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/fa/ - Fashion

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8643112 No.8643112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Out of pure curiosity, why is it that models need to be tall?

>> No.8643118

I searched for the answer.

"From the angle that the people are sitting at watching the runway, the clothing looks best when it's a tall and thin person wearing it".

Sounds about right, nobody wants to see a manlet presenting their clothing.
Better yet nobody ever wants to see manlets.

>> No.8643121

the runway is elevated above spectators, short models would be completely obscured by the very thing meant to display them.

>> No.8643196

Obviously you could just seat the audience further out, although there's practical difficulties there.

There's two determining reasons:

1. Inherently, and I say this as someone who hovers around 5' 9", there's something compelling and preternaturally elegant about an outsize, elongated frame. You react to tall people, basically.

This does *not*, and fuck this site for making me clarify this, mean that anyone who isn't tall is a "manlet" or faces an insurmountable barrier to social success and respect. It's one factor in the innumerable scads that make up your existence, and most heights will just register neutral to most people.

2. Once you get tall models as the norm, it's difficult to break with for practical and semiotic reasons.

Practical: all the clothes are cut for tall models and having everyone be about the same size and shape makes fittings easier.

Semiotic: it's so engrained now that if anyone sends models that aren't tall and skinny or slightly built down the runway it's a statement, whether they want it to be or not. And if not, it's a distraction from the clothes.

That's all for runway. Catalog there's more variation.

>> No.8643229

Because their proportions are more aesthetically pleasing/they fit the clothes better

>> No.8643257

lol u mad manlet?

>> No.8643264
File: 1.05 MB, 1512x1944, 1396755397666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8643267

tfw 6'3'', blonde and slim

>> No.8643283

thanks for the laugh little man

>> No.8643292


i pray jesus every night i want to be taller i just want 2 b pretti

>> No.8643298

this makes me sad
>tfw 5'7.5"

>> No.8643299

What if I genuinely am a manlet

>> No.8643307


>> No.8643312

>falling for that

Height matters little when it comes to getting laid. Also 6' is not average. 5'9" is average.

>> No.8643316

At least I have a 6" penis. I know it's average but still, I have that going for me.

>> No.8643344

Lol, my height is like the one physical thing I'm never insecure or neurotic about.

Well, that and this.

Most everything comes down to charisma and presence. Some physiognomies can help with that in various and complex ways, but at bottom it comes from *you* and it's something you can earn. Not a typo, earn not learn. Being about something and working and risking for it is the greatest thing you can do for yourself as a person.

>> No.8643421

I'm depressed now

>> No.8643536

My feelings are severely hurt as of now

>> No.8643552

At the moment my self-esteem is shattered.

>> No.8643810

this guy is completely right though

>> No.8645299
File: 2.06 MB, 330x248, pouty nigger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 5'5" and not even on the chart

>> No.8645740
File: 142 KB, 796x606, Scoobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6' 4^1/2
>tfw getting fit

>> No.8645792

tfw 5'6"
tfw genuinely considering suicide

>> No.8645801


youre a girl btw tho

>> No.8645822

o-oh right

>> No.8645824
File: 39 KB, 640x473, 1399453552549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying any of this

lol go outside bru

>tfw 5'7''
>it really dont matter that much

lol I could sit here and tell you my life story but yeah. It's not an obstacle to being with women or accomplishing anything other than shooting hoops or reaching shit sometimes.

also my main squeeze right now is like 5'10''.

I cant toss her around at all and i dont even give a fuck lol.

>> No.8645833
File: 76 KB, 375x500, rickrossrapper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like you

>> No.8645940

>tfw 5'3" and overweight

help me

>> No.8645971

make the major effort to lose weight. youll be happier i promise.
get a hair cut, get a hobby, become politically active or something. or get a lot of money (srs, this wont make you truly happy.

>> No.8645987

almost every short person has fucked up proportions

its either they have stubby af legs or a big ass head or they're wide as shit

if you're a manlet and you have normal looking proportions then consider yourself lucky

>> No.8646005

>Being about something and working and risking for it is the greatest thing you can do for yourself as a person.
Thanks for that

>> No.8646012

>tfw overweight and have to save up to even afford Target clothes

>> No.8646018

I wonder who made this. Some manlet must have really fucked him over

>> No.8646027

lmao wtf
if you're a girl height doesnt matter for shit, unless you plan on being a model
your face probably isn't fucked up enough to model anyways

>> No.8646040

>pouty nigger.gif
>my sides

but seriously, why the fuck are gay people so annoying?

>> No.8646045

>but seriously, why the fuck are gay people so hilarious?


>> No.8646619
File: 21 KB, 480x474, 1406607589431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skinny lanky fuck
>thick curly mane that makes my head look too big for my body

time to get /fit/, r-right?

>> No.8646698


...because being tall is a coveted genetic trait. It's something you can't buy too which makes it "sought after".

Short people just aren't as appeal (most of the time)

>> No.8646834

>Asian gf

I know a manlet and he pulls Asians like crazy, you don't need to be /fit/ or tall for that.

>> No.8646862

or get a haircut
or both

>> No.8647973

>It's something you can't buy
>what is leg lenghtening¿

>> No.8648007

Because fashion designers are gay and gays like tall people. Just look at /fit/.

>> No.8648013

They have better ones, actually. That's why actors are usually short,

>> No.8648014
File: 1.83 MB, 3150x2325, fashion-design-sketches-handbags-i8qr7gqn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tall and sleek is elegant. Concept drawings feature tall and skinny models. When you have thousands of girls dreaming about being models, you obviously choose the cream of the potential candidates.

>> No.8648021

actors are short because manlets develop their charisma to get noticed

>> No.8648028
File: 248 KB, 608x479, anime costanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8648030

>tfw my 14 year old cousin is 6'

>> No.8648215
File: 153 KB, 853x739, 1406995953405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8648216

omg what is this shit?

>> No.8648230

shitty designs and shitty drawings - just wow

>> No.8648846

>Out of pure curiosity, why is it that models need to be human?

Fixed it for you son. Anyone above model's height = tall. Anyone lower = fucking manlet, not human.