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/fa/ - Fashion

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8651952 No.8651952[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have a question for men considering women.

What turn offs do you have in terms of what women wear? I've been hearing guys hate girls who wear slip on shoes, loose clothings, etc.

>> No.8651976

dunno bout clothing but worst turnoffs are
>being overweight
>having face jewelry
>shaving eyebrows and drawing them

>> No.8651985

Men don't give a shit what women wear

Women are merely sex objects to us
To answer your question, the less clothes the better I guess.

>> No.8651990

Don't really give a shit.
Just don't go full slag

>> No.8651993

those fucking ballet slip on shoes



forever 21 shit

that cheap fucking foral pattern that every cheap shit store sells little green, ittle red, ittle back dots

fucking leggings

printed patern leggings

hair dyed an attention whore color

boyfriend shirts sold exclusively in the woman's asile with the buttons on the woman's fastening side

fowers in hair

those ankle bracelet things

toe rings

a line skirts

jeans with fake pockets (yes we can tell)

okay seabiscuit nobody eeds to hear you clamoring in here

film SLR camera bodies as an accsesory

women who put cell phones in their bra

women who have mens bifold wallets in their jeans

>> No.8651994

nobody gives a fuck as long as you aren't ugly as fuck and you're vagoo works you'll be okay

I pay more attention to men in public so I can notice nxtlvl fits or judge peoples plebfits

>> No.8651995


>> No.8652008

don't give a shit
you'll be taking it off soon anyway ayy

>> No.8652012


girls that wear the womans equivalent of affliction or ed hardy. basically tacky as fuck bejeweled/glittered graphics

capris, that real ugly mom kind

platforms (90s ones)

uggs with leggings like SERIOUSLY

>> No.8652013

Uggs are the biggest turn off for me. Like I will lose a lot of respect for a chick if I see her in uggs. Idk why.

Wearing your hair up all the time. It's VERY hard to make attractive, so live with the assumption that you look worse with your hair up. It's really not that hard to have it down, I know that you're bullshitting because I have longer hair than half of you and it's really not that much of a struggle.

This is a personal one for me because a lot of people don't mind it: overdoing makeup. If I can see easily that a chick is wearing foundation, she immediately gets knocked down like a point or two on the scale for me. It just makes it seem like your face is so fucking hideous that you need to hide it under layers and layers of powder. Makeup is good though, it's just important not to look like you're a tramp.

A lot of hair dye attempts look awful to me

Trendwhoring jewelry/just too much jewelry

That's all I can think of, hope that wasn't too negative

>> No.8652019


>> No.8652021

XD best le jokesters on /effay/

It always kills me when I see /b/ humour on here because I like to pretend like /fa/ is still a relatively cancer free board

>> No.8652024

Don't wear fucking colorful dresses that look like yesstyle-tier, even if they are from massmarket or from something of better quality. They look horrible unless you're tall and have model appearance.

>> No.8652027

I don't even get it, what?

>> No.8652029


>low stardards
>no game

it's ok anon, I know you're just projecting. You'll get it one day. Just gotta give it the ol college try.

>> No.8652030

>XD best le jokesters on /effay/
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.8652031


>> No.8652039


>hasn't been diagnosed as autistic, yet
>last time a girl touched your penis was at the doctors, and it was a man

>> No.8652042

>implying I'm a mirror

>> No.8652047

>tfw lost my virginity 2 months ago
>tfw nothing has changed other than getting dumped by my gf and the amount of money I wasted on presents for her
>tfw I'm a bigger loser than I was before

Someone remind me again why people use virgin as an insult

Isn't that like a middle school thing?

>> No.8652050

>drawing eyebrows
>fake tans
>being fat
>having a horrible personality

>> No.8652051


>> No.8652054

And it's still better than the turboshiteposting that I linked to

>> No.8652064

Tell me did it feel good when the doctor stuck his finger up your anus?

>> No.8652066

No it wasn't you unfunny hack go kill yourself

I hope the mods ban you for that

>> No.8652072

That stupid black milk clothing.

You know the stupid leggings with galaxy prints ans shit on it? Tumblr-core garbage.

>> No.8652077

Those days are long gone, mate.

>> No.8652078

what happened to you all to give you so much negative energy

>> No.8652081


All of these.

>> No.8652083

thin eyebrows, tramp stamps uhh thats about it I guess

>> No.8652085
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im cranky and need sleep. thanks for reminding me. peace bby

>> No.8652089
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wat wearing you hair up looks sexy as fook

>> No.8652111

>middle school

Look where you are, the only mature people get labeled autisand dadcore

>> No.8652114

Post filled with truth

>> No.8652122

Only if you put in a lot of effort. It's never gonna look good if you just sling it in a ponytail or bun. And even when you spend time on it, chances are it'll look better down.

>> No.8652131

unly girls with extremley atractive faces and great hairlines look good with their hair up, if you dont have a model face dont even bother, youll look 10 times better with your hair down

>> No.8652141

Ears and necks are fucking beautiful man
I don't really have huge turn offs as far as what girls wear goes, most girls don't really stand out with their clothing at all so I hardly pay attention to what they wear.
If there is some qt with personal style and she can pull it off, it's a huge plus though

>> No.8652142

Dadcore faggot detected

Pls stay on your confinement >>>mfa

>> No.8652174

Here's a great advice for all your malenons and femanons on /fa/

There are plenty of fish in the sea
Bajillion fish in the sea

And everyone of those likes something else

Just keep yourself hygienic and do whatever the fuck you wanna do

>> No.8652182

fuck what you wear nigger, the best advice i can give to any woman EVER make sure your fucking breath smells like a peppermint factory. nothing worse than waking up to a girl in the morning, she's creeping over for a kiss and it smells like she just ate out her own asshole.

make sure that thang don't stank too

>> No.8652186

There are still general rules that apply to most people though. That's how standup comics survive

This advice applies to both sexes equally anon. Probably even more so to guys tbh

>> No.8652199

>women who have mens bifold wallets in their jeans

nah I'm ok with this

>> No.8652286

Hot Topic band tees. Uggs. Anything that looks like you could buy from Hot Topic actually.

>> No.8652294

How do you wake in the morning with a fresh breath? Is that even possible?

>> No.8652328

fresh? probably not
not smelling like shit? I guess drink lots of water and brush teeth before sleep, water seems to be working.

agree with above, worst shit ever when you kiss a girl and that shitty breath, like you dont feel it when she speaks or anything, but when you kiss there's this slight shitty taste or sth

>> No.8652408
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>> No.8653803

>jeans with fake pockets
To be fair, women hate those, too. They're just so omnipresent that it's hard to find a pair with real pockets sometimes.

>> No.8653819

Jeans that aren't tight

>> No.8653847

1. don't listen to stuff like 'guys like this and this and dislike this and this' because most of the time it's not true for all of men. different people have different preferences, you know
2. don't dress up for guys, just wear what makes you feel good about yourself(but geniunely good and comfortable, you don't have to buy in to this whole 'fuck this Imma dress like a total slut just because I can look at all dat emancipation' bullshit)
3. if you want to know my 'turnoffs', it'd be excessive piercing and tattoos and those retarded beanies that look like condoms
and maybe that 'American white girl uniform' - some shit hoodie, leggings and uggs

>> No.8653897

I couldn't give two shits what they wear, as long as it's not super slutty or something terrible like uggs.

What Does turn me off is too much makeup and shoddy/chipping nail polish, especially the nail polish. If i see that on a girl it instantly disgusts me

>> No.8653910

>What turn offs do you have in terms of what women wear?

Just don't look trashy or ugly. Most men don't care about your clothes.

>> No.8653916

Chicks that only wear jeans and would never wear dresses/skirts.
I get it, you are a fucking 21st century woman but that doesn't mean you wear denim all day erryday.
Other than that I don't care as long as the tits are banging and your feet are sweety.

>> No.8653932

> did he mean sweet or sweaty

Cute girlfeets give me an instabone

>> No.8653935

tfw skinny with no tits :'(
if i gained weight i'd gain it in all the wrong places anyway

>> No.8653946

It's a /tv/ thing sorry it slipped in, just means sweet
>dem sweety feet

>> No.8653948
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Instead of telling you what isn't attractive, I'll tell you what is attractive.

>dresses (proper ones)
>longer, flat skirts with leggings
>cute cardigans with only one or two buttons done up
>flowers in hair

Qt-est of all qt's dress like that.
See: pic related

>> No.8653949

No tits is hot as fug. B-cup or less is good, ideally A cup or smaller.
If a girl has anything bigger than like a C it can be a but if a turn off

>> No.8653955

tbh it's not really the size that matters more but the shape
also small to medium tits are the best, only underage fags like large tits

>> No.8653957

>implying that flat chest isn't best chest

The only places that you should aspire to gain weight in are the thighs and hips.

>> No.8653961

I don't pay attention to women clothes I'm too busy worrying about mine. All I can tell you is leggings make my dick move so keep on wearin that.

>> No.8653963

This thread makes me happy. I'm glad men pay some attention to clothing and not just pick up any Uggs-pleb.

>> No.8653985

Good nipples > big tits

>> No.8653989


>> No.8653995


But, and this goes for any kind of person wanting to turn on any kind of person, *dress you*, please. There is zero point in attracting someone you don't have actual chemistry with.

Me? Slip on shoes and loose clothing are, generally speaking, turn-ons, or things that hint at turn-ons. Same mechanism, those guys are probably looking for a girl in tall laced stiletto boots, which I regard with a look of confusion and sympathy pain.

So many people in the world.

>> No.8654045

the dudes that say they dont care will take you out in a tappout shirt while you wear your best hoodie (only one that is washed) and your best pair og leggings

>> No.8654169

Not op but what cardigans would you recommend?

>> No.8654254

i wish my thigh fat would go into my upper body tbh where to find guys like u

>> No.8654281

belly button piercings, those tiny nose piercings.

like the lamest thing ever to be trendy with white girls.

>> No.8654289

I think you might just be a homosex

>> No.8654303



>> No.8654317
File: 350 KB, 1535x1535, outfit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do /fa/ guys think of jfash-inspired wardrobes? Not talking all out hime lolita, just mori/romantic gyaru. Always kinda worn it for myself, but curious what you all think.
Pic related: something I would wear.
(asking this here instead of /cgl/ because more males and "normal" people here)

>> No.8654328

>Leggings instead of pants.
>anything manly or tomboyish
>tops that reveal your stomach unless you have a flat stomach
>hoodies that are made for men
>boyfriend fit jeans. Hideous.

>> No.8654333

this is a cute look. i think this could be turned down to about an 8 and it'd be perfect. it's at an 11 think, and it looks too cosplay-ish. Like, the line between that sort of fashion worn everyday and what people would wear to a Con is a very thin line

>> No.8654339

Fucking hair that's all dry and burnt to a crisp from dying and straightening all the time.

>> No.8654340

that's adorable, femanon.
>tfw no girls i know dress nearly this cute

>> No.8654341

>What turn offs do you have in terms of what women wear?
last place to ask

lol no

>> No.8654342
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I generally find it a little hard to take seriously, but I know some people have an easier time with it. I guess my main issue is that there are tons of really modern, sophisticated take on the traditional Japanese subculture archetypes done by serious ready-to-wear brands like TOGA and Sacai and Tsumori Chisato so the deliberately over-the-top and kind of kitschy, kind of cheap-y stuff doesn't really appeal to me.

>> No.8654345

This is qt and I approve, though I'd be rried about the peacoat and scarf this time of year if you were in SoCal.
>pls be in socal

>> No.8654351

Okay, thank you for the feedback! My outfits are probably a little over the top sometimes hehe.
I'm the only person I know who dresses this way too. Maybe I enjoy feeling a bit special-snowflakey among a sea of Old Navy and Uggs.

>> No.8654352

sieg post your present pic I heard u git gud and aren't a fat slob anymore

>> No.8654355

fucking business casual

that shit is like distilled bonerkill

don't fucking do it.

also anything that makes you look like an old hag

>heavy makeup
>oversized jewelery
>frumpy clothes

>> No.8654366

Nipple piercing? Anyone?

>> No.8654368

too cutesy for my taste + I doubt it would work on anyone but Japs

>> No.8654373

on the discussion of tits
>tfw big areola

>> No.8654381

I see what you mean.
Norcal, actually. And as a lover of cold weather (layers!), I am dying.

>> No.8654386

looks like taobao shit

>> No.8654387


>> No.8654390
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>> No.8654396

that's a bonerkiller for me

>> No.8654402

Disgusting and trashy.

>> No.8654405

>almost 3 inches
you sure?

>> No.8654407

>tfw can never wear siq layers
NorCal, I am envious.

>> No.8654411


instant slut alarm

>> No.8654412

depends. are you skinny?
>tfw i know a hamplanet who dresses like this because ~kawaii~

>> No.8654414


A titty's a titty.

>> No.8654415

i don't think i hate any clothes girls wear, but if a girl is fat i instantly hate them. it's just gross.

>> No.8654417
File: 34 KB, 750x498, adidas-high-tops-blackmens-red-and-women-black-adidas-high-tops-today-update-8fqxkboh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women who wear this

>> No.8654425

Quite skinny. Not teeny kwai azn- tier skinny, but skinny.

>> No.8654427

this is both gross and stupid
why the fuck does a nipple need wings

>> No.8654428

Out of these I'm guilty of:
Ballet shoes (they are very comfy in my defense)
Leggings (I only wear black ones though and my behind look very good also I wear them with long shirts so no camel toe is visible)
Floral pattern stuff (can't help it, I really like them)
Fk u /fa/

>> No.8654437


cuz them titties are so fly

>> No.8654439
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>> No.8654440

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.8654444
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>> No.8654449

if you hate leggings on women you arent straight.

>> No.8654450


>> No.8654452

so am i? those things are adorable, anonchan. don't let some crusty neckbeard tell you your outfits aren't cute as fuck.

>> No.8654456
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>> No.8654458

Turns ons:
*Long hair
*Long summer dresses
*Low/no heel shoes
Turn offs:
*Short hair

>> No.8654460



>> No.8654462

Post fit

>> No.8654474

keep in mind sieg is in his late 20's

if you're his age and wearing long shirts, leggings and flats then you have an issue.

>> No.8654485

Not an article of clothing but hair.

Horizontal bangs. It looks fucking stupid i've not seen a SINGLE woman that looks good with this hairstyle. Not heidi klum not Kim Kardashian not Zoey Deschanel.
No one. Please stop it, I realize that people dont really wear it anymore but still.

>> No.8654493
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>not liking bangs

>> No.8654498
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Turn ons:
>small tits
>small or medium butt
>pale skin
>tanlines, if not pale skin (so fucken hot)
>well done nail polish on hands/feet
>nicely maintained nails if no polish
>flat belly
>protruding belly
>small potbelly if rest of them is skinny

Turn offs:
>shoddy / chipping nail polish... this kills the boner
>huge tits
>huge blubbery ass
>abnormal/excessive piercings
>excessive makeup
>more than a couple tattoos
>dirty feet

>> No.8654506


>> No.8654510


>> No.8654511
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>> No.8654512

>short hair

>> No.8654513

Besides obvious things that were aleady listed, like leggins, uggs and shit I would also add:

>cheap shit

Really. If you actually care about fashion. I can tell that the whole fucking outfit is F21 or Bershka or whatever. That's a major turn-off, I would say girls wearing quality clothing (NOT gaudy Gucci handbag) are rarer than men that do.

Wear whatever you like, if it fits you.

Shor hair can look great. Long too. Loose clothing or tight. Big breasts or small. Find your own style, but keep some diversity, and you are good.

>> No.8654516
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>tfw no qt jfash gf

>> No.8654522

>turn ons
long hair
baggy hoodies

>turn offs
over the top foundation make up
anything with diamantes on

>> No.8654523
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fuck off

>> No.8654528
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Here's an idea: if you post turn-offs, you must also post a pic of your most common fit, so we know whether or not to ignore your post! ;^)

>inb4 no one does it
C'mon boys!

>> No.8654529
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>> No.8654533
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>> No.8654537
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>> No.8654540

>wanting to sticj your dick into the dirty uneducated trash on /cgl/

they literally whore themselves out for burandooooo

everytime you fuck one of these bitches you just smell worbla and find chips of dry paint everywhere

smell like shit after sharing a hotel room with 5 other moo cows because thats totally what hotels are for cramming a bunch of loser ass chubby fat white girls dressing up Japanese anime and cartoon characters

go home and spend 5 hours photo shopping themselves and crafting a fake enviorment

hurr durr hobby sew nerdy lol post on facebook so e-fame and compliments hurpa durpa

cool you spent 6 weeks trying to dress like samus from a shit tier game NOBODY GIVES A SHIT

>> No.8654542
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>> No.8654544
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>> No.8654545
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>> No.8654550
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>> No.8654558



>> No.8654561

I don't care, just don't be fat and ugly. Also try your best to not have poop colored eyes. Being blonde and tall is a plus. As long as you aren't dressing like you're from the midwest you're fine. Just don't be too normal. Face jewelry is ok if it is only one thing. If you have plugs then don't get a nose ring and visa versa.

Bonus points if you look anglo/nordic/germanic.

>> No.8654567

why are you people so defensive all the time?

oh yeah, you're gutter trash

the only other tripfag in here is /fa/scist, real ame is marcus in the san fran area

he wears a lot of black drapey fits and brands in the whole julius_7/bbs aestehtic


i wear more traditional items from more traditional houses, be it known for fashion or textiles with some artisinal elements (very few)
MMM, miyake and some meh design houses like mugler and valentino....

>> No.8654568
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>> No.8654569
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>> No.8654573

I love accessories like bracelets and necklaces. I know a girl who makes her own by soldering pieces together and putting moth and butterfly wings in little magnified cases. She's one of the coolest girls I know.

>> No.8654574

toe rings and nail polish

>> No.8654575

normally I'd say you seem a bit upset
but you're sieg so you're just being a faggot as always

>> No.8654579

I actually agree with all of this.

>> No.8654580

>men's turn-ons and turn-offs are more about physical beauty and character than actual fits.
>dumb cunt takes it personally because they have something the men claim they don't like
>dumb cunt wants men to post themselves so it can find flaws and dismiss their preferences.

maybe you should just lose weight and be less trashy. pretty sure most of what guys are saying here is going to be true for welfare recipients and ceos alike.

>> No.8654583

this has to be a shop

>> No.8654587

Because you're failing at life if you're a virgin.


>> No.8654590

leggings are awesome you twat. How else will i get to see all them see through tongs, cameltoes, and perfectly hugged ass shapes

leggings are yoga pants are the best thing a woman can wear to get attention from the opposite sex (and like it or not that's the reason people are into fashion. The whole making your own style stuff is bs)

>> No.8654593

My ex looked hella sexy with it up, she kept two strands at the ends of her jawline. But she insisted on wearing a grimes/betty white/himme or whatever it's called.

>> No.8654597

drapey thin ones

>> No.8654601

>objectifying yourself this much

Your day must be so tiring when you constantly have to think about how much this girl you will never see again perceives you.
When you find your own style you will become confident in the fact that how you look is good and people who dont approve of this fact arent worth your time.
Welcome to the entry level. Have fun shopping at uniqlo

>> No.8654606

Women want to be objectified.

>> No.8654607

you're dirt poor arent you
post fit
post face

>> No.8654611

I don't think so. I believe it's an xray

>> No.8654614

yeah dumb sluts you meet at your local nightclub may do. People (men and women) who have a certain degree of intellectual depth dont.

>> No.8654618

I disagree. All women want to be objectified on some level, no exceptions. I don't understand why, maybe becasue I'm a "nice guy", but it's true

>> No.8654623

She looks like age 14 harry potter


You must not have very high testosterone and that's cool man.

>> No.8654628

No, they do. The good ones just wait until doors are closed.

>> No.8654629

yes they do, both men and women

everyone wants to feel like others are sexually attracted to them even if they already have a partner and all that shit.

it's part of human nature y know

>> No.8654630

Greeks & Romans practiced Pederasty (sex with boys) and they were /fa/ as fuck. Just saiyan

>> No.8654634


no one works that hard to put their dick in a fleshlight, get real.

>> No.8654637


>> No.8654644

everywhere, even kohls

>> No.8654649

I like women with loose clothing.
I like women with a sense of personal style.
I like women who wear my button down shirt unbottoned and panties no bra.
I hope you can tell by now each of us guys are different. What matters is what the other anon said above, no ridiculous face jewlery, stop that fake eyebrow bullshit. Workout, eat healthy and stay skinny (but not bone skinny).
That's it. Each guy is different.

>> No.8654654

I generally don't care about women's clothing, but facial jewelry and lesbians disgust me, and natural eyebrows are best. The worst eyebrows are the drawn in ones that are curved as fuck, looks fucking ridiculous.

I hate lesbians because they usually wear shitty clothing that never fits well, just because they are trying to embrace butch pseudo-masculine lesbo culture, like flannel shirts, jeans jackets with ripped off sleeves, and the worst fucking type of all are the ugly lesbos who insist on wearing suits that always fits horribly, just look at Ellen Page's new attire, fucking vomit comet

>> No.8654659


>> No.8654661
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I never knew it was this easy pretending to be a girl online.

I don't see how it would be at all unreasonable for someone to ask how the judge dresses so that the *judged* may determine whether the *judged* should even consider the judge's opinion. If you judge, prepare to be judged.

>> No.8654670

shut up you autistic fuck

>> No.8654671

High wasted shorts, ugly grandma floral prints, jewelry, facial piercings, anything with rhinestones, fake glasses, bright red lipstick and basically anything else that will make you look like a cheap art-school whore with a crusty vagina.

>> No.8654675

I'm surprised the natural eyebrows meme isn't dead yet. Shits 2012 tumblrcore pictures of girls in flannels cooking in rustic cabins as fuck

>> No.8654686

thats maybe true.

feeling sexually attractive is not the same thing as objectifying and reducing yourself to the point where all that matters are optical characteristics. Of Course clothes and your overall appearance are very important but let me tell you that I tried a lot of different ways to get in contact with women with the goal to find someone "worthwhile". I tried in nightclubs where the only criterion are looks and body language, but also in bars and other more social gatherings. I found out that the most satisfying thing was finding someone you could actually talk and communicate with. I mean it could also be the case that one night stands got boring to me because in my personal opinion, having sex with someone you also like/love on an emotional level is so much better than fucking some chick who is a 10/10 but who you cant "connect" with on any other level.

>> No.8654690

point proven, spotted the autist

>> No.8654692

I knew it was possible you might be just some guy and not OP: but if it was the case then you're kind of a weird faggot, right?

OP's question was for *men.* Not a question for weird faggots who think they're highly desirable because they choose particular clothes.

>> No.8654695

why are you so angry

>> No.8654702

shut up, kiddo

>> No.8654708

ok whatever, have fun living in your little world where your only goal is fucking chicks. One day you will turn 18 and realize that what I said is true and that physical connections are inferior to mental ones.

>> No.8654731
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fedora tipping intensifies

>m'lady, golly gee you've got a great personality!
>why are girls always into assholes and not nice guys like me

>> No.8654745

honestly you're starting to sound like a retarded teenager who's upset because his worldview and life philosophy have been shattered

>> No.8654748

Mate, it's just bait. It has nothing to do with whether or not I'm into men.

I'm interested in what kinds of people have what kinds of tastes is all. If anything, this exchange might serve as something of a mirror in which to reflect upon ourselves, our tastes, and our argumentative styles.

Have a good day, anon!

>> No.8654759

nice meme bro you surely are the meme-meister.

No but seriously I dont think you posting c00l internet pictures proves your point. Just try to explain how you feel its not that hard anon. As I said before I've had enough chicks/ one night stands and found my preferences.

>> No.8654770

if it's of any use to you, I'm >>8653847 and I usually dress basic/comfy - slim pants with cotton shirt or a simple tee + bomber or duffel coat and some sneakers
don't have a pic because my fits aren't really worth documenting but most of my stuff tends to be in navy or dark green

>> No.8654799

ok kid, we get it

you enjoy one night stands

>> No.8654809

I don't think you 'get it', retard because that's exactly the opposite of what he said

>> No.8654823

yes m'lady? what may my manliness serve you today?

>> No.8654837

your what?

>> No.8655032
File: 19 KB, 250x250, 1395529053679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitloads of jewelry and cakeface
Facial piercings/shitloads of ear piercings
Uggs and sweatpants that stretch JUICY across your ass
Red nail polish
Clothes that show midriff - bellies are sexy a f but 99% of the grils who wear them are trashy cunts or fat
Fake tans
Uppity cunt scowls as if you're better than anyone else because of your Sociology degree
Your boyfriends clothing, let me at least pretend for fuck sake
High heels - the only guys who like this shit are fetishists, hell I HAVE a foot fetish and I'll choose a basic pair of $5 flats over any of the goofy shit women wear on their feet. Flats with a little toe cleavage are absolutely scrumptious
Poor foot hygiene, mainly because I'm a footfag I guess
Short nails, or at least no retardedly long falsies

tl;dr don't dress like a filthy slut and take care of your body. Fucking revolutionary right? Half of this stuff is just echoing what other anons have said in this thread... So why then why do so many women, a gender supposedly obsessed with trying to attract a man, manage to fuck this stuff up?

>> No.8655075


I had no idea dresses were such a sticking point.

>> No.8655095
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I think waist high shorts like these are a total boner killer.

>> No.8655113

It's not so much what girls wear, it's if they look like they're just copying their friends to fit in. I know this one girl who had really pretty long hair, but because a bunch of girls in my area are wearing it shoulder length this summer she did too, and it made me lose a lot of respect for her.

Also, "grunge" girls who wear doc martens, olive parkas, and red lipstick all the time.

>> No.8655117

only if they don't have good hips

>> No.8655122

>Flats with a little toe cleavage are absolutely scrumptious
Your taste is
Pretty fucking good.

>> No.8655298
File: 557 KB, 500x730, tumblr_mt9lezR1U51qe9g4mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone is really overweight then I find it a turnoff, other than that I don't really get hung up on things that people wear.

>> No.8655424

Fake nails, fake lips, fake tits, fake anything.

Women who get implants are the worst type of women. Actually i lied, those who get vaginaplasty for aesthetic reasons are the worst. If i was a surgeon doing such operations I'd save the pieces of labia i cut off for later and eat them.

>> No.8655444

you sick bastard, but I agree

and worst are those who artificially make themselves virgins again
dont know what that part is called in egnlish

>> No.8655463

Called the hymen. The most delicious part of all, but only if it's genuine.

>> No.8655473

there isnt really anything to deter us by wearing something. As long as you have a pretty face. If you have big boobs and or a big ass Id so those off if you want guys attention

>> No.8655529

>slip-on shoes
>fucking uggs
>high heels
>platform shoes
>makeup/lipstick in abusive amounts
>pulled-back chav hair

The list goes on and on

>> No.8655554

What shoes do you like?

>> No.8655680

when you be like damn girl you trynna kick it and she be like
nah brodi im bout my paper

i thought this was adonis

>> No.8655751

>>flowers in hair

nah man

>> No.8655768

it looks good but what weather would call for a peacoat, scarf and a skirt?

>> No.8655776

You gotta sacrifice to be kawaii, anon.

But tbh my legs never really get cold... I basically wear skirts/dresses (and sometimes shorts) 90% of the time.

>> No.8655777

>loose clothing
why ever
this is sexy
baggy clothing as well

>> No.8655779
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>> No.8655781


>high heels

ugh this. Don't know why, but I just hate them

>> No.8655782

>I've been hearing guys hate girls who wear slip on shoes
You heard that from another female. It's false.

>> No.8655800

Short hair/dumb have shaved thing
Piercings anywhere but ears
High waisted shorts

I'll still try to fuck you, but I won't want a relationship with you.

>> No.8655808
File: 25 KB, 468x263, yaaaass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of earrings are /fa/? Or are they?
Haven't worn earrings in a while and planning on getting some.
Pics if possible, please.

>> No.8655866

but aren't you fat?

>> No.8655870

This is a personal turn-off and I'm sure I'm the only person who thinks this way, but most jewellery.
I have a particular dislike for body piercings and I'm not too fond of earrings either.
Rings look stupid and every time I've had a gf who wore them it would irritate my fingers if I held hands with them.
Necklaces just kind of bug me.
Bracelets however, can look really nice as long as they're not metal.

Actually, now that I think about, it seems to be mainly anything metallic that bugs me. Am I crazy, /fa/?

>> No.8656073

Black Milk is the Hot Topic for girls who grew out of Hot Topic

And I literally mean "grew out" because the only girls I've seen in BM are landwhales

>> No.8656080


>> No.8656096

Patterned leggings and floral dresses are god tier. Fuck you goons.

My personal turnoff are dressing (and acting) ghetto.

>> No.8656105

I-I don't know what to wear anymore

>> No.8656107
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Anime hair;
Drawn eyebrows;
Fake tans;
Too much bling;
Facial piercings except the ears


>> No.8656139
File: 125 KB, 500x375, DSCN9213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vommit inducing

>> No.8656304

Uggs are a huge turnoff. Other than that I don't much care as long as the clothing is clean. I've been attracted to girls in baggy basketball clothes, very plain clothes, clothes they're wearing because the just got done playing sport. Besides it's highly subjective. I'm most attracted to clothes that project personality traits that I like in women. I hate overly fussiness in women so it's actually a slight turnoff to me to see a woman that cares too much about how she dresses.

>> No.8656309

Oh god tough talking girls are disgusting. Bitch you're 5'2" and 90lbs any guy here could break your glass jaw.

>> No.8656329

>flip flops
>leggings as pants
>daisy dukes + tank tops combo
>riding boots

>> No.8656384

>tacky tattoos (so 95% or them)
>gold/gold-look-alike jewelry of any kind
>hair-buns of any kind
>damaged hair
>dyed hair
>slip-ons that don't show toe-cleavage
>ashy feet
>stubby toes
>red nail polish
>a lot of boots

>> No.8656392

short hair is fucking stomach turning

>> No.8656405

>anime hair

>> No.8656407

>just cut my hair short


>> No.8656411

post fit bitch

>> No.8656414

>those who get vaginaplasty for aesthetic reasons are the worst
so meatflaps are okay, right?

>> No.8656420

it goes without saying that if anything you're wearing says "PINK" or has large obnoxious letters I will not speak to you in a humane way, same if you're wearing leggings with an oversized hoodie, fuck you, that's about it other than what sieg mentioned

>> No.8656424

I like short haired girls anon, turns me on so long as you don't act like a dude

>> No.8656439
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>> No.8656453
File: 71 KB, 633x758, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, I had a 5'2" ugly slut sitting across from me at a party, all these dudes trying to fuck her, she notices I'm talking to everyone but her, offers me some hookah, I don't smoke
>you don't smoke?!?! what's wrong with you?
>I like my lungs, now shut the fuck up midget I don't want to hear your voice
>mfw she has one of the guys confront me and he's a drunk hungry skelly
>mfw she later asks if she can play beer pong with the rest of us and I tell her if she wanted to play she shouldn't have been a bitch
>now go inside and finish preparing the rest of the food and maybe you can play

>> No.8656469

This girl I know wears high waisted jeans with her shirt tucked in and it makes her proportions look so good

>The most delicious part of all
Riiiiight sounds weird but hey who am I to judge because
>tfw virgin
I heard the operation for a fake hymen is really popular in China

>> No.8656510

Can I ask you something, OP?

Why does it matter what they like?
If you dress for someone else and not for yourself (now obviously I don't mean decking yourself out in full fat sorority girl uniform or wearing knickers on your head) you're not going to be happy; and the lonely skangers that actually base a person's personality on their clothing (again, If you're dressed within reason) are not people whose opinion I would trust.

>> No.8656578
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>> No.8656590

so pretty much a girl you didn't know came up to you because she liked you and you thought you were better then her and you were acted like an asshole/autist

>> No.8656597

likes: hurtin people, bein badass, motorcycles, nine inch nails (the band), killing, death, punk rock, jinco jeans, skulls, darkness, hot gurls with big boobys who are sluts, ninne inch nails (on finger), earings, purple (cool kind not gay kind)

dislikes: niceness, happiness, levis, kevin robinson from school fuck you kevin stop showin evryone my fuckin devianart you peace of shit, trent razner, short nails, khaoskid663 (mega ass-faggot), sunshine, life, my dad, football

>> No.8656598

Heels that aren't worn with dresses. I can't stand heels unless it fits the entire picture. Otherwise, you just look brain damaged and lost the ability to walk.

>> No.8656618

>those fucking ballet slip on shoes
all my hate

>> No.8656665


>> No.8656672
File: 98 KB, 800x551, Leon-movie-stills-leon-leon-the-professional-24526194-800-551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ fetish thread?

>> No.8656699
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>> No.8656706

>Ballet shoes (they are very comfy in my defense)
>Leggings (I only wear black ones though and my behind look very good also I wear them with long shirts so no camel toe is visible)
>Floral pattern stuff (can't help it, I really like them)
Ignore the /fa/ trolls, these are fine, just don't be 20% bf+ or fake and you're fine.

>> No.8656717

These plus
>unshaven pits
>tattoos anywhere visible while wearing normal clothing

Also the danger zone:
>dyed (short) red hair
>horn rimmed glasses
>wearing clothing designed for men

>> No.8656719

>fowers (sic) in hair
fuck you these are kawaii as fuck and if you don't like them you're a plen.

>> No.8656722

So basically niggers

>> No.8656726

I agree with this entire post

>> No.8656755

i dunno man horn rimmed glasses are p hot

>> No.8656778

Anything from Victoria's Secret's Pink, their shit is literally so fucking ugly. You should only buy your panties and shit from them.

>those tops that expose one shoulder

>when they own more than one or two pairs of vans

>Michael Kors bags and wallets

>yoga shorts

>clothing purposed for males


>> No.8656790

only when the snapback is worn backwards btw

>> No.8656805

shit ton of asians dress like that you're fine

>> No.8656822

is it like kiko's short hair?

mfw I only look at grills with short hair now

>> No.8656946

skirts + leggins
nope nope nope

>> No.8657133
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>> No.8657156
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>> No.8657518


>> No.8657659

kawaii as fug

>> No.8657689

Do you really care what wallets/bags people have?

They're fucking things to hold shit in, why do you care what they look like?

I dress gothic-hippie but I have a school backpack from a chinese market that says "Best Bag" on it.
Shit doesn't matter.

>> No.8657752

no, she aggressively asked what was wrong with me for shit stupid as not wanting to smoke, and acted like she was better than everyone else the entire night. m8-1

>> No.8657763

short girls wearing nothing but large flannel shirts though

>> No.8657775

nah m8 they wear leggings and those loose shirts with only on shoulder

>> No.8658139

So what are girls supposed to wear then????

>> No.8658144

red as in ginger or red as in little mermaid wig

>> No.8658151

did you just fucking describe this woman

>> No.8658161

>inb4 tricky rick

whatever the fuck they want to.

>> No.8658172

>Pullover Sweater + Yoga Pants + Uggs
>Vineyard Vines pleb-shit

>> No.8658265
File: 138 KB, 640x938, zara-chaquetas-primark-vestidos-1~look-main-single.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's springtime, the sun is out, you are sitting down in a nice park where the birds are chirping, and you are wearing a playful colourful sundress and open toe heels (I don't even have a foot fetish, these are just very attractive), and you have nice healthy skin and hair, there is a 100% chance I will be interested and sit down and talk to you.

Overall, if you are looking for a good man, don't dress like a slut, wear pretty colours, look fresh and smiley, and don't be too trendy and look like a consumerist skank,.

"Pretty" and "cute" are words you are looking to be able to use to describe your clothing and composure.


>> No.8658277

???????? :DDDDD shut the fuck up

>> No.8658288



>> No.8658300

Cheap ballerina shoes with a cheap ass jean, or worse, LEGGINGS
Bonus for you: Turn-ons are
classy feminine vests with high padded shoulders <3
a beautiful jean

>> No.8658312

Wrong. WRONG WRONG WRONG. A woman can be stunning with beautiful clothing, and "meh" with a sweater/ jog combo.

>> No.8658314

all of these plus loose fitting jeans for some reason

>> No.8658328

wimmin BTFO

>> No.8658336

Patrick Bateman pls leave

>> No.8658340

>print shirts
Seriously to all girls wearing shirts with fucking retarded prints on them like wild animals or phases of the moon or shit

you're giving cancer to yourself and everyone around you

>> No.8658342

idk but I really dislike cheap/plastic jewelry/accessories

and inverted crosses, and most """tumblr""" style clothing

>> No.8658344

It's generally true for where I live and for myself included, girls wearing the most retarded shit still get almost equal level of adoration if they don't look ugly as shit.
Then again I live in Miami where shit taste and vapidness thrive.

>> No.8658353

don't be fat or ugly, and you'll make a good majority of men ur bitch

>> No.8658355

literally no-one cares please stop posting

>> No.8658359
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>> No.8658365

horizontal bangs are THE cutest bang style ever. it hides ugly big foreheads, balances ppl w strong jaws, makes grills look qt and 2D
no bangs and middle parting is uglier than full bangs, sideswept bangs are also probably uglier esp when they go all emo and greasy ew

>> No.8658399


If you have an ugly big forehead, horizontal bangs will make it look bigger, wonkier, and you will be uglier.

Horizontal bangs only make you look better if you are good looking naturally with a balanced face

>> No.8658454

nice fagget you describe Boy vs Women

>> No.8658470

I just did a google search for "big forehead haircuts" and you're clearly wrong.

>> No.8658486

literally whatever

>> No.8658490

>if you are looking for a good man, don't dress like a slut
so good men judge people based on appearance?

>> No.8658502


Yes absolutely.

If you dress like a slut you will be viewed as a slut.

You don't get to dress like a slut and also be viewed as a good girl.

>> No.8658506


>shit tier game

you clearly know nothing about /v/ideogames

>> No.8658515

I dunno, man, I like sluts. I like to know that a girl is gonna get kinky in bed with me. I need me a girl who likes dirty, nasty sex. Don't dress like a slut if you want a guy who thinks doggy style is kinky. Otherwise, dress like a prude on the first date or two, then show up on the third date in a catsuit or pink miniskirt or whatever.

>> No.8658540


Dressing with decency and loving dirty nasty sex are not mutually exclusive, at all.

All girls out there, including good girls with good values and morals, love dirty nasty sex. Same with good men that you wish to attract. You seem to think that there needs to be an association between good men and prudishness, or good women and prudishness.

But if you dress like a slut you won't attract a man like that because it gives a bad impression, as a girl for a relationship.

But by all means if you're just seeking to attract men for casual sex, dressing like a slut is the way to go.

>> No.8658562


i shiggy diggy doo, instant drop

>> No.8658567

This guy is right.

>> No.8658575


>> No.8658578
File: 78 KB, 297x264, 1402250201001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boyfriend shirts sold exclusively in the woman's asile with the buttons on the woman's fastening side
holy shit that's hilarious that they have that

>> No.8658594

that actually sounds kind of sad

>> No.8658612

what's sadder is people so much about whether the buttons are on the left or right side of a girl's button shirt

>> No.8658616

if theyre nice tits it doesn't improve them at all.

same with tattoos

>> No.8658627

omg are you me? I feel like i look like a little boy but i don't want to gain weight either because i'll look like a fat little boy :(

>> No.8658630


slip on shoes are cool and loose clothings are sexy

just don't be fat and be fashionable

>> No.8658641

if you can make horizontal bangs look good you could make literally everything good so why not go for something better. Also OP asked for opinions.

>> No.8658692

I think you didnt quite understand
boyfriend shirt = male shirt, right? your boyfriends's shirt, he gave it to you after a good night together
but they produce them for females initially, like look I have a bf too

>> No.8658723

it's just referred to as a boyfriend shirt by some people it's really just a loose button shirt

like, i've seen/heard people refer to really skinny jeans as "girlfriend jeans" so by your logic it's sad that you guys are wearing jeans that are so tight when you don't have a girlfriend

you are getting very buttblasted over a silly name for a button shirt and the fact that a girl is wearing a button shirt with the buttons on the appropriate side??

>but they produce them for females initially, like look I have a bf too
yes anon they specifically made those shirts so girls can buy them and give people the impression that they have a boyfriend it really has nothing to do with trends or what's fashionable or anything like that

>> No.8658750

lmao dude Im not the same anon, I just wrote that 1 reply

>> No.8658755

and it's actually you who seems to be 'buttblasted'

chill, it's saturday today, go do something fun

>> No.8658760
File: 40 KB, 1136x1536, bigfeel strikes again.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bigass gauge earrings or giant piercings, i'm tolerant of most piercings as long as they aren't excessive

shaved eyebrows, my mother does that, she's 57, you don't have an excuse

idk about tattoos as long as they arent on your neck or all the way down to your ankles/feet or wrists/hands

main turnoff is if they dont like the music i like or if they don't keep themselves in shape

otherwise i have pretty low standards

>> No.8658767

i mean like shaved eyebrows that are pencilled in or whatever

>> No.8658768
File: 8 KB, 179x223, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 5'5

pls dont b taller than me

anything else goes

>> No.8658780

>implying provoking arguments with fuccbois over their dumb opinions on anime forums sin't a fun way to spend your saturday afternoon

>> No.8658819


>> No.8658936

Are you perchance an Irishman?

>> No.8658948

Well it's simple. Depends what guy you want.
A "good" guy will see more in a woman that has nice clothes and covers certain parts. She'll seem like "wife" material to him.
A "typical" guy will hold convos with girls who "show the goods". Those girls will be seen a sex objects. No more and no less.

If you're a woman with a very nice sense of fashion it will not really matter what you wear as long as you look nice. There are really no turn offs to a guy with women's clothes. Guys always look at the face first, boobs second then your legs.

>> No.8659045

last part is not true
first is the overall physique - if pudgy/plump/slightly overweight - into the trash
face is also top priority
dont give a fuck about boobs as long as they are not too big, I dont care if they are present at all, but ofc nice small ones are good
legs - yes
then grooming, hair condition and stuff like that. immaculate, natural-looking skin on women is sexy, some freckles are good too

>> No.8659070

No, why the fug would you assume that. I am Canadian

>> No.8659185

Must be a newfie

>> No.8659508
File: 15 KB, 480x360, clean-ugg-boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the hatred Uggs get. Is it style-wise? Or because they're so overplayed? I've always thought they must be very comfy and in my country (don't ask, shithole backwards place) they're not so common, and never matched with leggins.

>> No.8660140

pls be in Sacramento

>> No.8660148

Soo many angry white knight lol

>> No.8660588
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>> No.8660599


black milk meme leggings as pants. lana del ray flower headband things. pastel drapey/lacey shit

>> No.8660682

>"pls dont b taller than me"

>> No.8660684

Nope. Damn, you're thirsty m8.