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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 49 KB, 634x422, ecigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8587740 No.8587740[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think e-cigs will ever be fashionable? It seems like vapes can be divided into three categories:

>cigarette lookalikes
>overly futuresque Apple-like designs
>over-the-top special snowflake "rigs"

What would e-cig manufacturers have to do to make you switch from old fashioned cigarettes to vapes? What would you be able to smoke in a public place without shame?

>> No.8587750

honestly if you're trying to quit smoking and using e-cigs to help then good for you man, but other than that e-cigs are for fags. they just look so gay, if you're going to smoke then smoke the real thing you pussy

>> No.8587768

i smoke just about everything, hookah, cigs, vape pens, and i really enjoy vaping man.
if you really are so insecure as to assume smoking a pen makes you look gay then don't do it, be a little bitch.
but if you enjoy smoking things go ahead.
the flavors are nice, it's relaxing, and i have fun with the smoke.
and i definitely see them taking off, i see people with them more often everyday.

>> No.8587775

You won't feel so cool when you're breathing out of a tube. In any case you'll be hitting vapes like everybody else as soon as they become fashionable.

>> No.8587800

What cigarettes are /fa/? Rollies without filters here, I often get comments about it.

>> No.8587834

Smelling like smoke and coughing up phlegm ain't /fa/. That said, nobody cares how you smoke.

>> No.8587866

I smoke reds but I'm probably going to die

>> No.8587869

It's not going to happen. America has already changed in a way where nicotine addiction is seen as a weakness. The only people falling for the vapes are people who are already making bad decisions in life.

>> No.8587885

Are you fuckin 16?

>> No.8587903

I'm 24.

I am real tired of smokers.

>Friend asks me to go to car dealership with him to get his new car
>Salesman says wait 15 minutes
>Friend says he needs a smoke
>Salesman comes back, friend is taking forever

Do you think you're cool or something? Smoking is annoying as fuck. Are you not aware that when you light a cigarette, everyone around you is giving you looks and covering their mouths? How do you justify this?

>> No.8587933

Autism: The Post

>> No.8587940


It is a weakness.

Enjoy paying for death.

>> No.8587947

nah, its a pretty valid post. smoking is shit, and your a faggot for doing it. being healthy and fit is /fa/ being a hungry skelington is not. no wonder half of /fa is kissless virgins

>> No.8587957
File: 48 KB, 273x642, 1399830085936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these suckers still falling for the jewsticks

kek la kek

>> No.8587958


you are legit autistic for caring so much

i don't smoke and when I see someone lighting up, I don't go into an autistic rage. I just continue with my life. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.8587961

I don't smoke regularly lol. But, you legit have autism. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.8587962

Vaping looks retarded.

Smoking looks cool but is retarded because it's insanely bad for you.

Thread over

>> No.8587990

i bet your great in sports too faggot?

>> No.8588000

>Apple-like designs

I'm so fucking sick of that term. What does it even mean? Aluminum?

>> No.8588005

'Vaping' is fedora-tier, regular e-cigs are cool as long as you dont care

>> No.8588021

>everyone around you is giving you looks and covering their mouths?
people who do this piss me off so much. As if cigarette smoke from the guy standing next to you hurts your precious lungs that much. If we're talking about weakness, the pussies who whinge and cry when they get a little bit of smoke up their nose are the weak ones.

>> No.8588025

>smoking cigs
>not doing h

you dont even have to use a syringe if youre scared, just rack it

>> No.8588031

>As if cigarette smoke from the guy standing next to you hurts your precious lungs that much
It does smell like shit though. If someone ripped a rancid fart right next to you you'd cover your mouth and nose too, that's pretty much how smoke is when you're not used to it (not saying it smells like fart, it just smells terrible). The stale smoke smell after someone has just had a cigarette is even worse.

>> No.8588033

not really, youre a fucking baby

>> No.8588038

And you probably smell like shit.

>> No.8588048

i dont even smoke guy

>> No.8588049

>I don't like things
Not everyone is immediately anally pained by the smell. I don't mind the smell but I would never smoke myself.

>> No.8588124

the only thing more autistic and more fedora than throwing fits about smokers is being the guy who thinks he's bill hicks and railing against everyone who calls you out on smoking. you're not the badass dude in a movie with a cole mohr face blowing smoke in some nerd's face after he squeaks at you to put it out; you're the guy who watched that movie. the chances of some model scout driving past and snapping a photo of you, cig in mouth, sucking in your cheeks and staring soulfully into the camera, is very slim. by taking up smoking specifically just to look cool, and then feeling the need to defend it constantly, you are precisely as fedora as the people calling you out, if not more so.

>> No.8588167

>what is second hand smoke

keep your cancer to yourself. im not gonna outright complain, but ill do my best to subtly angle away and create distance

>> No.8588184

does leo dicaprio actually smoke or is he posing

>> No.8588185
File: 52 KB, 400x543, laurie-smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there cool looking e-cigs like this yet?

>> No.8588190

second hand smoke is really only an issue if its chronic exposure (like living with someone who smokes indoors), standing next to some dude smoking a stoge every once in a while is harmless

>> No.8588207

lol @ the people getting butthurt that people are annoyed by the smell of smoke

I'm a smoker myself, but come on, cigarette smoke has a disgusting smell to anyone who doesn't smoke

this is why there are so many laws against smoking it in public, because douchebag wannabes light up in the middle of everyone and blow smoke it everyones faces

yes, you're not gonna get cancer from breathing in secondhand smoke once, but have some fucking respect to the people who cant stand the smell, because believe this--most people cannot stand the smell

As for e-cigs, theyre a fantastic alternative

i dont know how much you guys know about how bad cigarettes are today in comparison to the 50s and 60s
todays cigarettes have loads more additives than before, they are literally a deathtrap

if you smoke socially you probably dont need to get an ecig, but if you are a regular smoker its best to get an ecig, for your healths sake

>> No.8588235

I am actually very weak to cigarette smoke. If I don't cover my nose I get a burning sensation in my nasal cavity and makes me tear up. My dad had to stop smoking because of this and because my little sister has asthma and she once had an asthma attack from second hand smoke because of his pathetic ass.

>> No.8588236

I'm not trying to justify smoking or say that inhaling second hand smoke is COMPLETELY HARMLESS IN ALL WAYS, but god damn it's funny to see where the health concerns are placed in this country when we push anti-smoking campaigns like none other but continue to allow toxic shit to be put in our food and advertise pharmaceutical drugs with a billion side effects on a daily basis.

>> No.8588239

>if you smoke socially you probably dont need to get an ecig
even light smokers triple their risk of cancer when they smoke. lighting up is bad for you even if you don't do it particularly often. i would cite sources but i'm drunk so just trust me here. e-cigs are a great replacement for cigs, we just need vapes that don't look completely ridiculous.

>> No.8588249

underrated post

>> No.8588291

>here's a problem
>but, here's ANOTHER problem!
>ergo, the first problem isn't really a problem

There's also a genocide going on in Sudan but I don't see what that has to do with what anyone's talking about.

>> No.8588344

not really

>> No.8589993

The only people I see with Vapes are white trash and old people. I saw a guy come into a store the other day and he had a fuckin vape around his neck like a fuckin baby dangling a binky around his neck to suck on throughout the day. I looked over and he would puff on it a few times then let go of it and it would just hang around his chest. Like can these people really not WAIT to VAPE until AFTER they leave the store? Must you do it in front of everyone? Absolutely pathetic.


>> No.8590014

I don't know why, but every single person who I've seen vaping has that look on his face like he think he is revolutioning the word by inhaling from that transformer-looking shit

>> No.8590025

>Smoking something just because it's /fa/
Thats top autism, son. As >>8587750 said, its good if you are quiting, but not because bunch of nerds on /fa/ thinks its cool
Hope this board isnt that deep in your mind, because it influences people and they start thinking shit like that bucketheads are good thing to include in their fit

>> No.8590037

Hard to say. I think as more and more people use them they will be more normal at least. I'm starting to notice that more people in the "trendy" area of my town (lots of indy coffee shops, vintage shops etc.) are using shisha pens (what I like to call them)

Been using one for months and can't believe how easy it was to quit cigarettes. My suggestion is to bypass the small cigarette lookalikes and get something with "variable voltage" which means you can adjust the right power for what liquid you are using.

>> No.8590047

>here's a popular health problem
>here's a comparable popular health problem

>> No.8590065

>Rollies without filters here
>inhaling tobacco smoke isn't cancerous enough for me so I wanted to make it more cancerous

the only person i've seen do this is this acne-ridden manboy with 20 festival wristbands and justin bieber haircut who tagged along with us after class and us wanting him to leave.

>> No.8590080

smokes basically all the time, i remember reading an interview where he said it has probably helped him get roles because they've wanted actors who actually smoke. if you watch his movies he actually has really many roles where his character smokes

>> No.8590081

My mum has a go at me saying I should stop using e-cigs (she doesn't know I used them to quit smoking) and then talks about how delicious these £1 hotdogs are at Costco where they put all kinds of shit in there.

What's more likely to cause cancer - processed meat or nicotine?

>> No.8590101
File: 108 KB, 523x700, Photo 03-08-2014 18 56 59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The health and financial benefits I get are way more important to me than being cool. I pull off a relatively healthy lifestyle kind of vibe anyway so it fits in.

>> No.8590105

...nicotine you dumb fuck.

>> No.8590115

for cancer - definitely nicotine
for some unpleasant shit - processed meat
maybe you're just a family of plebs

>> No.8590135

looks dumb as hell, like wearing google glass

>> No.8590138

ur moms ameircan ;)

>> No.8590161

Vaping is the new fedora

>> No.8590163

nicotine isn't even a bad carcinogen on its own, that's a myth

it's all the other stuff in cigarettes that cause cancer and their effects just happen to be amplified when used with nicotine

>> No.8590242

So they're basically made to give you cancer in a faster, more efficient manner?

>> No.8590257

so you're basically autistic?

>> No.8590268

nicotine doesn't give you cancer lol. holy fuck you people are retarded as hell. straight edge autistic nerds.

>> No.8590295

and yet it's you who is being a fedora autistic pedant. his mother was talkinga bout smoking, and it's pretty clear by saying nicotine he meant smoking cigarettes, not consuming pure nicotine for the sake of it. fucking autistic fedora cocksucker, I bet you dress like shit too.

>> No.8590341
File: 1.86 MB, 320x261, fuck you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the reply I was looking for, but thank you for taking the time to type a response.
Have a nice day elsewhere.

>> No.8590370

>Do you think e-cigs will ever be fashionable?

EVER? Yes. Im sure there was a time where smoking cigarettes was un-effay. They're only cool now because they have over a century of marketing behind them

>> No.8590379

>Im sure there was a time where smoking cigarettes was un-effay. They're only cool now because they have over a century of marketing behind them
could you try to be more wrong? I want to see if its humanly possible

>> No.8590407

any ideas which brands of cigs have the least cancerous additives?

i heard somewhere that menthols are like way worse for you

>> No.8590410
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