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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 186 KB, 682x960, 10559929_10152625619192871_711806468036149964_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8573219 No.8573219 [Reply] [Original]

new waywt old one almost 3hundy chumps

>> No.8573246
File: 856 KB, 1818x3166, ddbf39a1-83f9-4780-8e6d-ba60afd11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only caught the end of the last one so posting again.

>> No.8573263
File: 2.16 MB, 785x2297, imageBlack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8573317

ur literally just wearing clothes
not bad

>> No.8573346

>ur literally just wearing clothes

>> No.8573422
File: 1.17 MB, 1908x3264, 29.07.14, 17 15 39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retoast cuz y no

>> No.8573432

So let us review this early WAYWT thread here!



Best of the thread but still lame.

I give this early thread a 4/10, try again tomorrow /fa/, see you then ;)

>> No.8573441

>no argumentation

>> No.8573442



>> No.8573444


>> No.8573454

What does that mean?

>> No.8573457

stop posting this shit fit

>> No.8573463


>> No.8573465

...bruh really?


>> No.8573481
File: 357 KB, 1000x1000, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8573500

would grab onto your man bun and make sweet love to you/10

>> No.8573509

Not a native speaker, no h8 m8

>> No.8573511
File: 1.17 MB, 272x225, bully straya always.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8573521

Daamn soon should've known that
shit thats so obvious, i thought it had something to do with straw

>> No.8573524


>> No.8573525

No, not australia

>> No.8573537
File: 175 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New at this, how'd I do?

>> No.8573538


>> No.8573540



>> No.8573542
File: 2.00 MB, 2448x3264, 1breadfather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8573552
File: 676 KB, 1043x2357, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtt high af1 for low af1

>> No.8573553

Why are your legs so thin? Even my hungry skeleton legs are fatter

>> No.8573554


Those shoes the Arigato ones?

>> No.8573556

The colors don't rally work too well together, it's not terrible but just kinda plain
The jeans seem to fit kinda badly but then your crotch area and upper legs are so dark and blurry in the picture it's hard to actually tell
I'd get bit longer tee if I were you
The jacket could be cool but it's again hard as fuck to tell how it fits from the angle and how dark the pic is

>> No.8573557

angle and im just skinny lol, can fit hand around leg by ankle

>> No.8573558

I really like this
It's OK, but I think the cuffs are too severe.
Don't like the jacket with the rest of the look. Nice shoes doe.

>> No.8573563


>> No.8573569


Yeah sorry about the pic, thanks for the feedback, anon. I thought the jeans fit well, why are they bad? And yeah I'll work on colour matching.


Don't usually cuff my pants, but just something I tried today.

>> No.8573574

thank mr skeltal

>> No.8573575
File: 226 KB, 311x443, the fucks going on here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought the jeans fit well, why are they bad
Well I mean like I said you can't really see your upper thighs or crotch area cause the pic is mad dark and it kinda makes it look like they fit badly.
See pic, they are probably fine but the pic is pretty shitty.

>> No.8573585
File: 133 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ahh I see haha - how's this

>> No.8573590

Yeah they fit fine m8
Just work on the colors more

>> No.8573602


>> No.8573607


By colours, do you mean a darker t-shirt? I usually wear like a navy or black one, but went with a more casual white today. idk, is it just all together shit. Sorry to do this to you anon, but would like some pointers and what not to do.

>> No.8573619
File: 1.13 MB, 2048x1536, 2004 ghetto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8573630
File: 2.46 MB, 3008x2000, _DSC0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm the one on the left

i know my pants were a bit baggy back then but it was comfortable

>> No.8573634

Yeah me too but im 6.5" and my hands are REALLY big

>> No.8573638

Slavscum, would punch into the nose/10

>> No.8573641

More like make them match better, I don't really know what you are going for or like but as they are, they are kinda plain. Go to like general inspo thread or something, find something you like color-wise and try to learn why the colors work.

>> No.8573644

b-but i'm from finland i'm aryan master race white pride world wide

>> No.8573648


Ok, cheers bro.

>> No.8573658

im 6'2" and my hands are also really big friend

>> No.8573668

w2c jacket?

>> No.8573672
File: 278 KB, 368x447, 1406353014773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white pride world wide
surprisingly made me kek

>> No.8573695


>> No.8573717
File: 54 KB, 566x480, e967df76-7d1d-4bbc-9a8f-dd8bb5739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Some nobody puts on a trip and tries desperately to act relevant
No one gives a shit about your opinion, just post a fit and shut up

>> No.8573735

easy for you to say shitnerd

>> No.8573744

Well that's the pot calling the kettle black

>> No.8573747

just dont mind this attentionwhore

>> No.8573766

Dude put your trip back on sorry I caught some feelings.

>> No.8573775

It's ironic mom don't worry it's called fashion the Internet to me this was ironic and cool.

>> No.8573781
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>> No.8573785
File: 479 KB, 1133x713, 1406743608856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops that little bit was annoying.

>> No.8573797


>> No.8573802
File: 610 KB, 3264x2448, 1d4f6021-1d05-4d7f-b223-ca6051c9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being so mad you have to insult my family fucking kek. I don't know why you keep posting that picture I look better than the inspo picture, anyone who doesn't realize that is fucking stupid.

>> No.8573808

But the second would look good if it wasn't taken with a shitty camera

>> No.8573809

lol, calm down child. catching some feelings

>> No.8573811
File: 236 KB, 445x445, 1403549163715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8573817

ur my fav

>> No.8573823
File: 121 KB, 674x814, hWYbruG-9nw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8573826

You'll never be better than me. Your obviously just displacing your insecurities onto me, at least try to make it subtle. I'll continue to post fits and you'll continue to try and get at me. Whatever makes you happy really just keep doing it because your obviously a sad person.

>> No.8573833

you're not your

not taking sides or anything sorry if offended i just always thought you knew english better than this

>> No.8573836
File: 42 KB, 187x425, 1821313213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic Birthday.

Whoa that's pretty deep man. Did you quote some Yohji in there?

>> No.8573840

Swype on phone usually autocorrects you're to your. I guess I should reread when I'm on my phone.

>> No.8573842

oh okay

>> No.8573849
File: 39 KB, 280x640, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8573851
File: 61 KB, 319x696, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8573856

v dece v chill v pale

>> No.8573858

can everyone who dont like bday just stop responding to him when you see his trip?

>> No.8573860

Really awful just looks like a bunch of random pieces no one will even think you are dressed well.
Cool palette. Get a better tee and either cuff the shirt higher or lower right now doesn't look as good as it could.

>> No.8573877

bday I know ur a fellow canadienne so help me
I need shorts
like uniqlo tier
prob $60 is the highest I'd go for shorts
uniqlo doesnt ship to canada and I dont want to go international
pls respond

>> No.8573879

Looks ok. If I could fucking see what you were wearing.

Dirty hipster faggot, looks like utter shit. Are you a uni student? You look like a uni student.

Nice colours, shoes suck.

>> No.8573887

I'm not from Canada. So I may not be the most help but for that price e I would look at American Apparel or Urban Outfitters

>> No.8573897
File: 616 KB, 2431x2967, bNh6d0i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lovely day

>> No.8573912

>just got paid
>stack it up
>be on my way

fit 3/10

>> No.8573921

bday are you cut or uncut?

i need a better visual so i have some more jerkoff material

>> No.8573931

what shoes are those and where did u get them

>> No.8573933

Not /fa, but chill would hang around fit.

>> No.8573938
File: 2.35 MB, 2048x2048, 4d678db7-75c6-442a-804c-94102e1f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8573945

thx for the help bday
ur srsly not canadian?
am sad now

>> No.8573952

he lives in colorado

>not knowing as many details about bday as possible

>> No.8573963

srry I'm new... someone said he was canadian in a thread a few days ago
guys less of my idol now :(
tell me more about him/ tell me where to buy shorts in canadiuh
pls respon

>> No.8573968
File: 6 KB, 240x176, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When will this bomber jacket fad end?

>> No.8574058

The last conspiracy. From their website

>> No.8574070

w2c jacket?

>> No.8574082

would recommend getting on sale tbh, not worth full price

>> No.8574089

kek'd at those lips

>> No.8574094

w2c jacket?

>> No.8574106

FUCKING kill yourself nigger

>> No.8574107 [DELETED] 

soz for whoring but i am desperate

>> No.8574108

i agree

>> No.8574113

ayyy what the hell is going on in here

why is everyone so angry

>> No.8574142

o-oh I thought this was a friendly board
interested in fashoon n stuff
not shitposting and being gay like /b/
was I mistaken...?

>> No.8574167


>> No.8574188


everything else in this thread is ..........

>> No.8574207

Your taste in fashion directly correlates with how you dress yourself. Boring with no personality. I won't disagree that this thread is shit tho.

>> No.8574213
File: 2.06 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN4940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this shirt shit?

>> No.8574215

wanna b friends?

>> No.8574218


>> No.8574221

ye, but I'd be concerned about jeans, too baggy

>> No.8574223

Not a huge fan of the dominant light blue but otherwise bretty gud

>> No.8574227

it'd be better to get a shot at chest or neck height, proportions look wack at this angle

shirt is interesting, could work with some summer fit but not with those jeans

>> No.8574229

their trousers, the pic doesn't really show but they have more of a cargo texture

I'm really hesitant to wear a "foreign" fit but my buddy from the DRC gave me this shirt and I wanna make use of it

>> No.8574233

gonna grab a pic with shorts and better angle

>> No.8574235

id on the sweatshirt?

>> No.8574264
File: 144 KB, 992x1392, 0fa7df67-7daf-4081-a69e-c84665ce9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work finally over. I'm beat. Mfa fit ftw

And ya im aware the sleeves are still rolled like shit, idc. Shirt goes into laundry today.

>> No.8574269
File: 826 KB, 1009x2806, DSCN4947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any better? This might be too cruisecore

>> No.8574275

If you're not posting q_ko panties then don't post at all you cunty poof

>> No.8574284


I'd give those shorts a roll myself but fit is nice imo

>> No.8574286

yea definitely better
shorts fit is very dece compared to those trousers

>> No.8574305

Ask her yourself, you insecure bish

>> No.8574320
File: 32 KB, 267x280, 1354794100951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you should wear that stripey top of yours its very effay lol!!!

>> No.8574371
File: 379 KB, 3264x2448, cdbd6ce2-e515-46d7-aa37-04ee4d271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brought to you with pain and suffering

>> No.8574389

good fit mein niggr

>> No.8574458

outfit ID bdai??

>> No.8574483
File: 434 KB, 3264x2448, 2bb56959-bff6-498e-a08f-7c934dbde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old hat from hawaii
Alpha Industries Nyco EWCS Parka
Carhartt Viscous pants
Nike Trainerendors
Camelbak backpack

>> No.8574534

stop posting this cheap shit over and over again

>> No.8574550

i was diagnosed with an irritable bowel today

>> No.8574552
File: 7 KB, 402x142, how2browse.fa..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8574558

I actually like this...

>> No.8574560

that is straight fucking dope. why is birthday so cool, guys?

>> No.8574594

lookin good bday

>> No.8574608

thanks mon
rly dont kno why u get so much h8 on here so often
like the kids just trying to experiment n get feedback n shit sheesh goyz

>> No.8574619

What ever happened to trunks? I haven't been on here in months.

>> No.8574630

trunks is kill

wore a girls outfit n then stab himself with rapier

>> No.8574640

He still posts here just not as often. Posted a fit like 2 days ago.

>> No.8574657

Thanks im really enjoying it aswell

>> No.8574658

last fit was fucking clutch as well
that dudes more mature than 99% of this board

>> No.8574665

pls go trunks

>> No.8574670

It didn't used to be that way. He used to be a lot like Birthday, so I'm hoping Birthday becomes a lot more mild, since he's not leaving any time soon.

>> No.8574682

cute bae :3
post some pics maybe?

>> No.8574684

have any old trunks (excuse me, "certified male model trunks") fits saved? would love to see the evolution

>> No.8574689

all black... really cutting edge there kid

>> No.8574697

Not on my phone, bud. I think my favorite was his floral diy shirt that was most likely made from curtains.

>> No.8574699
File: 341 KB, 446x929, DSC_0485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my other thread, about my ongoing weight loss and such, I promised myself I would post a shot of some of the clothing I bought in my quest to stop dressing like a man.

The shirt and shoes are both bought yesterday. I also made sure to wear a slim silver necklace and earrings. Hopefully, it's a start.

Hanging on the dresser is my first ever sundress. The fit pic is still floating around in my other thread.

>> No.8574716

Dont really like the shirt, bottom half is ok

>> No.8574733


>> No.8574735

those shoes look awesome! capris are kinda eh in general, and work with the shoes and with the top separately, but overall the lower half doesn't mesh with the top, imo.

>> No.8574755

You dress like my mom, but that's an improvement over dressing like a man, I guess.

>> No.8574758

what disgusting clothes and body.

>> No.8574803

I know you probably want to dress more feminine but I would say you shouldn't really care because the girly top ruins the fit. I think a shell or fleece here would make a move techy fit.

>> No.8574825

True enough. But I think I came to the conclusion that the techwear aesthetic is pretty much impossible to pull off during summer. Too much emphasis on dark shades and layering. It's been 30°C or higher here for the last two weeks.

But, thanks for the feedback, not just you, but the other posters. I'll be trying to keep an eye out for feminine pieces that are not tumblr-girly.

>> No.8574828

Don't have any on my phone but you have mainly phases for his evolution in clothing
1.ahh shit nigga what are you doing(this may apply to every level but this one much more)
2. Dressed by /fa/. Flecktarns skinnies stuff like that
3. Muh designers bought hyped and cheap items from popular designers. Insert pink/purple Rick jacket with baby blue dbss fit here
4. Goth-ninja. Ann D Rick Owens usually what Trunks is dressed in
5. Current state basic drapey fits, scoop necks, more calm and formal overall

>> No.8574849

Techwear is definitely possible you just need a tee instead of a Hardshell, midlands, and base like you might in the winter. What you have on now for the bottom is perfect.

>> No.8574851

blowin blunts, rollin doobies up, Trunks' room of dressinnnn

>> No.8574862

dont be a baby

>> No.8574878

It's going to be stuck in my head, too.

>> No.8574883

Find me a techwear brand that doesn't produce mostly black/olive/Grey clothing. I'm making due with what I have, plus I think the all black works here.

>> No.8574893

go shitpost in [s4c] faggot

>> No.8574904


its just a boring fit that you basically post constantly with one or two details changed about it

>> No.8574906


On average, how long do you spend on /fa/?

>> No.8574910

because he constantly shitposts and thinks that he is the best

YOU need to learn to take the criticism, leave the trolls alone and calm the fuck down
i hope that you have stopped with the shitposting already, because as you can see it brings nothing but hate

otherwise, fit is between ok and cool
dont like the pants that much
but the other ones like with the red jacket and shit have truly been shit

>> No.8574916


>> No.8574922

ayy lmao

>> No.8574975
File: 77 KB, 828x828, c369cea4-43c1-42ac-98eb-ec228a7a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stfu you cunt I am better than you and basically everyone here.

>> No.8575047

you're the shitposter, homosexual male.

>> No.8575049
File: 1.40 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC shirt
Alexander Wang Chinos
Brand new birks

>> No.8575058
File: 23 KB, 480x640, 3dytWFk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 me
be gentle pls

>> No.8575060


>> No.8575063

do you like the penis?
cause if I saw you on the outs I'd think
..hmm that fellow really would like a benis inside his rectal cavity

>> No.8575066


>> No.8575077
File: 170 KB, 852x480, suits-204-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c bomber

>> No.8575081

i thought you were a girl now i'm not so sure but it's a very effeminate outfit so you know.

>> No.8575088
File: 29 KB, 339x410, 8d0f54d1-7e6b-4e72-95ac-3b1f914c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being able to read

>> No.8575092

i was just trying to side with you, but you are just continuing being a fucking nigger
suck my cock

>> No.8575102

Ya all look like a Faggot

>> No.8575112
File: 1.97 MB, 2448x3264, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

palewave aint dead

>> No.8575117

Yes those are Arc'teryx so they are techy but first of all they aren't Veilance so you get annoying contrast stitching and logo. Second the colors are kind of tacky and would be pretty hard to pull off. Even if I was to buy a jacket that was colorful it would never be as versatile as a black or olive jacket is.

>> No.8575118
File: 150 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the jacket is this one right?

>> No.8575123

birthday, could u get some black shoes and fingerless gloves and cosplay as mc ride for me please

>> No.8575128

good album

>> No.8575131


>> No.8575135

p chill

palewave looks so nice and refreshing

>> No.8575136
File: 29 KB, 250x250, 573478db-f9d8-4f52-bb1e-f3dbc9e51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking chill dude. I'm just messing with ya. I didn't actually think people took my shit posting seriously. Like do you think all the Australians are that retarded? I promise to be a better babby but you gotta take a couple chill pills K?

>> No.8575141 [DELETED] 

I found this oversized 1990s tacky "brand name" shirt and cut out the colar and shortened the sleeves and i love how it sits on me but do these shoes go with the fit? I got them back in 1998
I'm waiting for white hi top reeboks to arrive

>> No.8575143 [DELETED] 
File: 798 KB, 2142x2856, 100_6301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8575145
File: 3.45 MB, 3120x4208, CAM00388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8575146


top half is good but I snorted out loud when i scrolled down to your legs

>> No.8575149

that's terrible

>> No.8575152


tycho website

>> No.8575156


could be good with pale gray or lightwash jeans and white shoes

>> No.8575165 [DELETED] 
File: 629 KB, 2142x2447, 100_6301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for white hi top reeboks to arrive
i made the shirt out of a 1990s oversized tshirt of some "cool brand". cut out the colar and shortened sleeves

>> No.8575169



>> No.8575170


>> No.8575172

why dont you wear your retard helmet with that for maximum mental handicapped vibes?

>> No.8575175

you're just jelly, stop hating

>> No.8575181


>> No.8575184

post your fits

>> No.8575186

ad hominem :')

>> No.8575188

why didnt u get af1s instead of the reeboks u fag

shit fit btw

>> No.8575189

im not my little malnutritioned forrest gump
nice glasses btw, what are those?

>> No.8575191

dude, that shirt is not the look. Very pale otherwise, but that shirt looks like a drees shirt, which should never be worn as anything other than that.

>> No.8575196 [DELETED] 

$asos ebay
jawns $11 (50% off $23) forever21

>> No.8575200

$9 asos
jeans $11 forever21 ("Acid Washed Skinny Jeans")

>> No.8575203

oh the ironing


>> No.8575205

So this is the fgagot thats been shitting on me?


>> No.8575206


>> No.8575207

Shitting about what?
You probly deserved it.

>> No.8575212

w2c shoes?

>> No.8575214
File: 701 KB, 1042x1152, fitx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no buly

>> No.8575215

manlet and all your clothes are too big

>matching shoes to shirt

>> No.8575218

nice. w2c shoes

>> No.8575221

well it started about 70 years ago and hasn't slowed down, so i'm going with never

>> No.8575224

Bitch nerd pussy tits cake slut, father-fucking cheap excuse for an organism log out off life with the remember password box unchecked

>> No.8575231

cup out meme shoes
lazy choice, unimaginative, juvenile, nigger nikes

>> No.8575232

theres no remember password box when you log out tho

>> No.8575233

Nice fit. W2C jacket ?

>> No.8575236



>> No.8575241

I think i look good, what is wrong with that fit?
I have Bruce Willis body type, anorexic nigger

>> No.8575242

go darker
avoid pink unless you want a prep look
no really....

>> No.8575243


>> No.8575245


>> No.8575250
File: 29 KB, 362x479, Fit6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8575254

You...you feelin...you feelin blue a..anon?

>> No.8575258

good one m8
you look like you take it in the butt and then lick the cum off the dick and mix it into your milkshake and get off to the memory after you've finish shitting

>> No.8575259
File: 113 KB, 438x367, 4161738001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur a big meanie and dress really bad pls go away

>> No.8575263

Haha, just a little.

>> No.8575266

slimmer jeans would make this great

>> No.8575267

saved for inspo

spot on, imo

>> No.8575269

nice fit
nice shoes w2c

>> No.8575270

you sound like you know what you are talking about
how do you even come up with stuff like that? you have odd ideas
admit it, you just hate on me because i wear that Israel army tshirt
sand nigger lover

>> No.8575272

check ur privilege, nerd

>> No.8575276

If you're so proud of your fit why did you delete your post? Read the sticky experiment a bit in then come back. In the mean time though, fuck back of to /pol/

>> No.8575280

Why are you so salty? Please go back to /b/ or wherever you came from?

>> No.8575285
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you can use ebay for uniqlo

>> No.8575291

Don't like trainerendors here they look to clean

>> No.8575292

nike trainerendors

/fa/ will crucify me for this but the jacket is an asos bomber

>> No.8575297
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>> No.8575302

>tycho shirt
>Band shirts in general


>> No.8575305

>wears cheap ugly shit

>thinks he has authority everywhere

please drink bleach.

>> No.8575306


>> No.8575316

>samefags and sand nigger lovers hating on a stylin zionist

>> No.8575322

How tall, what size was jacket?

>> No.8575325

w2c jeans?

>> No.8575328


>> No.8575331
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>> No.8575341

New Balance is tacky, give to dad
small heda
muh bucket hat is all wrong

>> No.8575346
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>> No.8575349

>black & white
>with beige /brown tones shoes

>> No.8575354

>the dude that talks shit about your fits

>> No.8575355

Too ugly, wouldn't bang
Bad fit bad

>> No.8575359

Replace shoes with Roshes and then 9/10, otherwise solid 8/10 v good

>> No.8575366

Shoes look huge on you.

>> No.8575367


>> No.8575371

pls start tripping so i can filter you, so tired of the same shit allday errday

>> No.8575372
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They are just as meme, juvenile, ubiquitous, monkey shoes

>> No.8575377

Monkey shoes?

>> No.8575378

Yea but I like new balance and the small head is prob the angle
Didn't bring any other shoes on holidays ;-;
It's the angle or maybe size 7 is huge

>> No.8575383

U look like a retard who got dressed by his mother

>> No.8575388

Nah I'm good, you might as well tell everyone else to trip as well so you can filter out all these other fits that are the "same" everyday.
>Post fit

>> No.8575408

What's cooking good looking? ;)

>> No.8575430

Aside from the black pants on black shoes, wouldnt this be normcore? Like just basic everyday clothes that normal people wear

>> No.8575432

Is this streetwear?

>> No.8575438

thanks bb!!!
ur what keeps /fa/ goin

>> No.8575448

lol igor pls go
nvr return

>> No.8575453

can you get more pleb

>> No.8575456

You have beautiful ankles

>> No.8575465

w2c yeezy roshes?

>> No.8575476

nice shirt man

>> No.8575477
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no sox

>> No.8575494

cant say fo sure cus i can't see ur face but i dont think u pull of that jacket very well tbh

>> No.8575503


>180 pounds and well built from gym
>insecure about dainty ass ankles

t-thanks anon

>> No.8575515

Yeah :/

>> No.8575519

.. your sandals look two sizes too big. rad shirt


cool. can you swap for shoes with less boxy soles?

>> No.8575528
File: 184 KB, 450x427, DSC_0486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back from Costco of all place. Cheap prices, but no fitting rooms make buying clothing a hassle. Got two pairs of jeans, one coloured, but after trying them on at home, I hate the red ones, will return. But, I hope the grey ones look alright. I think I'm going to avoid blue denim like the plague. I associate blue denim with mom jeans, and my body size wouldn't help that at all.

Yes, I have to get them hemmed. It's rare when I find a pair of pants that I don't have to get hemmed.

Also picked up this white 3/4 sleeve, and a few other basics that I was lacking in the proper sizes.

>> No.8575532

Why are you even on /fa?

Why do you think your clothes are even worth getting hemmed?

>> No.8575533

Dope fit, w2c melanin

>> No.8575534

I actually like the red ones more here!

>> No.8575535
File: 63 KB, 584x643, its happening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fuck

>> No.8575536


>> No.8575540

Because even fat fucks go on /fit/. Gotta start somewhere.

>> No.8575548

nice dubs, but this is Momcore as fuck

>> No.8575559
File: 71 KB, 343x357, goddamnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i post frequently

you post yourself in:
>white shirt, black shorts, flip flops
>graphic t, black shorts, flip flops
>alternate the above with a bucket hat or new balance
>fashion board

if you're not going to even bother to try, why post?

>> No.8575564

ignore reatards

Just buy "safe" clothes, dont get anything too extravagant until you've been here for like 3 months, youll get the taste and a style somehow.
Otherwise, youll be regretting cops v often

>> No.8575569

i still don't get the appeal of new balance shoes or bucket hats.

>> No.8575580

keep working on it, you'll get there.

>> No.8575585

this. i know from personal experience
yung lean/odd future

>> No.8575592
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U obviously have no sense or taste in fashion.
Let someone else pick clothes for you next time

>> No.8575609

But why would monkeys need shoes? /rekt

>> No.8575626

Why do they leave stickers on their hats? Fuck if I know.

>> No.8575631

Jeans are straight but my nigga why you got the punishers jacket on and its hot as hell outside, the dan sun from the telletubies is peeking thru ya window. Take that goofy joint off and iron your shirt, money.

>> No.8575638

>was talking about actual monkeys
>see the direction that this was actually taking

>> No.8575642
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>> No.8575649

r u the ssbm mango

>> No.8575651
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this looks more socially acceptable that the other one but goddamn take some time and lurk. read the sticky, inform yourself, lurk more and get a better understanding of what looks good. also keep loosing weight
nice tits

>> No.8575653

You're too skinny to wear a polo.

>> No.8575666

items: F0x onLLLy
fin_ al-:-

>> No.8575673

my nigga are you wearing that to bed? Your top half look like schoolboy and your bottom look like that nigga Ernest that had the Christmas movie. Nice kicks doe brush you can do it

>> No.8575687

>Ernest goes to Fig Side

>> No.8575690

Pants could fit better. They sack i little in the wrong places. Find some pants that really make go 'Aww fuck yeah' in your head. They also make the shoe look a little off.
It's close though, gj.

>> No.8575692
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Trunks has had some really cool fits and some total shit ones

I maintain that this fireman jacket could have been dope if he'd used it in a different fit

>> No.8575694

nah isnt v hot in the uk

>> No.8575701
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Is this an acceptable colour combo?

>> No.8575704

Solid fit. I don't really like those model of Converse as much as everyone else seems to but that's just me.

>> No.8575705

Would you mind telling me your pit-to-pit and Nyco ECWCS size?

>> No.8575713

Change dose jeans and get a new era fitted and you good my nigga. Also don't hold ya masenko like that gohan

>> No.8575724

Tycho is a joke

>> No.8575730

What frat did you pledge? How bad was the hazing? Tell us stories, man!

>> No.8575733

You should try reading the sticky more

>> No.8575745

would be really dope if it didn't say the band name

>> No.8575752

Whiteout bru

>> No.8575757

how far is this place from your house?

>> No.8575767

Dis nigga look like he was told by the fireman to stay put and was promptly forgot about.

Why y'all be trying to encourage fuckery?

>> No.8575774

Don't go boat shoes. (They also look i number too big?) And if you're going shirt + shorts pick a shirt that isn't a >dress< shirt. Or you'll get annoying frat joke replies.

>> No.8575783

If you had better shoes you'd be straight bruh Cuz those look like albino psyducks and yo laces is lopsided look like your blind niece tried to tie em.

I believe in you doe. Alota niggas on here won't tell you dat

>> No.8575794

Try palewave there's no way you could fail with such limited pallet

>> No.8575801

danks nigra, yo ma main doh homey PeAcE

>> No.8575845

good meme trips

>> No.8575858
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lol I just think its a pretty interesting piece... unfortunately he posted one fit with it and got shit on so much he ditched it. Too bad he didn't do the same with these boots, which he posted in like 15 fits before finally realizing they were shit

>> No.8575884

Ahh that guy... I can almost hear him say "Techno interests me."

>> No.8576109
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> not liking tycho

>> No.8576126

His full nazgul fit that he trolled mfa with is top fucking percent

>> No.8576204

Pretty sure it's the our legacy shield jacket from last year, not sure if it's available for this season, great jacket anyways, incredibly versatile

>> No.8576233


>> No.8576415

I actually really like it

>> No.8576510

if you're still here its this one

>> No.8576665
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>> No.8576776

