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/fa/ - Fashion

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8623794 No.8623794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was reading the sticky and theres no section for bigger guys.
I usually wear straight legged jeans, tucked in T shirts, and black leather boots and belt.
I'm looking for a leather coat that doesn't look like shit since I'm a southerner trapped in ohio where it's always cold. Is there any that actually look good on a bigger guy?

Pic related, its a fat guy. I'm not nearly that big though.

>> No.8623855

Bump, because the weather here is about to go from chilly to really fucking cold and I don't wanna look like a moron.

>> No.8623863

go 2 /fit/, eat calorie deficit, lose weight, come back. fat ppl can't be /fa/, and if ur set on that then go to r/mfa. i also live in ohio and me personally im wearing a surplus paratrooper jacket this winter

>> No.8623880

Fat people look like they're compensating when they try and dress well. Now is a good time to lose some weight, anon.

>> No.8623916

I just wanna know what kind of leather coat doesn't look like shit on someone of my stature.
My weight isn't enough to be a health concern, so I'm not concerned with losing it.

>> No.8623917

youre fat

>> No.8623947

Thanks for pointing out the obvious, jackass.

>> No.8623953

it means you get /fit/ or get the fuck out

>> No.8623955

They ALL will. Why do you care so much about having a leather jacket? Fat people look terrible all the time regardless of what they wear. What, did you think a leather jacket would change people's perceptions of you from "Look at that fat guy" to "Look at that fat guy wearing leather, he must be cool\rebellious\not a huge tryhard dipshit"

Just buy the warmest possible thing regardless of how bad it looks - it doesn't matter.

>> No.8623956

Honestly, you're better off asking /fit/. Start a how to not dress badly thread and ignore any advice to come here. They are more likely to know how to dress a larger body, and as a whole won't lead you down a poor path.

Failing that, MFA.

>> No.8623961

/fa/ is very hostile towards fat people. You won't get your answers here, I can tell you that. We have people come here asking for fashion advice for big guys and it's always the same thing, they get told to lose weight and fuck off.

If you actually want help, you should look into Reddit's male fashion advice. Legit advice, they will ~try to come up with something~ for you, /fa/ won't even try to help since it won't look ideal no matter what kind of cut you get.

>> No.8623963
File: 79 KB, 550x366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr HAESfags pls go
no more b8

>> No.8623967

well stop making excuses and trying to pretend youre not fat



>> No.8623980

Because it kept me warm last winter pretty well. But yeah, fair enough. That's probably what I'll do though.

Isn't /fit/ way over moderated now?

>> No.8623991

I have a bmi of 28. Fat makes people think of the OP image, not a reasonable but still large size.

Thanks. I had no idea about that since I dont go here normally.

>> No.8624026

fuck off fatty

>> No.8624032

/fa/ is very much a skinny people zone :/

>> No.8624043

Thanks for the insightful and productive commentary.

I was never skinny even when I didn't have any body fat. Then I went to culinary school.

>> No.8624090

well, you're not accepting criticism so why would he make a genuine post

>> No.8624092

I'm looking for a coat, not a life coach.

>> No.8624180

Unfortunately, what you need is a life-coach.

>> No.8624198

i think if you didn't have any body fat you'd be skinny

>> No.8624200

How would a life coach keep me warm once itgets cold?

>> No.8624206

I have a large frame and huge shoulders. I had almost no fat and still had to wear large clothing. Slim is not something my family can do.

>> No.8624218


>> No.8624240

I was in shape before I went to culinary school. Not a crazy thing to believe some people are naturally stocky. Either way, I'll just look on my own for a decent coat.
It's like a fat guy molested you guys as kids.

>> No.8624270

>naturally stocky
you're coming across as an even bigger fucking idiot than before

do yourself a favor and stop digging a deeper hole

>> No.8624283


>> No.8624461
File: 62 KB, 560x315, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can this be a fat hate thread now?

>> No.8624471


stop lying to yourself, it's sad to watch

>> No.8624670
File: 74 KB, 500x500, now_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8624673

Tfw no qt stalker

>> No.8624773


>> No.8624789

Check mine

>> No.8625006

Wear a thick fitted jumper under an m65 jacket. I don't think a leather jacket will work for a fatty.
Don't forget some big boots, cos u are bog and fat.

>> No.8625211

nit again

fuck off fatties and(or trolls