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File: 391 KB, 500x672, antesdepois5goxtei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8658842 No.8658842[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone got a nosejob? Do you thing someone can go from bad looking to good looking with them?

>> No.8658850

her nose still looks like shit

>> No.8658852

She took the cast off after two weeks, there is still swelling.

>> No.8658866
File: 51 KB, 1024x329, QUENARIZFODA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8658872
File: 147 KB, 1280x440, desejado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second reference pic for surgeon

>> No.8658895

I want one so bad

what do you guys know about non surgical rhinoplasty though? is that legit?

>> No.8658910
File: 21 KB, 320x480, desejoestaporra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again. I spoke to my doctor, he said that yes, it is a thing. It is a substance you inject and it changes the shape of your nose. It is not known as secure, nor permanent. You must redo it every one to three years. I don't really recall.

In my opinion it is the best to spend a great amount of money with a ''safe'' procedure and end it all than to do it.

dumping third reference pic to doctor

>> No.8658923

Literally went from being a 5 to an 8.

>> No.8658924


Enjoy being butchered like a vulgar sack of meat because you're going through teenager identity crysis and insecurity 101.

>> No.8658929

That's because of make-up and lighting, not her nose.

>> No.8658939

imagine waking up during this shit

>> No.8658944


Also i would add : plastic sugery should never be a thing unless nature REALLY fucked you up the ass. Which is close to never.

And not to fill some kind of shitty retarded dream of perfection teenagers of 15-18 years old stuffed by MTV seems to have these days.

>> No.8658952

Jesus fuck, I wasn't even considering it or about to participate ITT but damn.
This is why I'll never do it.

Fuck you man.

>> No.8658955
File: 11 KB, 464x313, 1343700322595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change the shape of your nose
>find a partner and get preggers
>your partner's face when his kid is born with an enormous jewnose

>> No.8658971
File: 95 KB, 500x532, tumblr_kxdw091bST1qav0ddo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr getting rhinoplasty to get a generic nose will definitely lead to a better life
insecure teenagers, when will they learn

>> No.8658984

This is why some people get disappointed by getting a nosejob. They fill their expectations with what you said. Then it happens.

It won't happen to me, I am even preparing myself to get an error during the procedure.


>> No.8658989

this is why I won't reproduce anon

>> No.8658993

This shit is fucking awesome. Am i the only one who thinks that? Maybe i've should have been a doctor after all.

>> No.8658995

huge improvement wow. she looks a lot cuter

>> No.8659000
File: 468 KB, 500x742, tres quartos ideal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another reference pic

>> No.8659021

>he looks good with nose bump
>it means everyone else will

>> No.8659056


I'm considering fixing my nose because I got it broken by some fucker during a match when I was 15 or so. Now it's asymmetrical, with some kind of lump on one side of the point where it meets the eyebrows. People don't even notice, but I do. I'm totally against plastic surgery due to caprice but hey, I think it's my right to get back my normal nose.

I hope healthcare pays for it. After all if I didn't got the thing fixed in the moment it was because they were in a goddamn strike in the hospital that day and they got me waiting for 3 or 4 hours bleeding like a motherfucker for then some doc to attend me and tell me he didn't know if it was broken or not and that I should head to another hospital. Then, when I got there they told me it was broken indeed but they couldn't directly relocate it because it was too late.

[hating intensifies]

>> No.8659261

I got one, I don't regret it, fk the h8rs seriously
I'm much more confident, went up 1-2 points in the beauty scale lol, and no one can notice I got one, not even people that knew me they only do after I tell them. so why not do it?
People hating plastic surgery are poor jelly fags.

>> No.8659282

she's hot in both. I love that big strong jew nose.

>> No.8659292 [DELETED] 

so the jews are going undercover

zionist pigs

thanks for outing this kikeslut

>> No.8659291

I'm poor and I hate plastic surgery, I can attest to this.

>> No.8659300

I know, right? After I used photoshop alone and had a simulation with my surgeon I saw how fucking fabulous I could look. It is such a small procedure, yet so the change is so big. I can't wait.

Not everyone looks good in them.

Yeah, yeah.

>> No.8659302


I have enough money to modify my whole body. But i have ethics and standards. Better nose or not you're still an insecure shitter.

>> No.8659312

Be careful with that word. Why is it unethical to get a plastic surgery?

I am curious about this one. Explain.

>you're still an insecure shitter.
It depends on the person, as I said before. Some will rely their entire happiness on a plastic surgery and will end up being disappointed, putting such a great amount of hope in it. These are the insecure shitheads.

The ones who know their world shouldn't revolve around it and know something can go wrong, that the results take time to show up and will most likely not have thousands of other body modifications of this scale are not.

>> No.8659317

I'd get a nose job because my nose is the one thing fucking up my whole face.

>> No.8659325

This, I don't even care if my nose doesn't look perfect as long as I don't look like a gigajew anymore. I don't like bland noses anyway.

>> No.8659336
File: 20 KB, 381x380, 80 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waking up during a face transplant

my great fear

>> No.8659342

Genetics won't lie.

Reproduce and your spawn will have your ugly nose.

Just deal with it.

>> No.8659345

>x looks good without nose bump
>it means I will be a male muddle after le rhinoplasty
doesn't work that way

>> No.8659346

>implying everyone will reproduce
>implying everyone who gets a nosejob will reproduce

>> No.8659347

What's her name I want to break her nose with my dick

>> No.8659354

mine was broken and grew back shittily, get that sand out of your vag

>> No.8659355

It works that way if you tested it with online simulations, genius.

Found her on a swedish plastic surgery website.

>> No.8659358


As i said before, my vision of life and my vision of things is that you should live with your body.

You were born like that, you are what you are, build on that and make something out of it. If you don't have a very, very, strong handicap that would justify such a modification of your body, you have no real reason to butcher yourself.

Doing it only for appearance and look is the biggest proof you could give to someone that you are weak minded.

>> No.8659360

>Having to receive a facial transplant

Considering that only four have been conducted in medical history, I'd say waking up mid-surgery is the least of your concerns.

>> No.8659374

Not him, but how do you feel about bio-mechanical augmentation/prosthesis?

>> No.8659375

Totally agree with you, anon.

I'll even add another point: body dysmorphia is a very real mental illness. For those who suffer from it, cosmetic surgery is a possible cure. Why would you deny them that right?

>> No.8659381

Your ethics are not universal. It is alright for you to think like that. The way you spoke before lead me to understand that your views should be universal.

If being worried about aesthetics is being weak minded, then each one of us should stop being concerned about nice clothing, a nice haircut, taking care of the skin and body, etc. As all these actions taken are for us to feel we fit in a certain beauty pattern.

I would agree that someone would be weak minded if she or he was persuaded into doing it by other people. I was not. I think not a single human being made a comment about my nose.

>> No.8659386

large, curved noses are a masculine feature. they don't look good on women

>> No.8659388

> my kids can get surgery too

Oh okay, so I guess paying for a gym membership and supplements in order to improve your physique is vain and weak minded too right

>> No.8659392

then that message wasn't for you now was it hobgoblin face
touchy though

maybe you should get one
clear the sand out of your vag

>> No.8659396


I feel that this will be the next big clash in humanity. My english isn't good enough to fully explain what i think of such modifications, but they will kill what's left of the human mind, and the discovery of yourself as an individual.

But there's a lot of movies on the subject, and we all know how they end.

>cosmetic surgery is a possible cure. Why would you deny them that right?

Because as the same way you don't fix depression with pills. It's not so simple.

>> No.8659400

>Oh okay, so I guess paying for a gym membership and supplements in order to improve your physique is vain and weak minded too right

Don't strawman like that. I always talked about EXTERIOR operations, things that don't have much of an impact on.

If you really want to post, don't do it in such an awful way. Show some respect.

>> No.8659407

I don't agree with you on plastic surgery but I agree with you on body dysmorphia; people like that would just spend loadsamoney to change and change and change and it would never be enough.

>> No.8659409

Plastic surgery is the same. They change from your interior and have consequences to your exterior.

>> No.8659414


>about nice clothing, a nice haircut, taking care of the skin and body, etc.

All of these actions aren't implying opening your skin to remodel your bones anons. Please. These things aren't on the same level and you know it.

>> No.8659434

But actually, you didn't specify. You used the word "butcher", which I found vague and inflammatory. In order to build muscle, you need to literally tear your muscle fibers for them to regrow. So tell me how that doesn't clash with your ethics.

> i meant exterior only
Do you consider acne medication to be unethical too? You're literally placing acid on your skin. How about braces?

>> No.8659436

Of course they are not on the same level, but they all are modifications, to some extent.

If we buy the clothes that are currently ''in'' or if we exercise to be skinny are we weak minded? This is, unfortunately, what we all do: ''fit in''. By that I don't mean we will be rejected by society, but we want to be ''models''. Even the ones who do not fit the beauty patterns and are still considered beautiful give the impression of ''symmetry'', the goal of these surgeries.

Not sure if clear enough with my english.

>> No.8659439

also, forgot. This.

>> No.8659454

>to some extent.

That's the word anon.

>> No.8659456

Your English is fine, don't hide behind that.

>> No.8659467

Most of the people who tell you to "love yourself" would never in their lives want to actually be in your shoes. It's easy for a 10/10 surfer boy to say it but I'm legitimately ugly and the only thing that really helps to some extent is plastic surgery.

>> No.8659468

So? To some it is enough to put earrings, to build muscle or to have a clear skin.

To others, it is enough to modify their nose, or their breasts, or jawline.

They all reach the same goal.

I am not hiding, I just apologize too much.

>> No.8659472
File: 34 KB, 291x402, prettynose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>''guys, you look gorgeous the way you are! It is so wrong to get this procedure...You need to get out of such conformity!''

>> No.8659480

I'm watching Lost right now and she is so dreamy hnngggg

>> No.8659487



I look like shit. Really i look like shit and i'm nowhere, NOWHERE near a 10/10. But i stick to my principles, which i will put in three words : deal with it.

I truely think that being able to get over these " issues " is the best way to build a strong mind and a strong personality, being SOMEONE, instead of just giving up and falling to some kind of inexistant social pressure you're putting on yourself.

>> No.8659490

That and the "well it's bad because everyone will look the same!"
I still prefer looking like a clone to looking like Quasimodo. I know that the world needs a fair share of us uglies so that the pretty people would stand out and feel more special, but why does it have to be me? If you really think I look "unique" break your own nose and fuck up your own face. But you won't because most of that confidence talk is just empty farting noises.

>> No.8659498

I am a literal 2/10.

>> No.8659501

If you are telling the truth then I admire you, somehow. However my personality won't change, I won't stop having a ''strong'' personality or stop being someone once I get the procedure.

>> No.8659505

Forgot to add: saying you will lose these traits getting a surgery is on the same level of the people who think they are defined by what they wear or what they buy.

>> No.8659507


Stop devaluating yourself each times i post anon, it's getting old.


You live in a very sad world if you really think what you posted is true.

A very sad world and a false one, too. Don't take what you see on /fa/ and on MTV for the universal truth, both are extremely biased and serve their own purpose.

>> No.8659518

But are you really going to argue that your life wouldn't be better if you were better looking?

I don't know why people see this as some way out of personal development. It's not- it's literally self-improvement. You can have high self-esteem and still want surgery. There's nothing shameful about improving your image. Like bodybuilding. Like skin care. Like going to the doctor's office to freeze off a wart.

>> No.8659521


I never said that. I just said that if i do that ( notice the " i " ) i would lie to myself.

And i rather die virgin and looking like shit than dying lying to myself like a fake ass bitch.

Growing with a dad drugged on pills that always lying to himself thinking he was still normal and perfectly sober is kind of a good education on the subject.

>> No.8659526

Also, I'll reiterate- a lot of people who don't have fucked up teeth still decide to get braces in order to attain PERFECT teeth.

So what?

>> No.8659531

It ends up not being entirely fake, once after getting the procedure it is irreversible.

>> No.8659535

Seconded. It's amazing.

>> No.8659540


I'm not that guy, but even when most people wouldn't see any difference between some of my posts and some others written by a guy born in Southampton, it's pretty hard for me to speak my mind in anything that's not my native language.

High level discussion is not common in this website so anything that goes beyond 'you're a faggot' comes pretty hard to express and takes me a while to write because I'm not used to it.

This very post took me something like 5 mins while it wouldn't take me more than 30 seconds in Spanish.

By the way, something that gets me sick is that I always see myself using the same resources and expressions.

>> No.8659542
File: 28 KB, 437x230, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you fix that one thing you hate about yourself you'll find another new thing to worry over. It's easier to get an open mind about aesthetics. I'm also real sad that there is such a strict beauty ideal right now - I love faces that have their own character.

>> No.8659544


>But are you really going to argue that your life wouldn't be better if you were better looking?

Of course not. That's a fact and i'm not going to argue on facts, it would be stupid of me.

I just said i don't give a shit. My life and the pussy game will be harder ? Yeah, probably, but i can handle it.

>There's nothing shameful about improving your image. Like bodybuilding. Like skin care. Like going to the doctor's office to freeze off a wart.

Not on the same level as surgery All of these things are an action YOU realize, with what YOU have, with YOUR hands.

>> No.8659548


My body = my fucking business.

>> No.8659550

i liked her natural nose. it was cute.

>> No.8659554

I'm the guy he replied. This so fucking much.

Above all the last sentence.

Now what you said is complete bullshit.

Some of the other actions mentioned are not made by me. The medications, haircuts and such. I do with what I have, my monetary resources.

I will not repeat the post for the third time. Read this:


>> No.8659581

>The medications, haircuts and such

Medication don't remodel your bones, open your skin, or change your facial structures. Same thing for haircuts.

Please stop the strawmanism for a sec. There's " levels " in " modifications " of yourself, you can't associate them in a global way and call it a day. And like all things, it's perfectly normal for someone to not be attracted by the extremes.

>> No.8659582

If I were a plastic surgeon performing surgery on myself, would that make it okay?

Also that last example isn't a solo act. Neither are tattoos (poisoning yourself using ink) or piercings (self-mutilation).

I do have a question though. If you could have a free cosmetic surgical operation, would you take advantage of it? If you're actually ugly like you say you are, why not do yourself the favor? It's not like your character/personality/mind is going to somehow be corrupted by the act of receiving plastic surgery. You'll just not be ugly anymore. You keep your strong interior and gain a great exterior. Think about it.

>> No.8659613

Sure, it's your right to do whatever you want with it. But it's not your right to have everyone enthusiastically agreeing with all your decisions.

My wife's an MD/PhD. After going through med school and getting to know a lot of surgeons her policy is that she'll only consent to a procedure if it's life or death. She actually has a herniated diaphragm that causes her problems, but knowing what she does about surgery she won't risk it.

>> No.8659614

Refer to my post here: >>8659582

The problem with your argument is that you assume your audience agrees with you that plastic surgery is by default an "extreme" procedure. I don't, necessarily. And as the anon said already (>>8659381) your ethics and standards are not universal. Please define what you mean by "extreme." If you mean complex, then sure. But then what makes it worse than tattooing or piercing?

>> No.8659617


>It's not like your character/personality/mind is going to somehow be corrupted by the act of receiving plastic surgery.

It would be. That's the whole deal anon. The things that don't look right with my fucking face are my fucking burden and i need to live with them, i need to get over them, because it's a part, it's a way for me to progress, to be above all that useless shit, to see further.

How can you pretend be strong if you give up at the first difficulty ? You can't. I would lie to myself, plain and simple. That's the problem today, we make too much exceptions, we are too laxists.

>> No.8659620
File: 340 KB, 444x480, penis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current me. Yay or nay to that shit?

I have been contemplating a surgery since my childhood.

>> No.8659625


full willpower to not post shit about jews

>> No.8659628

fuck actually saying that i wont post about jews is posting about jews

>> No.8659629

OP for the billionth time. I can't tell. I would have to see from the front and 3/4. In MY OPINION, from THIS picture, you look ok, ironically. Maybe could improve with the surgery but this nose somehow suits you.

Damn, why the fuck couldn't girls look good with those noses?

>> No.8659636


not even op, just hijacking.

>> No.8659644

If I got a smaller nose people wouldn't take me seriously anymore. They would look - who is that harmless cute weak baby over there! But you see, I'm no infant.

>> No.8659649

I am getting mine this week, finally it's over, and yes you can go from bad looking to ok or good, but don't expect a miracle unless you have a really shitty nose

>> No.8659652

My point is that it's a self-imposed burden. Life is hard enough as it is- you'll have other challenges beyond how your face looks. Why make it even harder? Just because you're good looking doesn't mean that you progress as a person. All of your problems don't just disappear. You will still have obstacles and opportunities to triumph and grow. The difference, now you can enjoy yourself even more. Life is too short to not be aesthetic, anon.

>> No.8659657

*CAN'T progess as a person

>> No.8659662

Your weakness is that you feel bad about such a petty thing. Your weakness is that you think having a big nose is somehow suffering and bad.

>> No.8659663

I like how she looked before. Reminds me of the actress that plays Anna in Downton Abbey.

>> No.8659664


>My point is that it's a self-imposed burden

It is. But i'm confident this will prove itself useful one day.

>> No.8659695

I literally had my surgery this thursday. Hurts like a mofo but I can already tell my nose looks bomb af

>> No.8659697

You're delusional then, and your low IQ is showing m8.

>> No.8659704

im more afraid of having to stay conscious during open brain surgery


>> No.8659709
File: 65 KB, 950x632, 10537174_473039242799632_1669213655732524832_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd trade my wide ugly nigger nose to a think crooked jew nose any day.
probably will be getting surgery after the army. i feel like its literally dragging me down 1.5 points

>> No.8659713

yeah i want to get a nose job
i care about the clothes i wear
i care about working out to stay fit
if this is another way i can improve the way i look i'm all for it

life's hard enough as is, might as well be pretty

>> No.8659725
File: 107 KB, 900x580, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8659726

You know what anon, I kinda get what you're getting at.

There's this nice quote from an epic poem that goes like:
"None yet e’er drank a honey’d draught
Unnmixed with cup of bitter gall,
And cup of gall for honey equally doth call,
That so, the mixture one may easier drink."

Which is true, yeah. But looking good does not necessarily diminish your personality, just robs you of the experience, yeah? You have just as much of a chance to be a massive dickcheese when you're ugly and when you aren't. It's just that people give you more shit about it when you're ugly because there's no outside beauty to fool them into thinking you're a good person, so they find you altogether appalling.

But just because you look good does not mean you don't have problems and that you can't be "above" that useless shit. Especially if you used to be ugly.

>> No.8659814

While we're talking plastic surgery, what's the general consensus on boob jobs? I don't need implants but I definitely want a lift and an areola reduction.

>> No.8659823

Shouldn't have gotten fat, what a shame.

>> No.8659829

OP (again). I think it is alright. I only have a negative view towards breast augmentation. This is personal, though.

>> No.8659859

went from a qt to pigface

>> No.8659875
File: 57 KB, 500x500, beforeterrible1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, on none of them she is pretty.

>> No.8659896

Neither is that chick, she looks like a mouthbreather

>> No.8659915

Agreed, but she looks BETTER than the first picture.

>> No.8659925

I'd like one. I broke my nose when I was young enough that I don't remember it.
I don't want increased aesthetics, just what my nose would look like if I hadn't broken it.

>> No.8659947


from 6.5 to 8.5

not natty but still amazing

>> No.8659954

if only you knew how wrong you were

>> No.8659966

>tfw bridge bump and slight pointyness from whiteboi genes
>tfw wide from blk genes

can i kill myself yet

>> No.8659974

it wont make an ugly person turn into a good looking person

it's only worth your time when you see someone and you actually thing "damn they would be hella hot but what the fuck is up with their nose"

if people just say that you're ugly, rhinoplasty wont fix that

>> No.8660047

what do you think of a nosejob for a bulbous potatonose?

>> No.8660191

Why would it be different from fixing a nose bridge?

>> No.8660209

lmao lighting is the same in all photos, keep denying faggot

>> No.8660213

disgusting, stop hanging around jewfags

>> No.8660226

honestly i wouldn't care how high your nose is. as long as it isn't wide. once it starts getting too wide then get that shit fixed

>> No.8660303 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 600x337, 1403369571937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got plastic surgery on my dick it's like a fat 8 year olds leg it's extremely painful in sorry for disobeying you god

>> No.8660341

things like this add character to a face. Think Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody. If you take it away you'll look like an attractive generic man.

>> No.8660380

fucking lol
how does dick surgery even work
I'm 6.5 x 5.75 but I want a fat Donkey Kong dong

I heard they can only make your shit like an inch bigger by cutting some shit inside you but I donno nigga advanced in technology n shit

>> No.8660406
File: 921 KB, 350x286, anime grill witnessing the demise of the western world.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine waking up during this shit
Sometimes I wake up at night, sweating, imagining what it would be like waking up in the middle of a surgery where they're ripping me open.

>> No.8660439

How much is this shit? Was thinking about going indonesia for a holiday/cosmetic surgery as I hear ita cheaper.

In before jew keks

>> No.8660469

w2c 9inch nigga cock

>> No.8660472

I think you shouldn't go to any place having price as a priority. The results have more importance than it, as it is your face and it is a permanent result.

If you want something cheaper and good, I would consider Brazil. I live here, we are known for cosmetic surgeries, as far as I know. I made a research comparing prices here and in the USA. Besides, my doctor is a friend of the family.

However you would spend the double amount just to come here.

>> No.8660534

I am thinking of travelling south america next year, soni could tie this in. How much would it cost in bra$il

>> No.8660542

It goes between about 3000 reais (about 1500 dollars) to 20000 reais (about 10000 dollars).

I arranged with my ''family surgeron'' for 6000 reais (3000 dollars). Just be aware that paying a great amount in the USA (or wherever you are located) will be the same as the passage to Brazil + the surgery + hotel, food, etc.

>> No.8660543

Besides, communication is important. I could do it in the USA, as the surgeons would understand me correctly. But not everyone here has a fluent english. Neither you can speak portuguese, I suppose.

>> No.8660559
File: 76 KB, 375x500, rickrossrapper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kids these days

fuck dude how old are you?


>> No.8660573


Goddamn, it actually works.

If those pics are real, and your nose is fucky like that, then yeah it definitely works.

>> No.8660581
File: 22 KB, 179x277, fuck you my nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when strong jew nose

never getting rid of this

>> No.8660601

my nose curves to the right (my perspective) and i got a bigazz nose hump. acne as well as some scarring. i think i'd be reasonably attractive (at least a lot more confident and happy with my appearance) without these deformities -_-,

>> No.8660602


Woow. That is worse than the abortion propaganda videos with the little vacuums and shit.

Still pretty cool though

>> No.8660614

Did they sew her fucking eyes shut?

>> No.8660613

looks good

>> No.8660803

Glad to say I'm happy with my nose. I just need to get rid of my gyno, and I may get a chin implant one day.

>> No.8660835

my mom got a nose job when i was really young and i didnt understand why she was in the hospital

and she gets botox nowadays.
i really wish she wouldn't do that kinda stuff, i get a lot of insecurities from her and am constantly self conscious and just have low self esteem in general.

>> No.8660857

>tfw have a natural nose for which people get surgery

>> No.8660863


Modern medicine is one of those things that make you realize how awesome can human potential get and the genious it takes.

Imagine the kind of imagination and knowledge someone has to have to make that kind of procedure. This makes me really happy.

>> No.8660865

yeh but the rest of u is ugly as fuck?

>> No.8660878
File: 54 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_201401265_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope not.

>> No.8660892

you look like that hey arnold guy
plz save yourself

>> No.8660903

Did the surgeon punch her in her sleep?

>> No.8660908

Your ear looks weird as fuck in this pic

>> No.8661072
File: 885 KB, 1824x2120, nosejob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two on left were me before rhinoplasty/septoplasty. It was actually 3 different surgeries in one, basically. One involved realigning the internal septum that allowed me to breath better. Another one involved making the bones/cartilage straight by basically breaking my nose into three pieces and realigning them. The third one was purely cosmetic and it reshaped the profile of my nose. That involved lifting all the skin vertically off my nose (meaning the only skin attached to my nose was my upper nose around my eyes) and then shaving down the bone to reshape it.

Excuse the stupid expressions/glasses, but they best show how messed up my nose was. Broke it badly on two occasions when I was younger, which led to a badly deviated septum.

My recovery was hell though. Fainted and sent to the hospital due to dehydration/constantly swallowing my blood for an entire week. They had to put 3 liters of IV solution back into my system. Like, literally an entire week of nonstop bleeding from my nose into my throat and stomach, especially while slept because I couldn't spit it out. My shit was black from all the blood I was swallowing. I was bed ridden for at least a month from what I remember.

>> No.8661079

her old nose looked way better

>> No.8661149
File: 74 KB, 320x533, mtp_114701446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would surgery make me less hideous?
I'll probably get a jaw too since I had it dislocated when I was a boxer and the bone that puts the jaw and the skull together is out of place.
You can't see it in the picture very well but my nose is crooked, I regret getting hit on the face so often.

>> No.8661199 [DELETED] 

They couldn't fix your shitskin either champ?

>> No.8661221

>You can't see it in the picture very well but my nose is crooked

trust me, you can see it VERY WELL.

>> No.8661228

>doesnt know how to take a proper profile
>guy in the back thinks ur a fucking tard

>> No.8661232

post skin and then we talk

>> No.8661244
File: 64 KB, 561x446, v2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont do it brah


>> No.8661246

Just sharing my experience and trying to help anyone out by talking about it because I actually DID cosmetic surgery instead of a lot of these posts just asking "Do I need to change my X?" No need to be a cunt about it.

See above.

I already mentioned that the pictures on the left were stupid... They just show how deviated it was. I didn't have any others of my face up close like that.

>> No.8661344
File: 944 KB, 1963x4128, FD6gfVR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the better to snuffle shekels with

>> No.8661352

I'm not even sure if that classifies as nsfw, the fuck.

>> No.8661356
File: 186 KB, 600x450, TJkoM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who would ever want to become a man?

>> No.8661370

holy fuck LOL

>> No.8661391

But if you're a woman you'll just be ugly.

>> No.8661399

I've done mine in a private clinic in Serbia. They're excellent yet cheap, if you ever decide on fixing a kebabnose that's the best place to go. I also heard nice things about Worst Korea.

>> No.8661405

Rhinoplasty me cost $6000 in Cali

>> No.8661420

>people ragging on all these great noses

>>8658842 and >>8659620 are especially lovely. OP's pic is nearly a shame, her profile was beautiful to start and it was more of a lateral transition than an improvement. As long as she's happier with it, though.

>> No.8661433

why is this a thing?

>> No.8661439

p-please rate >>8661344
I broke it when I was younger and now I have a bump ;_;

>> No.8661455

I'd give it a good 7-8. The bump works nicely with the slight point in the tip, it looks elegant and distinctive. Maybe trim the nose hairs a bit, though.

>> No.8661461

th-thank you for the kind words
I'll get on that, my nose trimmer broke and I need to get a new one

>> No.8661466
File: 11 KB, 184x184, 1407829531307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's uglier than a bad nose?

Insecurity. No matter how much you cut up your fucking face, you will always be ugly.

Just look at sicklysweet.

>> No.8661493

IMO it's mostly going to affect your profile so I don't see the point.
My gf is an adorable qt3.14 but her profile makes her look like a Jewish mouthbreather because of her broken nose. She literally goes from 4/10 to 8-9/10.
So if it matters to you that much how someone will see you from the side, go for it I guess.

>> No.8661528
File: 107 KB, 640x1136, 1406817953920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks hotter with black eyes aha that sounds terrible

>> No.8661535

so like with this shit would i have to pick out a nose for them to emulate or could i be like "do your best"

>> No.8661563

Whichever, really. On the consultations the doctor is going to ask what you think would suit you and then they say what they think would suit you, which is in 90% of the cases a straight upturned nose they give everyone, but I know a guy whose nose was made into a nigger nose because of breathing issues and he actually looked better with it.

>> No.8661583

you tell him what you want. you can fix crookedness, make it smaller, make it pointed, get rid of a bridge/other bumps.... if you dont know what you even want done then spend some time and figure it out before you decide to cut up your face.

>> No.8661595

I think you are ugly beyond repair :^)
Don't get plastic surgery though it will look bad. You look like some kind of full Native American or nigger

>> No.8661605

Nose jobs cost from $1000 to $3000 USD in Mexico.
I'm Mexican. I just say this in case someone wants to save some money and isn't afraid of organ trafficking kek. You can look for doctors that speak English and live near or in border cities.

>> No.8661627

She was qt at first too though, don't forget that the lighting and make-up is better in the other photographs

>> No.8661660

This is what you call a moonface

>> No.8661716

>"why would you want surgery? your deformity gives you character"

Looking good is one of the most important things in life

>That's shallow
Shallow: not exhibiting, requiring, or capable of serious thought.

It's not shallow.

Over millions of years we have evolved to favour good looking people.

Something so embedded in animal behaviour is the very opposite of shallow

>> No.8661755

>Not on the same level as surgery
Freezing off a wart at the doctor's office is surgery
Surgery: the treatment of injuries or disorders of the body by incision or manipulation, especially with instruments.

>My life and the pussy game will be harder ? Yeah, probably, but i can handle it.
Okay l'll purposefully avoid a better life because I can handle a worse life.

>Medication don't remodel your bones, open your skin, or change your facial structures
are you serious?

>The things that don't look right with my fucking face are my fucking burden and i need to live with them
Lol no you don't
>to be above all that useless shit
Like being attractive? Is being attractive useless?
>How can you pretend be strong if you give up at the first difficulty
A strong person doesn't avoid self-improvement
I bet you think wallowing in your own feces makes you strong

>> No.8662293

A bulbous nose is a sign of being fat and disgusting, a nose bridge (on a man) only looks good in my opinion, unless mouthbreatherjaw

>> No.8662323
File: 28 KB, 284x300, 1407058332434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only If your nose is really fucked up its acceptable for surgery.

Otherwise you can be related to these people


>> No.8662334


Shut the fuck up. I'm getting tired and we are obviously not working on the same level you fucking pathetic bitch. Surgery is not self-improvement and will never be, no matter how hard you strawman and how hard you try to turn things.

>> No.8662367

Your nose looks handsome, rough noses are manly.
>tfw grill and jewnose when i smile

>> No.8662379

Has anyone had eyelid surgery? One is different from the other and it bothers me.

>> No.8662424

I wish my nose formed more of a point, there is also a slight bump on the bridge which I assume was self-inflicted in attempts to get rid of spots etc on it.
But it's alright

>> No.8662461


Her kids will have her real nose.

>> No.8662471


not him. but okay, i agree - it isn't 'self improvement' in any decent sense of the word. but its utterly hypocritical for people to desire good looks so much when assessing people (a trait that is surely equal in its lack of moral worth to desiring to look better) to resent people for improving their appearance.

tldr appeciate your views but world (you - ask yourself, have the girls you've dated/screwed been around your level in looks, or have they been ugly. ) needs to stop caring about looks before it can complain about people wanting plastic surgery (which wont ever really bring them up to the level fo someone naturally good looking anyway)

>> No.8662486

what's up with her lips? did she get a lip transplant too?

>> No.8662498


Your nose is very noticable.

The decision is up to you tho.

>> No.8662511

Yeah, I am similar. My nose is a little wide I think, but I don't really care. Unless your nose is seriously deformed, I think it is silly to worry about it.
If I had my nose broken and needed to be reconstructed, I'd probably change some things since I had the opportunity, but I'm not gonna seek it out and do something about it. Basically like saying "Yeah I was totally ugly before" or something and that shit ain't cool.

>> No.8662517
File: 308 KB, 1600x1200, 1367344824219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw slav
>tfw jew nose
Such is life

>> No.8662599

>That's the problem today. We are too laxist *tips fedora*
you sound like an uptight twat, there's literally no big deal with a nosejob jesus christ get over yourself

>> No.8662790

her nose looks completely fine,you are idiot?

>> No.8662814

i actually liked her with the big nose

would date/10

>> No.8662866
File: 130 KB, 1026x710, bully goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did that make me think of will laren comics

>> No.8662875

I would be getting a nosejob to make my nose more white than anything

fuck my Azn nose

can't wear Persols, can't wear Ray-Bans. My current pair of Wayfarers just keep sliding down

>> No.8662913

who fucking cares, if she marries a potato nose the odds are 50/50 they'll have that instead.
Besides she lookes cute before too.

>> No.8662928

The makeup skews it. I understand that the profile shot best demonstrates the difference but a direct shot of the face head on would better determine whether or not she really looks better or looked pretty regardless.

>> No.8662980

Facial surgery often causes bruised eyes, something about the blood vessels bursting or whatever.

Mum got a nose job to finally fix her nose she broke when she was a kid (an MRI showed that her nasal canals were literally bent into an S shape, hence why she couldn't breathe properly through her nose for years) and she looked like she'd been severely beaten the day after surgery.

>> No.8663338

Full native American.
First time someone gets it right.

>> No.8663623


>> No.8663970
File: 14 KB, 225x214, Screen Shot 2014-08-17 at 23.01.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically the only thing that bothers me about my face (my mom hated her nose when she was young too). Does anyone did surgery in china or thailand? I don't want to people know that i had surgery, so there is only few options – live in hotel for a month or make a trip 'to see the world'.

>> No.8664597

you remind me of some kind of bird

>> No.8664693
File: 9 KB, 177x278, 1322448779494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw naturally pretty nose

>> No.8664709

look how different her posture is in the left vs the right photo. follow the jawline and the ears.

>> No.8664826


>> No.8665135

I'm booked in for a rhinoplasty in like 2 weeks after having my nose broken a few months ago (ausfag public health system takes a while) but only because the doctor insisted I need it done to prevent my sinuses going to shit later. I'd never do it for cosmetic reasons though, because it's a huge fucking procedure and totally not worth it

>> No.8665762

it's worth it dumbass, it doesn't even hurt and the recovery is quick, faggot.

>> No.8665819

ur nose is hot
im a grl btw

>> No.8665844


>> No.8665849

Is it also worth the plus thousands of dollars that it costs?

>> No.8666134

i thought it was from a will laren comic before this response

>But you see, I'm no infant.

>> No.8666143

your nose is ugly as fuck lmao

i'd feel bad for saying that if i wasn't so certain you were full of yourself

>> No.8666166

> Protecting eyes


>> No.8666180

did you photoshop an ear onto your head?

>> No.8666759

>Jewish mexican

>> No.8666986

pics pls you sound like a qt

also mirin dub aesthetics

>> No.8667063
File: 822 KB, 910x588, ughghg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

and yes OP its worth it just go to a good surgeon. i didnt like mine tbh- too conservative. also the swelling after is awful

>> No.8667072
File: 20 KB, 400x352, winona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i dont think itll turn anyone from a 5 to a 9 or something
a good surgeon wouldnt make it too obvious. probably bump you up 2-3 pts max

>> No.8667078
File: 58 KB, 720x960, 560629_421721401190241_404321443_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surgery is acceptable just in cases when you burnt your face with gas or you crushed your face in a car crash. do it because mother nature gave you a bad nose is degeneration and gay as fuck

>> No.8667080
File: 283 KB, 1280x800, noses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one can tell i got it done

i do get hit on more now/ppl think i'm prettier. also not afraid of my profile

>> No.8667087

oh please

people are so dumb. there is no difference b/w this and makeup or tweezing your eyebrows. why contour your nose when you can just fix it permanently esp if it damages your self esteem?
under this logic mother nature gave you a naked body so to clothe it or do anything to it is "gay as fuck". just cause other ppl have different ideas of what is appropriate doenst make it stupid

>> No.8667094

glad i was born gorgeous

>> No.8667095

I would love to get surgery as long as I'm guaranteed it'll come out looking better..

>> No.8667100

are you persian you fucking bitch

>> No.8667113

web development?

>> No.8667117

there are a lot of horror stories

what the hell is it to you

>> No.8667118

Dubai we in this

>> No.8667123

yeah im not very good yet though
accounting is way too competitive. this is a backup

>> No.8667130 [DELETED] 

because all persian cunts get nosejobs done
thats the persian code
good thing i wasnt born ugly

>> No.8667136
File: 92 KB, 612x612, sadafi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

persians are some of the best looking people

>> No.8667140
File: 103 KB, 800x1200, Niloufar Talebi-Portrait2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8667145
File: 59 KB, 632x850, nm0267042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even w/o surgery

>> No.8667148

persians are the hariest pieces of shit on this earth.

how many muddels are persian?

why is her last name a fruit though

>> No.8667158

persians get real jobs thats why

>> No.8667169

>feeding a troll

>> No.8667171

im shit and that's why i stick to front end.

and im high as fuck right now creeping your facebook. how competitive is an internship at 60seconds? and are US residents allowed to apply?

>> No.8667196

>internship at 60seconds

yeah but backend pays more doenst it?

>> No.8667221
File: 12 KB, 385x300, 10314647_2295708675285_4398163710196042838_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, i got all excited and shit then realize you posted in may and it's probably already filled.

I mean on average. But back end is "actually programming" whereas front end is mostly design and markup (unless you do javascript as well, and you should) so when you compare salaries of front devs vs back end devs, back end is going to be higher since they generally have more technical skill. Some people don't code at all and call themselves front end devs, and these people usually don't make as much as the ones who do.

anyway you're on /fa/. don't you think the potential drop in pay for front end is worth being able to design for a living? i just find it a lot more enjoyable. a lot of thought goes into backend, but not much aesthetic.

>> No.8667233

oh that was an unpaid internship at my friends startup/online clothing store. and yeah filled

hmmm true- it would be easier/more enjoyable for sure. on the other hand i dont really care if i enjoy my job or not, as long as it;s in demand/i make a lot of money/prestige etc
i mean i study accounting now. dont exaclty love it haha

>> No.8667248
File: 297 KB, 668x760, 1375797359594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get way too fascinated with this shit

>> No.8667256
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>> No.8667260
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>> No.8667265
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>> No.8667270

fuccckkkk freshman college student struggling to marry tech, business, and fashion into one internship for his resume.

the way i see it is that I could spend a lot of time studying something and getting good at it, but at the end of the day if i see an assignment as a chore I'll never be as good as someone who enjoys the subject and sees it as fun. consequently, that person will always get paid more, beat me for jobs, etc. I mean think of people who are GREAT at things- they genuinely enjoy the shit they do.

so yeah money, prestige, etc. are important. but the easiest way to get there is to be great in your field. and the easiest way to be great in your field is to get into something you enjoy. after all, wouldn't a GREAT front end dev make more money, have more fame, and be in more demand than an average back end dev? remember you can still fail at something you don't enjoy. so you know, take the chance. that's how i rationalize it anyway.

i typed a lot hope it's coherent

>> No.8667274

thats weird because im persian and im unemployed
because im a lazy cunt
and persian

>> No.8667303
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>> No.8667310
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Girl once asked if she should surgery

made her some shoops


>> No.8667316
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>> No.8667347

I was a 7.5 back in the days, but now i'm a 5/10 because of a fight (my nose got crooked). Do you think a nosejob can help ?

>> No.8667367

Oh mother of god. Is that even possible? That fucking witch turned into ridiculously hot woman...

>> No.8667434

It's a bit too small for her face IMO but it does look better

>> No.8667448

you know what would be cool? If people who want to get plastic surgery but don't really need it would have to undergo it without anestethics and stuff so they would have to deserve it. It would also make cool yt videos

>> No.8667450
File: 100 KB, 960x960, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a nose job last year and I don't regret it, but sometimes I miss the way I used to look. It changes your face a lot. Make sure you find a good surgeon.

pic related iz me but the second picture is right after I got the cast off so it looks a bit swollen.

>> No.8667464

I am black but have a tiny nose even by white standards, its not wide and I have a bridge, the nostrils don't flare. I guess because of that and because I am so dark people think I got a nose job already.

I have wanted to do tip refining but only very slightly so I don't have to contour but notice how heavy handed surgeons are, I might just use juvederm fillers.

Idk I say to people especially with wide or snub or hooked noses that its beautiful (I honestly believe that, all of my BFs have had noses like that ) but like me personally -I gag at the thought of having one myself-

>> No.8667479

you looked really cute before (nohomo), reminds me of a Gibson girl silhouette. Now you still look nice but kind of average nice.

>> No.8667552


Your nose was better before. That's how i feel though.

>> No.8667562

Not that you needed the nosejob imo, but you can see an improvement. They did a good job.

>> No.8667585

I m the only men who likes weird nose ??

>> No.8667588


Here's a lesson in life that only the people with the largest regrets will tell you.

Find a passion and exploit it.

>> No.8667604
File: 1.23 MB, 1162x778, nose2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might not look bad in this photo, but at certain angles it looked pretty large. I think it's mostly an improvement but I guess people will disagree.

It feels good to hear people say that, thanks ^_^

>> No.8667612

I like that it looks like a regular nose, not a nosejob.
I'm not sure if you went to a good doctor or if medicine is just progressing, but yeah.

>> No.8667614

looks better after the nosejob. how much was it ?

>> No.8667616

>spends thousands on a nose job thats barely noticeable
>still has poor hair, skin and clothes

>> No.8667618

this the only think im missing is a great jaw instead of an average one.

thank you genes

>> No.8667619

damn, totally changed her appearance

>> No.8667631

a little less than 10k iirc.
>implying these are the clothes i wear out
can't do much about the skin unfortunately. have tried everything short of accutane.
can't do much about the hair either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.8667635

post a fit, dont forget to include the back

>> No.8667652

>a little less than 10k iirc.
holy shit, its 3-5k here in Germany

>> No.8667672


>> No.8667706

did they have to break your nose completely to do this procedure?? I'm interested in having mine done but I dont want the whole thing broken, just slightly slimmed down at the tip of it.

>> No.8667743

you looked cute before but you definitely look a lot better now you've had it done

>> No.8667768


waste of money imho

but hey if you feel more confident with your new nose why not

>> No.8667773

one simply shouldn't go under the knife if it's not really necessary.
The risks just clearly outweigh the benefit especially if it is just vanity that makes you do it.

also let me take a wild guess,
you are still single and disappointed in men?
remember that thread you made?

>> No.8667951

It's an horrible and unnecessary surgery, would only do it in case of accident or if looked like a complete monster

>> No.8668140

I feel that the nose will look fine if the back of your head stuck out more.

>> No.8668594

Uhhhh not at all
I didn't get a nose job for men

>> No.8669853

These are all good examples of rhinoplasty done correctly. But keep in mind they're drastic examples, not trivial touch ups.

CG's right. The examples you posted are passed the point of vanity. If you don't have a god awful feature you should sort out your self image issues first before surgery.

>> No.8669929
File: 1.79 MB, 973x2414, Nabooru_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dig girls with prominent noses. This kind of thing is a travesty. Completely changes how you look as a person.

>> No.8670137

>Shut the fuck up. I'm getting tired and we are obviously not working on the same level you fucking pathetic bitch. Surgery is not self-improvement and will never be, no matter how hard you strawman and how hard you try to turn things.
sounds like you lost the argument and you know it lol

>> No.8670460

r we discussing regular lip injections too? talking about juvaderm etc. Anyone tried? I REALLY want some but idk how much i should go with/how much i need for bigger but still hopefully not looking like duck lips? ://

>> No.8671418

still has a severe overbite

>> No.8671495
File: 907 KB, 720x720, it_didnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>breed with
>children have jew noses

>> No.8671537

i'm also worried about someone not having the genetics they appear to
imagine impregnating a total hottie and then having all these dirty kike babies climb out her cunt

>> No.8671630


But they do

>> No.8671658

Cali, Colombia or talking California?

>> No.8671719
