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File: 29 KB, 300x300, eldredge-knot-gold-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8711381 No.8711381[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is the eldredge knot effay?

>> No.8711386

No its hours of wasted time with poor results

>> No.8711410


lel maybe 2 mins

>> No.8711989

You'd need a pretty long tie mate

>> No.8712027

2 busy

>> No.8712147

it's fedoramatrix core

only people that use it are the kind that wear fedoras, suits or parts of suits all the time

the kind that have recently abandoned their cargoshorts and trench coats for something more "le classy"

>> No.8712159

I just corss, flip and penetrate, like a normal person.

No reason for classy tie knots if you're middle-class, just makes you look like a try hard.

>> No.8712162
File: 24 KB, 319x377, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I knew this kid in high school who wore suits every day with this knot. He had a suitcase filled with Yugioh cards and one of those arm things you put the deck in like in the show. He never brushed his teeth or washed his hair. He would go on and on about his stupid anime that he was writing. It sucks though because his face really isn't all that bad. He was just a walking cliche of autism and fedoracore. Pic related, it's him.

In other words, OP, no, it's not.

>> No.8712175

no its tumblr cuckold core

>> No.8712180
File: 25 KB, 300x300, trinity-knot-purple-300x300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trinity is best

>> No.8712438

anything other than windsor knot is fedora-core

>> No.8712456

>fedoracore being spouted
Pretty sure you have to actually be a neckbeard/beta to be fedoracore. If you actually wear a suit and tie often, then trinity/eldredge would be sick. Mix it up. I wish I could, they'd make work a lot more interesting. Unfortunately I always forget to check and I'm pretty sure you'd need like a metre of tie to pull it off

>> No.8712478

No, it's autistic.

>> No.8712523

>If you actually wear a suit and tie often, then trinity/eldredge would be sick.
>would be sick
only retards speak like thi

if you wear a suit/tie often you're in a position to know better than to wear costume get ups like this cosplayers tie knot

>> No.8712530

>I'm pretty sure you'd need like a metre of tie to pull it off


sauce: i used to sell ties. my manager tied his in all kinds of funky knots. it looked cool. but these cheap ties look too shiny and retarded. you don't need a crazy knot on a shiny tie like that. it looks much better on a mat tie.

has to be made of good silk, though. otherwise the knot looks shittier the more complicated it is.

>> No.8712705

what's the worst tie you ever sold, i mean, the most hideous?

what sort of person bought it?

did any fedora's enter your store to buy? to what did they gravitate?

>> No.8712734 [DELETED] 

there is no such thing as a bad tie

>> No.8712755

yes there is

half the ones sold at express

>> No.8712764


I wear a suit and tie every day, if you came into my place of work with a tie like this you'd be laughed at and told to retie it properly.

Stuff like this is people with no personality trying to make up for it by doing something that "stands out"

Most of the time though, while wearing a suit youre not meant to stand out, besides just having picked colour, pattern and fit correctly.

>> No.8712766
File: 118 KB, 500x333, zeg tie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet he sold shiny cheap silk ties to prom kids

>> No.8713019

Wrong. Balthus knot is the most fa

>> No.8713027


Pratt / Shelby knots are also fa

>> No.8713047

Fuck no it looks like a giant cockroach is burrowing into your throat
>just like my dick

>> No.8713050

you playing g/u infect?

>> No.8713053

If it takes you 2 minutes to tie your tie just dont where one because you'll probably fuck up whatever knot you're doing and it will void your whole outfit

>> No.8713056

Lmao stop.

>> No.8713061


>> No.8713063



>> No.8713066

This there is no nxtlvl knots that are /fa/ because sperging about your tie knot is incredibly lame. This is why businessmen do full windsor for respect and actors do half windsor for that 5oclock shadow, top button undone look.

Also that nigga that said
>it would make work more interesting

>> No.8713105

>Stuff like this is people with no personality trying to make up for it by doing something that "stands out"
Well said

>> No.8713139

Swap the word personality with taste. If a dude is wearing a well fitting suit and shirt with a nice tie that coordinates well, the thought of tying such a stupid knot would never occur to him. Spergs buy a shitty suit and a shitty shirt pair them with a shitty tie. They go home look in the mirror and say " man, i bought this suit and i still look like shit. Must be the knot" they cant accept the fact that they fucked up on a major purchase and they think a complicated knot will make up for it. Its like those fatabilly bitches.

>> No.8713317

>Spergs buy a shitty suit and a shitty shirt pair them with a shitty tie
don't forget the inevitable clincher:
shitty shoes

>> No.8713334

Please don't. It looks incredibly unprofessional in most situations.

>> No.8713343
File: 9 KB, 250x201, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do eldredge. If you're looking for something different, which I'm assuming because you posted this outlandish knot, maybe try some bow ties?

>> No.8713377

How could i forget
Inb4 spatula loafers

>> No.8713382

No. Stop. They werent cool then they arent cool now. You'll look like bill nye/nutty proffesor/that old nigga from ncis

>> No.8713419 [DELETED] 
File: 245 KB, 600x1189, quad-windsor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not quad-windsoring
You guys are all turboqueers.

>> No.8713432

If you're handsome you can pull off anything.

>> No.8713520

Bill nye is a handsome guy. I wouldnt want people to associate me with his asthetic tho

>> No.8713551

was gonna post that pic (you know the one) before I realized I've never actually saved it

>> No.8713559
File: 245 KB, 600x1189, quin-windsor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not quin-windsoring
Y'all are turboqueers

>> No.8713565
File: 11 KB, 270x187, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you stating they wouldn't be a better substitute for an eldredge knot, because you sir would be mistaken.

Is Bill Nye a bow tie idol?...possibly.

>> No.8713573

Bill nye has mad swag. All you have to do to pull off the nerd look without looking like a nerd is be a big guy.

>> No.8713574

If you want to look like a used car salesman, windsor is the way to go.

If you want to look like a civilised person, go with a four in hand.

>> No.8713579

>maybe try some bow ties?
only if you are:
an architect
an artist of some sort (technical drawer) that needs a tie
a gynecologist

basically any profession or trade where having something long that can dip into things (paintpots, wet drawings, vaginas et.al.) would be a nuisance.

unfortunately a small subset of the usual fedora crown adopted the bowtie after one of the doctor who's wore them as part of their costume

>> No.8713584

Same i was gonne put it in that post lmao

>> No.8713585

>You'll look like bill nye

how is this in any way even remotely negative

>> No.8713588

>If you want to look like a used car salesman, windsor is the way to go.
not necessarily
half-windsor is best
>If you want to look like a civilised person, go with a four in hand.
4 in hands are good if you're wearing a 3-piece
it's a very old fashioned knot
if you wear one past schooling age it looks kinds silly
like kids that never learned half windsors after having been taught a 4inhand at prep/private/public schools

at least that's how it goes in britain

>> No.8713592

Aaaah lmao i have a tie thats thick and if you full windsor it it looks like you wrapped up a childs fist

>> No.8713596

Its better to not weat any tie if those are your options. Thats my point.

>> No.8713600

>Going for the nerd look
Thats the problem>>8713574

>> No.8713603

Try a bowtie if:
- you are dead and were buried in a tux

>> No.8713609

Looking like bill nye WILL get you pussy. Dressing like bill nye wont. Swaggerjacking is bad when everyone knows whos youre jacking.

>> No.8713611

>the knot looks shittier the more complicated it is.

everyone on earth needs to realize this or else when aliens show up we'll be fucked

>> No.8713615

Consider tje following
>This is now a bill nye thread

>> No.8713652

Windsor knot was literally invented to emulate the appearence of the Duke of Windsor's tie knots. Since he had his ties bespoke made, he had thicker fabrics which lead to a larger knot. But he actually tied a four in hand. It's so symmterical it looks ridiculous.

>> No.8713661

When you wear a suit symmetry is everything. Important people dont want to look like paul walker on the red carpet.

>> No.8714427


Sprezzatura is popular in the italian style, and asymmetry is not necessarily untidy. Those huge, windors knots make you look like news anchors, used car salesmen, or just ridiculous.

Besides, ties aren't worn to formal occasions.

>> No.8714557

Whats really important is matching the tie knot to the shirt collar. Yeah, a full windsor is symmetrical, but if you wear one oft hose with a narrow point collar you'll look retarded.
>Full windsor - Spread collar
>Half windsor - Semi spread collar
>Four in Hand - Point collar
The above can obviously be modified depending on the thickness of the tie and resulting knot.

>> No.8714747
File: 29 KB, 620x348, half-windsor-knot@1.5x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is most effay knot

>> No.8714865


>> No.8714890

I loathe spread collar, but that's more of a question of personal preference.

>> No.8714918

what your knot says about you:
four in hand: hurried
half windsor: average bloke
full windsor: jumped-up prick
trinity: half fedora
eldredge: full fedora

>> No.8715039

Bull shit.

Four in hand: Don't know how to tie a tie
Half Windsor: Real Man
Full Windsor: Mob Boss, Executive or fag trying to look like one of them.
Trinity: Don't fucking try..
Eldredge: Pussy Magnet.

>> No.8715095


No. It's only used by neckbeards and cosplayers who saw The Matrix too many times.

>> No.8715111

>not shaped properly

keep to 4 in hand knot until you can do a Windsor right.

>> No.8715733

His face is pretty bad, do you feel empathy because

>> No.8716141


>> No.8716263

Meant to respond to -

>> No.8717436

I mean, for a fedoracore, it isn't bad. But in general, it's pretty bad. Should have clarified.

>> No.8717440

Windsor knots size vary greatly but average in quarter to half dollar size when tied correctly and depend greatly on the thickness and taper of the tie. I own over 20 ties and have worked in offices for a few years and can tell you from experience. People who dont live and breathe fashion take you more serious with a full windsor. A half windsor shows you care more about looking good than the job its just not proffessional.

Tl:dr the guy who signs your check probably doesnt give a shit whats cool in italy. ( not saying i dont just giving serious career advice

>> No.8717447

Also its not a formal occasion if you dont have to wear a tie.

>> No.8717453

>eldredge: pussy magnet
Lmao why dont you test that hypothesis and get back to us.

>> No.8717456


>> No.8717465

Just wear a slim tie you faggots

>> No.8717467
File: 1.12 MB, 2136x1424, Basic Lands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes when i don't feel like counting

>> No.8717511

Your post is 100% unrelated to the discussion. ReAd the fucking thread next time.