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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 630 KB, 1000x1482, Polfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8589032 No.8589032 [Reply] [Original]

Your opinion on /pol/'s "wear this shit if you want to look like a mature individual" chart?

Improvement suggestions welcome.

>> No.8589036

We've had this same thread every day this week, there is nothing to discuss here, stop.

>> No.8589045

I know that "/pol/ is leaking" is a meme, but I'm seriously starting to believe it.

>> No.8589097

> shirts with collars/buttons
> wool


>> No.8589104

I refuse to believe that the OPs infographic actually came from them, and I've never even been outside of /fa/ on 4chan

>> No.8589108


Tryhard clothing for m'lady-spouting fat spergs, according to /pol/.

>> No.8589137

fuck menswear

>> No.8589141

>No shirts allowed
>No formalwear allowed
>No shoes that aren't sneakers allowed
>No watches
>No wool

>Tank tops, cargo pants and sunglasses (presumably aviators and sports sunglasses) are all suggested

What the fuck. Can anyone confirm that this is not a troll list?

God how the fuck do you become this ignorant. How can you ever ban something like shirts, let alone watches? Also what the fuck, sneakers only? HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITH ONLY SNEAKERS, DIFFERENT SITUATIONS CALL FOR DIFFERENT FOOTWEAR OH MY GOODNESS THIS GOT ME SALTY. Shouldn't /pol/ at least support big fucking nazi boots?

Then there's the awful cut on those jeans, the shit sneakers and the dopey looking shirt

>> No.8589156


It's an honest-to-God list of things that a traditional-minded heterosexual male should and should not wear in this day and age.

>> No.8589220

But sneakers are for little black kids from the ghetto. I can understand why some reasonable person from /pol/ (let's ignore that they're anything but reasonable, and mostly fat neckbeards who masturbate to chinese cartoons and call other people degenerate) might dislike dress shoes, but there's tonnes of military-inspired or working class footwear that you can wear.

>> No.8589293


Sneakers are standard all-purpose footwear for any red-blooded American male, hence their inclusion in /pol/'s non-degen clothing chart.

>> No.8589380

Also, /pol/ hates everything to do with Europe, which is perceived as backwards and/or sexually deviant. Since wearing sneakers everywhere is usually seen as an American practice, /pol/ included it in their fashion advice.

>> No.8589645

you guys are so fucking lame

>> No.8589695

So trailer park/Wal Mart wear.

That explains a lot about /pol/.

>> No.8590377
File: 110 KB, 385x492, 6a00d83451be5969e200e54f3bb8138833-640wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attained /fa/shion years ago.

I've come to the conclusion that normcore + wearing the right colors that match your hair/skin colour is the GOAT fashion.

It sounds gay to "dress according to your color season" but once you figure out what colors look good on you
1. Can dress normcore as fuck (not tryhard)
2. Don't have to buy expensive clothes or care about fashion trends at all
3. Girls will notice you from far away (not even trolling)

Just figure out your color season (google it), and wear those colors above the waist. You will good, not homosexual and won't be trying at all.

God Bless

>> No.8590968

>no correct type of boots
>really shitty pictures.
Replace the 'wear' image with some /fa/ skinheads and the 'not wear' one with an unedited fedora pic.

>> No.8590981

Literally clueless and the Hitler thing is pig disgusting.

Color seasons are a crap scheme that simplifies something that doesn't need it to the point where it's almost useless. Actual color theory takes almost zero time to learn.

Also, not everyone dresses according to the logic you dress with.

>> No.8591134
File: 674 KB, 1000x1482, Polfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improved Polfa image.

>> No.8591152

the right looks pretty sick tbh if it had better shoes and the pants were tailored

>> No.8591235

what is the basic philosophy of /pol/ and what are their reasonings? as someone who doesn't want to visit that board

>> No.8591252

It's been happening for a while now.

And the /pol/tards pretend that 4chan at large has always agreed with their epic red pill maymays

and then the memespouting redditors who come to 4chan and want to fit in buy into the "4chan agrees with /pol/" maymay, and so on and so forth

>> No.8591256

>it sounds gay but
>not homosexual

insecure lol

>> No.8591281

So /oil/ dresses like niggers? Oh how ironic.

>> No.8591286


>> No.8591292

Basically, their entire philosophy is just whatever the opposite of social justice warriors are. Every single thread on /pol/ is some news article about social justice, and 200+ responses along the lines of "yeah I hate women/minorities/liberals/etc". /pol/ likes to think of themselves as national socialists, but fail to realize that they would all be culled in a fascist society, since they're all fat, dumb faggots who provide nothing of value.

/pol/ used to mostly be bait, and Nazism probably the ideology most likely to make people mad. Over time, though, retards have actually starting believing /pol/'s shit and spreading it to other boards (Poe's law).

>> No.8591302

Kek, or just people who have real jobs

>> No.8591303


/pol/ are mostly just racist libertarians that secretly support a welfare state only for white people

while SJW's and tumblr shitlords are just as bad, /pol/ just takes it to a new level

>> No.8591309

Yeah, SJWs frequently grind my gears, but /pol/ on the whole tends to make me angrier.

>> No.8591330


what is an sjw (according to you, by your own definition) and why are they bad

>> No.8591336


social justice warrior

fat landwhales that believe in bullshit "social justice" and regurgitate shit by unemployed womens/black/insertother studieshere student

>> No.8591344

Anyone who spends an inordinate amount of time protesting inequality by way of pointing out differences between races/sexes/sexual orientations. People who pretend to hate inequality but secretly thrive off it, and avoid focusing on real inequality problems like class.

>> No.8591348

So you would rather look like Lois CK than Review Brah.

Bad choice. I would rock full menswear if I had tons of money. Instead I have to pretend that a scoop neck jersey tee with raws and white sneakers is super cool.

>> No.8591351

And they're bad because they don't really want an equal society. They want every person to be reminded of their differences at all times.

>> No.8591358

exactly what is expected from a bunch of

>> No.8591362

I just realized this might sound like I'm dismissing the challenges faced by minority social groups, I'm not. But the key difference between a SJW and an egalitarianist IMO is that the SJW will keep raising issues even after the system of inequality no longer exists.

>> No.8591366

Reminder that /pol/ centers around normcore, masculinity, and greyman theory. The NatSocs are usually trolls. Legit/pol/ is mostly libertarian with a few reactionaries, fascists, and centrists thrown in. And like one commie pinko shitposter.

Their fashion is meant to make them blend in, and it works.

>> No.8591376

stop lying and go back to your containment board. /pol/ does not and will never have moderate, logical opinions

>> No.8591388

confirmation bias. you had your feels hurt by one racist dude so it blocked out all of the logical posts on the board that day.
/pol/ has a greater diversity of opinion than any other board.
i thought you faggots claimed to like diversity?

>> No.8591392


What is wrong with protesting social justice and equality? sounds pretty reasonable to me

you suggesting that they are 'secretly thriving' off it is your own speculation

>> No.8591399

I'll go there when you head back to reddit ;^)

>> No.8591402

90% of all posts on /pol/ are

>> No.8591403


>What is wrong with protesting social justice and equality?


>> No.8591408

I think you mean

>> No.8591416

jidf detected.

>> No.8591422

To enforce equality is to restrict freedom.

>> No.8591423

>Actual color theory takes almost zero time to learn.
Not him but are there some linky links? The OP only has gay blogs and two or three useful websites.

>> No.8591430

midf pls go

>> No.8591508
File: 364 KB, 752x800, Neckies BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More words of wisdom from your friends over at /pol/.

>> No.8591514
File: 457 KB, 736x1920, Adolf Pour Homme ss 1941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8591590
File: 76 KB, 500x489, 1406370668380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8591609

is that fucking Corey and Trevor?

>> No.8591686
File: 11 KB, 320x350, 1386289693910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I wear a long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled back , slacks , and sperrys everyday.
>Nice watch

>> No.8591708
File: 155 KB, 630x425, Anders Breivik shows off his new kitchen utensils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The fuck happened to you, Varg?
You used to be a bro.

>> No.8591800

>basic bitch and autism clothes only
fuck /pol/ are plebs

>> No.8591805

>baseball caps

>> No.8593190

they cant wear boots and all that nice shit because they have no sense of style. they want to avoid being like those trenchcoat spergs you all see around college. they are trying their best to fit in but as you can see they'll always be fucking fatties.
fuck /pol/.

>> No.8593243

/pol/lack here, how does it feel to be less fashionable than people who subscribe to fringe political beliefs
>inb4 "muh sheckel goldstien mens fashion skirts"
ayy lmao

>> No.8593254


this has to be a joke. I would have expected /pol/ to be real uptight and conservative, but apparently their idea of maturity is dressing like some boring teenager

>> No.8593369

some autist made this pic to make /pol/ look more "fedora."
there's no reason to give this image credit. there were no votes, there are no meets whose photos suggest patterns.
there were no discussions.
some dude just made this image and started posting it every day.

>> No.8593393

>to make /pol/ look more "fedora."

But all the fedora-tier stuff is in the "DON'T WEAR" category...

>> No.8593549

stop defending your shitty board.
the fedora tier stuff is in the "do not wear" section
the "trying hard to not look autistic" is in the "wear" section.
just face it ur boards wack and none of you look like superior white males

>> No.8593556

i'll admit i should have used another word there, but you get what i'm saying right?

i'm not defending /pol/ as much as discrediting this crappy image.

/pol/ probably DOES have shitty fashion sense. why don't you make a couple of polls there, or something, and actually get some shit loosely backed by evidence for your pic?

>> No.8593576

Get your nipster game on, /pol/

>> No.8593597


But /pol/ hates hipsters just as much as they hate atheists.

>> No.8593607

I remember seeing some threads about how could they make right wing more appaling to the youth, turns out, the problem started to solve itself, /pol/ should be happy

>> No.8593628

the left is just as appalling.

>> No.8593641

/pol/fag here, do you want to know anything about what I wear? Ask me anything.

>> No.8593663


Which side of the /pol/ fashion chart do your outfits usually resemble?

>> No.8593756

Well, let's see. A typical outfit for me would be...

Casual button-up (long-sleeved) or a plain white tee.
I own a bunch of Ben Sherman shirts, among others.
A denim jacket or a non-denim chore coat type jacket.
Jeans (I don't have the legs for slim) or khakis.
Tan chelsea boots or grey Palladium boots.

>> No.8593795
File: 1.53 MB, 1125x1500, Summertime fashion advice in Estonian newspaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds like ass TBH.

>> No.8593800
File: 359 KB, 1000x1482, 1407069504269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I didn't come here to claim I was /fa/, I'm not. Here's my edit.

NOTE: just because I put something in the right-hand side doesn't necessarily mean I don't like it. It could just mean I haven't bought any.
I will say I dislike hoodies and scarves, though. I would not wear a leather jacket but I do wish I could pull one off.

>> No.8593842

>putting suits in the WEAR section

What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you even /pol/?

>> No.8593849

You sound pitifully reddit and fail to realize that /pol/ is more diverse than that.

>> No.8593911
File: 982 KB, 1000x1919, Polfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and Polfa gets yet another update.

>> No.8593915

This gave me cancer

>> No.8593920


How did that happen?

>> No.8593947

Don't listen to this guy. There are a staggering number of opinions on /pol/ and all are discussed fairly. The only reason it has a reputation for being a Nazi circlejerk is because it's pretty much the only site that tolerates them, and even a handful of NatSocs seems like a huge majority when you're used to them being shut down at every turn.

>> No.8593959

go take a sample of 10 threads from 10 days on the front page of /pol/

>> No.8593962

I did see /pol/ discuss fashion once. The consensus seemed to be that you should dress traditionally without being too uptight about it. Think Brendan Fraser in the Mummy series.

>> No.8593965

>The only reason it has a reputation for being a Nazi circlejerk is because it's pretty much the only site that tolerates them
Or because it was made as stormfront containment board.

>> No.8593967
File: 29 KB, 400x533, 20080421184734!EmohitlerByrevolter00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow /pol/ is fucking retarded, they just chuck a Hitler head onto those plain clothes to make themselves feel better for wearing them.
The reality is that the "neckbeard athiests" are more likely to wear the clothing on the left than Hitler would.

<<-- I guess this is what /pol/fags think is good.

>> No.8593972

Whatever it was made for, that isn't how it is. They have regular Communist threads for god's sake.

>> No.8593980

>The reality is that the "neckbeard athiests" are more likely to wear the clothing on the left

[citation needed]
Last time I checked, neckbeards were the #1 buyers and wearers of "classy" attire.

>> No.8593988
File: 15 KB, 300x217, 18eqqvah8fmeejpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw these quality posters ITT

>> No.8593995
File: 45 KB, 558x418, 1385070250670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, some neckbeards do dress up fancy for photos, but it simply isn't comfortable enough for them to wear in their smelly old basements.

Businessmen buy suits m8, people who have a respectable job and don't browse /pol/ all day.

>> No.8594000
File: 117 KB, 320x263, fingerless-gloves-fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fedora and gloves are shopped but the shirt is not. it is simply a stereotype based off a small minority

>> No.8594004
File: 39 KB, 500x448, baeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember that formal attire and suits are acceptable, true men wear them and are not shy about it.

>> No.8594011
File: 662 KB, 1200x1381, Eugene stop pretending your ill-fitting blazer is a suit. Also, unbutton that bottom button right this minute..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've never seen anyone look respectable in a suit. Suits make even top-tier men look like meme-spouting autistic teenagers.

>> No.8594023

>Suits make even top-tier men look like meme-spouting autistic teenagers.

>Spouting memes
>Calling people autistic neckbeards


>> No.8594026
File: 15 KB, 284x298, Norman Stansfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>8594004

blazers are also good for casual see pic related.

>> No.8594028
File: 988 KB, 1729x1953, 1404268093505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whats up faggot you dropped your fedora?

>> No.8594153
File: 1.70 MB, 2648x2004, Polfa ULTIMATE EDITION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8594187
File: 39 KB, 600x461, 120223_mooreAMPASlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it now, pol wants to be michael moore.

>> No.8594299


Moore is the anti-/pol/ in terms of politics, but his style is 100% redpilled All-American.

>> No.8594352

>gas the kikes race war now
keked so hard nearly fell out of my chair.

>> No.8594476


Is /pol/'s official war cry really that amusing?

>> No.8594506

>than hitler would

>> No.8594526

woah those NBs are fire I didnt know Moore wore such nice kicks under all that fat

>> No.8594715

100% redpilled all american is long hair, aviators, black tshirt, military jacket, jeans and some boots.

>> No.8595402

/pol/ is deadly afraid of looking like neckbeards. Thing is, they know their world views aren't accepted by the majority of people.
The same trait is shared with your stereotypical "militant atheist, brony, and foremost sir"-neckbeard. Some of them even share pols views.

So, how do they want prevent being viewed as aspie neckbeards? Dress normal. Or what they think what normal is.
Sneakers are normal, right? Caps, too. That's what the cool kids wear.
Even though things on their forbidden list can be easily pulled off with a bit of fashion sense they tell fellow pollacks not to wear them.

It's like the closet homosexual going overboard with macho behavior and talking about how much they like vagina, because he doesn't want to appear even slightly gay.
They don't want to appear even slightly supreme gentlemenly.

My armchair psychiatrist moment of the day

>> No.8595591


You did le good son.
Now tell me what you think of the advice itself.

>> No.8595922

pretty much my impression as well, you summed it up perfectly.

btw, your photoshopped Hitler head makes him look like a manlet.