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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 57 KB, 914x510, orpsejopejej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8721090 No.8721090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do you achieve this hairstyle?

>> No.8721093

punchable face

>> No.8721105

By Being a fat lesbian

>> No.8721118

what is it about his face that makes it looks so fucking gay

>> No.8721122

hes gay

>> No.8721131

sustained high speed fellattio.. the rapid head movements create air flow that gets that cool swept back and to the side look and all the sweat from your exertion will set it in place
now get on your knees and get sucking
fashion is hard work

>> No.8721138

Have naturally straight hair.
Grow it to needed length.
Wake up, do nothing.

>> No.8721181


I've got pretty much the hair in the OP, and all I do is pretty much these simple steps.

>> No.8722603

that's not a hair style op, that's a male faggot model whose had his hair just styled for that one photo..

you cant have hair like that in the real world, it would just go flat in seconds.


>> No.8722613

not true my hair is somewhat similar texture/thickness/straightness and will sometimes need adjusting throughout the day (w/o product) but 95% of the time looks good.

thick hair masterace

>> No.8722640
File: 130 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste OP
I want that but shorter sides, a-am I gonna make it?

>> No.8722646

Well, the first thing you gotta do is be a giant homo.

Why do you want this hair "style" OP? It's not a flattering look on any guy and if you intentionally style it this way, you look like too much of a try-hard.

The style itself wouldn't be too bad if the length was much shorter than this. In fact, it would probably be a good look. But your hair can't be that long if you want to pull it off.

>> No.8722649

I think I'm jelly of your hair if there's no product in it

>> No.8722671

where is ur forehead

>> No.8722674

you kidding me?

your hair is dry and brushy as shit

handle that. it looks bad

>> No.8722680



ive seen low hairlines on indians and inbreds, but you literally have no forehead. you should fucking shave or wax some of that because it's fucking freaky. at least go to zayn malik tiny forehead tier. you currently have zero forehead which makes you look really fucked up

>> No.8722687


high doses of estrogen

preferably rectally administered

>> No.8722704
File: 114 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha lowest forehead of anyone I know, it's not non existent though, 2 1/2 fingers from eyebrows

>> No.8722709

Fucked up is a bit harsh, I've probably got laid more than you fuccboi

>> No.8722712

last time i checked looking inbred wasn't all the rage with the grills

>> No.8722719

It's funny as my dad has a 5head, mum has a 3head - I'm happy with what I've got + better body than you almost guaranteed

>> No.8722720

he doesn't look inbred you 5head, just has a very very small forehead.

threehead idk if you should have big hairstyles like the picture you posted first, and definitely don't consider a style like OP's picture as that actually covers the forehead

>> No.8722757

Your* you in cultured swine

>> No.8722767

nice defensive mechanism revealing that you are actually supremely insecure about your inbred defect

attacking people over the internet when they point out you have a feature most commonly associated with those reproduced through genetic inbreeding

>> No.8722771

Damn, dude. And I thought my forehead was nonexistent...

>> No.8722778

nigga slipped and accidentally hit da forehead size slider all da way 2 da left lmao

>> No.8722787

>says he's more attractive and fucks more bitches
>isn't comfortable with showing people his uggo face so he blocks it out

top kek m80 8^)

>> No.8722799

Are you looking at your own picture? You clearly don't even lift. you're skinnyfat as fuck.

>> No.8722827 [DELETED] 
File: 342 KB, 1927x1661, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say mad

>> No.8722835

>this is what he was hyping up
LOL you dont even look like you lift bro, i could ohp you and your skinny ass

>> No.8722837
File: 342 KB, 1927x1661, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad lads

>> No.8722840

12" bicep crew
only lifting a month crew

>> No.8722843
File: 140 KB, 706x529, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8722846

im dead m8

truly this board is shit now

>> No.8722851
File: 31 KB, 306x306, 10483468_748329458575684_18071358_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my tricep when skinnyfats crawl over from /fit/ to try to show off to my skellington bros on /fa/

>> No.8722854


where's your tricep bruh? you'll never get past 13'' arms if you don't build your triceps

your deltoid too

lay off the curls and do some push movements

>> No.8722865

Topkek. I never even said I lifted, I climb, bike, hike - didn't mean to offend anyone btw. I'm off, enjoy your day m80s.

>> No.8722867


>> No.8722868

>backpedaling at the speed of light

>> No.8722870

fuck off oldilocks

>> No.8722873
File: 22 KB, 250x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This means nothing to no one except fit cross posters

>> No.8722922

Pls don't set top sekret hacker group anonymouse onto me

>> No.8723170

straighteners in all sorts of ways

or volume-increasing product mixed with hairdryer

>> No.8725139

Shit Hair hahahaha

>> No.8726309

>no poo and silika
>shitload of oil and hair porduct
>perfect genetics and no poo
>1hr working it out in front of the mirror with a comb

>> No.8727313

>Your* you in cultured swine

>in cultured swine

>cultured swine


The word you were looking for was Uncultured....fucking imbecile.

>> No.8727566

you really are an ugly mudslime sorry, my suggestion is sudoku and hope for a better life when your reborn

>> No.8728903

You don't