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/fa/ - Fashion

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8687939 No.8687939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do a lot of women look bad without makeup

Does it actually ruin the skin in the long term or are we just surprized as we arent used to seeing them without makeup.

>> No.8687946

>Does it actually ruin the skin in the long term or are we just surprized as we arent used to seeing them without makeup.
both are right answers tbh

>> No.8687949

I saw a girl I fancied without makeup yesterday.

>> No.8687966


Kind of both but mostly the second. On young girls I don't think make up got time to fuck their faces. Still when you see one without make up most times you're all like "Ha! So that's you without being all shopped!".

>> No.8687989

Make-up gives you bad skin, its no news

there are girls who have good skin and look better without make-up

>> No.8687993

Women age worse than men because they have a shorter reproductive lifespan than men.

Becoming ugly in age is just a biological way of saying : "don't bother you'll never have kids with me".

>> No.8688000

I wonder, why dont women just not use makeup at all and just go by their natural looks.

pretty much 99.9% of men do this, why cant they?

It cant be all that bad especially when people wouldnt know you looking any other way.

Makeup just seems so....deceptive

>> No.8688010

IMO the reason why girls look 'ugly' without make up, is because when you see someone with make-up one every single day, and then one day they dont have it, they look different. And it's unexpected, and usually make-up brings out a feature. I don't care if a girl wears makeup or not , but if a girl wears lipstick everyday, and then doesn't, she will look -1 point.
Kinda like if someone has long hair, and gets it cut, even if the haircut isn't bad, people will say 'its weird seeing you without all that hair' same applies with makeup.

>> No.8688017

lol that guy couldve done so much better than that.....literal hambeast

>> No.8688112

>implying she wasn't skinny and attractive when they got married
>implying the cunt didnt let herself go right after

>> No.8688133

Yeah, at least skip all the skin shit and only use maybe mascara.

>> No.8688146


after birth most women put in 0 fucking effort to exercise/eat right and end up as huge ugly hambeasts.

i remember reading an article about some chick who had like 3 kids, but worked out and attained a hot as fuck body. so many women started bitching about/at her simply because she wasn't a lazy fuck and wanted to look good.

>> No.8688154

Saw a girl I liked without make up one day. I actually got scared, never talked to her again.
Went from 9/10 to 2/10 no kidding.

>> No.8688161

ones that do that are ridiculed by the society.

>> No.8688163


as they should be.

naturally ugly women should naturally be ridiculed by society.

>> No.8688166

Well, that's the whole body positivy and fat actvisim movement and however they also call themselves.

>> No.8688168

Speak for myself, when I was a teen and started to see friends and other girls starting to wear makeup naturally I did the same, never had good skin so I thought it a good thing to mask scarring or blemished.

Few years down the track you realize how bad that shit was for you 1.You couldn't afford decent stuff you you were basically putting acid on your skin. 2. You didnt have the tools to repair what you did during the day, no 16 year old take moisturizer and sun cream seriously. 3. You were putting this shit on your acne, on your scars, making them worse, drying them out until 6-7 years down the track you realize the damage you have done.

I might have had decent skin if I knew what i know now however as it is I still have marks from when i was younger. Guys just grit their teeth and bear it, and are much better later on for it, sure there are extreme cases of acne but the majority get out of puberty and those marks and scars just fade.

The shit we put our skin through when we were young has effectively destroyed it for the future.

>> No.8688169

don't hurt yourself on all those sharp edges.

>> No.8688175
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>tfw male
>tfw use concealer every day to mask acne scars

don't give a fuck

>> No.8688182

Try getting a job when you're ugly as shit without make-up.

>> No.8688183

this is /fa/ people
these empty responses
tip fedora etc

>> No.8688193

did you seriously expect a different response to your retarded little post?
what's it like being autistic as fuck?

>> No.8688198

Female whose never worn make up before here.
My mom told me I didn't need make up and so it's natural for me, never even gave it a second thought until middle teens. But still to this day haven't ever worn mascara or foundation or lipstick or other things just lipbalm.
I know a lot of girls that look okay without make up but just strange because your not used to it, but their skin does seem to have blemishes.

Anyways I love my mom for telling me that, because I feel good about myself and my friends sometimes feel insecure when they don't have their make up bag - which I feel bad about. But sometimes I find it annoying that other girls do wear make up because I wonder how they really look which often quite drastic

>> No.8688200

this is /fa/ people
shallow, empty responses
autism etc

>> No.8688325

shit was disgusting

>> No.8688382

How did she look?

Do you still fancy her?

Did you ask her out?

Will she go out with me instead?

Will you ask her for me?

thx m8

>> No.8688409

Good for you, would you like a cookie?
If you're gonna be a "not like those other guurls" snowflake tards go do it on Tumblr.

>> No.8688449

Fuck up cunt, it's relevant on this board, go back to >>>/b/
Would you say you look good? Don't you ever get curious to see how you'd look with makeup? I mean, I'm a guy and I've tried it, surely you'd get tempted

>> No.8688451

A lot of women just don't take care of their skin and would rather coat it in makeup to cover it, which just makes it worse. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the time a person is called ugly without makeup on it's because they don't take care of their skin or do any proper face maintenance (like women who don't get enough sleep and have baggy eyes or the ones that prefer to shave their eyebrows off and draw them on instead of plucking and shaping them, ofc you're going to look like shit sans makeup). They'd rather think of what they look like with makeup than without it. Doesn't help that western society also has an obsession with tanning, and that causes a ton of skin damage in the long run. It's like layers of bad decisions.

I used to have terrible acne and never wore makeup because it would make it worse. My older sister who uses a decent amount of makeup never had that problem and tried getting me to use the same stuff as her, which also didn't help. She told me that I looked like shit and that people were going to judge me as someone who looks unhygienic and doesn't take care of themselves...so I went out and bought a higher-end face wash and different moisturizers (t-thanks /fa/ and /cgl/) to use during the day and at night. My skin looks ridiculously better to the point where she sometimes asks what foundation I'm wearing and my other relatives comment on how good my complexion looks.

Sometimes I wear makeup if I'm at a special event but on a regular day I usually just brush some eyeshadow through my eyebrows to make them look fuller. I'd wear mascara but my eyelashes are very thin and I haven't found anything that works with them yet.

>> No.8688459


>> No.8688473
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Both yes and no. There's more things to it than that.

1) Women aren't born with the innate knowledge of applying it properly. Some never learn because there hasn't been anyone to teach them, or has taught them badly.
2) A lot of people wear too much makeup because they're insecure, too young and have just started learning how to apply it or they copy their slag friends.
3) There's different types and quality of makeup. Cheap makeup that some girls wear causes skin problems, and when they start too young and are irresponsible with it, they get acne and skin lesions. Some makeup just doesn't fit their skin type and they stubbornly keep applying it because they don't know better.
4) You're just not used to seeing their bare face. Makeup can help but it's not omnipotent, and if someone is butt ugly they will look barely acceptable at best.
5) Wearing makeup doesn't necessarily make you look different if applied properly. Wearing too much almost always does.
6) If you're ugly, then why NOT make yourself look passable if you can? That would be like saying it's cheating to work out when you're fat. Also, a lot of women's jobs (sadly) rely on having a pretty face and nice titties.
7) Wearing makeup doesn't HAVE to ruin your skin if worn within reason, but the problem is a lot of people overdo it and wear Créme du Cancer instead. Basically what >>8688168 said, and once you fuck it up the only choice is to go on expensive treatments or keep covering that shit up. Most choose the latter and the ride never ends.

Also health conditions fuck up your skin.

>> No.8688646

The majority of women unfortunately will over do their makeup because it's in style to do it that way. I wish natural looking makeup was more in style than coat you entire face to look like a porcelain doll style of makeup we've been getting for the last 30 or 40 years.

Don't even get me started on black, latin or middle eastern, south-asian women and makeup. It makes me sad because they already have excellent color to their skin and lips but they fall victim to over applying their makeup too.

All men care about is if you hair is done. If your lips are glossy, your eyebrows aren't growing wild, and maybe a bit of eyeliner.

No fake eyelashes. Serious question. Wtf is up with women and their fascination with long horse eyelashes?

Not trying saying that women dress and make themselves up to impress men. I'm pretty sure a lot of them don't give a fuck. But coming from the perspective of men it looks a little clownish when it's over applied.

>> No.8688680


all of this

>have sister
>never had makeup touch her face because mom says no
>still looks more photogenic than any girl with makeup on

do women honestly, honestly think that smearing all that shit on their skin is even remotely healthy

"b-b-but society says womy-"

don't start using it and you won't ever NEED it

>> No.8688686

I don't understand this prevailing thought that makeup makes you look bad. I mean a lot of it has SPF so a lot of women who wear makeup are pale because they always have some sort of SPF on but almost all makeup is non comedogenic and has things that prevent breakouts built in

>> No.8688693

have you ever considered that the women you see without makeup that have good skin arent wearing makeup because they have good skin.....

>> No.8688704
File: 184 KB, 2000x900, makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8688776


If your skin is shit by itself why not invest in a simple skincare routine to improve your skin instead of trying to smear makeup on to aggravate it even more. Instead of blowing $50 for a tray (I might even be underestimating this), etc. cleansers, moisturizers, sunscreen, spot treatment.

FUCK NO I'm not saying a skincare routine with these products will magically make your skin better. But it's a better step than trying to cover shit up. There's expensive overpriced shit, but there's good, affordable options out there

If your skin is shit because of makeup, then what on earth did you expect. Solution is to put on more makeup to cover up your skin, using more and more, forcing you to spend more money for more makeup

>> No.8688806

No make up and No Make-up Make-up are QT. I would love to see that shit around my house just lounging.

Face full O'Slap is what I wanna see when I'm steaming and want to shag a fit bird GET IN.

naw real talk this isn't even fair cos No Make-up is in a different light.

>> No.8688826

Fucking yes. This is so important. So many people never had a guiding maternal figure to show them the ropes. It's a really nessecary thing because make up a whole world of crazy. Like, you can get a job at knowing make-up.

>> No.8688853

No actual makeup is still the best. No girl should go further than no makeup makeup.

>> No.8688896

That is what I do..
I have too many freckles to cover them up and pretty decent skin but I have ginger eyelashes that look terrible without any mascara

>> No.8688918

>Try getting a job solely by merit.

>> No.8688954

One of the reason I like tropical destinations.
Girls are on holiday, more laid back and on a tropical island you don't wear makeup.
Some of the best looking girls I have ever seen have been totally without makeup.

Makes it easy to see who is actually pretty or not.

>> No.8688960

try getting a real job and not some retail/barista/waitress job

>> No.8689035
File: 578 KB, 2000x900, makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I see.

>> No.8689089

>mfw causes of "bad" skin are genetic, stress related or bacterial a good amount of the time

>acne, for example is caused by excess oil mixing w dead skin cells, blocking the pore which results in the tell tale inflammation

>oil production is hormonal/ dead skin cell shedding is not affected by makeup (pigments, emollients and such)(unless your makeup contains exfoliating acids at the proper concentrations and ph,
and not many do.

>foundation makeup will not ""ruin"" your skin even if you have used it since your teens. If you cleanse your skin at the end of the day that is. Again, finding the proper kind for your skin type is key. Very emollient kinds will make oily skin oilier and that could lead to acne. Likewise, mattifying makeup is not suitable for dry skin.

>severe allergic reactions ("lesions") to the otherwise innocuous ingredients used in cosmetics are not be be mistaken for typical. These products are lab tested and many are also tested in independent labs as well. The cancer causing components found in lipstick pigments are in parts per MILLION (ppm); you'd have to ingest an excessive number of tubes in order for there to be a risk.


trolls gonna troll~

>> No.8689097

Wait, people seriously think she is not wearing makeup in the first picture?

>> No.8689112


I agree with this, however "everyday makeup" looks best. Even if I can picture her drinking too much and crying etc that's just normal women from my understanding.

>> No.8689126
File: 62 KB, 640x548, 23HN4JF-93S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexist trolls ahoy! Why should anyone change to please others? Fuck social pressure, do what makes you happy. It's what you feel about yourself that matters in the end anyway.

You dont dress to impress girl, right? Why should a girl wear makeup to impress you vs. a respected gal friend?

pic related, lit. giving no fucks

>> No.8689159

fuck off, cunt

>> No.8689172
File: 2 KB, 77x51, rljlhqea9563610.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be mad bruv

>> No.8689182

>no make-up

>> No.8689195

this girl looks good without makeup because she has natural beauty. most girls dont, just like most men dont.

those porn star before and after makeup shots are pretty illuminating. female beauty is nothing to be intimidated by because its usually a facade.

>> No.8689228

That guy has potential to be really hot. Too bad he is nailed down with ugly kids and Hambeast wife.

>> No.8689240

It's hardly sexist.

/fa/ criticises everyone, regardless of gender, based on their appearance.

Fuck social pressure? Sure, it's good to have your own style and not blindly follow trends. But social pressure also means criticising people when they get fat, or don't take care of basic hygiene.

If you're on this board in the first place, there's an assumption that you're interested in attending to your appearance, and that you have some sort of a preference in that regard. It's ridiculous to start screaming "sexism" as soon as other people on the board express preferences for certain appearances.

>> No.8689241 [DELETED] 

Tumblr white night/fat feminist faggot detected.

>> No.8689242

Growing a child inside you does so at the expense of the body. It's takes a piece of your soul and fire and turns it into life.

You remember in Doom as you'd take damage your smarmy little avatar in the bottom corner would get ugly and start looking like a bloody football?

It's like that. She probably used to be around his level of attractiveness.

>> No.8689257

>She probably used to be around his level of attractiveness.

I seriously doubt it. If you let yourself go like that after 3 kids, you probably were not attractive to begin with. Something tells me that he knocked her up on accident and got roped into staying with her.

>> No.8689268

>If you let yourself go like that after 3 kids, you probably were not attractive to begin with.

>> No.8689274
File: 934 KB, 2138x2776, eVzGM3Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this is their wedding photograph.

>> No.8689289

I again doubt it. Three kids is hell. Look at the little monsters while those people just sit there in muted detachment.

Dustin Hoffman said it well in Hook:

Furthermore, the disparity now could be linked the other way. Maybe this guy used to be unattractive but has recently begun trying because he's planning on leaving this all behind. It happens.

Point is, people can change, and just because she's less attractive than is he in this picture doesn't mean it was always or will always be this way. We're dynamic shapeshifters, we people, and assume nothing.

That being said, I'd still hit it.

>> No.8689303

That's a little dated, but I think it proves my point... I think.

She's not not attractive.

And he looks kinda... faggy?

>> No.8689307

But spouting vitriol at girls for wearing "too much makeup" by your standards can't be passed off as simply voicing an opinion. You could be making the most corrosive, pro-Guantanamo-like torture speech and you'd still be voicing an opinion. Your form of self righteous judgement making is condoned by the social circles you're in which are reaffirming your problematic ways. Eventually you may grow out of it if you allow yourself to have a broader range of social exp.

>> No.8689315

> all these insecure girls who try to tell themselves they didn't waste tons of money on makeup which ruins their skin


>> No.8689317


>> No.8689321

Damn. Me being attracted to my wife and having her keep a fit and healthy body/mind is much more important to me than spawning a bunch of rugrats.

I don't give a fuck about a child's laughter and special snowflake moments.

I'm going to keep this in mind after I get hitched Adoption all the way.

>> No.8689322

A feminist reveals how women think

"We women only dress to impress other women. We only care about female beauty. A boyfriend is just an accessory to make our girl "friends" feel jealous. We stab each other in the backs often."

>> No.8689325


its literally a website where you can buy makeup and they tell you its a myth that their products are bad for you

how dumb can women get

>> No.8689331

I actually like girls better without makeup in 90% of all cases. Makeup makes them look so old.

>> No.8689336

Just have one, and make sure you both have the financial/time resources to raise a well-behaved child. Don't stay together for the child if it's not working. Make sure your relationship is STRONG prior to even trying. Never lie to your spouse. Make physical fitness and personal appearance a MUST in a potential mate now, and never bend these rules.

People have kids and don't turn into trolls all the time. Just make sure you've set aside the necessary resources and have prepared your mind, body and soul as well as possible.

>> No.8689340

> makeup industry uses photoshop to generate images of women that are perfect yet only appealing to other women (men don't want perfect, they want cute)
> girls buy makeup because they want to be like the other girls
> makeup makes your skin shit
> welp, i'm ugly, i really need makeup

makeup industry laughs all the way to bank

my daughter will be forbidden to wear makeup

>> No.8689353

Consider that those insecure girls probably ahd insecure moms who got them into make up just because they saw their own problems on their daughters, so they'll probbaly get their kids on them too. It's pretty much the same as antidepressants.

>> No.8689364

women wearing makeup is like men doing steroids and bodybuilding

its retarded and its a shame they cant see how stupid they look

>> No.8689409

If one woman starts using makeup, high quality males will favor her over the women who do not wear makeup. Consequently they all have to start using makeup.

>> No.8689424

you are too stupid for words. Makeup isn't bad for you, overblown claims are.What is reading comprehension?

On a side note overpriced toxic treated leather is also a scam. So are designer shit made of common fabric and uninventive design. You're huge fucking suckers, drooling over prestige. You know nothing so shut it.

yes i mad

inb4 trololollolol

>> No.8689431

As other anons said, it has a lot more to do with their own insecurities and covering up the things they think will creep people out. Don't you have certain things of your face or body that you think are taking the rest of your appeal down (nose, eyelashes, eyes, jaw, legs, belly, whatever) but when you ask people they never even noticed anything about it? It's really different looking at yourself in the mirror and looking at someone else.

>> No.8689444

I agree 100% with your interpretation, most of all in "ncikelodeon star" and "generic office coworker". I guess the girl did a really basic and general correct make up set.

>> No.8689446

Yeah I don't see the appeal of using make up. Its practically cheat mode and deceiving

A lot of the times they use so much that they barely look like what they lead us to believe what they really look like


>> No.8689459

Happyness makes people look better, sad faces look worse.

Don't you mean kinda Shaggy?

>> No.8689474

I get my gf to not wear makeup a lot of the time, and imo she looks a lot cuter

>> No.8689480

Also its not a matter of just hurt hur dey tricking us.

Its just crazy how they barely look the same and some can change their face so much. You would like to think that make at most would be just for slight touch ups....not a full blown overly done face change where they wake up extra early to do it.

I mean the average guy wears no makeup and we all have face imperfection. No one really gives a shit.

Then again I bet women wearing make up would still be blamed on men for creating a society that forces them to use it to get a job or whatever, even though most of us don't like it on women

>> No.8689497

He looks like a typical neckbeard nerd who couldn't get the hot popular girls in that picture.

Like most neckbeards in highschool. They dated the unpopular not so great looking girls. Thats who he married.

He just blossomed into a swan as grew older and surpassed her by a long shot

>> No.8689513

Makeup is more about exercising creativity then you think. Having a good blank canvas to work on is key. Which is where the tone correcting comes in. Showing off your artistic ability and skill is a big part of makeup application. Whether you find this deceiving or not is your problem. I can guarantee that women wont stop because of your petty complaints.

Most of all women have consistently reported that makeup makes them feel pretty and that feeling pretty makes them feel confident.

>> No.8689517

Make up is not bad for your skin you idiots.
You're confused when you see girls out of make up because babies don't have object permanence.

>> No.8689537

So in other words they need a real hobby

One thing I noticed about girls who self proclaim that they are into make up, often have no other interests besides TV and movies....crappy ones at that such as teen soap operas or rom-coms

Why is this so common?

>> No.8689542

i agree

Keep buying makeup, everybody!

Nothing to fear!

Move along now....

>> No.8689546

Again, it's more about themsleves than the rest of the people. That's all I meant.

>> No.8689554

>Most of all women have consistently reported that makeup makes them feel pretty and that feeling pretty makes them feel confident.

That just means they feel like they'd get approval by their friends.


>> No.8689557

My gf doesn't wear makeup :)

>> No.8689563

Oh yeah, the girls who use makeup are shallow bit. Have heard that b4.


>> No.8689843

lmao at all these clueless bitter fuccbois in this thread who think wearing makeup is "deceiving" and "useless"

girls wear makeup for mainly a few reasons:
1. it's a hobby. similar to painting or drawing, they view the application of makeup as an art form and it's fun for them
2. it helps cover up any blemishes like acne/rosacea/etc
3. it makes them feel more attractive and thus helps them be more confident and outgoing. helps girls who many have social anxiety and nervousness break out of their shell

anybody who dismisses the above reasons as "stupid" most likely has had little or no experience with girls and thus their anger for women towards using makeup stems from their inability to understand women

>> No.8690047

to abuse this thread: how into make up for men ? acne scars i.e.
stickys pls.

>> No.8690065

post face with concealer

>> No.8690080


>> No.8690088

Pretty much all those reasons could be excuses used by men as well. I don't believe its deceiving. I don't believe its healthy. I don't believe its a permanent solution to any of those reasons.

Let's perpetuate the importance of water, nutrition, and exercise over a facade.

>> No.8690102

who cares if its deceiving, it looks ugly


but of course, women being the lesbians that they are, only care about the opinion and approval of other women

Fact: all men prefer no makeup

>> No.8690128

but anon I have blond eyelashes and look like a dude without at least mascara.

Then again you probably like it when girls look like dudes you fag. ;^)

...I-I'm just kidding anon.

>> No.8690145

are you that swedish blonde girl? hard not to recognize that retarded style of posting

>> No.8690157

No, I'm an americunt.
I wish I was a swedish hottie doe.

>> No.8690160

My gf doesn't use make up, she doesn't even know how to apply that shit.
She looks really cute so I don't mind, I guess it all comes down to if you have natural good looks or not.

>> No.8690166

back to /b/ with your trap crossdressing fantasies

>> No.8690171

but /b/ is scary and rife with gay neopolitan furry diaper vore porn...

>> No.8690199

My gf is a ginger she has blond eye lashes and eyebrows. She complains about them too. I never notice them unless hse says something. All I see is red hair, great tits, and a perky ass.

>> No.8690294


>> No.8690314

that's what I use
maybe a little eyeliner if i'm going out at night

I take care of my skin with face washes and a dermatologist so that I don't need to put anything on my face to look attractive.

>> No.8690486

Some women really should't wear make up. But most kinda should. i would definitely like to see less and less of it. Bitches who cake on make up look weird to me.

Women look better when natural

>> No.8690593

post pics they prolly ugly as shit

>> No.8690642

I'd be fine with makeup if us men had an equal physical way of cheating our appearances.

>> No.8690645

>all guys pretty much agree makeup is gay and natural is better

You can't win.

>> No.8690647

You do, it's called makeup.

>> No.8690650

>girls wear makeup for mainly a few reasons:
>1. it's a hobby. similar to painting or drawing, they view the application of makeup as an art form and it's fun for them
>2. it helps cover up any blemishes like acne/rosacea/etc
>3. it makes them feel more attractive and thus helps them be more confident and outgoing. helps girls who many have social anxiety and nervousness break out of their shell

How come men don't have this shit? we have to stick with our shitty genetic faces.

>> No.8690654

>You do, it's called makeup.

That's socially acceptable you dumb shit.

And there's no real consensus on everyday makeup working just fine for men.

>> No.8690677

to summarize the general sentiment:

"Makeup's not sexy or desirable to me. I want all dem silly girls to observe and live by my terms. Remember: my word is law. Makeup's not hot at all. Very bad for you. Not sexxay."

>> No.8690682

look at an unedited studio shot of a male actor. They have makeup on.
If you apply it well no one will be able to tell. That's why guys say they "like girls without makeup" even though they are actually wearing makeup.

>> No.8690686

calm your tits. Makeup can legitimately be bad for you if you slather it on with a painter's spatula like you see slags doing. And skincare IS more important than makeup.

>> No.8690694

>male actors and theater people use makeup


>> No.8690709

woah there bud, where's the proof? I have seen no peer reviewed journals supporting such claims so it must -suprisingly- be your personal opinion.

>> No.8690716

You're not a very rational person, its obvious you see what you want to see.

>> No.8690731

>using the word gay as an insult
>antagonizes self

Welp better stop using makeup, many thanks to u fer yer compelling argument. I have finally seen the light.

>> No.8690732
File: 191 KB, 500x500, 1408588849951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw soon tumblr will fully overrun /fa/ like they have with /lit/ and /cgl/
you already can't even say nigger/faggot, post a gun in EDC, or say trannies are mentally ill without one of them crying
soon you'll be checking your privilege instead of dubs

>> No.8690757

I use makeup. In the 5-some years that I have, no one has been able to tell. I have huge pores that are visible from across the street and makeup does its job. It's bullshit that it's "socially unacceptable" for men, if you can wear that dumb Rick shit without crawling under a rock in shame you can wear subtle makeup no problem bitch nigga. If you don't want anyone to know, don't fucking tell them. Now stop whining about how "unfair!!!!1" it is and fuck off.

>> No.8690779

implying it's not /a/ssholes like you that have infested the board. Go back to fawning over ur melting, derpy infant-looking heroines if you cant contribute anything worthwhile.

Let's say feminists- b/c that's who you mean, don't care bout ur adolescent cliques.

>> No.8690796

I've never been to /a/

enjoy /fa/ when it's a fat-positive gender-nonconforming feelings-safe "fashion" blog

>> No.8690797

rip :'(

>> No.8690804

Sums it up pretty well.

>> No.8690809

Women had to fight for make up to be socially acceptable back in the early 20th century. If you want to wear make up just be brave and make the leap.

I see enough men bitching about this shit but never actually doing anything about it. Women couldn't have short hair, wear make up or wear trousers until they made the effort to normalise it so if you want to wear some foundation put in the fucking effort and normalise it.
Changes in social attitudes don't change by making bitter comments on 4chan.

>> No.8690812

If a board becomes something you don't like you stop going and find somewhere else that you like. The internet is a really big place and you don't need nor won't be able to "save" anything form people you don't like.

>> No.8690817

gr8 detective work there but

concern over accuracy and legitimacy of discussion =/= hardcore tumblr sjw

>> No.8690824

>soon you won't be able to say nigger/faggot
>soon you won't be able to post a gun in EDC
you act like this is a bad thing - fuck man why you wanna live a flyover state all your life?

>> No.8690840

How is saying nigger/faggot a bad thing? How is having a gun in your EDC post a bad thing?

>flyover state
I wouldn't really call Miami, Florida a flyover area

>> No.8690846

For skin appearance (and only skin appearance) it's got a lot to do with make up use
>skin turned to shit when I turned 12 and had never used any make up before
>mum bought me some foundation because I was embarrassed about it
>skin got a little better over the years but never fully recovered
>have a difficult time finding properly matching foundation because I'm very pale with a neutral undertone and most things end up too pink or yellow
>decide I'm going to put some effort into skincare so I don't have to use foundation
>several years of finding the right skincare and drinking at least 2l of water a day later my skin was looking a fair bit better
>earlier this year decide I'm just going to stop wearing foundation because I couldn't be bothered anymore
>skin suddenly improves to the point where hereditary dark circles are the only imperfection.

Best it's been in the past 10 years so make of that what you will.
I think proper hydration is as important as not wearing make up for preventing shitty looking skin though.

But a large part of general comparisons between make up and no make up will be being used to a made up face or not. With every other kind of make up product using it or not using it had no lasting effect on the appearance of the part of my face - wearing mascara doesn't make my eyelashes shittier, wearing lipstick doesn't damage my lips - it just looks different wearing it to not wearing it, obviously.

>> No.8690852

on what basis do you make that assumption? the sarcasm?

>> No.8690867

What kind of makeup was it? What's your skin type? I have yet to encounter any irrefutable proof that uding the proper formulations for your skin breaks you out. Anecdotal evidence is dubious at best.

>> No.8690877

oops sorry misfire.

>> No.8690880

Do you know how to post?

>> No.8690892

im on phone; the page's compressed and can't link to posts easily.

>> No.8690905

florida is fucking disgusting though, it's actually the worst. every other state openly hates florida, for real. even your water tastes like swamp piss.

>> No.8690913

>Why do a lot of women look bad without makeup

They actually don't.

You've been deluded by shitposters

>> No.8690973


>we have to stick with our shitty genetic faces

Nigga,just because you're fucking ugly,doesnt mean all guys are.
Majority of men are naturally good looking so they really dont need to apply make up.

>> No.8690975


So what would you say is the percentage bet ween men and women who use makeup?

You didn't answer my initial concern.

>> No.8690982

>annoying tumblr bitch detected

>> No.8690985
File: 79 KB, 550x447, I5O6XDx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cos most are too lazy to attemp real self-improvements so they take the easy way out to attempt to 'improve' themselves

>> No.8690988

is that the "whats your excuse?" image?

>> No.8691004

>Me being attracted to my wife and having her keep a fit and healthy body/mind is much more important to me than spawning a bunch of rugrats

this made me laugh harder than it should have

>> No.8691018

>1. it's a hobby. similar to painting or drawing, they view the application of makeup as an art form and it's fun for them

I am a woman who uses make up who can tell you that's something women on reddit spout and try to believe so they can distance themselves from the idea they're indulging in vanity.

The vast majority of make up application is to make you look closer to how you want to look and to enhance your features, or to do something both fun AND aligning with your idea of attractive (ie bright lipsticks).

If you're doing cat eye liner and a contour it's not as a hobby producing art it's because you think you look good like that.
Even these macaron pastel toned lipsticks are happening now for a reason - the association with a visible trend is making the girls who do it, consciously or subconsciously, feel current and up to the minute with make up trends.
If it was truly an art hobby then these would be an ongoing thing and you'd regularly and occasionally see pale blue lips on the street as girls feel it ties in with some art they're creating on ther face today. Instead it's in one sudden lump and mostly on the internet where they are getting positive reinforcement.

There are a few exceptions to that, I will accept that, but the vast majority who spout that just do make up to feel pretty or a part of a trend.

Same goes for the fuckers here and their ugly ass shoes though.

>> No.8691021

post before after if you 'don't give a fuck'

>> No.8691094
File: 38 KB, 283x283, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I'm not google. I'm just saying that if you have something to hide or improve with makeup you can, as if nobody calls you a massive faggot on a daily basis anyway.
Maybe if you want things to change you should stop whining and start doing, otherwise you're as bad as a fat acceptance feminist.

If you have big pores: bb cream nigga
If you have cystic acne: sponge, concealer and/or bb cream
If you suffer from Benedict Cumberbatch syndrome and have very sparse eyebrows: fill them in with an eyebrow pencil
Another dumb thing I heard is "hair dye is for women", I don't dye my hair but if you want to I don't see why not.

I heard about contouring to fake good cheekbones but I don't know how to do that nor do I want to.

At any rate if you overdo anything you'll look like a tranny, otherwise nobody is going to notice.

>> No.8691130

>If you have big pores: bb cream nigga

Don't give advice if it's gonna be shitty. For big pores and no other blemishes or problems get a primer that mentions pore minimisation or blurring qualities and use that alone.
Works much better because a lot of bb creams would sink into the skin and leave pores obvious.
Plus it's even less detectable.
If there are other skin problems then a primer under the other stuff to combat the other problems.

>> No.8691143

Yeah I guess, this works just swell for me though

>> No.8691181

Idk man I feel like if you're advocation bb cream this much you probably haven't given other options a fair enough crack because the only people I see recommending bb creams for everything under the sun are koreaboo chicks or people who are using it as a jack of all trades.

Most western bb creams are nothing more than a tinted moisturiser with maybe a little SPF and maybe a little salicylic acid but not enough to make any kind of difference to your skin. If you want light coverage it makes far more sense to buy a foundation and moisturiser separately because most bb creams come in far too limited a shade range to be a great match and buying a separate moisturiser allows you to custom mix for your skins needs (extra hydration/mattifying effect/highlighting/whatever) whereas a bb cream comes with what they give you and mixing the two yourself allows for more control over the exact amount of coverage you need that day.

Like I mean whatever you feel comfortable with but to blindly advocate a bb cream is almost the mark of someone a bit too sucked in by marketing.

>> No.8691190

I agree that makeup is just that- a tool to enhance what you like and downplay what you don't. I still insist that makeup can be elevated to an artform. Expertly applied makeup is no small feat. I'm not saying that vanity is not part of such a self-centered activity in certain contexts. With the multitude of products
available makeup almost anything is achievable. And learning how to employ techniques well requires skill.

>> No.8691192

why do you guys even care if girls wear makeup or not? if they wanna do it, let them do it. personally i think makeup on girls looks good and enhances their features when it's not slathered on. half of you fucks here who think wearing an oversized tanktop with goth ninja pants and running shoes look good are in no position to make demands from women

>> No.8691219

I don't care about marketing, I just went to the store and bought a random bb cream (garnier) which happened to suit my skin tone really well and mask my face craters. I've been using it ever since, I haven't even heard of Koreaboos and didn't know they were a Korean thing.
I don't care about coverage or its beneficial properties, I care about it not fucking my face up and patching up my face holes, which it does just fine.
The whole nitty gritty details of each bb cream sounds more like a woman thing.

>> No.8691238


reddit makeup bitches got #rekt
>b-b-but it's an artform

just stop.

>> No.8691258

I fucking hate no-makeup girls and beta enablers that support this, alongside with those cheap hypocritics ¨cute¨ guys from instagram that are obviously lying all the fucking time.

Girls always look better with make up. no fucking exception. If someone looks bad with make up. Then she is ugly as sin, and deserve no further attention. If someone is pretty without makeup, then she will be astonishing gorgeous with some. Simple as that. If you as a full grown girl don't know how to makeup, then you are failing big time.

I love heels, I love lean body, I love makeup. If you are looking for a ugly unsanitized boyish girl. Then you are a faggot in disguise that secretly wants to be assfucked by his nerd hot friend Carlos.

>> No.8691276

I have honostly never looked at it this way

>> No.8691281

Youre wrong
shut up.


>> No.8691321

how to am I supposed to tell if the makeup i'm wearing is shit or not. it has spf built in, it's neutrogena but I bought it at walgreens.

>> No.8691364

sounds like you really like dick, buddy

>> No.8691386

A lot of the time women you see wearing a full face do it because they enjoy to process of putting it on. Can yall believe women do something for another purpose than attracting vain men?
As well, make does NOT ruin your skin. And by ruining what does that even mean?
If a woman if wearing foundation it is a physical block to the sun so she probably will not get as many sun spots and wrinkles.

Even though I don't wear makeup most of my time on the computer is spent watching make up tutorials or reviews or whatever because properly done make up is just so beautiful.
Its not about looking hot for guys. Get over yourselves.

>> No.8691396

>its not about looking hot for guys

nope its about looking hot for other women.
see >>8689322

>> No.8691399


this post: a tryhard attempt at saying make up isn't vanity.

>> No.8691411

Make up clogs your pores...which equals acne...which will probably lead to scars because everyone wants to pop them and cover it up with make up...which clogs them even more

>> No.8691425

yall are delusional. girls who are very into makeup do it for the "art".
maybe the really self conscious people do it for self esteem but that drive comes from within themselves.
as a boy who has probably never used makeup you wouldnt know what the experience is like. you just have this thought made up to make you feel better and when actual people who wear makeup tell you the truth you dont accept it.

why do you think guys who do drag wear makeup? its purely selfish, to look good in their own heads and to fulfill what they want.
make up is a body mod like piercings and tattoos and help define your style like clothes.

>> No.8691431

stay delusional

>> No.8691436

You can literally buy non comedogenic makeup and makeup with salicylic acid and primers to fill your pores so germs dont.
girls who break out from their makeup means they aren't using it properly. You need to keep hands and brushes hygienic and then wash it off properly every night.

>> No.8691439

That's the stupidest question ive seen.
>pretty much 99.9% of men do this
I think you're talking about guys who have a sense of masculinity.
The fags and all are the ones you're forgetting about.
By the way,wearing make up has been going down for centuries.

Women who were from the high society (aka queens) wore make up even some guys from the high society wore make up.
Wearing makeup is a feminine thing. No girl wants a guy with flawless skin, or berry coloured lips, or longer eyelashes than she has. Makeup caters to women buyers and male appraisers, which is the only reason that most guys don't wear it.

Why the fuck would they stop now?
Honestly,I see nothing wrong with it and i can tell deceptive when i see it.

>> No.8691455
File: 447 KB, 1212x1600, Beyonce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make up is made to essentially make you look healthy.
Men probably are so shocked to see their friends without makeup because they just assume women all look feminine.
Good make up is usually undetectable, especially to men. Men get all upset over makeup when girls wear it wrong.
Beyonce literally has perfect skin and is beautiful but I wouldn't think twice about her makeup because she paid a professional to do it right.

>> No.8691460

too bad shes still black


>> No.8691503


but men who suffer from the same thing are told to fuck off and deal with their facial insecurities

no thanks asshole

>> No.8691514

>giving girls shit about vanity
>on a fashion board

>> No.8691520


What the fuck are you talking about?

Are you legit wearing make up or just some facial medical creme?

>> No.8691537

MEN CAN WEAR MAKEUP!!!!! no one is stopping you but your own perspective on gender roles
ALL photos of male models have foundation on to cover discolouration and bronzer on or contour on their cheek bones, as well as clear mascara or brow powder to fill in gaps.

>> No.8691539

funny racism meme

>> No.8691544


>> No.8691547


keep screaming because no actual guy is going to waste time contemplating if he's a fag to use makeup because of your tryhard attempt to "break gender roles"

so you admit it's not art.

>> No.8691557

all art is about aesthetic first, especially classical art. i would hope you consider fashion design and construction art.
vanity and aesthetic hold hands.
people commission portraits of themselves and people design clothes they believe are the most interesting or flattering but that doesnt mean its not art

>> No.8691584

get the fuck out of here,hippie.

>> No.8691595


>> No.8691899


>> No.8692669


Most women are not as feminine as the cultural images wants them to be.

Most women's faces are just like men's faces. If you look at little boys and girls, you will see that boys faces are often more delicate.

>> No.8692673
File: 31 KB, 475x324, ken_barbie.top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that's fucking wrong

>> No.8692758

I wear foundation if I get acne

>> No.8692762

Get the fuck out you nigger. Go socially police somewhere that isn't 2edgy for your bitch mentality

>> No.8692775

>Wearing makeup is a feminine thing. No girl wants a guy with flawless skin, or berry coloured lips, or longer eyelashes than she has.

Exactly. It's just different beauty standards, women are pretty much supposed to look like porcelain dolls but that would be downright unattractive on a man. Not being able to cover up acne as a man sucks, but men can have rough skin and just look rugged instead of haggard. Makeup is designed to emphasize distinctively feminine traits and make women look youthful, neither are of any benefit to men.

>> No.8692787

Didn't you see I said there are some exceptions to that?
But I'm sure not the way you're thinking. Galliano fall 2009 make up was art. Most of what you're probably thinking of is not art. Unless you're going out looking like a frozen Russian bride or a winter scene is dancing across your cheeks you're just indulging in make up to look better.
Getting a contour to look natural might take skill, but so does building a computer from scratch. Needing skill doesn't make something an art form and just because you're using a brush it doesn't make you Titian.
Like I said, a lot of women force themselves to believe it's art to not feel like they're indulging in vanity and you sound like one of them. Just accept most make up is vanity and you'll feel better about explaining why you use it because "as a form of artistic self expression" sounds a lot more douchey than "I like it, I think it makes me look good"

>> No.8693084

Makeup fucks your skinup and creates a vicious cycle where you actually need to keep using makeup because your skin is so ugly because of makeup use.

>> No.8693098


>> No.8693099

Yeah, and women are shit artists.

>> No.8693107

top lel women contradict themselves so easily when trying to justify their dumb hobbies

> dont objectify womyn you sexist pig
> when i objectify myself its art

>> No.8693161
File: 39 KB, 678x519, 1403686577534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ultimately turns out to be a lazy lay
So true.

>> No.8693187
File: 87 KB, 576x798, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No makeup = I want to hold her face in my hands

makeup = uhh she's pretty, i guess

>> No.8694421

This is ridiculous. As a grl, I wear makeup because I have bad acne and hyper-pigmentation. If I didn't wear makeup I feel like everyone is staring at me and I have to keep my head down when I talk to people and hide my face with my hair. When I do wear makeup I know I must look like a nestle crunch bar, but I'm at least a nestle crunch bar with nice eyebrows and nice eye makeup. I feel like If I do those things maybe it will distract people and they will look at my acne less. It's just a mental thing for me. I can't go out in public without makeup without feeling like an absolute piece of shit.

>> No.8694534

When people try to cover their acne with make up l, it makes me look at them even more lol so good job.

>> No.8695048

I was a "no-make-up-make-up" girl for a few years. It looked good and I used to get a lot of compliments, but I became disturbed by the amount of men who were attracted to me for my particular look, which was mostly "cute 16 year old girl" even into my 20s.
Now I don't wear any makeup, when I went to my doctor yesterday she greeted me with "wow, you look like shit", and I'm underweight by a disturbing amount. Also, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.8695184

I wear makeup because I have dark circles the size of horse testicles and they're genetic.
Until I save up for surgery, makeup it is.

>> No.8695644

I wear a hijab so makeup kind of defeats the purpose of makeup. When I wear makeup with my hijab i was told it was an "alluring" type of sexiness.

thats contradicting my goals on wearing a hijab so i stopped.

>> No.8696135

I look much better with makeup so your opinion is disregarded

>> No.8696145

men still thinking women wear makeup for them, or that they actually care about a man's opinion of their make up. l o l

>> No.8696220

why wear it if not to attract someone then

>> No.8696241
File: 997 KB, 330x215, najcuadspM1rrru0d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not everything a woman does is to attract a man.

>> No.8696250

I didn't say it had to be a man

>> No.8696260

ok, then have you considered that maybe they don't do it to attract anyone? Most women who wear makeup like it because it makes them feel better about themselves.

>> No.8696272

pls get the fuck out

>> No.8696292

pls educate yrslf :3

>> No.8696297

This is actually fucking true.

Majority of it though.

>> No.8696313

fuck this sounds so lame, there is just no chance many girls are going to listen to the adults who tell them its a bad idea when they are young.

Then you get people on here being like "hurr i saw this chick with no makeup and it was gross" being fuckheads about it.

hope your skin gets better over time.

>> No.8696318

shut the fuck up this is close to the most retarded post i have seen on this board

>> No.8696340

making yourself feel better ("pretty") is just a step towards attracting a mate

>> No.8696344


>Men get their faces did + reactions

>> No.8696377

I've kind of come to accept that the vast majority of women are ugly in the modern view.

Keyword is view. Women are extremely competitive against one another. To this point, when makeup is heavily used, the curve kind of becomes fucked up.

The same would happen to men, but a man being self conscious is uglier than a man who would look better with make up.

>> No.8696387

Because women are a shit ton more competitive on looks than men.

Best way I can say this is that if a woman is ugly, she needs huge amounts of compensation to get a decent mate. Even more so for a reliable, and decent mate.

>So... would you be willing to go out with a really ugly woman who was rich?
>Uh... maybe
>Okay, would you be willing to marry them?
>Probably not.

Really is the heart of the argument. There are very few irredeemably ugly men. There are a ton of simply not competitive women, and the more the scales shift, the more competitive it becomes.

It's also why women tend to get really ass anguished about photoshopped media, and porn. How the fuck does one compete with an ideal that is unachievable?

>> No.8696388

is it even at all possible that maybe you didnt speak to these people long enough to actually find out their hobbies or interests. it would be unusal if there were enough people that were that vapid that you 'often' experience them.

Its just that you are judging them based on pretty much nothing.

if you meet a guy who likes ome guyish shows and dont really get to know him you dont just assume that is his complete life

>> No.8696416
File: 211 KB, 387x622, no fucks given.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your skin is marred with acne scars that makeup is the only thing that helps you leave the house
Fuck all the hurr no makeup fags, not everyone has flawless skin.

>> No.8696440

you really shut him down there bro good work man that guy got #rekt this is some real 4chan ownage going down

>> No.8696477

most people in general look bad tbh
so I think it's more of a statistical thing rather than sanitary

>> No.8696587

It isn't just makeup that makes your skin shit, explain all the guys with bad skin.
If you forbid her to wear makeup she'll hate you, and buy shit makeup on her own and hide it from you.

>> No.8696641

I wear makeup when I want because I want to. It has nothing to do with showing off to other people or 'attracting a mate', if it did I wouldn't wear it when I'm at home alone. It's nice to be able to cover up acne if I want to, it's nice to be able to have dark purple lips for the day, and sometimes I feel like wearing green eyeshadow.
I can't help but laugh at all the dumbasses saying that makeup is deceiving because you don't wake up like that. Guys, you don't wake up in nice, well fitting clothes that make you look nice. These women are obviously not waking up with gold eyelids, how fucking blind are you?

>> No.8696699

That's kind of the argument being brought up.

A lot more girls are ugly than guys.

Of course, point of view is kind of a bitch.

Please, everything you do to improve your appearance is deceiving in some way. You are hiding imperfections and capitalizing on strengths.

There would be not real pursuit of beauty without it.

>> No.8696717

That's the point, it's no more deceiving than wearing clothing, but no one demonizes men for wearing nice clothes because they're 'trying to hide things and lie'.

>> No.8696787
File: 55 KB, 422x418, 1408283794101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why you would need make-up except for playing around with colored eyes or lips.

If you have a proper diet and drink lots of water, you don't have to worry about most of the stuff make-up tries to conceal.

>> No.8696825

>implying people don't have bad skin despite good diet and good hydration
>implying skin conditions don't exist
>implying people don't worry about big pores (it's kind of silly, but it happens)

>> No.8696887

>more girls are ugly than guys.

ORLY? You'd think so, wouldn't you? If beauty is judged partly by how healthy someone looks on a very superficial level, estrogen is better for skin than testosterone by a wide margin.

>Estrogen appears to aid in the prevention of skin aging in several ways.
> In addition, estrogen maintains skin moisture by increasing acid mucopolysaccharides and hyaluronic acid in the skin and possibly maintaining stratum corneum barrier function.

sources: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11705091

Women's beauty is heavily dependent on the estrogen in their system, which declines with advancing age. (Our culture's ideals of beauty are often based on reproductive attractiveness or how "healthy" someone is. The terms are often interchangeable.)

>> No.8696929

>she needs huge amounts of compensation to get a decent mate

I honestly think this is more of a vast generalization on your part than anything else.It makes sense to assume an attractive individual would seek an equally attractive partner at least most of the time until you look at real life.

I've been surprised by the intelligent, beautiful women who marry less attractive men who aren't particularly charismatic or wealthy. Could this be because they're compatible personality wise instead? Not everyone who dates less attractive people is "settling", far from it. Is it possible for someone good looking to not have sky-high expectations when regarding the physical beauty of a possible partner? Now there's a novel idea.

>> No.8697259

This is the fucking truth

>> No.8697616

>I wear makeup when I want because I want to. It has nothing to do with showing off to other people or 'attracting a mate'

Women always imagine themselves in the third person.

>> No.8697628
File: 405 KB, 1269x1648, zP5lgNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wear high heels when I want because I want to. It has nothing to do with showing off to other people or 'attracting a mate'

top lel all this backlash by women who want to feel like they didnt waste all their time and money on makeup that makes your skin look like shit and that turns guys off

> well i dont care about guys!

yes we know women like to pretend that they dont care about guys because they're above that

typical women logic

>> No.8699039

This is important. Natural beauty does not exist in everyone. I'm not for or against makeup; I just think it's important to note that "without makeup" can vary DRASTICALLY from face to face in terms of how appealing one is.

I have been called ugly when out without makeup multiple times. When I have worn makeup out, the opposite has happened. I don't mind my own face without it, and in fact, I prefer it, but when heading out, a little concealer on the red spots and a bit of mascara makes me feel a little brighter. (esp. as a ging with 0 eyelashes)

>> No.8699059

shut up nigger

>> No.8699214

that's why traps will always be superior to real "women"

>> No.8699231

keep telling that yourself

>> No.8699252

Not reading thread but make up is used to up play and downplay features so when you see the playing field cleared of course you'll be surprised

>> No.8699344

If only there'd be more ppl like you on this board

>> No.8699362
File: 172 KB, 402x362, olaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like Olaf from frozen
>pic related

>> No.8699407

This isn't true. Most girls without makeup simply look horrible. Huge bags under walls, shitload of pimples, blotchy skin and redness on the wrong places. Makeup just ruins the skin, and the uglier ones use too much makeup thereby making themselves even more ugly.

>> No.8699435

Underrated post