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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 633 KB, 1189x712, Screen Shot 2014-08-05 at 11.02.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8603976 No.8603976 [Reply] [Original]

when is /fa/ going to go zach hill-core?

>here's some inspo for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3C1PgjeFT8

>> No.8603988


gtfo w/ that hipster shit

>> No.8603995

wow t shirts and shaved head????

great job

>> No.8603996
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>> No.8604019

>implying you could pull it off

ugly faggot

>> No.8604156
File: 953 KB, 310x233, tumblr_mx1w3jFfbf1qezg8qo2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon

I already have

>> No.8604214

post face

>> No.8604256

when i get a nose surgery

>> No.8604287

so its come to this

>> No.8605146

>being on /fa/
>talking about hipsters

>> No.8606415
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>> No.8606805
File: 80 KB, 650x650, brah that is calassic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shall I get the Death Classic shirt, bros?

>> No.8606897

prove that you can make any haircut work with an aesthetic face

>> No.8606901


am retard

>> No.8606907

no u should kill yourself

>> No.8607276


I could nail that shit if it ween't for my shit oversized jew nose. Feels bad man.

>> No.8607287

you mean trunks-core right?

>> No.8607289

shit that's tight

>> No.8607300

Death Grips are fucking shite. Please gb2/mu/, I left there for a reason

>> No.8607309

hi fandingo

>> No.8607323

>Death Grips shirts

Sorry m8 ur l8 2 the train.

>> No.8607670

Can you say "yikes?"

>> No.8607676


It's the link they provide from their site so I guess it's official.

Also I've been told to order a size up with American Apparel since they shrink like mad in the drier.

>> No.8607685

its a good act with a shit fanbase you mean

>> No.8607845
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this, i currently have a high taper undercut which basically shows my skull shape if i were too go buzz cut. really tempted to do it. tired of spending ~$30 a month for a haircut, and having to alter my fits based on how my hair is looking that day

>> No.8608327

It was a day like any other. Anthony Fantano, the Internet’s busiest music nerd, was hard at work listening to music that he was to review. It was sunny, and slightly humid, so he had left his shirt off for the day. His girlfriend was dealing with an emergency at work.

But all of a sudden, Anthony heard a knock at his door. His muscles rippled as he got up from his desk chair. He slowly walked to the door… He saw a dark silhouette through the window.

“I wonder who that could be…?” Anthony wondered.

He slowly opened the door. And, to his great surprise, his biggest idol was standing before him… MC Ride. Or as his friends call him, Stefan. MC Ride peeked in the doorway, and said,

“H-hey… um I don’t know if you know me… b-but I’m in a band and our van broke down about a half mile back… I w-was hoping you had some tools laying around…”

Now, although Anthony had always loved Death Grips and their music, he tried to play it cool. After all, he kind of had a crush on Stefan ever since he heard his voice on Beware. Luckily, Anthony had a big shed in his back yard full of his dad’s old mechanic tools.

>> No.8608340

Anthony smiled, and replied, “Sure… I recognize you. What band again? Deaf grapes or something?”

“N-no… Death Grips…” answered MC Ride.

Anthony laughed. “ha-ha, that’s right! just come on in! I could definitely give you a tool to use…”

>> No.8608344


He led MC Ride to his back yard. On the way, He could feel Ride’s gaze on him. He wondered if he liked what he saw. He opened the door to the shed, and Ride quickly shuffled in to grab what he needed.

“He’s even cuter in real life…” Thought Anthony.

On the way back, Anthony hastily offered Ride a beer.

“Hey man, want to have a beer? You seem like a cool dude.”

“Well… Zach and Andy are waiting for me… but I guess a quick beer wouldn’t hurt I guess.” Mumbled Ride.

At first, they sat awkwardly in Fantano’s living room. But then they started talking about Death Grips and other music. They were soon off on a riveting conversation.

>> No.8608350


After a while, Anthony said; “hey… I haven’t really been honest with you Stefan… Can I call you that? To tell the truth, I know a lot about Death Grips. I’m pretty much your biggest fan.”

“Ha-ha… Yes I know… and I have to confess something too. I watch almost all of your video reviews. Y-you could say that I’m your biggest fan.”

Anthony then did something very risky. He laid his hand on Stefan’s leg, right above the knee. Their eyes met, and the next thing Anthony knew, their lips were locked and they were lying on the couch together.

“Can Andy and Zach wait?” asked Anthony.

Ride’s response was to continue kissing him. They made out like this for a few minutes, and then Ride started slowly moving down to Anthony’s private area, kissing his beautiful chest on the way down.

“Please” whispered Anthony.

MC Ride slowly unbuttoned Anthony’s black shorts. Anthony’s rock hard penis sprang up, and MC Ride started sucking it off. It was the best blowjob of Anthony’s life. Far better than any blowjob his girlfriend had ever given him. The way Stefan’s tongue moved… it was amazing.

“Ohhhh Stefan… I think I want you to do the nasty in my taxi!” yelled Anthony.

>> No.8608355

“I AM THE BEAST YOU WORSHIP” replied MC Ride as he took Anthony’s cock out of his mouth.

Anthony bent over on the couch, and got on his knees. Ride undid his all-black jeans, and revealed his lengthy penis. He started to put his throbbing penis into Anthony’s butt, when all of a sudden,


“Oh my God!!” screamed Anthony. “You get-get-get-get got-got-got-got it in!”

MC Ride wasn’t a tender lover. He pumped and pumped until finally, in euphoria, he came inside of Anthony’s butt. He withdrew, exhausted, and laid down next to Anthony, who had reached orgasm as well.

“H-how was it?” Asked Stefan.

“you’re good…” Whispered Anthony. Whispered Anthony. “I liked your lovemaking. I would give you a strong six, light seven."

>> No.8608369

Nice copypasta, pleb

>> No.8608376

Idk how he can be so depressed all the time without coming off as utterly contrived. It's amazing.

>> No.8608381

no shit, idiot.
> implying I ever would claim i wrote all of that, with a minute in between posts.

>> No.8608397

Not once did I imply that you wrote it. Just thought I'd call you a pleb for spamming a thread with an irrelevant copypasta. Pleb.

>> No.8608401

Okay. But do I have to wear A&F sweatpants?

>> No.8608404

i thought he has long hair.

>> No.8608426

He's just depressed because he's a virgin.

>> No.8608940
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strong seven

>> No.8609233
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, Death Grips 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He buzzed it off around the release of NLDW and has since began to grow it back I think

>> No.8609246

w2c black shirt

>> No.8610327

can anyone id the shoes zack is wearing

>> No.8610700
File: 2 KB, 100x100, 1318927513153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would give you a strong six, light seven.