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/fa/ - Fashion

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8587403 No.8587403[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>reddit's top of july 2014

>> No.8587405
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>> No.8587408

dont we already have a thread for this?

>> No.8587413
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Didn't see one in the catalog

>> No.8587418

I honestly couldn't tell the diff between mfa and fa. You just cherry picked the funniest ones

>> No.8587424
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I didnt tho dude. This is their top outfits thing, i linked their imgur in the OP. Check it out, its funny as fuck

>> No.8587430
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This is the very first fucking one

>> No.8587432

I'm looking at http://imgur.com/a/ifWmf and it looks like any thread on /fa/
i meant you cherry pick the worst ones and post here, but on http://imgur.com/a/ifWmf most of them look like /fa/ WAYWT

>> No.8587434


MFA is 80% fit pics and 20% discussion
/fa/ is 80% discussion and 20% fit pics.

>> No.8587441

There's a few decent fits but a pretty large majority is kind of awful.

>> No.8587443
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my sides have left the universe

>> No.8587446

eat my shorts loser

>> No.8587447
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>> No.8587452
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I don't understand...

>> No.8587460
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outfit is ight, but goddamn that nose

>> No.8587466
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>> No.8587475


>> No.8587479

Nasir, post your fits

>> No.8587487

brb barfing

>> No.8587491
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>> No.8587495

they like his room

>> No.8587496

at least they can take proper pictures. this board can't seem to stop using their cum stained mirrors and shitty cell phones. like, is it so hard to even have proper lighting?

>> No.8587497
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nadir here. iPad is dead now and can't figure out how to use trip code on the play store's chanu app.

currently wearing underwear

>> No.8587498
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>> No.8587501

>those slob boxers
>chubby feet

ok thx

>> No.8587502

Why is mfa still in the dadcore era

>> No.8587507

lel you are a fat manlet bro

>> No.8587511

wtf do you wear when you are watching TV at 10:30 at night you butt sore redditor.
>those chubby feet
I weigh 114 lbs

>> No.8587514

>man let
I'm 5'8 114 lbs

>> No.8587522

why is the general public still in the dad core era
I'm traveling rn and when I was at the airport today I saw at least 12 men and women sporting fedoras of all types. they're becoming popular in normal fag american fashion

>> No.8587525

MFA Guides and Discussions > anything FA

>> No.8587529

Fuck, Uniqlo is MFA-tier.

>> No.8587532

then why are you here taking the time to make your shitty post

>> No.8587545

Mfa is good if you want to feel good about yourself because they can't tell you to lose weight.

>> No.8587579

nah fam only if the fit sucks

>> No.8587591

I kek'd pretty hard

>> No.8587620


>> No.8589216

sandals n' socks. Just kill me.

>> No.8590158

Just the usual MFA, muh dadcore/suitcore/overdressedcore/toowarmforsummercore

Funny that all the controversial comments are about no socks.

There are a couple /fa/nons in there, dare you guys to find them.

>> No.8590165

Yeah dat reddit core. They just can't dish it out.

Dunno why we haven't raided one of their WAYWTs yet.

>> No.8590194
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Saw a few I liked

>> No.8590211

>not appreciating flower-wizardcore
Did someone leave the pleb door open?

>> No.8590219
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>> No.8590218

Anyone know w2c?

>> No.8590224
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>> No.8590237
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>> No.8590278
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>> No.8590358

1,16, 18 and 24 seem like they have pretty solid fits.
But fuck the rest of them were just "/fa/"-core or "men's wear"

>> No.8590392
File: 140 KB, 400x725, nqJzoRn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf

>> No.8590545

>Most of the look like /fa/

Oh god no.

>> No.8590562

most of these are way better than anything on /fa/

>> No.8590651
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>> No.8590656

actually pretty gud

>> No.8590658
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>> No.8590664

yeah, it's called WAYWT

>> No.8590668


>> No.8590677

Would bully

>> No.8590678

reddit's getting way ahead of /fa/ these days

these threads are less entertaining than they used to be

>> No.8590690

honestly /r/teenMFA has better fits

>> No.8590709

w2c cargos?

>> No.8590722

I don't care about his clothes this motherfucker look rich as fuck

>> No.8590723

Top idea ^

>> No.8590726

no it fucking doesn't you noob

>> No.8590729
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>> No.8590732

This one is actually fucking good. Streetwear done right. Nobody here has the imagination (or balls) to wear so many layers and colours and make it work.

>> No.8590733

Pretty grunge

>> No.8590754

but everybody knows teddy has nice fits he posts here too and imo his style is more here than mfa :)

>> No.8590765

she's dressed way better than him

>> No.8590766

Discussion as in "lol faggot"-tier? Sure thing brag

>> No.8590771

much better w/ plain black pant imo

>> No.8590782

he posts here right

>> No.8590787

no need to be mad :^)

>> No.8590796
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this stuff is just godawful, and it doesn't help that most of these people are completely out of shape

it really is not that hard to put together a decent fit.

>> No.8590797

>dat autistic watch hanger thing

>> No.8590802
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>> No.8590812


>> No.8590819
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reddit's Stance <<<<<< /fa/'s Stance

>> No.8590826
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>> No.8590827

why do i care about reddit?
why do these fags from reddit get spammed in waywt threads? I can't tell if it's redditfags or ironic shitposting.

>> No.8590832

Why is everyone on mfa like 30+ years old

>> No.8590833

if he wore a cream button down shirt instead of this one, he's be 9/10

>> No.8590836

I like this wtf

>> No.8590861

>all of these meticulously arranged room
>watches in the frame
>that artfully set-down ladder
these people are so pretentious it hurts.

>> No.8590878

I liked this

>> No.8590881

teenagers at least understand that in the real world birkenstocks are not cool

>> No.8590886

nice nose m8

>> No.8590894

lmao seein the word "noob" here made my want to laugh

>> No.8590901


its a good fit you fucking retard i hate you so much kill yourself

>> No.8590921

You're calling that decent?

>> No.8590933

>real world
dad get off of /fa/ plz

>> No.8590964

>Michael Kelso-core

>> No.8590977

jesus christ, he ruined those flyknits

>> No.8590987

I see him posted here all the time, some of his fits are dope

>> No.8591005

W2c backpack

>> No.8591143

Looks like Everlane.

>> No.8591313

lol 4real

would love to see this consistent quality come out of /fa/ but it ain't gonna happen, and the best people here post on MFA too

>> No.8591369

this nigga is like 5'4 jesus christ

>> No.8591415

that's theodore tho

>> No.8591427

Yass, this would actually be good

>> No.8591856


>> No.8592049


it's better than anything posted on here or roddit, that's for fucking sure

poorfags cannot into fashion at all

>> No.8592060

you can take the laces out, it doesn't ruin the shoe

i think it looks cool

>> No.8592124

they're fitter than 90% of fa though so what's your point

>> No.8593032

clenching so hard

>> No.8593034

jeans fit badly but otherwise dece fit

>> No.8593038

jacket is fuccing sicc tho

>> No.8593051

if pants were shorter this fit wouldnt b so bad

>> No.8593055

are they
are u sure

>> No.8593057

>rich as fuck
>home depot fan chandelier in a cheap spec home.

Choose one.

>> No.8593060

>no laces
wow i feel like a fucking idiot for not thinking of this
yes he does
tripcode thisistheodore

>> No.8593069

is this that fucking autism face kid
what was his name

>> No.8593074

>teddy is not short for theodore

>> No.8593077

>that fucking leg opening
at least reddit stance is a human and not a giraffe

>> No.8593081

where to get flannels with diff sleeves like tht

>> No.8593084

what kind of retarded shit are you talking about now?

>> No.8593085

some of these alright, most are just terrible or way too tryhard

>> No.8593089


>> No.8593093

This can't be legit.

>> No.8593103

so unremarkable. disgraceful.
why would do these cunts even upvote these?

these are pretty tight though

>> No.8593104

Because not everyone on this board is a 15-year-old

>> No.8593128
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>> No.8593141

because that sounds like a terrible idea only 14 year olds would have fun carrying out

>> No.8593184

Like a gay Walter white

>> No.8593193

everything except knit and backpack are bad

>> No.8593225

Normally i look at reddits top fit list, and genuinely like most of the fits.Normally, i think that /fa/ are just being assholes for the sake of being assholes.

>this time i am wrong

>> No.8593264

just saying that theodore is not teddy

>> No.8593278

outfits on r/mfa only get upvoted if the background is cool or if there's some "cute" story behind it. People pay no attention to the actual quality of the fit. It pisses me off to no end whenever I look at their top WAYWTs and it's just a bunch of basic bitches in front of a scenic waterfall or something.

>> No.8593302

besides the shoes this fit is tight as shit, 10/10 would never wear in public

>> No.8593307

This looks juvenile for some reason

>> No.8593314

teddy and theodore are two different people friends

theodore is the one from the picture in question, teddy posts mostly monochrome w/ geos and such

>> No.8593329

looks like anon's first day of highschool

>> No.8593334

Exactly or first day of sophomore year

>> No.8593350

Better than anything I've seen on /fa/

I see minimal and meticulously arranged interior design praised on here all the time but the minute Reddit does it it's pretentious bullshit. 4chan's contrarian for the sake of being contrarian nature is really childish sometimes. Hey, maybe that ladder goes somewhere as well.

It's also pretty funny how the only fits you said were good were the ones that were the most /fa/ safe and as a result completely boring basic bitch shit.

See this post:

>> No.8593356


> floral trenchcoat
> better than anything you've ever seen on /fa/

I post here you know, I'm insulted

>> No.8593363

Fine, better than what I normally see on /fa/

The floral coat is fucking dope

>> No.8593407


this guy is a poster on /fa/

lurk more

>> No.8593436

w2c grey curved hem shirt

>> No.8593442

Yeah I know, I clarified with this post


>> No.8593454

Actually all those guys cept for trenchcoat guy posts/used to post here

>> No.8593457


I was looking at that one earlier and I have to say I kinda like it.

The shoes though...

>> No.8593474

it is good dumbshit

sorry it's not the fa uniform: t shirt, jeans, sneakers

all in memeochrome

>> No.8593477

why does this faggot post his pics on like 7 different fashion boards? how insecure and validation seeking can u get?

>> No.8593482

Trenchcoat guy is Syeknom (or something like that), he's a mod on MFA and generally has pretty dope fits. He's got a fair bit of Yohji and MMM, the floral coat is Dries.

Yeah most people said that different shoes would look better.

>> No.8594142

oh god you're embarrasing

>> No.8594207

pretty sure it's Uniqlo white ocbd/ Geller X2/some GAT's idk.

>> No.8594539

Name 7 fashion boards that he posts on

>> No.8595057
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>> No.8595231

and guess what
>it's not bad

>> No.8595353

u kno, most fits in waywt threads here look worse

>> No.8595373

fuck I like this blazer

>> No.8596378

I'm really digging the backpack. Can anyone id the make?

>> No.8596392
