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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 82 KB, 720x540, Golden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8609315 No.8609315[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pankaj Parakh, a school dropout who made his fortune from his garment fabrication business and who is a corporator to boot, acquired a golden shirt that weighs four kilograms and costs a staggering Rs 1.30 crore ($214,000).


Ha, you fuccbois wish you could even be that swag.

>> No.8610027


>> No.8610033

They're all so unnatractuve as a race
>Inb4 racist

>> No.8610039 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 500x667, 1389592044460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes a nigger, an INDIAN nigger, thats very low on the racial pecking order. this tacky golden shit and primitive behavior only exemplifies that.

>> No.8610052
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Indian men are generally speaking not attractive, but some of the actresses in Bollywood are simply stunning.

>> No.8610056


imagine if he needs to tailor that shit


>> No.8610067


This is not really new.

On Savile Row in London at most tailors you can chose fabrics that have gold threads.

>> No.8610069

Her eyes look dead and she probably smells

>> No.8610074
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>racial pecking order
>works at arby's

ummm ok

>> No.8610081


He doesn't have to because it's already tailored...

it's a custom shirt bro

>> No.8610085

Some of them live in shit huts. Didn't you read nectar in a sieve in high school? Indians are terrible.

>> No.8610103

wow a famous actress with hours of make up is found to be somewhat attractive. indians sure are the master race

>> No.8610116

im not even indian but i have the common sense to know that indians (expats and even citizens) are some of the most successful in the world- CEOs and execs at google miscrosoft and thousands of silicon valley companies
and have a rich history/culture before they got colonized. ex: yoga etc

judging all indians by the ones who live in huts is like judging americans byt the ones who live in trailer parks

so fuck you

ignorant POS

>> No.8610122

meanwhile 60% of white women are obese tubs of lard who age like cottage cheese left in the sun

>> No.8610128 [DELETED] 
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hows it feel knowing your DNA makes you STINK and theres NOTHING you can do about it

pity theres no plastic surgery to make you white

>tfw punjab indian dog
>tfw no matter how much i shower reek of curry and feces
>tfw indians dont shake hands because they wipe their ass with their hands
>tfw indians bathe in a river filled with rotting corpses, shit and other refuse
>tfw paid 10k for a nosejob
>tfw still a 5/10

into the trash it goes

>> No.8610133

Because they live in a country that can afford to be. All the immigrants are fat and smell like they don't bath. Also they act like complete trash.

>> No.8610135

where's your 10k bitch?

and dont you have a philosophy degree

stfu poor person your opinion doenst matter

>> No.8610141

cause the british colonized and destroyed india and it only gained its independence a couple of decades ago

go read a book or something

>> No.8610143

I don't care they annoy me by existing near me.

>> No.8610144

sickly this isn't your personal blog

>> No.8610148

did i say one thing that referred to me?

im not even indian

>> No.8610150 [DELETED] 
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>not the merchant king of yahoo japan

keep it coming BLACK DOG

>yfw me and my friends were 8 years used to tease this one aboriginal girl
>"you're borwn because your mum SHIT you out"
>yfw we were right
>racial realism will always be right
>white supremacy is a simple fact of life
>yfw the fact that you arent white will always hurt
>yfw you had ONE and ONLY one shot at life and you drew the short straw, you got to be born BROWN
not even hot brown either, a fucking INDIAN


>> No.8610157

>pigfuck dosen't have a huge credit card debt

>> No.8610162

wow you're actually mental

what a fucking loser no wonder you have no friends
and "internet friends" on tc dont count
deluded POS

>> No.8610169

btw thats baby money lmfao

>> No.8610172

r u actually like this or just trying 2 make that other guy btfo

>> No.8610173 [DELETED] 
File: 359 KB, 377x598, Screen-Shot-2014-06-09-at-11.53.14-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do me a favor
y'know those TEARS you're crying right now
those BROWN
smell them
and tell daddy
if they smell like

>> No.8610174
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>> No.8610182

uhhhhhh why would i be crying?
you realize idc what you think right- get a life

>> No.8610183 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 465x697, white god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bitch is an indian WHORE who was trying to sell her virginity to OLD MEN but couldnt because they wouldnt pay her

because shes HIDEOUS
her poor working father who sells rice and curry at a local indian deli took out a loan to fix her HIDEOUS KIKE NOSE

now hes DEAD, committed suicide cause he couldnt pay back the loan, and she has a new nose, and shes STILL ugly


>> No.8610193

if the first part is even the slightest bit true that's fucked up.

>> No.8610194

youre retarded
if youre going to troll try to be at least kinda funny
so butthurt lol

>> No.8610196

yeah it's completely 100% *eyeroll

im not indian
not a whore
etc etc etc

this guy is on some weird antidepressants. i pity him if anything

>> No.8610197 [DELETED] 
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>doesnt deny it
>aside from my HILARIOUS AND WITTY SLIGHT exaggerations its all true
>suicide imminent
do indians have something like the jap suicide? maybe throw yourself into a pit of cowshit?

>> No.8610204 [DELETED] 
File: 1.97 MB, 1936x2592, SICKLYSWEET FAMILY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not indian
so ashamed of your filthy DISGUSTING heritage that you lie about it on the internet?

luckily the archive exists


>> No.8610213

ummm no
more like low brow toilet humor from the 3rd grade

>implying that anyone with tanned skin is automatically indian

i love how you care so much ha
idk if i should be flattered or creeped out
youre more like a mosquito that you try to ignore but it keeps buzzing to try to get your attention
youre boring unfunny and insignificant
no one loves you and you dont matter
if you disappeared tmr no one would care. dont try to take it out on me

>> No.8610219 [DELETED] 
File: 2.18 MB, 1936x2592, image(12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tears fall and spatter on the keyboard
>she types feverishly trying to deny her obvious brown skinned monkey heritage
>not even her 2nd rate nosejob makes her feel better
>too ugly to even get a sugar daddy
>yfw ull wake up tomorrow and ull still be brown
>yfw everyday of your life, every waking minute, every glimpse of your skin, your face, the hint of curry on your breathe is a constant nagging reminder that you'll never be white

>> No.8610229

>This is what I was wearing when I got mugged. Tell me I asked for it.

>> No.8610236

why the fuck would i want to be white?

i love my complexion
youre a loser- not gonna bother using any more brain cells replying
going to watch netflix- go away

>> No.8610238 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8610253
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meanwhile in india



>> No.8610255

w2c shirt

>> No.8610263 [DELETED] 

>indian men rape woman as well as reach INTO her vagina and pull her ovaries/uterus/insides out
>not monkey scum

>> No.8610266


ayy lmao
fucking stinky indians

>> No.8610269

>not wanting to be white
Wouldnt you want to please Hitler-sama?

>> No.8610278

hey you stfu didn't they teach you that all cultures are equal??? omg /pol/ is that way you nazi scum

>> No.8610281


>simply stunning

that girl is average at best

>> No.8610289
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>there are people who aren't white
Holy shit.

>> No.8610309
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I'm not racist, but Indians are easily the worst race. They act so awkward in public. Something about the way they are at the store makes them unbearable to be around. They smell like curry and cow feces 100% of the time. They also somehow manage to be even more extremely awkward on social media. Have you ever known an Indian who didn't flirt with every chick on his friends list? Seriously, why are Indians so weird?

>> No.8610330 [DELETED] 
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>I'm not racist
why not? you queer or somethen?

>> No.8610336

>X race is shit
>I'm not racist
OK, anon..

>> No.8610692

>m-muh genetics
Wow, you're white. Being born a certain race only provides you with potential. Skin color isn't success in and of itself. You ardently insult people on a fucking image forum don't pretend you're fucking successful hahahaha

>> No.8610707
File: 48 KB, 480x360, 1396533979432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rich history

>> No.8610727

>White/Asian/Latino/other men are generally speaking not attractive, but some of the actresses in Hollywood are simply stunning.

>> No.8610729


>says he's not racist
>rest of post is extremely racist

>> No.8610733

being rich is pointless if you're not aesthetic

>> No.8610747

is it? racist judge an individual on their race alone. he is making a generalisation about an entire race. if you're going to judge a race based on what western society deems important, then yes i would think indians would be a good contender for "worst race"

>> No.8610759
File: 89 KB, 672x499, 1405619603221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /pol/ here?

>> No.8610767

not true
>james packer
>kanye west
>simon cowell
etc etc

all have pulled 8+/10 even though they have the facial aesthetics of pugs

>> No.8610786


>Nothing over $500 USD

>Not poor.

ayy lmao. How's it feel being a peasant, piggy?

>> No.8610827

all indians dress like this

even the poor cunts buy cheap tacky shiny shirts

>> No.8610841
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>> No.8610862 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8610865

>a couple of hundred hot actresses.
>1.237 billion people

>> No.8610875

That file name is very fitting.

Go back to making chump change and stop shiting up /fit/.

>> No.8610887

A lot of teenagers started going to /pol/ lately, starting with the Ukraine HAPPENING and going on now with ISIS and all that Israel vs. Palestine stuff.
They then get "redpilled" (get their political knowledge which was spotty to begin with discredited) and adapt to the /pol/ memes pretty quickly. But since they're teenagers, they start using that shit outside of /pol/. I know this because I have some friends on Steam/FB who I know browse /pol/ and have now turned to retards.

It's mostly americans as far as I can tell, but I'm a german so I don't know how the situation is IRL.

>> No.8610901
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>> No.8610906

>this entire thread

oh my god i have to get away from 4chan
you are all completely delusional

>> No.8610921

STFU you retards, at first thought that I accidentally clicked /pol/ or /b/

>> No.8610923


>> No.8610925

i bet you're one of those fags that just says shit like
>you're crazy
>you're retarded
>you're tinfoil
>you're fedora
because you don't actually know enough to discredit a /pol/ster, but you refuse to let go of the comfortable story that has been spun for you.

>> No.8610935
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>> No.8610941

So...he's right then?

>> No.8610942 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 815x776, 1406742817068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure showed him!

dickless swine

>> No.8610949
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>> No.8610950

Maybe. I don't care about all that, and I have no problem with them having unpopular opinions, but I don't see why they have to bring their irrelevant ideologies to my /fa/.

What are you trying to say?

>> No.8610961 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8610966

the thing about /pol/ is that its range of discussion is quite broad, right?
so you can make a thread on pretty much any board and a /pol/ dude will spot it and he will want to do the natural thing. he'll want to add his two cents to your thread.
he's not deliberately trying to inject /pol/ into that board.
so the only way a "leak" would be avoided is if /pol/ posters were banned from the other boards or if /pol/ posters agreed to basically lie to you and ape politically correct opinions when they're outside of /pol/.

>> No.8610972 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8610977 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8610979
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you pretty much just proved him right

>> No.8610984 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8611005

iidf, pls

>> No.8611033 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 500x375, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proud of my fellow white men in this thread

>> No.8611040

>Indians smell like pee pee
did I do it right?
also why the fuck do they all smell?
even the one's thay aren't poor.
I once had to change my first-class seat on a 3 hour flight cause I had this fucker near me and "it" smelled like bad beans.

>> No.8611044

I still don't see how their opinions are relevant to any discussion here. I see how boards like /fit/ are compatible with /fa/, but not /pol/.

>> No.8611046

The explanation I read was that Indians use particularly pungent spices because it helped them deal with spoiled food and as a result they are one of the smellier groups of people.

Western whites smell to foreigners too.

>> No.8611054

They eat curry most days, and i dont even mean that as a funny joke, they quite literally do

So their sweater is full of spices and shit

>> No.8611065

in this particular case it is invited as a discussion of racial stereotypes of Indians.

other ways you could invite it on /fa/ would be discussions of hitler youth haircuts, skinhead fashion, hugo boss, nazi uniforms, flecktarn camo.

>> No.8611067

thank you good sirs

>> No.8611098

>he still thinks life is just about getting attractive girlfriends

>> No.8611123

yes but if you are rich and aesthetic what is the difference?

>> No.8611139

I suppose m8. Hopefully they stop being so obnoxious in the way they post because chimping out isn't very /pol/-like.

>> No.8611148

>thinking life has a purpose

well what is it about then

>> No.8611156

For the most part I wish they'd keep /pol/ on /pol/ too but I have noticed some really abrasive "blue pill" posts on 4chan now.

For instance: you just say "nigger" and someone will crawl out and tell you to go back to /pol/. It's like I'm really on reddit.

>> No.8611184

>muh racist board culture

shut up

>> No.8612496

"I'm not racist."
You have to be the biggest dick sucker on this thread. Coming from an actual Indian. Everyone can be fucken awkward asshole. Smell curry and cow feces? You can't be fucken serious dick face. Classifying all Indians as such is dumbass ignorant thing to do. You act like no other race is awkward anywhere else, on what fucken scale are you comparing us on? Why are fucken Anons weird? Stick your stereotypical opinions right up racist ass.

>> No.8612521

Yea I would think all other races are good contenders as well. You all smell like shit. I'm sure you do too, anon.

>> No.8612527

>is it?
>i'm not racist but
>Indians are really the worst race
back to /pol/

>> No.8612568

You know, starting your argument with "I'm not racist, but" doesn't magically allow you to say all kinds of racist stuff without being one.

>> No.8612574

then y r u on full damage control rite now lol

>> No.8612576

Literal aryans

>> No.8612588

Dude I agree, but you're racist

>> No.8612628

>Buying a shirt made of gold that costs as much as a house in America while most of the people wallow in literal shit
He's gonna get shot over the damn thing. Calling it.

>> No.8612747

/pol/ has this myth of enlightened debate with "facts" that they pulled out of their ass and then pretending they won a non-existent debate when people just laugh at them.

>> No.8612762


what the actual fuck

>> No.8612773

the gold shirt will take the hit and protect him!

>> No.8612781
File: 38 KB, 570x314, o-DAVID-GANDY-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad he can't buy white genetics.

>> No.8613109

proved him right, good job dude

>> No.8613433

I thought this is 2008 news. or is there actually another indian make gold fabric clothe?

>> No.8613441

true that.

I even see them as less attractive than blacks.

but they smart people tho. so they got that going for them.

>> No.8613450

yeah sri lankan, bangladeshi, pakistani whatev.

you people are just disgusting. dont even try. pls leave /fa/ for everyone's good.

>> No.8613455

>Indian who didn't flirt with every chick on his friends list
shieet I never realize this. I got an indian dude who likes to get handsy with female friends. but he's a good guy in general lol

>> No.8613494

>getting upset over racism on 4chan

lmao sickly how old r u

>> No.8613544

>be a self hating paki that gets a nosejob to look like less of a third world currynigger
>'b-but you are all racist for saying indian features are unattractive'

aite lol

>> No.8613627

As if your actually /fa/.

>> No.8613637

Literally every brown person on this planet. They all want to look more white but get pissed when there shitty features are insulted

>> No.8613647
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>> No.8613655

Go back to your own website.

>> No.8613705
File: 896 KB, 500x211, a big ol kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me how Sanskrit is a European language.

>> No.8614894

Don't you see that in this picture the worse person here is the one on the right?
The left person wants to get things out in the open and have a dialogue, maybe challenge their own beliefs and walk away more enlightened.
The right person simply wants to shut them up and walk away feeling self-righteous for censoring that awful racist.
This is actually quite typical of that liberal, anti-racist crowd. They just want you to shut up. They feel like their world is going to end when someone starts being politically incorrect and destabilizing their emotions.

>> No.8614906

>You know, starting your argument with "I'm not racist, but" doesn't magically allow you to say all kinds of racist stuff without being one.

There are differences between races and cultures and you trying to keep a lid on that makes the tension build between them.

The "I'm not racist, but" person is saying "I don't feel like I hate other races but I have made this observation about another group and I'd like to explore it with you."

Is there really anything wrong with that? At worst don't you have an opportunity to educate a person and make them feel better about that group, causing the world to be less racist?

>> No.8614919


u say wat son of basterd bitch

>> No.8614930

Wow it's almost as if all tripfags are cancer.

>> No.8614936

Yeah I read the other day Fenugreek can affect the way you smell naturally even after a shower. I'm cooking a lot of Indian food and I wondered, having been with an Indian person before, what that smell might be.

>> No.8614942

Half Indian here, it is weird that I know what picture you're actually referencing? ( I still laughed heh)
I was looking into cosmetic nasal surgery to look less ethnic, but my hair grows straight ( as opposed to curly) and I think I'm just gonna get an HY, then see what I should do with my nose. Indians are weird, but every race has it's weird population, white trash people are the comparison to gross brown people. That being said, I do think it is odd that brown people dress so oddly, but their actual taste in formal wear ( especially woman's) is not too bad....yeah I hate being fucking brown.

>> No.8614967


underrated post

>> No.8614984

Bruh there's people of every culture and color who are disgusting. 90% of white america isn't /fa/ at all and that's a pretty high stat.

You sound like basement dweller. Learn to deal.

I'm white btw

>> No.8615238


>> No.8616046

>Indian Housemate
>30 years old
>Doesn't know how to interact with women
>Always somehow knows every Indian standing at the back of a club

>> No.8616061


Not him but Sanskrit is an indo-European language which includes Latin, German, Armenian, Farsi, French, English etc.

>> No.8618427

Someone post Tripsk's ass pls

>> No.8618444


The most indian thing i've ever seen

>> No.8618451

4chan is in the 3rd phase of its evolution.

First phase, the rise to greatness - zero hour to habbo raids.
The second phase, stagnation: habbo raids to rage comics and advice animals.
Third phase, decline: post rage comics.

This place basically IS reddit. The old days are gone. They are never coming back.