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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 46 KB, 547x336, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8692472 No.8692472[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do a lot of fatties style themselves like rockabilly chicks

>short fringe
>retro glasses
>overdyed hair
>bright lipstick
>often a chest tattoo or upper arm tattoos
>extreme feminist ideology

its a very common look amongst fat chicks

also post other fat /fa/shunz to make me laugh

>> No.8692489

Cause it's one of the few predefined aesthetic sets that works on overweight chicks. Arguably a "curves in all the right places" fat chick looks better in rockabilly getup then a regular/thin chick.

>> No.8692492

better than a regular chick in a rockabilly outfit that is

>> No.8692494

its because they think that fat chicks were "in" in the 50s (they call them curvy, and themselves curvy HAH)

absolutely delusional

does anyone else find it hilarious that most of them are also passionate feminists, yet dress from a time period where women "new their place"?

so desperate to want to appear sexy and desirable to men, so much so that they bend and break their own ideologies to get there. pathetic creatures.

>> No.8692496


>> No.8692515

>Cause it's one of the few predefined aesthetic sets that works on overweight chicks.

People say this but what is this based on? People this fat would have been put in a circus when these clothes were new.

>> No.8692516

That look is in on tumblr at the moment, i imagine they will just follow that

>> No.8692522
File: 181 KB, 639x772, robyn_lawley_sports_illustrated_cover_3_19oq0uv-19oq0v9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like how models like Robyn Lawley can call themselves "plus-sized model" and fatties feel like they're in the same league.

>> No.8692537

what they verbalize:

what they actually think:
>i wish i was a fucking twig :(((

>> No.8692642

I've actually never seen fatties like this in real life.
Only fat american internet feminists look like this as far as I know.

>> No.8693191


try walking over to your local university and find the humanities section

might just bump into one. they're not like some epidemic but they exist

>> No.8693298

OP's pic is an Australian Pale Whale.

>> No.8693325

I think being fat is just common amongst rockabilly chicks.

>> No.8693337

none of them listen to rockabilly

>> No.8693345

of course they do their music taste is as shit as their fashion sense

>> No.8693346

My ex was sortof a retarded cunt but she wasnt fat and she pulled off the look and was really into the music

literally none of these retards give a shit because they are shallow shitty human beings.

they'd still be shitty if they were thin. Being fat is just a side effect of them being a shitty person

>> No.8694347

Because they eat giant bags of peanutbutter m&ms my qt

>> No.8694359

It takes away attention from their fat

>> No.8694374

I saw a couple of these lards the other day. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.8694978
File: 106 KB, 634x864, I dont save pictures of fat women-sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I lot of them wrongly conflate historical conceptions of the past as being more accepting toward "bigger women".

See: the Marylin Monroe Paradox.

Large, colorful displays- such as hair dye and tattoos are an attempt at extroversion and self control.
The loud colors (like their loud voices) help them to feel confident and proactive, while the precision of styling gives them the facsimile of discipline they feel they cannot exhibit with the rest of their bodies.

Misuse of traditional civil rights rhetoric allows them a safe place to defy societal norms without adding or changing anything meaningful about their appearance or behavior.

Id est- >its not my fault im fat; youve just never seen what a real woman looks like- because society doesnt want you to.

Ironically, anachronistic clothing styles such as rockabilly and gothabilly DO have a tendency towards cuts suiting pear-shaped and even hourglass figures.
Fat women are too large to suit these offerings, however, and end up distorting them.

Contrast with: Dita Von Teese. (this is what fat women think they look like)
Compare with: "plus size" models.

>> No.8696637

>Robyn Lawley
is she forced to stay fat to keep her job? Is she forbid from getting /fit/?

>> No.8696883


>> No.8697005

damn son

>> No.8697009


OP's source. Rev up those cringes

>> No.8697022

I thought the same thing and then I joined my college's facebook group and saw this
I'm going to fucking college with this thing

>> No.8697026
File: 1.84 MB, 1270x1156, fucking disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8697036
File: 67 KB, 970x230, stfu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll never guess its political views

>> No.8697046

get used to it, sjw are organized and they're beggining to consolidate power through harrassment and blackmail. Enjoy having someone like her as the gatekeeper for positions in desired organizations.
>oh you are a white male sorry this position is filled

>> No.8697064
File: 92 KB, 500x281, the internet amazes me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it let's make fun of fat girls day again? Oh boy!

>> No.8697088

>Misuse of traditional civil rights rhetoric allows them a safe place to defy societal norms without adding or changing anything meaningful about their appearance or behavior.

Why do you have something against people re-interpreting rhetoric as something that promotes positive body image or whatever? Maybe they need that to lift themselves out of an emotional rut. Why must you assume that it's to avoid "meaningful" change that you think they need?

Oh wait. The equivocating and purple prose-y writing style shows that your objective isn't to enlighten at all; it's to mask your own bias. *clap clap*

>> No.8697114

I still can't get over how this is international and yet these women are not only very uniform in dress but apparently uniform in thought.

>> No.8697124

But you neglect to see that many young people are like this. This isn't such a ridiculous assumption, either. There's a prevailing group mentality among /fa/ggots too.

You can't identify with that girl's politics because what concerns her isn't necessarily of concern to you. We're all prone to being blind to others' maladies because they're unfamiliar. It's easy to take things for granted when you've always had them.

>> No.8697125

Try asking them why they dye their hair like that or do any of the things they do, bub.
It's because when they do that shit they have feelings of being pretty, for a little while.
That's not so special or unique. If you're here you might get something *like* that when you make a cop, or level a character, or break a pr bench.
But in their case they are doing it to avoid the elephant in the room - themselves.

They're not dyeing their hair to get the confidence to change, and one reason you should know this is this sjw movement includes a lot of doctrine on how being fat is healthy and how they shouldn't have to change.

>> No.8697132

>Cause it's one of the few predefined aesthetic sets that works on overweight chicks.

lol no

>Arguably a "curves in all the right places" fat chick looks better in rockabilly getup then a regular/thin chick.


Fat chicks look like shit in rockabilly, the reason why it's so popular is because it harkens back to their perception of a pre-modern era where being their size was the epitome of beauty (which in fact is completely wrong).

The look of the rockabilly, featuring heavy makeup and appearance obscuring features like tattoos and loud eye glasses, allows fatties to draw attention away from their weight towards the bright, jarring style that they wear. Not that this means it suits them, it's simply covering a pile of shit with sparkles and glitter. You know it's shit, it's just masked.

>> No.8697137

but they aren't unfamiliar, is what i'm saying. girls just like this exist at least in every anglosphere nation.
just as sure as you can find girls wearing leggings and ugg boots.
but there doesn't appear to be fashion mags, or bands, or tv shows saying "get fat, dress rockabilly, be SJW."
it presumably spreads through universities and certain websites. but the efficacy of that astounds me, when it's not backed by those other vectors.

>> No.8697138



>> No.8697141


It's called social media. Twitter, tumblr, facebook. Stop living under a rock.

>> No.8697144

i go on /fa/ all the time but i don't think it has ever convinced me to buy a single product.

>> No.8697147


Your statements attempt to create a strawman argument to deny the validity of the above poster's opinions. By attacking his writing style and verbiage you do not address his argument and in turn invalidate your own. Granted his tonality may be slightly condescending it in no way detracts from the logic he puts forward as to the original poster's question. You put forward the assertion that these people dress in this manner to lift their mental health and take back confidence that the world has apparently stole from them. This is not the case as their depressive cycles and attempts to cure them with outlandish outward appearance choices is not something that is helping in any way. Instead of making a conscious effort to better their health and appearance these people choose to further mask their issues and build up superfluous layers of resistance in form of some entity holding them down. You choose to baby these people and coddle their emotions when instead they need harsh doses of reality and need to accept that world is not only put off by them but also internally disgusted, sadly the vast majority will not vocalize their disapproval and instead only silently cast them further down the social ladder through unemployment and non inclusion in regular society.

>> No.8697150
File: 41 KB, 540x540, fat cunt is devastated to learn she isn't special for hopping on a trend and breaking it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8697156


Well thank you for that personal anecdote.

You dumb fuck.

>> No.8697162

post some of your cosplay fits. you are from /cgl/, right?

>> No.8697166


Why would I be from /cgl/ when I'm talking shit about fat people?

In fact why are you detracting from the argument at hand and delving into personal attacks? You really are dumb.

>> No.8697171


>> No.8697172
File: 94 KB, 325x244, 1406622185748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8697173
File: 120 KB, 676x507, all purpose raction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8697175

>delving into personal attacks
>after a personal attack


>> No.8697184


I had an argument to go with that personal attack. Let me explain it to you.

You used a personal anecdote as if it had any substance as a rebuttal, I pointed it out, and thusly called you a dumb fuck.

See? First an argument, which gave me reason to call you a dumb fuck. You? Nothing. Just a clumsy, flailing assumption with no reasoning or proper argument.

So again, you. dumb. fuck.

>> No.8697189
File: 100 KB, 500x690, tumblr_n86caqwSOX1sjkj1xo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8697196

Imagine if fedora wearers got this upset and justified their choice to wear them like that.

>> No.8697203


So you couldn't actually reply and instead chose to demean my point of view? This is a typical tactic of the tumblr crowd when they realize they are wrong or just cannot formulate an argument. I genuinely feel pity for your future.

>> No.8697205
File: 52 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n9rmylHzV91r2tfp0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8697206

you didn't really have an argument, though, right? you said "because social media" i already said it must be via "certain websites" (social media) that it spreads.
i wasn't really making an argument, myself. just expressing how surprising it continues to be to me that without more traditional encouragements this trend has spread so well.
are you sure you're not fat? because you seem like you might have high blood pressure, at least.

>> No.8697207

Its true though, you should wear what you like and not what magazines tell you to.

>> No.8697209


Look at his pattern of argument.

When confronted into a corner, he devolves into redundancy. Don't bother with people like that.

>> No.8697210

This is the tumblr "everyone is a winner and a special snowflake" crowd we are dealing with. It is actually an awe inspiring level of willingful ignorance.

>> No.8697212

>*supervillian monologue*
you sound deprived of human contact

>> No.8697213

I'm actually pretty happy to see there are reasonable people that still post here.

>> No.8697214

Other people can see what you wear, so you should be making clothing choices with some kind of positive benefit in mind, right?
So if you are continually choosing things that make you look repulsive you are probably sick in the head.
At least, we can assume that about you until you explain your choice to us and make sense of it.

You should wear what you like but what you like should be a benefit to you, not a liability.

>> No.8697216


Once again you proved the below poster to be correct.

>> No.8697219


this is what I told them when they said wearing panties as a balaclava is "unfashionable"

>> No.8697229
File: 166 KB, 833x789, 1407336559909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand how this is spreading
>It's called social media
>Well personally social media has never influenced me
>Thank you for that anedcote you dumb fuck
>You're from cgl aren't you?

Fault 1.
Disregarding the response informing you that social media is a huge influence in spreading the aforementioned culture, by claiming it never personally or influenced you.

Fault 2
Responding to the mention of the redundancy of personal anecdote in the argument at hand, with a personal attack.

Fault 3
You never actually included 'social media' in your claims of certain websites, because you responded with a claim attempting to disregard it (the claim itself being invalid due to being a personal anecdote).

You are easily offended. When the flaws in your arguments are pointed out, you choose, rather than to respond with logic, to divert from continuing in the same branch of discourse and instead personally attack the other party with strawman assumptions. You attempt to prompt a discussion firstly, but when finding conflict disregard all attempts at a proper forum and lash out with kneejerk reactions. Conclusion: You're a dumb fuck.

>> No.8697239

>You are easily offended.

that isn't fair. now if i respond you can just say
>lel, if he wasn't offended he wouldn't be posting.

>> No.8697243
File: 167 KB, 390x627, chadcurry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but I don't think you should compromise what your needs are (in terms of what you want to wear and how you express yourself) in order to please other people. Look at Chad Curry. He's fashionable, but "repulsive." Maybe I want to be repulsive one day? I'll wear an Ann D. cthulhu cardigan. Maybe I feel like getting pussy. I'll wear some Rick. It should be positive, why else would you be interested in ashion if it didn't make you feel good? It shouldn't have to do with what other people think of you though. That's giving in to insecurity.

>> No.8697249

inb4 reddit hat meme

>> No.8697251


You've already proven yourself as offended, there's no need to reiterate on that.

I hope you take this thread as a lesson to shut the fuck up in the future.

>> No.8697255
File: 222 KB, 938x1200, buVzTtM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, being a white male will save you from 100k medical bills, 80k student debt or dating american women.

>> No.8697260
File: 89 KB, 540x787, gamers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day is fat shaming day. Praise the Lord.

>> No.8697262


The beginning of the journey of the defeated man.

>> No.8697263

I'd argue that it really should have to do with others, since this is how you're choosing to present yourself to them.
You could have other motivations though, sure, for instance if it's raining hard outside maybe you're putting on something that isn't /fa/ but is great at keeping you dry.
If someone has to go so far as to make motivational images like that to prop themselves up it appears to me that there isn't really a positive benefit to those fashion choices.
I have to consider whether or not they get some kind of emotional payoff at being victimized and choose clothes that will make them feel that way.

>> No.8697283

You should most definitely not be a slave to trends, but "wearing what you like" doesn't extend to sticking a giant purple dildo on your head and claiming it is high fashion.
If you wear what you like and go overboard, you must also be willing to take all the shit that's flung at you and not let it bother you.

>> No.8697286

jfc its even funnier when you realize that he's trying to raise an eyebrow but you have to look really hard cause you can hardly tell due to his rolls

>> No.8697290

>since this is how you're choosing to present yourself to them.
I really hate this type of thinking. Its like you need other people's approval. If you wear something weird that you like, and someone else doesn't like it, why should you care? It could be the case that you have bad taste and look like a fool. Or it could be that you have better tastes than them and they don't like it because its different. Look at some of the shit Trunks has worn. Even strawtengu wore a RO onesie once. Thats p weird. But these guys know a ton about fashion.

>> No.8697291

>I got this tattoo on my arm to show everyone I give zero fucks about what they think.
>Omg people keep bullying me about my tattoos! I have ptsd now. Stop triggering me, shitlords!

>> No.8697297

But there's got to be a benefit, though. In that case maybe your benefit is you have patrician taste and enjoy displaying it for yourself and other patricians.
Would you be bothered if plebs didn't get it, in that situation?

>> No.8697302


>> No.8697308

I wear rick, bbs, undercover. I don't think this makes me better than other people. I know a guy who dresses like shit and he graduated university at 19 and has half a million in the bank at 23. Holy shit what an overachiever. I feel like a "pleb" beside him, regardless of what I'm wearing. Fashion is a hobby. Its so fun. SO FUN. I took an extra job washing dishes so I cold cop shit off online markets. I am working my ass off for fashion. If some guy came up to me talking sht about my undercover skirt pants I'll sass him right back because this nobody is just close-minded.

>> No.8697319

>hook up with daddyissues girl
>bbw, beautiful face
>blonde hair, normal "fancy" outfits
>break up with her
>becomes pinup girl
>red hair, bright red lipstick
>retro glasses
>right wing views, borderline racist

Even my ex who was skinny and quiet became a rockabilly chick.
It's just a trend anons, it has nothing to do with feminists or fat chicks. Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon while they can. Just like scene,hipster etc.

>> No.8697327

I would just kill myself if I ever reached that stage. Really, the damage is irreversible at that point. Even if someone imprisons them and restricts their diet until they got to a normal weight, their body would still probably be permanently fucked up.

>> No.8697331

Just a simple observation, pertaining to this and most threads:
Everyone on this board believes they and they alone have the answer and ultimate knowledge of individual's desires, drives, feelings and attitudes.
Why don't yall chill out. Stop acting like you know everything, especially about women.

>> No.8697333

All women are braindead and their lot would be better off if they were lobotomized at a young age before being turned into communal broodmares.

>> No.8697335

>Stop acting like you know everything, especially about women.

But we do anon, we do.

>> No.8697337
File: 341 KB, 1168x2718, OkCupid_wraithkitten_19_F_Melbourne,_Australia_-_2014-08-21_20.45.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you try to ask people like this they go spastic, though. They want you to shut up or agree, that is it.

>> No.8697344
File: 255 KB, 864x1072, fierce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont tldr on this. This is glorious.

>> No.8697347
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>> No.8697350
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>> No.8697352

I would describe her as being elliptical.

>> No.8697355


unfortunately it's in our human nature to look out for our best interests first. Everybody has an angle, no matter how small.

That coupled with the fact this is a board about fashion on 4chan it draws in the most egotistical narcissistic humans on the internet.

that's why it's best to take this place lightly and not personally because nothing can be held to light here. Which makes it all the more better for bare criticism.

>> No.8697356

Wow, that fatass is all that is wrong in the world combined in a single big piece of greasy meat.

>> No.8697357
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>> No.8697358
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>> No.8697361

I can't imagine it being real. Can you imagine all that on top of having a child named Fallyn Star? Real mystery to me is how a doctor could extract a child from the birth canal before they suffocated with a mother so fat.

>> No.8697363

you all need to take a deep breath
deep hate does nothing for the soul but poison it.
im not saying i like how fat people look or what its mean to be fat but it does not make me angry. i dont go out of my way to hate things or people.
you cant change anyone but yourselves so why do you choose to be such assholes? it only makes yourself look bad.

>> No.8697365

cesarian (and you shouldnt go stripping with a past cesarian)
also, why does she have a son when shes lesbian

>> No.8697370

How does she dance on the scene with an ass that fat? It must be some kind of new reinforced metal/concrete blend to withstand so much weight.

>> No.8697372
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>> No.8697376

That's why I am doubting the veracity of the screenshot. On top of the quite vocal fringe crowd you have a pretty thick layer of people mocking them in this fashion or setting up various pages and doing other things which seem outrageous, and are but were made by the creator to serve other means than what it normally would.

>> No.8697455

Why do people choose to be such fatties? It only makes them look bad.

>> No.8697487
File: 403 KB, 245x118, 1391386856317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to belive

>> No.8697514

god, fat people are disgusting.

>> No.8697516

lol @ that picture

>> No.8697530

>I'm good at consumerism
>Likes hack Godard
>Trying this hard to sound ''intelligent'' by name droping Tarr, Camus and others
I fucking hate this people.

>> No.8697533

where'd you get this picture from? I might know you

>> No.8697537

>walking around
>see a girl(?)
>thick glasses
>wearing a black shirt with black skinny jeans and red suspenders
what the fuck?
do sjws dress like that or? why? some neo nazi?

>> No.8697541

>her blog has been deactivated
>tfw i will never know if it was a troll or not

>> No.8697553

punks not dead !!!!

>> No.8697556

>why? some neo nazi?

People probably think the same thing when they see you

>> No.8697672

How is that thing able to live? How can it even stand on those weird lumps of fat?
And is its navel directly connected to its vagina via one long, flabby slit?

brb, puking.

>> No.8697713

It looks like she's got some kind of disguise. It can't seriously be real, I never saw fatties like the ones that are posted here in real life (inb4 get out of your basement)

>> No.8697750

Peacocking. Exactly like the fedora. Or people who dress up as Jack Sparrow. Or those steampunk faggots.

>> No.8698347

>"my son FALLYN STAR"

I can't even laugh, this is just sad :(

>> No.8698373


>> No.8698625
File: 57 KB, 539x960, le ija nurse face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8698649


that picture is real, it's been floating around the internet for a long time.

It looks like she was a lot fatter, and then lost some weight making all the extra skin flab.

morbidly obese people make me fuckin sick. They always say also "I dunno how this happened to me...all of a sudden one day I realize I can't get through the door"

seriously, that's what they say.

>> No.8698660


>> No.8698689
File: 12 KB, 265x308, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fat chicks have "nostaglia" for the 1950s because "muh curves, muh marilyn monroe size 16" so they try to dress like some sort of badass feminist version of a 1950s rockabilly chick.

>> No.8698712
File: 64 KB, 720x540, 1407602060055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.8698723

Poor boy

>> No.8698789

>that rocking

this vid seems satirical though

>> No.8698819

check out the rest of his videos

... i thought the same thing

>> No.8698823

shit, wow

>> No.8698845

>I bet your keyboard isn't even mechanical
Who says that? This has to be fake

>> No.8698878


To stand out, though if you are a fat person, you will never stand except for when others want to laugh at you for being fat. Most of these fatties would look average/below average even if they were thin, and when you are fat, you never stand out unless you are in starving Africa or something as the majority of people are now overweight or obese.
Almost everyone fears being obscure, a nobody, that none will remember or care about, but the fact is the majority of people are doomed to be nothing. If the majority were memorable, then it wouldn't be a special or desirable trait.

>> No.8698895

Another question: why do so many hardcore Tumblr femenists dye their hair in wacky colors?

Is it "progressive" somehow?

>> No.8698904


>> No.8698916
File: 630 KB, 640x5030, 1408569791782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting fat hate from regular ol' FPS threads in /fit/

>> No.8698917


plenty of models have done both normal and plus size modeling, one of my high school friends is even a plus size model who used to be a hungry skeleton. She says she makes a lot more money as a plus size model though.

>> No.8698924
File: 487 KB, 578x2655, 1408575131614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatties gonna fat themselves

>> No.8698933
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>> No.8698975
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>> No.8699057

For the love of god, MORE

>> No.8699074

Everybody who was fat once and lost weight during their lives knows exactly how full of bullshit those fatties claiming to eat healthy are. That's the main reason nobody takes them seriously.

>> No.8699088

>tfw no belly button

>> No.8699212
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>> No.8699215
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>> No.8699219


holy fucking shit how is that even possible in 4 years. what the fuck

>> No.8699221
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>> No.8699222
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>> No.8699225
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2014- Pic related

>> No.8699227
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>> No.8699234
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>> No.8699241

I feel sorry for that guy

>> No.8699242

The collection of dolls is really creepy

>> No.8699243
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>> No.8699248
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>> No.8699250


>> No.8699253
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>> No.8699257
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>> No.8699259

How many of these do you have
they are strangely satisfying to look at

>> No.8699261

I don't undesrtand all those pics. How can you seriously look at old picture of yourself and not realise how low you got.

>> No.8699265
File: 66 KB, 470x380, whathappened13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good few. /fit/ is a goldmine.

>> No.8699274
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>> No.8699278
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>> No.8699283

I saw the source of this once, the left one is later, she just fucked up the picture order

>> No.8699285




She could've saved herself

>> No.8699287
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>> No.8699289

4 years are approximately 1500 days. Let's say that cow managed to put on 80 kilos. That's 53 g a day. 53 g of fat are approximately 500 kcal.

So if you eat 500 kcal to much every day you look like that after four years.

>> No.8699295



>> No.8699299
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>> No.8699304
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>> No.8699305


>> No.8699306

I agree with you, but keep in mind there are plenty of people that run out and buy the latest meme clothing just cos /fa/ says so, and its probably due to the mentality of the person.
Fat chicks, for the most part, are insecure and whatnot, so when they see postings from other fatties on social media, proclaiming the great style that is rockabilly, how its great for curvy women, blah blah blah with a picture of some curvy (read: not obese, and actually attractive) woman in the outfit, they think "wow great that works for her itll work for me, cos we're both curvy!" They then run out and style themselves like this, delusional that they look great in the style cos other, less horrendous people do, and because other fatties say its good. The cycle then continues. Same goes for /fa/. The newfriends who are insecure and don't know fashion are the ones more likely to see memeclothing like geos or something on a model pic, read /fa/'s endorsements, and run out and buy it to look good, even if it looks retarded and doesnt suit them at all.

>> No.8699313


>> No.8699316
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>> No.8699325

This made me rage. All those people in the comments.

>> No.8699326
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>> No.8699327

Who says we hate fat people. We are simply disgusted by them and ridicule them. They aren't worth the time and effort it takes to hate them.

>> No.8699331
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>> No.8699334



>> No.8699335

I laughed when she started talking about hip hop artists thinking she had a good sense of humour and was being ironic. Sadly she was completely serious.

>> No.8699336
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>> No.8699347
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>> No.8699350

>this whole thread


>> No.8699359
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>> No.8699371

that dog doesn't look long for this world

>> No.8699372

The OP image and that whole episode that was linked above is from Australia

>> No.8699373

pls no bully on Kelly Clarkson

>> No.8699374

i know right. It's obvious he married up, and now he can get much better...

>> No.8699375
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>> No.8699377

England is fatter than the US.

>> No.8699383

The tricep fat always knows.

>> No.8699386
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>> No.8699387

holy fuck this thread is depressing

>> No.8699394
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>> No.8699399

What the fucking fuck, it's like an inner tube made from human skin.

>> No.8699403
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>> No.8699406


nope, it's strangely satisfying

>> No.8699411
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>> No.8699422

jesus dem titties when she was normal

>> No.8699427

Probably a birdie/skinhead girl

>> No.8699431

What I want to know is what country it is GOOD to be a transexual, not white, homosexual, fat, or whatever

>> No.8699444
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Kill me.

>> No.8699473

Fuckin' amerifat cunts

>> No.8699476

Come on this is old news

>> No.8699580

Lmfao how about that part when the girl in the op pic claims to swim 2km everyday

Lmfao bitch you ain't fooling no one

>> No.8699672
File: 24 KB, 358x314, fedorian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those obese bitches take a style from the early 1900 and fail to pull it off.

They are bitter and resentful because society doesn't want to lower the bar for them, just so they don't have to actually put effort into their looks.
Those obese bitches never score high value males, or any males at all. Which makes them, again, more bitter.

Funnily enough their male counter parts arent so different. The early 1900 fedora, the bitterness, the >why do girls only date those assholes and not us supreme gentlemen?

>> No.8699711

these are all eyedrawing features that make them stand out out and look different.
It's because they will stand out for being fat anyway, so they try to make themselves stand out for other reasons (like being a loud obnoxious cunt) so they can fool themselves into thinking it's their own choice

>> No.8699865

nice trips

>> No.8700352

Puberty ending combined with lots of drinking, I'd guess

>> No.8700496

I'm literally at the point where when i see fat people try to be fashionable with their fat, that i openly scoff at them. Its fucking ridiculous.

Dont go out and spend money on a nice shirt or pants. Take that money and invest it in a gym membership. If you can afford anything more fancy than walmart sale crap, and you're that fucking fat... you're a failure. Simple as that. Every bit of disposable income beyond the essentials should be funneled towards getting your body out of that situation. HAES is BS, and you thinking a colorful blouse and horn rimmed glasses somehow distracts from your gut is delusional.

>> No.8700504
File: 38 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.458748375_bjp5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently witnessed a fat girl with this 'style' getting on a bus, before letting two elderly people who could barely walk get off first. They squeezed past her fat ass and she didn't even bat an eyelid.

What pissed me off the most is I knew she'd be the kinda person who'd call out an "entitled male" for doing the same thing, and complain about all males because of it. For people who think this is an American thing, this was in the South of England.

(she also had a clutch bag made from an old record, pic related)

>> No.8700635

why am I laughing so hard at this

>> No.8700691

Why do fat people always have the self confidence that I lack

I look 10x better than them by being skinny and yet they're the ones always saying how sexy they look and feel and posting gross selfies of their pot bellies in crop tops

>inb4 someone on tumblr finds this post and screencaps it

>> No.8700723
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You have the luxury of more sophisticated thoughts instead delusion

>> No.8700875

reasonably sure that isnt the same person

>> No.8700927


man, imagine marrying a beautiful girl, having a child with her, and then having this happen. Watching her get fatter and fatter every day, gradually coming to accept it and pretend it doesn't bother her, avoiding looking at old pictures of herself. Meanwhile youre tethered to her by your child, your sex life has completely run dry, and your trapped in a domestic hell of mediocrity, your wife's aging body a grim reminder of your own mortality.

>> No.8700941


good lord

>> No.8700945


Those comments are so fucking ridiculous.

>> No.8700951

just be like, babe you're getting fat.
i can go down to the gym and get us a membership tomorrow and i don't know whats going on but honestly its pretty inconsiderate that you don't care about maintaining our sex life. i thought i meant more to you than that.


>> No.8700955

see but I wouldn't let this shit happen
no one wants to be fat. They can delude themselves into thinking they do, but if my gf or wife ever got to that point I would force her to workout.

>> No.8700959


then she starts crying and calls you a pig and stops loving, and your child grows up to be sociopath because he was raised in a loveless environment surrounded by sexually frustrated fat people.

>> No.8700960

~welcome to america~

>> No.8700970
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fuck the comments, this nigga lucked out big time

>> No.8700978

*tilt your head and grimace*
"well technically you're the pig hun"
and then tell her that she was full and aware of entering a monogamy that, like her body, requires constant care and upkeep. that you're doing your best to stay fit for her and to feel better in the future so the two of you can continue to have great moments together and not have to worry about any type of health risks - the kid will be enough expense surely.

a cheat day here or there is fine but she's quite frankly being selfish and not setting a good image for health for the kid. offer the gym again and how itll be fun and she might make a few friends at swimming or yoga and that you still love her entirely and want to fight to make this relationship work.
then ask if there's anything that you're doing that she doesn't like and you can both actively work to make things better for the future.

wow i'd be a great straight guy.

>> No.8700979

>I'm honestly attracted to her on the left more than the right. I'm not really attracted to fiction faces and fake bitches...

Chris Caton confirmed for beta.

>> No.8701001

lel whas about to post this
yeah i live in sweden, the ultra-feminist-tumblrchix are slowly destroying everything good here

>> No.8701040


enjoy losing your house child and half your income lol

>> No.8701068

>equivalent to 180 doughnuts


>> No.8702221

It's so disgusting how the fat people try to win this by just victimising themselves, making the discussion about something else entirely. Like towards the end that doctor is asked whether there people that are physically incapable of losing weight, and he clearly says there are not, which is undoubtedly true. Still, people are disagreeing, as if there's any ground for that.

>> No.8702298
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>> No.8702315


dem bazongas
if she lost weight again and her tits remained it would be 10/10

>> No.8702319

If you like saggy old titties, sure.

>> No.8702330

Source on this?

>> No.8702343

It's been posted here already, actually.
Have fun raging.

>> No.8702347

When fat women lose weight their tits become disgusting skin flaps. No one should ever get fat ever.

>> No.8702353
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Most people are not really concious of their negative qualities. If the were, they would not have those qualitites. pic related

>> No.8702376


I'm just flabbergasted at the amount of denial you have to put yourself through everyday for several years to not realize you have a very serious eating disorder.

I really just can't wrap my head around it. We all do things that we regret, but these feelings of guilty happen nearly instantaneously after the fact. But it takes these fatties years to realize their guilt because they keep trying to fix that feeling with food.

>> No.8702390
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Part of it is that it happens on the internet, where they play tough.

However, many of them are overconfident IRL, because they don't really perceive the world and social environment. They automatically tend to drive away popular self-respecting people and are left with insecure losers they can bully so it works. With people fat women have little to lose by being overconfident since people already have a negative view of them to start with. So if you act aggresively, you don't lose much but you might get your way. Attractive women on the other hand start out with people's favour and aggression causes you to lose it quick, so they sometimes become insecure since they are defending what may seem as an unearned social position.

Fat/skelly men are different, since it is far more acceptable to humiliate and even beat up guys, and there are rarely any loser beta girls jumping to defend them in order to get the D.

At least that's what I think, might be wrong.

>> No.8702425
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In Jungian psychology it's called a Shadow, and you have one too you just aren't concious of it. The difference is that the fatties have a worse shadow than you. You too do things that are wrong, that you know are wrong but refure to be concious about.

>> No.8702427
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Because you ain't Buddha.

>> No.8702577

Only in Murrica

>> No.8702859
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>> No.8702976
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Poor dog

>> No.8703009

>these comments
I bloody hate Americans

>> No.8703028

Holy shit I feel so bad for that guy

Even her face is uglier now

>> No.8703031

he's quite ugly too

>> No.8703044

>transexual, not white, homosexual

>> No.8703054

A transexual homosexual person would be a woman born in a man body that did a gender change and is now a lesbian, shit would be odd

>> No.8703057
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If you are rich all except transsexual have a pretty easy life in the US. And most other countries too. If you become homeless because you go bankrupt due to an easily preventable condition, does any of that shit really matter?

Except transsexuality, that tends to fuck you up.

>> No.8703062

He's a big guy

>> No.8703064

You are melting my brains, please stop

>> No.8703070


>> No.8703074

Sorry, I didn't sleep in the last 30 hours

>> No.8703101

the whitest of knights

>> No.8703102

this one doesn't even make me mad, they look really happy together

>> No.8703211

no you gotta be like running is a great way to strengthen a relationship blah blah we run and suddenly she no fat

>> No.8703280
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>> No.8703385
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>That shit-eating grin

>> No.8703417

makes me sad these fat fuckers should be locked up

>> No.8703430

>Proudly killing her dog.


>> No.8703506

She only learned from her mother.

>> No.8703544

Its even better with his northern accent, try to dig up the doc

>> No.8703552

>dem milkbags

>> No.8703554

she has shit genetics you can see it in the first set of pictures

>> No.8703572
File: 8 KB, 250x177, frenchy feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a tearjerker..
she was so beautiful

>> No.8703591

Lol, facebook is like reddit x1000. Everyone is so fake nice. I remove my account every birthday so I don't have to see the fake happy birthday posts.

>> No.8703652

dem comments

>> No.8703728

sure, but dont get mad if noone likes it

>> No.8703764

>"they both look like losers"
how could you be so bitter?

>> No.8703786

Lol fat people are hilarious

>> No.8703825

She turned into a church nigger?

Damn, dressing in normcore can really fuck you up

>> No.8703827

great post, man

>> No.8703830

That poor doge

>> No.8703834

If you only see the top on the first pix she still looks fat

>> No.8703847

God, that sounds horrible

That's why I would only date low maintenance daddy issues girls, too bad they don't exist where I live

>> No.8703852


>> No.8703866

I remember when Poet used to post on here said some shit about how overweight people need to play up their gender to appear more attractive, which is why fat girls adopt hyper-femenine styles like the classic pin-up look and fat guys dress hyper manly in workwear, etc.

>> No.8703869

What about men?

I just had belly and a little bit wobbly limbs and ofc babyface

>> No.8703876

I've never seen pics of Marilyn nude because I didn't bothered but now I see she was lean as fuck, why fatties think she's her idol or defender?

>> No.8703878

jesus christ just enjoy life a little.

>> No.8703887

Being this fucking selfish about everyone

Thanks /fa/ for making me grow this hate towards fat people, now I'm inspired to get auswitch mode

>> No.8703904

Don't listen to the fashion magazines, Marina. Its not like any self-respecting captain is going to pull into your port anyway.

>> No.8704400

Cause they cling to anything that resembles a rational excuse for being fat.

They hear Marilyn was 'plump' or a size 8, or some other BS.... and latch onto it to try to make her the covergirl for their movement.... totally ignorant to the fact that its misrepresenting who she was, and not a valid reason to be fat anyway...

If this thread hasn't made it clear already, let me just bluntly say it.

Fatties are incredibly manipulative and inconsiderate. They'll use dead celebrities who had abusive lives to try to polish their turds of a life. Its why i dont feel any remorse when i mock them. 99% are shitty human beings who have no excuse to OVER-consume, and sure as fuck dont have the right to be indignant while doing so.

>> No.8704432

thank you for pointing this out it's so true

>> No.8704503

>modernist literature
>bret easton ellis

It's like she's trying to sound really smart and intellectual, but just picks pleb authors out of a hat.

>> No.8704513

>primarily vegetarian

>> No.8704522

>tfw no bbw gf

>> No.8704541

>Alli Lucyfer Morningstar

o benis

>> No.8704559


>I've never seen pics of Marilyn nude

and you call that living

>> No.8705004


>lose weight
>become fake bitch


>> No.8705561

oh god you can tell she's delusional by the fact that she's trying to wear the dress that stopped fitting 300 chicken sandwiches ago

>> No.8705597

/.100% death rate at camp ham planet.
>nurse fatality ate every single casualty in the platoon.

>> No.8705620

to be honest, that bitch behind the fat girl deserved it for touching/prodding her up the ladder. Fat or not; you don't touch people you don't know without some kind of consent and awareness.

>> No.8705651


Notice how all these things, glasses, short fringe with a crazy dye to it, bright make-up, etc, all bring attention away from the body and steer it towards the face?

Fatabilly chicks don't want you staring at their massive holiday ham arms (harms?) but will gladly show off a tattoo on their shoulder.

>> No.8705654

I don't really give a fuck about these fatties cos they're all gonna die of cardiac arrest by the time they're 30

>> No.8705706

I'll tell you what. Search for Kylee Strutt and then tell me if you want to see Marilyn Monroe nude again

>tfw no gf with squeaky moans and sexy innocent stares

>> No.8705734


>my throat neck

>> No.8705767

As an American and ex-fatty (220 lbs to 171lbs over the span of the past 3 1/2 years), as a country, AMERICA NEEDS FAT SHAMING.

Some of the absolute, best motivation is not wanting to be scoffed at by girls or being able to fit into a pair of jeans that has more X's in the sizing than a Kaws exhibit.

>tfw you can actually break in a pair of raw denim and not dislocate all the knuckle bones in your hard trying to put or remove your phone from your pocket.
>tfw you donate all your XL-L clothes to charity
>tfw you become a shallow asshole who's super picky about the QTs you talk to.
>tfw its perfectly fine because you never even had a choice before.
>tfw QT wears your hoodies/shirts and you're not ashamed because said clothes aren't as big as bedsheets.
>don't let anyone, not your fucking family or close friends tell you its okay to be fat.
>it really isn't.

Never give up, aspiring /fa/tties.

>> No.8705782


you will care when you are paying more taxes to cover the medical costs to the government

>> No.8705784

Oh shit.......the twinky zone methinks? or too many 40's.......i'd still hit that tho' ;{-}

>> No.8705794

She was fit as a Biffa but slim she is a real fuckbucket, maybe he filled her so full of his low fat protein shakes that she gave up snackage

>> No.8705797

so,so,so,so,so,so,so,so,so,so wrong

>> No.8705803

Her husband must have the biggest fucking porn stash now.....or he's black?

>> No.8705809

criminal and she should be legally forced to revert to her former self.

>> No.8705810


>Wasn't aware there were such things as Fat Scene Girls.

+1 for naming her kid Fallyn Star. He's totally not going to be herbed on his entire life.

>> No.8705817

Too many coronas....damn

>> No.8705828

I bet they both have great personalities...

>> No.8705835

Haha I remember this pic cracks me up everytime , can you tell me the girls name?

>> No.8705872

They say the look takes off 20 pounds. Unfortunately, they weigh 400.

>> No.8706020

Lost at kurt cobain

>> No.8706083

Inb4 two fat midgets

>> No.8706084

>Stop acting like you know everything
Take your own advice here m8

>> No.8706119

Fat people are liars. Honest people who become fat become liars.

>> No.8706146

Lmao im dead

>> No.8706157

This is why investigation discovery is a channed. I would kill that bitch. He shoulda seen it coming tho

>> No.8706164

This is my nightmare

>> No.8706182

Bowling, not even once

>> No.8706214

My mouth is foaming rabidly

>> No.8706232



>> No.8706261

Under rated post

>> No.8706333


yeah I still want to see marilyn

>> No.8707107

That's Madonna.

Also, women with Marilyn's measurements usually wear size 0. They actually had to sculpt down size to dolls when they were selling her dresses for charity.

The reason fatties praise Marilyn and other old time beauties is because back then beatiful girls were considered those who appealed to men rather than women do they had larger boobs, smaller waist and a bf of 20% rather than 15-18% which is what women prefer.

>> No.8707546

Half-Ton Killer

>> No.8707757

what's a marilyn monroe complex?