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File: 130 KB, 1500x1000, ecig-vapor-affects-cells[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8749110 No.8749110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are these hip yet?

>> No.8749114

god no, you look like a fucking dickbag while sucking on those thing.

>> No.8749116

>thinking smoking is cool
if you use your e-cig anywhere but your home you're a fag

>> No.8749126

planning on buying one of these to quit cigarettes since they make you look like shit anyway so I hope it's at at least slightly less offensive

>> No.8749147

Smoking is only cool because you're holding fire in your hands and putting it in your lungs and on your face, dying from it, and doing it willingly. These are nothing like that. No danger.
Imagine a skin mean mugging you and putting a cig out on his tongue.
Now imagine a lad mean mugging you and putting his vape in his breastfeeding pocket on his tshirt

>> No.8749157

I see high school kids that don't even smoke with these, trying to look cool. Its the new fedora.

>> No.8749176

I only have an ecig because some nice lady in a bar gave me a free one. It's totally helping me quit smoking. Probably too much. I get too much nicotine from the ecig and then a regular cig just makes me feel sick.

Anyways as long as you aren't an asshole about them then ecigs are alright

>> No.8749215

They are the coolest, OP.

>> No.8749256

>smokes because he thinks its "badass"
Grow the fuck up, killing yourself isn't cool. It actually kills your aesthetics you fucktard.

>> No.8749265

>projecting this hard
damn, fags

>> No.8749273

what do you mean?

>> No.8749284

See idgaf because im a hard cunt and i don't give a fuck m8

>> No.8749285

w2c durable, non-leaking, simple looking low-maintenance, all-around perfect ecig?

i just want the Apple of ecigs
everything out there is a cheap fragile chinese shit
really waiting for big tobacco to jump on this (many of them already bought smaller ecig companies, now just wait)

>> No.8749313

just go to a smoke shop and buy a $70 one? the vape pens are pretty easy to break though. Especially if you get the more bulbous glass chamber

>> No.8749372

I bought one from Ebay for $14.
Usually smoke it while browsing or playing vidya.
I dont smoke it in public tho, see no point.

>> No.8749394

No. Saw a guy at the airport sucking on his vapor-dildo. Motherfucker was doing it right at the gate, being a smug cunt. Airport security asked him to turn it off. Had the misfortune of seeing him again at baggage claim, still sucking that thing. How fucking addicted do you have to be, holy shit.

>> No.8749400

drop trip you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.8749425

they are the epitome of fedoracore.

>> No.8749427
File: 21 KB, 98x123, 94212803-c971-439a-986b-b9c315e6a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't get the hate here. They come in a variety of styles, up for any design mix, have a futuristic aesthetic that isn't a gimmick as it's to avoid lung cancer, so much fashionable potential
I expected them to be the next lunar techwear ninja Gaiden trend accessory
Oh well, luckily I don't smoke so it doesn't affect me

>> No.8749438

that's pretty retarded as fedoracore usually tries to have the "older and mature" mindset, like a pipe and trench coat, or you know, a fedora
not an electronic cigarette, that goes completely against it

>> No.8749446

i smoke because it tastes good and i'm addicted to them.

>> No.8749476

have you ever seens someone use one who wasn't a huge sperglord?

>> No.8749507


they try to emulate old world class or whatever, but usually that means buying some walmart trilby or a peacoat from h&m. Now they've bastardized smoking with these lightsaber looking pieces of shit.

I actually think the disposable e-cigs that look like cigarettes are alright, it's kind of nice to buy one sometimes and enjoy some flavored vapor.

>> No.8749527

What do you guys think of CVS not selling cigarettes

>> No.8749544
File: 98 KB, 640x640, vbnxn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even cloudchase?

>> No.8749561

Smoking makes you age faster

>> No.8749580

I think it was awesome when they were super cheap 'cause I could buy packs for like $3. Now that they've run out I have nothing to get cash back with when I go to a bar :(

>> No.8749582

so does sitting down for more than 3 hours a day

>> No.8749585

>Apple of ecigs
So you want to have to buy a whole new one when it breaks? Just build your own.

>> No.8749606

no im not autistic

>> No.8749618

but it doesn't break

>> No.8749639

Its projected they'll lose 2b in annual profits. I hope they go under; whiteknight cunts.
>i miss eckerds