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8671179 No.8671179[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the best cigarettes? I want something that will give me the best feeling. Can e-cigs pump out even more nicotine?

>> No.8671197


>> No.8671200

Belmont blue pack

>> No.8671204

Can confirm, Belmont's are like a fucking nicotine injection into my brain

>> No.8671216
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belmonts are ok too

>> No.8671228
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Cultural appropriation pls go

>> No.8671229
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this and only this

>> No.8671237

belmonts are the least shitty cigarettes you can buy easily in canada. they;re too light tho and can smoke them way too fast- 4 bellys=1 american spirit

>> No.8671254


>> No.8671259

don't see how anyone can smoke the yellow or orange american spirits, the lights are like trying to suck a golfball through a garden hose

dark blue or maroon

>> No.8671268

Are the Belmonts available in the US?

>> No.8671292

Cohiba Cuban cigarettes, fucking intense and they smell amazing

>> No.8671294

Didn't know they made cigarettes. They make some pretty good cigars though.

>> No.8671302


pretty much the only ones id choose to smoke

>> No.8671311

they taste good and have more nicotine than other cigarettes (due to less processing chemicals or osmething)
they're pretty trendy now apparently

why would you want to buy belmonts? there are so many better options in the states

>> No.8671319

good taste haha

>> No.8671431

what dou you guise think about gold Benson & Hedges? friends of mine dont like it and say it tastes bad and that it doesnt feel as strong as Marlboros

I hate Marlboros because they taste like burnt paper (inb4 someone says something stupid about my poor metaphor) yeah, i know its supposed to be burnt paper but it just doesnt taste like a cig

>> No.8671715

smoking is bad for you

>> No.8671732

no shit

>> No.8671733

>Uses like or as

Pls go

>> No.8671735

Djarum Blacks

>> No.8671743
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I smoke these or American Spirits Perique exclusively.

>> No.8671744

Their dark greens have the most nicotene, also my favs

>> No.8671854

Been smoking Spirit blues for a while, should my next pack be rich robust perique or Camel wides?

>> No.8671856
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>> No.8671858

Rich robust perique is black pack btw

>> No.8671862

all i smoke is b&h golds because they're the least shit tasting cigs in canada, $15 a pack tho

>> No.8671863

Camel turkish royals. They'll change your life

>> No.8671868
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1mg tar 0.1mg nicotine :^3

>> No.8671871

I hope the corner store at my uni has them. If not, should I do the wides

>> No.8671879

>I want something that will give me the best feeling
fuck are you talking about?
how many do you smoke a day?

>> No.8671885
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>> No.8671917

I tried them and they were too light for my taste.
I smoke newports because fuck you.

>> No.8671924

I've always wondered what's the difference between regular cigarettes and menthols?
Just the flavor?
I remember that when I was a kid, I found a black pack of cigarettes and the flavor wasn't menthol, I asked my dad why he didn't smoke those and he said they had too much nicotine.

>> No.8671926

we call them niggerports in dc because those are the only people who smoke them

>> No.8671928

That right there, that is the shit. That is THE shit.

This man knows whats whats

>> No.8671937


>> No.8671940

Born and raised in Chicago until 10, then moved to ny.
I guess you could say I'm a Nigger on the inside due to them being the majority in my school and neighborhood in Chicago.

>> No.8671941


>> No.8671946

oh naldchan, u silly goose

>> No.8671948

ofc menthol taste way different that regulars, thats why theyre menthols

maybe you´re too retarded as too pop the menthol capsule on the menthol ones

>> No.8671949
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Has anyone ever tried this cigarettes?
Are they any good?

>> No.8671972

Well I just notice I'm retarded then, I didn't even know they had a fucking capsule.

>> No.8671984


most menthols don't. camels the only one that consistently uses it, marb nxt's have a capsule as well.

>> No.8671996

hi. yeah I reccomended these earlier in the thread. not only do the cigarettes themselves look great, they give you a powerful buzz, they taste like heaven and they won't turn off girls who hate smokers because the smell from them is terrific (they don't smell like cigarettes at all, more like a licorice incense)

best cigarrete out there (besides Nat Sherman)

>> No.8671997

gay as fuck smh
these are literally the officially "cigarettes" of edgy 14yos

>> No.8672000
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try vaping
its better

>> No.8672003

Which Nats?

>> No.8672036

There's really no "best" cigarette, it all comes down to preference and taste as well as tolerance. I've smoked nearly every cigarette under the sun. I recommend Nat Sherman MCD's, American Spirits (light blue pack), Parliments or Camel Unfiltered. Those are my go to smokes for when I want a strong feeling.

>> No.8672046

You guys are dumb.

Once you are addicted to cigarettes you don't get the 'feeling' anymore. The only feeling you get when you smoke is a temporary return to normality for a short amount of time after you have one. Smoking is bad, expensive, unhealthy, uncool, and highly regrettable. They all taste like shit - although rolling your own always tastes significantly better than factory made cigarettes; still like shit though - and you just get used to whatever you start with. If you switch to another cigarette, you'll get used to the taste of that one and it'll seem like the best. It's just a habit. You're just forcing yourself to tolerate and become dependant on something you would be repulsed by if you didn't force it.

Please don't start smoking :(

>> No.8672088

You're all wrong. The Kamel Red is where it is really at.

>> No.8672093

w2c in LA suburbia

>> No.8672095

Lmao, I was sick last week, lots of puking.
Then, I had a cigarette right after eating and it made me puke even more, I can't smell the smoke of cigarettes without puking :(

>> No.8672098

>he doesn't smoke one or two a week
>he has zero self control and gets mad at anything fun and potentially addictive

>> No.8672106

I only smoke the dark blue pack

>> No.8672107

>Muh nigga
I like 'em for taste, but to me the strength is just below average.

>> No.8672112

so is being alive

>> No.8672116

John Wayne smoked 6 packs a day until he died at the ripe age of 72, not even of lung cancer.

Smoking unhealthy? Not in my 'Murrica.

>> No.8672130

Taste is high quality, the blend is kind of harsh, so when you smoke them, you get to feel it, which I like. The strength might be a little low, but I don't smoke as much as most people. I only smoke maybe 2 a day if I'm just at home. If I'm at work I'll smoke on my breaks, but that's about it. So I still get headrushes and stuff like that fairly easily. First one of the day always feels nice. Sometimes I even go a few days without smoking at all. So the strength is not a major concern for me. The taste, aroma, and harshness of the blend are all above par, though.

>> No.8672146


>> No.8672149

I smoke a bit too much seeing as I have some anxiety issues here and there so I smoke to calm down a bit which is pretty stupid on my part. But the taste and aroma are excellent. Just the right amount of harshness for me. I buy these every now and then but they are fairly pricey compared to other cigarettes at my local shop.

>> No.8672174

They certainly are on the pricey side. I have a lot of anxiety issues also, but I take medications for my conditions and drink like... Kind of a lot. The post-3-day-binge usually has me sick, so then I'll go like a week without smoking. But when I'm not binging I don't really smoke all that much. A few days after a binge, when I'm feeling a little better, I'll start smoking one or two. I like to have one when I wake up and before I go to sleep, actually. If you can afford it, these are definitely high-tier. Like I said, above par taste and aroma, harsh drag. It is a good cigarette. They didn't have them for like a couple decades or something, right? Then they got brought back by popular demand, or something, if my memory serves me right. That should tell you something.

>> No.8672190

Another fine smoke are Lucky Strikes, unfiltered cigarettes so they are quite strong. Pleasant taste and a good harshness. Pricey, but worth it...If you can find them.

>> No.8672198

No fucking way…. 6 packs??
You're bullshitting, right?

>> No.8672207

If I smoked 120 cigarettes per day I wouldn't expect to live longer than a week, two at the very most.

>> No.8672215


Gold B&H is nigger tier

>> No.8672224

Nah. Look it up, yo'. Didn't even die of lung cancer. Lol.

>> No.8672229

That's embarrassing.

>> No.8672234

What a lucky guy :)
He did get lung cancer though and had to have one lung and a bunch of ribs removed :(
Sounds bad to me

>> No.8672235

Can you cop corpral gauloises at an airport duty free shop?

>> No.8672261

You're not looking at this in context.
That was also in 1979, when medical research couldn't offer him a fraction of what can be offered to people today. His case wasn't even particularly severe then, either, as far as these things are concerned. People blow the hazard of cigarettes way out of proportion, is the point. If John Wayne can live to 72 on 6 packs a fucking day, and just have a run of the mill cancer that by all means could have probably been taken care of with the TREMENDOUS advances in medical science, then how can cigarettes really be as inevitably terminal as everyone seems to think they are? There clearly have to be other factors like, say, the general fucking fitness of the person. If you don't take care of yourself, you die. That's how it works.

>> No.8672274

This, get blacks instead, no pun intended.
captcha 800 nigger

>> No.8672275

>one person who did something dangerous survived

This is bad logic.
But also, I do understand how when you're addicted to something so blatantly harmful and detrimental to your life, you'll do anything possible to downplay the negatives and justify it. It's pretty standard.

>> No.8672320

Why are you two so edgy?

>> No.8672328

marlboro red's the only answer

>> No.8672332
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>> No.8672346

those are trashy as fuck back in France

>> No.8672408
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ask dan

>> No.8672418

gold B&H is pretty much old lady tier where i'm at

>> No.8672438 [DELETED] 
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>Not rolling your own cigarettes
>Not smoking ACTUAL tobacco as opposed to paper soaked into tobacco juice

You're all disgusting plebeians

>> No.8672455
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>dark blue

they aren't organic tho

>> No.8672459
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>> No.8672462
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>> No.8672473
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>> No.8672475
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smoking makes your teeth ugly tho
and wrinkles esp on the eyelid (ptosis) are p much irreversible unless you get surgery

>> No.8672477


these famous people are smoking them so they must be good ¶:^)-|--<

>> No.8672481

hahah they're cool famous people (have a love/hate thing with gwenyth paltrow)
and spirits arent the cheapest- i wanna feel better about buying 10 packs at once lol
also they're "organic"~

>> No.8672484

Smoking is not cool.

>> No.8673822
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Go for Marlboro lights with a glass of champagne.
That always does it for me.