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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 67 KB, 496x511, That+feel_c68fe9_4147976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8751810 No.8751810 [Reply] [Original]

We try so hard. We go out of our way to look nice. We wear great cologne, we get the fit of that jacket just right, we cop some nice boots, we buy that beautiful watch. In the end, this is always the result of our labor.

Why? Do girls not appreciate a good dressing man? Is it our appearance that determines everything?

>> No.8751815

*tips fedora*

>> No.8751817

Fuck you, pal. I bet girls don't sit next to you, either.

>> No.8751818

>dressing for other people other than your internet friends who appreciate fashion like you do

>> No.8751824

They do if you aren't ugly and particularly tryhard. My gf gave me her number without me asking for it. Girls sit next to me in class when there are other seats all the time.

>> No.8751827 [DELETED] 

That's still dressing for other people, ni**er.

>> No.8751830

This. OP, if you wanna impress girls, get fit and dress like a fuccboi

>> No.8751832 [DELETED] 
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mfa pls

>> No.8751834 [DELETED] 

hey im new from buzzfeed can you tell me what this term 'fuccboi' means?

>> No.8751835 [DELETED] 

back to /b/ please

>> No.8751841 [DELETED] 

>the ice tray

Fucking l-e-l.

>> No.8751842 [DELETED] 


go back to tumblr

>> No.8751855 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 500x663, qOy3g1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoke weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed man lmao maaaan i'm so super duper high maaaaaaaannnnn fuck bitches mann

>> No.8751856

Sound like a supreme gentleman OP

>> No.8751857

Because unless you're wealthy or a celeb you shouldn't be wearing half of the shit on /fa/. It makes you look like a desperate try hard.

>> No.8751859

no wonder girls dont like you friend

>> No.8751867

god, you sound pathetic. also this has nothing to do with fashion. by dressing to try and pick up girls you're fucking up, and are a huge creep

>> No.8751872
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>> No.8751884 [DELETED] 
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Wow, I didn't realize the new mod was such a nigger faggot kike asslicking thundercunt. Way to internet police morals you limp dicked bitch. The reason I come here and not reddit is because it's still edgy and has complete freedom of speech. Way to ruin it.

>> No.8751888 [DELETED] 

>the reason i come here is because its edgy

>> No.8751898 [DELETED] 

It is though. Do you think I can be a belligerent cunt anywhere else. Look at Trunks, that's all he does. I come here for that.

>> No.8751901 [DELETED] 

>because it's still edgy

Grow up, you're acting like a child. This is a fashion discussion board.

>> No.8751905 [DELETED] 

I think you just ripped a seam in my jeans with all that edge.

>> No.8751907 [DELETED] 

Trunks gets abuse, but he's actually a nice guy. Just leave before you embarass yourself more

>> No.8751910 [DELETED] 

I'm not embarrassed. You're in denial if you think that isn't the only difference.

>> No.8751911 [DELETED] 

Oh you're a trunks fan. That explains it, you realize he doesn't post that often because he's always being banned for shitposting? This isn't a secret club for you to be edgy at.

>> No.8751913 [DELETED] 

why do you even come on /fa/ if the only reason you are on 4chan is to be edgy

>> No.8751916

Clothes only hold any true weight to the individual wearing them. No one in the real world cares what clothes you wear because everyone has learned not to judge a book by it's cover. Although there are some clothes such as suits that place you in a higher social standing, anything below that doesnt really matter.

When it comes to girls though they mainly look for:

humor > confidence > physique > intelligence > ...............bunch of other BS.......... > clothes > personal taste (music, vidya, tv, etc)

>> No.8751928 [DELETED] 

because he's 14 lol

>> No.8751949

I'd say confidence > humor but yeah.

only grills that have had crushes on me compliment my clothes. otherwise its not a huge deal as long as you aren't a total slob.

>> No.8751976

Maybe you're shit deformed m8, since I started dressing decently and in postpunk grills started talking more to me and taking me more seriously

Maybe its the vibes you give or the fact that you dress in dadcore or goofninja, get it together and be original but most importantly, be yourself and do it for yourself

>> No.8751984

The only difference between /r9k/ and /fa/ is the jargon. Normalfag and pleb are the same thing.

>> No.8751992

>dressing post-punk

you mean a ratty olive/grey tee and black slim jeans and vans?

>> No.8752010

He means buying exclusively from UO

>> No.8752022

This thread is literally about clothing, though

>> No.8752093

No you fucks, I wanted to say SLP mode but you niggers get all butthurts

Basically my everyday fits consist in:
>leather jacket or slim black or navy blue coat
>black skinny jeans or chinos
>Chelsea boots
>black or white shirt, dark toned or pale toned colours
>black thin scarf if chilly

Damn /fa/ get it together

>> No.8752132

speak for yourself

wearing nice clothes, cologne, watches, etc. is about self-fulfillment, not a means to attract sexual partners

>> No.8752157

Do you guys ever realize that maybe the girl on the bus is attracted to you but is too shy and sits next to fat nerd instead and admire from afar?

>> No.8752184

stop being an mra faggot op

>> No.8752188

That fit would be so next level on skinny European dude.

>> No.8752197

r u /fa/ jesus

>> No.8752208


>> No.8752214

>I want to believe

>> No.8752236

>dressing for your "internet friends"

Dressing for people you never see instead of for people you always see is not a good idea

>> No.8752258

somebody get this hothead out of here

>> No.8753004

Clothes don't mean a great deal if you're still too chickenshit to approach a girl and talk to her. And it's precisely on this crucial point where feelerinos, supreme gentlemen and even your average single /fit/ or /fa/ browser stumble.

>> No.8753023

Probably finds you intimidating, especially if you're above average looking. A well dressed man who looks like he got his shit together and is probably working some high class job wouldn't be interested in a pleb like me. Ughh I'm wearing a 5$ top, I hope he didn't notice. While In reality you are a broke ass college boy who spent his last student loan on a used SLP jacket. They aren't going to approach a guy who dresses better than them.

Your appearance is basically a status symbol. If you look like you're wearing expensive shit people associate you with being rich and privileged.

Most importantly is that -you look different- (obviously depending on your style, doesn't apply to mall tier MFA)

Majority of common people don't like different. They see you as either an obnoxious cunt richboy or a hipster faggot, both of which they can't relate to 9/10 times.

Also has to do with your facial expression and your posture. Are you some shy looking introvert with your head down and rounded shoulders? Are you a smirky cunt with your chest out thinking you're hot shit. Just look approachable and pleasant, don't need to have a stupid grin on your face, you can smile with your eyes.

People I know have said that when they first met me they found me intimidating, because of how intense/serious I come across, combined with the dark tones and style of my clothing. I project a kind of 2kool4everyone vibe.

>constantly get called hipster because I don't dress in hypeboy uniform or standard neckbeard attire.

>girls I've dated said they felt shitty about themselves if we go out somewhere and I'm wearing a lot nicer clothes than they are.

I don't even dress that nice and I'm a goofy cunt who likes to get jiggy with it on the dance floor.

Just look happy and comfortable with yourself and if you're not, fake it until you make it.

>> No.8753024

this shit right here is true. qts don't have some sort of chip in their brain that sends them signals like "oh shit that dude over there is lonely but has a dope fit and great taste music! it's my time to shine!"

>> No.8753034

Almost every single girl that I've dated has complimented me on an article of clothing I was wearing on the first date.

>> No.8753035

Underrated post

>> No.8753046

This guy gets it.

>> No.8753057

post a fit fuccboi

>> No.8753062

>Is it our appearance that determines everything?

no it really isn't- that's the point
get a good job, drive a nice car, have a good personality (ie: confident, funny) and the girls will come to you

>> No.8753075

post fit

>> No.8753083


I don't know what youre talking about. Dressing well has always got me tons of attention from girls, and im not even handsome.

>> No.8753098
File: 52 KB, 854x504, 1390613972369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you seen that mutha fuckas dark orange shirt? Not even hunting season n he wearing the shit outta that shirt. Mutha fuckas got hair like Seth Rogen and Robert Downey Jr Combined. Who wants a baby faced cracker like dat? Who wants a damn chemo therapy albino bitch like dat? Hoe got the right idea there

>> No.8753120


>> No.8753142

>women goes onto bus
>sees nicely dressed male
>assumes is gay
>sits somewhere else

>> No.8753151
File: 1.45 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20140718_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its an old one but sometimes i still dress like this

this is like my everyday fit for when its chilly and its been pretty cold lately

>> No.8753161

I don't know, I tend to judge when girls dress pretty saucy.

>> No.8753163

the great dilemma of being effay

>> No.8753165

Pretty nice silhouette of the trousers and chelseas. Wtc chelseas too.

>> No.8753175

Nice fit, bit matchy matchy.

A more clinging to the waist-jacket style would compliment your body type more. It would extenuate your shoulders.

>> No.8753176

those are one i found at a departamental store m8, i suggest you to cop SLP if you can, i have a pair of Dockers that were tan but then i painted them myself to black

look around, maybe you´ll find a decent pair but if you can cop SLP

>> No.8753182

yeah, i´ve been thinking of tailoring the coat but it has an inner jacket and my tailoring knowledge isnt enough for that, its pretty old so i might just sew trough both layers

>> No.8753193

I always just save up the money and get mine professionally done. I tried to do it to myself once and ruined my stuff.

>> No.8753219

its a matter of practice and spacial imagination

i started with some old jeans that i´ve never worn and then with some old shirt that started to look ugly for me, now i tailor my brothers jeans and ofc my stuff

>> No.8753230

Well it's good you've found that it works for you. The best I can do is sew on a button. Trust me, it goes all fucky after that.

>> No.8753234

Girls look for humor, confidence etc.
But also for looks, and that includes physique and clothes

>> No.8753242

just practice m8, everyone can do it and IMO eeryone should do it, a tailor isnt a genie to know what you want and how tight you want it

also, you can make a profit out of it

>> No.8753253

Eeeh, You know. Yeah. I guess I'll get back into it. Thanks man.

>> No.8753279
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>Doing anything you do to improve yourself in order to appease the succubi


>> No.8753523

But Gothninja IS dadcore

Lurkmoar fuccboi

>> No.8753543

Why are you projecting your own shitty life onto the rest of us? Replace all of your "we"s with "I"s and post in a feels thread if you really must.

>> No.8753572

I just assume this, then make eye contact and smile.

>> No.8753583

nice maymay you´ve got there kiddo

both things are like the antithesis of themselves

>> No.8753591

that wouldnt work if you have the chronic bitch face

>> No.8753616

Being confident doesn't matter if you have nothing to say, your sense of humour doesn't matter if you're too scared to make a joke. Dressing well doesn't matter if you're busy lurking in the corner and staring at your feet. You can have the best taste in the world but it won't matter if you're mumbling everything you say.
So yeah, man the fuck up. Everything comes back to confidence in the end

>> No.8753625

Most girls are horrifically unobservant and distracted at all times. She probably didnt fully register you or the other guy.

>> No.8753635

>tfw unsure if it'll even work

>> No.8753639

you've been dating plebs

>> No.8753643

you dont dress well, stop saying the n word and telling people to be skeletons

namedropping those 3 letters every 2 sentences is giving you less and less credibility

>> No.8753650
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You have to do it for you

>> No.8753685
File: 317 KB, 820x547, 1392856144425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why? Do girls not appreciate a good dressing man?
Nigga what? Ever since I've found out about /fa/ (and after the obligatory break in period of about 3 months of not really hitting it right - could be longer for others, or maybe shorter) I started getting compliments from the qts. I literally owe that to /fa/ so fucking much. Granted, I dress "dadcore"/menswear so the qts be like "damn, I saw a hot guy wearing a similar fit on tumblr" and then they say they always like how I dress and how they "wish guys would dress like me."


Thanks /fa/, I appreciate it.

>> No.8753709

I thought you were about to go off on some neckbeard "this is why i don't have a gf" rant, but good job anon. I think you've basically hit the nail on the head. I've had similar reactions from people. Oh, and there's always this....>>8753142

>> No.8753716

Dressing nice is something some girls really appreciate, but if a girl is sexually attracted to a guy it doesn't matter if he's wearing Jnco jeans and a stained Anchor Blue shirt.

However, your clothes can be something that makes a girl notice you. Still, that won't be enough to make a girl want to FUCK you...
Some girls actually prefer guys who dress like "men" AKA sloppy and baggy. Some girls are turned off by the guy who puts a lot of effort in his appearance.

Ultimately, your clothes don't matter much when it comes to finding girls to have sex with.

>> No.8753759

Confidence and humor goes hand in hand when it comes to this stuff, because an interested girl will laugh at things that she wouldn't otherwise find funny. Humor is a good way to "fake" confidence, and "cocky humor" is the best of both worlds.

What are you going to do about it?

Sometimes a girl tells me "you're so hot" like she's had it built up inside her for so long.
>Just look happy and comfortable with yourself and if you're not, fake it until you make it.
This is something all guys need to embed in their brain. Just fake it, and have fun.

Me too, but it doesn't mean that much either.
It could be a bonus point, but it ultimately won't matter. However, I don't like going out with a girl when she isn't dressed nice enough, so I don't take her out often. It's kind of different for girls though.
And really, a lot of girls talk a ton of shit about guys they like with their friends but still call him up for a booty call when they get home.

Girls like guys that have some type of challenge. That's exactly why the "nice guy" is so unsuccessful. If you try to appeal to everyone you appeal to nobody.

>> No.8753785

>Why? Do girls not appreciate a good dressing man?
Stopped reading there. Dressing for girls is the most pathetic thing possible.

>> No.8753834

k bbuh

>> No.8753839


>> No.8753842

wait positivity are you black?

>> No.8753898

>everyone has learned not to judge a book by it's cover
What faggy fairy tale you living in?

>> No.8754016

yeah, the first thing i notice about someone is their looks then a irealize how they´re

>> No.8754032

Seriously though, people flirt on buses?. I haven't been in one in my whole life. But if I'm going to flirt with someone I would do my best to impress, like for example in my car.

Also, do poor people fall in love? They shouldn't be wasting their time with things like that, they should use it to make more money and stop being poor. Well as the phrase says ¨Poor people are poor because they want to¨

>> No.8754047

>do poor people fall in love?
ye lol
and it's so funny when they decide to have children
and even funnier when it's >1 child
bitch please what are you doing
but I'm ok with that, peasants gotta stay peasants, right?

>> No.8754076

>being this delusional

grow up kid

>> No.8754086

holy FUCK I hate that I have resting bitch face. It makes me look super unapproachable.

>> No.8754107
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>he thought dressing better would get him pussy

>> No.8754120

>implying they're not just too intimidated and don't go home and onto Beanflix thinking of my Raf

>> No.8754144 [DELETED] 


>tfw girls are too intimidated to talk to you

>> No.8754148

I don't like that you used the term "bitch" as it's very misogynistic, but I can understand the frustration of an angry default expression. One of my interns always looks mad and I call him "mad Marvin" because his name is Mark lol.

I find that playing a Nintendo 3DS, or the newly released 2DS available now at Gamestop, is a great way to cover up an undesirable face. Nobody is going to be interested in what you look like because they'll be too distracted admiring the
high-quality graphics and attention to detail that is to be expected of Nintendo products. The 3D effect looks great while not being overly exaggerated, and the fall and winter lineup is very promising!

>> No.8754153

no h8 but you're kinda ugly, skinnyfat, and you dont even dress well, neither by /fa/ nor by pleb standards

>> No.8754154


gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.8754162

Stop trying to talk like a black person to seem cool.

>> No.8754167

lol sometimes I feel like I need a "web dictionary" to decode the posts on here.

>> No.8754173
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>> No.8754191

nice trip lol

>> No.8754199

I hope your trip is ironic

>> No.8754281

lol what can I say? it's like therapy.

>> No.8754282

I bet marvin thinks youre a stupid bitch.

>> No.8754301

>good job, nice car


>> No.8754309

ye clearly lol
she's the most vapid ugly stupid golddigging whore cunt on /fa/

>> No.8754312

You are the worst person

>> No.8754325
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>> No.8754364

word up son, these elliots think too much about pussy...if u dress to impress u will never fuck

>> No.8754370

Everyone in this thread is a loser.



>> No.8754375

I don't think that's true. My company is very fun to work for. I let everyone dress how they want, and sometimes I even play music while they work. They get credit for their resumes and get to work on fun and creative projects.

>> No.8754413

>My company
Lost it.

>> No.8754432

I don't think its worth trying to look good to impress other people. My reasoning for spending the money on clothes as opposed to other things is fairly simple:

I can be comfortable and unfashionable when I am old. Because at that point, who cares? Take advantage of your salad days and make hay while the sun shines, because at some point you're probably too old to be wearing pleated miniskirts and crop tops or Rick Owens or whatever else /fa/ is creaming themselves over. I'd rather the regret and hindsight-embarrassment towards fashions that made me happy at one point than the regret of having never worn them when I had the youth for them. Sometimes I look at an article of clothing thats kind of bold or silly but chances are, unless its really expensive or shit quality I likely wont regret having it, I try so hard to play it safe in other avenues of life, why not take a chance on a jacket? If It doesn't pan out I'll just trade it with a friend.

I see more qt guys on the bus than I do in my car for obvious reasons. I actually did chat up a qt guy on the bus last night and he even gave me a slice of pizza but we got distracted talking and then my stop came up so I didn't have the chance to get his number. Feels bad man. How to find pizza bro?

>> No.8754436

lmao but he does dress well

post fit

>> No.8755016
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>> No.8755017

>In the end, this is always the result of our labor.
Speak for yourself buddy

>> No.8755026

>angry all the time

Nobody is looking at me except niggers for flat 2 seconds before looking away.

And i still don't care.

>> No.8755074
File: 36 KB, 476x454, 10609604_10152208234230938_5902137006105768848_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ex gf was a girl who shares the bus ride with me for years, then we met at some party and talked and started dating. she told me that she wanted to talk to me etcetera but she thought I'd be pissed about that because I looked grumpy.

>> No.8755087

First off, all this talk of "fake it till you make it" when it comes to confidence is bullshit. Confidence isn't some powerplay 12-step program where you impose a certain mentality on yourself for some extended period of time and then one day you magically wake up confident. In order to be confident, you have to actually be achieving things in life that give you a source of confidence. If you're spending your life on the internet being more patrician than all the other autistic fucks, of course you are not going to exude any confidence. The ridiculous amount of masturbatory self-interest that young guys tend to be inclined toward these days is a major part of the problem: rocking the dopest fit waywt thread of the now or having the most obscure music in your 5x5 or having the most staggering collection of Evangelion figures isn't going to give you any form of confidence that resonates in the real world. You have to apply yourself in the social sphere in order to have confidence in the social sphere. If the first thought brewing in your head right now is "wow what a pleb shiggy," well, that's your fucking problem right there.

Secondly, your appearance doesn't fucking matter when it comes to attracting women. Seriously. It doesn't. If you're an effete depressed beta then you're actually worsening your problem by over-compensating with dope fits. Your intentions are transparent; everyone around you can see you're a tryhard. The best you can hope for in this regard is to inadvertently exude a sense of arrogance but that only serves to further alienate you from your surroundings and make you unapproachable.

Thirdly, when it comes to the way you dress, how do you figure girls are going to be impressed by you dressing /fa/? I guess this point can be contingent on where you live, but especially if you don't live in some hipsterfag central town like Portland, OR, chances are girls aren't going to think you look dope in your effay fits to begin with.

>> No.8755157

m8 you can say nigger on the internet

>> No.8755163

Dude you're funny af, pls keep posting here

>> No.8755198

10/10 post
would save again

>> No.8755200

Because they are overwhelmed by my great physique and amazing taste in fashion.

>> No.8755355

I agree with you, but want to point out that specifically Rick looks great on old folks.

>> No.8755711


>I wish hotter guys dressed more like you.

>Not you.

>> No.8755737


>being anything other than distant and solitary
>not being a narcissistic edgy loner

liking things isnt /fa/

>> No.8755752

thats a dope fit m8, can someone id the pieces?

>> No.8755761
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>tfw in an all-girl class in college
>new qt girl sits next to me even though there's plenty of other spaces

I'm not even that attractive but my fit was on point I guess, just a green bomber and grey t-shirt with some skinny jeans.

>> No.8755792

you're too entitled

>> No.8756109

Appearance does matter dude, its the only thing that truly matters.

>> No.8756125


>> No.8756861

>trying to look good just to get girls

You're doing it for the wrong reasons.

>Wanting to have people sit next to you on the bus.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8756881

>tfw everyone calls me "70's boy" because I wear turtlenecks and straight selvedges

>> No.8756898


>> No.8756903


>> No.8756909


whatever happened to trips that dressed well

>> No.8756915

>le feminist nintendo shill :DDD
simbly ebin

>> No.8756993

that feel

>> No.8757033

Keo. I'm famous now

It can be true u know? I've been told by some girl friends that I look intimidating but cute, shit feels offensive

>> No.8757047

Please critique or else ill take it as shitpost

>> No.8757052

>>tfw in an all-girl class in college
It's not an "all-girl" if you are in it, m8.

>> No.8757064

women are easily intimidated. they'd rather sit to a guy they'd never have any interest in instead of sit to some mysterious guy dressed in all black

>> No.8757067

this man understands sarcasm

>> No.8757164

hoho sick burn

>> No.8757203

id on rug pls

>> No.8757210

yes pls that rug really ties the room together

>> No.8757348
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>tfw the odd person who does sit next to you sits on the edge of the seat

>> No.8757397
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>disabled or weird looking person sits next to you
>moves as soon as a spare seat opens up
>the only person who stays are kids

What does it even mean?

>> No.8757497

>feel depressed and like somethings wrong with me if the bus is crowded but the seat next to me is empty
>someone sits next to me, start to feel uneasy, seats clear up and there's plenty of spare ones but they don't move
>want to lash out and break some skulls

wtf brain

>> No.8757972

Guys and Girls keep brushing up on me when they sit next to me

What does this mean

>> No.8758061

You need
Good looks / sense of humor / good personality

some combination of these three

>> No.8758078

>tfw get interested looks from girls in clubs and shit all the time
>some of them straight up go to me and start a conversation
>can only smalltalk them even if I find them attractive
>literally no idea ho to tell a girl I'm into her
>never said a compliment (that wasn't brushed off) to one, never been on a proper date, never tried to go for a physical contact first
>turning 24 this year

I'm legit scared. I'm missing out on very important part of life and don't know how to get on it. Feels like everyone got some kind of training in their puberty but me. Hell, some reddit fedoralord will get laid more than me only cause he can actually make compliments and shit.

>> No.8758095
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>Spend a lot
>Everything fits perfectly and colour coordinated
>realise my face is shit anyway and it ruins everything
>no way to fix it
>any good looking guy could wear a fucking sack and look 1000x better than me

>> No.8758461

sometimes i do this because the bus driver is a dumbass and i feel i will uncomfort the person next to me by sitting closer

its so fucking akward

>> No.8758467
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SLP models arent pretty m8, just go full skeletor mode

>> No.8758477

Same, but I'm turning 25 next week. Best to just keep on, bro. Things will change, there's no time limit on getting a gf or anything. Hell, I bet we will miss this alone time one day

>> No.8758491

A good job is most important because women want a successful man for herself and, equally important to them, to showoff to their friends for approval.

>> No.8758511
File: 16 KB, 422x388, 1280006171566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always liked this one lol.

>> No.8758545

here's my critique.


>> No.8758547
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>> No.8758552

lol wut.

80% of chicks would say they're all attractive besides second to right.

he's just a fuck

>> No.8758560

That's because the stuff you guys wear on /fa/ doesn't actually look good.

>> No.8758570

youre in their way

>> No.8758585

bullshit, far right is a total qt

>> No.8758587

>what is shoe polish?

idk about you but i like my boots shiny clean as how chelseas should look, as a fun fact, pleather doesnt even shine with shoe polish

check yourself m8,

>> No.8758590

yeah, but for the eyes of regular plebs he´s ugly or funny looking

exotic faces is the new beauty IMO, or maybe i just got bored of the conventional good looking hoes at clubs and shit

>> No.8758654

is that jacket barbour?

>> No.8758668

Well it's only really little girls that do, which makes me sad because that's what im into.

>> No.8758760

It always comes off that you only care about girls as weird sexual fetishes. Trust me, you think you come off as a casual, non-creepy guy, but your strange, autistic silence is far creepier and more worrisome than outright ogling and harassment.

>> No.8760127
File: 35 KB, 365x500, 99019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so true, but only for the bitches who are, what a surprise, the majority, like the idiots in our gender are

>> No.8760141
File: 529 KB, 1556x2000, Annex - Delon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic or it didn't happen m8

Pic related: if you don't rock your shitty outfit like him, you're nothing!

>> No.8760149
File: 47 KB, 600x386, 1407403123456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you know what, it gets easier to talk to girls the more you do it.

Just go for it, you ain't got shit to loose if you ask them to have a drink/hang out with you, seriously, unless you're ugly and wear shit clothes you can only win.

>> No.8760157
File: 1.83 MB, 327x288, 7E7OSS6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ultimately, your clothes don't matter much when it comes to finding girls to have sex with.
This so much, it's only hard when you're searching for a real girlfriend who shares at least 1 interest, is smart, and decent looking.

>> No.8760172
File: 123 KB, 585x1000, rOBvW5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I don't have that problem bro :)

Good luck to you anyway, Hope you find the one, don't aim too high for the looks and go more for the character (you gotta find a girl if you have a nice style and a good job with decent wages) just look around you, there are way more ugly people with kids and a wife than you'd want

If you don't get a girl, be cool and don't get desperate, having a girlfriend isn't really that good, you can maybe even go gay/ or have just zero friends and be a criminal....the possibilities are endless boy.

>> No.8760192

just say words you autismo

>> No.8760205

As an ugly guy I gotta tell you: looks do matter.

>> No.8760221

>Do girls not appreciate a good dressing man?

Women will 9/10 times prefer a man in a suit (even one that fits poorly and looks like shit) over the outfits that get posted here on /fa/.

That is the sad truth.

>> No.8760293

this is 99.7% true tho

>> No.8760299

What words? I don't know what the hell am I supposed to say.
"Hey, wanna fuk?"
Will that do?

>> No.8760330

Makes me gag how true this is. I'm fine with people wearing what they want and women liking what they like, but I was a little buttfrustrated about how positively everyone reacted to the guy wearing the loose-fitting suit at the bar last night.

I should have tabletopped that guy with a friend and yelled "ur fit a shit!"

>> No.8760335

>I've been told by some girl friends that I look intimidating but cute

That means you're ugly af and they want an excuse to not approach you.

>> No.8760347

>tfw you get a job that requires you at least wear a blazer and instantly people are friendlier toward you, give you more respect and life gets easier.

This is truly the /fa/ life, bitches.

>> No.8760389

I'm no expert, but meeting girls at clubs isn't the best place to find a person you want to see for more than a few hours. The last place I met a really cool girl was getting my hair cut (aside from a trauma nurse I met in the hospital).

Concerts, low key bars, tailgating, coffee shops, restaurants, and really any time a bunch of friends get together are the best ways to meet girls. Of course you could also be the kind of guy who starts fights at bars to establish your aggressiveness and try to attract women that way, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you want to find something more than a fuck stick.

Unfortunately, you've missed out on the easiest way to meet women unless you go to college in the future. Biggest concentration of smart qts I've ever seen in my life, a lot of them with their shit together. And it's so easy to strike up conversation at school.

>> No.8760414

>Unfortunately, you've missed out on the easiest way to meet women unless you go to college in the future. Biggest concentration of smart qts I've ever seen in my life, a lot of them with their shit together. And it's so easy to strike up conversation at school.

Disagreed. Yes, lots and lots of cute women in college, but smart? You'll have an easier time picking out the smart ones after college, when 90% of the women who previously studied now return to their dream jobs as cashiers at Walmart, while 10% (the ones who aren't complete morons) will find normal jobs as accountants, architechts, engineers, lawyers etc.

>> No.8760416

I don't have any illusions about the kind of meets I should expect at the clubs. But still, couple of one night stands while I search for that special someone would be welcome I guess.
I've actually started uni this year. Yeah, I know, 2old, but it's not my home country, so I couldn't partake before cause of insufficient language skills. Not sure how to get to know smart qts though. Most of them are media/arts people and I'm an IT nerd.

>> No.8760420

>but it's not my home country, so I couldn't partake before cause of insufficient language skills
fuck this annoys me so much
My English is good for academic purposes, but it's hard to speak like a normal person in inofficial and relaxed atmosphere, without coming off as a sperg or pretentious cuck

>> No.8760427

I don't study on English though (really, really wish I could though).

>> No.8760437

ye still same situation rite

>> No.8760460
File: 240 KB, 500x340, 1409608582493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna read the thread; I imagine it's a lot of people saying the same thing I'll say.

You don't dress well for women. You dress well to feel comfortable and confident with your unique form of public self expression. Many people don't pay any attention to that, which is fine for them. The reason these people get women and friends isn't the idea that women have shitty taste, it's the fact that they approach them first. You can wear all the shit you want, and do as many pull-ups or run as many miles as you want, but it's still up to you to make the approach ninety-nine times out of one hundred.

Don't expect other human beings to take social initiative on your behalf, it's a good way to isolate yourself.

>> No.8760468

I like your ____
hair, dress, shoes
you look really good
wanna go and dance/get a drink

make some jokes about whatever's going on around you

>> No.8760473

you'll be cut some slack from being foreign
people might even fnd it charming/endearing

>> No.8760480

>You dress well to feel comfortable and confident with your unique form of public self expression.


>> No.8760481

If you go to a big enough university, you're bound to encounter plenty of smart girls whether they're in a general education course that everyone needs to take, you meet them at a bus stop, or they're even in your major.

Hell, I did statistics and there were even a few cute girls in undergrad, although it seemed like the grad students had a better chance of being pretty and of course smart.

Since you're doing IT stuff, I'd recommend studying in public places like a library or coffee shop, joining a club, or getting a university job. My job at my university was doing low level IT stuff for the statistics department, and that's a great way to not only meet cool people, but it helps to get to know the professors.

Just find as many ways as possible to keep yourself away from your apartment or dorm.

>> No.8760485

I think it's too good to be considered charming/endearing, like some Japanese people babbling in bad English in a cute way, and it's too bad to kind of... catch all emotions and express them too, like when you speak language fluently

>> No.8760497

Not anywhere near SLP mode aside from the boots.

Pants fit like shit, give you camel toe, jacket does not suite this specific style. Would really only work in menswear. Is that a scarf too? You've betrayed heidi.

>> No.8761448

who are you talking to m8? wrong thread?

get it sight son, its Hedi

>> No.8763266
File: 29 KB, 500x278, 500px-Le_samourai_m1911_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying anyone can rock their outfit as well as based Delon does with his

>> No.8764054

I know that this may sound like a "no shit" post, but I believe that wearing clothes will make you more confident. If you think you are attractive, then what's stopping you? "Clothes makes the man" as the saying goes.

>> No.8766089

This thread in video form https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-8J8A2tHrA

>> No.8766172
File: 160 KB, 1739x1446, girls-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep dreaming, socially crippled aspie betas

>> No.8766214

How's your upper middle class room in your parents basement in the suburbs going little boy

>> No.8766234


post fit fuccboi

>> No.8766243
File: 704 KB, 1944x2592, CAM00017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use fashion as a way to project what I think of the world to my outside appearence. I do this more for myself than for others, or else I wouldn't put on clothes that might look weird for most people but just dress the way the majority of girls find attractive. I want to feel like my choice of attire reflects myself rather than confotm to a certain (sub)culture.
>inb4 some insecure guy shouts "special snowflake"
Develope yourself and embrace the natural human drive to individuation.

>> No.8766246

>actually letting /fa/ trick you into thinking this because you're insecureaand autistic

>> No.8766257

Dude, there is something really wrong with you. When I go out, for example, like going out to some club, I don't even think about kissing women, seducing them or whatever. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. But it ain't a problem unless you make it out to be.

>> No.8766268

You're a pedophile?

>> No.8766272

>thinking clothes matter

The great /fa/ autism illusion

>> No.8766273

The truth is that 99.996% of women have shit taste and aren't effay. Don't be surprised when that qt sits next to the greasy creep, she is just a pleb.

>> No.8766295

>balls fists and cries
>knocks over cheap beer you can hardly afford after buying 3rd hand geos off grailed
>someone throws ketchup at you
>everyone laughs, someone shouts "faggot"
>you make noise similar to dying pig as tears stream down your face

>> No.8766322

>getting mad at the truth
>"p-post f-fit"

My keks are orbiting Jupiter

>> No.8766334

You do dress to a subculture. One full of autistics who insult eachother on a Japanese cartoon website and take it extremely seriously

>> No.8766336

Whatever makes you feel better about your aspergers, virgin

>> No.8766343

I am highly desirable and my mental health is at a peak. I don't have Asperger's and I have superior fashion sense to everbody here.

>> No.8766346

fucking lol

>> No.8766378

Why are you laughing? You are so insecure.

>> No.8766384

Post fit, otherwise aspergers accusation stabds, probably fetal alcohol too

>> No.8766391

He didn't even post a fit. Stop assuming everybody here dresses in gothninja. Stop living your life and perceiving the world through your inclination to prejudice and rejection.

>> No.8766392

most underrated post of fa history
deserves copypasta and screen status

>> No.8766403

I have to reject people, especially women, especially models (also gay models) constantly because of my looks, personality, aesthetic, and status. I'm stuck in the spiral of being better than almost literally everyone

>> No.8766634

Actually, this is similar to me. I randomly visited /fa/ to see what the culture was like (surprisingly, you guys ended up being a lot nicer then some of the other boards I frequent). Ended up using your advice and started getting compliments from a few girls. Pretty weird really.

>> No.8766645

At first I didnt get the pic. then I realized the bald guy has cancer. so sad.

>> No.8766727

Quality post.

>> No.8766949

Most 'confident' guys i know who get tons of girls have never achieved anything in their lives

A lot of depressed beta losers whove never kissed a girl are academics and actually smart people who contribute (im not talking about most r9k neckbeards who live in their basements)

>> No.8767388

This, I blame it on my parents for not letting me go out too much when I was younger

>> No.8767394

If you're skinny and tall you can be SLP model tier

>> No.8767402

believe it or not, some girls dont like guys who look too done up. At the end of the day, the only thing that will get you laid is your personality. You could be a good looking dude but a social fuckhead and not get any.

>> No.8767839

This is my advice to hardcase newbies trying to get into conversations.
If you want to work on fun conversational skills, what helped me was watching a lot of stand up comedians. Find a couple that you can connect with humor wise and study how they make normal situations funny. Practice on people who you are comfortable talking with (co workers, family members, beta people, etc.) This, for the most part, is how you develop fun conversational skills that girls are attracted to. When you are interacting with people and you think of something funny to say, try just saying it. (This is why watching comedians is important to learn socially acceptable humor) By then you'll definitely be able to keep people talking to you/keep their interest up. Now the way you can use this to get laid is make yourself very sexual. For example, innuendos are fantastic for making you come off as sexually confident. Remember to be in the moment and don't filter yourself. If you think it's funny, say it. If she doesn't think so, she'll still enjoy being around you because you're lighthearted and sexually interesting.In conversations it's very important to be in the moment and relaxed.

>> No.8768457

Legally yes

>> No.8769184

Please Kill yourself.

>> No.8769202

>wanting to be that annoying dude who makes shitty jokes about everything all the time

Please kill yourself ASAP

>> No.8769236

Exactly. You gotta pepper in the humour the right amount, not be that overbearing family guy tier fag.

>> No.8769286

And then here comes /b/ desperately trying to convince itself that it hates everyone else and not the other way around

>> No.8769335

not at all the case. If you're a good looking guy in good shape you can be a total dick and still get tons of ass. You can also be fuck ugly and a really cool dude and get none. Therefore personality isn't the only thing at the end of the day.

>> No.8769398


>You're pretty, you know that?

>Nice butt.

>We should hang out sometime.

>Wanna fuck? (only if you're mad qt)

>So, do you like post-pagan heavy metal?

>80s sci-fi or postmodern abstract?

Literally any of these will start a conversation. Apply liberally but use good judgment.

>> No.8769414


Lose weight

>> No.8770363

>>So, do you like post-pagan heavy metal?
This one doesn't work

>> No.8771808

IMO it really depends on the girls because they're human too and they sometimes differ in likes just like men, they're aren't sex machines u kno?

If you really think women all think exactly the same you must be some retard who has never talked to a woman

>> No.8771822

i will literally take a video of me asking a random girl this just as a fuck you.

>> No.8771860

>tfw great natural comedian
>tfw 0 confidence

I don't even look bad

>> No.8772936

Theres alot of retards here who are so insecure that everything they do is for girls

they have to impress them they need to

and its pathetic.

just dress in a way that you think looks great, fits well and you can appreciate.

im so close to leaving this site for good holy shit its so awful here

>> No.8773089

Makes be its the streetwear faggots, they just want to be like those numbheads who get all the skanky bitches at the cheap clubs

So sad, the saddest part is that if you dress as you want the first kind of grills that notice you are Tumblr core chubs and propane ones

>> No.8773789

They just don't want to feel weird sitting next to you. They think you'll think they're hitting on you, and they don't want to look autistic.
You've never not sat next to a hawt gurl on a bus because you didn't want to seem autistic?

>> No.8773908

>n word

>> No.8773924


>> No.8773934

Why are you even here

>> No.8774404

wtf are propane ones?

>> No.8774417

beat me to it

>> No.8774586

That was a joke but i just remembered that hipster poser girls are into I too. U know, girls that say they listen to The Smiths or The Killers and they say they're 2deep4u when in the core of their heart the love JB and Ariana Grande

Damn, I really hate those annoying fucks

>> No.8774594
File: 2.73 MB, 420x315, 1387444709433.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you meet girls into music for real but they aren't hot

>> No.8774616

ITT: Elliot Rodger

>> No.8774770


lel I'm going to try it tomorrow and let you know