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/fa/ - Fashion

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8556125 No.8556125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are people going to wear in the future? I thought by now we were all supposed to be wearing metallic jump suits and shit.

Will the suit ever be replaced?
Will togas make a comeback?

>> No.8556148

>metallic jumpsuits

nigga fashion is like a spiral of madness and aesthetics, some things will stay forever as the center of the spiral, some thing will be throuwn away on the dge of it, some thing will stay some will fade away

probably in a couple of years we will see engineered suits and cocktail dresses while seeing very plain and minimalistic casual wear

>> No.8557265


20 years from now.
The mix of different color palettes and textures, everything will be cotton , this will happen also in an architectural way.
Screencap this, I come from the future.

>> No.8557300

>tfw no Coins, Keys or Candy For Cuties


>> No.8557304
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patrik ervell

>> No.8557323
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i think the fashion in the movie Her is one of the more realistic depictions of what we might wear

style seems to repeat itself, like how a lot of 90s and 80s fashion and motifs seems to be currently coming back. the style in Her resembled clothing from the 70s and 80s but is still visible modern.

im tired as hell and i feel loopy but do you get what im sayin?

>> No.8557380

>wanting to make everything made out of cotton
>cotton is getting more expensive
>wanting to make buildings more expensive
>with this economy

kek, i cant see nothing but minimalist buildings in more that 25 years, fashion isnt going to change just because some faggot on the internet said it so, everything is influenced by the einvoirement

>> No.8557397
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I've always thought it would be small changes to basic core fashion pieces like suits and shit

>> No.8557399

I came in this thread to post this

>> No.8557400 [DELETED] 

Why would you say that and then post Raf?

>> No.8557488


>> No.8557499

yeah we've kinda been on a 20 year cycle since the 70s

>> No.8557507

this will be exactly it

>> No.8557520

Near future Velour.
Decade from now, 3D printed to fit plastics.

>> No.8557918

nothing bc were all gonna be dead when ww3 hits in september
sceencap this
an earthquake magnitude 8 will hit chile on th e 30th

>> No.8557926

>patrik ervell

ayy lmao

>> No.8558036


WTF... is Bishop wearing RAFIDAS?

>> No.8558043
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>> No.8558064


>> No.8559532


fuckin nxtlvl

>> No.8559594

i love this fit. that frilly stuff adds something really special. so cool

>> No.8559608


It's (likely) ostrich feather, but synthetic alternatives abound.

>> No.8561541

does ostrich look like that? looks more like individual fibers than fibers connected to feathers
like llama almost

>> No.8562829
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>> No.8563192

I think polyester blended activewear has already taken over as far as the masses are concerned. "Fashionable" people will keep playing on trends and revisiting historical references, but the mainsteam will choose affordable and comfortable every time. I don't think minimalism will become popular with the general population however. That will continue to be niche.

>> No.8565419
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>no barbarella

>> No.8566732
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Batman Beyond is a great example of plausible futuristic fashion.

>suits without labels
>solid colors
>slim fits
>henleys with the whole button area removed

I like it.

>> No.8566737

>black belt
>brown shoes

>> No.8566747


They might be sneakers.

You only have to match when they're dressy stuff.

>> No.8566751


Is that a rule right ther?

>> No.8566757

brb calling fashion police

>> No.8566762
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Her fashion for the middle class Earth people

if we settle space, Lunarcore for those people

for higher class Earth I'm going to go with deus ex human revolution cyber renaissance style

>> No.8566769
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>Trying to call the police on Batman

>> No.8566772


I´d go for everything Jodie Foster wore in Elysium

>> No.8566785

>walk down the street in militarycore bordering on post-apo cause mostly black fit
>a chav sees me and yells at his friends
>I keep walking and yell back
>"Y-yeah well don't get ahead of yourself m8.."

it's a goof deel

>> No.8566794



>> No.8566795

If society continues it's trajectory of militarization, at some point normal people MIGHT dress a little like OP's alien still. It's depressing to think that the world is actually going to get even grimmer and drabber than it already is.

>> No.8566803

We're militarizing? Since when?
If it brings us cool lunarcore fits it's not really a depressing thought.

>> No.8566805
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this seems about right

>> No.8566809

The Mohawkers were by far the effayest gang.

>> No.8566810

No offense, anon, but do you ever watch the news?

>> No.8566819

When the end finally comes, I'm join' full-on Road Warrior-core. Football shoulder pads and a fucking red mohawk.

>> No.8566825


>> No.8566828

How long have you been watching the news? Ever since news became a thing, war always got a shitload of coverage.

Clearly you weren't there when the war on terror thing was in full swing. Compared to that, we're living in an utopian hippiefest of a world.
And the war on terror was a hippiefest compared to what happened in the XXth century

Maybe you're living in Ukraine or some other irrelevant shithole but those don't even know that peace is a thing

>> No.8566836

Well at least I can get cooler milsurp fits going.

Hell, let's start pushing the trend. Wear webbing gear, coveralls, etc.

>> No.8566837

as some as Thom Browne suits came out you had to think we were going to go looser and baggy soon.

or will someone make a smaller tighter suit than ysl and thom?

>> No.8566838

well you better start bulkin', because there's only two kinds of Mohawkers: tops, and bottoms.

>> No.8566851

The next gangs will be the Flame Boys, the Polecats, and the War Boys of the Citadel, according to concept art.

>> No.8566857

we won't need clothes because we'll live in a perfect clean society with no harsh conditions

>> No.8566865


>> No.8566886
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>we're living in an utopian hippiefest of a world.

I don't know where you live, anon, but I wanna move there.

>> No.8566895

France. Jews are mind-controlling the elites into sending what few soldiers we have in Kebab countries.

>> No.8566903

>not untrained jocks with tactical gear

>> No.8566942

Are you seriously attempting to imply that the typical American cop isn't/wasn't some shithead jock when he was in school?

Speaking in regards to America, at least, you'd have to be blind and oblivious to not be aware of the militaristic conditioning we're always receiving. Militarizing a country and its populace doesn't just happen overnight, you know. It's a slow, insidious process, anon. But the point is, city cops have motherfucking tanks and machine guns.

>> No.8566963

I'd love to live in France, anon, even with kebabs and whatever racial tension bullshit is going on there. I really don't see how it could be any worse than America, really, except the races are different and the bullshit hits you in different ways.

>> No.8566977

>you in charge of history
the world is in the best shape it's ever been since humans began to rule it, we're more tolerant, civilized and advanced than ever.
you're watching way too many movies

>> No.8566987

Same with demilitarization, and you haven't even noticed that it's been going on for decades, because it's been going on for decades. And giving scarier costumes to our cops won't make our society any more militarized. Not when the gubmint of each country has to make up tons of bullshit excuses about democracy and human rights in order to engage in military actions and chastise each other every time a handful of soldiers get killed.

>> No.8566995

Lol, france is a mid tier euro country and everyone there would be a dick to you for being an american. Find a state you like.

>> No.8567002

loool love that quote errytime dis gets posted

>> No.8567011

Well first off we don't have shameless, badass TV ads like in the US about delicious junk food. Here, every time a food product is advertised, there's an annoying message or line about how you should eat healthy, watch your carbs, go to bed early, brush your teeth, study well at school, pay your taxes, be polite, help the old ladies cross the street, be a good citizen and always be happy but also wary of everything because everything is carcinogenic and gives you ear hair and bad breath.
it gets tiring after a while.

>> No.8567017

No, we're just dicks to everyone. Hating Americans is so early 2000s.

>> No.8567018

I don't believe human nature has changed one whit since caveman days. Our savagery is just expressed in different ways, and it's harder to recognize. But our civilized behavior is really just the thinnest of veneers, and we (humans) do crazy evil shit when things go wrong. You're aware of the theory of "shadow?" Well, I think all people have shadows that are far, FAR darker that they even realize..

>> No.8567029

You know I don't say that often, because, let's face it, 99,99% of the time, it's uncalled for, but man, you're trying waaayyyy too hard to be edgy.

I'm not even sure whether those two full stops at the end of your sentence are a typo or for dramatic effect.

>> No.8567058

Naw, just a typo. And I'm not being edgy, I've just been watching shit on youtube today, like that Ukranian bloodbath from a month or so ago. I'm speaking of the one where all those people got lured into a government building and ended up getting raped, killed and set on fire. Gory, savage shit like that makes you realize how close we all are to that sort of thing. And I would actually encourage you to maybe open up to the possibility, even if it makes you feel uncomfortably "edgy," because wars and social chaos CAN spontaneously happen even in places where you'd swear it wasn't possible. Evil shit happens, anions, and it proves what ordinary people are capable of.

>> No.8567063


>> No.8567066

>I don't believe human nature has changed one whit since caveman days
well, neither do i, but at least we're a bit more controlled now

>> No.8567069

You saw congenitally warlike savages (also known as slavs) kill each other, and you jumped to the conclusion that it could happen anywhere and that we're all like Ukrainians because gubmint?

You fucking wish we had as much balls as slavs, if our gubmints pulled the same kind of shit on us, we'd quiet down within two weeks.

>> No.8567085

Back Mother Theresa into a corner and she'll stab your ass dead, anon. Anyone is capable of anything, whether they're fucking Slavs or not. Know thyself, anon.

>> No.8567094

yeah no
some people are pussies, and Mother Theresa isn't one of them.
People don't behave entirely at random, and you're blowing things massively out of proportions.

Do you have an anxiety disorder of some kind or are you just discovering that people can be mean to each other ?

>> No.8567147

Bro, before I abandon this thread, all I can say is you must not have ever suffered through gang violence or anything like that. Trust me, obsessing over people's capacity to go with the flow and get caught up in lynch mob-like violence is just a normal, natural response to life events for some people. I feel happy for you that you don't know what the fuck I'm even talking about.

>> No.8567297

who the fuck let a /pol/tard loose

>> No.8567343

>skirts will disappear completely.
>he'll be fitted with a telephone and a radio.
This is actually pretty spooky. They must have had info from time travelers or some shit.

>> No.8567369

Lunarcore will be the future.

>> No.8567399
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sometimes their shit is 2spooky and other times it's completely ridiculous.
often both.

>> No.8567559

It makes me fucking sick, so boring. We're rehashing shit that is only twenty years old. Jesus Christ.

>> No.8567575

How naive they were. Wasn't wrong about skirts disappearing, though.

>> No.8567580

This was my first thought, too.

>> No.8569379


>> No.8569472

Are you high?

Fucking go outside.

>> No.8569495

Everything was so aesthetic in DE:HR. From the interior design to the clothing, it was definitely pleasing to the eye.

>> No.8569600


yoga pants dude

>> No.8569629

the outfit at 0:51 is dope as fuck.

>> No.8569655
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>tfw no lunarcore, just swagfags and baggy hoodies for everyone

>> No.8570074

skirts are still around
i was more spooked by
>the air will be kept at a constant temp with science

>> No.8571660

>an earthquake magnitude 8 will hit chile on th e 30th
are those news? i bet chile haves an earthqueake every month not even they give a fuck

>> No.8571663

this fucking pleb

someone ban this faggot