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8646282 No.8646282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i've been using pic related along with aveeno clear complexion lotion, but my skin is still shit. am i wasting my time?

>> No.8646286
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Yeah sounds like you are

>> No.8646295

i'm really not sure why but my skin has gotten so bad over the past few months. there haven't been any changes in my diet or my general routine. i'm at such a fucking loss

>> No.8646305

I use that very product. Works pretty well. Maybe you just need something more aggressive.

>> No.8646308

make sure ur drinking water and ur diet isnt shit.

but remember ur skin takes time to change, not like 2 weeks.

>> No.8646381
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take zinc, fish oil and vitamin c supplements

healthy diet, honestly just get a burrito bowl every day with brown rice at chipotle and you'll be fine

exercise exercise exercise, just getting sweaty for an extended period of time is enough

drink 4 cups of green tea (literally one of the only scientifically proven chemicals that have a positive influence on skin) preferably japanese (highest amount of catechins and polyphenols)

drink plenty of water a day, if your piss is yellow you aren't drinking enough

ice cubes on face before cleansing, preferably green tea ice cubes, helps with inflammation and makes your skin brighter

put some tea tree oil on a q-tip and dab on any blemishes after cleansing/moisturizing, that shit works overnight

make sure to check for irritants/acne-causing ingredients, like cetearyl/cetyl alcohol in whatever products you're using

also get on the snail cream game if you can, shit is magic yo

I honestly use the same cleanser you're using (well, the pink one) and it's fine. Also that clear complexion lotion is so-so, I used it for a good 6 months and I never felt like it significantly changed my skin. I use my snail cream as a moisturizer instead though

follow these steps, even just the first 5, and I GUARANTEE you will have model-tier skin.

in order to have good skin, you have to be healthy on the inside first before it shows on the outside

>> No.8646410

If these are actually all true thanks.

>> No.8646421


you bet they're fucking true you dumb motherfucker

i have skin comparable to that of Aphrodite's sweet supple breasts

>> No.8646430

Are there any foods in particular I should avoid? I know the basics like soda but is there anything else that is absolutely terrible?

>> No.8646432

i literally eat a brown rice bowl from chipotle almost every single day. i work right next to one. but i appreciate all the advice man. the only thing i'm not currently doing is working out, but i never have and my skin has always been great regardless

i've been taking zinc vitamin d and vitamin e, since i heard something about vitamin e helping to clear up your skin, but i'll get on that vitamin c asap

but by the way what the hell is snail cream?

>> No.8646507
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>OP has trouble with acne
>no mention of benzoyl peroxide

shit guide

>> No.8646537
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processed 'filler' foods (instant ramen, potato chips, deep fried-shit etc.)

research nowadays show a shit load of things are bad for your skin but honestly you're not going to be affected by a glass of milk or an order of Five Guys once in awhile. Just be honest with yourself if you're eating a generally healthy diet.


working out definitely helps, since it increases blood flow (therefore, nutrients) to the skin and thus might help create a more glowing complexion

oh and snail cream it's the shit dude, fucking koreans. it's main ingredient is snail slime and my skin has never been so soft and supple.


tea tree oil is better. i've read a scientific study comparing the effectiveness of the application of both BP and tea tree oil and it came to the conclusion that both were equally effective in treating acne, but that tea tree oil had less side effects (redness, irritation, flaking) that are associated with applying BP.

>> No.8647387

>follow these steps, even just the first 5, and I GUARANTEE you will have model-tier skin.
You also need to have great genes. :^)

>> No.8648281


>> No.8648300

post skin pic

>> No.8648315

and not shit skin already. wish I didnt exfoliate the shit out of my face without cleanser before and mostiruzer after when I was young - I was already doomed for bad skin, that just made it worse.

are there ways to reduce "pickaxe scarring"?

>> No.8648317

Not necessarily true, bad acne has a genetic predisposition. I have a friend who plays baseball on a college team, and he eats complete hit while getting drenched in sweat for hours on end with a flawless complexion; conversely, my sister has a friend in her late 20's who, from what I've seen, has a very stringent diet but still suffers from cystic acne.

>> No.8648325

Dara could go for 15 while being 30. Muh dick

>> No.8648338

>tfw I have a friend who is overweight, sleeps in his filthy bed every night without washing his sheets and sweats constantly and eats like shit/never drinks water or washes his face but his skin is perfect


>> No.8648343

jenetiks bruv

>> No.8648530
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Chanyeol knows


>> No.8649804

eat a lot of carrots

>> No.8649839

>tfw face has been clearing up
I use cetaphil cleanser, stridex pads, and moisturizer
it's slowly working pretty well for me, pretty happy, but I need some sunscreen, any advice?

>> No.8650140

cerave foaming facial cleanser. so dope.

>> No.8650711

Cover your face in petroleum jelly before you go to bed.

I'm serious.

>> No.8650777
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the best thing

>> No.8650816

Was looking at this at walgreens earlier today. How is it? Isn't using an exfoliating wash every day too harsh?

>> No.8650836

Neutrogena has some really nice suncreens. I have there 70 spf dry-touch sunscreen. Goes on pretty easy although I should note one day I didnt rub it in very well before I went to work and people commented if I put something on my face. Didnt do that embarrassing ass shit again. Also be aware this stuff isnt moisturizer, like, at all. So you'll need to use lotion afterwords.

>> No.8650864

Good thread.
Figure I'd ask, what is a good store-bought shampoo and conditioner for thick, coarse, and dry hair? I'm not even sure where to begin. I have a Sally's, but there is tons of shit.
I just don't fancy paying 30 bucks a bottle + shipping for something like that.

>> No.8650881

I was using AmLactin for Keratosis Pilaris on my arms and just started using it as a facial lotion. Don't even wash my face anymore. Most of my issues were dry skin related though.

>> No.8650884
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seriously just go outside and get some sun. That shit helps more than any product you can buy
>but m-muh porcelain skin

>> No.8650887

Is your skin oily or dry?

>> No.8650891

get a prescription for duac

>> No.8650894

My skin is pretty average, leaning on the side of dry.

>> No.8650903
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Dear OP,

I had severe acne on my forehead for about 6 years. i used to be like you, asking /fa/ what to do to my face, reading guides, etc. It was all to no avail.

Only under the following circumstances did my acne go away for good:

-Drink very little caffiene, 2 cups of coffee a day max.
-Eat healthy, no HFCS shit, no fast food, lots of vegetables, drink tea
-Stopped putting product on my forehead. Literally, I do nothing to my forehead. All shit products that come from walmart or over the counter will fuck your skin's natural acidic lining. It needs to REPAIR not get FUCKED.

-Stress under control


>> No.8650932

I'm going to go ahead and shill Acne.org's products because not only are they far cheaper than anything you'd find OTC in a drug store, they are the only thing that made my acne disappear (including prescription BP/Clindamycin and Retin-A). Follow the fucking Regimen and you'll have a much better shot at it than if you do the usual homeopathic bullshit /fa/ suggests like >>8650903 or >>8646381 (tea tree oil I heard is good but everything else is a load of crap).

>> No.8650935

how old were you when your acne began and how old are you now?

>> No.8650944

I used a regimen consisting of

Same Facial cleanser (once in the morning, after I work out, and at night)
Minocyline pills (1 at morning/night)
Benzoyl peroxide gel on the actual pimples (morning/night)
Retin-A on dark/red spots (morning/night)

That, with a better diet helped me defeat acne after 3-4 months. Except the second month it really makes your skin red and shit but I don't know, my doctor said that would happen.

Just a side note, if you're also trying to be /fit/ AND have a clear face then don't do GOMAD, I learned the hard way.

>> No.8650966
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Get a prescription for these nuts you Manlet faggt

>> No.8650981

Some top tier broscience.

>> No.8651029

Thanks anon

>> No.8651134


>> No.8651153

not an exfoliator
just a face wash that works wonders

i've tried this and i've also tried a face wash from kiehls, and this one worked much better

>> No.8651169

Next time your at your doctors ask about Differin and Duac, best combo prescription creams I've used, now my face is as smooth as my girlfriends ass

>> No.8652926

I started doing this the other day and I can already tell my skin is getting better. Thanks dude

>> No.8652948

Genetics. Get Accutane, drink a lot of water, change your pillowcase often.

Bad acne = genetics. Don't listen to these shitters they don't know what they're talking about. I do, i had to deal with this shit.

>> No.8652955

bar soap shit is cheap

you don't need any facial cleansers and shit like that- you just need to either
A)stop rubbing pizzas on your face
B)wait until you're finished with puberty

>> No.8652966


>B)wait until you're finished with puberty

Yeah because we all know acne works like that right ? Fucking retard. If his skin troubles are genetics, he will still get stuck with pimples at 25 years old AND he will have to deal with scars.

Come on people, if you don't know your subject just shut the fuck up and don't give advices, someone could follow them and fuck himself up.

>> No.8653008

>don't listen to the guy telling you to wash your face with soap, listen to the guys telling you to smear a bunch of random chemicals on your face

>> No.8653016


I never said anything like that.

I only said if you have strong acne you should go see a fucking dermatologist and get your ass prescribed some Accutane because that's the only true way to get rid of that shit in an acceptable timespan.

>> No.8653259


strawman as fuck

>> No.8653294

theyre both random chemicals, only one is actually made to target acne.

i, personally, havent washed with soap/shampoo in months and my skin has never looked better

>> No.8654026


samefag here

ok lol, enjoy ur acne, seeing as how my skin is flawless now :-)))

>> No.8654052

all i do is run every morning, lift 3 times a week, shower daily with no poo and i use a irish spring bar of soap for my face and body. no acne man feels good. also showers are even shorter but don't take that as you don't touch your hair, still spend a good minute or two hand combing through it and massaging your scalp.

>> No.8654062

There's no real a to b in getting rid of acne, depends from person to person, but general solution is:
Benzoyl peroxide and an oil free moisturizer.
Eat healthy, keep basic hygiene.