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/fa/ - Fashion

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8659260 No.8659260[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever worked or been in a department store, /fa/? Tell us about your worst department store experiences.
>near closing time
>Indian lady in front of me
>she's trying to get everything cheap as fuck
>5 minutes until closing
>trying to laugh silently as she makes dude triple check her receipts and put shit back
>no that's a special the discount won't work
>it work trust me
>it won't work
>OK try you work here but try
>doesn't work
>we are officially closed over intercom
>OK put this one back
>laughing really hard, register guy let's out frustration as she leaves like ten minutes later
Its always the Indian people.

>> No.8659296

I work at kohls and now I have a burning hatred for indians and vietnamese. They are trash. The worst kind of trash. The gooks take advantage of coupons constantly and the indians make you put anything over 4 dollars back and make sure to buy the uggliest shitty clothes off the clearance racks. They also smell and leave messes everywhere they go. And I even hate the way the men walk about with their hands clasped behind their backs while slouching. And their children run amok Fuck indians. At least the gooks are polite.

I hope to god I get a job at a better store at the mall where they won't come anymore.

>> No.8659314

I work at the fucking mall. You get less Indians but they get replaced with fucking Jews and annoying white bitches. They'll always try to tell you how to do your job and be cheap as fuck

>> No.8659323
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>tfw cant beat the shit out of these snobby faggots without getting btfo from job

fake smile always
it hurts

>> No.8659326
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>Been in a department store
Only plebs have ever been in one.

>> No.8659343

Nordstrom? I mean I never buy anything from kohls even though I work there but I've bought shoes from nordstrom and dillards. Macys, kohls, and pennys are the shitty ones. I don't know anyone who has been in a sears in the last 10 years.

>> No.8659348

>taking advantage of coupons

>> No.8659372

They get like 30 sunday papers and use the 10 dollar off coupons 30 times in the same day with 30% off then demand you give them kohls cash back even though it was limit one per customer per day. If you say no they go to another cashier in a different department and keep trying. They also used to sign up tons of emails when we gave 10 dollars off for signing up and only buy off clearance though slightly better than the indians.

>> No.8659399

This shit makes me fucking depressed.

>> No.8659401

At least they don't smell and aren't all hideous.

>> No.8659406

I've heard that you have to somehow get the smell out of clothes when Indians try it on and don't buy it

>> No.8659408

ITT blatant racism

>> No.8659411

Fuck you indian.

>> No.8659413


>> No.8659420
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brownboys arent a race

because its incorrect retard dune coon

>> No.8659421

Racism on 4chan?!?!

More like xenophobia, pleb. We're talking about the imports not the local borns.

>> No.8659428

What really sucks is when you try to be nice to someone cause they don't seem like a douche and then they try to get extra coupons out of you or send their kids into the line so they can get more coupons too. Like really you bitch? Fuck trying to help people. I only help people that I've seen multiple times in the store and I know aren't assholes now.

>> No.8659432
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that's it

>> No.8659435

haha I love watching that guy on YouTube. There's one where he chugs this whole bucket of olive oil. Straight fucking olive oil.


>> No.8659455

People who obsess over fashion and clothes tend to be the most materialistic and vapidly vain, so it's only natural that they would also be racists.

>> No.8659461

Go work retail for a year.

>> No.8659473
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no thanks, I got an education and have a career

>> No.8659478


>> No.8659489

by the sounds of it you sound like a poor fag who spends all their money at nordstrom like the idiot you are. Go to school you dumb fuck.

>> No.8659495

I work and go to school because I have time management skills.

>> No.8659514

"by the sounds of it" you sound like a buttmad Indian.

>> No.8659523

>go to school
4chan is for over 18 year olds mate

>> No.8659536

Try harder shitskin have fun working it

>> No.8659573

>Go work retail for a year.

I liked what that guy said about Kohls. We don't have that in my country but we have "Coles." My sister works there and it has given her a hatred for... Vietnamese and Indian people.
She hates, among other things, when the Vietnamese people take what she considers to be unfair advantage of specials and buy everything.
Personally, I don't see why that one should get anyone mad. Shits there to be sold, right? It ain't a charity.

>> No.8659585


I agree. Sure, it's frustrating, but if your company didn't want people to use the coupons, they wouldn't mail them out. It's just part of your job and being professional, even in an entry-level job, means doing what needs to be done.

>> No.8659623
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If I may ask, how did you get a job in retail? I'm assuming you don't work in a Macy's from what I've seen. Did you have previous jobs in retail before? Was it because of your education? I would love to work in a high end fashion store buy I know I'm not qualified because I look at clothes and fashion related things in the Internet.

>> No.8659630
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I worked in a Banana Republic store for almost a year, I could tell you some shit

>Every couple months have sales like 30, 40% off everything (including already reduced items)
>Prices would be pretty good, like $10 for a decent sweater, $5 for a shirt, stuff like that
>All kinds of minorities in the store during these sales
>Asian families that aren't used to our customs, act like dicks the whole time
>Black families with like 8 kids, all their cousins, aunts and uncles and shit raiding the clearance racks
>Indians, Middle-easterners, etc
>Everyone rooting through the clearance racks, throwing clothing anywhere, never back onto the actual hangers and racks
>If something they're looking at is folded you can 100% fucking guarantee they'll unfold it, even if it's a god damn plain fucking shirt they'll unfold it

>Entitled white people bring three sizes of each item into the fitting rooms, then make you run for more sizes of the same item when they can see you're busy putting the too-large asian family into fitting rooms

>Fucking 5 minutes until closing
>Black women every fucking time
>Close to 100 items, all clearance, all under $5
>Multiple sizes of the same item

>People banging on the door 10 minutes post-closing asking if we're still open cause they can see shoppers still inside

and the be all end all of retail:
>no price tag/tag fell off

>> No.8659690

>>Entitled white people bring three sizes of each item into the fitting rooms
who doesn't do this though, it doesn't matter how kewl your clothes are if they don't fit

>> No.8659699

> Bob's stores
>not effaay
> hated that shit

>> No.8659702


Tumblr is leaking again

>> No.8659705

I understand bringing more than one size if you're unsure, but it's more about them not being able to get their own shit when they can see there's a line of people waiting and only one or two people working

And I know
>hurr durr it's ur job tho
and I'm okay with that, but god damn some people some times

Had to make this bitchy twenty-something wait like three minutes while I was helping someone else out (this person had my attention first anyway) and when I came back to her and asked if she still needed a hand her response was
>"never fucking mind if it takes you that long"

*shoots self*

>> No.8659711

Shit nigga I work at old navy and every fucking day is like that. People will unfold an entire table of shirts looking for a size. Clearance is always the worst part of the store cause people are lazy and can't put a fucking shirt back onto a hanger.

>> No.8659721


As with most folks, you have to start small and do your best to be quiet, work hard, and learn as much as you can. I met the Western US buyer for Nordstrom at a career fair/panel thing and she recommended me for just a summer retail job in women's denim, which is where I got my first start. Outside of the retail aspect, I asked a lot of questions of my managers and merchandisers to try to learn as much as I could about the operations side of things during my short time.

Afterwards, I continued school and as my course load lightened, I decided I wanted to work again, so I applied for another basic retail job at a entry-/mid-price men's boutique. It was my first experience at a small business and my boss was kind enough to give me opportunities to grow, like learning how to handle purchase orders, budgets, SKU database, e-commerce, etc. Just a little bit of everything. I got my break when he couldn't attend a tradeshow and he sent me in his place for a few days, which was a pretty big deal to me at the time. That was when it really clicked and I figured out that I had a certain affinity for sorting through large amounts of product to pinpoint certain ideas, themes, and so on. I wound up being his assistant full time for a while after I finished school, but he was moving on, so I needed to, as well.

To pay the bills while I figured out my next move, I took a job at Bloomingdale's, which was my first direct interaction with men's and women's ready-to-wear, along with plenty of contemporary, bridge, and premium denim stuff. But I was assigned to work the designer floor, so that was when a lot of what I'd spent my free time reading about Margiela, Junya, Prorsum, etc. began translating into actual work. In the meantime, I was approached by Hugo Boss and they gave me contract work as a sort of liaison; basically a pair of eyes on the ground to monitor their business within the store and to ensure that their demands about stock and sell-through were met...

>> No.8659729


At this time, an acquaintance of mine had opened her own business and we reconnected and finally I escaped corporate life. Haven't looked back since.

>> No.8659732


Did anyone else here ever work on Black Friday?

Truly life is hell.

>> No.8659739

>finally I escaped corporate life
Was it that bad?

>> No.8659741

I feel u

>Folding a table display of mens sweaters
>Fucking merino wool annoying as fuck to fold, never looked nice for more than 5 minutes
>Older woman takes one out of my hand that I had JUST folded, was about to put down on the table
>Unfolds it
>Looks at it for a good three seconds
>Throws it on the table on top of the folded sweaters
>Looks at me like I did something wrong

I don't even

>> No.8659744

I actually just got interviewed there. At least you only have to deal with trash every once in a while instead of all the time.

>> No.8659755

That's really cool dude. Are you still in school? What are you studying?

>> No.8659762

just take one and size up or down depending how it fit? Especially if it's that busy man fuck

>> No.8659771

I don't see why anyone would need more than two sizes to get it right. Do you not know your size? Is your iq under 90?

>> No.8659778

I like Acrimony.

>> No.8659799

How did you not kill yourself? that store has lighting so sickeningly bright and fluorescent that it permeates people`s kidneys

>> No.8659815

lmao you cried about racism in the waywt and then post that

>> No.8659819

Whenever I go looking for clothes, I fold everything I don't buy neatly and put it back where I found it
>looking out for you niggas

>> No.8659827

Pretty relaxed. Easy work. Can walk around and do nothing for most of my shift and no one will question me since I know more shit than most people there. Yea the store is constantly fucked up because of stupid inconsiderate assholes but people there are cool and I don't mind. New uniqlo opening right across from us. Might go work there instead.

>> No.8659831

One in your size, one above, one below. Don't tell me you haven't heard of vanity sizing? Different brands size their clothes differently as well.

>> No.8659833


>> No.8659847


>>no price tag/tag fell off

I got a cashier job this week and somebody made that joke within the first five minutes of my first ever shift. I couldn't fucking believe it.

>> No.8659850

I pretty much always wear a large or a large tall.

>> No.8659858

I do this too. I just can't leave a mess behind me, it's good manners. People are savages. I can't stand going into stores during sales because it's a massacre.

>> No.8659900


Just not a good fit for me, that's all.

>> No.8659913
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Okay dude.

>> No.8659956

gotta remember that these are the cunts that bitch about "the youths of today"

>> No.8660048

>call somebody racist and edgy
>crying about it
okey dokey artichokey

>> No.8660058


>> No.8660087

go vent about it on your tumblr blog

>> No.8660155

severe autism

>> No.8660162
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have you ever tried cuddling wwith a horny alligator it's not pleasant

>> No.8660200

I've worked multiple retail jobs over the last 10 years. Every person who works in retail is racist. It doesn't matter what ethnicity you are every single person will say the same thing about ethnic groups.
>White people: Men are good, middle age women are fucking entitled cunts.
>Blacks: Rude for the most part, awful children, but depending on the store they will drop alot of money.
>Indians: The worst, always come in 5 mins to closing, stink, cheap, and try to fucking haggle in name brand stores.
>Asians: good for the most part but never fucking buy anything. It isn't even worth it to try and sell to them.
>Jews: Thank god there aren't any where I am.

>> No.8660237

What about spics?

>> No.8660287

I live in Canada so spics and jews are nowhere to be seen. However natives are just drunk welfare loving crybabies. They are fucking awful.

>> No.8660313

Fuck you curryniggers, you're the most obnoxious in a gym and in my uni classes

>> No.8660315

You're just mad because Indians are smarter than you.

>> No.8660340

lmao, I'm not him, but I'm in triple nine society. out of a billion shitndians, how many are there too?

anyhow, stay mad, indian trash, your race is worst, and if there was a button that erased all indians from the face of the earth I would press it, fuck the consequences

>> No.8660430
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Go where you belong.

>> No.8660455
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>> No.8660462


Literally the same as Indians with a bad accent.

>> No.8660467

It really depends. The ones that really suck are ndigenous looking mexicans/central-americans, but weirdly enough the ones from south america aren't that bad. Aaand brazilians and argies are always cool.

>> No.8660503

Used to work at JCP. Customers were the worst, literally nothing but cheap immigrant soccer moms who would fight to their very last breath just to get a dollar off their total price.

Blacks: Honestly they weren't too bad I'd say about 30% of them were assholes, sure there were a lot of them that would cop a bunch of clearance items that were 1.99 and if it were over 5.99 they would make me put it back, but most of the time they were nice so it's cool.

Indians: Literally the worst of them all, I'm talking wouldn't leave even after we closed down, they would make a mess and let their kids go wild, I remember one time a kid just ran up to the shoe department and knocked the displays while their parents didn't do shit. These guys would argue if their coupon didn't work or if it already expired, just horrible.

Asians: Not too bad as far as I remember, slightly better customers than black people.

White: most of them were nice, a few of them really cheap but at least they didn't make a big deal out of coupons, they still tried to get additional discounts but they weren't dicks about it. A few would make scenes, but that was like once every two weeks.

Spics: Depends, most of them just didn't understand the coupons too well and made a mistake with their items. Some were really cheap but they were dicks about it.

Overall most of the customers were really demanding, honestly it wasn't too much trouble since it was a retail job and I expected that much, but the ones that really got to me were the ones that made an unbelievable mess and would just overreact and make a scene if the coupons didn't work or expired, the ones that tried to take advantage of the employees completely pissed me off and I absolutely hated the customers that came in the store at the last minute and started asking for a bunch of shoes.

I'm working part-time at Urban Outfitters now and I can say while the customer base is plebby they're a whole lot chiller than JCP, plus there are tons of qts :3

>> No.8660545

i always put the stuff back onto the hanger, and at least attempt to fold them because i know its fucked up

>> No.8660568

I just want all the baby boomers to die already.

>> No.8660597

am vietnamese
can confirm that my parents intentionally do this

>> No.8660622

you ever get an old person at urban outfitters? couldn't imagine that.

>> No.8660657
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I've never worked clothing retail, but I did work at WalMart in grocery so I had to work black friday.
Jesus shit, people were prepared to get to WalMart on Thanksgiving day at like 1 PM just to buy a bunch of gifts for people? I had to skip being with my family too because of it. I think it is just sad. There were lines of people buying cheap things. I wouldn't care if it was Black Friday, but this was FUCKING THANKSGIVING I WAS WORKING ON.
Fuck WalMart. Stay home, cop shit online, and buy shit on cyber Monday.

>> No.8660671

Indians have a caste system for sure, and the Vietnamese are somewhat similar

If you want them to not treat you like shit, don't bend over backwards to "tolerate" or "respect" them or whatever 'cause they'll view you as beneath them. Be a dick

>> No.8660705

I always feel weird when I do this, but I also remember someone worked to set up the display.

As for the people who run back and forth in the fitting rooms, I feel ya. Try working at a drive thru liquor store in the ghetto past midnight.

>> No.8660706

retail a shit
fuck white ppl

>> No.8660708


I feel so bad for you.

>> No.8660710

>multiple retail jobs over 10 years
what the fuck

>> No.8660726

>>Entitled white people
tumblr feminist detected.

I know plenty of them and they complain about the same exact things all of the time

>> No.8660729

I walked through sears today because I parked in that area of the mall and I was surprised to see they carry Levi's in all fits including 510. Most department stores (except macys) carry all the shitty fits and ugly colors/washes. Plus sears look like they have decent flannels but of course a thrift is a better option for that

>> No.8660756

i work at petco, and holy shit the most snobbiest, rude people are always the white women.

like today
>hello, welcome to petco
>starts shouting out her phone number for her rewards card and going fast as shit
>hold on please, (i had to go into the computer to find her phone number)
>could you please repeat that
>starts angrily repeating her phone number
>shes found in the system, start scanning her stuff
>okay, the total is bla bla
>is this not your name maam.
>she sees her name, then grunts and pulls out her coupons
>scan her coupons, and after the fucking reciept prints she stands in the line checking if everything is okay
>finally walks out and leaves and leaves the cart in the middle of the walkway for the other customers

>> No.8660761

I'm a guy who hates both tumblr and feminism, so not quite

I also hate entitlement though

>> No.8660771


>no price tag/tag fell off

Cashier at this superstore called Meijer, YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE HOW MUCH I HEAR THAT LINE.

>difficulty scanning an item
>I have a blank look on my face because being a cashier isn't my position at meijer so im already not happy

and indians that need help looking for something will always ask you a million questions as if you're an expert at cups or fucking wasp spray

>What is the material of this cup?

Thank god I don't work in the 'fashion' department either, literally the ugliest of the ugliest clothes are sold here and fat fucks always in the clearance looking for something that's $2-3

>> No.8660773



>> No.8660777

so you're just a nigger or a spic then?

>> No.8660786

I'm white middle class

you're not very good at this

>> No.8660793

>what is the material of this cup

HAHAHAHAHHA holy shit did you actually get that? thats fucking hilarious

i fuckin hate it when people call us for questions that could easily be answered by google

>what should i feed my puppy.
>whats a good shelter to get a dog from

and the people who come in asking where the dogs are. what the fuck

>> No.8660794


I'm pretty sure he meant entitled in a diff way. Tubmlr hamplanets usually just use it as a synonym for racist.

>> No.8660811

i always feel like scum if i don't fold shit up after i look at it i don't know how other people do it

>> No.8660823

Dude yes. I did actually get that, there's been dumber questions though

>white entitled lady
>Asks me if I work here
>With this red shirt and name tag? No why?
>Asks me about one direction cd for her daughter tells me her life story
>Yeah we dont sell many cds here
>You know with the song story of my life? That one direction!
>Sorry not familiar with their music
>You can probably go to best buy across the street, probably even have it on vinyl
>What's vinyl?
>A record?
>bitch you're like 65.

>> No.8660829

>entitled white people

boohoo they all have daddy problems or their bf/gf left them

lmfao, go get real problems

>> No.8660875

yeah dude i hate it when they ask me if i work here

>standing behind cash register
>nametag on
>holding a product

"do you work here?"

and whenever i ask a question and they give me a sarcastic passive aggressive response

>do you have a rewards card?
>why would i want that, its not like anything is ever on sale anyways in this empty store *sarcastic laugh*
>*gives an even worse sarcastic laugh* ok your total is

>> No.8661077

now im scared to go shopping cause i know yall will be silently judging me as i look through the clothes with my brown skin

>> No.8661093

I started working at Dick's Sporting Goods about a month ago as an apparel associate. I've learned to hate every race
>Asian people
They're some of the most annoying customers to deal with since they're really cheap and they try to argue with you about prices. They try to lie and say they found something somewhere else because they want it cheaper
>White people
White dudes are alright, they're usually very nice, understanding if you don't have what they're looking for. Middle-aged white women/white moms are fucking awful though, I hate dealing with them the most. They get pissy and passive-aggressive if there aren't any fitting rooms available or if they've had to wait for one for more than a few minutes (if they have to wait for anything they get salty). And they take a shit load of items in there as well. If they're fat, they will make you walk them around the store looking for their goliath size while they complain at you and insinuate it's is your fault. Also they want you to change what the stores carry/what the clothing designers make
>Black people
Generally polite. I'm pretty sure they beat their kids so they're well-behaved in the store. The straight-up Africans (esp the Muslim Africans) are terrible. They do literally all their shopping (not just for work-out clothes) on the clearance rounders and make messes everywhere they go. They let their kids run around barefoot screaming all over the store and press the customer service buttons
I don't have any qualms with them. But they smell terrible most of the time and the fat moms bring their army of kids into the store who yell and cry and get lost in the racks
Horrible body odor. They think if they whistle you will respond. Some of the younger guys try to flirt, which becomes cringey very quickly

>> No.8661117

im so sad that my neighbourhood is progressively being overrun by indians

before it was mostly white with small respectful korean and black populations

since the indians moved in gang violence/crime has skyrocketed

every other race in the neighbourhood hates the indians because they are extremely racist, aggressive, and inconsiderate

when i work part time i make sure i apply in white, chinese, or korean areas so i dont have to worry about my safety

>> No.8661143

I'm mexican and I'm super polite when i go shopping, i know the pain of working retail however, everyone else in my family are rucking assholes when they get things.

>> No.8661193

i worked at jcp for almost a year, and Jesus Christ. retail will turn the nicest people into racists against Indians. they come in smelling like curry and B.O. and DEMAND you accept their expired cupon, when you don't they try to haggle the price.

second worst is white moms of course.
"i don't think ill be returning"
"I'll just have to report you to corporate for poor customer service."
do it bitch you think i like this job

>> No.8661376
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>white men master customer

>> No.8661389

Telling about how specific kind of people does shit is not racism but more a making of a statement.
c: italewe detected

>> No.8661414

Just be nice and you'd leave a good feeling for the shop assistant as you leave and he thinks "not all black-brown people are dicks, too bad majority is".
My own post gave me feels.

>> No.8661666

Fuck yeah LA Beast. Boy is a tryhard for sure, but I'd pound a beer with him.

>> No.8661687

That bit about it being free at the end got me. I was once inspecting a guy's 100$ bill and he looked me square in the eye and said "It's good right? I made it this morning."

Threw me the fuck off and now I say it to others from time to time.

>> No.8662397

that's because indians/asians are subhuman

>> No.8663556
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Morrissey pls go

>> No.8664033

Not the other anon but at one of my jobs there used to be an older guy (probably late 40s early 50s) that would wear a lot of high-school student brand clothes, like abercrombie. He was hungry skeleton mode and not ugly but it just stuck out.

>> No.8664270

please stfu

>> No.8665306

I work at kohls and luckily I haven't encountered many shitty customers yet. It's kind of nice

>> No.8665405
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>Ring up woman
>call for carry out assistance since she bought a chair
>no one comes for 5 minutes
>go to help her myself because one backup cashier there
>next lady in line almost has a stroke
>tell her the other cashier can help
>guy finally comes before I get out the door
>tell lady I can help her
I don't want any help from you. Actually what is your name?
Matt... Ok
>she then waits for the other cashier
>stare at her for 5 minutes
Pic related

Do you not know what first come first serve is?

>> No.8665524

Somewhere between Black and Indians without being rude. Most of them make manual work so the odor is forgiven.

>> No.8666041

When did tumblr come to stay?

>> No.8666448

oh my fucking god.
worked in kohls last black friday. let me tell you, i was ready to cry by 12:00 pm

>> No.8666473

Implying those children of criminals are white.

>> No.8667916


How does the entire fucking world manage to come up with this same shit joke. I've actually been reprimanded for bad customer service for not laughing at the joke. But it's 10 minutes before closing, I'm exhausted, I just want to wrap up and suddenly this shit out of nowhere. Then some middle aged faggot wants to make this joke... I just can't bring myself to smile. I look them dead in the eyes and pretend they didn't say anything. The mood gets sour quick. No more jokes.

>> No.8667925

As a retail worker, we really appreciate the effort.

It's pointless because 99% of the time you've done it wrong and I have to fix it anyway, but it's really nice to just know that you care and aren't a heartless cunt. It makes the 9 hours of bullshit that little bit easier

>> No.8667977

Every single person needs to work 6 months in retail and 6 months in hospitality. It should be required by law. If you haven't done at least one of these, I can guarantee you're an asshole. I know you think you're nice, but you aren't. Trust me.

Anyways, yeah, working in retail will turn the best of us into racists, even against your own race.

>Work in Smith and Caughey's, "high end" dept. store in NZ
>Have to deal with all manner of bullshit
>Mr. Caughey is pants-on-head retarded and has no idea how to run a store, basically only there cos no one else in the family wanted to do it
>Have to deal with his downy rules all day, my department manager is whipped as shit for some reason and enforces them cos she's afraid of "something happening"
>Customers fucking suck 90% of time

>Indians: Idk how it's possible to be that cheap and rude. You know the stories so I won't bother, but the thing that amazes me is how even completely naturalised Indians who were probably born in NZ are STILL CUNTS WHILE SHOPPING. People with zero accent haggling for a $10 tie. Where the fuck do you learn to behave like that?
>Asians: Annoying simply because there's so many of them, they all pay with cash (always $100 bills, even at the start of the day) and very few of them speak english despite wanting to ask me 50000 questions per product. I now need a degree in mandarin to work in a fucking retail store.
>Whitey: God do I hate white people. Entitled, shit-eating, spoiled cunts. How the fuck can you think you're so important you stupid fuckknuckle. Also clearly have no idea what they're doing fashion-wise. Minorities have shit taste, but at least they know what they want.

I needed to get that off my chest. If anyone from Auckland's interested, I have PLENTY of stories that'll change how you look at S&C when you go in

>> No.8667980

never worked retail and only have one bad experience

>in barneys in chicago
>some middle aged asians come up and browse the mens collection
>they bring their 4 little kids in with them
>the kids start racing around their strollers, knocking clothes off the racks, running around making noise
>stupid fucking gook parents didn't do a god damn thing about it

fuck people who think asians are "polite"
they are some of the rudest people i've ever met

>> No.8667986

Japs and most Koreans are polite. Chinese/Vietnamese etc are scum

>> No.8668001

shut up you k-pop listening weaboo

>> No.8668002

there are bad parents regardless of what race they are

don't try to blame it on them being asian

>> No.8668023


I'm still annoyed that i have to re-fold it but at least they trying

>> No.8668036

uhm that's why it's called work fuccboi, you need to be WORKING
>"omg that guy tried something on but didn't buy it, now I have to fold it...fuck I hate this job so much I have to deal with so much bullshit fuck my life you don't know how hard it is to work here"
ayy lmao

>> No.8668058

woah. do you work at the old navy in willowbrook mall?

>pls respond

>> No.8668117

If you try it on, that's cool, no way do I expect you to fold it. But we're obviously not talking about that. We're talking about when one stupid cunt unfolds every item on a table while absentmindedly staring at them with obviously zero interest in them at all, right after we've spent like 15 minutes doing the entire thing. I've gotten into the habit of staring at customers who get near folded stuff. They don't waste time that way, only unfold it if they actually like it

>> No.8668155

>work as cashier in a small town gas station in Switzerland
>everyone is fairly nice and polite
>the worse it gets is customers who don't salute back
>indians are the worst customers, but I haven't been too bothered

Must suck living in shitty countries guys...

>> No.8668185

>dfw not Vietnamese and don't do any of that but you fucks will automatically hate me anyways because I'm Asian

>> No.8668200

You didn't say a single one of those responses to her, you beta fag

>> No.8668219

used to work at a grocery store. Mostly white people though. I wasn't a cashier.

>one day walking back to dept from break
>some Indian man stops me (he was probably like 50-60 years old
>has a grocery list with him
>asks me where something is
I didn't do my shopping there so I really didn't know where anything was
>walk him around for a few minutes to find mayo
>asks me all sorts of questions about the mayo, which is the best kind, is it good for sandwiches
>so he picks one and then I'm about to leave when he asks me for help finding something else
>So i help him and then he asks again. I glance at his list and this guy is just going down the list making me walk him to every product he wants to buy

I passed him off to some some other worker.

>> No.8668233

what about fast food?
worked at a whataburger(Texas thing) for 6 months. literally everyday people bitching about their orders, eating half and then bringing it back. it was across the beach so spring break it got flooded. line out the door. old white people/couple blacks complaining its taking too long. like bitch you see the line out the door, you can't seriously expect your order in 5 minutes. should of thought about that when you were in line outside the fucking door!

>> No.8668240

>I intimidate customers into not buying things so I don't have to do 2min of work at an easy ass job

>> No.8668278

Currently work at Brooks Brothers.
Easiest retail job ever, and the employee discount is nice.

>> No.8668298

I work in a store in England, and honestly I've never had any problems with ethic minorities at all, everyone seems about the same. That said, the one set of people that tend to be the worst are FUCKING EASTERN EUROPEANS. They're like a combination of all the worst traits of any human being. Entitled, passive aggressive, leaving shit on the floor, unfolding clothes, knocking things over and not picking them up, using millions of coupons, refusing to buy things when the coupons won't get them 15p off the price, poor English, deamnding, FUCK

>> No.8668302

Yeah fast food comes under hospitality

Why on earth would I care if a customer buys something or not, I'm not the manager, nor do I ever plan on climbing the ladder. I just do my job, sales have absolutely no effect on me. In fact, this way I stop people from buying ugly clothes AND I can sort of participate in the inevitable downfall of this store, which is really a cancerous institution.

>> No.8668311

Eastern European here, sorry for my people. I've heard this stereotype heaps but I've honestly never seen it in practice. All the Easterners that come in to my store are normal as fuck. Try on clothes, ask for opinion, buy clothes. Quite glad I haven't seen the dark side.

>> No.8668487

eastern europeans are sub human and should all be beaten to death

>> No.8668523

? how doyou know how 2 speak english if your eastern shit ? your parents rich or smthng ?

>> No.8668546

>work in next as sale temp
>only shift i ever worked
>putting S shirts where L shirts should be
>repeat for 3 hours
>two children waiting with baby at bottom of 2 steps
>boy has scooter
>scottish old lady approaches me
>thickest fucking accent ever
>"oh really, should i go and sort them out yeah?"
>sarcastic as fuck
>carry on rearranging S and L shirts
she fucked off then having not bought anything

>> No.8668588

also, this isn't me being a cunt about fast fashion clothes but there's this one sort of shirt in there that genuinely smells like piss

>> No.8668603

>Work at ross
>can't directly confront shop lifters
>boss pretty much said to just shadow them instead
>end up standing next to shoplifter cutting security tags for a good five minutes
>tells me he knows I can't do shit about it
>he probably lifted 30 shirts or so
Such is life

>> No.8668610

ask him to get a few for you

>> No.8668661

> Working job at Rue 21
> Clothes are meh, knit sweaters in winter a nice
> Black people and Mexicans everywhere
> Black people think that I'm gonna give them a discount because I'm black
>"Yo bruh, hit me up with a discount, nah'mean"
> If their birthday is that month, I'll give them the shifty birthday discount, but that's it
> "You white acting uppity nigga mad cuz I'm droppin stacks on dope shit and you aint huh, caked as mofucka"
> Mexicans think they can outsmart me by using expired coupons, or coupons with someone else's name on them
> Mexican kids ALWAYS play with the clothes and pull shit off the racks.
> Mothers think it's fucking hilarious

Man, fuck people who can't shop like they have some sort of sense

>> No.8668759

I know right. For some reason I kind of assumed /fa/ had been neutered like /co/ or /mu/ but this thread put a smile on my face.

>> No.8668861

shit some of my friends have worked at meijer and I've heard some horror stories

>> No.8668951

Just remember to tip us 15% of the price of what you bought

>> No.8669027

I know it's not retail but I work in a mexican restaurant and Indians are still the worst fucking customers.
>can't understand their thick as fuck accent.
>get angry when you can't understand them
Also, I have never had an indian customer that ordered an item off the menu without making tons of requests.
>not too much cheese ok
>can I have extra extra onion
>do not cook it too much
>make it very very spicy
Why eat there if you're just gonna change everything on the menu.

>> No.8669498

Oh my god the Next Sale is something else.
>Last Christmas
>Been at work from 4:30am so obviously tired
>Big box of reduced price tights
>Some one drops in an entire cup of McD's coffee
>All tights basically ruined

>> No.8670382

I do this too but mostly cause I also work department store (TJ Maxx)

>in banana republic
>literally wearing ripped blue jeans and a dirty hanes t-shirt
>folding some shirt on a table that i picked up to look at
>lady comes up to me:
>"excuse me do you work here?"
>I look down at myself to exemplify just the kind of shit that I'm wearing
>"n-no i d-don't"
>"oh hahah it just looked you did cause of the way you're folding the clothes"

People actually think this? That to be picking up after a mess in a department store you HAVE to be working there.
Entitlement yo

>> No.8670842


pick one

>> No.8670873


"Got" is perfectly acceptable in this case. You're just parsing the sentence incorrectly. You're perceiving "I got" as a slang form of "I have" (in the present tense, which would clearly be a gaffe), but I believe he meant to use it in the correct sense and in the past tense, to mean "I obtained".

>> No.8670918

I agree with him you faggot, and I'm not even a weaboo. My roommate is korean and him/his family are great. I've never had issues with koreans, don't know many japanese. Almost all Koreans/Japanese I've met dont like the Chinese at all, think they're shit

>> No.8671018

I think it's funny that so many other retail workers view customer demographics primarily through race. Personally, I see age and whether or not they're tourists.

Usually, customers (Americans) between the ages of 20-30 are just fine. They're patient, cooperative, and understanding when I can't find what they're looking for. I assume it's because they're old enough to understand that retail sucks, but young enough to avoid incontinence.

40+ women tend to be more demanding and will bitch at you if they have to wait, or you slip up.

Also, teens. I hate them. They create massive messes, try on way too many things, and don't buy anything.

Of course, the applies to American customers. Tourists and other visiting people are, by and far, the worst, regardless of age. No matter who they are, despite not speaking a word of English, they will look at you like you're the dumbass, even if they're the ones holding up the line with their complete misunderstanding of how transactions work. Asian, European, Hispanic, it doesn't matter. They're all high-risk for obnoxiousness.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule.

>> No.8671234

There's also such a thing as being considerate a not a greedy piece of shit.

>> No.8671296
File: 231 KB, 1554x675, so mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of the younger guys try to flirt
r u grill?

>> No.8671305
File: 14 KB, 313x253, 420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you live?

>> No.8671312

I'm asian, went into nordstrom those fuckers kept eye balling me, it was a shame they had some good stuff, i just left and went to Macy

>> No.8672023

yo auckland homie here
spin me some yarns bruh, if you ever see some kid in beat-to-shit white velcros it's me

>> No.8672043

>asians thinking other asians are shit

asia in a nutshell m8

>> No.8672124

South Texas bro?

>> No.8672131

>cashier in small town gas station

i'm pretty sure being cashier at a gas station isn't the same as working retail at a department store

>> No.8672134


>> No.8672161

>People thinking the Chinese are shit

Humanity in a nutshell m8

>> No.8672338


This. I got no problem with other races but some other cultures are just genuinely shit and produce genuinely shit people.

>> No.8672426

i work in target and people call up all the time asking if we have this or that, which is fine, but sometimes they'll go "oh so you don't have it? can you ring around and find out which stores do and call me back?" like nigger you managed to fucking find our number and ring us you can fucking do the rest. these days i tell them we don't do that anymore cause they can do it themselves and it wastes our time, which is a complete fucking lie so sometimes they want to speak to a manager. fucking target

>> No.8672773

regards a shitty muslim

>> No.8672849

I was at Sears a month ago to buy an allen wrench for my car. Took me 20 minutes just to find an employee to check me out, and 20 more minutes to get through the line. Every single cash register was abandoned. I should've just stole it in hindsight. Sears will probably be gone in 10-15 years.

>> No.8672878

itt: over-analyzing races

slightly surprised at that, but srsly tho i'm a mutt and it's making me feel kinda lame but oh well.

i've worked in parts of the clothes departments a few times at my wallyworld job, it's so messy and the plugging is ridiculous. ): but i always catch myself cringing when i see people leaving messes at stores/restaurants now, so i try to keep tidy for 'em.

also people tend to flirt a lot, but it just feels weird since i'm trying to do my job, especially when it's older men ;_;

i'm not alone i'm sure you /fa/gs get hit on at ur work

>> No.8672980

Are you an american or something?

>> No.8673315

Yea I do.

>> No.8673364

I get a lot of girls that are flirty with me. Catch people staring sometimes too. With that much traffic through the store its bound to happen.

>> No.8673516

People who have been standing in line for 10+ minutes and wait until after you've rung up everything to start looking up their coupons really piss me off. They always take a ridiculous amount of time to get their shit. Like what the fuck were you doing in the line? It's not a damn surprise that youre going to be next you dumbass. Then I have to be the nice guy that says "Take your time" while they hold up everyone else because they were too stupid to get that shit ready

>> No.8673525

On my first day of my job at some family restaurant, this drunk guy waltzes in and tried to kiss me. Does that count?

>> No.8673553

rrriiiight but if you look later in the sentence, the tenses aren't parallel because he says "have".

>> No.8673865

all the retail stories amuse me.

>> No.8673913

4chan is a small world.

>> No.8673922

Why who are you?

>> No.8673930

Michigan or Ohio?

>> No.8674069

I once found a used pad in one of our fitting rooms. Was my first time seeing one...

>> No.8674194

One of my managers told me about a time where some immigrant had pooped in a changing room stall because they didnt understand english.

>> No.8675184

Indians are fine, fobby Indians on the other hand are not.

>> No.8675199

uh, just a dude who goes to willowbrook mall. didn't think i'd come across an anonymous poster on a puerto rican picture forum who works at my mall.

>> No.8675216


>> No.8675218

That's cool man. You work there or just shop?

>> No.8675254

>work at jd sports (uk footlocker-like chain)
>some fucking pakis enter the store
>buy some disgusting £20 trainers on sale from £50
>they ask me if we do buy one get one free
>I simply say 'no'
>hehehe hohoho hahaha I am so funny how about a discount you don't do discounts?
>no sir the shoes are already on sale and we don't do any discounts
>his paki stinky friends are laughing
>my manager passes by and hears how I allegedly disrespected a customer
>gives me that kinda look
>the pakis leave
>manager says he wants to see me in the office during my break
>he leaves before my break
>tfw he will probably tell me off tomorrow

who will he believe? me, a minimum wage slave? doubtful, rip my job thanks to fucking sand nigger knob jockeys god i fucking hate asian people i wish they all died

>> No.8675266

Worked at Vans and every day was like that. Now I work at Y-3, life has improved.

>> No.8675268

friends used to work at a couple stores there in hs, so i would hang around all day, but i'm in college now so i don't spend much time there

the place is getting some nice stores though, just saw the uniqlo construction when i stopped by last week. should probably leave old navy and hop on the qlo train, bud.

>> No.8675296

Thing is im basically next in line to become a manager. Getting tired of old navy though. The store's run like shit and it gets really frustrating sometimes. Lots of double and unnecessary work. I know at least a few people are leaving my store to go work at uniqlo though. It opens in a month so I'll see how shit goes.

>> No.8675308

Such an emotional response for where someone else decides to shop. Jeez.

>> No.8675311

Do you work at the NYC Y-3? That place is mad chill.

>> No.8675333

do you really wanna be the manager of an old navy though? especially that one, place sucks tbh. my cute azn friend is applying to work at uniqlo and i know another qt girl that already got hired, so if you're looking for some tail, you should transfer :^)

>> No.8675409

>willowbrook mall

is this in canada by any chance

>> No.8675422

northern nj

>> No.8675459

I bet you smell bad and wear polos to work out in the gym.

>> No.8675461

I've worked in retail for 2 years now. Just a grocery store in a nice area. Most customers are okay, some aren't.
>White women seem grand.
>Most white guys are okay, though some are pricks. Two ugly 60 year old guys in particular are always rude and blame me when they fuck up. Another guy always buys shit and then returns it 5 minutes later because "it's gone off" (smells and looks perfectly, in date) or "already open" just because the seal is slightly coming off.
>Indians - always come in massive fucking groups with heir family, looking for everything on discount. Not overly rude, but god damn they annoy me. Do their entire shopping here, even though we're more of a corner store. None of them are fluent in English despite living here.
>Not to many experiences with blacks, they all seem nice enough.
>Tourists from mainland Europe seem okay. Sometimes they do the Indian thing and come in with their shitty kids. Can be annoying when they have bad English. Most of them are fine.

>> No.8675478

>>Indians - always come in massive fucking groups with heir family, looking for everything on discount. Not overly rude, but god damn they annoy me. Do their entire shopping here, even though we're more of a corner store. None of them are fluent in English despite living here.


in the store i work at we got like 2 couches and everytime theres a fucking indian family noone else can sit anymore because its like 20 fucking people and they always buy the cheapest most disgusting things on sale just because theyre on sale and then TRY TO HAGGLE IN A BRAND STORE

>> No.8675489


Why should they be parallel?

He obtaines education in the past, and he has a career at the present.

>> No.8675494

I refuse to believe these stories. How badly have you fucked up to your manager to have him believe something some rowdy shitty Indians shout out?

>> No.8675496

the /pol/ is strong in this thread

>> No.8675506

The personal experience is strong in this thread.

>> No.8675509

They are the fucking bane of my work life. Another things which happens the whole time is people come in asking if we have an ATM. There's a sign outside saying there is, so it's not like they shouldn't know. As I said, the shop is small, if they look for 5 seconds they'll find it, but always come up to the register and ask where it is.

You'll notice patterns if you work with people from a diverse background. Obviously, there are exceptions, this is about stereotypes.

>> No.8675519

I'd never done anything but that guy is a fucking prick and hates me for some reason. He only likes teenage girls that work at our store and always tries to pick them up to no effect. Seeks confrontation in everything for some reason, some people were born cunts.

>> No.8675526

One time a guy bought me a godiva candy bar and wanted to talk for a long time.

I'm a guy.

>> No.8676436

The biggest thing holding me back has been that everyone keeps saying that they hire a bunch of people before the store first opens then they fire most of them a month or so later. Really can't be without a job right now.

>> No.8676491

Come on, put some effort into this, that was terrible

>> No.8676511

>mfw angry indian people buy attachment for mower
>doesn't fit
>call parts customer service and ask for refund
>won't comply to return policy
>come into store to try to return it
>we want the money back
>option only does cash back as gift card (parts and store are different companies under the same name)
>"sorry I can only give you it back as gift card"
>"why? you work here, I want my money back not gift card"
>i have no option of doing refund any other way
>give me money back
>call assistant manager for backup
>"did you follow this return policy, you'll get refunded that way"
>"no we dont have time and dont want to follow return policy"
>noped out of there

stupid shit stupid people

>> No.8676730

Ha! I recently heard a story thats similar to yours

>> No.8676742

i'm not experienced in the retail clothing industry, especially not when a store first opens, but i assume they fire the ones that do shit work and keep the hard workers. kind of like a test or what have you. all on you though. but i'll be thinking of /fa/ next time i walk through your not so /fa/ old navy~.

if you ever see an asian guy with a septum piercing walking around the mall, don't be afraid to say hi.

>> No.8676759

Yea that's what I've been thinking. Or it's just a scare tactic that all the managers are using so that half our employees don't leave. Pay is better over there by a pretty large margin.

>> No.8676779

Yep, whataburger by the bay

>> No.8676801

lel CC here
yeah shit place m8

>> No.8676814

You from CC?

>> No.8676827

Yea you keep telling yourself that.

>> No.8676836

Leave, you entitled faggot.

>> No.8676966

I live in the area. A town about a half hour south but yeah.

>> No.8676970

I'm from cc

>> No.8676991

small world m8
if you're rodrigo, sup

>> No.8676999

not rodrigo, am girl sup anyways

>> No.8677017

nm just bored in this shithole :^)
i can't imagine /fa/ people in corpus though i mean the stores are pretty low tier and most people here dress like scene kids heading out to la palmera

>> No.8677034

They could be in the paradise known as Indiana

>> No.8677036

no joke, I work in one of the dept. stores in the mall so I see some shit every day

>> No.8677042

i remember a few years back when i was one of those kids

god damn those fuckers were weird as shit and i was dragged along with them

which store?

>> No.8677061

it aways confuses me why these kids that work retail bitch about their jobs....

like this dude bitching about folding sweaters for a living what did you think bannana republic wanted your high school drop out plebian ass for? your diverse international marketing ideas?

you make half a sandwhich a day to live with your parents and fold chinese made polyester sweaters

STFU if you don't like it go to college


and that dude that works for khols bitching about coupons

khols entire marketing strategy is to appeal to people who like coupons

they list shitty mall clothes for "$90 retail" but coupon it down to the real MSRP of like $9.99

the fuck did you think you were going to do at khols? you make min wage nigger, it was your choice to not go to a real school after high school and you have the audacity that you can only find gainful employment flipping burgers and folding sweaters at the mall

the fuck

are you people so god damn poor and lazy that you want to be paid to sit at home ad smoke weed

oh wait you white trash ass motherfuckers bitched about welfare....you want to be on welfare...though

>> No.8677065

gross, and macy's

>> No.8677077

ayy lmao see u this weekend :^)

nah just messin m8
how's work there? any shit from the latina moms or what?

>> No.8677091

it's alright. I generally don't have problems with customers. I mean, I guess I do but I don't pay any mind to it, it's expected. I just accept and ignore it, it's dumb to think customers aren't going to be savage. Especially in retail stores.

>> No.8677107

That's nice. Not too bad I guess. I say that since I'm probably going apply for a retail job soon if i'm not doing the usual school club shit this spring. Thanks m8. You take care.

You ever see a 5'7" asian boy walking around that looks like Calum Hood, that's me m8.

>> No.8677115

The voice of capitalism

>> No.8677141

yeah jesus, why take a customer service job if youre a socially inept autist who cant interact with human beings

be a dishwasher if cashiering is so hard, min wage is min wage and youll be dealing with fellow emotionless entities such as plates and forks rather than homo sapiens

>> No.8677154

or do stock

You can still get that employee discount and spend your time sniffing KVA's in the back

>> No.8677160

Here's some retail 'racism' (although it's not really racism just retail experiences with foreigners):

>Koreans: cute, polite, and extremely sweet people but picky as hell, will pick up every item in the store and demand to find one that doesn't have a scratch, they will try to buy 50 of one item at random
>Chinese: very nice and polite too, but weird as fuck and very poor hygiene, also picky and will try to buy 50 of one item at random
>Japanese: the most /fa/, sometimes are a little arrogant but often cool as fuck, not as picky
>Brazilian: women are very sweet, men can be assholes, although they're generally very nice and easy to please though
>Mexicans: pretty much like white American people but usually pretty cheap
>British: one of the best, usually funny and polite
>Australians: basically british people but tan
>German: also one of the best, best sense of humor
>French, Italian, Spain: more rare because shopping is good there, but they're alright
>Indians: by far the meanest, I've had some good Indian customers before but many treat all retail workers like shit, whether you're commission based and you're really selling shit or you're just folding tee shirts, they are always angry, I just can't understand it
>Nigerian: also mean, and arrogant, some are cool
>White Americans: probably the most random of all of them, but they're usually just average
>Black Americans: the best but also the worst customers you can help, the nice ones are the sweetest people you'll ever help, but some are absolute nightmares. The dudes are usually always chill as fuck.

>> No.8677168

>Fucking 5 minutes until closing
>Black women every fucking time

This is so fucking true.

>> No.8677181


well it's not even that.
they have the audacity to bitch about their low end jobs, despite not being qualified for anything else.

All they do is sit around and get high then bitch about how management doesn't take them seriously or that they don't get paid enough or their company isn't doing X right.

thats what i gather from watching undercover boss anyways

it's always the fat bitch community college drop out, single with a kid smokes everyday

and complains about how the CEO and various franchise owners don't care about her $6.95/hour 20 hours a week input on how business is conducted

>> No.8677184

isnt undercover boss scripted?

>> No.8677191

don't know
but thats the attitude i get from you dudes

low income
low education
high need of being entitled
want to be in management despite meeting zero requirements other than just being physically present at a menial manual low skill labor job

>> No.8677415

>Tfw not Indian but Sri Lankan so might as well be
S-sorry guys, it's definitely just the 1st generation immigrants that don't understand haggling in 1st world countries

>> No.8677902

How old are you? What's your name?

>> No.8677905

That's exactly why I hate it here...

>> No.8678018
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>Work in Bottle-O (liquor store)
>Most customers are bros that just want their beer
>Work in scummy area, salt of the earth kind of people
>Have to make small talk with tradies and such, had to learn how to relate to the common man
>If I like you I give you free promo shit
>Don't have to pretend to be nice or smile at anyone
>Have had 4 complaints in 2 years about my "attitude" apparently I'm unapproachable
>All from women
>They just want the D
>Boss just laughs and tells me I should be nicer, both have a top giggle over that
>Have banned nearly 10 people for being disrespectful drunken cunts
>mfw I had to ban an abo a few weeks ago for giving his kids grog and letting them drink on our porch
>mfw he called me a racist
>mfw this is probably the best I can do for retail but I still hate it

>> No.8678345

I used to work in a shitty second hand-store for a couple of months and there were always people ripping off price tags and telling the clerk someone who worked in the store said they could get it for really cheap. Also, shitloads of thefts.

>> No.8678428

>tfw you will never work at a Rick store and get siqq discounts

Fuck this gay life

>> No.8679619

I've seen him eat a cactus and a shoe.

>> No.8679871



>> No.8679946

>Work in a local market/organic market/whatever hipster shit they can't use self checkouts for
>Indians will bring me huge bags of cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, etc and argue about prices that I have no control over
>They cannot pay more than 30 dollars in one single order; they're arguing over whether or not a fucking red onion is worth 50 cents a pound
>Blacks tend to get huge amounts of food at once and pay for it with foodstamps. Then complain and ask to see the manager when my state won't allow them to purchase alcohol/tobacco with foodstamps.
>Asians will wait at the exit carefully going over their receipt, then come back belligerent that I rang something up wrong
>They tend to argue for higher prices for themselves because usually the simplest codes are for non-organic or basic food types. They spend 30 minutes to get themselves charged an extra 50 cents "NOOO DIS IS NOT A BABY EGGPLANT, IT IS INDIAN, IT IS NOT OKRA, IT IS CHINESE OKRA" etc, etc.
>Mexicans buy huge amounts of food, pay in cash, and are difficult to understand. They're alright, but it sucks when they bring up a bag of something sold by quantity and they have no idea how much they put in "Uh.. how many limes, sir?" "dunno""Okay, I'mma say this is forty" "Why not."

All in all, asians can go fuck themselves.

>> No.8679998

i'm filipino and my grandparents do this.
if they know it's 'one per customer' they'll me and the other grandkids to buy one and lend us money.

>> No.8680052

>I look them dead in the eyes and pretend they didn't say anything. The mood gets sour quick.

This is such a par.

A guy I hate at work tried to talk to me and made some throw away comment in a "funny gangster" accent to lighten the mood.

I just let it hang in the air for a couple of seconds and just pretended not to hear when I quite clearly did.

I'm sure he was dying inside.

>> No.8680246

>Work at a super store as a cashier
>Working express lane on a really busy lane 10 items or less, etc.
>Middle aged white woman comes over with a fully loaded cart and starts unloading it
>Tell her point blank I can't ring her up or I will get reprimanded as a line builds behind her
>Manager comes over because line is fucking huge
>Asks her to leave the line, and we'll help her pack the cart
>She throws a bitch fit and leaves the cart, and the belt full of her stuff
>A good 200-300 dollars worth of garbage she must have spent an hour picking out and bringing up here

Fuck them.

>> No.8680288
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>Start with a hundred dollar til (With usually 20 of it in coins, and another 20 in ones)
>First order of the day
>Buys a drink or a sandwich
>Pays with a hundred
>Mfw I have to call my manager to break a bill while the guy just gives me the deathstare for not having enough money
>By the end of a busy day, you tend to end up with a lot of hundreds, fifties and twenties and almost no tens and fives
>Someone goes batshit because I have to give them a dozen ones due to not having fives or tens

>> No.8680296

Of course, burgerlanders brains are filled with sugar and fat to the brim, there is literally no place left where a thought could be processed.

>> No.8680326

Honestly, I deal with a lot of old people, and they're the most mixed bag of any real "minority"

>Old women can be extremely spiteful, or mean just because
>They can also apologize for not wanting something sweetly, and giving it to you politely to return rather than leaving it somewhere
>They also will haggle over pennies
>Most old men just want to get the fuck out of there, but will joke and be warm if you can understand them
>Some are very old and have problems and I have no idea what they are saying.

>> No.8680336

They don't think, seriously, most people are dumb as shit and only care for theirselves.
I wish I could just kill them all

>> No.8680337

>used to work as cashier/barista at a new high end bakery
>everything was made in-house so of course the loaves of bread would look slightly different
>middle aged white lady comes in and scrutinizes the baguettes, asks us why they aren't all the same size and that we're obviously trying to scam people by making them all the same price
>tells her that the dough's all weighed out prior to baking so of course they'll be differences after baking
>makes us go weigh all the baguettes individually and picks the biggest one
>lectures me about telling lies to the customer

This. Bitchy old white people are the worst I've encountered imo. Luckily no indians or mexicans where I work because gentrification.

>> No.8680445

real canadian superstore??
if so which one

>> No.8680628

my second job was a grocery store pushing carts and i fucking hated old white ladies. personality-wise, they ran the gamut from nice to indifferent to foul cavebitches, but universally, none of them throw trash into trash cans. they throw them into the nearest object, which was usually a shopping cart that i'd have to clean out in front of them with a big shiteating fake smile. they are also the most likely to toss their carts into peoples' cars or leave them out in the parking lot when it's windy. they'd also get snippy as fuck if you weren't bagging fast enough, regardless of how fast the transaction itself was going.

i remember one of my last days this lady actually said to me "less yakkin', more packin'" because i was talking to the cashier

like what the fuck, who says that

>> No.8681506

Worst question I get besides the "IS IT FREE??!" is when they read my name tag out stare at it for a good 10 seconds then ask me if I work in the store. No I just thought it'd be a cute accessory

>> No.8682214


So this thread seems to have a tie. Worst customers being:

>Indian Men/White Women
>Eastern Asian Men/Black Women

>> No.8682253

100% accurate

seriously.Thats why i moved from sales associate to visual merchandiser. when the job was becoming shit

>> No.8682254
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>mfw Indians getting torn a new asshole ITT

>> No.8682259


I pickup things recently folded, making solid eye contact with the person who folded it so they can see that I'm not even glancing at the item before crumpling it into a ball and setting it down.

>> No.8682267


interesting. from my retail experience, hispanic people are always OK people. they just don't talk much and try to speak to you in Spanish.

Brazilian people are always bulk buyers which is annoying.

>> No.8682295

I hear that. In some places they're worse than any 'Murrican can ever claim their hoodrat-niggers are.

>> No.8682296

A muck.

>> No.8682301

implying we can't tell the difference between brown asians and yellow ones.

>> No.8682333
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feel for them, they have epic import taxes because their government is retarded and thinks it will lead to producing things there.

>ps4 is like $1400 there

plus they're going to be recovering from the buttpounding my german mensch gave them for at least 4 years

>> No.8682346

Fuck HUES, I want them to stop having internet.

>> No.8684587

>Some of the younger guys try to flirt, which becomes cringey very quickly
tell some stories

>> No.8685970


>> No.8687345


>> No.8688071

They're looking for their size and your store didn't stock it or someone bought the last one. Not their fault. Why do stores even fold shirts? Stop wasting space and employees time with a retarded setup.

>> No.8688122

>Shopping at Walmart around midnight with a friend because fuck crowds
>Go through clothes, pick some stuff out to try on
>Meanwhile, an employee is putting clothes back on the rack, looks at me a few times
>Go to the fitting rooms and wait for an employee to show up and let me in
>Same employee from earlier shows up
>Fitting rooms are closed
>Walk around putting the clothes I picked up back where I got them
>Bitch to my friend that the lady could have said something when I walked by her those two or three times
>Go buy my shit and we start going towards the exit on the left because that's where I'm parked
>SAME FUCKING LADY is at the doors
>She looks at me in the eye and locks the door
>Rage forever
I've never wanted to punch someone so hard in my life and I still do. I should have yelled at the bitch or something. Inb4 retail workers try to justify her shittiness.

>> No.8688266

You wouldn't believe how often I was mistaken for an employee while folding clothes and putting them back.