuck you're like 5'7, I feel large and manish now.

>> No.8753099

How u livin

>> No.8753106

As a 5'7" guy I love you still.

>tfw even short girls don't like guys my height though ;_;

>> No.8753112

It's not like OP cares, because uuuh she made a thread about it. Now shut up you subhuman piss.

see? that's what I mean. short guys make larger women feel uncomfortable and that's why they in 99% of the cases don't get together. don't worry bb, you'll find someone who's over 6'.

and again. at least you realize it, please tell this other guy that he should face the truth already.

>> No.8753126

Choke on a dick like your mother

>> No.8753144


As >>8753106 personally I find tiny feet to look weird. Also most of the girls I've been with have been like 5'7"-5'10" and honestly it doesn't make that huge of a difference within a 3" range

>> No.8753171

Please stop posting.

>> No.8753174

we get it, you're not manlet but why are you the one that is so mad in this thread tho?

>> No.8753180
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>mfw girls are taller than me

>> No.8753187

calm down. manlets, when will they ever learn?

I wouldn't say I'm mad. Look at the other guy who constantly tells me to "choke on a dick", he seems pretty upset if you ask me. I'm just stating facts.

>> No.8753199

did some manlet steal your gf or something?

>> No.8753214

kek, are you kidding bruh? the only women manlets get are like 5'1. I wouldn't date something like that.

>> No.8753220

I'm 6' and just got out of a depressingly stable relationship with a pretty cute girl half way through teacher studies
okay so she's not in med, but fuck at least she can pay for a meal

anyways, height does matter, but only to the modern patrick bateman

suffices to say the modern bateman has only heard of 4chan through the media and anecdotes
you steaming pile of faggot

>> No.8753225

I'm 4'9...and I'm done growing. So you're winning at something.

What do you mean by a body like a 5'8+ girl?

You can still be beautiful and look like a mini model.(Within reason, don't wanna be an unhealthy skinny.)

>> No.8753227

they wouldn't want to date you either kek

>> No.8753228
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>height does matter

stopped reading there, thanks for confirming

>> No.8753238

Hahhahaah, there are some tall guys that like short girls. My boyfriend is proof of that.

Different preference for different people. You're ignorant to think otherwise.

>> No.8753240

being tall is only great if your face is 7/10 or above.

>> No.8753256

I don't want to offend you, but he'll probably drop you after he fucked you a few times and get a girl that's larger than you for a serious relationship. I can imagine it beeing some kind of fetish thing. Like that some people over 6'1 desperatly want to fuck someone who's 5'0. But after the fucking get's boring, they'll look for a serious relationship. You might be lucky though and maybe he just has a shit taste.

>> No.8753257

if grill you´re not that bad, more like qt but thats it, if boi you should really really kill yourself

>> No.8753261

We're married with kids. So I hope not. Haha

>> No.8753271

I'm not the above posters, but I'm here wondering if you're ever going to learn. You feel so entitled about your height as if you earned it or worked hard to accomplish it.

Height is something that you have little to no control over. Marcus Aurelius, a man greater than either of us, said to control what you can and to not worry about anything else. But for some reason you feel this irate desire to spout your heightist ideology and putdowns as if the mere existence of a man shorter than you is enough to get your panties in a knot.

>> No.8753311

That's the thing, when I had a thigh gap and no belly I weighed between 85 and 88 pounds. Now I'm almost 100 and it's the worst of both worlds. I fit an A cup bra perfectly, my butt is small, but I have a little bit of belly. It would be so nice to be curvy or thin, not in the middle! And I work out erryday and everything :(

>> No.8753319

Do you work out your belly? That's what I have to do. I naturally have a big bust and bum, but If I don't work out my legs and my abdomen get chunky. Some people have to work out certain places to get that flatness.

>> No.8753320

Well then let's hope your genetics don't fuck up your kids height.

You're right, kinda. Yes, manlets didn't choose to be manlets and there is literally nothing they can do about their height. But they don't feel bad enough, it's the manmores job to make manlets feel even more bad and tell them that they are inferior to the real masterrace, the manmores. So that in the end they wilI kil themselves and leave the world to the real men. I would even go that far and say that manlets should be killed right after birth so they cannot spread their trash-genes anymore. (not like they'd get pussy anyway)

Then you don't work out enough. Beeing a cardiobunny doesn't count as workout.

>> No.8753335

I guess I should do more ab work, I see where I can improve with that. Thanks! :)
But if I'm trying to grow a bigger butt and boobs, how will that give me a waist too? Like, for a nice body, I want to add some fat, hopefully it goes to the right places.

>> No.8753337

clicked enter to soon. Hah

I was going to end with making the legs and belly the only focus. Cause if you work out everything it'll slim it all down to much. I don
t even work out my arms. Cause women don't really get bulky unless they power work out all body builder. Do things like Yoga. That stuff elongates the muscles.

If you tried all of this keep doing it. Cause it's really the only thing you can do. Plastic surgery is another option, but no one really like that one.

The last is to accept that you won't have that "perfect" curvy body.

Like, I'm more top heavy, but I've accepted that my butt will never catch up. xD

>> No.8753341

5'2 is pretty good

>> No.8753347

There is this one sit up that works the muscles in your back that rundown your waist line. It's when you sit up but then twist your body to the right, then back down, then back up but then to the left. Then you just repeat it.

It give women that extra in waistline, to cause their waistline to appear smaller.

>> No.8753348

5'2? Don't worry, just put on some heels and you'll be taller than half the guys here.

>> No.8753352
File: 199 KB, 253x250, bat love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'5 guy here, i didn't know this was an actual thing guys argued about until I saw this thread. I really am used to shorter people trying to pick fights with me so i guess i can believe it but, jesus really? Girls are great at all heights anyway idk why a shorter girl would ever care she's short, other than people calling her cute instead of hot when she's trying to be. Can't we all just be friends?

>> No.8753364


Holy shit. Don't take fitness advice from /fa/, I'm to 100% serious and not joking right now. Read the sticky on /fit/ but never listen to /fa/ when it comes to fitness. Spot reduction is a myth, you will not be able to fix your body proportions with only one exercise. (Especially not if it's crunches)

>> No.8753374

The thing is manlets don't want to be friends with taller guys. They'll get intimidated very fast and if you go out with them, you will get all the attention and the manlets will not even get noticed, which is why they'll get mad and don't want to have anything to do with you (the tall guy) in the first place.

>> No.8753376
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tfw 6'1 but wear 2" insoles to be 6'3
tfw when standing next to a 6'6

>> No.8753385

half of my friends are shorter than me

>> No.8753386

my best friend is 5'8 and we hang out all the time in public, personally i think he's better looking than i am, but i have shit self esteem, so there's that i guess.

>> No.8753391

>tall guys with short women
>having a short son that will feel insecure all of his life thanks to his womanlet mother
absolutely disgustin

>> No.8753392

sorry, I have to correct myself, manlets won't be your friend if you're actually good looking, have confidence AND you're taller than them.

this. holy fuck. this so much

>> No.8753398

actually good looking-y
have confidence-n
i guess that explains it lol.

>> No.8753414

oh this is sad
the short guy who doesn't like short girls

>> No.8753432
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>this whole fucking thread baited by a single lanklet troll

>> No.8753440

It's wonderful.

>> No.8753455

Listen bro, i used to think being 6'3 isn't anything special and didn't understand all the fuss about height.
When i was 17 i went out to party with my friend Alex and his gf Janie.
Alex who was 5'10 was madly in love with Janie and had to chase her for a year for her to agree to be his gf.
I was very happy for him but i always noticed something weird about Janie, she was just very quiet around me and seemed like she didn't like talking to me.
When we got to the party a friend of Janie helped us get in quick, it was awesome we didn't have to wait in line at all.
Then we got super drunk and partied all night.
When we got back Alex was pretty much passed out drunk and we had to stop at his house to help him get in, luckily his parents weren't there.
We helped him and put him to sleep. Then when i was driving Janie home which was very awkward she started talking to me about my height, i could notice she was still somewhat drunk.
I took the courage to ask her why she let Alex chase her for so long and the answer baffled my mind. She told me she doesn't like that he's just average height and even went on to tell me how she always fantasize about me when they have sex because of how tall i am.
I really didn't know what to say, i feel like an ******* for this to this day, but when i took her home i basically went close to her (chicks love it when they have to lift their heads up to see you) and just with my presence she got so horny she actually moaned. I went into her house, and we both quickly got to her bed. She sucked my dick with a passion i never seen before. I busted hard inside her mouth and just went back to my car without even speaking to her.
We continued to fool around for like 2 months after that until she finally dumped Alex.
When Alex told me why she left him i was scared he knew, but she told him some chit i don't even remember, lol, so it was all good.
After that i knew that i was so lucky for being tall and not average 5'10.

>> No.8753476

i saw that banana republic has a petit line for thin girls under 5'4. on what kind of level are those clothes quality wise (and for those high prices?) in the sticky its listed as mall-tier as well as j.crew? reasons?
whats mall tier in particular.

>> No.8753532

wtf 6'3" isn't even that tall.
this is coming from a guy stunted at 5'6"

why am I replying to pasta

>> No.8753553

I fucking love short girls. Don't feel bad, there's a lot of guys out there that like shorter girls too.

>> No.8753554

are you retarded?
6'3 is tall, it's the Gods-among-Men-tier. Shorter than that is too average, higher than that is circus-freak-tier

>> No.8753558

Any woman over 5'4" is a man. You are all a bunch of faggots who dream about broad shoulders.

>> No.8753574

Well, that's not nice either. haha

Plenty of women over 5'4 are beautiful, just like plenty under it are just as lovely.

>> No.8753580
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>6'3" isn't even that tal.
>coming from a guy stunted at 5'6"

>> No.8753641

Gr8 b8 m8, much butthurt was created.

>> No.8753655

bump for answer

>> No.8753669
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>mfw 5'3" male
I don't think I'm gonna make it anon.

>> No.8753684
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>that fucking webm

>> No.8753710
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Have some more anon

>> No.8753711

that webm
oh man

>> No.8753712

>implying guys dont like short girls
nigger just sit in an isle at a grocery store and open your legs gyno style and wait for the fish hoarders to come the isle is for the stealth

>> No.8753734
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>and wait for the fish hoarders to come the isle is for the stealth

>> No.8753742


>> No.8755468

bump again. need answers
>banana republic

>> No.8755473

can confirm, best friend in uni was 5'8 manlet and one night got drunk and said he was jealous that i was 6'2 and pulling bitches

>> No.8755493

>girls over 5'8

>> No.8757000

A coworker of mine is 4'11" and its the cutest fucking thing in the world. Just count calories and you'll be fine, toss that eating disorder thing out the window, the less you blame things on external factors the easier it is to fix them. If you blame something else for your problem, you won't feel guilty, but you won't ever fix it either.

Only if they're insecure, I'm 5'10" and hang out with tallfags all the time, really doesn't affect me.