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/fa/ - Fashion

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8692825 No.8692825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have lived almost innawoods my entire life, and have moved into a big city to start university (Toronto). Fashion meant nothing to anyone where I lived including myself.

My fashion game is severely lacking. After reading tuxbell I have got some ideas, but perhaps users here could tell me how I'm currently looking?

Facial hair is bad, and hair is bad. I can shave my head again.

I like the look Ryan Gosling usually has, white t-shirt, some black jeans and boots along with sunglasses. My body is too shit to pull this off, but is there any similar alternatives I could go with?

I will post some pictures of the shit I already wear.

>> No.8692830
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I am skinnyfat, so t-shirts are pretty difficult for me to wear. My nipples show through.

>> No.8692837
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Shorter hair.

>> No.8692845
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Random jacket, glasses.

>> No.8692855
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Shortest hair.

>> No.8692861
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One of the few pairs of pants I own. Black cords.

>> No.8692869
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Long hair, some shitty hoodie.

>> No.8692876
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Other pair of cords.

Along with these, I have one pair of black chinos that are probably too long and a pair of jeans that fit quite nice but perhaps a tad too small.

>> No.8692880


I am 6'2", 165 lbs by the way.

>> No.8692884

go to mfa. lurk. come back after and lurk more.

>> No.8692885
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>> No.8692891

god tier blue eyes. shave and get a fashionable cut. wear shirts with no print or dress shirts with rolled sleeves. only aviators

>> No.8692894
File: 51 KB, 500x500, oneyearon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M8 your fashion game is great.
Run from here before you end up adopting ridiculous affectatious costume-wear.
You have been warned.

Don't let /fa/ turn you into a ringwraith.

>> No.8692917

You're alright man. If anything, stop wearing graphic tees.

>> No.8692931

In terms of hair I think it looks best in this pic.

Since you're just getting into this stuff i'd say keep it p basic

if you like the look gosling is goin for just go for it, just switch the t-shirt to a sweater or a shirt, it's a ok look for someone just getting into this stuff

>> No.8692964
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/fa/ is strangely kind and helpful.

>> No.8692978
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What is mfa?

I would never start wearing the gothninja type thing. Girls say I look like some sort of dangerous rapist, but in a good way? I think this means I should start wearing a leather jacket and smoke cigarettes or something.

I want black jeans, the type you see (and I mention him again) Gosling wearing quite often. Relatively tight but not skin tight. Where do I find these that are somewhat faded as well.

Winter is coming, and I might have to buy boots for the first time ever. I usually just wear sneakers year round (black vans). I have some hiking boots that I was going to wear, the ones in this picture...are these appropriate?

The worst part is, I want to come off looking like I don't care bout my appearance. How do I go about doing this?

Also if it matters, I have always washed my hair every day with shampoo. I noticed only a few weeks ago that it looks significantly better if I shower but only use water. This will surely increase my presence.

>> No.8692988

>Girls say I look like some sort of dangerous rapist, but in a good way?

thats kinda weird, not sure how to respond to that

>I think this means I should start wearing a leather jacket and smoke cigarettes or something.

yeah dont

>I want black jeans, the type you see (and I mention him again) Gosling wearing quite often. Relatively tight but not skin tight.

those are called slim jeans, or slim tapered ones. do not get faded ones as they look ugly, and if you will wear and wash yours enough they will have more natural looking fades. :)

not a fan of those boots but i dont know what to recommend you man, sorry.

>The worst part is, I want to come off looking like I don't care bout my appearance. How do I go about doing this?

wear some less basic stuff i guess? or more trendy stuff or sth? buy like a white button down shirt or a shirt with a silly print i dont know.

>> No.8692994
File: 263 KB, 1000x1000, ne3f6z-i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep your hiking boots for hiking. Wear your Vans or Docs.

>> No.8693004

this is the best hair, grow the top more, cut the sides/back slightly shorter
in terms of fashion, keep it simple, fitting, without complicated patterns and gimmicks
tbh r/malefashionadvice would probably be more helpful to you than /fa/, go have a look there and come back in a couple weeks
you are quite cute by the way, now worries, you gonna make it

>> No.8693009
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>Girls say I look like some sort of dangerous rapist, but in a good way?
>I look like some sort of dangerous rapist
>Good way .
>At least you're optimistic , girls dig that .

>> No.8693018

>I want to come off looking like I don't care bout my appearance. How do I go about doing this?

Stick to simple basics, then. Slim dark jeans, well-fitted plain tshirts or button-downs, plain hoodies or sweatshirts, plain shoes (e.g. all-white vans/stan smiths for trainers, work boots or combat boots for the winter). As for where to go to buy these, it depends on your budget but I'd recommend asking reddit (/malefashionadvice - mfa), they're good for beginners and their sidebar is much better than our sticky.

>> No.8693045

What are some companies that sell these types of jeans? Surely there are hundreds, but what are the reasonably priced ones? I was looking into Levis.

I am interested in Doc Martens, but something about boots like this makes me contemplate how gay I would look wearing them. If not to people downtown, but to my family.

Thanks brother. I will begin reading this reddit page.

It's always been that way, it seems. Girls always mention I seem dangerous or crazy. I attract the girls who like being dominated against their will or something. It's especially weird due to my soft voice.

I have a question about dirt. The other day, I was walking with my girlfriend and she asked me how my shoes got dirty. I mentioned I was just doing something in my yard, and she said "I really like it."

Is dirtying your black sneakers or boots a legit way to increase your appeal?

>> No.8694793


>> No.8694817

If you lost some weight you'd probably have more defined cheek bones and look a bit more attractive. Then you could do a slow bulk to put on some muscle.

>> No.8694837

u gotta train to lose your creep stare m8, smile more. check out /fit/, lose some weight pack on some muscle and you should be good to go

>> No.8694842

Your face looks fine, you're quite attractive but I'd definitely shave your facial hair.

Also, just avoid graphic t-shirts, wear slim fitting clothes and don't wear teen clothing like in >>8692845, the jacket isn't flattering.

Woodland colours seem to be your thing so keep at that.

>> No.8694851

the thing with eyes like his is this: they look intriguing as fuck you actually look confident or comforting. emotionless facial expression makes really prominent eyes like his look creepy

>> No.8694913

Don't go to /fit/ and ask because they'll blow you off.

Just eat right eat your greens meats and oats, if you're gonna be serious on going to the gym a 4 day split is the best you can do since no roids.

If you just wanna be casual about it pullups, chin ups, push ups, incline push ups, and situps you'll be good, stretch how they would teach you in middle school P E. I forgot to mention don't forget your legs either run up hills, sprint or bike.

>> No.8695156

Gay? Tell that to the skinheads wearing Docs.
See them by yourself in a physical store and see if you like them.

>> No.8695433
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Here is a poor quality pic of my face before I stopped playing hockey and gained weight. Does this look better?

My teeth are fucked. Smiling is probably one of the worst things I could do to myself.

>> No.8695452
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So I'm going to buy some boots. Doc martens probably, but try to dirty them up. I'd rather be crucified than be seen by any animal wearing shiny anything.

Levis 511's are the skinny ones? I will venture to the store to try some on this week.

Is smoking cigarettes an ideal method of looking /fa/? I feel like if I was leaning up against the wall of a building on my campus while smoking a cig, equipped with black 511's, my dirty Doc Martens, and a white t-shirt that I would be gazed upon not with pity, but with sincere admiration.

Here is my attempt at running heroin chic game. My brain was feeling ill after ingesting pill(s).

>> No.8695514

Don't start smoking because the internet said so. That's fucking retarded. Just be likable and social or at least try. Also lurk moar faggot.

>> No.8695795

The internet did not recommend it. Girls like guys who smoke, and since I won't know anyone, I could feign longevity as a smoker.

>> No.8695845

levi 510s are the skinny ones but I just bought a pair and the new 510s are shit. They dropped the crotch down and made them bootcut.

>> No.8695914

Also on fades, raws, and jeans. There's actually a lot to know about denim and denim care. A quick google search should right you, I don't really have enough room or time in my night to look it up for you but here's a good starting place if you're interested in raws.


>> No.8695920

Nigga that soft voice hard lash shit drives some of the ladies crazy. You got a damn good thing goin for your in the kink game.

>> No.8695966
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Good luck with that kek


>> No.8695971

Who the fuck told you you bullshit. if you just want a qt3.14 then just talk to them like a normal person and don't be weird. Lung cancer isn't /fa/.

>> No.8695997

Why did you change lol to kek? Too much of a pussy to post what you originally wrote?

>> No.8696003

I could not care less about the intrinsic aspects of denim and denim accessories. I simply want some jeans that fit me well.

Blaze it faggot.

I only care about looking cool, not attracting women. I have a gf who I find to be quite qt already. I just want to be fawned over by the masses.

With the right mindset and the proper wardrobe, I think I can become something of a demigod amongst the involuntarily celibate nerds of my academic institution.

>> No.8696010

Levi's have very incosistent sizing. 511's have fit like skinny jeans on and they have also fit like bootcut.

If you want black jeans that fade nicely, then go the raw denim route. The quality of the jeans will be nicer too. Unbranded's "skinny" jeans supposedly fit more like slims. I've seen a lot of black A.P.C. on grailed and right now there is a pair of Naked and Famous which also have not-so-tight sizing.

>> No.8696269

Every girl that has talked to me about my appearance says that when i started smoking butts i became less attractive, only a few liked it. The few were psycho girls

>> No.8696282


wear blue

>> No.8696308

Go ahead and smoke but don't let it become a thing for you.

>> No.8696415

please dont start smoking. You will smell like smoke. You will become addicted. You will spend a lot of money on them in the long term. Your health will suffer. Cigs look great in heavily filtered and staged shots and in company promo ads. Not so much in real life.

>> No.8696455

Not the opie, but what's wrong w/ bootcut?

>> No.8696490

Why do you look so mad

>> No.8696497 [DELETED] 
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I changed it because I felt like using kek instead of lol and didn't bother to re-screencap because I really didn't care that much.

Dunno why you're being a cunt about ir, tho.

>> No.8696509
File: 61 KB, 500x412, 1378078260419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed it because I decided to use kek instead of lol, and didn't bother to re-screencap because I really didn't think someone would get all autistic about it..

>> No.8696513

>>8696509 was meant for

>> No.8696729

If you want to go for a not trying look, I would just go with a nice pair of Clark's instead of Docs. Docs look a bit more like you're actually trying to be fashionable, plus you'll probably get comments about them from tumblr core bitches. But hey, if that's aight with you, then go for docs.

>> No.8696748

I'd have sex with that

>> No.8697071

this board is unhelpful as fuck anon, just go to le roddit malefashionadvice and learn to dress nice but boring. After a while youll make your way back here

>> No.8697246

You should buy new glasses

>> No.8697364

puahater detected

>> No.8697467

how fucked are we talking about? might want to get that fixed

>> No.8697512

I'm not worried if you are a man. Thank you.

I thought this is what girls like??

Those are raybans that look very simple and scientisty. I need sunglasses though, and was looking into the standard wayfarers. Any good?

Good morning.

Ehn. They're my worst feature, but I get away with half smiling or smirking.

>> No.8697577

I like you OP. Seem like a cool dude.

Ok first thing's first, you seem to have a pretty good understanding of what looks good for a pleb. Anyway here's my guide

Looking as normal as possible:
Rock this >>8692885 type of hair, shortish length with shirts etc, much like what you're wearing. Keep facial hair as is or go clean shaven. You will look normal and approachable but quite boring. Rather than /fa/, go to reddit/mfa, they deal with this sort of clothing much more than we do and might actually be quite helpful.

Looking the best you can (in my opinion):
>>8692869 hair like this, scruffy look. Look to Edward Norton for inspo, you have similar facial features (in a good way). Wear Levi's 511s or 510s if you want them skinnier (the new levi's are looser than they used to be so tbh you'll probably be fine in 510s), pick nice t-shirts and wear jackets that are a tiny bit longer with that (you want them going down past your waist). Go to asos.com and get some cheap leather boots on sale, they're surprisingly durable for asos (which is shit-tier), plus a lot of them look nice. Wear those until you can afford a pair of nice boots. You can wear your hiking boots, but only ironically. Vans are pretty much universally accepted, so no need to get rid of those. If you can't decide on what a "nice t-shirt" is, just wear plain ones until you get more confident with your tastes. I would suggest also having a pair of lighter jeans, and maybe even a pair of dark blue ones just to cover everything. That random jacket you posted looks nice too by the way.

Your hair is at its worst when it's short. Make sure it's long enough to have that curl shape start to come out, makes you a lot more interesting. Shampoo IS bad for your hair, but be careful not to just wash it with water all the time as it will smell awful. I condition every time I wash mine, and it works for me, but everyone is different. Trial and error is required. Recommend shampooing 1-2 times a week

>> No.8697580

Lose weight if you can but it doesn't seem disastrous atm. When washing your hair, try to use lukewarm/cold water. This will close up the pores and prevent nastiness like dandruff. You also might want to pick up a couple nice flannels, I think they'd suit you. Uniqlo sell nice ones. I think that's everything, best of luck OP

>> No.8697607

>With the right mindset and the proper wardrobe, I think I can become something of a demigod amongst the involuntarily celibate nerds of my academic institution.

Jesus Christ, does anyone else find this concerning, or is everyone a bona fide sociopath on /fa/?

>> No.8697900


no doc pls their is so much better just lurk more

>> No.8698061
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You are very helpful. Many thanks from this side of the world.

My hair is absolutely fucked. I know you mention that it's at its worst when it is short, but this is nothing short of a travesty. How can I remedy this?

Asos..I will check into these. Boots are of high priority it seems.

Fall is fast approaching, and I don't know if I'll be able to only wear a t-shirt. I have been wearing a lot of these regular shirts, but it gets repetitive.

Some interesting sweaters might be of use.

Ha ha ha. I think this is quite normal. In fact, you might be the one with a problem.

Like Asos!?!?!

I wish to stay here for a while. To lurk, chat with you kind people, and learn more about dressing to impress. Is obtaining these names in your posts difficult?

Off topic sort of, but I've pondered to myself if tumblr is a decent way of becoming famous. I tried to write something, and I plan on doing more. Some slut with 1000 followers (subscribers? I don't know how this website works) said she will promote me because she very much enjoyed what I typed out.

Here is the link, and I was considering also writing stories about my experiences with fashion and social mishaps as I enter my school year. It could be of interest to some?


>> No.8698075

Just make the sides shorter. Don't go insane and shave them, but make sure that they're shorter than the top so that your head doesn't look so round.

Asos is basically an online shopping store that sells a bunch of brands but also its own stuff. The vast majority of asos stuff is shit quality and looks shit too, but every now and then there's something really nice on there. In my experience, their leather shoes/boots hold up crazily well for the low price. Just a suggestion for a place to start, my asos boots are probably my second most-worn piece of footwear (which really is shocking if you know how bad asos can be).

Go thrifting. It's a really good way to get good clothes cheap.

>> No.8698151

I laughed my ass off when I read that
OP is a cool guy.

>> No.8698478
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true this

Also, pic related, its OP

>> No.8698690

ur a qt
pls b in london

>> No.8699136

London ontario fashion homo meetup when?

>> No.8699270

op is attractive

>> No.8699391
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I am in Toronto, but not opposed to hanging out with you fashion freaks.


What do you think of this semi-formal type of attire? I wore it to a wedding once. Would wearing a tie and a jacket of some sort be a better option?