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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 498 KB, 1478x2069, XT1F5di.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8752042 No.8752042 [Reply] [Original]

MFA's best of August:

>> No.8752047

honestly better than anything i've seen on here

>> No.8752057

nice samefagging chilljin

>> No.8752059

that's unfortunately true
/fa/ is in a rut

>> No.8752061

looks p chill

>> No.8752064

way better than /fa/

>> No.8752066

samefagging what you moron

>> No.8752074
File: 630 KB, 1280x1920, FpUV8JU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy tho. he was told to post on mfa so I dont wouldnt consider this a mfa fit. he has now converted to /ma which is decent

>> No.8752078


agree, most of these actually look quite good. better than the shit I see on here

>> No.8752086

The shoes are pretty bad though
Other than that it's decent

>> No.8752087
File: 302 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some are quite good, many very bad and basic. this for example, do people actually vote this shit up?

>> No.8752092

for the style that wouldn't be bad if he had better glasses.

>> No.8752098

its probably because hes good looking

>> No.8752102

imo he looks like the random boring nerd you see on the streets. i don't understand why this is seen as fashionable

>> No.8752108


He's attractive and tall. The fit's good - his sense of style is shitty.

>> No.8752123

There a few very nice fits.
Most of it is pure thrash tho

>> No.8752133

meh its not fashionable its but its clean as in hes not wearing mismatchy ill fitting clothes

>> No.8752143

That's what I'm wondering though
How fucking bad is the board if basic-ass fits with nothing but clothes that fit gets tons of upvotes?

>> No.8752152


The stuff in here is the best I have seen yet. Top of MFA used to be Dadcore central.

Maybe it's becoming more diverse. Maybe it's time to go back to viewing MFA?

>> No.8752182

2014 /fa/ is fucking terrible
considering doing the same

>> No.8752186
File: 984 KB, 4925x3283, UCMn3yO[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8752190

I bet he has more pubes than dick
also I'd counter this with one of trunks' fits but I don't want to have to look at trunks' fits

>> No.8752194

>oh hello chap didn't see you there, I was just casually stending next to my bookshelf and ugly ass paintings I got at the pawn shop

>> No.8752202

>also, i really, really hate black people.

>> No.8752239 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 477x664, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> niggas gon nig

>> No.8752243

Is he dressed up for an Oscar gala?

>> No.8752266

Dora the explorer- core

>> No.8752281

I just started 2 weeks ago, mfa has gotten better

>> No.8752289

really liked the fit with bape and visvim
on average mfa is shitting on fa waywts

>> No.8752293
File: 378 KB, 1296x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some pretty cool fits, but most are just shitty basic bitch and suits. Those are just up voted because they are generally liked or the picture is nice, very few fits are up votes because they are good.
>pic related something I liked

>> No.8752299

Shoes are ruining the fit, other than that p nice

>> No.8752306

>black hypebeast detected
both the pic posted and the fit your talking about are shit. There is little to nothing redeemable about either of them.

>> No.8752326
File: 3.81 MB, 3952x2964, cKXGtFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is going on with those pants

>> No.8752324

Also pants seem too short

>> No.8752328


Space Aryan.

>> No.8752329


>> No.8752330


>> No.8752331

lol my god /fa/ may be shit but atleast we never get THIS cringey.

good lord

>> No.8752341

>that skinnyfat gut protruding from the shirt

Icing on the kek

>> No.8752353

Just stacking around the knees because of the shoes

>> No.8752355
File: 2.87 MB, 2432x4320, 1409074331099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if only

>> No.8752361

Holy shit, is that Trunks?

>> No.8752364

do you know any other person this ugly?

>> No.8752379
File: 64 KB, 500x889, 1409601327140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


plus whatever the fuck this is

>> No.8752387

I don't even like this fit the silhouette is very feminine and reminds of a witch. But honestly I can tell he likes the style and doesn't take himself seriously which is unlike 90% of /fa/. Stop being so insecure guys find your own style and nor some cookie cutter paint in the numbers bullshit.

>> No.8752393

There's a lot of low-dom-denom stuff but a bunch of dope shit too

On balance, much better than /fa/ WAYWT

>> No.8752398


he's literally wearing a dress. He looks like somebody eccentric aunt. Why even discuss fashion with an attitude like that? You might as well just put on some sweatpants and a fedora and tell everybody how comfortable you are.

>> No.8752401

I thought he just stole those pics form sufu

>> No.8752405

fuck this I'm making a reddit account /fa/'s fits are complete shit every fucking time

>> No.8752407

People keep saying this but what you don't realize is that is THE BEST OF THE MONTH of course there are going to be on average better fits than your normal /fa/ WAYWT. If there was some way to objectively rate fits here you would see some nice fits, us over half of those fits have been cross-posted everywhere if you had fits only posted on mfa you would have hardly any and they would be the worst and most boring.

>> No.8752427

Did you read my post at all? I said I didn't like the style but it had objectively good traits and he likes it which is that matters when it really comes down to it.

>> No.8752430

/fa/ has been reviewing mfas best of the month for ages
arent bagging on them

>> No.8752432

But that's fucking retarded comparison
Hardly anyone even posts fits there aside from fuccbois
That's like taking pics from /soc/ and saying "this is what 4chan looks like"

>> No.8752433

/fa/ and mfa have a lot of crossposters apparently

>> No.8752445

At least he's trying to find an unique style, not like skinny ugly autists who think buying minimalist overpriced black clothes is enough to look good.

>> No.8752446

Because a good number of the users just want to look decent and that's the kind of simple outfit that looks nice and that they can imagine themselves in.

>> No.8752447

it isnt a waywt
its a best of the month
it isnt as though /fa/ doesnt get atleast ONE good fit a waywt for the most part, even though most fits are shit. /fa/ could do one of these too and have it look sick. jeez
i dont care i use both anyway lmao

>> No.8752450

Because it works most of the time. If you have an ugly face or are a fatass, nothing will make you look good

>> No.8752455
File: 380 KB, 1280x1920, 2V69WIk[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is p.cool, think the shoes are abit off though

>> No.8752465

I fucking know
But why on earth does shit like this get so many upboats?
It's unremarkable as fuck

>> No.8752473

lol is that alex

>> No.8752477

Bad shoes, bad pants tuck-in, smoke puff looks poseur af. Solid fit with a room for improvement

>> No.8752485

Thing is though, pretty much all the good fits you find on /fa/ are cross posted to other places. Most "/fa/ exclusives" are shitty mirror pics of people wearing basic bitch monochrome that scream "AM I COOL YET GUYS?"

>> No.8752502

gb2 plebbit traitor

>> No.8752512
File: 304 KB, 1080x1920, V0ytstk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy gets it. Here, this is an example of a standard MFA fit. Not joking, it's recent as fuck.

>> No.8752525


Now you've done it.

>> No.8752545
File: 167 KB, 400x671, fuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is up with the shoes???

>> No.8752565
File: 636 KB, 930x851, QTP2T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space boy had too much freeze dried ice cream.

>> No.8752573

shoes would be better if they weren't slip-ons

>> No.8752585

Literally the worst fit I've ever seen in my life

>> No.8752603

yeah but he does have a case of scotch

>> No.8752643

have you seen the guy with the glasses, huge tie, square ass fucking boots, jeans, and an oversized top? Jesus someone please post it

>> No.8752668

I have to admit, it looks like mfa decided to git gud.

>> No.8752681

I d-d-dropted my gaitohaid

can you ha-ha-halp me finded my mawmy

>> No.8752710

w2c cap'n crunch

>> No.8752715

I thought we hated reddit for stealing our memes and saying le too much

>> No.8752721

If you're never been to reddit before and get all your information about it from 4chan then yes

>> No.8752730

why does everyone pinroll their jeans on MFA ?

>> No.8752736

Some of the smaller subreddits are good for information, but that doesn't distract the fact that it's still a massive upboat box.

>> No.8752744

I've been to the site. I couldn't figure out what to do

>> No.8752748

One of my friends who is a redditor said the exact same thing about coming to 4chan for the first time.

>> No.8752749

>upboat box?
what is that?

>> No.8752756

Also known as a hugbox. People being nice to other people not out of sincere respect but for people liking their posts with "upvotes" for "good karma".

>> No.8752760

I don't like being hugged but if it's a metaphorical hug I don't mind

>> No.8752766

It's not as bad as people make out although there are elements of what you say

>> No.8752808
File: 348 KB, 1224x1632, 1409019984337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8752813

Fucking stupid

>> No.8752817
File: 79 KB, 687x1000, 1407963887061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8752830


>those shoes

kek everytime

>> No.8752851

fucking what

>> No.8752867

I die a little inside every time

>> No.8752883

I like the colours but the sizing is all wrong.

>> No.8752897

just like your mother

>> No.8752910

>pants tuck-in
bad eyes

>> No.8752913

>being this delusional

>> No.8752927

Dude looks like an extra from Saturday Night Fever.

>> No.8752947
File: 499 KB, 1920x2560, SaeWysO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sauce on the nikes pls someone?

>> No.8752949

Pure shit. Even the Fedora Lounge has better fits than that.

>> No.8752958
File: 229 KB, 1280x1519, Wjw9c8s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What particular style of Docs is this?

>> No.8752966

cherry 1461

>> No.8752970

Cherry 1461s that he did some polishing on to darken the colour

>> No.8752973

J crew x nike killshot 2

>> No.8753013

Nike killshota

>> No.8753047

W2C SHOES?!?!?!?
they look interesting

>> No.8753089

This post was made by trunks.

>> No.8753353

astronaut core

>> No.8753361

>its expensive so it must look good

>> No.8753363


w2c shirt

>> No.8753397

it feels like it's always either disgustingly awful or rly good with mfa...

>> No.8753418
File: 1.49 MB, 204x300, DUWe0Eu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8753421


>> No.8753427


ayy lmao.

you're in denial/new to /fa/ if you think /fa/ can't get cringier.

>pro-tip: it already has.

>> No.8753429

fucking christ i knew i should have gotten the himalayas.

why. why do i do this to myself. fuuuuuuck

>> No.8753433


>> No.8753488


>> No.8753737
File: 1.95 MB, 4925x3283, UCMn3yO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's already been posted, but holy shit, I feel like this is part of the MFA hand-in-hand program to promote "one lucky user a month"

>> No.8753743


>> No.8753775

>You're like a bully from the future as imagined by the 80s.
it's tremendous.

>> No.8753827

w2c those shoes

>> No.8753853


>So painstakingly trying to get his other shit watches in view.

>> No.8753863


ikr, to get upvoted on mfa you either need a pretty, high resolution background, an established name, or some sort of sappy story(I have autism and i just got engaged to my childhood best friend huehue)

>> No.8753883


>> No.8753912

besides the pants this is a dope lunar fit

>> No.8753929

I don't see a problem with those shoes. care to explain?

>> No.8754242

mfw some of you don't realize this is called highschool-teacher-core. This is how the majority of high school teachers dress.

>> No.8754261

>decanter on mantel

>> No.8754262

oh my god this guy posts here sometimes

incredibly bad

>> No.8754275


Lol someone is butthurt bc he can't dress for shit

>> No.8754284

slick flowens moon shoes

>> No.8754324

its kind of annoying because you cant actually tell someone that something looks like shit, and every question about fucking ugly shoes or a weird jacket end in a bunch of "it's doable" comments

>> No.8754351


>> No.8754415

looks like hes walking on rigatonis

>> No.8754443

w2c shoes

>> No.8754445

Am I being rused?

>> No.8754454

pls answer

>> No.8754456

They are the older variations of BW X Camper. They are talked about all the time.

>> No.8754464

this month wasn't actually that bad. Of course there were some cringe ones, but overall a lot better than the shit from the last few.

Good on them tbh

>> No.8754466
File: 115 KB, 591x530, dumpster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread sucks
reddit sucks
/fa/ sucks

if only everyone was less like you and more like me

>> No.8754471
File: 91 KB, 560x420, nb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8754477 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 193x180, dont drink the flouride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, so many minorities and dandy boys on reddit, really explains the liberal/bleeding heart/PC sentiment that pervades it.

i'd like to see a stormfront waywt, sick of all these estrogenised scum and blacks.

>> No.8754482

w2c jacket

>> No.8754488


>> No.8754498

Alex I'm so sick of your shit. Stop boosting your shitty fit pic. Fucking fraud.

>> No.8754573
File: 352 KB, 1224x1632, 349938023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesnt always suck

>> No.8754579

wtf is this

>> No.8754842

yeah it looks good but anyone can get that fit right. grey sweatshirt+dark jeans+white sneaks isn't rocket science
also the watch is horrible so his lack of taste shines through

>> No.8754847
File: 2.78 MB, 302x200, endtimes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are always the same, every month.

>> No.8754916
File: 619 KB, 500x281, 1387072862477.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't always suck
>The most basic fit ever

>> No.8754928

Not really feeling the shoes or the watch
Basic as fuck fit too, that's kinda hard to fuck up

>> No.8755121


Its pretty hard to fuck up a grey sweatshirt, black jawnz and white sneakers

falling for the cp troll just cements his fuccboi dressed by internet status

>> No.8755192

That happened once. There was one guy who looked like he'd stepped out of a 3rd Reich propaganda poster, one who looked like fucking Odin, and the rest was inbred rednecks with bad skin and no jawlines.

>> No.8755449

le happy redditor

>> No.8755472
File: 89 KB, 497x750, ZbFafyK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best of August by /r/femalefashionadvice

>all Asian grills dress better than the white ones
What a suprise.

>> No.8755490

Nice hakama

>> No.8755617

because they have to compensate for there lack of appearance, u fuckwit

>> No.8755740

because of the different types of society in these 2 boards, what we produce is also very different.
In my opinion /mfa is nearly all mediocrity, while /fa is 70% shit (because of shitposts, trolls, newfags, problems you can't encounter on mfa) but at the same time 30% of it is extremely good. I think /mfa copies/ dickrides us. Problems you would encounter. Mfa is mickey mouses clubhouse while we are project mayhem. Here, if you are fat, you are too fat. if you are bald, (trunks) you are too bald.

In the end, we all become what Rick wants us to be.

>> No.8755810


>> No.8755832

>the good
>the bad
>and the memes

so its just like /fa/

>> No.8756260
File: 274 KB, 645x800, gothninja1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFA is better than /fa/ in pretty much every way. /fa/'s waywt's suck ass, every cop or not thread is filled with absolute trash, the only people that dress even remotely well are burned alive by the shitposts of significantly poorer individuals. Bunch of 14 year olds running this board i swear.

>> No.8756268
File: 137 KB, 1024x683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best of august
>best of

>> No.8756275

Go back to leddit

>> No.8756282
File: 19 KB, 250x187, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck waywt lurk tumble threads and see fits people post to their tumblrs it destroys waywt threads

There rly is that small vocal minority with better shit do than post themselves and they do own designer shit

>> No.8756369

lol suburban teenage gothninja

fuck off by the way the celebrity leaks are over

>> No.8756374
File: 891 KB, 1920x1080, 1408374876631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a sword on his back

>> No.8756503

why browse /fa/ lol
what the fuck are you wasting your time for when you hate it so much

>> No.8756778

Number 19 looks really comfy, though. He says the parka is Ann Demeulemeester but I can't find it anywhere, can anybody help?

>> No.8756818

I think I counted one pic without cuffed pant legs.
This guys show off their ankles like slutty sorority girls show off their cleavage.

>> No.8756871


>> No.8756875

bernhard wilhelm x camper

>> No.8757150

most upvoted is usually who ever posted an acceptable fit first. Then all the sheeple just upboat because they see the post already has a lot. Also, most mfa fags are conservative dads who are afraid of anything outside their safe zone. There are some good fits posted though. Not many, but better than the shit I see here.

>> No.8757167

80% of those fits are awful. Seriously I cannot believe so many of you like them : /

>> No.8757306

90 percent of /fa/'s fits are terrible. the other 10 percent is called terrible by shitposting fucks

>> No.8757434

Please gb2 Reddit you fucking piece of mfa apologist trash.

>> No.8757456

No anon,
YOU need to go back to reddit.

>> No.8758266
File: 147 KB, 293x380, 1406179916908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who disagrees with the fact that /fa/ is better than mfa is automatically from reddit

okay, buddy.

>> No.8758308

are those space pants? your ass is out of this world :^)

>> No.8758405

dude lookin like a dyke

a short dyke

>> No.8760057


>> No.8760176

lol is that a fuckin urban samurai

>> No.8760494

new wallpaper

>> No.8760498 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 907x1703, sofa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I effay yet?

>> No.8761510
File: 25 KB, 292x261, 1409280110863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"take a picture when i blow the smoke so i look dope af"

>> No.8761532

le classy gentlesir :^)

>> No.8761544

>"hey McFly! Imma kick your ass!!"
>*zips away in a hoverboard*

I still don't quite get Lunarcore but to me it looks a lot like 70s-80s futurism (or how ppl back then viewed how everyone dresses right now)

>> No.8761573
File: 45 KB, 600x750, mallninja4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or a mall ninja

He's probly also concealing a balisong, a taser, an airsoft pistol, an LED flashlight and throwing stars underneath that fit as well

>> No.8761616

his stock +sight setup is too low end to be mall ninja

hkmr556, needs abunch of theshit seals wear and shit they strap to their hk416's

>> No.8761639


Still looks just autistic as a mall ninja though.

Anyone who a carries a sword in public (excluding cosplayers or buskers) or any martial art weapon is either a mall ninja or autistic in a FUBAR way.

>> No.8761667


I actually like the silhoutte but Trunks is such a faggot.

>> No.8761720

the Nazis even hunt me in space

they'll never catch up to that next

>> No.8762792

w2c those shoes?

>> No.8762825

oh god his stance and posture

>> No.8762836

>le tough look away smoking man

>> No.8764865

jesus christ those pants

>> No.8764875

sauce on the outerwear

>> No.8764904

lmao seeing this reminds me of how much better mfa actually is than /fa/

>> No.8765523


>> No.8765724

Raf + Rick? Didn't think that was even possible to combine

>> No.8765733


chilljin is a fraud tbh

>> No.8765742

w2c sweatshirt???? please

>> No.8765778

that parka is sweet as, but I can't seem to find it. Anything similar looking?

>> No.8765785


the male fashion is actually better than the female fashion. it's all jennifergarner circa 2006 or modcloth bullshit, with the occasional good fit

>> No.8765821

Needs more expensive sneakers am i right fellas if it's anything except athletic shoes it's cosplay workwear fedora dad we say swag they say class am i rite guys we're so modern and contemporary

>> No.8765828

Post what you find fashionable

Pre lol at you posting something drapey and/or replyingto tthis with any reference to fedoras, class, gents, or dads because that's all you got, fetal alcohol bitch boy

>> No.8765838

You're not an adult are you

>> No.8765839

thats jolien right?

>> No.8765851
File: 22 KB, 540x816, 1410058683027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is /fa/ waywt for comparison

>> No.8765855

The female fashion is abysmal, and they talk like they're experts, it's terrible.

>> No.8765863

It's either hugbox or teens "im so edgy lolur autistic kill yourself faggot" teen trying too hard to be offensive pure fetal alcohol syndrome, so they're both fuckedin their own way, although /fa/ somehow manages to be more sad & pathetic & disgusting

>> No.8765866

Alex calm down your shoes look like shit in that fit. I know it's hard to find good fitting shoes for mongrol pinoys like you but there is no need to get angry about it.

>> No.8765869

Post example

>> No.8765875

I've never seen a good fit from you

I thought you left after that voodoo guy rekt you beyond repair

>> No.8765883

the memesneaker & black skinny jeans thing= ultimate safezone. Argument totally btfo

>> No.8765899

I don't know who alex is but hey man hows ur dream boxes, cps, flyknits, and train renders we know real style like that stupid reddit classy autism dressing like they're over 25 we say swag they say class :^)

>> No.8765911

Are you having a stroke/mental breakdown/existential crisis? If so I would log off the website, Internet, and computer for a while.

>> No.8765916

Ayyy lmao how's your fetal alcohol syndrome

>avoiding everything said

Post sneaker collection plz boots are for dads

>> No.8765929

Sneakers would look like shit on that fit anyways. Boots are the best choice I'll agree with you there but they look too big and bulbous in the pic. Chill the fuck down biddy.

>> No.8765980

Ha, I thought the same when I saw the image, Until I read the file name, is not fo real..
Please don't embarrass yourself m8..

>> No.8766004

That's so basic
Even their bodies
>tfw slim but big-titted

>> No.8766116

See: trunks, 99.9999999999999999999% of every waywt in fa history for other examples why /fa/ is full of fetal alcohol chuds with zero fashion sense that are as disgusting malformed and pathetic
as mfa is, and should probably consider suicide instead of thinking their 11-17 years on this earth were anything but a poorly dressed cancer

>> No.8766150


post a fit, this isn't "decent" its pretty fucking great

>> No.8766154

his hair is so bad, if it weren't for the angle of his head he'd have a shitty faux hawk

>> No.8766196

lmao fuck off mr irrelevant

>> No.8766201

All those fits are so... bland. Females can get away with so much more than males, why settle for boring and conventional?

I still remember when we raided ffa, lardasses and dykes moaning left and right. Shit's was funny.

>> No.8766206

>jealous ugly mouthbreathers

always nice to see
10$ that guy pulls more pussy in a week than you would in a lifetime

>> No.8766226

They dress like middle aged women..and so many fucking cowl necks ugh.

I seemed to have missed this raid, what happened?

>> No.8766351

>slim but big-titted

i hate when girls don't dress for their body types. that ant girl wants to enhance her refrigerator "curves" apparently

>> No.8766600

w2c jacket

>> No.8766748

so what at least im not a turbonerd ass boatshoe wearing chino clad motherfucker lol

>> No.8766762

Post fit

>> No.8766786

lol this dude looks like shit don't defend him. it's not a problem with the clothes it's a problem of how ducking basic and simple and unoriginal and BORING AS FUCK it is. technically, everything fits, but that doesn't necessarily make a good fit

>> No.8768018

i'm selling the exact same parka in olive and made of wool/linen on grailed.

>> No.8769417

is he okay?

>> No.8769943

>Getting close to broken moon
>won't shut up about how detailed it is

This kid is autistic as fuck. And Broken moon is tiny and looks like piss.

>> No.8769969

>Awkward reddit kids discover J Crew, the girl who "friendzoned" them's fashion mags, and cuffing their jeans: The Gallery