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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 69 KB, 691x929, 1409516453034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8741155 No.8741155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey mod, you're a faggot. christopher poole has been notified about your deleting of fashion orientated threads. the only thing you live for(to do it for free on 4chan) will be taken away from you slobbering mongoloid.

>> No.8741165
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>> No.8741172
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>> No.8741177

>implying mootykins doesn't have bigger things to worry about
>implying moderation hasn't historically been completely arbitrary
In case everyone didn't know just how new pigfuck is
Go on, point it out to moot - the only thing that might happen, if he even bothers descending from his throne to deal with it, would be him giving you the permaban you deserve you dumb cunt.

Sage goes in every field.

>> No.8741179
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>> No.8741184
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>he thinks i seriously care enough to email moot
get a life nerd

>> No.8741191
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>> No.8741193
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>mfw tits already sagging

determined to marry a blonde qtpi with tiny tits for this exact reason

>> No.8741196
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>> No.8741199
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>> No.8741202
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>> No.8741206
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nice post more i am hard

>> No.8741207
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>> No.8741211
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>> No.8741216
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ill probably get banned for this but ill humor you

all of the mods/janitors are now SJWs

you can now be banned for making a racist comment or calling somebody fat

theres no freedom
its just reddit 2.0

>> No.8741221

i don't even know whether or not this is some kind of metat-troll

i've been here too long

>> No.8741223

Stupid sexy Pocahontas.

>> No.8741233
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its the truth

theres a conscious effort to make 4chan the same as tumblr and reddit

SJWs have infiltrated

>> No.8741236

its true

>> No.8741240

but why?
why would moot, after all this time, change his tune?

>> No.8741246


anything to avoid a lawsuit
anything to avoid losing money

>> No.8741257

>anything to avoid a lawsuit
>anything to avoid losing money

>> No.8741262

lel are you fucking kidding, kid?
How new are you?
You could always be banned for being racist, or sexist, or for not liking chocolate, or for calling moot a newfag, or if the mod was having a bad day, or the board was particularly slow.
you just came and thought, oh, muh underground site, surely everyone will listen to my opinions and tolerate my shitposting here, they have to!

>muh freedoms on a privately owned and moderated website with clearly defined rules
Shut the fuck up.

>attitudes can change on an internet community
wow much revelation, very shock
If moot wants to mod more, like the old days, fucking fine by me

l e l

>> No.8741265

stop saying muh you gigantic homosexual nigger faggot

>> No.8741269

>muh repetition
>muh argument
>muh freedoms
top lel

>> No.8741275

wow your newfag is showing hard

>> No.8741277
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>wow much revelation, very shock

>> No.8741283
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reminder that the guy who wrote this embarrassing vomit
is same guy who authored this gem in pic related

>> No.8741308
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a meme spouting liberal calling freedom of speech "shitposting"

why dont we just rewrite the constitution and bill of rights for ya bud
anything else? a footrest to lay your weary hands from typing so much?

maybe an icepack for your angered hothead?

>> No.8741310
File: 205 KB, 750x1000, 1390090239927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby Baby Baby Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! xD

>> No.8741311

The mod over at /lit/ is shite, too.

>> No.8741315

Hey pigfuck, I'm not trying to make a joke or anything I'm just curious.

What do you do for work?

>> No.8741319

Lives off mommy's money because daddy left.

>> No.8741322



>> No.8741327
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>> No.8741336

how do we take back 4chan?
any1 interested pls PM me

>> No.8741338

im trying whats your msn

>> No.8741340

sent ;)