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/fa/ - Fashion

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8665255 No.8665255[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what do you do to stay trim /fa/?

i bet the majority of you are black coffee and cigarette fiends

>> No.8665268

I lift weights and eat at a caloric deficit.

>> No.8665285


I eat whatever I want, smoke cigarettes and weed 24/7, and jump on my trampoline for like half an hour ever other day. suck it nerds.

>> No.8665291

How do I cop heroin? apparently my town has pretty big heroin scene but i dont even know where to start

>> No.8665301

I walk a lot and do minor lifting to stay skeletorcore. Also my heaviest meal of the day is lunch around 1pm which curbs hunger for the rest of the day.

>> No.8665303

I eat a balanced diet and excersise regularly

>> No.8665305

eat like shit
pick up unhealthy habits

pretty much

>> No.8665334
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>and jump on my trampoline
fuck i miss living with my mom :^(
>tfw fa lilbro

>> No.8665336
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>implying skeletor was skinny

ffs, why do so many people do this? you know the name so you should know that he looks like.

>> No.8665381

I was really hoping those cigarettes were gonna wiggle!!

Then they did!! : D

>> No.8665385

hah are you the same guy who said same thing to me like couple months back?
I didnt know him as a character, just used skeletor for some reason

>> No.8665395

luckily I stole my trampoline from my mom's when I moved out. >:3
my big ol backyard is awesome. my dogs love it.

>> No.8665514


>> No.8665543


>> No.8665551

Stay away from junk food, drink a lot of water, and do some cardio.
That's all I do.

>> No.8665566

I try to eat light and only when I'm hungry. I also bike regularly and am on my feet for 6+ hours almost every day (line cook). I do drink coffee, but quick smoking a while ago; it's a shitty habit in almost every aspect.
I weigh less right now than I have since middle school. Feels good.

>> No.8665574

Because the word "skeleton" isn't an epic, epic maymay and everyone knows that on 4chan you must use le secret maymayspeak :^)

>> No.8665576

Quit smoking, not quick. Oops.

>> No.8665599

I do dance, synchronized swimming, and climb mountains sometimes. Also just avoiding oily food.

Also it helps to be a girl with high metabolism.

>> No.8665781

youre gay as fuck

>> No.8665783

I really like tea

>> No.8665793

lift weights and count calories

>> No.8665828

tea is good

>> No.8665841
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I lift weights and maintain a healthy diet. Enjoy being malnourished, drug addicted faggots.

>> No.8665893

e-cig. Nicotine cuts appetite but supposedly without the negative effects of smoking, but I know for sure my breath doesn't reek. It doesn't look as cool with traditional fits but with techwear, it is in theme.

>> No.8666261
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>tfw not even that guy but I remember that

damn, I spend way too much time on here

>> No.8666268

hahhahhhaha look at this faggot worrying about smoking aesthetics

>> No.8666271

you know e-cigs are like 110% WORSE for you than actually smoking right?

>> No.8666273

Source m8? I'll quit right now if you give me sauce

>> No.8666315

Adderall daily

About once a month I buy a little h and snort it over a few days and eat even less

>> No.8666436
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>> No.8666663

Green tea bruh drink with every meal

>> No.8666840

how do you get your aderall friend? prescription?

>> No.8666909

I'm 6'2
125 lbs
>tfw spooky skeleton and nothing I can do because shit genetics

>> No.8666951

Ask around weed circles

>> No.8666981


>> No.8667018

5'9, 56kg. train basketball every monday wednesday and play a match on wednesday. athletics training tuesdays (unless i cbf then i go basketball) and sunday.

work 38 hours a week as a tradesman

Eat whatever I want.

>> No.8667061

I smoke meth. Cut with a little weed, as I see fit.

>> No.8667077
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>> No.8667090

if you start taking heroin to be effay you are /fa/'s bitch

>> No.8667093

eating meat (with fat of course, for energy) only/drinking water only

>> No.8667183
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im Around 5'9'' and 126,5 lbs

How are my measuraments?

>> No.8667184

>tfw when skinnyfat
>tfw you fought only calorie deficit will do it
>it sort of did but still not satisfied
>too lazy to do any kind of exercise that doesn't do some immediate changes
>tfw your perfectionist efficient alter ego doesn't let you do any kind of activities which look pointless for survival

fucking kill me, i cant do shit if i don't see a very solid basic point on it

w2c dedication?

>> No.8667190

who doesn't? Oh right, the murkans

theyll never know the joy of sipping a hot cup of unsweetened Earl Grey

damn my local supplier stopped selling that

>> No.8667192

b-but that's effay

>> No.8667211
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>> No.8667220
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you said it yourself!

>> No.8667223
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gb2 /fit/
thats actually very skinny aside from your height standards apparently

>> No.8667241

never lifted a weight in my life bb, i keep skinny n trim naturally

>> No.8667262

who was talking about keeping skinny naturally lol

>> No.8667294
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>> No.8667337
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>> No.8667369

I'd like to try the coffee/cigarettes diet just for the heck of it.
How does it work? You only drink black coffee and smoke cigarettes? or is there something more?

>> No.8667380

That's pretty much it Anon, but the people giving you this advice probably don't even do it themselves.

I'm extremely skinny and get a lot of flak in my fits but it's unecessary, I'll explain why in a second.
Anyway, coffee suppresses hunger and smoking just seems to aid in that, you can read more here: http://www.precisionnutrition.com/research-review-coffee-hunger

Honestly just drinking a ton of water and tea will help you lose weight and stay skinny for a long time, smoking cigarettes isn't healthy at all, it's not a good idea.

>> No.8667465

are you the water boy

>> No.8667493
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>eating quite a lot
>just going in the outdoors about twice a week
>naturally skinny master race

>> No.8667497

Same, don't even have to try, not even skinnyfat.

>> No.8667504

I do smoke and drink black coffee, but only because I like smoking and drinking black coffee. Neither does anything to suppress my appetite. Just gotta exercise a little self control for that. Currently eating ~1300 calories a day atm. It's honestly not that bad.

>> No.8667506



>> No.8667526


I love tea but don't know any good Earl Grey brands. I've heard Harney and Sons is good. Recs?

>> No.8667554

I drink a ton of water, work out a fuckton, and probably don't eat enough.

>> No.8667555


The exercise doesn't have to be intense for the results you're after. Just do some bodyweight exercises every other day like chin-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, leg raises, squats, calf raises etc. Cardio's good for stubborn fat too. Get at least 100g of protein a day and fill the rest of your calories with whatever fats and carbs you want (except saturated fats but some is fine). It's easy. I've lost 26kgs in the last 9 months doing this. Currently skinnyfat (or kind of otterfat if that's a thing) like you except I feel good about it seeing how far I've come. Soon I'll be where I want to be.

>> No.8667565
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dont really have any nudes to show you but
this'll do i guess
im not exaclty straining at the seams am I

>> No.8667603

ya, nah idiot

>> No.8667620

w2c pants?

>> No.8667649

I fast from time to time and eat very little in general. But I'm not even that skinny (145 lbs/6'1 atm).

>> No.8667665

>But I'm not even that skinny (145 lbs/6'1 atm).

Confirmed for body dysmorphia.

>> No.8667686

i have some metabolic disorder so i stay a hungry skeleton even when i eat 3000 calories a day
i even drink atleast 3 beers daily
guess i'm lucky.. or unlucky, depending on your viewpoint. i could never get /fit/

>> No.8667695

I ride at least 200 miles a week. I also do a body weight routine to maintain a little muscle tone.

>> No.8668077

genetics can't single handedly keep you from achieving a proper body

get to fucking work