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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 37 KB, 480x287, Zanerobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8683477 No.8683477[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ladies of /fa/

how does your ideal man dress

>> No.8683496

all of them are horrible

Im a guy

>> No.8683502

button up, chinos & desert boots <3

>> No.8683584

I didn't mean in this picture

also guys need not apply

>> No.8683875

Every woman just wants a 6 ft+ muscular guy. They really only care about their own clothes during normal occasions. The only point they'd tell their man to change clothes is if they're cringe worthy at dressing.

>> No.8683974

I like smart casual guys usually but I don't really care as long as I think they're cute.
Like >>8683875 says as long as its not cringey. I disagree about "muscular" though, I absolutely cannot stand it, only a little is nice... "toned"??

>> No.8683977


fuck off

>> No.8683984

wow rude. I was wondering if that's the word for it, guess not

>> No.8683986

toned is muscular just without the body fat

>> No.8683987

>dressing for ladies


>> No.8683997

Oh okay thanks
Then I retract my statement. Slightly muscular guys are cute.

>> No.8684011

>girls will like you not for your jeans but for your genes
>girls will like you not for your rick, but if you aren't a dick


>> No.8684012


Bullshit. It all comes down to the face. Whores will never admit that. You can be a manlet or unfit, if your face is great you won.

Before you spout anything, for reference i'm 6'2, in shape, and i still can't pull chicks because my face is fucked.

I hate just how these bitches are lying.

>> No.8684019

you need to calm down.

>> No.8684022

any indian girls here
why do indian girls keep talking to me

>> No.8684024

I cant remember anything, cant tell if this is true or a dream... nothing is real but pain now

hold my breath as i wish for death, oh please god wake me...

>> No.8684027

are you an Indian boy?
they want to breed ;)

>> No.8684031


The man is pretty into casual sportswear. Polos and chinos. Lots of neutrals, he loves different shades of blue, and then slightly off colors like pink-tinged clay or brown-purple maroon. He prefers Italian-y footwear like loafers and moccasins or relatively plain sneakers. No boots or high-tops, really. He's gotten into thicker soles like on the Lunargrands, so maybe he'll open up to some other new things, too.

>> No.8684032

read the sticky

>> No.8684036


>> No.8684037

no not at all

>> No.8684048

actually I just picked a random picture :)

>> No.8684069

Things I personally like guys wearing:
- Oxford/brogue shoes
- skinny jeans
- oxford shirts
- cardigans <3
- band t shirts (for goid bands - so I know true love)
- knit sweaters

- sneakers
- chinos
- hats of any sort

That's just my personal taste though. Everyones different.

>> No.8684075


>> No.8684088

damn gurl.. you've got good taste
thanks for a real answer :)

>> No.8684091


Sorry for the confusion. "The man" as in "the man in my life".

>> No.8684095

Full Rick.


Don't hurt yourselves kids.

>> No.8684101


They want you to be their white boy toy.

>> No.8684102

It's because you're white dude. Brown girls eat that shit up.

>> No.8684109

how can someone wear band shirts without wearing sneakers or casual shoes?

>> No.8684124
File: 168 KB, 2517x638, Screenshot 2014-08-21 at 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you literally described the stereotype for a hipster.

>> No.8684140

Boots or derbies

>> No.8684147

thanks, your welcome!

My exs all wore Dr Martens oxfords, I made my last get vegan ones because I can't stand real leather. Casual brogues work well with band t-shirts I think.
Although black vans are okay... I guess.

>> No.8684150

Skeletons draped in Ann D

>> No.8684152

Yeah, I know
Oh well, I like it

>> No.8684153

How u livin

>> No.8684177

>t. You can be a manlet or unfit

not true, i've seen plenty of girls complain about "hot guys" being short.

>> No.8684210

gtfo whore

>> No.8684222

Don't care.
Don't embarrass me with memewear, practice basic hygiene, don't be a bleeding idiot or a twat. All I ask.

>> No.8684233

fairly casual, nothing extreme but a little bit of flair is nice. I have a dangerous obsession with thin, tall men. clean shaven 99% of the time.

>> No.8684235

I like a guy who's developed his own sense of style. Otherwise I'd take minimalistic fits over fratcore any day. Hate boat shoes and pink shorts with a burning passion.

>> No.8684310

that makes things a lot clearer.
thanks for the info :)

>> No.8684329

fucken white girls

>> No.8684342

I bet you get wet when you see a guy wearing $40 brogues you basic bitch.

>> No.8684350


>> No.8684355

Fuck off faggot

>> No.8684367
File: 541 KB, 600x745, 1395171208711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8684368

I can tell you're a filthy pleb hipster who tries to be so unique and listens to bon iver whilst smoking weed and talking about politics and how disadvantaged aboriginal Canadians are at the hands of conservatives

>> No.8684371

You sound like a retarded Northern English fat bitch cunt.

>> No.8684428

You sound like a skanger. I'm not English.

>> No.8684429

why canadians lmao

>> No.8684430

lmao that basic ass taste

>> No.8684489
File: 142 KB, 800x1156, tumblr_n7qebcdF2I1sw8nmbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like pic related
except probably not azn
actually some azn guys are qt

>> No.8684527

Darn, you have good taste
I wish I could be that cozy right now

>> No.8684535
File: 190 KB, 552x310, do-you-even-lift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8684541
File: 81 KB, 450x670, hritik-farhan-bday-bash-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like a dad but fit

>> No.8684547
File: 2.56 MB, 960x720, 1397083812903.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like olympic weightlifter pyrros dimas

>> No.8684555

>Have an asian friend
>He gets depressed as fuck that white grills don't like asian men
>Have a black friend who is a grill
>She gets depressed as fuck that white guys (well most guys period) don't like black girls

They don't think it be like it is, but it do.

>> No.8684556

lmfao faggot

>> No.8684565

why people get buttblasted over 'toned'? what is wrong with this term?

>> No.8684569
File: 33 KB, 460x600, elkann_gr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

business casual but also a little scruffy ; )

>> No.8684574

>pyrros dimas
God tier.
It makes you sound like those women that wear yoga pants with uggs

>> No.8684578

because toned in daily conversation can range from anywhere from six pack skeletor to the dude on mens health.

>> No.8684583

only /fit/ gets mad because its a term that women throw around that is meaningless

> secret to toned abs

but in general everyone knows what it means = muscular but not bodybuilder

>> No.8684596

lurk more faggot

>> No.8684620

it all comes down to facial aesthetics to me, not race
thx bb

>> No.8684625

>mfw I have a haitian qt
>mfw couldn't be more loved

>> No.8685146

*muh cps and geobuxjets*

>> No.8685155

It means lean

>> No.8685178
File: 329 KB, 929x1781, tlbae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.8685186
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>> No.8685189


Does he need to have severe scoliosis as well or is that just icing?

>> No.8685192

no sneaks.
no hats.

You a basic bitch.

>> No.8685193
File: 62 KB, 597x800, naw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is also cute but not as fuckable as tl ofc

>> No.8685202
File: 1.89 MB, 910x1122, turnleft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think its because the abstract kind of feel. Like posing with humor and still being extremely sexy.

>> No.8685206




>> No.8685208


What are you a dad

>> No.8685212
File: 160 KB, 500x750, leftguyomg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also like this if i feel like it that day. left guy ofc the right one is too plebian
he was/is perfection miss him everyday ;-;

>> No.8685219

>tfw want to find a qt boy sheltered boy with great aesthetics and turn him into a /fa/g

i'm a guy btw

>> No.8685223

>I made my last get vegan ones because I can't stand real leather.
gtfo pleb whore

>> No.8685227

>thinking female attraction works like male attraction
Yeah if they dont want to fuck your brains out right there the second they see you, your a hopeless beta. Women respond to how you make them feel. If you're tall or have a good face, thats a nice shortcut, but a short ugly dude can pull hotties if he's having fun, isnt desperate for her (turn off. Women dont want to be MPDGs) and can escalate the encounter.

>> No.8685229


Well it's supposed to be a sexy post. It's like cartoonishly flexing but he's still flexing.

>> No.8685243


babby discovers cra-pappydiem, leaves for another board.

>> No.8685259
File: 59 KB, 300x500, harry-styles-lfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his style can either be on point or beyond retarded but i wish every guy dressed like this

>> No.8685261

>Hey lads lookit me oi'm Oirish!

>> No.8685265
File: 53 KB, 265x793, tlomgdying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt matter ilh and he has the best styles ive seen except from random hotties in town u obv cant take pics of :((

>> No.8685268

>mfw the majority of grills think this

>> No.8685272


>> No.8685281

I thought everyone here's a hipster

>> No.8685285

because it's dumb you don't get toned you cut and build muscle or bulk and build
only women and fags use that term

>> No.8685291

How can you not like chinos? Shit its so general you might as well say you can't stand long pants.

>> No.8685292

I think Ottermode is what you're looking for

>> No.8685308

Nope not true. There this one dude with 9/10 facial aesthetics in my class and a chick once said he would be perfect if he wasn't a manlet.

>> No.8685325

Women wants toned man is not even toned herself most of the time

>> No.8685329

y r u here?

>> No.8685355
File: 23 KB, 436x432, 1407473175060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw half of these comments are faggots pretending to be women, and the other faggots are falling for it
Next time you want to be the little girl lads, stop using emoticons so liberally paired with obvious bait answers, hearts in particular. No one does that past the age of 17. And those that do don't post here.

>> No.8685377

>typical Dr. Who fan
What else? A silly old coat and a british accent?

>> No.8685389

imagrill at least (could find the fit because i have tl's only response 2 any of my fits as desktop background. :^)))))))) only going downwards from then

>> No.8685397
File: 32 KB, 312x130, Skärmavbild 2014-08-21 kl. 23.59.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoooooooops pic ugh sry hashtag proof etc

>> No.8685406

Bullshit. Woman here, it's all face and personality, which is often expressed through clothes. Clothes are important.

>> No.8685413

>mad someone dislikes sneakers
>only wore desert boots three years ago

/fa/ is hilarious

>> No.8685424

So am I, teehee let's talk about fit lads, our periods and the Secret Fanny Club! :333 :D <3

In all seriousness, does anyone want me to post scans from some Japanese men's fashion mags I have? I was after saving a bunch for my boyfriend, but he doesn't need them any more.

>> No.8685434

Palewave obviously.

>> No.8685439

hes called that because its what people do when they see his ugly mug and shit fits

>> No.8685448
File: 445 KB, 500x500, Angus+Stone+PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything remotely like angus stone

>> No.8685458
File: 2.67 MB, 2592x1944, goallllss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maahahha i dont have period, i faint when i see blood so i got a birthcontrol stick in my arm. #GoT #safe :^) (oh you werent serious) yes please :)))))) i guess ill see what style is in there when you post it..?
so you're a lady aye? whats your type of men then hunty? :)))

>> No.8685460
File: 30 KB, 401x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything Charles manson

>> No.8685466

like this guy from the waywt thread. http://i.4cdn.org/fa/1408648405170.jpg bb you are stylin af

>> No.8685745

Hi, it's basic girl again

Quite well :)

Not a whore (only had four boyfriends ever - I'm going on a date on Saturday though, yay)
Asshole prefer the word "prissy" irl

>implying killing innocent animals so you can look good is cute

I've never dated a poor person, but I don't judge people and wouldn't mind as long as they were cute. I would say that I prefer that the quality/make of shoes were of good quality but that almost sounds obsessive.

I don't like Bon Iver. I don't smoke weed, it's disgusting. Don't care for politics either, funnily enough my dad is a politician.

I know. I would say I look and dress a lot better than the average girl.

They don't look nice, not that I've so far. Some simple sneakers do look okay.

I think they look bad. Simple.

I barely ever do actually (I prefer skinnygossip) just came back to read this thread. Didn't except so many responses.
/fa/ is interesting, but in a strange way in which I kind of feel depressed just looking at it.

But I'm British and yes of course I'm going to date guys that are British with the accents. Though I like certain Australian accents, those are kind of cool. Benedict Cumberbatch does dress nicely in sherlock though, although i don't find him cute.

Whoa, long response. See ya guys. Try not to be too edgy.

>> No.8685767


>> No.8685789

that looks basic af

>> No.8685792

It's about confidence. Stop being insecure and you'll get a gf. But even if you don't, who gives a fuck. You've got more important shit to worry about

>> No.8685795

2 true
am skinny fat, manlet 5'10 and yet i pull bitches

pics not provided

>> No.8685813

White girls smh
>dad is politician

>> No.8685835

>comfy sweaters
>comfy cardigans
>nice socks
so I can steal them/snuggle up in the sea of knitwear

other than that
>things that fit them well
>nice shoes worn at proper occasions
>no stupid fucking sandals ever with or without socks unless they have properly maintained feet... there can be
idk... other than that. I want them to be comfortable, but have an informed sense of style.

With my ex's I felt like I had to lower my fashion a bit... like by wearing teeshirts and jeans, so they could be comfortable around me.

But I hope that won't be the case in the future, if I meet someone

>> No.8685857
File: 26 KB, 511x428, rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kind of depressed just looking at it
Made me feel

>> No.8685866


lol so girls basically like beta loser indie film micheal ceras who probably listen to the smiths, joy division, the field mice, and belle and sebastian ayy lmao

>> No.8685883

m8, joy division are great though

>> No.8685896

Kind of true.

>Be 5'7'' manlet
>Grew up as a fatass and lose most of my weight at the age of 19
>Figure out I'm actually pretty handsome
>Girls that would never look at me twice come up to me and tell me I'm gorgeous and fawn over me

But it's also about supply, demand, and social presence.
>Being fat as given me a lot of indifference to social situations, and a lot of risk taking when it comes to women
>I'm also enough of a dick to stand out and be interesting

Still, it's a very strong change.
>Some girl I had a crush on gets drunk at a party, finds me, and tells me about how beautiful I've become
>Have long since gotten past her and just tease her drunk ass

>> No.8685899

they dont make bad music but everyone who likes them is a loser and if they stand to you as a post punk band you obviouisly dont know a lot about post punk. i know from experience i used to wear cardigans, a tumblrcore band t or button up tucked in to skinny fit chinos when i was 13-15.

>> No.8685913

> tfw i have literally never met i girl i think is even close to my level in attractiveness, fashion sense, intelligence, cultural knowledge, or skill in music and art.

>tfw i end up fucking dumb sluts at parties just to satiate my bodily urges

>> No.8685919

>replying to all those posts

jesus could you attentionwhore any harder

>> No.8685922

>mfw 6'4 athletic
>mfw have crooked as fuck jewnose and dark eye circles
>mfw pullin mad bitches

stay mad kid

>> No.8685998

oh and I forgot mild acne. It's actually hard to be this unphotogenic. I am I'm not even particularly broad-shouldered, 20 inches is pretty normal. I'm pretty sure its just my height, deep voice and fun attitude. I'm 18 btw.

>> No.8686078

as conceited as your post sounds, iktf m8.

As some anon said awhile back - "I've never met someone who dresses better, is more attractive, and has better taste in music than me."

>> No.8686287

Is this the nigga from weediqute on vice?

He looks like him


>> No.8687392

we just like stealing your sweaters

>> No.8687407


its turnleft

he was an unpopular trip on /fa/ for awhile back

>> No.8687415


cardigans are great it's just that most guys wear the most faggy of fag ones out there

>> No.8687422

thus, why we should steal them...
most womens knits are shit quality and don't even have functional pockets.

I fucking love my pockets.

>> No.8687431

men's knits don't usually have functional pockets either

>> No.8687439

sometimes they do
they're usually more usable than anything I've found in the women's section.
>tfw lana hands

>> No.8687465

Yes they do.

>> No.8687467


they do have pockets. My cashmere cardigan which I've had for 7 years now has functional pockets.

and id be pissed if my gf stole my nice cardigan, she can have my merino sweaters thou lol

>> No.8687473

maybe in a very basic sense but I have never found a knit that I would actually use to store my valuables

>> No.8687475

I don't steal the nice ones...
I take whatever shitty sweater they're willing to part with
and snuggle the boy when they're wearing the nice ones

just to fit your hands in. not hold things
literally I've had so many cardigans with just pockets for decoration, I can't even warm my hands in them. it's infuriating.

>> No.8687490

>>dark eye circles
Fuck yourself. Come back when you have ACTUAL deformities, like overbite or a weak jaw. Kid, you don't know ugly. You ain't shit. You don't know how to appreciate the fact that you have ENOUGH face. Trade places with a mouthbreather or a creepy shriveled looking guy and then come back and jerk off about your "jewnose" and "dark circles". Yes I am bitter

>> No.8687493

>dressing for girls

>> No.8687505

acne fucks you up mentally
without lube
especially if you're that narcissistic type of person, which you probably are if you're on /fa/

and btw, if you're fucked by nature, why dont you get plastic surgery? it's completely justified in your case.

>> No.8687521
File: 203 KB, 640x903, shears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.8687530

i know who you are. stop posting about me. less been institutionalized again lately?

>> No.8687531

You can't be fat or short.
However, you can be misshapen.

>> No.8687532


>> No.8687551
File: 145 KB, 480x640, 1304775222175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm short n girls love me

>> No.8687568

Hedi pls

>> No.8687580

>and btw, if you're fucked by nature, why dont you get plastic surgery?
I'm considering it, for my xbox-hueg overbite. My upper lip is out of line, man. Like, as I am now, I can never kiss someone passionately or get punched in the mouth, you know? It'd end badly for me. And even if I fix myself, my seed is fucked. What a situation

>> No.8687583
File: 93 KB, 580x760, image.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 me u /fa/ggots

>> No.8687604

you look like someone who
was confident in middle school

>> No.8687607 [DELETED] 

You people are absolutely disgusting. Men, you are WARRIORS, not a variety of flowers. Continue to rock hoodies, shorts, or whatever else.

A woman should be able to judge you by your character and pride, not whatever cloth lays on your back.

>> No.8687608

Lel. I was the bridge between the skater kids and the popular kids.

>> No.8687609
File: 17 KB, 318x276, vegeta_and_his_pink_shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are absolutely disgusting. Men, you are WARRIORS, not a variety of flowers. Continue to rock hoodies, shorts, or whatever else.

A woman should be able to judge you by your character and pride, not whatever cloth lays on your back.

>> No.8687612

Imo 9/10

You look like Colton Haynes would fuck and cuddle afterwards

>> No.8687615

*tips fedora*

>> No.8687625

Like they give a shit how they look. Sweaters, clean shirts, button ups, etc. I'm talking none of those shitty sweat pants+sport jackets+sneakers, only 2 pairs of shoes, lumpy clothes and torn shirts/pants. I dated a guy who didn't know how to dress himself and everytime we went out I felt way too overdressed despite wearing simple clothes. Never again

>> No.8687627
File: 42 KB, 479x720, 1385833067665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur clearly an alfa male ill take ur opinion very seriously

>> No.8687636

Ladies of /fa/ seems to be basic bitches. Only two girls of the 20 that i know that "are into fashion" know how to dress properly, i.e. not dressing like a slut when they have to dress formal, and knowing the flavour of the week in fashion terms.

>> No.8687643

>tfw gaybrahs r always hitting on me
>tfw grills seem uninterested when I talk 2 them

>> No.8687647

First, a man can dress however he wants. I wear t shirts and shorts and I do just fine with the ladies.

Second, I'm going to feel sorry for your girlfriend when she comes home to find you being fucked in the ass by another man.

>> No.8687652
File: 57 KB, 342x311, 6UqFzhH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incoming trunks shitstorm

>> No.8687655

Because you look like a qt3.14 twink

>> No.8687663

You look like you have uncannily long eye lashes, and quite the 'feminine' face. Not saying gaybros all look feminine, but that could be a reason

Girls either treat you like a girl because of it, are intimidated by a guy prettier than them, or also think you're gay.

btw i'd fuck your ass if you're ever feeling lonely

>> No.8687673

Trunks is a homosexual gardener living in middle earth.

>> No.8687675

Believe it or not, I actually respect fashion as a hobby. I respect everyone's hobbies. That said, I have my own critique to offer men who live in a world of self-consciousness and attempt to buy other people's approval. (and buying approval can apply broader than fashion itself)

>> No.8687886

lol, no. I'm 6'2" and I'm really fucking skinny.. I've got a skinny fat body and a low bf %.. my facial aesthetics are pretty good but having a shit body doesn't get you anywhere.. body > facial aesthetics.

>> No.8687963

/fit/ pls go

>> No.8687973

would fuck 10/10

who cares? we're not all hairless naked rat twinks god
have you ever man on man'd before? you're perfect for a sean cody scene lol

>> No.8687978


>> No.8687982
File: 135 KB, 500x750, Taka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like guys who dress in suits and business casual, like a nice pair of trousers, chuckas, shirt and a pullover. Maybe a bit boring to /fa/ but I like simple elegance.

>> No.8687999
File: 15 KB, 184x270, 6785605_std.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8688013
File: 310 KB, 853x1280, 1373951512210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saint Laurent to the socks

>> No.8688020

Ugh, Jesus fucking Christ that is absolutely disgusting. Made me puke in my mouth.

>> No.8688026

Made my morning

>> No.8688030
File: 262 KB, 800x1200, saint_laurent_menswear_fall_winter_2013_2014_5462_north_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8688041
File: 413 KB, 471x602, tumblr_mas1ly8FEQ1rezizro1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only black boy in a white school
>tfw dese girls don't dig black guys
>tfw not even the black girls dig

>> No.8688047

All of them work except for the outfit dead center.

>> No.8688050
File: 33 KB, 640x430, Debbie-20120406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil Debbie
Queen D
Webbie Vuitton


>> No.8688097

why you raggin the smiths m8
check riffs

>> No.8688292
File: 62 KB, 599x709, kimye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw been clean so i dont need it :^) bitch
(also i dont know who u are so stop writing/outing me cuz it obv aint tl)

>> No.8688315

You're probably just ugly and autistic. Why are people so quick to blame their race on everything.

>> No.8688324

Where do you go?

>> No.8688470
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Hey guys, have you ever thought that maybe... Not every single woman looks for the exact same thing in a man?!?!?! Wowzers, what a cuhrazy idea!!!!

>> No.8688513

they do, the ones that say they don't are the ones that can't get a good-looking guy and have set for an ugly one

universal truth:
nice face>tall>fit body

>> No.8688532

There is no universal truth nigga, all those things are GOOD, it just varies from girl to girl in which order they put them. That's why you see hot girls with both ugly guys who are ripped and weak guys who are beautiful

No chick is like "damn I love that out of shape guy, I sure am glad he isn't athletic!" or "Mmmmm I love me some disfigured faces on tall guys"

>> No.8688550


yeah confidence :~)
you forgot "just b urself" :~~)

>> No.8688555

voodoo pls stop

>> No.8688573

indie girls do obviously

>> No.8688575

is that right? cause i always had this theory that women dont go for guys unless they had ugly faces and stable jobs.

>> No.8688577

Go back to Facebook, dad

>> No.8688581

we aren't on /fit/

and everyone knows what toned means /fit/ just likes flexing their autism

>> No.8688591

>made my last get vegan ones because I can't stand real leather
oh wow

>> No.8688608

you should dress like a rapper

>> No.8688647


fucking slut cunt

>> No.8688655


>be asian
>not even asian girls want asians

>> No.8688700

Singer lana or archer lana?

>> No.8688710


">implying killing innocent animals so you can look good is cute"

You dumbfuck. Cows are killed for their meat anyway, so why should we throw away the hide? It's not the same as the fur of an animal that is hunted for the purpose of being made into fashion.

My god, you are a cunt.

>> No.8688794

that's just because you're fucking ugly, i'm asian and get my dick sucked everyweek

>> No.8688798


congratulations on being a faggot

enjoy your fat white daddy

>> No.8688836

You sound just like somebody I know and it makes me angry

>> No.8688852

nice try though

>> No.8688877

does being moderate help?

>> No.8688886
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>> No.8688902

Zanerobe Sureshots are probably the most comfiest pants I have worn.

>> No.8688965


>> No.8689312

>I'm 16 and confuse the thread

I know how you guys feel because I use to be there but I thought we were all over 18

>> No.8689342

things that fit well. that's like 90% of it.
darker colors, leather jackets, slim-fit jeans, chelsea boots, docs, knit sweaters, and even well-coordinated flannel all look nice as well. not really a fan of ocbds or chinos. definitely not a fan of boat shoes.

>> No.8689428

>be asian
>implying you're not a buttmad elliot rodgers

>> No.8690334

bump for interest

>> No.8690345


>> No.8690483
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>fitted suits where appropriate
>ray bans if he can pull it off (fight me)
>simple streetwear unless it's a formal setting (hoodies, nice sneaks, simple layering, nothing too busy)
>raw denim
>skate shoes (I still think dudes are cute in them, a fixation leftover from my high school days)
>gloves if it's cold out
>I like lunarcore shit but haven't seen any real guys brave enough to wear it in public
>tasteful tattoos

>pin rolls
>loafers without socks
>loafers in general unless he's going to church or some shit
>khaki shorts
>pointy shoes
>looking overly formal for just day-to-day living (tryhards are faggots)
>frameless glasses
>most hats with the possible exception of beanies if it's cold out
>floral/tropical patterns

>> No.8690488

i urge the rick combats

>> No.8690491


>> No.8690771

I wish I can grow my hair like gambino. but my shit grows in like a rag. Also, whenever I try asking out a chick or a chick likes me, They end up being jewish, why is that? Why do I attract jewish women? It's like /pol/'s worst nightmare.

>> No.8690800

>that black feel when

>> No.8690863

lmao your response got me fucked up fam

>> No.8690933

lots of lady-hate itt @ chinos, boat shoes, and obdc's. location-based? never encountered such distastes, but those are practically ubiquitous staples throughout spring/summer in the US/east coast, at least for the smart casual/prep/classic fit set.

idefk tho bc i'd just like to see ladies in Peter Pan collars, pencil skirts, and saddle shoes...so who's to say.

>> No.8690946

green coat elfmode fucker

>> No.8690951

Like a cosy lumberjack/fisherman.

Cable knit or fisherman jumpers.
Dark denim.
Flannel shirts.
Breton tops.

>> No.8690962

so would you say that if a guy was wearing chinos but otherwise had a sick fit, the chinos would ruin it for you?

what do you think of guys with glasses and what kind of hairstyle/facial hairstyle do you prefer

>> No.8690978

what do girls think of guys wearing girl socks (or girl clothes in general i guess)?
they have cool patterns and it's not like you can really tell

also do you like guys to have a more minimalist, monochrome approach or do you like interesting patterns and color combinations

>> No.8690987

jewish girls are sexy

>> No.8691013


>> No.8691045

See also the hate for pin rolling. Does that extend to cuffing, generally? That wouldn't mesh with the love for raw denim... (Samefag)

>> No.8691064

i don't get the hate for pinrolling, it looks so much cleaner and nicer

>> No.8691088

Agreed. Obviously. But my own personal style skews tweedy-retro prep with streetwear/punk detailing, so probably dressing more for me than for the girls.

>> No.8691114

so basically you're into homosexuals?
>skinny jeans
>band t shirts

2/10 made me reply

>> No.8691140

tfw have weak jawline and jew nose

kill me pls

>> No.8691146

comfy and casual mixed with a little bit of edge

>> No.8691211

I've got a 100% overbite but I still get girls. Overbites arent even that big of a deal lmao

>> No.8691230

laughed hard

>> No.8691278


Black shirt, black slacks
Brown shoes, brown belt.
Hair well groomed, nothing past the chin.
If tan skin, no beard and glasses. If pale skin, would prefer glasses and some sort of facial hair.
Ideally in the late 20s to mid 30s.
No 'jewelry' outside of a watch.
>I am a simple woman with simple needs

>> No.8691286

surprisingly, they are. That much I will admit.

>> No.8691328

as a jewess myself, I have to disagree tbh

>> No.8691338


>> No.8691343

Black grill here I look when guys wear Nike trainer shoes

>> No.8691344

jewesses tend to skew SUPER sexy or SUPER bridge troll/babushka. it's an either/or proposition.

>> No.8691349
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gril here, this is the best

>> No.8691380

Tucked or untucked?

>> No.8691383

>tfw no comfy azn bf

>> No.8691404




>> No.8691721

>black grill here

no way. prove it.

>> No.8691735


take your medicine

>> No.8691857

brb crying because I'll never be you

>> No.8691872

functional with a bit of his own personal twist. i hate it when guys over dress or over stress what there going to wear for that night ect

>> No.8691880

>black grill here
that would be so cool if it were true. Prove it!

>> No.8691885

proof that I am a jewess or that jewesses are generally yucky and jappy

>> No.8691963

you have the gayface

>> No.8691999

kill yourself you basic bitch

>> No.8692002

>i don't like this, so you can't either!

i don't eat meat and i fucking despise people like you

>> No.8692005

this isn't your personal blog you chubby attention whore

>> No.8692017

>implying there's a single actual female poster in this entire thread

>> No.8692109

>Bad teeth because of chew
>Casual drug user
>Flannel, skinny jeans every day
>Few grandpacore pants, jackets, and scarves which I throw in to make things interesting
>Inspo is all from nouvelle vague films
>Medium angelically curly hair bcuz no-poo and salt water

On a scale from one to Antoine Doinel how fuggable am I?

>> No.8692158

reproduction is fucking stupid, and if it motivates any of you dumbasses it's un/fa/ as fuck.

>> No.8692245

maybe you're just ugly

>> No.8692246

Sounds good except for the teeth and you probably smell.

>> No.8692249
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like this :'(

>> No.8692320

LMAO faggot

>> No.8692326

> I made my last get vegan ones because I can't stand real leather.

Dumb bitch.

>> No.8692327

B R E E D E R S !!!!!!

>> No.8692330

>caring about other peoples diets
lmao thats p sad man

>> No.8692337

Lol, my last tumblr girl gf wanted to be vegan but lacked the self discipline.

>> No.8692346

I kill innocent animals for fun because souls aren't real and it doesn't matter at all.

>> No.8692364
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I'm pretty sure ideal guy of most girls is 6"2' dark-haired (Southern European) guy with short hair and light stubble wearing tailored expensive suit without a tie.

>> No.8692366

would you kill a human?

>> No.8692372

Lol is this a "who is uglier" competition?

Even ugly people can have game

>> No.8692376

Great if they are long and you also take a pics of your shaved asshole from behind

>> No.8692379

No, I'd go to prison.

>> No.8693364

This is funny, /fa/ggots ask a girl what she likes, she doesn't say the kind of things /fa/ are wearing thinking theyre cool, they tell her shes wrong.

>> No.8693409

I have a question. Also my first time posting. Does it matter to ladies weather a man "matches" color wise?

>> No.8693420

Can't help you on the girl clothes but I do agree they have waayy more choices than men on style. It may be ocd but I have to wear matching everything, so I usually have a Max of 3 colors.

>> No.8693426


This is genuinely the ultimate guy.

There is no pussy someone like this could not slay.

>> No.8693449

I like how this thread evolved into guys talking about the ideal style they like to see on other guys

>> No.8693462

2009/10, pls

>> No.8693470

Think about how hard his life with be, every time he goes into the storage room to get some pens someone trys to grab his crotch, guys/girls would constantly be trying to fuck him/

>> No.8693473

>universal truth
>objective subjectivity
nice b8, m8, 8.8/8

They're rhododendrons, how basic can you get

>> No.8693483

youre probably like 5 foot tall
else i will go and kill myself

>> No.8693499


just look at kanye

>> No.8693554

>mfw some of you people are dressing for womyn

Seriously guy it's just a hobby, like I genuinely enjoy hunting for grails online, copping them, and wearing them. It really shouldn't play that big of a factor in terms of how this can help you get a girl.

There are so many things that play into what a woman wants, but I think the most important factor is confidence. Have confidence and yourself and just be fun. If she doesn't like you then she just doesn't like you m8 no need to get hurt about it.

>> No.8693588

itt: people dressing for themselves being mad about other people not prefering nextlvl clothing

>> No.8693611

that you're a jewess

>> No.8693654

if youre not dressing for women, your dressing for men...
you come here, post ''hey guys, do you like this'' will I look fashionable among my peers. will they like me, will they think im cool.

its one or the other faggot.

>> No.8693657

>implying everyone who posts here does so for the board's approval or posts in the waywt
Close, but no, anon.

>> No.8693704

does this seem like extreme projection to anybody else?
>its one or the other faggot.
so the only possible reason anyone wears clothes is for others? because i buy and wear things that i like because i like them

>> No.8693724

you're dating average women

>> No.8693803

Girl socks are comfy AF, and I am never going back. I also have started buying some girl fit tees, mostly from concerts where the cool designs aren't on the men's shirts. I think if you can pull them off then they're totes fine.

>> No.8693807

Also I'm a straight guy. I forgot what thread I was in.

>> No.8693828
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i don't much care how they dress as long as it's black

>> No.8694132
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dress up as a prof they are my fetish

>> No.8694168

Girls will complain about anything. The trick is to ignore it.

>> No.8694328

Dresses according to his body type, coordinates his outfits well, mixing basic pieces with more flashy ones from designers like Raf Simons, Bernhard Willhelm, Wali Mohammed Barrech etc.
Must not be afraid of color. Cool, quirky, weird socks is a plus.

>> No.8694369

i kinda laughed to myself thinking about you and him walking down the street together just because the style you painted as his and yours seem so different

anyway that's cool, you did a really good job at describing him

>> No.8694791

what a gaylord.

>> No.8694828

that's because you have a heavy cinderella complex and maybe were molested as a kid and have an unhealthy attraction to male authority figures. you will cheat on every male your age that you date with an older man

>> No.8694843

>people still buying into the belief that women by default know anything about fashion

>> No.8694894
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you shitpost on 4chan to let out steam and frustration caused by being a massive closeted poofter. Your da diddled your kiddy fiddle when you were ten before walking out on your mam, and you yearn for his warm touch and affection in the cold lonely nights ever since then.
But no amount of shitposting will bring 'papar' back as you were an accident and he never cared for you. Now you resort to offering your limey starfish to hairy pakis in public bathhouses in hope that someone will fill up the empty void left by your father.

>> No.8695061

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.8695069

Thanks, based Freud!

>> No.8695145


>> No.8695157
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>> No.8695203

as with men, most are plebs and stick to whatever the other girls are wearing (i.e. what the fast fashion stores dictate them to wear)

>> No.8695257

pls b in london

>> No.8695449

when you realize this everything changes