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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 7 KB, 225x225, shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8644778 No.8644778[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ stories and feels

> dressed like a normal day
> girl in my class tells me I dress like im rich
> wearing thrift store shirt with ross jeans and shitty timex watch with bass desert boots.

I guess I made it

Also I have gotten numerous compliments on my sweaters.

>catching people mirin

girls have called me fashionable alot.

Girls telling me I smell nice

best feel
> their jaw drops when I tell them I am a kiss less virgin who never had a GF.

thanks /fa/ you have made me a better man

we all going to make it.

>> No.8644780

> tfw you are constatnly thinking about how your pants cuff looks.

>> No.8644783

bros start asking you for advice on dressing.

clothes fit better and girls have started to "swolest" me. not sure if this a /fit/ feel or a /fa/ feel.

>> No.8644785

>tell them I'm a lossless virgin that has never had a gf

Why the fuck would you tell them that?

>> No.8644792


>> No.8644797
File: 249 KB, 1320x1052, potatocaptcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been told I look very nice now that all my suits are near perfect fits.

too bad I never get to dress up.

my catch was potatos wtf ?!?!?

>> No.8644800


>> No.8644806

>at party and im posted on the wall judging every ones fits.

>Walking home barefoot so you dont get your shoes messed up.

>> No.8644812

>start dressing nice
> everyone gives me benefit of the doubt now
> halo effect full
> still act like a scumbag
> can brush people off and be callous but they still are interested in me

halo effect is toppest feel.

>> No.8644827
File: 4 KB, 160x159, notgoingtomakeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people begin to suspect you are gay
> tfw called pretty boy
> tfw girls ask for your skin care routine

>> No.8644845

>browse /fa/ for entirety of college
>care a lot about looks, trends, very self-conscious
>graduate and struggle to pay rent
>clothes are literally falling apart, massive crotch rips in jeans, run into tree while biking and shred shirt
>no money to buy new clothes
>begin to lose interest in fashion out of necessity
>stop caring how I dress for the most part
>enjoy this far more than being pseudofashionable
>every day neutral color tshirt, flat front shorts, roshes, comfortable costco socks with dumb "sweat wicking" iconography
>feels incredible man (except the poor part)
>come back to /fa/ for a lil bit, see "palewave," smile and scroll pleasurably

h-have i into pleb comfort? is this what true enlightenment feels like?

>> No.8644884


>> No.8644972

>tfw hotboxing my gimp hoodie

>> No.8645006

Telling girls that you are a kissless virgin is a good way to remain one

>> No.8645020
File: 43 KB, 144x209, uvafd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit rite here mayne

>> No.8645021

>tfw made so many black friends ever since I started talking hood and act hard in the streets
keep it hood /fa/

>> No.8645024

you live in a boring place with uncultured people

>> No.8645025

i don't like my wardrobe but im broke and the place where i work just closed down so i'll be broke

i'm sure that's a feel

>> No.8645035
File: 306 KB, 1600x1200, feels mang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be effay everyday
>one day get tired and decided not to dress well
>white tee, short shorts which i made my self, sandals
>family and friends come over without telling me
>qt i never seen before was there, they all talking and watching tv and listening to music
>worst feel ever

i wanted to go dress up and let her know im not what she was seeing


>> No.8645043

>not talking to her with an actualy personality and handsome face
>not convincing her you know the sickest place and to give you a minute to change clothes to take her out that night

>> No.8645045

>started to buy clothes from H&M
>friends begin to become jelly of my fashion sense.
>start working out a bit, have a chest, and decent muscles
>watch girls checking me out, smiling at me
>still a bitch to act on it
I guess I made it, I just need to chance my hair style.

>> No.8645064
File: 142 KB, 900x900, Feels 222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i wish i could think about that at the time, i felt so low i put my face down so she wouldnt notice me
>mfw friend calls her over to meet me

>> No.8645070

There's no "true enlightenment" in fashion. The only definition for fashion that's worth giving two shits about is finding clothing that you feel conmfortable/confident in. It seems like you've done just that, so congrats!

>> No.8645105

>woke up this morning
>had a boner
>went to sleep last night with no bitch
>tfw loner
>be going through shit, losin' bitches and homies
>moms don't got a job
>pop's checks ain't enough
>tfw If ain't bringin' home that money, my whole family is fucked
>move like the Mob, probably kuz I'm watchin' movies too much
>If niggas wanted you dead, what would you suggest?
>fake niggas wonder why I do drugs and hang with thugs

>> No.8645112
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>becoming more outgoing
>talking to people more
>dressing better, losing weight and getting fit
>rediscovering old interests, playing the guitar more
>got an opportunity to travel the world and study abroad
>feeling as good as i ever have in my life
>worsening anxiety becoming almost crippling
>still terrified of the future and unsure what i really want to do in my life
>worsening insecurity about my race, my height, other shit i can't control
>afraid of becoming intimate with anyone
>afraid of coming to terms with my sexuality
>all i really want to do is crawl under the covers and sleep for the next 100 years until i fucking die
this isn't how life is supposed to work

>> No.8645128

>this isn't how life is supposed to work
for us, it is

>> No.8645160

Take care of that anxiety. I went from being a 4.0 student that graduated a year early to not graduating college in six years because I became detached from people and locked myself in my apartment for close to half a year, then I stopped going to class, and moved back with my parents for a while, and still don't like it outside. Don't become me. Get help. I'm only now going back to school and trying to be normal. Don't lose hope because you don't want to try to bounce back from where I am.

>> No.8645173
File: 22 KB, 461x538, 10570281_1570792219814908_3124678614128904331_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That emotion when the only person to compliment you on your fashion sense is your ex who treated you like shit

>> No.8645215


>> No.8645223

The feel when I'm so fucking happy. No matter what.

Serious question though.

What anxiety feels like?

I currently fool with a qt girl that is depressive AF. But her life is so fucking fine and stable, shit like that makes me wonder if all depressive people act in that way just to seek attention. I'm not trying to offend no one. But I Can't fucking relate to the feel of depression for more than a day.

Of course I feel down when I gain a couple pounds, I feel down when I see people getting things when they don't deserve it, but it doesn't matter,because at the other day. I simply make stuff to solve my problems.

>> No.8645241

For me, it was just that I felt unsure, like I was under a magnifying glass all the time. My parents wanted me to succeed and be this prodigy, and I was just afraid of failing. Then it started to feel like every laugh around me was directed at me, and then I froze when doing things. I didn't want to do anything anymore. I just didn't feel like watching movies, or anime, or playing games, or even masturbating. I just slept a lot and cried for no reason. I had a good life. Fuck, I still do. My personality has been the only limiting factor on what might have been, though I'm still 23, so not a big issue. I just wish I had gotten help sooner. My parents didn't understand and just tried to help by yelling at me and calling me useless and stupid, even though we knew I wasn't those things. They learned, though, so now I'm doing good things. It's a fucked up existence. Be glad you are happy, but if you ever need help, don't hesitate to get it. The sooner you get over that shit, the less damage you will do.

>> No.8645244

you were raised by emotionally stable/non-abusive parents congrats wow

>> No.8645307

>qt hinting me that she's into me
>went with it and ask her out
>dated for a little bit nothing official yet
>but she seems like she likes me
>she wents out with this guy yesterday for movie
>told me she wasn't into him and etc
>we stopped talking after that

>> No.8645314
File: 57 KB, 542x602, 1387992550986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>23 on Aug 20th
>tfw you havent been outside in so long that you have no idea what people think of your fits or you in general
>poor from getting a worthless degree going to new york and paris and blowing all your savings on designer clothing
>no friends no gf just live in parents basement and do drugs all day
>too ashamed to even look my parents in the face, constantly bouncing between apathy, regret and self-loathing
>tinder matches i'll never follow up on and look at houses i'll never be able to afford
at least rick loves me.

>> No.8645344


>> No.8645362

>tinder matches
Yo real talk some babes you meet are real cool, sometime inviting even, to spend the day after with. Go get fucked.

>> No.8645377

Why even bother with the clothing spend your money on a fucking hobby that requires you being outside socializing withsstrangers you aspergers ridden raised by the internet lump of human scum

>> No.8645388

tfw potate

>> No.8645389
File: 415 KB, 900x1268, 1326598491717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Search online to find shirt/jacket
>Find perfect jacket
>Buy jacket
>Get email saying there are non in stock and it was a stock error

>> No.8645394

>/fa/ feels

>tfw no cara gf

pls help guys, what do?

>> No.8645396

What song is that rap from?

>> No.8645398


>> No.8645414

>buy clothes from H&M
>I guess I made it
>I made it

try again, pal.

>> No.8645423

>Only gets fulfillment from designer clothes
Friendless virgin with aspergers in parents basement detected

>> No.8645426

Women usually assume you have your own place... and have something to say... I've met with a few, I mean I guess i'll try.

so uh, what do you do thats so cool?

>> No.8645427
File: 3.29 MB, 512x384, ssW8FD7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that happened to me with Haven when I ordered a SI:SP jacket ;_;

mention regretful choice of replacement headphones at work
> me: atleast they were only 50 dollars
> I love how he thinks 50 dollars is cheap!
> Jacket is a thousand dollars and shoes must be like 1200! huehuehue
mfw I'm wearing fucking nikes

this is why I don't tell people how much stuff costs when they ask now.

>> No.8645429

doesn't sounds too terrible to me.

>> No.8645444

lol mall tier clothes are generally shitty. im a poor uni student, but i know better than to buy from hm / forever 21 / wherever the fuck plebs get their clothes.

>> No.8645448

Do you have an active social life, lots of confidence to talk to strangers, and get laid by at least 9/10s regularly? If not kill yourself

>> No.8645453

get a bike
get a guitar
get a skate board
get a dog
get anything / start doing things that make you remotely interesting and promotes social behavior and general fulfillment.

>> No.8645463

>people asking how much shit costs

they must not get to the cloud district very often

>> No.8645465

Haven was the store I bought from. I guess they can't keep track of their stock.

>> No.8645470

basically. i skate / go to concerts / play in bands / do too many drugs / lead a generally interesting life / i get laid at least once every couple weeks / chill with cool people / try new and interesting things all while being /fa/. so yeah. fuck you.

>> No.8645471

>not cheap
so are your friends from detroit or something? I spend more than that on weed.

>> No.8645472

>skyrim maymays
im still guilty of chuckling

>> No.8645480

but forreal doe these weed prices silly mayne

>> No.8645482
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, Kotonoha no Niwa (BD 1280x720 AVC AACx3 [5.1+2.0+2.0] Subx3).mp4_snapshot_13.39_[2013.10.09_08.51.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start copping basics and giving a shit about how I dress
>with pretty much no investiment this puts me miles ahead of anyone in my area since they all dress like shit
>people compliment me on clothing
>still insecure and depressive
>still chubby
>still scarred from years and years of acne

Oh well. I just wish I could disappear.

>> No.8645491

just pretend like you know you're better than them and theyll think you're better
result : happiness

>> No.8645493

>tfw can't tell if glasses are level

>> No.8645496

YG - Really Be

>> No.8645497
File: 556 KB, 1024x726, 1405537572149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run into someone who used to be an underclassmen in high school
>notice that the mountain dew shirt they're wearing is one they used to wear
>they've been wearing this same shirt for at least six years
>of all the time in music classes we spent together all I can remember is this fucking mountain dew shirt

>> No.8645503

Mine was a cat with a photoshopped face the other day.

Apply to work at banana republic, j.crew, nordstroms etc. So you can wear your suits and get discounts.

>> No.8645509

Blond people are born like this.

>> No.8645510

so did you mountain dew them?

>> No.8645519

>be high school fag
>get some unspoken on /fa/
>fits /fa/ would laugh at me for, but I pulled off
>preppy girls always mentioning my fits to me
>girls actually come talk to me about clothes, breaks the ice so easily
Materialism is a wonderful tool

>> No.8645521

p sure anyone who's goodlooking can get away with being a scumbag too du
unless your blaq

>> No.8645525

Should lift. Even at my worst I look good. I got my current girls number while dressed like shit.

>> No.8645527

Nah they can get annoying and their new haircut looks terrible

>> No.8645531
File: 83 KB, 573x400, 06a795a2-ae5c-4fa3-9458-f8914fe58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come out to best freind
>nothing really changes at first
>he becomes more and more distant
>eventually occasionally hang out
>still Bros just don't really talk
>we work together so that's where I see him often
>working one night
>he's closing
>ask if he needs help
>says no
>decide to get ice anyways
>starts yelling at me go home go home
>be like wtf you're not my boss
>goes and tells a manager
>I freak the fuck out because in my eyes this was the last straw saying he didn't want to be my freind
>flip over ice cart
>throw scoop
>yell fuck you
>leave work and sit on a bench for an hour
>can't move to shocked at what I did
>text him saying I'm sorry and I just want to talk
>tells me to go to his car
>go expecting the worst
>have THE best bro talk ever
>better than our late night talks where we were both drunk
>confesses that he was afraid I was attracted to him
>asks me if I love him
>say yes
> but like I love my brothers probably more actually
> tell him that he always been like a big brother to me
>he drives me home and I kind of break down
>we talk in my driveway for another 30 minutes
I think we really fixed everything that was causing problems and strengthened what we already had. I know this isn't /fa/ related I just kind of wanted to tell someone.
>tfw you can't handle all these feels

>> No.8645540

You have a good friend. Many people would not want to talk about it.

>> No.8645544

happened during the end of season sale to your too eh?

>> No.8645545

>in starbucks
>hear girls laughing as I leave
>look down at my plebcore fit
>"I bet they're laughing at me"

>> No.8645547

Dude, at least get gap and uniqlo. Banana republic and j. Crew if you can.

>> No.8645563

I wore a band tshirt that I used to wear all the time freshman year once and met and old friend from that time the same day. I still wonder if he went home and made fun of me for for wearing the same shirt for the past 6 years on the internet

>> No.8645565

Yeah that's what I was afraid of, but he knows how much his friendship means to me.

>> No.8645577

>at the beach, walking along the boardwalk
>only wearing a basic white t shirt, target brand shorts and some sperry's
>hear girl say to her friend "he's cute"
>as I pass hear her say "Damn!"
>mfw only like 140lbs at 6'2"
>mfw no face

Clothes matter more than body /fa/

>> No.8645584

cool man. somehow, I'm happy for you.

>> No.8645589

>140lbs at 6'2
Second time I've heard someone say something like this, what do you fucking look like? Are you literally a hungry skeleton?

>> No.8645595

>not /fa/
Don't worry, it's highly related.

>> No.8645616

>skate, go to concerts, play in bands, do drugs, have meaningless sex
jobless college student detected. u haven't experienced real life. u r a child

>> No.8645633

not samefag but what is real life? sipping cab listening to sinatra and going to sleep at 10:00 to wake up for another exciting day at your pointless job to buy things you dont need?

>> No.8645648

> not pinrolling

>> No.8645651

you probably fucking dress gay gayboi

>> No.8645663

>assumed my nose was crooked
>realized it was because my friend's fault for slapping me

>> No.8645670

real life is doing whatever makes you happy or trying to get to a place where you're doing whatever makes you happy. but here's the kicker: only after you've paid your own bills.

>> No.8645672

I was at first going to say this post was incredibly pretentious, but then I read through the whole chain so instead; +1

>> No.8645677

They're also a physical store, so they don't update exactly in real time or anything.

>> No.8645718

>only after you've paid your own bills
But what the fuck does this mean? Living by yourself? Have a job? Have a set 'career', as much as that means anything in today's world? Have no outstanding debt? Pay your own way through college? Literally pay your parents back for what they've spent on you? Own a house? Rent? Own a business? Three houses? Enough to live as the landed gentry?

Get the fuck out of here with your fucking ideology.

>> No.8645734

If you pay over 20 a gram youre getting fucked. Pay less and youre getting shit weed. Daily reminder

>> No.8645738

Pretty much. I also have Pectus so it makes my ribs flare out more than usual, so it's even worse.

>> No.8645762

i'm 6'3 and 150, losing to ~145

>> No.8645770

>wearing beater clothes with beater vans to mall
>nice shoes
>"do you have socks"
>where did you buy those
>"plz help where can I just find some socks"
>people start to crowd in store I think I see my Grandma
>people begin to tap on the window
>is that Hulk hogan
>nice shorts man
>"wtf they're nike"
>store starts filling with various people and the pretzel stand staff and kiosk salespeople
>where you get those shoes man
>Hey shouldnt you be selling pretzels? Theyre just vans
>people begin to stand on each other and enclose around me like a cage
>they close in and I barely slip out by the lubrication of my sweat
>walk out of the store
>notice socks and underwear are gone again
>can never go back to get more
>wake up shaking covered in spilled cereal at my desk at work after peeing myself

What have you done to me

>> No.8645810


Are you using that term in the quotidian usage or, like, the zizekian usage?

Also, it's like this: unless you're living completely outside of the capitalist economy and growing your own food and not buying anything, then you're living on someone's dime. And, sure, everyone leans on their family and social circle to different extents, but at some point, if you're able, you should be making sure that you make that dime upon which you subsist. Or else you're just parasitizing the alienated labor of your parents or whomever else supports you.

>> No.8645825

Tfw outtie belly button


>> No.8645838

not really.. here in texas I can get dank and purple for 13 a g. Usually I buy bulk tho.

>> No.8645845

does anyone feel like it's bad when plebs compliment your fits?

>> No.8645881

unffff daddy zizek is that u

>> No.8645912

It's being depended upon by many people and not letting them down.

>> No.8645948
File: 13 KB, 350x350, v600_40255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing glassjaw snapback
>glassjaw has god tier merch
>shoe lady at nordstrom complimented it

I've only been complimented on it once by another glassjaw fan. I'm pretty sure she thought it must have been some hypebeast brand because I was wearing white selvege jeans and jordan 1s.

>> No.8645949

>wearing less black
>being less insecure
>working on being nicer to everyone in general
>guys treating me with more respect
>girls showing me more attention
too many good feels


>cuff jeans just right
>try keep the cuff while i'm not wearing them

>> No.8645957

>glassjaw snapback
Lemme guess, the double x?

>> No.8645963

>getting lunch
>qt girl compliments me on my raf sweater

Made my day.

>> No.8645965

No the flag, I figured people would think I was straight edge so I didn't get the xx one.

>> No.8646001

i don't get it

>> No.8646044

>seeing a qt on the one day in a hundred you look bad

Fuck this feel. Fuck it so hard. It keeps happening to me while I get groceries, and I still haven't fucking learned.

>wearing gym shorts to grocery store
>decide to stop by ulta to get more conditioner
>qt at register

>in grocery store after a walk in the park
>wearing gym shorts and a dirty tee
>short haired 8/10 qt working at blender demonstration desk
>spend 5 minutes pretending to listen to her sales pitch while I stare at her face and wish I didn't look like shit

>> No.8646047
File: 220 KB, 500x361, iowa fashion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in iowa
>buy jeans made after 2008 that aren't too big on me
>buy shirts without words or symbols in muted tones
>don't wear running shoes when I'm not running
>top 3% of people when it comes to fashion

>> No.8646054

>go on neiman marcus website few hours ago
>karlie on big banner on the homepage

please make it stop

>> No.8646059

>buy pair of new balance on vacation unavailable in home country
>"if you're not going to wear them to work out them why did you buy them??"
>because i dont want to ruin them????
>"thats a waste of money"

>> No.8646104

> tfw you hit a growth spurt at 20 and now 16 pairs of shoes no longer fit
> tfw tailored but cheap ass suit no longer fits
> tfw have to rework wardrobe

>> No.8646129

Like everytime I dont wear a supper /fa/ fit and hear someone laugh I think theyre laughing at me

>> No.8646147

>Turn 20 and decide to rework my wardrobe and get rid of all the print tees and other highschool shit
>Poor as fuck and it's gonna take forever

>> No.8646155

Thank you so much. For these answers.
About the family stuff. Is kind of fucked up how the view of nuclear family has been demonized in this last years by liberal media. But growing in a fake-stability has made up my personality, which is kind of good. I admire my parents so much for putting their happiness after mine in every moment.

I know I can't relate to anxiety, but perhaps I may understand it one day.

>> No.8646157

We're all gonna make it bruh

>> No.8646170

20 is not so bad im 22 and doing this

>> No.8646173

>tfw 20 and wardrobe finally approaching where I want it to be

feels pretty good man

>> No.8646179

question did you guys get sexually active?

>> No.8646194

drop that bitch like a pipin' hot potato

>> No.8646215

yes sir

>> No.8646219

Nice to see I'm not the only one in Iowa. Do you ever go to the State Fair? I tend to go every couple of years since it really is like Heart of Darkness when it comes to fashion like you described. I saw a dude wearing a beaten-up cowboy hat and a blue stained Western shirt with a belt and suspenders holding up a ratty pair of tight denim shorts. The guy was at least over 250 pounds.

>> No.8646220

>tfw getting mired by a qt girl today, literally staring you down with bedroom eyes
>still virgin
ayyy lmao.jpg

>> No.8646290

I used to go every couple years, but I've already gone twice this year. Much more fun now that I can get drunk, but the people watching is the best.

My favorite this year has been a ripped dude wearing nothing but short jean shorts, and black shoes with white socks. He was also sporting a tasteful blonde mullet.

And don't forget about the wall-e tier hamplanets sitting in power chairs in front of parking lots, using sticks to constantly motion toward the lot to seduce fairgoers into paying $10 for parking.

Worst part about Iowa is the country invasion imo. All acting like they're from Texas or some shit.

>> No.8646409
File: 31 KB, 500x632, this_feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw the entire midwest is like this except for Minneapolis & Chicago.

>> No.8646415

I garuntee if you live in texas you get shit mexican weed. Hence the prices. Rule stands.

>> No.8646424

yg pls go

>> No.8646428

>girls says you look like a poet
nigga i was wearing a plain white cable-knit with black cropped chinos, what the fuck

>> No.8646435

fucking this

>> No.8646464

>Shit are they rubbing on my shoes

>> No.8646497

In Colorado $10 per gram is standard for locally grown dispensary grade weed

>> No.8646514


>> No.8646571


>> No.8646623
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>> No.8646699

>getting a dog to make you interesting
>I shaggy raggy doo

>> No.8646704 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 464x580, nicecoplooksgreat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying wallet online
>on sale, $110 down to $55
>credit card expired
>ask bro to use his paypal
>asks what i'm buying
>"you don't need to spend $50 on a wallet"
>"you can get a perfectly good one for $20"
>pleb bought a jet-ski less than a month ago
>claimed it was an 'investment' and it would 'pay off' by next summer

>> No.8646706

>skyrim maymays
it's oblivion fucktard
fucking casuals

>> No.8646708
File: 55 KB, 192x279, Panic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Create fit that I think looks good
>Go out
>See people look at me
>Oh god, why did I wear this? I look so stupid
>Go home and cry

>> No.8646709

underrated post

>> No.8646715
File: 36 KB, 464x580, wowyoufuccboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying wallet online
>on sale, $110 down to $55
>credit card declined
>ask bro to use his paypal
>asks what i'm buying
>"you don't need to spend $50 for a wallet"
>"you can get a perfectly good one for $20"
>pleb had bought a jet-ski less than a month ago
>claimed it was an 'investment' and it would 'pay off' by next summer

>> No.8646726
File: 133 KB, 500x500, feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order white new balance crt300's for summer
>they oversold them so now I can either refund or exchange for different colour
>get blue instead
>doesn't go with any of my clothes
>never wear them
>been lifting for a few months
>only have 1 pair of pants that fit me

>> No.8646732

>actually telling people you're a kissless virgin
why do this? you pretty much alienate yourself as some weirdo

>> No.8646738
File: 32 KB, 500x538, 1374619524634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ppl b looking @ u cuz dey wan dat dik son.

b confidunt in yoself.

>> No.8646757

what is bedroom eyes? i'm so out of synch with women and people generally i think i might become a hermit

>> No.8646786

>Girlfriend tells me I look good in a hat
>Buy hat
>Going out to meet up with gf, wearing hat and some guy is skateboarding past me
>Screams "YOU'RE A FAGGOT" as he goes past me
>Take off hat and put in my gf's purse
>Feel down, shaken, and defeated for the rest of the day
W-why did he have to yell at me?

>> No.8646790

it probably wasnt the hat

>> No.8646811

you're fat and you dress like a hobo, you're ugly too, what do you want?

>> No.8646821

>Allowing yourself to look so easily defeated in front of your grill,

>> No.8646842

It was probably not the hat alone.

>> No.8646855

wow thats beta man
you just laugh that shit off

>> No.8646945

same here
no one cares m8
people see it once and thats it
unless they're very retarded but i havent had anyone mention it in the last 10 years

>> No.8647158

you think it was more than just the hat

>> No.8647264

I know this feel too well

>> No.8647332

Bros I am almost 6ft (5'11.8", so almost made it) and 70kg or 154 lbs. I have literally no muscle mass and a lot of my friends are probably stronger than me naturally, despite being shorter than me.

Should I gain muscle mass and losr weight or just lose weight? I feel like if I drop 5kg then I will seriously start looking like a hung skeleton

>> No.8647392
File: 1.57 MB, 260x289, laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when I tell them I am a kiss less virgin who never had a GF

>> No.8647597

This resonates with me like no other post.

>on the train to Lenox Square
>premier shopping destination for sartorial elite in Atl
>two lanky gents in aggressively tailored suits compliment my tie and trousers
>Encourage me to apply
>several weeks pass
>told I'm overqualified due to previous work as admin asst
>wot de fauck????

I've always assumed that candor and charm were instrumental in landing retail. Niggas be wildin

>> No.8647612

You're like half an inch shorter than me, and 14 pounds heavier. Lose weight, fatass. Skinnyfat fuck

>> No.8647628
File: 28 KB, 380x250, tumblr_n8brhxmDbK1tcoe7co1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw love is natural and real but not for such as you and I
>tfw can feel the soil falling over my head

>> No.8647638

Just do some pushups and planks

>> No.8647653

They were probably mirin'. Get used to it.

>> No.8647673

the power of the bro talk is mans greatest strength

>> No.8647682

>ITT:"a GIRL talked to me, ME!!! We are all going to make it /fa/ XDD"

quality thread OP

>> No.8647699


>> No.8647724
File: 26 KB, 292x324, 1296320318288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf wants to fuck in shower
>get in the shower and start making out
>starts blowing me
>switch it up
>start tonguing her butthole
>she forgets that she has a tampon in
>pulls it out
>trying to stick it in but the tampon makes it dry as fuck so it takes forever
>finally get it in and start going at it
>have a hard time(lel) staying hard in the shower because of the heat
>end up losing boner while pounding her
>starts blowing me again
>remembers she was on her period
>end up making out some more
>hop out and let her finish her hair and shit
>dry off in kitchen with dog staring at me
>get dressed and go buy some sandwiches

>> No.8647737

so lame, fucking in the shower sucks ass. water is the shittest lubricant

>> No.8647744

I agree.
>tonguing her butt
>water keeps collecting in her crack just above my nose
>goes into my nose
>can't breathe

>pounding from behind
>water keeps splashing up into my face like a fucking fountain

>> No.8647865

you seem like a comfy as fuck boyfriend

>> No.8647909

It's true, would you mind posting your body? Just to get a perspective of how that type would look/wank over your skelebones

I was planning to do this & eat a lot healthier. Trouble is I think I will just gain a little muscle mass but generally be healthier - I want to lose the fat. Mainly from my face. But to have a good body is definitely a bonus.

FURTHER QUESTION : How much can one expect their face to change by losing 6-7kg of fat when at 70kg/5'11.8" ?

>> No.8648417

Yeah I'm originally from a small town here and I'd say at least quarter to a half of my school felt the need to go full country farmer like you said, even though probably half of them actually did any farming. Iowa's pretty weird sometimes.

>> No.8648429

girls grabbing your ass from behind ;__;
it was like this even before i was /fa/
cursed asian genetics

>> No.8648463

>tfw can't pull a smile when there's a qt near me
>always that angry face

>> No.8648493


>> No.8648510

"I was saying to someone the other day, you always dress nicely"
blah blah blah shit like that, I done dress good

>> No.8648527

>tfw my eyes get dry and red as fuck if i dont get enuogh sleep
>rarely get enough sleep
>people think im a pussy because my eyes are red and it looks like im about to cry
>last time at work
>steve, everythings alright?
>yeah, why?
>looks like you're gonna cry
>yeah your face and eyes are all red
>people think i'm a little bitch

i dont really care about their opinions but its sad that people assume im a pussy because of something i cant control :(

>> No.8648549

>"wow anon, you look tired"
>"were you in a fight? your eyes are all purple"
>"you look sick, did you get enough sleep?"

dark circles are effay, r-right?

>> No.8648553

>Plan to go out at night with friends
>Get anxiety all day

Why fa?

>> No.8648578

What degree?

>> No.8648631
File: 776 KB, 245x245, 1405883034322.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got sunburned yesterday
>took a nap woke up and had MASSIVE bags under eyes
>went to whataburger and the first thing the cashier says, "are you tired"?

>> No.8648689

Same except everyone thinks I just smoked a blunt.

>> No.8648744
File: 23 KB, 400x343, 10501883_1525632090999431_4030381763275769884_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in great situation in life, fixed literally everything
>suddenly miss playing games all day and hanging with lowest scum and drug dealers that were my friends some years ago and spending all the money on wicked drugs

I just can't into life, I want to cry

>> No.8648768

drink some water friend. The sunburn is probably dehydrating you

>> No.8648792

shit, you're probably right, i will thanks

>> No.8648798

3rd world countries were better off in ignorance before internet.

>> No.8648803

except you're wrong.. I know what bobby brown looks like, I also know what california medical looks like, and I know what OG purple looks like. So fuck you, pleb. Just because you're too autistic to get good prices doesn't mean I am.

>> No.8648852

>tfw 21 and have what I wanted
>4 pairs of good jeans in different colors
>4 pairs of chinos
>12 good basic tees from gap and banana republic in different colors
>3 pairs of good sneakers in hi and lo black and white
>3 pairs of boots in different colors
>5 jackets from sportswear to denim to field

>getting job at banana republic
>have to buy another 1/3 worth of wardrobe in menswear
>only have 2 dress shirts
>no blazers
>no dress shoes
>no dress trousers
>1 tie

There goes 600+ bucks.

>> No.8648859

What the fuck did you wear?

>> No.8648872
File: 17 KB, 400x449, 7MUTn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I work as an assistant in real estate
>Listing new proprerty
>boss is telling me about this house
>never done a short sale before, ask what it is
>Basically trying to get the bank to take the money gained from selling a house in place of the higher amount they want
>Why are we doing that?
>Boss starts telling me about how he never does short sales unless it is asked for a personal favor from a friend
So the story goes
>old retired man comes in with tears in his eyes after being referred to
>he is in his 70s at least and is sobbing
>asks my boss to help him
>he is the primary contact on a loan he got for his son so that his son could pay off the loan and get a house
>the son's wife was cheating on him
>finds out, pulls out a gun in front of his wife a while later.
>shoots himself in front of her
>house is a mess now
>bank doesn't give a shit and is now putting all of the shit on this old guy who is retired
>80,000 in debt
>Going to ruin him

So I basically got to thinking how fucked up life is. I'm turning 20 next week and it seems that just more and more death keeps surrounding me as I get older. Between Robin Williams, one of my friends a year ago, and this...there is a huge scent of depression in the air. I don't know. I always knew growing up sucked...but I never considered this. I never asked for this at all. People who have it way better than you can't cope, so I almost wonder if I can.
Anyways, thanks for listening /fa/. Sorry for "muh blogging"

>> No.8648914

Remember that there are people who are also happy and functional at all levels of wealth.

>> No.8648927
File: 11 KB, 300x290, 1384289216155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work with woman in her 70s in retail
>she talks about how she used to live in San Francisco and having maids
>find out she was born rich and was rich
>lost it all in 08 investments in Fannie Mae Freddie Mac
>working retail into her grave now
>doesn't have a car

And there are like 4 older women I work with with similar stories and no cars. I live in Phoenix, everyone has a car unless they're poor.

>> No.8648944

underrated post

>> No.8648965

Fucking lol. I can relate so hard

>> No.8648969

>tfw wanted to go out a finally get myself the bomber I finally have enough money for, then meet up with grill
>weather was shit so couldn't go

>> No.8648983

>tfw this is literally me
>only get compliments from boss and one fashionable friend on my cops

>> No.8648988

You should have fingered her right there to prove how unfaggot you are.

>> No.8648991
File: 106 KB, 496x783, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw this is me too

>> No.8648994
File: 143 KB, 640x480, 1387137930210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have one fashionable friend

>> No.8648997

Yeah, you are right. plenty of people are happy, just a death and severe depression always speaks louder than someone who is happy and living a good life. I need to remember that.

Man, I can't even imagine that.
I know there is a lot of hostility towards people who are rich, but just because they are rich doesn't make them not people. Tons of people are going to be working for the rest of their lives long after others have retired for that same reason. I don't think anyone deserves to be in such a low position that they can't even afford a car...how sad.

>> No.8649000

> taking shit from someone who's most likely a poor stoner with an alcohol addiction

>> No.8649003

You let this happen in front of your gf?
You should have sprinted after the guy and taken him down.
It's not like when they do it from a car and there's nothing you can do.

>> No.8649005

trips dont lie

>> No.8649051

I get 1/2 oz for 120 bucks in AZ. Usually it's Sour Diesel. I've also smoked dispensary Platinum OG, Juicy Fruit, and Lemonhead. My favorite was Juicy Fruit. I've never even seen reggies.

>> No.8649212

no, i have multiple friends who dress better than me. I've been around that one in particular enough for him to notice.

>> No.8649335


i had a great bro-talk with my friend at a beach in my car after downing south african wine, beer, vodka and playing zelda for hours

>> No.8649341

>tfw never made out with a girl in a shower

>> No.8649344

Mine is better than me too. He is in a bidding war for achilles los right now. My white sneakers are jordan 1 his.

>> No.8649351

>tfw never been blown or eaten a girl out

>> No.8649354

>have really long hair
>decide to get a haircut
>cut off 10+ inches

>> No.8649358

He sounds like a good guy. I wish I had some gay friends. The most I had was a gay manager. Also some black friends. The most I have is a white sneakerhead that loves warren g and sports.

>> No.8649367

>get a haircut only once every 4 months
>eventually hair gets into shitty stage
>questioning myself for weeks whether I should cut or grow
>eventually get a haircut
>instant regret

>> No.8649399

>wants to buy a wallet
>credit card declined

nigga u got bigger problems than getting a new wallet

>> No.8649646

Fucking chuckled on the train.

>> No.8650372

>Decide have a hiatus from the trades
>been living on savings
>actually having a budget
>a whole bunch of jobs pop up
>dreamjob for making money, taking vacations, and buying "grails" errweek is in the mix
>Dont want to go back up north
>but margiela is calling me to bed

>> No.8650383

Not really a feel but theres a flat for sale in london going for 3.5 million GBP.

And its right above a Rick Owens store.

>> No.8650511
File: 5 KB, 645x773, happy feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tow finally remotely skinny fat after months of eating good
its a good feel

>> No.8650567

Congrats anon. I was always skinny until I decided to bulk up a bit to gain muscle quickly last winter. It's hard to cut back after eating whenever I felt like it.

Getting some muscle was definitely worth it, though.

>> No.8650582


>> No.8650597

>be me
>shy guy with chronic bitch face and pretentious voice tone
>see some hot model tier qt3.14 girl at the deli with her mum
>probably she's 17 or somethinc
>I'm 18
>probably jackpot
>tfw been in social isolation for almost all my life
>tfw don't know how to approach people without looking like some reterdad with ass burgers
>tfw no matter how fashionable you are you wont get your social skills back
>tfw i will never see such a perfect girl in my near future

pls halp, what could I've done? What if i get go see another perfect girl again? I don't want to die alone

>> No.8650613

Stop having aspergers. Go outside and talk to strangers all the time instead of sitting online talking ugly goth clothes with fellow autistic aspergers virgins

>sense of style is 0.005% as important as charisma and social confidence

>> No.8650642

what's even weirder is that people like my personality even though I'm your average cynical user.

>> No.8650658

>Go outside and talk to strangers
You know no one actually does this right?

>> No.8650692

>tfw poor facial aesthetics
>debilitating social anxiety
>every time before i go inside somewhere I have to sit in my car first and think of what i'm going to say
>the qt3.14 girls at the register/deli/store always brush me off and never go outside of the same stuff they say to every customer
>if i see someone i know unexpectedly or get caught off guard with a random conversation i usually have no idea what to say

>> No.8650708

>april first of this year
>never dons on me that its april fools
>get ambiguous "can i tell you something" text from my best boy
>over the course of a 15 minute conversation i eventually just tell him to fucking spit it out
>"i think im gay dude. i dont want it to change anything, and i dont know who to talk to."
>immediately tell him it changes nothing
>"april fools you fucking faggot"
>to this day he and his girlfriend still tell people how impressed they were that i responded the way i did
>the feel of someone legitimately valuing your friendship is the best feel of all

>> No.8650735

I do that. Say hi to people on the elevator, strike up a convo with a girl who's not going anywhere.

There are plenty of situations in which it would seem weird, which is probably what you're thinking about. If you're waiting in line together, see someone at the library, sitting in class, walking in the same direction at a slow pace, or just asking a question, you can approach strangers just fine.

Doesn't work in all cultures, but it's fine most places in the US. Someone who doesn't give you the time of day is the one committing the faux pas, not you for reaching out to a stranger in a kind way.

>> No.8650758

>known as the fashionable guy in my group
>slim pants, sometimes colored, plain tees and boots
>don't mind it, banter is fun
>meeting girls that friends know, they introduce me as the fashionable guy
>instantly feel emasculated, girls probably think I'm gay

>> No.8650771

>TFW can't bulk cause I hate eating and can barely force myself

>> No.8650774

i do that but i get total retard when its someone i care or i think its above basic pleb bitches tier

what i mean is, how to get to people you care or be interested in without spilling the marinara?

with regular people im just "whatevs bitch" mode but when I'm with someone interesting or good looking (this only applies to girls) i get full "h-hey ... Do you like videogames?" and act like a creepy neckbeard

fucking insecurity, its going to drive me mad some day

>> No.8650776

you probably just talk about it too much. go browse /k/ or /out/ or /o/ so you have some other stuff to talk about and you stop coming across as "obsessed with fashion"

>> No.8650782

>be me
>have some basic knowledge about cars and manly stuff
>still obsessed with fashion
>people still thinks I'm gay

its a social stigma, just be yourself and fuck everyone else

>> No.8650785

cognitive therapy is the only treatment. or alcoholism.

just uhh... well google "speaking anxiety tips" or something. you can rely on crutches or "magic bullet" anecdotes and formulas only so far; there comes a certain point where you have to genuinely be ok with talking to strangers to be good at talking ro strangers. maybe get a job that lets you conversate alot, i used to run games in hersheypark and got to talk to people all day. helped my flirt game alot. also got really good at juggling cus all i did was sit around playing with softballs all day.

>> No.8650792

well that sounds like a good advice

i was planning on getting a half time job anyways


>> No.8650825

Are you me?

>> No.8650837


>> No.8650846

>I also have Pectus
iktf bruh

i fucking hate it and the only free solution is bulking up and i would totally hate that and i guess i cant get into braces and comsetic surgery

pls kill me

>> No.8650909

I was a lost cause in middle school. Over the years I got better and better, and now I'm decent in social situations. I'm even better when I'm around people I like, because I share commonalities with those people. Just try to remember that. If you like someone for the right reasons, feel comfortable being yourself. Learn how to tell good stories, but first you need to do interesting things.

And don't think about other people as being intimidating. The difference between an average person and a genius isn't as big as you'd think. It comes down to personality. This will also make you good in interviews.

As for attractive girls, I'd say don't be the guy to hit on them if you're not overly confident or attractive. If you're comfortable enough and talk to them like a real human being and show that you're a fun and interesting person, some of them will pursue you.

Think of something cool you've always wanted to do, and do it as soon as possible. Keep doing cool things until you find things that you want to do all the time, and get better at them. That's what makes people interesting, because you'll do a lot of other interesting things along the way.

Don't know what else to say other than just put yourself out there. If all of your inputs are the same, your outputs won't change either.

>> No.8650925

I do it all the time, you just have aspergers and want to justify being socially retarded

>> No.8651486

>I wish I was at home listening to swans

>> No.8651517


>> No.8651518

God, I lost my virginity at 16 with a girl in her period. I was so fucking horny, Why I couldn't wait a couple days. Shit I hate my fucking self for pulling out this kind of stuff.

Srsly never fuck on her period, it smells, it stains, it makes stupid squishy sounds that ruin the boner.

>> No.8651532

>Between Robin Williams

I actually KEK'd out loud.

>> No.8651533

those are some good feels
this is part of the reason I will never marry.

tfw I have apparently reached a point at which I have an 'implied sense of style', for lack of a better word
> wearing Nikes that I loathe while playing dodgeball with coworkers
> 'these always come untied, shoulda worn trainers'
> Atleast they look great!
> Something about the nice leather
> wut
feels good tho nonetheles, I dunno - it seems like when you're known for having nice clothing people assume all your clothing, including the shitty stuff is nice too.

> buy shit online
> 2 day shipping
> clears Italy, Germany, and all of the US in one day
> reaches Richmond BC UPS sorting facility
> sits their all day
> awaiting final clearance
> delivery will be rescheduled

I swear to go ups richmond is a fucking blackhole, this happens everytime.

>> No.8651579

its okay
the guy she messaged on tinder is going to meet her at the gym tommorrow night and do it for real

>> No.8651669

People get 'down'. People feel 'depressed'. That's still miles away from the real psychiatric diagnosis called depression. You gaining a bit of weight isn't depression, it's just a slight deflation of your self-esteem that will bounce back soon. Depressed people see the world, theirselves and the future negatively.

>> No.8651694

>"I bet they're laughing at me"

This is why I don't wear my multicolored Flyknit Races

>> No.8651705


>> No.8651767

I'm sure chinos would work as acceptable work pants there.

>> No.8652784

Is there anyone else who can't stand this faggots voice. I hate it how he thinks he is the moral overlord of LoL always posting dumb shit.

>> No.8652820

>(not that attractive) bitch basically begging me to fuck her
>asks me if I'm coming to her party tomorrow

I'll probably go to my friends party instead. I don't get that much attention from girls, so I haven't really told her that I'm not into her.. Especially since I got a haircut yesterday, so she'll def want the d

>> No.8652824

>tfw this one girl always compliments me on how I dress but I know she doesn't wanna fuck me because she has a 6'3 square jawed Chad boyfriend

>> No.8652825

Fucking kek
>hey anon wanna go on a date some time?
>n-no I'm a kissless virgin

>> No.8652884

how about an uneffay feel

>tfw too afraid to buy new shirts and pants because I want to go down one size
>tfw been the same weight for three years
>tfw still wearing shit clothes


>> No.8652916

Sounds revolting

>> No.8652918
File: 36 KB, 606x606, IMG_20140815_022352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was already into streetwear when fa was still circkejerking bowties and shit
>so far ahead of everyone that modern monochrome avant garde streetwear bores me
>not sure yet what to do with my aesthetic
>slim fits are so boring and mainstream, been experimenting with different silhouettes
>receive word that /fa/s favorite designers are almost all embracing more relaxed pants in fw15 and beyond
>bask in glow of being so nxtlvl
>shunned by fa about it because they aren't nxtlvl

>> No.8652923

Reading threads like this reminds me how at least 50% of teenage girls really are just terrible.

>> No.8652925

>Friends buy me a sweater vest for my birthday as a joke
>It actually suits me
>Friends pissed off I look good in a sweater vest
>I am confus

>> No.8652938
File: 74 KB, 720x540, 140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8652943
File: 245 KB, 617x607, aals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c smile?

Seriously, I find it's very hard to smile and everyone who doesn't know me thinks I have a problem.

>> No.8652960

when /fa/ iowa bros reveal themselves the week after you leave..

>> No.8653022
File: 177 KB, 602x900, rust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back to Georgia for a week (I live in St Louis right now)
>Friends haven't changed at all, just get more fucked on dank and Icehouse.
>I'm not even /fa/ (getting there), but I'm years ahead of everyone clothes-wise (friends are still wearing Sperry's and flip-flops).
>Friends jokingly call me gay
>Ask why they think that.
>Basically: "dude, look at yourself".
>Look down.
>Coral AA shirt, cuffed shorts above the ankles (fag alert in Georgia), flyknits.
>wearing Dove deodorant
>bought a fifteen dollar Yankee candle at the mall two hours before (so I can burn it when i smoke in my bathroom)
What the fuck? They know I'm not gay, but I feel like shit because what they're saying is that I've come back vaguely effeminate.
>tfw St Louis and my gay college ruined me
I should've just went to UGA and raped a sorority girl.

>> No.8653041

You sound so beta it's not even funny.

>> No.8653044

that's a pink shirt and if you didn't know the risk when you bought it then you can NEVER truly be /fa/, because you have lost any sense of what you look like to other people.

>> No.8653049

>be me
>dress as effay as i can (poor fag. shop at thrift stores and kholes)
> people at work and school think im gay cuz i pinroll and roll shorts up above knees
>meanwhile they wear work boots and 501s and camo hats (massholes)
>mfw fuck them, i look good

>> No.8653054

>friends joke around
>gets defensive
you don't sound like much fun to be around tbh
>"i'm YEARS ahead of everyone here fashion wise"
>tshirt cuffed pants and flyknits
yeah bro you must be traveling at relativistic speeds you are on a whole nother level ayy lmao

>> No.8653071

>mfw always tugging at side of pants cuz roll gets loose

>> No.8653092
File: 117 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'3"
>tfw 160 lbs
>tfw everyone tells me I look anorexic
>tfw I look in the mirror and look fat

>> No.8653107

Fuck why is this so accurate

>> No.8653109

They only brought it up once. I just told them to stop killing my buzz and that was it.
Maybe you're right and I was being a bitch about it.
And I explicitly said I wasn't /fa/, so don't give me shit about that. Lawrenceville is just stuck in 2009 and I'm not.
Yeah, I guess you're right. I don't really give a fuck that someone gave me shit about it, but i was taken aback that my friends were cracking jokes about it.
But that's just them being bros and trying to keep me down to earth. The friends I've made at my college don't just sit around and crack jokes about each other, so I guess I've gone soft since leaving.

>> No.8653123

they see your mind

>> No.8653136

are 511's good "chinos"

>> No.8653195

>tfw you got bleach on the back of your pants.

At least its not on the front right fellas?


>> No.8653238

>tfw I only wear pants because my legs are pale as fuck
>tfw my legs are pale as fuck because I only wear pants


>> No.8653258

>tfw i never get compliments
>probably dress better than this faggot
maybe i should try talking to people

>> No.8653263

to preserve his virginity. you don't just give it away like it's fucking nothing idiot

>> No.8653266
File: 232 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky you m8. i roll witta qt that is so type a and bubbly. and im chillin there with her goin uh um err

>> No.8653277


I feel the same way, dude. Every day I wake up and compare myself to others - my ex, my old friends, etc. And it just makes me feel worse and worse. I can sleep for hours on end, but it doesn't help.

I'm seeing a psychologist, but I just don't feel like I'm getting anywhere anymore.

>> No.8653282

yeah but you're still a kissless virgin, so you haven't made it.

>> No.8653284

>yeah look at me guys im so nxtlvl and ahead of the curve
make like your pants and relax please
you just need to calm down and post a fit
and also examples of when you were shunned by /fa/ without you being a belligerent contarian

>> No.8653310

People tend to exaggerate their mental condition a lot. Depression is what Robin Williams had before he decided to take his life. As in, a serious sickness. When you are truly depressed nothing can make you happy again, you stop caring about everything and everyone, you just stare at the ceiling and and think about suicide. I hate how people love to say that they are depressed at the slightest whiff of bad mood. I pray to god I will never experience true depression.

>> No.8653319

>no gf
>tfw you don't know whether to dress for yourself or dress like the rest and dress for girls.

Can anyone relate?

>> No.8653357

phd in penis cleaning. no jobs for straight men

>> No.8653363

are u 15

>> No.8653411

>mfw no friendship like this

this is very true. additionally the vast majority of seriously depressed people do not come across as 'sad.' most are very good at feigning happiness (robin williams) and if they are not, most people will just assume that they are unfriendly or not nice people. i have no respect or patience for people who openly discuss their 'illness' on social media as if it's some sort of tangible excuse to complain on aforementioned social media

(fortunately i know very few people who fit the previous description)

>> No.8653434

>crippling inability to relate to/socialize with males on a normal level
>the only real friends i have ever had wont speak to me anymore
>trying to make friends with girls only leads to sex
>often try to make personal connections before/after sex but they simply do not understand or care enough
>every relationship i have tried to pursue has ended with me being cheated on
>find out one of the grills that i used to care about deeply had been stealing cash and food from me the whole time (she was poor)
>no real male friends and girls apparently don't give a fuck about my personality and only want my cock
>having sex only makes me feel more empty inside

>> No.8653445

same thing in Finland outside Helsinki. Feels good man, although you get called homo all the time.

>> No.8653457

>paying less than $20/g and get shit weed
LOL $20/g is absolute rape

>mfw i buy top-shelf quality from a grower in the med state next to mine for a price that ends up as less than $10 per gram
>mfw i have never bought a single gram in my life
>mfw people like you are paying for all of my cops
thanks for the daily reminder lel thanks for your patronage

>> No.8653470

i'm from canada and weed is 10/gram. almost everywhere in ontario save like toronto

>> No.8653608

>tfw bad haircut

>> No.8653864
File: 61 KB, 150x152, feelsbatman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cop new pair of pf flyers online because hurr durr muh online shopping
>get them in size 10 because i wear 10s in my other sneakers just fine, so i dont see why it should be a problem
>the shoes arrive and theyre fucking massive
>i look like i'm wearing fucking clown shoes
>50 bucks down the toilet


>> No.8653887

$20 for a dub is standard where I live. $60 for an eighth, $110 for a quad, $140-180 for a half, $280 for a full zip. Obviously prices can change depending on who you buy from and how much they like you. I usually get a half zip of good weed for $140.

>> No.8653898

>be in a gay club with friends
>go to the bathroom
>some guy asks to suck my cock
>why not
>one of my friends saw me and now they think i'm gay

>> No.8653903

I think your friends know something that you don't.

>> No.8653906

how is that gay? i also fucked a couple faggots but I'm 100% straight

>> No.8653912

If you are sexually interested in men to any degree, you are not 100% straight. Not 100% gay either, but somewhere in between (like pretty much everyone on the planet).

>> No.8653921

so, wanking your mates just for the lel is gay too?

>> No.8653928

Yes? I hope you're just having a giggle here.

>> No.8653930

why are americans so insecure about their sexuality?

>> No.8653943


History of Puritan social values.

>> No.8653944

Not insecure, just realistic. As far as I'm aware, "100% straight" people don't have sex with those of the same gender.

>> No.8653992

Go to bed, Mozza.

>> No.8654015

I have a fucking baby face so i get this mostly from tumblr teens
I don't know how to feel about this

>> No.8654172

did you write potato?

>> No.8654434

>was uneffay in hs
>we're talking oversized sweats, long greasy hair, dirt stache and sideburns, four-sizes-too-big jeans, and the godawfulest "slip-on" shoes you ever saw
>did a 360
>wearing sick clothing now
>people always complimenting my treds u no
>gonna be at least another 10 years before a high school reunion

I know I should just move on with my life but I can't stop feeling like I have so much to prove to them

>> No.8654464
File: 28 KB, 671x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw your acne jeans shrank in the wash and fit perfectly now

>> No.8654471

tfw your other acne wont shrink when you wash it

>> No.8654536

same here, i can only do it if i find something genuinely funny or whatever

i try and force it but after a few seconds the corners of my mouth go and i just end up looking kind of disgusted

>> No.8654814

well, /fa/ has been into monochrome since i started lurking and maybe some time back, something like a year and a half and now monochrome is getting into the masses so you can say /fa/ has been nxtlvl for over a year and a half

>tfw monochrome is getting trendy now
>tfw you dont even like seeing bright colours
>tfw you wont be effay in monochrome anymore
maybe is just a phase in society, idk i dont want them to be effay, idk what to do

"muh special snowflake" complex

>> No.8654827

u son, hae the CBhronic Bitch Face disorder

theres no cure, maybe you really have a problem like depression or some above levels of stress

some bitches like it tho but still you look intimidating according to them

>> No.8654847

yeah right kiddo

change friend during highschool while you can

>> No.8655182

You didn't do a little sprint and push that little shit talking faggot off his skateboard?

>> No.8656160

>been goin to same barbershop almost 8 years now
>barbershop gets a spread in magazine
>go early in the morning today for haircut cuz have to attend wedding tomorrow
>get there 1 hour before opening
>line of people around the block
>3 hour wait
>everybody asks for the "Don draper" or "the lawless" haircut
>pissed cuz late to wedding rehearsal