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File: 88 KB, 592x356, wotm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8682915 No.8682915 [Reply] [Original]

Yfw Cillian Murphy is a 5'6" manlet

>> No.8682917

i always thought he was tall for some reason. and i was wondering why he wasnt getting more roles in movies. now i know. thanks anon

>> No.8682980

the diagram is retarded the yellow line starts a decent distance above JGL's head and then isn't parallel to the ground. A better line should be drawn parallel to the Inception lettering in the background. Having said that CM still looks like a manlet.

>> No.8682982
File: 153 KB, 800x612, celebheights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He almost looks shorter than 5'6" next to 5'1" Ellen Page, right?

>> No.8683017

tom hardy is a manlet as well. funny how the only decent height person in this photo is asian heh

>> No.8683018

dude on the left has the sloppiest fit ever

>> No.8683025

>tfw azn master race
>tfw have to stand near white manlets

>> No.8683029

awful fits

>> No.8683053

Yeah it's totally his height and not his creepy looking face.

>> No.8683067

he needs the wide pantaloons, you know m8 ;P

>> No.8683079

Google says he's 5'9''...

>> No.8683085

i think his face is handsome in an interesting kind of way. he looks pretty slim and doesn't look 5'6" on screen like tom cruise looks. he must only weigh 60kg or some shit

>> No.8683093

don't these people have their own stylists?

they need to be fired

>> No.8683112

wish leo would lose some weight. curious how he would look at like 10% bf at 40 or however old he is now

>> No.8683137

All of Hollywood is manlets. The tallest person to ever be in any movie ever is like 6'0" this is fact

>> No.8683222

max 5'7 if you consider tom hardy is 5'9

>> No.8683223

Google only posts listed heights by agents, which tend to be inflated in the interests of getting better roles.

>> No.8683228

I thought most added an inch. 2-3 inches is embarrassing

>> No.8683233
File: 115 KB, 768x1024, 1407708653954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw cillinan murphy is actually your height

things are lookin up

>> No.8683236

You'd be surprised how exaggerated some heights are in Hollywood. I've seen 5'9.5"ish guys pose as 6 footers. Can't think of any particular names off hand though.

>> No.8683253

well ken watabe is a god emperor tier asian

>> No.8683263

Tom Cruise has no problem getting roles though, neither does Robert Downy Jr. Not even Marky Mark has trouble getting roles and he's not even a good actor.

>> No.8683270

He has something that makes me want to have him as friend/drummer.
Or as bf
>n-no homo

>> No.8683276

tom cruise finances a lot of his roles though
no idea how wahlberg gets work, he's fat and he hasn't aged well, is not that muscular or built compared to other roiders like D Johnson or jackman, and he can't act for shit

>> No.8683277
File: 124 KB, 5000x2571, 1408297590789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things are lookin up
like you have to do when you talk to someone?

>> No.8683307
File: 227 KB, 1680x1050, 18_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1v1 me bitch

>> No.8683318
File: 46 KB, 5000x2571, 1408297590789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to get a sore neck looking down at you, sorry manlet

>> No.8683333

>5'7" making fun of 5'6"
6'2 here, grow the fuck up

>> No.8683342
File: 33 KB, 460x355, 44854478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google height of Tom Hardy and Joseph Gordon-Levitt
>Hardy is 1,75cm and Gordon is 1,76

How tall is Cillian according to Google you ask?
>1,75cm also

>> No.8683354

>implying i'm not 6'1"

>> No.8683364
File: 179 KB, 670x523, 1408444112134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I wouldn't get a sore neck looking down at you, manlet

>> No.8683404

I'm a weak 5'8". How fucked am I? 5'9" in thick shoes.

>> No.8683426

this is deeply upsetting, he's aesthetic as fuck

>> No.8683439

this, sorter leading men look better on camera otherwise it looks weird next to the leading lady. Hollywood is full of average women and short men

>> No.8683445
File: 60 KB, 720x480, inception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in retrospect it shouldve been more obvious

look how big his head looks compared to his body

>> No.8683465

you're not that fucked. for the most part guys your height can pretty much get around being "normal" and not short, if you have good posture. most girls will still give you a chance. sure, you might miss out on some chicks that like taller guys. you only really start running into problems around 5'7" and below, and it really will start affect the amount of women you can attract.

tl;dr if you're good looking and dress nice, life will be good at 5'8" and beyond

>> No.8683592

he requires a large trouser size
hes a big sort of guy

>> No.8683596

IMDB puts him at 5'9"

>> No.8683602

he's probably quite an out-sized fellow
a smaller suit would be extremely painful

>> No.8683612

depending on where you live, you can be 5'5" and still be ok
I live in Italy and I'm perfectly fine at 5'7", same goes for some friends of mine who are between 5'5" and 5'7"
the only person who ever made a complain about my height was a womanlet I know, but average and tall girls have usually no problems with short(er) guys...

>> No.8683641

he was so effay in Tron Legacy though!

>> No.8683794

It's pretty ironic how really short chicks aren't attracted to shorter dudes, while the taller ones don't mind as much. I've seen this where I live as well.

>> No.8683795

>too tall for the camera
>too short to model

>> No.8683799

>too short to model

Completely untrue. the average is 5'11-6'3"
6'0.5" is truly ideal actually.

>> No.8683946

>delusional manlet

>> No.8684326

cite sources that disprove my statements. no reputable designers let 6'4"+ ugly giants model anything. stay weird and lanky, tallfag.

>> No.8684338
File: 10 KB, 312x335, 1381759117478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when i bend down slightly so i feel like i'm on the same level as the manlets are in photos

>> No.8684385

for you

: ^ )

>> No.8684712

watch what you say about bane

>> No.8684724


>> No.8684892

He's still the best looking guy on that photo. DiCaprio has a fat face, Gordon Levitt has always sad eyebrows, the rest is ugly too.

>> No.8684920

like it matters, cillian murphy has perfect facial aesthetics and incredibly handsome and sexy as fuck

as far as why he isn't getting that many roles compared to people like marky mark, is that cillian unlike many actors handpicks his roles and wants to be in quality stuff, rather than just saying yes to shit

>> No.8684966

>like it matters

Oh, but it does. Height is the single most important trait of attractiveness. Nobody takes short people seriously, we just pretend to.

>> No.8685011

i bend down even further to suck their dicks.

>> No.8685018


It feels so weird when I talk to short people, or if I stand next to them and tower over what they are trying to show me

and I'm only 6' so I don't even wanna know what it feels like for 6'4" guys

Also cillian is a great actor, don't give a fuck

>> No.8685038


it only feels weird when you start to think about it though

like i have a very short friend, and it only start to bothers me when he say some shit about his height

i'm 6'2

>> No.8685043

I'm 5'7

>> No.8685066


It's such a big difference though with mostly women who are short.

It's also "weirder" when they are an "authority" figure like a teacher, or doctor lol

anyway yeah I try not to think about it but it's hard not to when you open the door together and your arm can completely go over their head

>> No.8685107

this is like when i get assistance from some swole ass manlet at the gym but they are cool as fuck but it feels wierd as fuck standing next to them

>> No.8686603

Current DiCaprio >>> boi DiCaprio

>> No.8687119
File: 122 KB, 240x320, 1404162665077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'1,was with two grills and my friend today
mfw friend is 5'5 and girls are 5'2 and 4'10

>> No.8687163

I'm 6'2" dating a 5'2" girl. I think it might have to do with averages genetically. Because the more masculine you are and the higher the testosterone levels the more attracted you are to femininity and vice versa. While the more androgynous you are the more androgynous your ideal partner. This keeps respective hormone levels in offspring healthy. So maybe a short girl would want a tall guy for offspring more close to average in the same way. Look at Shaqs betty.

>> No.8687192

So much pseudoscience it aint even funny

>> No.8687203

Actually the first statement is proven and taught is psyche 101 everywhere and is in multiple documentaries.

>> No.8687283

I'm 5'11. I don't know what it's like for legit tall guys but I don't "feel" my height very often.
I think if I was around really tall guys it would give me perspective to feel taller than people.
But as it is it's like I only feel I'm as tall as the people I'm looking down slightly at.

>> No.8687875

ellen is wearing heels

>> No.8687988

Christ you sound like an asshole.

>> No.8688052
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1348747254631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'3 here, feel it all the time. im so used to looking down at most people that if i have to look up it's genuinely surprising. it's weird feeling like a tree then seeing someone taller than you.

>tfw qts want to sit on your shoulders during events to get a better view

>> No.8688066

You know at least some of the short guys that pick fights with you probably got stuck in a crowd behind a tall guy that let the qt on their shoulders once.

>> No.8688438

literal autism

>> No.8689282

You Americans care way too much about height

>> No.8689287

Tru dat, i'm 173 and never had any comments from someone about height.

>> No.8689619

shit, being 4'10 must suck, even as a girl

>> No.8689700


> I only feel I'm as tall as the people I'm looking down slightly at

I feel this too, also 5'11 here
Like walking down the street I never really feel tall, but I'm definitely taller than most people - at least 2-3 taller than older dudes and maybe an inch or so taller than people my age. I'm sure the /fa/ + /fit/ height thing is a troll