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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 133 KB, 2875x2128, meetup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8665146 No.8665146[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If sydney can have its own meetup, so can everyone else. post location & age and locations you'd want to travel to

>> No.8665155

Toronto, 22. I'd go to Montreal or NYC maybe.

>> No.8665166


wouldnt travel anywhere tbh lol

>> No.8665173

Toronto here as well

>> No.8665190

i will probably regret doing this but add me on fb if you wanna hang out before school starts or something

facebook com/ shahid.sabaa

>> No.8665219

18, vancouver


>> No.8665254


Washington, DC.

We already have a group and have met once, msg @epiphoneprophecy on Skype to be added.

Back-up, msg dirge.dawn.

>> No.8665263

the essence of canada and toronto:
3 people posted, 3 of them are shitskin females.

>> No.8665273

One of them posted twice.

>> No.8665279
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having brown skin is awesome
enjoy your crows feet & melanoma

>> No.8665283

whats your point?
im not forcing you to hang out with me dumbass

>> No.8665298

>having brown skin is awesome

nice autogenic training there girl

>> No.8665302

remember how you hate your eyebags?

>> No.8665314

no i completely forgot thanks for reminding me *eyeroll


>> No.8665318

To the person who said I should go to van meetup in the last thread hmu

23 / Victoria BC

>> No.8665321

are these two the same person?

>> No.8665324

yo it's me

your contacts?

>> No.8665329

are you fucking retarded

>> No.8665331

email should be in field, don't know why it didn't post last time.

>> No.8665333

neither it is this time

>> No.8665335

Why would anyone want to meet 4chan people irl other than if the person was a trip and seemed like a cool person

>> No.8665337

email field doesnt exist

>> No.8665341


>> No.8665342

I actually am a whiteboi

>> No.8665343 [DELETED] 

apparently 4chan X on firefox is borked, posting from chrome now.

>> No.8665348

sigh, aberrations@gmail.com
4chan x seems to be fucked on all browsers.

>> No.8665353

just use dollchan tools for firefox

I'll msg you some time

>> No.8665360

Because none of us have friends and want to know people with similar interests.

That being said, if you are a male in Southern Ontario, hmu

>> No.8665362

18, vancouver


>> No.8665371


>> No.8665372

I'd feel uncomfortable in SK with all the prettybois around

>> No.8665374


I'm 19 Vancouver and was just in South Korea it sucks ass

>> No.8665389

south korea sucks ass you suck dick

>> No.8665393

San Diego 619

The only /fa/ggots I know live here is Sieg and that one qt with the nice hips. Anyone else?

>> No.8665406

downtown los angeles, california, usa, earth
will soon be in
Atlanta Georgia

>> No.8665425
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>> No.8665459

sickly is a qt, while we've all seen tripskanks vagina

>> No.8665463

sickly is a vapid materialistic cunt, ethnic americanized girl, which is terrible


she's light leagues ahead of tripsk in terms of


>> No.8665464

253 Tacoma, Washington

Not a shit skin I promise

>> No.8665473

tripsk is pretty knowledgeable tho

i cant think of a single thing sickly has added to the board except pictures of her nose

>> No.8665476


sickly can i b ur boyfran plz

>> No.8665479

>tfw tripskank's asshole is just a google search away

>> No.8665496

tripsk does anal

>> No.8665504


I think they are both pretty cool girls

>> No.8665517

chicago wud b cool
not many people from here live in the area tho

>> No.8665519

based on their instagrams i'd say tripskank likes art, travel (alekzia). Sicky (sabaa_s) likes herself and cheap food`

>> No.8665521

Your body is a just a mass of dough, and you yourself are an effeminate big-freak, your opinion does not matter

>> No.8665532
File: 157 KB, 534x629, 1403910408319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8665630

why does everyone think its melb or syd having the meetups.

its brisbane who has had 2, 3 soon ;_;

>> No.8665694

Are you really that young?

>> No.8665698

Loneliness, desperation

>> No.8665705

Anyone in north jersey?

>> No.8665735

18, santa barbara

willing to travel to LA
gonna be in boston mid-september too

>> No.8665756

>implying anyone outside of AUSNZ knows there are more cities than melbourne and sydney
Well, at least I never get hassled for a melbourne meet

>> No.8665767

Grew up in Essex county but i'm at rutgers nb during the year.

>> No.8665788

Moot took away the email field option for all 4chan boards.

>> No.8665807

live in Newbury Park

>> No.8665830

Sacramento, California

Anyone? Please. It's fucking boring.

>> No.8665840

lmao i had to search where that was, i'm new to socal

originally from oakland

>> No.8665867

filthadelphia speaking / 20

i want to go to nyc again but its such a fucking hassle.

>> No.8665878

19 years, can we please do Montreal

>> No.8665879

I wouldn't mind meeting half way. Haha, what's Oakland like? I heard it's kind of unsafe.

>> No.8665907

Cushman, Arkansas; anyone?

>> No.8665916

I remembered I gather some e-mails in here to set up a meet up in NYC but that never happen. Some were traveling while others were knee deep in classes. Might reach out again for doing one when things get quieter.

>> No.8665925

neat. email me: tripskank@gmail.com

Uh no

Yeah, but I've been posting here since I was 15 so it doesn't seem that way

>> No.8665943

I'm 21 and been posting since I was 15 too. If I tripped, we could've been butt buddies by now :c.

How do you feel about the way /fa/ has changed over the years? Seems like it's lost right now imo.

>> No.8665951


>> No.8665956
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20 and 14 here

/2008/ fam ww@

>> No.8665961

we could meet in like napa or something lmao
i won't be back in norcal until thanksgiving week or christmas tho

>> No.8665973


>> No.8665976

"Sometimes I like to casually juice in the bathroom with the lights out"

>> No.8665988


/fa/ started to change when that one fucking anon created the word "dadcore" and started shitpost that word all over the board for like a week straight, maybe even longer.

It's amazing now though how dadcore is now a normal word in most fashion circles.

now it's straight goodninja/tech but it's good to see some other styles pop in. /fa/ just needs to get over the fact that just because you don't like a certain style, doesn't mean it's "wrong"

>> No.8665991

well, if you ever get a chance just send me an email


>> No.8665993

I don't know. It's always been in flux. There has never been a sole /fa/ culture. There was a time when dadcore dominated, when a blazer over a t-shirt was cutting edge, and now hip hop culture is now considered a valid source for inspiration. There is a struggle between subcultures on /fa/ and that's the only thing that has remained constant over the years. I don't mind. As a girl it doesn't really affect me.

Yeah but I don't feel like I should be proud of saying "I've been on 4chan for 6 years"

>> No.8666011

Please dont tell me we already talked about this

>> No.8666017

It's not as if you're saying "I've /only/ been on 4chan foir 6 years", though.

>> No.8666051

>one fucking anon created the word "dadcore" and started shitpost that word all over the board

Fuck, I remember that time period. I had never come across the term before so I was confused as fuck when he kept spamming it, but eventually all these anons started joining in and drove away all the menswear people. I think slater was the last one to leave, but that dude was crazy. I feel like cooltop pops in sometimes too though.

>> No.8666058

Yeah, womenswear has never really been touched on too much around here, except by you, so I guess the board aesthetic isn't too influential on you. Why do you keep coming here anyway then? Is it cause you're the only female oldfag?

>> No.8666076

Anyone in the denver area? I live by belmar.

>> No.8666161

>Why do you keep coming here anyway then?
It's one of the only things that has stayed constant in my life. It's comfortable.

>> No.8666168

Quit samefagging you fucking psycho

>> No.8666170
File: 199 KB, 750x563, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the last meetup

>> No.8666188

Vancouver meetup would be pointless if Trunks didnt show up

>> No.8666201

overland area here.

>> No.8666216


I didn't even know that there was a meetup in Melbourne. All I ever hear about is the Brisbane meetups.

>> No.8666222

talked about what?

>> No.8666338

That's because there hasn't been.

>> No.8666400

a 780 meet.
Whats ur snap?
Some anon was trying to organize a Edmonton meet

>> No.8666427

tesselate's work is never done

he put brisbane on the map hoe

>> No.8666497


>> No.8666515

Salem, Oregon. Come on niggas there have to be some /fa/gs in portland or something

>> No.8666539


>> No.8667103



not american

none of those places are cheap. learn to yelp

>> No.8667496

19, Kadena-cho, Okinawa
I'd really like to go to Aus or Germany next

>> No.8667510
File: 319 KB, 2048x1367, 9mXSoG3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canberra meet when

>> No.8667527


>> No.8667550

Melbourne Or London latter

>> No.8667558

what's the london whatsapp?