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File: 82 KB, 670x536, 670px-Shave-Your-Genitals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8671407 No.8671407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

who here shaves their pubes?
how do you do it? what do you use?

>> No.8671416

norelco body groomer is great for trimming everything up.
tried shaving my sack once, fucking cut it, never again. blood like crazy and now there's a small scar.

>> No.8671420

/lgbt/ or even soc would be a better place to ask, I just trim its to itchy when I shave

>> No.8671439

i use a 2 blade disposable razor in the bathtub, sack in the water, so it stays wet/lubricated the whole time. do this after trimming with something that has a #2 or #1 guard so you don't fucking mangle your nuts.
never shave the same part more than once, be firm but gentle.

>> No.8671440

Lmao, similar experience here. Never again for sure.

Don't shave OP, just trim.

>> No.8671441

Usually just trim with scissors really low to avoid itchyness. Tried my sack once, but
>that fucking pain when you cut the sack
Never again. Hoy shit I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy.

>> No.8671446

Anyone attempted a Nairing of their bits?

How'd it go?

>> No.8671454

>shaving genitals

pig disgusting metrosexual shit

>> No.8671460

Kuzu relogin

>> No.8671461


Would not advise.

>> No.8671468

i shave every thing from the eyebrows down

without hair it feels more fresh, and its cleaner

>> No.8671469

a little insecure Igor?

also, getting your smooth balls licked.. feels SO fucking good!
most girls won't like hairy sacks.

>> No.8671474

do not do.
too strong.

you can wax them, it'll hurt like hell though.
Pretty sure most male pornstars wax

there's also this, haven't tried it though:

>> No.8671485

I trim my pubes
my gf waxes my balls and ass once a month or so. hurts but worth it to not be a hairy neanderthal.
>tfw you grow more hair on your asscheeks than face.

>> No.8671496

Asshair to me is proof against intelligent design.

>Ok so he shits out of this little hole at the bottom here...
>Might as well put a shitload of hair around the hole while I'm at it, what could go wrong?

>> No.8671518

I just use a regular gilette razor and barbasol. Shaving your pubes is fucking great, you feel so clean.

>> No.8671523

I shave my balls (Which itches) but my pubes I go over with a beard trimmer I got from Gillette. It works out really well actually, I just don't know how to make it look better without shaving my legs too. (IE, fade it from my pubes to my leggs)

>> No.8671530

I shaved like two days ago. Got a fucking rash

>> No.8671550


>> No.8671556

on the first time
>trim first
>lather area in soap
>use shaving cream
>shave with the grain

once you have a good base to start with
>cool/coldish shower first
>lather area in soap
>use shaving cream
>shave with the grain
>shave perpendicular to the grain (lightly, basically no pressure)

enjoy not having disgusting genitals have no razor bumps

>> No.8671557

I only shave the shaft, don't touch the main pubes or balls.

That's something everyone has, right? Dick-pubes?

>> No.8671558

I laughed

>> No.8671563

Damn how do you guys cut yourself shaving your sack? I've never done it and I feel like theres even a less chance cutting my sack than my face.

>> No.8671566

a used mach3(or similar such razor) blade. once your facial hair has taken away a lot of the super sharpness of the blades it's safe enough for shaving my balls. use soap never shaving cream or gel

>> No.8671567

I mean, most guys get hair on the bottom part of the shift....
If your growing hair more than halfway up the shift, you might be a werewolf...

>> No.8671568

shaving your sack is easy as shit, i've done it hundreds of times and never fucked up

>> No.8671576

you must be trolling.
pube hair is coarser than face hair, do NOT use a dull razor!

>> No.8671581

i got a fuck ton of hair and don't fuck anyone, so no one sees it so why even bother. I would have to spend like ~45 minutes a week shaving myself to do that, not even worth.

>> No.8671601

But seriously, never use shaving gel.

>> No.8671634

>pube hair is coarser than face hair,
sure, if you have body hair like some gorilla

>do NOT use a dull razor
i didn't say a dull razor I said a less sharp HQ razor like a Mach3 they seem to remain sharp forever but it's still too sharp for your nut sac, so shave your face with it a few times to take some of the edge off

think about it do you really want anything that sharp near your dick?

>> No.8671635


I have a weird little patch of hair about halfway up my shaft. About the size of a fingernail. It's the only part I shave. Rest I just trim. I'd like to get rid of it permanently but how do you go to a clinic and say "Hey, I want you to laser my dick"?

>> No.8671642


Shaved against the grain, didn't you?

>> No.8671925

>not dyeing & braiding your pubes

>> No.8671942

I shave my pubes into a lightning bolt shit looks cash and the bitches love it.

>> No.8671958

every girl ive ever been with has commented on how its a pleasant surprise that I dont shave my pubes

>> No.8671963

So that's 1 comment then?

>> No.8671965

Asking your mom doesn't count.

>> No.8671967

Hair removal cream all the way

>> No.8671978

>a lightning bolt
>not two on either side pointing down to your thing

>> No.8671980

I use a straight razor.

>> No.8671985


Quit lyin'.

>> No.8671988

I nair mine. No pain/rash/burns if you do it right and you're not allergic.

>> No.8671999

it's to keep you warm
when you shit you lose a lot of body heat and while it's gross, the hair is there to essentially hold on to whatever warmth it can

>> No.8672005


I have hair up and down my crack but not actually on the ring itself. You do? Weird. Invest in a bidet.

>> No.8672010


That's retarded.

>> No.8672011

I trim my pubes, including my taint and butt-hole with a beard trimmer with the smallest guard on it. Then I shave my balls n shaft

>> No.8672013
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>> No.8672029

gonna do this

>> No.8672042


Then get a tattoo in the middle that says


If you change your mind you can always grow hair back over it.

>> No.8672052

Here´s how I do it anon:
Shower, after apply some oil to the areas you´re going to shave, after 3 minutes take it out with water and apply shaving cream and shave. Use a razor with at least 3 blades and that is neither new or overused. When you´re finished apply hydrating cream and after three minutes apply again. Now you and your woman can enjoy your smooth balls.

>> No.8672062

>that is neither new or overused.

That's sort of a catch 22, no?

>> No.8672074

I used to have pretty hairy pubes and I got fed up with it. So I shaved most of it off now just have little bit of pubes that say RAF.

>> No.8672087

I don´t think so, of course at some point you´ll have to use a new one. But for the first times it´s recomended to use a razor that´s already been used. If you don´t have access to one, you just use a new one...

>> No.8672105


So how should the razor be broken in? Have someone else do it for you? I don't think I'm following you. You are talking about cartridge razors, yeah?

>> No.8672118


>> No.8672142
File: 65 KB, 960x960, B000XVTYYY_1lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you own one such as this? If you do, and use it for shaving your face, then use that one. If you don´t own one then, you´ll have to use a new one. God my english isn´t that great but I think it´s quite easy what I´m trying to explain...

>> No.8672150

im not metro, im full blown homo, so I wax my shit.

Feels so good, i could just rub it all day (and I do)

>> No.8672153
File: 176 KB, 1280x960, epilator4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not epilating your pubes

>> No.8672157


Nevermind, I get you now lol. But no, I use a double edge razor. Kinda iffy about applying that to my misters...

>> No.8672160


I've never gotten this. Homos profess to be attracted to men yet so many of them groom themselves like women.

>> No.8672163

>tfw no girl to sex and pubes don't bother you anyway
its a mixed feel

>> No.8672167


I have no idea how that works but it looks like a torture device.

>> No.8672168

I use these shitty orange Bic razors to shave my balls.

I swear.

>> No.8672169

It would be extremely painful

>> No.8672170

good for you :)

>> No.8672171

Anyone ever shaved their ass? I got a fucking jungle going on down there, it's so gross.

>> No.8672177


Squat over a mirror. Helps immensely.

>> No.8672178

ehh, youre forgetting about the embarrassing to mention, yet still completely valid top/bottom dynamic.

>implying you dont want a woman with a baby smooth snatch

>> No.8672182

go for it! it's not too bad. I had the same problem but its pretty easy to mow down

>> No.8672186

different strokes for different folks brah

It's designed to grab up to 50 hairs at once for quick and easy hair removal with longer wait times between touchups.
Works great for legs, and there's no real pain in doing your groin if you pop a painkiller an hour before starting.


>> No.8672189

>ehh, youre forgetting about the embarrassing to mention, yet still completely valid top/bottom dynamic.

Well I'll take your word for it because I'm sure there are complexities involved in homosexuality that I don't/wouldn't understand.

>>implying you dont want a woman with a baby smooth snatch

Actually, I hate that. I prefer nicely groomed pubes. Bare pussies on grown women give off a pedophilic vibe imo.

>> No.8672193

Yeah, no way, this would eat up your sack. Nice b8 m8.

>> No.8672194

>Bare pussies on grown women give off a pedophilic vibe imo
Coming from the woman sporting it, or the man who wants it?

>> No.8672199


The whole practice itself and the desire for it. Not saying dudes who like it are closet pedos. I just personally like some pubes.

>> No.8672201

ehh fair enough. I have to admit waxing costs a lot of money. Good for you

but to keep it effay, I will say that not having butt/lower back hair makes wearing warmer clothing better.

>> No.8672204

what about a tiny strip of pubes that's barely visible?

>> No.8672209

why even bother then?

He doesn't need an arrow pointing straight to your taint.

>> No.8672212

Well, it's a nice balance between being completely shaven and not looking creepy for your tastes.

>> No.8672213

>I will say that not having butt/lower back hair makes wearing warmer clothing better.

Oh, well I don't really have that problem. If I had back hair or an ridiculous amount of butt hair I suppose I'd do something about it. I'm not against body hair maintenance ftr. It's no different to head hair maintenance really.


S'ok I guess. I'd post a pic of exactly what I like but y'know, SFW board and all that. This is just my preference anyway. Other guys are allowed to like whatever they want.

>> No.8672216

>an ridiculous

nice 1 me

>> No.8672432 [DELETED] 

I use a epilator I think it damages the skin less but you might get some ingrown hairs its worth testing for a while if you get no ingrown hairs keep it up if you get even afue I would probably stop because in the long run u will probably get more scars than shaving kinda regret that.

having no hair is nice and ripping it out from the root is kinda a turn on once you get used to it.

doing the sack is hard with any method depends how loose it is etc. Getting like turned on might help make it more tight and less likely to nick on things.. but ya its kinda hard to remind your self to be horny when you shave or wax your self because u probably wana focus on the task at hand but its possible. maybe just play with your balls or some thing so they change abit

>> No.8672447

disposable razor and dove beauty bar. use hot water and a rich lather, you won't get knicks even if you shave against the grain.

>> No.8672452

Shaving is the fucking worst.
>Takes ages, have to trim, moisten, lather and repeat all the while being gentle
>Still small cuts every now and then that irritate like no tomorrow
>Sensitive skin anyway, so crotch burns for a fortnight
And the worst part
>Stupid suction noises when I fuck my gf

>> No.8672458

I've never done it either but I imagine it's because ballsack is all wrinkly and soft and you can't press the razor too hard

>> No.8672460

I have vitiligo around my dick, so I have to keep some hair down their, usually a triangle or a landing strip

>> No.8672461
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>> No.8672472

my gf waxes me

feels good man

>> No.8672505

Unless you have small quantities of body hair/thin/blonde hair, shaving your pubes will look awful.

Trimm, always trimm. Seeing a hairy butt or hairy legs with that wide open crater of nothingness is not aesthetic.

>> No.8672529

how do I shave my ass?

>> No.8672551

shins and arms too, semlls twinkish

>> No.8672642

Why would you want to? Are you a twink?

>> No.8672644

>not wanting to only wipe your ass once after taking a shit

>> No.8672652

yeah. thats defenitly the biggest plus of having a shaved asscrack

>> No.8673120

thats fucked up dude

>> No.8673138

yup... Epilators need to be used on taught skin. If you dragged it over your scrotum, it would do a *TON* of damage to the skin, and might even rip(not cut, but actually rip) your sac.

I have tweezed my balls before. I was bored and the cable/internet went out, so i put on a DVD and kinda aimlessly went at it. 45 minutes later and i was smooth. Didnt hurt too much after i got used to it either.

Now a days i just trip with some scissors.

>> No.8673267

>not trimming

Back to Reddit.

>> No.8673272

I've never shaved my sack, and I never intend to. Like, the fuck? How is it even possible? It's fucking silky-feeling. I imagine cutting myself to pieces down there. Do you stretch the skin or something, so it's flat and smooth skin to shave?

>> No.8674843

dude, you're supposed to put your dick into cold water so that dick + balls retract, so you can have full control

>> No.8674870

It saves up on cash (if you're too fucking stupid for already own scissors), is less painful, and overall better

>> No.8674873

Philups norelco body groomer.

>> No.8674874

check out the no!no!

painless hair removal device

>> No.8674959

streth the skin m8.
Scrote hair is manky as fuck

>> No.8675481
File: 294 KB, 1000x1459, one-wipe-wonder-big-brother-mag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this image should solve your problems

>> No.8675639

has anyone tried the at home laser hair removal?
there are a bunch of different types on amazon...

>> No.8676162

I use shaving gel for my balls man. I'm not sure about you though.

I also use the new Mach 3 body (similar to Mach3 but has aloe and has little bit more spaces in between blades, easier cleanup).

>> No.8676169

I did. Until I left Philippines, so now it's Mach 3 all the way.

>> No.8676584

>finish shaving pubes
>start shaving face

>> No.8676613

I use a ProGlide on my pubes believe it or not, and I do it in warm water in the shower so that I don't cut myself.

Haven't cut myself, but I sometimes feel itchy after shaving. Yes, shaving, you faggots.
Fight me.

It actually feels great and feels like my dick can breathe. About to also shave my legs for the first time in a couple of days.
I like the clarity of shaving/waxing, it just looks really clean, feels nice, and I do it for myself, not for anyone else.

>> No.8676621

>I do it for myself, not for anyone else.
hello tumblr

>> No.8676651
File: 127 KB, 800x1067, 1405373742471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /fa/ is something to be proud of
>doing shit for yourself is tumblrcore apparently

you're obviously very fashionable anon i mean please enlighten me

woops i cAnt control the tumBLR omgGgggggg

>> No.8676690

you guys will hate this, but I've never had an ingrown hair in my life. I shave my junk in the shower. Just use an 3 blade disposable. Starts by applying normal shaving cream, but it washes away pretty quickly. I use hot water while I do it and go over the same spots several times. I also shave my balls and the base of my dick this way. Basically, I do a bunch of stuff you're not ever supposed to do when shaving, and I come out extremely smooth. It only looks irritated if I shave more than once every 10 to 14 days.

Come at me

>> No.8676717

>needing to tell others you do it for yourself
No you really don't.

>shave my legs
Enjoy. Let us know when you shave your boipussy as well and have to deal with your swamp issues. 8^)

>you faggots
p r o j e c t i n g

>> No.8676746

Good for you :-)

>> No.8676751

Hey why don't you suck my dick?

>> No.8676923

other anon but I do shave my boypussy and it feels awesome. im very happy with beeing a faggot :^)

>> No.8676932

>if I shave more than once every 10 to 14 days.
does your hair grow slow or do you just dont give a fuck?
I have to shave every 3 or 4 days to stay smooth

>> No.8677078

i shaved once. I always heard that "the trees are longer without the bushes" or whatever and was excited for a bigger looking dick. Instead i just ended up feeling like I had the dick of an 11 year old.

>> No.8677096

I do. Usually I just take a razor and shave the hair when it's dry. My skin is way less irritated than when I use shaving foam or whatever. I found it's really important that it's completely dry, otherwise the skin is all red afterwards.

Same goes for ass.

>> No.8677110

I just like feeling cleaner.

>> No.8677537

Troll alert

>> No.8677563

fake and gay

Watched a few more and they're also fake and gay. Who puts a hat on the table upside down so it's sitting there like a bowl? How could she put it in the hat so fast without him seeing her and it not dry? How does he not SEE all the glue in his hat while it is sitting there like a bowl showing all the glue? How does he not instantly feel the tack of the glue on his hair as he puts it on and adjusts it?

>> No.8677574

I actually bought one on amazon and tested it on my inner thigh and instantly returned it

>> No.8677608

this is why you should never take advice from anyone on 4chan

>> No.8677642

Use a shitty beard trimmer with the lowest guard attachment.

I also completely dry off my nut and taint region and then apply a dusting of baby powder which keeps your balls fresh for the entire day

>> No.8678239

also hair prevents chafing

>> No.8678242

we used to be cavemen m8

>> No.8678249
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>> No.8678250

i use a philips body trimmer. mind you it just trims them but they are so short it looks like 2 day stubble anyway and ur skin doesnt get irritated

>> No.8678265

Now try shaving your balls while on a train.

>> No.8678267

No we didn't. Your ancestors lived in caves though.

>> No.8678287

i love these so much, fucking expensive razors with multiple blades just get clogged up with hair and end up cutting me

>> No.8678296

I don't and I also expect girls not to. If you want to tidy up your junk, trimming is a better option if you ask me.

>> No.8678308


I've never owned anything than disposable 2 blade razors and I use them for weeks/months at a time, only throw them when they go rusty. Dry shave my face/balls when in a rush or no time for shower or forgot to do in the shower. Face feels a little irritated but dry shaving your balls has no negative results for me other than not being as smooth as wet shaving.

I rarely use anything other than soap or just water when I wet shave my balls anyway.

There are no benefits to doing this so I don't advise it.

>> No.8678310

what model? im still bit lost of getting a good body trimmer

>> No.8678340


this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibdVFZxzdTU

pretty good if u have realistic expectations

>> No.8678343


>> No.8678348 [DELETED] 

the newest one basically is 3in1, has 3 head attachments...
body groomer
beard trimmer
rotating shaver

i got it a week ago, i like it so far

>> No.8678376

>have razor
>take a shower to open your pores
>shave with the grain.
no razor-burn

>> No.8678397


I do the same thing mainly because there's no point in doing anything else. I don't have enough facial hair ( shit just doesn't want to grow at 23 years old, whatever ) to justify buying a real razor.

So i shave my shit the BIC way. You should try using shaving cream though, it's not good for your skin to shave dry like a caveman.

>> No.8678847

what are some good electric razors for body hair?

>> No.8678892

fuccck man that made me giggle

>> No.8679006

pubes are /fa/ i don't shave them

>> No.8679298


why would you shave? yall watch too much porn

>> No.8679896

norelco body groom

>> No.8680605

I use the same goddamn Mach 3 Turbo blade I do for my face/neck that I haven't changed in... god probably almost a year now (though admittedly I only shave neck and cheeks because I sport a full beard). I do it in the shower with body wash and water.

Pull that nutskin tight so it does not catch. If you get even the tiniest nick you might actually bleed out completely because that shit just doesn't stop.

>> No.8680863


If anything, wouldn't it disperse heat faster like a heatsink? Gives sweat more surface area on your skin to evaporate and take heat away from your body.