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File: 265 KB, 628x434, fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8702719 No.8702719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

PS: Not these try-hard faggots

Just looking for inspo more suited to someone college-aged. Don't want to be accused of trying to be white

>> No.8702734

>Don't want to be accused of trying to be white
There is no such thing as acting white. Race does not determine your personality. Be who you are and don't support the stereotypes created by white people.

>> No.8702737

>Don't want to be accused of trying to be white
by who? ghetto niggers in jordans and tall tees? do you *really* care about what those kind of people say?

If you act like a minority you'll be treated like one

>> No.8702739

>Don't want to be accused of trying to be white
hahahah who the fuck would accuse you of trying to be white other than some madfag on the internet?

>> No.8702744


Exactly this.

You do have a responsibility in how you portray yourself to others however. Since OP is asking for inspo on how to dress well, I'm sure he is already taking steps in the right direction.

>> No.8702751


there's no such thing as acting white.

be fabulous,

>> No.8702755
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I agree absolutely with >>8702734
but since you asked for inspo. How about this?

>> No.8702759

my grenadian family say I dress white, all the time. Which is funny cause I'm only the second one to get a degree, granted biology is a worthless degree

>> No.8702764
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>> No.8702772

>being "white" at something
>a bad thing

>> No.8702776
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OP dont fight it. You know what awaits you in your future...
pic related

>> No.8702785

what is it with black guys and hats

>> No.8702790

w2c those brown boots
fashion, laziness with hair

>> No.8702793
File: 783 KB, 2000x3000, hipster-beard-531f41c84fb64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy looks pretty cool, but it's not too likely you want to completely copy his style.

I know I wouldn't

>> No.8702794


They look good and know they can pull it off.

OP related.

>> No.8702807

allen edmonds

>> No.8702826

I think OP would probably be worried about his family or friends thinking that. I had a black room-mate who said he avoided wearing prep because it always gave off the impression that he was trying hard to fit in with white people even though that wasn't his original goal. Context is always important

>> No.8702892

it's not really about being white. I just didn't feel right wearing baggy clothes and durags. I wanted clothing that fitted me nicely and give the impression that I'm not a tryhard and nice dude to hangout with.

>> No.8702918

You come off mad insecure, man.

>> No.8702935

Troll thread.

>> No.8702945
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>white people
>accusing others of acting white

>> No.8702954
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>> No.8702960
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>> No.8702967

appearance is everything.

>> No.8702982
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>> No.8703019

Happens more often than you think.

>> No.8703029

Is this a Jazz band?

>> No.8703059


this is sick

>> No.8703106

definitely not the main perpetrators

>> No.8703134


>Don't want to be accused of trying to be white

kek, then don't use fire and the wheel big boy

>> No.8703145
File: 403 KB, 930x984, 705380d0-fef9-4d2e-8235-17e86d453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> created by white people
toplel, you do know it was perpetuated by black people for being the equivalent of a "race traitor"

>> No.8703172

The main perpetrators are society, bruh.
I dressed and had the same hobbies Odd Future and Donald Glover do now years ago, from middle school up into my senior year and I got called 'oreo' and shit, and now several years later that shit is status quo.

Carving yourself around people's ignorant ass perceptions like OP is doing is ultimate fuccboi status, but let's not pretend it's the fault of one particular race.

>> No.8703679
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>PS: Not these try-hard faggots
I beg your pardon? These guys actually make clothing.

I stopped caring of being accused of trying to be white back when i was in the 11th grade. There's no such thing as acting white and acting black. If you say there is, define them both. Acting black is sagging pants and fucking fat bitches? That's not my definition of black, so how can your definition of white be true?

>> No.8703705

this. americans should just stop with the white/black shit

>> No.8703722

>fucking fat bitches
Can't handle the booty? Go back to Ireland.

>> No.8703725
File: 114 KB, 760x760, punctuated-blackness.american-apparel-unisex-athletic-tee.athletic-grey.w760h760b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga right here.

>> No.8703734


its only liberals and liberal propaganda that perpetuates the race issues in america

if you're from europe you have no place to talk. its even worse there.

>> No.8703747

in europe most people don't give a shit, what are you talking about
only ones that do are sjws and stormfags, the rest only care if you're being a hurka durka dick or something

>> No.8703755
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>its only liberals and liberal propaganda that perpetuates the race issues in america

>> No.8703768

that's exactly the same as here you mong. it's called media. no one really gives a shit irl unless you live in hickville.

you're dumb as fuck if you don't think so.


stop talking about it.

>> No.8703788

>don't support the stereotypes created by white people.

Fuck off you Swedish faggot.

>> No.8703809

but that's true you fucking retard

>> No.8703857

never underestimate the power of a uniform man.

fashion is partly controlled by commerce and social groupings among other things...

>> No.8703858
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>white boys telling me how racism works

>> No.8703881

As if conservatives don't have issues with race, religion and sex.

It's not just liberals kicking up the dust.

>> No.8703902

I'm actually black lol.

>Stereotypes- a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

>> No.8703919


How does being a victim of something make you an expert on it?

>> No.8703927

They don't have issues with race. Race isn't a component of conservative values. Neither is religion. There's plenty of agnostic conservatives and there's plenty of conservatives that aren't white. Conservatism is mostly a economic standpoint and less to do with social politics. Except all you hear about in media is social politics because that's all you idiots care about these days. Republican and Democrat don't even mean anything. They agree on almost everything except retarded social issues that stalemate our entire political system.

Last I checked Morgan Freeman was black, friend

>> No.8703934

Are you implying you can't be racist towards white people now?
Tumblr is over there, boyo.

>> No.8703939
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>> No.8703944

Wait, so blacks themselves are saying that if you are a well-educated individual you are trying to be white?
That just seems like shooting yourself in the foot to me.

>> No.8703948

you being black doesnt change the fact that you're fucking wrong and retarded.

>> No.8703964


>Conservatism is mostly a economic standpoint and less to do with social politics.

Yeah, no.

>> No.8703969

White people from bad areas do the same shit. It's basically a working class or sub working class issue. Somehow acting civilized and attempting to make something of yourself is considered to be 'giving in' or something childish like that.

The sad thing is this is a totally new phenomena. I don't think 30-40 years ago people were sitting around thinking this kind of shit. They just wanted to improve their families standing.

But, now everyone wants to be a gangsta.

>> No.8703984

You talk like social issues are foreign territory to right wings, while using another sociopolitical group as a scapegoat. Frankly, both can eat a dick, IMO, but it's pretty clear what camp you're in.
Regardless of the economic principles each party was built on, you can't pretend that there hasn't been an inherent social/racial component in since the Civil Rights Movement.

Blaming racial divide on 'propaganda' is lazy at best, and at worst offensive to the people actually affected by it.

>Last I checked Morgan Freeman was black, friend

That video was cool and all, but post-racialism is Utopian-level idealism. It will take decades of actively mending barriers before that can even start to become a possibility.

>> No.8703989

9.5/10 troll Opie
I cant believe so many people are falling for this ahahah

>> No.8703991

I'm so sorry, I didn't know you had it so bad.

>> No.8703993

No its not childish. Why do i want to act like or associate with a group of people who wont even look me in the eye. When we act white thats when they stop getting nervous around us and ussualy start disrespecting us because they think we're uncle toms and that we are somehow weaker for acting white. Remember, no matter what, they will always see us as niggers.

>> No.8704025

>you're fucking wrong and retarded

>> No.8704043

M8 I live in Serbia and make 200€/month, you shut your goddamn mouth

>> No.8704045
File: 65 KB, 492x750, 8a242e0a6db811e2ae8022000a9e2946_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The lack of inspo on this thread
Step aside

>> No.8704046

is that Rome Fortune on the left?

>> No.8704052
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>> No.8704057

>post-racialism is Utopian-level idealism
Lol, no it isn't. It already exists in every major city for the majority of the population that don't live in low income areas. You see it plastered over the media all day every day. Obviously post-racialism is an ideal that the majority of Americans accept. We have a black president, despite blacks being only 15% of the population, and this fool is still talking about post-racialism utopia. nigga you're living in it.

What people don't like is ignorant poor people with loud mouths and retarded opinions - white or black.

If "post-racialism" was idealism than what are we arguing about? If you want to live in a fantasy self pity land where you believe you're actively being discriminated against 24/7 then go ahead, I guess, but it's not reality.

>> No.8704061
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>> No.8704067
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>> No.8704074

How dare you call a black person retarded? You racist bigot! Better check your privilege!

>> No.8704078
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>> No.8704084
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>> No.8704087

u dumb as hell

>> No.8704088
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>> No.8704090
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OP rasis as fuck

Those guys in OP aren't dressed like white people. They are dressed well.

You know why you think it's like they're trying to be white? Because compared to white people you don't see very many black guys trying to dress well anymore because the very same attitude, so you correlate it to being white.

Black culture has gotten pretty sad as of late. Black people used to dress so fly back in the day, none of this gangster nigger shit

>pic realted
>black people before they decided to downgrade and "not act white"

lmao u guys lost a good thing

>> No.8704093
File: 107 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mitjxjfsvV1qasnrqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread full of white people not posting inspo

>> No.8704094

This has got to be bait. No one is this delusional. Either you're trolling or you live in a 100% black area and have never been exposed to the real world. Either way solid 6/10.

>> No.8704098
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>> No.8704108
File: 379 KB, 1280x1463, tumblr_mm93vcSdmV1qiwaeio2_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think both of you are shit at trying to understand each other. He obviously doesn't want to lose the sense of community among other black people, but he's expressing this in a bitchy way. Like a little bitch.


>> No.8704109

lol this, I like how everyone likes to strawman and go >muh whites when the right half of Europe is pretty much a ghetto in and of itself.
It has zero to do with your skin colour and everything to do with how you present yourself. If you're a white trash gopnik everyone is going to treat you exactly the same as a ghetto nigger, because you act like a violent retard.
If you dress and behave nicely people will treat you better for it. Nobody puts Michelle Obama in the same box as Lil Kim, despite them both being black.

>> No.8704115
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Also the funny this is I see more white people trying to dress niggerly all the time more than "dressing white"

soooooo dressing black is actually dressing white now lol

Look at this pic. You'll never be as black as them cause they don't give a fuck

>> No.8704116
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>> No.8704121
File: 232 KB, 1280x1446, tumblr_mm93vcSdmV1qiwaeio5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg what the fuck are you talking about? This thread has gone to shit wtf

>> No.8704125
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>> No.8704130

Man, I'm trying to quit smoking this week.
I really don't feel like talking about this shit right now. Let's just agree to disagree.

>If "post-racialism" was idealism than what are we arguing about?
Only thing I was arguing about was the idea that racism was propagated, and not the product of generations of ignorance.

>> No.8704131
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>> No.8704137
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>> No.8704144
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>> No.8704149
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>> No.8704155
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>> No.8704160
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>> No.8704165

>Tanishue pass dat lotion, yo

>> No.8704170
File: 201 KB, 612x612, chief-keef-polo-ralph-lauren-big-pony-neon-colorblock-shirt-i-aint-done-turnin-up-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8704174

Nope. Been living in a rich neighboorhood for a while. Most white men always do the same shit.
>little eye contact
>shaky voice
>looks at black person in room, looks nervously around the room, looks back at black person , repeat
When blacks act "white" we get treated like shit cause MOST of yall see us as niggers. Everytime ive acted "white" around white people ive been taken advantage of in some way, large or small. EVERYTIME. i am treated like a bitch when i try to act "proper".
On a side note, i love when a white kid trys to argue, and assumes im dumb because of the way i talk. They can never carry an argument because i use too big of words.

>> No.8704188
File: 9 KB, 233x217, 1380390102946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you are paranoid as fuck. People most likely disrespect you, because you are a bitch.

>> No.8704195


>> No.8704201

get out of america and proletarian social circles

christ, i can imagine how bad it feels to be dark skinned with above average intelligence in clapland

>> No.8704227

naw its cause white people feel emasculated around blacks because of the agendas the medias pushing. So when they get a chance MOST try to one up ust. Some of yall are chill, most of yall are bitchhiggas who really aint bout that until they see what is percived as weaker prey. I went to a few white schools and kids always picked on the weak and talked shit about weaker individuals. Then i went to a black school with a lot of gang members and they respected everyone. Sure class was loud, but even the scrawny akward white kid who always talked about computers and how torrdnts worked was friends with everyone.

>> No.8704230

>doesn't offer any explanation as too why I am.

>> No.8704238

I gotta say one of my favorite things about Sosa is that he doesn't feel it's necessary to put scantily clad bitches in every one of his videos.
Though Boondocks has taught me to suspect some 'homies over hoes' scenario.

>> No.8704252

I guarantee you, it's just you. People dislike you. They don't dislike black people for acting white. No one just likes you.

>> No.8704254


dude of course the rich old white dudes are gunna be rasis toward you, THEY'RE RICH OLD WHITE DUDES

but why do you give a fuck what they think anyway?

Probably one of the richest people I know, the Johnson family (he coached the mavricks and jets) is black and according to you they "act white" yet they are respected just as any other person around here.

>> No.8704267


sorry I meant he coached the Brooklyn Nets, not jets

>> No.8704277

Thats la capone. I suspect a lot of chicago rappers are closet gays, which is something whites dont get. If youre a faggot in chicago you might get beat just for being gay. Now the best theoretical way to hide being gay in any community is to be a tryhard. So what gay people will do in chicago is try to be the "baddest" person there so people wont think theyre gay. Theyll try to fit in so much they end up dead at 16 for flexin on the wrong niggas bfecause they just want to fit in and be "normal".

>> No.8704291

Why is it that black guys can be fashionable without being seen as effeminate? Whenever a white guy puts a lot of effort into his appearance, people either think he's insecure or effeminate. Yet, for blacks, having a strong sense of style doesn't contradict masculinity.
>you will never be a stylish black man

>> No.8704340

I don't agree with anything else you've posted in this thread, but damn if this line isn't the truest shit ever posted.

> I went to a few white schools and kids always picked on the weak and talked shit about weaker individuals. Then i went to a black school with a lot of gang members and they respected everyone. Sure class was loud, but even the scrawny akward white kid who always talked about computers and how torrdnts worked was friends with everyone.

I'm always trying to tell scared white folk who've never been to black neighborhood or hung out with black folk that most black people don't give a damn about you, your race, your economic background, your religion, your parents, or your style. It's fine to live in, or hanging around in predominately black neighborhoods as long as you're chill and just doing your thing.

>> No.8704354

I never said i had aproblem with people disliking me. I have a problem with these fuckass white people being disrespectful to black people who dont act black because all of a sudddn as soon as we stop acting black these bitchassniggas try to flex on us. This is all most likely due to me being part of the younger generation. white men in thier 30's are ok, they just act nervous as fuck, unless i act white.
Becaust the media bias against white men.
yeah no one seems to understand that.

>> No.8704396
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>gg still no inspo
>Just white people talking about shit they don't know about

>> No.8704403
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>> No.8704406
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>> No.8704412
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>> No.8704413
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>> No.8704419
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>> No.8704421
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>> No.8704426
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>> No.8704434

Are you telling me I can be racist toward white folk? You're joking right?

Holy shit read a book/get an education beyond high school.

>> No.8704486

youre completely missing what he was saying and unwittingly supporting racism by turning his words around.

his point is that if we stopped making any and all distinctions, i.e. treated every person really the same, then there would be no racism. his point is not "if we ignore it it will go away". sure talking about racism perpetuates it, but not as much as, you know, ACTUAL RACISM

>> No.8704492


>> No.8704508

Please don't.
He's missing the part where that dude was a gyppo out of his element in the conversation at hand.

Just let it die.

>> No.8704569


How about you define for me what racism is, and explain to me how white people can experience it.

>> No.8704578
File: 130 KB, 730x909, a5c527ec-4926-41fa-b075-0b4944eca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some blackstronaut inspo to sort of contribute

>> No.8704580
File: 331 KB, 700x467, 20120210img_5665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joshua Kissi man, check his blog streetetiquette.com

>> No.8704581

Go the fuck back to tumblr you dumb cunt. I wish hitler had won.

>> No.8704590

2 edgy 4 me

>> No.8704592
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>> No.8704595
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>> No.8704599
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>> No.8704602
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and the last pic I have saved of him

>> No.8704612

You probably do, you privileged shithead. I don't understand why you don't educate yourself instead of staying ignorant.

Let me guess, you live in some flyover state and go to community college. But at least you're still white, so that's something to be proud about :^)

>> No.8704613
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>> No.8704619
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>> No.8704625
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>> No.8704635
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>> No.8704637

She mirin.

>> No.8704652

I'm blonde haired, blue eyed, and 6'2". Germany is better than the rest of the world and we would have been better off with them running the world. They already rescued europe from their retardation.

>> No.8704659 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8704688

yeah im sure having a crazy racist asshole who relied on misinfo propaganda etc and expansionist policy to avoid bankrupting the nation while sending teens into a war without adequate supplies or food would've been good for the world.

im out of pics on my phone

>> No.8704706


okay buddy, stay mad

>> No.8704709
File: 214 KB, 1085x766, DATASH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cool, but I fucking love being mixedboi mstrce so I don't have to deal with that shit. (plus my skin is golden ;3)

>> No.8704731


No one cares. They lost the war, stop being a sore loser.

I'm sure you'll make lots of friends in >>>/pol/

>> No.8704732

Prejudice based on race you cockgobbling faggot.

>> No.8704737

You made me look at my ankles :(

>> No.8704749

I'm sry, anon D:

>> No.8704774


I know is feel. I need to thank my parents for the great facial aesthetics too.

It's an interesting world being a mixedboi.

>> No.8704795

>Don't want to be accused of trying to be white
Well your picture is exactly that. dumb niggas should be wearing jordans and baggy jeans

>> No.8704796

Prejudice is not racism.

Institutionalized DISCRIMINATION is racism.

>> No.8704804



Are you trolling, or are you really this dumb?

>> No.8704806

If you're not trying to be a race traitor and get black bitches. A nice buzz cut, clean white tee, dark wash denim and some fresh jays is a great look. When you start dressing like some white boy in fancy dress shoes and you're not a rich business man, you know you're trying to be white.

>> No.8704808


>> No.8704813

yea whos the dumb fuck tryna be a white boi dressin fancy and shit?

>> No.8704819

Did someone post this thread on /pol/ or some shit?
The bottom feeders are pouring in.

>> No.8704821

Dumb niggas like yourself should seriously stop trying to dress white. You just come off as a queer who got his ass raped in prison.

>> No.8704827

Nope. I frequent /pol/ though but I'm not racist.

>> No.8704835

das racist. the majority of people who wear jordans are totally not black.

>> No.8704850


br8 b8 m8 I r8 0.8/8

Confirmed non-black guy trying to sound "black" to troll.

>> No.8704853

It's pretty ironic that most these "dressed up" black guys are light skinned and mixed. There's no way to hide it.

>> No.8704856

>Are you me?
fuck, being mixed and aesthetic is the greatest blessing. (not to mention eventually everyone will be mixed race)

>> No.8704867

this thread is fucking cancer. skin color has nothing to do with dressing well. a black guy can wear any fucking outfit a white guy can vice versa. take your shit back to /pol

>> No.8704868

What, did you open like two pictures?
lol Trolls getting lazier.

>> No.8704875

I'm talking about OP's "trying not to be white" comment and the irony in himself posting pictures of mixed people.

>> No.8704876


That's assuming that all black people are naturally super dark. Which they aren't. A large percentage of blacks who are not mixed have lighter skin.

>> No.8704883

No niggers cant look good in SS uniforms

>> No.8704890


Requesting more inspo.


wrong board dipshit.

>> No.8704891

>lighter skin
lol, don't flatter yourself. they're not all pitch black (my mom was str8 up white [ily mum :3] and my dad was s00per dark.) being slightly lighter than that just means you have white in your blood somewhere WAYYY the fuck down the line. I appreciate that you claim your white ancestry tho, anon :3

>> No.8704892
File: 826 KB, 320x320, so.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't make anything you said less wrong.

>> No.8704895
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>> No.8704896
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W2C boots

>> No.8704905
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>> No.8704906

thank you devin

>> No.8704907
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>> No.8704909
File: 67 KB, 480x480, FLATBUSH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, but blacks can pull off some pretty radical shit.

>> No.8704910
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>> No.8704912
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>> No.8704915

If you look at actual people living in the continent of Africa, early images during their colonization by French, etc or even blacks living in America 50 years ago. Those "black" people look much different from the ones today because of race mixing.

>> No.8704917

black dude unarguably looks the coolest in that group. white boys are so boring tbh ;p

>> No.8704918
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>> No.8704919
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>> No.8704920

Damn bruh, I need to get cut.

>> No.8704922
File: 37 KB, 594x434, monte-carlo-television-festival-2007-day-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POINT PROVEN. Mixedboi's today are the pioneers of the future

>> No.8704923


Damn he's handsome.

/fa/ blackboi's post your faces.

>> No.8704924
File: 832 KB, 1024x683, 1392466819146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is that the same guy? His biceps look exactly the same.

>> No.8704925

>This is what Americans actually believe

>> No.8704927

How do I get perfect think ass eyebrows like this and Donald Glover's?
Is there some Hollywoo secret?

>> No.8704928
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>> No.8704935
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>> No.8704937
File: 95 KB, 612x612, adonis bosso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea his name is Adonis Bosso

>you will never have adonis take pictures of you and him hanging out being /fa/ for his tumblr of models.

feels bad man.

>> No.8704939

Genetics. I have the exact same eyebrows (my hair is a bit more fine, tho). Now that's not to say that you can't get shit done to make you look better but i dunno, anon. I'm not famous (yet ;3)

>> No.8704944
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>> No.8704947
File: 138 KB, 409x516, nscUgln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao he's literally named adonis. His parents must be crazy attractive to have that much confidence naming their child.

>> No.8704950

I'm 25 and can't even grow facial hair.
I'm legit starting to think I have a testosterone prollem smh

>> No.8704952

damnnnnn that shit is true??

>> No.8704954
File: 95 KB, 500x750, 325452345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


these 2 are from his tumblr

>> No.8704957

You might. I'm a yungboi and can grow a full face 'o hair of I wanted to. Also: G E N E T I C S ~~~~

>> No.8704962

Yes. My old GF is a qt blackie girl and her whole family was the same shade (Except some random ass relatives that aren't really even blood ;p)

>> No.8704963
File: 91 KB, 195x303, 6V1TP3T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niggers on 4chan

>> No.8704972
File: 49 KB, 640x640, Adonis Bosso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yea no kidding, thegambleisreal
lucked out doe.

he also has an instagram

where this pic is from

>> No.8704973
File: 208 KB, 409x516, 1382978495815_fight-the-chill-jon-jones-gq-magazine-november-2013-style-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8704979


>> No.8704983

But you are trying to be white.

>> No.8704987


Sheesh, atleast put effort in if your going to troll.

>> No.8704988

Why do white people pretend that everything the black man makes was created by them?

>> No.8704993
File: 122 KB, 640x640, 924396_326953070788405_1511801508_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8704998

No one here is 'trolling xdd' back to tumblr you faggot

>> No.8704999


>> No.8705000
File: 108 KB, 640x640, 1660259_678565642202547_770880619_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8705016

Well negros can only create in a white world

>> No.8705023

>black inspo
>suit jackets, tweed and shoes everywhere
>white inspo
>massive hightops and baggy shirts

What the fugg

>> No.8705025
File: 245 KB, 640x615, 1407201576633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8705026

explains the dark ages

>> No.8705038
File: 113 KB, 533x800, tumblr_n24q5wVQXw1sxlr2xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ethnic wear is still a thing in NA

ok bud

>> No.8705040
File: 63 KB, 500x750, 1386557150227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The line has been blurred on streetwear for quite a while now.
Welcome to fashion.

>> No.8705045


>Using tumblr as an excuse when ever someone points out racism or trolling.

Kek. We all know your just parroting what you saw someone else say on 4chins.

>> No.8705047
File: 162 KB, 720x960, fafafafa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


am i full black?
by the way how much would i be on a scale from 1 to 10?

>> No.8705060

My nigga, this some UK Little Rascals shit and you Buckwheat lmao

>> No.8705066


underage /fa/ggot confirmed.

How conceded are you? Only you can rate how "black" you consider yourself. No one else has the right to.

>> No.8705069

What is the name of this style of dress?

>> No.8705073

Dude, racism is 4chan. Leave if you don't like it. This place is clearly to edgy for you.

>> No.8705074


Regardless, you look like a fun kid to hang around haha

>> No.8705076

'Dandy man' I believe.

>> No.8705078

I know a white guy named Doug who is blacker than you. He's a sneakerhead from Philly who loves Warren G. You look like a panzy ass little bitch.

>> No.8705079

no no actually i wanted to actually if my skin was dark or light?

>> No.8705082


I'm aware that it's the mentality, and I roll with it for the most part. However, there are times and places for everything, and this is not the place.

>> No.8705085





>> No.8705086

And this is /fa ?

>> No.8705087


You are definitely dark. I would say in the middle of the darker spectrum.

>> No.8705089

Blacks Dandys are fucking sweet looking.

>> No.8705092

this post is too good

>> No.8705094


ok thanks

>> No.8705095


If pulled off correctly. What, did you only thing goof ninja was /fa/!?

Like most similar style, it's incredibly easy to look like a tryhard faggot. Steer clear unless you actually know what your doing.

>> No.8705111

No. You're like a 7. You have white genes, m8. you're like the blacks around where I love. Wouldhangwith :^)

>> No.8705118

live* :P

>> No.8705123
File: 40 KB, 580x274, Screen Shot 2014-08-26 at 8.26.35 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You went full tumblr man.

>> No.8705135

-By the way i asked where am i on a scale from 1 to 10, i was talking about beauty

>> No.8705138

>prejudice isn't racism
>discriminating isn't racism
>racism is literally not liking others because they're different
>instituionalized discrimination
>somehow adding bullshit words before it makes it any different
i enjoy helping this board out but holy fucking shit this website attracts the world's most idiotic cell-masses

>> No.8705140
File: 63 KB, 600x649, 1405915080646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy fuck ppl move it to /pol/ or int

this is /fa/.
this thread is about dressing for Black men

While I am honestly surprised the thread went this long without being derailed, but none the less this is not the place for complaining about the race or political positions you don't like.

>> No.8705141

the definition doesnt change anything. the point is that in america white people are not affected by racism. sure you can be racist against whites, but blacks, hispanics, etc are the ones actually being singled out and shot by police, have less chance being hired, get paid less etc. racism against the people who hold all the cards doesn't affect shit. that's the only time the "get over it" mentality is justified.

>> No.8705146


7 about what?
And thnx i learned something

>> No.8705150


Since we are on the topic of rating, I'd like to have an outside opinion of my skin color. As in how dark it is.

>> No.8705154

I already told you, you lil nig :P. you're not attractive in the sense of "handsome" because you have a boyish face, but you sure as fuck could get some qt's if you wanted. i.e at this very moment I want you to stop being insecure because you look fine, m8. and if i get one more whiff of insecurity from you, ill find where u live and steal all your clothes :3

>> No.8705155

7 about what?
And thnx i learned something today

>> No.8705159

Well initially I meant 7/10 on the black scale, but also on the attractive scale considering when I first read it I didn't realize you were asking 2 separate questions. >>8705150
I gotta see a pic, m8 :3

>> No.8705160

It's because the black men pictured ooze confidence while you white guys don't. Case in point, you being scared of being judged. These black dudes look like they don't give a fuck/

>> No.8705162

Oh thank you really anon-kun

>> No.8705171

They teach how to hate white men in college now days. From an objective standpoint it's just pure bad sportsmanship. We won the game and they're butthurt.

>> No.8705173
File: 141 KB, 660x1018, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some face pics posted. Any other mixedboi's on the board?

>> No.8705177

Unless they chimp out on whitey like they do all the time.

>> No.8705184

Because black people aren't expected to have taste or class. They're all new money and new money buy purple suits and dumb ass cars.

>> No.8705193

> says someone who didn't go to a real college

You clearly don't understand the "bullshit" words in a sociological context. Not sure if 14 or actually stupid. Tell me in what way white people experience racism on a day to day basis.

This guy's got it right.

>> No.8705202

I go to asu, I'm just not a womens rights major.

>> No.8705219
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK. jelly of ur lightness atm because I live in the south and the fkn hot ass sun made me a bit darker ;/ (can't wait for cool weather tho c;) where do u live? pic related is muh (u prolly remember)

>> No.8705225

Like I said, not a real college. WOW GO PUBLIC EDUCATION LMAO

Should've saved the tuition, bruh.

>> No.8705227

what style shirt is the guy in all black wearing on the left under his blazer? I'm confused

>> No.8705234

Lol, an actual major at a state school is better than a pretend one at your dads school.

>> No.8705237

M8, the only people in this thread talking about racism and getting flustered are the pure blackies and the whities. just be mixed and stfu pls :3

>> No.8705245


I remember, you post ur face more than I do. You'd prob be as light as I am if you spent as much time on 4chins as I do. Northern California btw.

>> No.8705248
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>> No.8705267

ur right. my skin has more of a "glow" to it tho. i use witch hazel and cocoa butter oil routinely tho (highly recommend to fellow mixedboi's (idk how it works for pure black dudes tho ;/)

>> No.8705272

I'm a computer science major at an Ivy League college, with two job offers starting over 120k.

So keep telling yourself that.

I am mixed- half Asian half white. Doesn't mean I'll let white ignorance sly.

>> No.8705306


Thnx, I'll check it out.

You sound like me. Go to a UC with one of the top engineering departments in the world. Stem master race reporting in.

>> No.8705360

Davis or Berkeley? I have like a friend/relative at every UC kek.

>> No.8705381


Good guess. Yeah UC Berkeley.

>> No.8705442

That's awesome man. Sis is an '18 and just moved in. Go bears haha.

>> No.8705471
File: 2.31 MB, 1520x2688, tmp_13337-IMAG0154-2067687416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw these guys at the la flea market, might be of interest

>> No.8705486

Jesus christ just wear what you want. If you want to be effay don't dress for other people. The only thing that might change style-wise between races is color.

>> No.8705510

different races also have somewhat different body builds so some things might not work for everyone. like all that asian fashion that looks good on japanese but absolutely ridiculous on white people.

>> No.8705614

nuffin against whiteboi's, but they are so fkn restricted when it comes to fashion lmao. you gotta be one attractive (or manly-looking) son of a bitch to be able to pull off what you want. as opposed to the ugliest of nigs that can pull off shit regardless. (btw having model-tier aesthetics permits one to wear w/e they want, regardless of race)

>> No.8705618

>what is confidence

>> No.8705636


Congrats! If she's qt you should introduce me sometime ;^)

>> No.8706111
File: 68 KB, 364x594, kanye-west-grey-hoodie-leather-pants-ann-demeulemeester-high-top-sneakers (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dress like Kanye
pic related

>> No.8706185

I think this video is very relevant to this thread. If not, I still thing its dope as fuck and should be seen.


>> No.8706917

thank you devin

>> No.8707804
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_miuqf5jFHd1qem1tlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leon core,

also w2c those jewish hat thingy's & decent coats to go with.

>> No.8707924

>When we act white thats when they stop getting nervous around us

Because you stopped being loud, dressing in a style often associated with criminality, and trying to intimidate every white person around you. I see black people who "act black" all the time on the subway and they're the rudest most generally antisocial people I meet. Yet here you are, blaming whites.

People will actually respect you if you act like a decent human being you racist, entitled piece of shit.

>> No.8707948


>> No.8707953

this guy looks like shit can we pls stop posting him? :^(

>> No.8707969

w2c boots???

>> No.8707974

thank you devin

>> No.8708510


>> No.8708530

>moving the goalposts this hard

>> No.8708613

OP here. Goddamn what happened to my thread?I meant I don't want any dadcore shit that would look out of place on a college kid and thus be misconstrued as trying to act white by my current friends especially if I radically change my style to something preppy/menswear as soon as I step into college. At the same time I don't want to look like a Kanye/Asap clone

>> No.8708637

they all play bass

>> No.8708679
File: 699 KB, 3396x1944, childishgambino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8708766

I honestly don't know what to do with my hair. I think I might look terrible with an full afro.

>> No.8710533

I've been growing mine out for about 9 months now.
I'm not loving it so far, but I'm just going to keep it through the winter cause i just wear hats and shit anyway and then cut it towards the beginning of summer.

It's worth a shot, man. I just did it to do something different. Also bitches grabbing my hair when we fuck is the best thing I didn't know I was missing.

>> No.8710554

Thank YOU DEVIN!!!

>> No.8710558

And /fa/ claims leather jackets aren't cool :^)

>> No.8710560

nice fit m8

>> No.8710622

I was thinking of fading the sides and let the top grow, what do you think?

>> No.8710641
File: 67 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mtzxlsJMQZ1r0f9vro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not >>8710533 but that's what I did and I love it. I was thinking of dreading the top like this as well.

>> No.8710694
File: 235 KB, 671x860, IMG_1040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prolly a good idea, man.
That's what everyone told me to do, but I kept saying 'Naw, I want it to grow it out even'.
Ironically I just trimmed the sides this morning because I looked straight up homeless.

>> No.8710818

thank you Devin

>> No.8711120

i dont live in america, and i have to say: My father is a dick. hes one of the most reacionary and conservative persons i ever knew.
pppl are always surprised by this, cause, of course, we are black.

>> No.8711275
File: 30 KB, 592x686, Picture-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8711309

That's changed, man. Especially in bigger cities.

Nobody's going to think you're trying too hard. Just don't be a prick and people won't notice.

>> No.8711310

Sub Saharan Africans have the widest spectrum of skin towns save for the absolute lightest unless they have brown albinism

42% of blacks have less than 12.5% European dna
Nigga stop cooning, some of us pay to be pitch black but can't get that way and turn orange-brown :-/
No you have to fucking act like Wayne Brady and be a constantly smiling castrated bitch with no bass in your voice

>> No.8711369

Just wear head wraps like I do dude

>> No.8711409
File: 97 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can u nerds shut up about race and post fashion pls?

a$ap bari is fucking great OP. So is ade oyeyemi

>> No.8711430
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>> No.8711436
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>> No.8711447 [DELETED] 
File: 2.89 MB, 320x240, 1406348079021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hide nigger/kike propaganda threads
sage nigger/kike propaganda threads
report nigger/kike propaganda posts
do not responds to nigger/kike propaganda

>> No.8711459


You are missing the entire point of the thread. It's "well dressed" black men. Look at the previous inspo pics for reference.

>> No.8711487


>trying this hard to be an asshole

>> No.8711514
File: 135 KB, 416x600, z4baBK1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ayyyy go bears!

for real though, you down to hang sometime? live ~15 mins from Cal and have a bunch of friends going there this year.

>> No.8711526


Also live about 15 mins away. Attach your email or something and I'll shoot a message.

>> No.8711536

I hope you lose all your hair and you gain 200lbs for posting that. fucking ruining my night man.

>> No.8712331

yeah i like Ade's style too

>> No.8712586

it's funny cause my mom just gave me shit saying I'm trying so hard to act white. Cause I was wearing polo shoes with white socks.

>> No.8713310
