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8670463 No.8670463[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have I over romanticized NYC?
Is it as /fa/ as I think it is?
I like hustle and bustle and dingy places with character

Been drinking heavily and marathoning Woody Allen movies

>> No.8670491

Depends on where you go. The more hipster parts of the city, sure. But in general, what you're describing is dead and gone.

>> No.8670508

are you also a white girl from florida who wants to study psychology at NYU?

>> No.8670520


no im a white guy from toronto that's addicted to drugs and depressed
been out of uni for a while

>> No.8670573

dude im a brown guy in toronto thats addicted to drugs and depressed and been out of uni for a year now lol and i am also attracted to NYC for the same reason you are.

>> No.8670625

when i was in NYC it just seemed like a lot of black people and white people w/ retarded accents. then again i was in queens.

>> No.8670631

Does anyone here live in Manhattan? I'd like to someday move there. It just seems like it'd be exciting and fun.

I've visited many times and I'm from Pennsylvania.

>> No.8670653

It's fucking expensive man. I live in the Bronx and it's even expensive here.

>> No.8670659

Its exciting and fun if you are exciting and fun

>> No.8670661

New York is expensive, smells like trash and full of gross people in shitty clothes from discount stores.

Source: live in Manhatten

>> No.8670665

>new york city

>> No.8670680

Queens is technically part of New York City.

>> No.8670685

Yes but when you mention NYC to foreigners they think of Manhattan or even Brooklyn but definitely don't think of the shitholes that are Queens or Staten island

>> No.8670688

New york city is 5 fucking boroughs bruh.

>> No.8670696

Chicago < NYC
For big city life

>> No.8670700


my ceiling for rent is 900 a month - all in
could i find that with a roommate or two?

> smells like trash and full of gross people

don't know why, but this is appealing to me.
my favourite standup special is Doug Stanhope in NYC


>> No.8670702
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>having to get around on dirty public transportation

fuck that

>> No.8670716

Yeah but when everyone refers to NYC they refer to Manhattan

>> No.8670744

Staten Island is by far the nicest/normcorest, but also the most boring. Not a lot of bad neighborhoods, and the few can be easily avoided.

More authentic non-black/hispanic than brooklyn/queens.

The diversity you want; meaning that its a good mix of working class and wealthy people that aren't of violent minorities.

Also the safest, if you have heard anything about Eric Gardner google it. Police protect the islanders from undesirables.

>> No.8670831
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>Eric Gardner


>> No.8670832


are you a fucking pussy lol

it's not even that bad (but to be fair it's ghetto as fuck compared to the metros of other world capitals)

>> No.8670848

Being an alcoholic having a car is useless for me. I have both a car and a motorcycle but I take PT everywhere. I don't want to kill myself

>> No.8670862

This. I lived in Brooklyn for 10 years. Been living in Chicago for the last 5.
It's got all the best things of a big city for like half the cost of NYC. And much cleaner. Plus all the street fests and bars and restaurants always opening up.

>> No.8670865

Only retards who know nothing about the city.

>> No.8670869

He just said Chicago is lesser than New York, which is true.

>> No.8670875

Yeah I scrolled too fast. But it's really not. Chicago is paradise after living most of my life in NYC

>> No.8670876
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This so hard. I love it here but all of the above is true of Manhattan.

Even SoHo where all of the /fa/ people are supposed to congregate it's mostly full of moneyboys in their early 20's who are trying way too hard.

I saw a fat asian guy wearing fit related once and cracked up laughing.

>> No.8670879

Do it OP. It's the greatest city in the world.

I live in Ridgewood, Queens. You can pull off $900 a month if you find roommates. Easier to do in neighborhoods like Bushwick than Manhattan, but there's enough interesting stuff going on in Brooklyn. You don't have to live in Manhattan, and it's easy to take the train in anyway.

>> No.8670882
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I don't know why people think new yorkers are /fa/. Every pic ive seen of the city is just a ton of burly guys in baggy jeans, hoodies, work boots, and army surplus jackets. People dress like theyre in a nuclear winter apocalypse.

>> No.8670884


You know < means "less than" right

>> No.8670890

That's interesting you say that. I lived in Chicago first and love New York a lot more. Could be because I'm from metro Detroit so maybe I was already used to the Midwest and bored?

I could definitely see myself preferring Chicago once I get a bit older.

>> No.8670900

It's a misconception born out of all the fashion goes on here. You've got flagship stores for so many top tier designers, NY fashion week, and the insane amount of wealth which allows the elite to wear incredibly expensive clothes.

People neglect the fact that most people aren't rich and many are content with Aeropostale American Eagle usually what I'm dressed innnnn.

>> No.8670914

New York is more about fashionable lifestyle than clothing. People live cool but dress bland.

>> No.8670928

You won't find a place in the city for 900, not anywhere you want to live (anywhere below 14th st, because there nothing but tourists, finance douches, drones, and old farts above it).

You can try Brooklyn, but the parts that are close to the city (Williamsburg, Downtown BK) are expensive and are constantly on the rise. You can try Bushwick, but it's next in line for increasing rents.

I'm not talking about studios/1br's btw. I'm talking about a room. Forget about living on your own.

>> No.8670931


The only totally legit neighborhood is Flushing, since it's impervious to gentrification by virtue of being full of poor Chinese - honkies can't speak the language (neither can I), and wealthy Chinese move to North Brooklyn, away from the peasantry.

Actually, Gowanus, too, since it's a literal shithole.

>> No.8670933


I don't know where this is coming from. Obviously not everyone is /fa/ because there are 8 million people there. But anyone /fa/ there is years ahead of anyone else in the US. Spend some time in both Chicago and NY and you'll see.

>> No.8670941
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This is Chicago summed up

>> No.8670942

I live in NYC. I spend too much time here.

>> No.8670954

the whole midwest really


>> No.8670974

This is the crowd at every roller derby game I've been to ever.

>> No.8670975

I live in Bushwick. It's quite nice.

>> No.8670977


>> No.8670983

I never see really /fa/ people around when I go down, people dress comfortably for the conditions usually.

>> No.8670996

Shit that place is even more expensive and unequal, if that's possible.

>> No.8671000

Everyone pretty much dresses predictably. Granted, many are dressed well with great fitting clothing. But that's that really fashionable. It's more like MFA shit.

>> No.8671001

>Forget about living on your own.

forgot about that long ago living in toronto
meant 900 for a room

>> No.8671015
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>> No.8671019

You should be fine with getting a room for that, maybe even less. It really depends, so you should check Craigslist for prices.

>> No.8671021

im a girl from toronto and NY is 1000x better at least when youre young
google joan didion's piece on new york
its only worth living there if you have a good job/are rich. rent is 4x what it is in toronto and seems really competitive in terms of jobs. also you would have to renew your work visa every year or you get deported (huge hassle apparently- happened to an aussie friend and he couldnt even go back to get his stuff)
min wage is like $6 or something there, and i heard its hard getting health benefits there. toronto is fucking terrible (the people especially make it unbearable) but its easy compared to anywhere else in the world esp as a minority
london- high unemployment/rent
scandinavian countries/aus/NZ- racism/more difficult to integrate compared to toronto

i know more than a few ppl who worked in NY/boston/london/chicago and moved back here in their 30s to settle down/start a family. toronto is dull/annoying/depressing but you arent going to starve or anything here

sighhhh i will need to get a good job no matter what T____T

>> No.8671027

heard bushwick is still dangerous

>> No.8671033

I've been twice in the past year because I loved it so much, I'd say yes.
Staying around Central Park and Greenwich village while, Union and Washington Square avoiding too far east, west and near Time Square because they're not as 'romantic New York' as the rest

>> No.8671034

you can totally find something below that unless you want a super nice condo in an expensive area or something. you're one person and young- how much time are you going to spend at home anyway

>> No.8671039


Not a min wage worker, have a career.
Not as much as I'd like to make, but still iaght

>> No.8671042

OP. If you're young, have nothing holding you down, give it a shot for a year. You've got nothing to lose.

Most of the naysayers just want to excuse why they don't live there. Think about this: pretty much everyone in any other American city has an opinion about New York--they like it but they like their own city better for x reasons, or they hate it, or whatever. They all feel the need to have an opinion though. Nobody in New York really gives much of a fuck about any other city. That tells you everything you need to know.

>> No.8671045

well there's probably 1000 other ppl like you in NY
why would a company want to go through the hassle of hiring you (visa etc) unless you have a special skill to offer

>> No.8671055

thinking about moving to Chicago but I think I'd just buy a condo vs renting some place

>> No.8671057

you make it sound like OP can just pack his shit and move to NY
getting a visa isnt like picking up dry cleaning- its a long process and he's going to need money to live off unless he has rich parents

>> No.8671063

Aren't you like 20 and still live with your parents? What the fuck do you know about any of this?

>> No.8671065

Fair enough. But I'm saying if you can, do it. I slept in my car for a summer to get my start there, and I'm glad I did.

>> No.8671067

well to live comfortably in either NY or cali you need money
wealth is shifting from wall st to silicon valley anyway

>> No.8671077

the men are 1000x more attractive and better in every way compared to toronto (class, charm, job, attire)
more french people there too

and people in NY are so much nicer than in toronto. they will go out of their way to help you, be nice to you, say hi etc
ppl here dont even make eye contact and only stick to their own friends. ppl here have this holier than thou attitude with this narcissistic douchey arrogance w. no reason to back it up

>> No.8671083

im almost 22
and im probably doing more with my life than you are
youd have to be a fucking idiot not to know how visas work esp in the US

damn. not a lot of ppl have that kinda grit tho

>> No.8671089


Toronto is wannabe NY lol

I'm an aspiring cook. Further down my career I will live here probably for work but I would only settle down here if I knew I'd get sous or higher at somewhere amazing

judging from vice munchird,interviews etc. head chefs do fine

>> No.8671096

NY is a shit place. I don't know why anyone would actually want to live there other than they have a well-paying job there.

>> No.8671097

>and im probably doing more with my life than you are
Yes, you're getting more cosmetic surgeries done, getting fatter and still searching for some rich husband.
Damn you must be so busy

>> No.8671098

I think you mean wall street is shifting money into silicon valley. Nothing is ever going to shift from banking; they do the shifting

>> No.8671109

Is Seattle cool?

>> No.8671122

i have an accounting degree and can program reasonably well. i dont need a guy to pay for shit
and im p skinny now. your jealousy is kinda hilarious (and way obvious). you cant build yourself up by trying to tear others down

hmmm debatable
less start ups are going public thru IPOs and mainly staying private/being acquired
also in general the culture of new grads is to build sustainable ventures- wall st banking has become pretty unfashionable while tech is glamorized in the media
prob just a bubble tho

>> No.8671124

>prob just a bubble tho

>> No.8671125

Nothing is cool. You just grim and bare with wherever you live. All big cities are the same, so if you are coming from on already than you probably won't notice a difference.
If you are a slow moving Midwesterner you might get a kick out if it.
I hate NYC. Been to various big cities in US and EUR and it's all the same shit.

>> No.8671144

>i have an accounting degree and can program reasonably well. i dont need a guy to pay for shit
When did you change your mind? I remember some months ago you were all about getting a rich guy to marry you. Guess you're too ugly and no one wanted you since you're bat shit crazy and not good looking. (Even your cousin is prettier than you even though you deny it btw)

You're talking like you know about moving around and shit when you still live with your fucking parents and have never moved out before. Go back to cooking curry and start researching for liposuction procedures instead of lip botox

>> No.8671147


I'm a chef / cook

>> No.8671186


Oh neat, where have you cooked/where you going/what position

>> No.8671203

bitch you dont know shit about me
i moved back in this year only cause of a family emergency
and youre such a fucking loser- why do you care so much about what me or my fugly cousin look like. i dont know who you are and obv dont give 2 shits about your life why are you so obsessed with me- youre a like a pathetic version of perez hilton except you arent even making money off being such a fanboy- your life is just plain sad
and i am goodlooking- just cause i wanna look even better doenst mean i dont know it

thats even worse. pretty sure they go by a quota/lottery system. theres a ton of chefs in NYC already

>> No.8671219

>pretty sure they go by a quota/lottery system

Visa does not work like this. Only diversity visa does, and Canadians are not allowed. Too many Canadians.

>> No.8671231


>quota/lottery system

holy shit shut the fuck up. If his resume is good enough and he's networked properly he's probably already been offered a position. It's not like cooks just go to a city and wing it.

When you're in the career part of you're cooking you'll usually spend a few years at one place until you have somewhere else accept you or offer a career. I know a guy who went from sous at hawksworth and only left when Noma offered a position as chef de partie.

and I can guarantee you Noma is just as sought after as anywhere in NYC

>> No.8671245

are you fucking KIDDING ME?? "why do you care so much"? dumb whore you made a thread about it the other day posting pics of your cousin and calling her ugly. If you don't want people telling you the truth then don't fucking post pics and make threads about it.

You are not good looking and you're gaining weight. Lets be real here.
Goddamn no wonder you're still single.

>> No.8671275

>le epic tripfag drama

pls stop

>> No.8671284

fucking idiot the entire thread wasnt about my cousin. you obviously care- fuck off and stop trying to provoke me/get my attention obsessive loser
and who said im not seeing anyone? was i supposed to update you or something? get bent

idgaf its his life- he knows what he;s doing. dont have to be so rude fuckign asshole

>> No.8671293

>tfw live in Adelaide

Boring city in a boring country

>> No.8671309

NYC is breddy great

Ive yet to get sick of it

>> No.8671320

your cousin's hotness stole that thread tho

>> No.8671326

>p trying to provoke me/get my attention obsessive loser

Dat projection

>> No.8671337
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she's a jealous neurotic unemployed loser
and she's not that cute

>> No.8671342

>obsessive loser

>posts a million pics of her curry eating GREASY face
>post a couple of pics of hot cousin "look at her she's so ugly omg"

>still single
>still poor
>still ugly
>gaining weight

lol youre so obsessed with yourself. I am just commenting on threads YOU made on a PUBLIC forum

>> No.8671343

she's on the right

>> No.8671355


looks like u but older

>> No.8671366

that thread isnt even here anymore so what's your point?
none of that is true and you bringing it up after the fact and adding your own delusional spin = obsessed
fuck off now not gonna bother replying.

>> No.8671368

you sound a bit jealous when you talk about her tbh

she breddy ugly but id still shag her in the arse cunt :DDDD

>> No.8671369


I'm visiting here right now. As young person with little job experience I'd live here for a year and wouldn't settle until I'm accomplished. I love big cities but I've only really been to Hong Kong and NY, would still like to experience Tokyo,Paris,London,Berlin and Copenhagen/Stockholm before I make the call

>> No.8671371


Lol I thought that was you

Just passing by and seen you post a couple times and I will just say this

You do not seem like you have a healthy state of mind. I'd get some help if I were you, what you are doing is not normal behaviour.

Also stay off 4chan, it's obvious that you don't really get "4chan culture" or just straight up choose to deny and reject it. Either way you do not mesh well with this place and all you bring about is negativity, both to other posters and yourself.

4chan should not be a facet for constantly taking our your personal issues, look at r9k and how unstable they are. Seek some help irl.

>> No.8671384
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"my cousin does this weird pursing thing with her lips to make them look bigger and she looks like an idiot (pic) "

>> No.8671390

im not jealous. she is and resorts to petty things like gossip and spreading rumors about her own family

uhhhh who are you supposed to be 4chan police?
i;ll do whatever the fuck i want. no one's forcing you to read what i post.

>> No.8671391

Why do so many Indians try to be white?

Not saying you are, but Ive met a lot that do and I wanted to know if you had an explanation.

Is it like with white people and tanning?

>> No.8671396
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I've been going to school here for two years now, expecting it to be a dead husk of what I hoped and dreamed it would be when I was young.

It turned out everywhere else in the world can even touch this place. Sometimes it wears me out a bit, and sometimes I go visit friends in other cities, but it only takes a few hours even to feel the urge to get back and continue experiencing the intense current. Other cities just don't hold a candle to NYC's concentration of people and things and what they can do. It is the zenith of ideas. San Francisco is doing things, Tokyo is doing things, Istanbul is doing things, but they all turn and face New York City.

>> No.8671397

girl on left is afghan
and colonialism/white skin= affluence etc

>> No.8671398

>People dress like theyre in a nuclear winter apocalypse.

this sounds /fa/

>> No.8671405

Girl on left is qt3.14

Girl of right is pig disgusting.

Is this photography exercise on juxtaposition?

>> No.8671413

jesus sicklysweet you still post here

don't you have some fucking doctor on okcupid to let down or something

>> No.8671425

"what underlying problems?
being vain? wanting to look pretty? thats like 90% of women
i dont have low selfesteem (most days) im just being realistic"
"[ i spend a LOT on concealers so i think tear troughs is the obv answer but ppl keep scaring me]"
"50gs? Like 50k salary? Uhhhh that's pretty poor "
"I don't consider that bitch to be family"

And the best of the thread:
"I might want to get into a relationship with him soon but idk I'm not super attracted to him. He's not ugly, he's nice etc but there's no passion"

(literally a couple of minutes later)
"And he's 25/26 he's old enough to know. I might be falling in love."

This bitch is literally insane. And this is all just from ONE thread

>> No.8671436

>and people in NY are so much nicer than in toronto.


people in NY are notorious for being assholes

>> No.8671464

that stereotype is such bullshit and anyone who's been to NY can confirm it.

Some New Yorkers aren't really into conventional manners (please thank you etc.) but they'll help literally anyone out. Pull out a map anywhere and they'll ask if you need help.

>> No.8671575

white boy from florida that wants to study film there

>> No.8671586

I loved it when I visited. Soho was disgustingly /fa/. It was the beginning of march and it was still pretty chilly so people were wearing lots of moncler

>> No.8671590


Why are you talking shit about your immediate family to a bunch of strangers online like I cannot even begin to comprehend what is going on in your head that makes you do this

Like, your cousin.

Your parents' siblings' daughter.

Why? I am honestly dumbfounded.

>> No.8671597

If you are going to study film at NYU then you'd better make sure you can suck a good dick.
It's all about networking, any fuck can make a movie but it's takes good networking skills to get funding to make them. Meeting people is going to be more important than learning what mise-en-scène is, it's stupid but that's life.

>> No.8671639

i want to live in nyc so fucking bad. how hard is it to land a decent/good job there if you are right out of college? i literally know nothing about how to start living there

>> No.8671745

google will tell you much more than anyone on /fa/ can

>> No.8671765

>not knowing NYC is the shittiest place on Earth

Fuccboi pls

>> No.8671766

Ditch the Woody Allen movies, but do come. I'll write more about the romance and actuality of New York later - it's complicated. Two rants I already typed and I need to crash.

It's a different language than High Fashion or Internet Forum. You have to learn how to read it, and TBH what you find is often majestic.

What are you talking about? Gowanus is rich white artsy people looking for somewhere a little out of the way and financial bleed-in from sandwiching Carroll Gardens and Park Slope.

The idea that Flushing is impervious to gentrification is wishful thinking; people probably said that about Manhattan Chinatown before. The real barrier to the gentrification of Flushing is that it's almost not in the city. Largely suburban housing stock around it and that longass ride out on the 7.

Also, and I say this as someone involved in anti-gentrification activism, gentrified places can still be hustle and bustle and dingy and full of character. The complete blandness of Williamsburg is the exception. Look at lower Manhattan - yeah, sure, Broadway and Canal are infested with Midwesterners, but the rest of it just has rich people hustle, bustle, and character, and it's dingy as shit. The Brooklyn Bridge - City Hall station looks like a fucking ruin, and that's the part they still use. FiDi is actually awesome, and it's amazing how it's retained its character as a site of capital accumulation over the centuries: first a trading post, now a trading post, only the goods are virtual and the ships go to Jersey. Manhattan Chinatown, once you step off Canal and Mulberry, is still extremely authentic and often extremely poor, especially on the Little Fuzhou end.

It's horrible that one has to emphasize this so much: gentrification is not because because muh grit and kurrturr. It's bad because it's literally displacing poor, minority persons and breaking up their communities. Very little is actually about our white aesthete experience of the world.

>> No.8671772

its a gigantic dilapitated city interspersed with nice parks. You're probably not going to be able to afford to live in the main part of new york, especially not if you're blowing your money on drugs. Everything is incredibly expensive and you'll feel bad every time you buy a hamburger when you know you could've spent the inflation and salestax money on some fire yay. Other than that I guess it was /fa/ I went to try and get model management there but didnt really fall in love with the city.

>> No.8671788

>tfw cousin has a flat on Wall Street and lets me stay whenever I visit
She pays $2000 for her apartment (split between her roommate) so it's not too bad considering the location. Definitely moving to NYC after college. People actually care about fashion there.

>> No.8671801


Excellent post.

>> No.8671802

Lol I fucked it up I'm dumb

>> No.8671804

FiDi is intern living standards... My buddy from HS studies at the New School and has a place with his friend in the village and I think they each pay like ~1500 a month. It's a 2 bd/2 bath and on like the 10th floor. Pretty good. For comparison I live in Santa Monica, CA and pay 1600 for a 1 bd/1 bath apartment on the 3rd floor...

>> No.8671808

>google joan didion's piece on new york
Which? There's like 25.

>> No.8671813


most famous

>> No.8671835


>> No.8671838

I moved to NYC from LA right out of High School, and I eventually moved back, but it was pretty fun when I was living there, even though I was working a lot. You'll find a lot of fashionable people, and then you'll find even more plebs. Woody Allen is a faggot, but it's a nice city overall, I fucking miss it.

>> No.8671878

Wound up writing some more, but I'm just not up to the main thing.

The thing most people miss about money in New York is whatever you think it is, it's something else, too. You can pay some obscene amount for a gilt caviar pizza slice (really!) or get a dollar slice. (Best I know of is at Atlantic and Nostrand.) Even the housing market works like that. I know a couple paying $0/ever for a prewar on the Upper West Side, and not through family, and you can pay five figures a month in Brooklyn; I've even seen mid-five-figures rents on CL in Manhattan before.

I pay $450 in a somewhat unusual situation I don't want to get into further, but I also know people doing that in fairly typical flatmate situations. You should expect $700 as a bottom end for rent you can get. Lower is luck and connections, mostly connections.

You know the one she meant. But it's also not really about New York, and somewhat off base in what it says about it/the transplant experience here, at least as it presents in the early 21st century. She may have been absolutely right about her time, IDK.

>Of course it might have been some other city, had circumstances been different and the time been different and had I been different, might have been Paris or Chicago or even San Francisco, but because I am talking about myself I am talking here about New York.

What it's really about, staggeringly brilliant about, is disappointment, the sadness of knowing, the unavoidable weight of accumulating a life and realizing: this is not just yours, it's you, and you can't take it back, ever.

>> No.8671895


Also, legal minimum wage here is $8/hr. In practice, most menial positions start out at $10-ish, especially the kind you can get if you're the kind of person who posts on an Internet fashion board, watches Woody Allen movies, and can consider an international move because feeeels. (I am also generally this kind of person, even if I think Woody Allen is demonstrably a creep just from the movies and a superficial one to boot.)

Garbage under the table jobs that'd actually be pretty hard for you to get pay about $5-6-ish.

That's bullshit. One, the #1 factor affecting your safety in any urban area is how you carry yourself.

Two, being the kind of white tripe who says stuff like that (I'm talking about the people who told you that, not you) actually, contrary to all their fears, insulates them from violence. People aren't stupid - they know they can fuck over other people the system doesn't care about to no end, but if they so much as scare a pretty white victim they could wind up dead.

In the little corner of a neighborhood that's not Bushwick where I live, but probably other places, there's a small street gang that shakes down the illegal immigrants coming home from work. Nothing big, just getting in their way and asking for a dollar or two; everyone knows to refuse means trouble later. They get away with it, despite a nearby precinct, because no one with the power to stop it cares, and the immigrants are too vulnerable to make a stink.

Three, most crime is centered where there's money: either the places rich white people go with their money or the drug trade.


Now I really have to crash.

>> No.8671902

What part?

>> No.8671912

> living in chiraq the murder capitol of the USA

>> No.8673081

It's really expensive and sucks ass. Pls don't.

>> No.8673436

I've been some suburban pleb my entire life

My fetish is cities, big ones, NYC, LA (honestly, literally half an hour from my suburb but I don't LIVE there), Seattle, Chicago, etc.

I romanticize it way too much

>> No.8673580


by now I think its just an elaborate troll
maybe even Sieg again

>> No.8673639

I live like 30-40 mins outside of NYC in a suburb. I think that most people who romanticize living in the city are from small towns/small cities, because trust me, it's a hassle if you live here. Over expensive, overcrowded, and full of pretentions. Nyc was dirt cheap and dangerous in the 60s,70s, and 80s, when my parents worked there. Hookers, drug dealers, crack, graffiti, violence. Truly edgy, and not ironically. But, it was also a haven for artists, writers, and musicians because of the dirt cheap rent. Since then it's been getting more expensive and tourist/yuppie/trust fund baby -friendly.

All that being said, i could see how it would appeal to someone from a small town, because it is a very interesting/aesthetically beautiful/diverse city. not to mention all the references to it in the culture.

>> No.8673673

where is the dirt cheap, edgy place to live right now? what city will be where NYC is in 25 years?

>> No.8673690

detroit and to a lesser extent, chicago

>> No.8673714

NYC is okay
It's noisy, dirty, smelly, blacks/mexicans everywhere, everything is 6x more expensive than it should be, everyone thinks they are better than you because they live in nyc, everyone is in a shitty mood all the time, constant traffic, food can be pretty shit if you dont know the right places
i could go on but whatever

>> No.8673724

Fuck off, we're full

>> No.8673730

>I like hustle and bustle and dingy places with character

>> No.8673744

fucking lol

no you're so right detroit and chicago will rank right up there with nyc one day

>> No.8673755

>40 goddamn million

>> No.8673759


Even more expensive to live in.

>> No.8673776

>live in Tokyo
>get stung to death by 5 inch long wasps

>> No.8673829

pics of cousin pl0x

>> No.8673836

mine too. i'm in the suburbs of new york, i love going to the city too

>> No.8673853

go here n read the thread

>> No.8673906
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>that faggot whose posts are consistently deleted and who is consistently banned

>> No.8673919

who? snails?

>> No.8673931

Yes, seattle has great people, weed, and parties. Can't beat summers in seattle

>> No.8673969

WOW what a dumb bitch. Never stick your dick in crazy like that boys.

>> No.8674013

>Bored kids from bumfuck places and suburbs who've watched too many movies and wanna go to SVA or NYU or some fashion school

All big cities are the same you dumbasses.

PLEASE stop gentrifying NY and destroying the culture even more.

Your immature dreams should be illegal.

>> No.8674226

Manhattan is for the overly rich or you are going to be living in a room with 4 other people meant for 2 people paying the rent which should be meant for a house for 5 people.

> Just visit

>> No.8674259

10/10 nice post.

heard you can't even get rent in Ctown unless you are a.) chinese b.) chinese

>> No.8674426

movie to montreal

>> No.8674442

I'd rather go to portland or seattle. The east side sucks dick.

>> No.8674498

I've lived in NY my whole life, can't say I've met too many assholes. Most strangers are welcoming if you have a question or problem.

>> No.8674507

actually thinking this is an issue for someone not in a gang

>> No.8674583

seattle is alright but p much the opposite of nyc

>smells 100x better
>looks less like a metropocalypse
>cute asian grills
>weed and chill people

>apart from downtown it's like 1 big suburb
>public transport is subpar
>few /fa/ stores
>boring beyond belief

portland is fine but wouldn't want to live there

>> No.8674634

it's always the ones who never live in NYC or go there a lot, that falls in love with that crap hole. The only reason to go there is for the night life, and gtfo. Nothing more. Place is expensive, especially for clothes(due to taxes), which is why people travel to NJ to get their clothes.

>> No.8674711

Ventures get swallowed up by venture capitalists which get swallowed up by priate equity which gets swallowed up by hedge funds which get swallowed up by investment banks which are part of the big banks of america.

>> No.8674728
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someone post pics of this bitch

>> No.8674815

Seattle and NYC are completely different. Don't let anyone tell you they're not. Seattle is a lot more spread out, has real neighborhoods, and no "real" downtown. Downtown here is shit, full of crackheads and tourists. Capital Hill and The Ave are really the only /fa/ places, and are pretty small (although Capital Hill is growing ridiculously fast) It really depends what you like, but Seattle and NYC aren't comparable

>> No.8674898
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Yes goyim, a bunch of white men in a secret society are controlling everything

>> No.8674907

East coast best coast faggot go suck a dick and smoke a joint, classic west coast pastime

>> No.8674998

Detroit is an edgy cheap place to live. Big hipster and DIY scene. It's never going to rank up there with NYC but who gives a fuck. Like someone else said in this thread, most big cities are the same, it's their individual culture that makes them unique. I'm living here now and it's pretty great

>> No.8675077

What are the most /fa/ places to live in New England that isn't shitty Boston?

>> No.8675102

Low key Detroit is more /fa/ than any other city mentioned here. Edgy, grimey, darkand a half hour drive from stores with designer shit. I saw five different gothninja kids and four pairs of geos in the area the past week

>> No.8675143

Yeah sometimes it borders on too edgy, but if you live here you just need to know where not to go (which is a large portion of the city).

It's getting less dark because they're actually replacing all the broken streetlights.

>> No.8675146

I've lived in NYC (Brooklyn and manhattan) for the past 17 years and I would absolutely say its not worth living here.

Sure, there are some pretty great things about here, but once the initial allure wears off and you're walking around piles of garbage and sitting next to smelly bums on the train you will wonder why you ever came here.

>> No.8675228

Portland, Maine

>> No.8676504

I've made it a long-term goal of mine to land a high-paying job there, there's just so much culture

also qt asian girls

>> No.8676545


>qt asian girls

are you fucking stupid

>> No.8676573


FUCK cali

>> No.8676905

Tell us more? I really want the story of Detroit as the/a new haven for poor artists to turn out great, innovative work and people to be free and awesome generally, but I just don't see it happening.

I could be just missing it, or it could just be not getting out for a number of socioeconomic reasons, but that's a problem for it if that's the case.

>> No.8677594 [DELETED] 

i don't think you can over romanticize some thing. if people shut you down and say your dreams are unrealistic tell them this.

In the city of your dreams there are also people who dream to stay or leave the people who want to stay are likely dreaming about the same things you are but that doesn't mean you cant get along with the people that want nothing more than to leave.

Befriending people regardless of where there head or body is at is key to the human experience and telling some one their dreams are invalid is not.

>> No.8677605

i don't think you can over romanticize some thing. if people shut you down and say your unrealistic tell them this. In the city you dream of there are also people who want to stay or leave the people who want to stay are likely dreaming about the same things you are but that doesn't mean you cant get along with the people that want nothing more than to leave. Befriending people regardless of where there head or body is at is key to the human and telling some one their dreams are invalid is not.

>> No.8677670

i feel this exact same feel

>> No.8677974

Providence (ymmv)
The good half of Hartford
New Hampshire is nice, lots of winter sports and no tax but if you live there or Vermont you're not going to be around anyone /fa/

>> No.8678273

We should get everyone on /fa/ to move to Detroit. Would be great

>> No.8678731

Kek'd hard at that last sentence.

>> No.8678735

NYC is cool when you're in a college racking up debt or are on someone else's money and have no real responsibilities

Getting a decent job, a decent place to live, and just having any sort of quality life with minimal compromise is an absolute nightmare

>> No.8678747


>> No.8678787

going to nyc in october can't wait
coming from europe
cant wait for all the cheap shit im bout to buy and eat

>> No.8678873

Live in Detroit and be a working class hero.

>> No.8678909

Be careful on the cheap street food. It can be good but it'll run right through you.

Things are cheap here in America but there's a saying "It cost 5 dollar to walk down the street in New York" You can easily run through 600-1k worth of usd in a 2 day weekend there just partying, drinking, eating, traveling and trying to shop. Not saying you can't have a decently cheap trip to NYC but your money will disappear very fast if you aren't careful.

>> No.8678920

I can tell you about Detroit when I get home from work. It's a hip but dysfunctional place, perfect for yuppies and hipsters.

>> No.8679022

why NY can take away garbage?

>> No.8679053

brown guy from virginia addicted to drugs and depressed and been out of uni for a year now, also attracted to NYC. Let's all go there and kill each other

>> No.8679061

Thank you for the guide based bro if u were a grill we couldve rolled together

>> No.8679126

Alright not sure if you're being sarcastic but you're welcome. As far as meeting girls idk how any guy that does a decent job of grooming himself, dressing simple and clean (not even necessarily fashionable or fashion forward), and knowing how to hold a conversation for a few minutes miss out on meeting quality decently attractive women in NYC. There's a surplus of women there compared to the number of men. It's a young man's play ground. Pace yourself and enjoy your trip.

>> No.8679153

i feel like the only liberal leaning young adult that's not out to go gentrify a big city like NYC. i can't see why it would make sense to live in NYC unless you're a talented artist with actual aspirations or loaded as fuck. most people I know that move there are just killing their wallet to live somewhere where they can feel fashionable and important. but im from texas so maybe im just missing something? idk man shit really doesnt sound pleasant or worth it

>> No.8679160

fuckin lol

>> No.8679192

The social interactions, networking and just being in the thick of it all, is what makes it. It only takes one night out in NYC to remember it for the rest of your life. It feels big. And yeah fashionable and important. It's also nice to have so many different things being constantly accessible especially if you're a night owl. There's no better feeling than getting up 12 am and being able to do anything that you want because places are still open, trains are still running, and people are still out.

>> No.8679196
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Yeah but despite it I still love Midwest cities and I don't know why.
It's kind of cool driving through plain country for miles and miles and then just coming around a hill and seeing a big city all spread out across the horizon, I guess they sneak up on you a little more than most major cities which are spread out way farther. But at the same time most Midwest cities are heavily suburbanized too, but I can cope with it.

>> No.8679206


yeah i can see that. i guess i'm just conditioned against that because of living outside dallas my whole life. to each their own i suppose

>> No.8679221

chicago > nyc

there's no attitude. nobody (relatively) acts like they're fucking important. it's way cheaper. i actually have a yard and i live 15 min from downtown and there's alleys for trash

>> No.8679224

same here brother. idk how im gonna do it but i am.

>> No.8679232

Fuck chicago

>> No.8679233

No seriously thanks

>> No.8679234

>can program reasonably well
No you can't bitch.
Lemme see yo fizzbuzz so I can reck you on your shit tier reasoning skills.

>> No.8679237

chicago is tite though

>> No.8679804

>whites leave ghetto

>whites enter ghetto

which is it Tyrone?

>> No.8679819

plz no more drug. plz

>> No.8680060

Detroit was a major city and at its peak one of the most (maybe the most?) wealthy per capita cities in the world. Eventually black people from the south moved in (part of a larger movement called the Great Migration) and the white people moved out and created Detroit's extensive and wealthy suburbs.

The economy tanked throughout the '60s-present and the population declined from nearly 2 million (4th largest city in USA) to under 700,000. Detroit is a big city--you can comfortably fit Boston, SF, and Manhattan in it side by side--and enormous portions of it are just streets upon streets of single family homes (Detroit's lack of housing stock variety is actually one of its big hindrances). All those people leaving created lots and lots of vacant homes which led to lots of other problems.

Less people = less tax revenue, which means the city just gets shittier in general. It's a vicious circle that's difficult to fix, especially because people in the suburbs don't give a fuck.

Artists/hipsters moved in because of the low rent, but in the last couple years there has been this big movement to make Detroit hip again. There are a couple of areas/neighborhoods that are cool and hip, but if you go like a half mile from them you're not even in the ghetto--you're in a wasteland.

But there's plenty to do here and I think it's fun. I have a really nice apartment and I live here comfortably even though I don't make a lot of money.

>> No.8680152

where should I move there yo

>> No.8680323

The big areas are downtown and midtown (which each have their own sub-neighborhoods). Corktown is mega hipster but a bit edgier. Lafayette Park is more yuppie but very livable.

There are a few isolated random neighborhoods with REALLY nice houses that sometimes break up mansions into several apartments. Indian Village and West Village namely.

Most of the southwest side isn't as shitty (and also predominantly Mexican/hispanic) and probably a more "authentic" experience if you're into that.

As for the rest of the city (the other 80%), you're on your own. There are isolated neighborhoods that are functioning (or even thriving due to community initiatives), and even isolated streets, but there are some pretty bad areas.

But the hip areas are gentrifying and rent is rising. Even since I've moved into my building a few months ago, the price on my floorplan has gone up like 30% for new leasers.

Supposedly the rents will stabilize or lower after this boom dies down/more housing is built/converted, but that remains to be seen.

>> No.8680327

stop trying to make detroit sound good. its not and will never be

>> No.8680341

Hey man, you can dislike Detroit all you want, maybe somewhere like Miami or Cleveland are more your speed. It's not a place for suburban fuccbois or people that can't handle urban street life

>> No.8680389

>perfect for yuppies

are you kidding me? detroit has a million and a half problems esp downtown. lack of jobs--> no tax revenue --> lack of police force in an already ghetto city is a recipe for disaster
things like a good % of ppl's water being turned off and garbage not being collected etc are huge red flags. even if you're poor it makes no sense to movethere (no jobs/social safety net)
the suburbs are a different story though

>> No.8680396

Ann Arbor, Northville, and Novi are dope af

>> No.8680401

so true
but if you're in NY why would you want to eat cheap crappy food?
and going out isn't expensive at all (i'm a girl though) esp if you pre game make friends with people who have bottle service (shouldnt be too hard in places in meatpacking)

>> No.8680407

I was really disappointed to find that everything closes at normal time in The City That Never Sleeps. I knew it would be overpriced Jew HQ but I didm expect it to be as boring as it was.

>> No.8680416

lol what
maybe on like sunday
ifyoure going out there are alot of afterhour places

>> No.8680418

partied til 5am p much every night, went to hotel to sleep for 2-3 hrs, brunch, did it all over again
then again it was a mini vaca lol

>> No.8680421

i dont know why im so obsessed with nyc. and i do know how everyone would say its not as good as i think it is but i dont care. im gonna save up and eventually move there. i dont care if i live in a smelly apartment

>> No.8680627

Go for it man. It's fun. Go and make your dreams come true. Have a plan cause six degrees of separation is real. Population of 8 and a half million and It's amazing how many people you'll run into that have a connection to you or someone that you want to know.

>> No.8680780

There are tons of new jobs downtown and a lot of those issues you listed just don't apply to me. Yeah the city sucks if you're poor and live in some shitty neighborhood, no shit, water is also wet. Garbage pickup was solved by privatization and people were getting their water shut off because--get this--they weren't paying their bills.

I'm saying if you have a normal job it's pretty easy to have a nice life and enjoy the hip bars, restaurants and concerts and shit. It's edgy, sure, but it's fun, pretty cheap and the people here are great.

>> No.8680946

>Seahawks fans
>the Silicon Valley douche crowd


>> No.8680961

Isn't sickly the girl who photoshopped her tits bigger and her waist smaller?

Also I love NYC but Toronto is a better place to be. NYC is just a fantasy. It's a place to go and kill time and enjoy some place different and vast. But you can't leave Toronto to live there on a whim. It's dumb and super immature and you're literally just trying to make yourself interesting. Just like all the people who live in Windsor for school but call it Windsor-Detroit and talk about ghetto tech like they were a part of it.

They spend weekends in Detroit and think they know hardship but come back and enjoy free healthcare and mommy and daddy paying tuition.

Fuck that noise. Yes travel. Have fun. Fuck bitches. Get money. But don't be one of those assholes.

>> No.8681869


>> No.8682363
File: 652 KB, 960x640, hah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're thinking of tripskank

>> No.8682374

doubt OP is serious about moving there

also people who go to detroit and like acting ghetto are suburban wiggers
Toronto sucks IMO and I was born/raised here. NYC is legit 100x better. your experiences make you interesting- more to do there so obv the city would turn you into a different/better person (assuming you already have your shit togehter etc)

>> No.8682614


I'm not a fan of that. "Your experiences make you interesting." That's such a female mindset.

Every girl I meet who finds out a little about me has to tell me some long winded story about how she's travelled here and there and "wanderlust" and blah blah blah all as an attempt to one up every other girl or to appear more interesting than the other standard "suburb/city white girls" at the party, this happens and then since she's told me so much about her life, we fuck or if I don't bite and say "wow tell me more" we move on and that's that.

I don't care. You're not a special unique flower, and I'm just trying to fuck.

The interesting girls are the quiet ones. Not the ones who blab about backpacking through safe-Europe, or spending time in Africa building schools, or taking pictures with docile Thai tigers and Wat Rong Khun.


>> No.8682653

Woody Allen is overrated

>> No.8682792

All you guys talking about nyc nightlife need to check out Berlin.
New York is nice but it doesn't even come close to Berlin in terms of actual cool clubs (not bottle service garbage) music & energy.
I'm talking about places that will never let you in of your wearing high heels / a tie / dressed formal.
What would you give not to have to deal with suburban subhumans coming to the city on weekends to "club" and puke outside the venue cause they can't handle it?

>> No.8682802
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Also, Berghain.

>> No.8682804

hm I think you're the right person to ask
what should I bring with myself to berlin in terms of clothes and maybe something else?
I'm coming alone and just plan to party
what clubs/places and what wardrobe
I have to visit it

>> No.8682854
File: 198 KB, 1269x640, 1526727_7311854368921585_221295216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are you coming? Autumn weather is starting soon, so pretty much the same weather as the east cost of north america.
What is your edginess lvl? (what does the scanner reads)

Best clubs are:
Berghain (of course)
The Renate

Avoid at all cost:
Matrix (I cannot stress that enough)

To get into berghain, dress like pic related.
The other clubs are less edgy, but avoid dressing formal at.all.cost.

If you're more into diy spaces and dingy trashy underground spots that are really community centered there are a couple of living room bars in neukolln also have fucking cave dance floors:
The Loop
The Zone

Best bet is to go to these places to meet people, because people don't talk much on the dance floor lol. Also be prepared for the complete opposite of what you're used to (if you're coming from america). You don't buy girls drinks to get laid, and it is absolutely forbidden to grind/dry hump whatever the fuck they do in these awful clubs in the states. If you're horny and at berghain or about: blank or whatever, they actually have dedicated "dark room" where you can go take drugs and fuck. I love it.

>> No.8682867

>and it is absolutely forbidden to grind/dry hump

>> No.8682868

good info
so pretty much dress like memetic edgemaster 3000
> "dark room"
one giant room where people fuck?

>> No.8682876



did you really just do that?

>> No.8682910
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Well you're going clubbing in one of the most renowned club in the world, so of course people are gonna look edgemasterish, although of course not everyone dresses like that. But most people get turned away at the door, especially if you look too normal,so i figured i'd give a heads up.

>one giant room where people fuck?
more like tiny cabins set up everywhere around the club. Berghain used to be a power plant so there are a lot of small rooms and such where you can go.

idk man i have no idea what underage kids and rich bottle service type assholes do these days when they dance…

anyway, all of this is of course if you're planning to experience the city on its most edgy/drugged out/too much partying level… Berlin is of course known as one of the most laid back city there is.
There is absolutely no need to be a memetic edgemaster 3000 (love that term) to enjoy it here, but if you're going all in...

>> No.8683003

>and it is absolutely forbidden to grind/dry hump...

lol what's the point of dancing then? Everything seemed cool until that bit.

I'm imagining a bunch of 20 somethings dancing like old couples or in a circle on some 90's Kid and Play House Party shit.

Just curious if there are any reggae/dance hall clubs there where you can actually dance with the women?

>> No.8683103
File: 43 KB, 550x412, yaam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so of course its not forbidden, you'll just look like a tourist retard if you dance like a monkey in a techno/house club. People dance together all the time, its the whole point of going dancing, and you can hook up with anyone regardless of your sexual orientation without any problem, but if you do that dance hall shit in techno clubs you're not gonna enjoy the results

Anyway, this place is really chill for reggae. full of refugees from ghana, nigeria, etc so you know its legit (lol)

>> No.8683141

Alright cool I wasn't specifically saying you should be doing dance hall moves in a techno club but you made it sound like you'd be kicked out of the club if you got caught grinding on the dance floor. Not Even sure why you'd mention grinding if they're mostly clubs dedicated to techno or house music.

>> No.8683164

Have you actually listened to techno? How the fuck can you grind on that? Besides everybody is on drugs so they just want to dance in their own worlds and don't bother other people.

>> No.8683249

>addicted to drugs and depressed
Ayeee /fa/ fam represent
But seriously, that's most of us here, right?

>> No.8683265

Warsaw is full of people trying to be german
London is full of fuccbois trying to be new yorkers
Berlin is full of fags trying to be Londoners
What is NYC full of?

>> No.8683503


>> No.8683590

people from everywhere else

>> No.8683616
File: 15 KB, 320x240, laughingfam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>London is full of fuccbois trying to be new yorkers

>> No.8683640

nah NYC is cool

>> No.8683642

you ever been to London?

>> No.8683660 [DELETED] 

Niggers and Jews

>> No.8684414

>you ever been to London?

Pls be in


, >>8683265.

>> No.8685992

Is there ever going to be an NYC meetup?

>> No.8686385

that white guy is soosoo cute

>> No.8686416


I studied film at NYU, now I edit reality shows. It is a nice job, I make 70k a year ez and I just turned 24

New York has the most of everything

>> No.8686428

good post

>> No.8686453
File: 55 KB, 960x640, swoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could stare at for days :3
his cheekbones/eyes/nose/smile
soo cute
no guys in toronto who look like that

>> No.8686489
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>some dude not from Berlin trying to talk about Berlin: the post

Aight, let's see here. Berghain has long lost it's charm due to heavy tourism. Sisyphos and Chalet are pleb as hell. Sameheads is a place for thirtysomething hasbeens, always has been, and Loophole died once they renovated.
Honestly, in Neukölln, the only bar worth anything is Del Rex, since they don't play the same chillwave/indiepop bullshit that every other fucking bar plays.
The dark room is really mostly for gay people, and Berghain itself is geared directly towards gay people. so keep that in mind. And grinding is perfectly fine, as long as you don't have a problem with a bunch of jealous germans staring at you from the edge of the dancefloor whilst sipping their 5€ beer.
Do check out Darklands and About:Blank if you're into the aesthetic. Also, Urban Spree and that one place I forget the name of that's in a abandoned house sorta close to Warschauer.

>> No.8686509

Yeah, there's only one guy who looks like that. Another good post namefriend :^)

>> No.8686518
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aww you're so nice

>> No.8686520

Damn, so no guys in toronto look like shit? Damn, I should move there

>> No.8686558

Fuck, I hate Molly Soda.

>> No.8686568
File: 44 KB, 678x960, ovaries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah implying vincent isn't one of the most perfect looking guys ever
ughhh what I would give to keep hanging out in NY with an italian raised in paris with such next level swag
in fact p much every guy in NY who talked/hit on me was super hot/nice (compared to toronto at least). even the girls were nicer

>> No.8686573

or wait the guy in the berlin pic?
he's so hot what are you even talkign about

>> No.8686588

About your low standards, but I guess it's just the "small town girl coming to the big city" effect

>> No.8686591

>Doug Stanhope
nice taste in standup, friend

>> No.8686597

uhhh since when is toronto a small town
it;s the size of chicago

>> No.8686602

toronto does not have a lot of attractive men (this has been confirmed by several of my friends from other countries)
the girls are probably better looking than average though

>> No.8686608

Nah, you're just projecting your wishes and dreams onto other countries
Most weeaboos on here do that with Tokyo, thinking everything is great there
But if you're into ugly dudes like that, Berlin is perfect for you lol

>> No.8686634

italian men are probably the best looking


>> No.8686641

Good fashion related posts.

>> No.8686644
File: 90 KB, 500x667, 1405546260756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you that dense
Do you not read sentences
I mean, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but damn, name fags really are retarded

>> No.8686664


who the fuck complains about white flight?

>> No.8686665
File: 20 KB, 369x604, averagegermanmale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you relax

that man in the photograph is cleary attractive.
i'm not projecting a fantasy i have for german men or something. there are more attractive men there than in toronto but im not dying to go there esp when the avg man there looks like this apparently

>> No.8686683

Yes, but the average men live in fucking villages
Berlin is full of gorgeous homosexual men and tons of dudes like that pic you posted
But I seriously doubt there aren't any dudes like that in Toronto
Like, where are you looking for them?

>> No.8686694

there are some. usually gay or have gfs. ratio of goodlooking men to women here is very very skewed. lot of women usually have to date down 2-3 pts (whereas in the states its the other way around apparently)
and in school/bars/clubs

>> No.8686709

Ugh couldn't imagine dealing with that
You do sound pretty desperate too

>> No.8686715

lol i probably was when i was younger
not so much anymore
looks are less important to me now in LTRs

>> No.8686723

the fuck is a LTR
are you a pickup artist
what was this thread about again

>> No.8686734

NYC is the biggest shithole on Earth

Full of fuccbois and basic bitches
among other things

>> No.8686770
File: 65 KB, 1024x683, bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long term relationship
and its relevant cause NY men are hot. good enough reason to move there (half kidding)

>> No.8686790

if you do and meet a girl name razieme tell her to fuck off

>> No.8687403

I grew up here
It's my home... I am going to school in the bay area in california now... and I miss my dirty city so badly.

I have snobby new yorker moments all the time that I try to contain.

I just love my city.
I know it's a shitshow half the time but there is beauty amongst the congestion

also, my fucking bagels. shit I miss quality bagels.

>> No.8687454

east coast = single grills

west coast = every grill has a chad millionaire

>> No.8687463

lmao every time