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8585829 No.8585829[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I into a pro-anna lifestyle?

anyone know of websites to help?

>> No.8585841

Why would you do that?

>> No.8585843

you don't, you silly bint.

>> No.8585847

start by killing yourself, you'd die in a year anyway.

>> No.8585915

because I want to lose weight fast and my young nihilistic attitude leads me to disregard my own safety.

>> No.8585921

Eat less? It's not rocket science.

>> No.8585945

there's nihilistic and then there's retarded.

>> No.8585968

Implying one can't be both

>> No.8585978


then do heroin and cocaine you fuckface and have fun while you're at it

note: if poor this leaves little money for new clothes...but may turn your existing closet into heroin chic

>> No.8585979

I'm gonna die anyway, who cares?

Also, idk if it would be a long term thing. I just want to try it enough to where I can experience life being skinny for a while. Also, so I can experience starvation. Kind of like being a Sufi or something. I want to endure an extreme state of being to learn more about myself and the universe.

I figure it's best to see how the experts do it. Wouldn't mind having people to talk to as moral support for my unhealthy choices.

>> No.8585982

>going through all that trouble to look physically retarded and not sexually appealing at all

>> No.8585997
File: 49 KB, 826x419, lye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give yourself a lye burn. 10x the suffering, a fraction of the time.

Or you could just do drugs like every other normal person who wants to alter their mental state.

>> No.8586026

Implying we want to be mainstream here in /fa/

>> No.8586035

I have already done drugs loads. Now I am in a position where I have to be sober and I am looking for new ways to make bad choices. I'm also considering being an illegal street artist.

The lye is a good idea, but I don't know if the suffering is actually an equatable experience because it is only a fraction of the time. I only have to psych myself up for a moment to induce the burn. If I am starving I have to sit and defy my biology ever second for months.

>> No.8586040

jesus christ if you want to starve, go for it. you don't need any pro-ana sites.

>> No.8586041

>I want to endure an extreme state of being to learn more about myself and the universe.

here's what you're going to learn about yourself: when you stop eating, you will be very hungry.
here's what you'll learn about the universe: being very hungry fucking sucks.

>> No.8586065

I know but they can help. I want to be informed before I decide to do this. also I want to learn strategies for concealing the habit so I don't freak people out.

>> No.8586074
File: 899 KB, 680x697, 3a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well either way you're a waste of life by choice. It's easier to let things waste away then to put your foot down and build a legacy. Whatever is "effay" to you though...lmao you're a joke.

>> No.8586089


back to reddit you landwhales

>> No.8586098

this is a good point but you wrote it in such a fedora way

>> No.8586103

uh okay
search google for
http://pastebin.com/Yc05AbYe (4chan thinks it's spam)

then click "repeat the search with the omitted results included." the most sites are really old and by children but maybe you'll find something gud :^)

>> No.8586135
File: 64 KB, 486x659, 1406690200667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jokes on me I'm a depressed NEET

>> No.8586154

why do you think building a 'legacy' is harder or inherently more valuable? Isn't it equally egotistical as my choices?

How am I a waste of life?
What exactly are you talking about by saying 'put down your foot and build a legacy'? Are you talking about doing work for economic gain or recognition? Please explain what you mean and how it is demonstrably more valuable than my choices. it seems as if you are just taking arbitrary cultural values that you inherited and accept unquestioningly, and using them to look down on others for your own validation.

I also have no idea what effay means or is.

>> No.8586165

thanks ya good bitch.

>> No.8586174

>all this edge
You're only fighting yourself at the end of the day.

>> No.8586185

Go for it, fatty :)

>> No.8586194

A legacy is who you are and what you've done with your life, I don't think even a retard can deny that exists. If you want to invest in being hungry for a half ass spiritual experience go ahead, you're better off reading a book on the subject.

>> No.8586205
File: 173 KB, 720x960, image (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of herbs smh.
There's being skinny and then there's anorexia, being skinny isn't all that great.

>> No.8586245

Oh man, I could probably do <1000 calories a day but I don't know about 200

>> No.8586246

I don't think it's edgy. Why can't you just acknowledge that neither view is inherently correct? that no choice you can make has any greater inherent value than any other choice? That there is zero reason to hold someone in greater or lesser esteem when all actions are without inherent value? Values are just social constructions.

>you're better off reading a book on the subject.
that's like saying instead of running a marathon you are better off reading about one.

If a legacy is who you are and what you have done with your life then everyone already has a legacy. You haven't demonstrated any criteria or reasoning to explain what makes one legacy more valuable than another. Your dismissal is arbitrary and meaningless. i could just as easily say, 'If you want to invest in being hard working to make a family or a business or an art work for some half ass spiritual experience go ahead.'

>> No.8586265

>that no choice you can make has any greater inherent value than any other choice?
Because that's simply not true, different choices have different results, you're clinging to nihilism because you want to feel liberated from responsibility.

>> No.8586275

A person who spends his life raping children has a less valuable legacy than one who builds homes and enlightens people.

>> No.8586328

>Because that's simply not true, different choices have different results
that only means that the results are different, it doesn't mean choices have any inherent value. the value you choose is arbitrary.


What is the criteria? Is rape inherently bad?

What if by raping children he was somehow preventing other people from dying? or if he was old and he was near death, and the children were the only females left on the planet, and the only hope for continuing the species was for him to rape the children while he was still alive?

It's an extreme example, but the point is nothing has an inherent value. It depends on what you arbitrarily choose to value. most people choose to accept what other people value without any critical thinking of their own. It is fine to accept the values of your society, but if you actually acknowledge that values are arbitrary then you wouldn't have any sound logic for condemning people who don't have the same values.

This is really basic stuff, I'm surprised people here can't even into basic logic or philosophy.

>> No.8586346
File: 63 KB, 400x366, 1398887997848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8586355

Well if raping children didn't destroy a child's genitals and not produce any offspring I would be right there with you. I'm not surprised you can't into logic but you should learn your place eventually or you might embarrass yourself.

>> No.8586394

>ya'll are basic bitches
>is basic bitch

>> No.8586638

Old /fa/ was

Myproana i think a big Community is called

>> No.8586666

just take drugs you idiot, thats the cool way to do it at least

get yourself an adderall script (its pretty easy) and youll never want to eat again

or just buy speed. or h

>> No.8586671

I'd fuck you

And OP. Fuck you

>> No.8586677
File: 97 KB, 720x951, 1361892563420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to endure an extreme state of being to learn more about myself and the universe.
get this nigga out of here

>> No.8586771

you realize you can still be legally a child and get pregnant?

anyway it's besides the point. The point is that there is no thing in the universe that is inherently good or evil. What if someone threatens to detonate a nuclear bomb if you don't rape children? In that case the rape could be viewed as a sacrifice on the part of the rapist who may not want to commit the act, and who may stand to loose their social position if people find out what he did, but by doing so he saves many more lives from the nuclear bomb.

The example is very improbable but it is entirely possible and illustrates the point, the act it self has not inherent value. It's all arbitrary. Many would say killing is wrong, but killing in self defense, or killing to eat is ok, so the act of killing isn't inherently wrong or right.

This seriously isn't even edgy or complicated at all. It's not just nihilism, almost all branches of philosophy and ethics accept that there is no inherent good or evil. You ought to read a book sometime.

>> No.8586782

my social situation is such that I am unwilling to risk doing drugs right now, because of the consequences I would face if I got caught.

>> No.8586789

I like this OP. Stay fagg OP

>> No.8586831
File: 53 KB, 600x450, 5NFnKZ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to endure an extreme state of being to learn more about myself and the universe.

man, gtfo you're stupid as shit

>> No.8586856


this thread is fucking retarded

>> No.8586873

adderall is legal (assuming youre in the us)

>> No.8586891

shit is 2deep4me

>> No.8586937

I used to have a script but got in trouble for abusing it. I live at home.

I've said many times ITT that I don't want to do drugs.

Why is that laughable to you? It's not very different from people who run extreme distances, eat spicy foods, or go into outer space. Do you think sky diving is stupid too? What about drugs? It's all the same shit. you are just experiencing new things.

>> No.8587480

This is the shit ties thread I've ever seen on this board, dear God. OP needs to grow the fuck up already

>> No.8587530

>OP needs to grow the fuck up already
if you were mature you wouldn't be on this website in the first place, and you certainly wouldn't feel the need to make a post so petty as the one you have.

>> No.8587561

I'm pretty skeleton 5'8 M 114lb but OP that pic is fucking disgusting. That takes it too far.

Food is amazing. There are billions on unwilling starving people in the world yet you have all the food in the world and you don't want to eat. Fuck you OP.

>> No.8587564

W2C black pants?

Are they chinos or jeans? Hard to see.

>> No.8587716

This was fucking hilarious thank you OP

>> No.8588187
