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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 59 KB, 618x434, snpgdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8562600 No.8562600[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My hairdressed fucked my hair beyond belief. Plain and simple fucking undercut that anyone could fucking do and he went and shaved off the long hairs on top high on my head on one side.

So now, think of an undercut. Plain, simple. Long hairs on top, back and sides shaved. It's all good.

And then on one side, there's a bunch of long hairs missing. So now it's an uneven undercut high on my head.

This was a few weeks ago. Thank god I didn't spend that much.

So I've resigned myself to knowing that even when it all grows out, I'll still have this retarded chunk of hair that's 4 inches longer than everything else.

Tell me about your fucked up hair situations, please. I'm miserable. I was so close to having the hair I wanted. Now I have to wait a full year to grow another six inches.

On top of that, any tips on growing out your hair faster besides eating right and drinking a shitton of water?

>> No.8562613

need pics, sketches even

>> No.8562618

>you will never be as aesthetic as Jake Gyllenhaal

>> No.8562619

I only have the problem of hair dressers always cutting off too much.
I'm asking them to cut a maximum of 5 cms. They go ahead and chop off 15.

Been trying to get ridiculously long hair for years. Still at slightly longer than average long hair because hair dressers don't listen to your wishes and want everyone to look the same.

>> No.8562625


I don't quite understand

>> No.8562651
File: 318 KB, 2448x3264, iZfQj16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the good side. Parted at the proper place on my head, hooray, right?

>> No.8562660
File: 317 KB, 2448x3264, l4PblbP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Shit I want to kick a puppy looking at these pictures again.

>> No.8562662


>> No.8562678
File: 3.52 MB, 320x180, laughing-puppets-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God my sides!

OP I feel for you bro

>> No.8562684

ayy lmao

either buzzcut or sweep hair over to that side I guess lol

>> No.8562685

...Why did you let them continue to butcher your hair if you're that invested in it? Were you asleep while you were getting your hair cut? Why did you pay for it if they fucked it up that badly?

Seriously man, you actually could have stopped this.

>> No.8562690

that's all I've got. I comb it back and diagonal, so it's passable. I'm just pissed about the eventual retarded growth of it all.

Or on shit days, beanie or cap.

>> No.8562693

I seriously hope you didn't pay for that haircut OP.

>> No.8562694

damn man, im sorry

>> No.8562704

Should have told him how high you wanted your sides you autist

>> No.8562705

glasses. blind as shit without them

trusted this faggot not to fuck things up because he did me right before

and yes kind of asleep I like it when people rub my head

>> No.8562712

I gave him a fucking picture


I don't know what the fuck he was on.

>> No.8562715
File: 347 KB, 705x500, 1406150082459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your phone case is beyond tasteless and you look like a massive faggot.

>> No.8562719

Is this really OP or is someone posting pics of a retard?

>> No.8562724

Post a profile view OP

I want to get a good laugh

>> No.8562728


it was a gift from my sister

>> No.8562745

You use a phone case that was given to you by a stupid twelve year old? I bet you take fashion advice from your mom, too.

>> No.8562750

Post pic of how you wear it bruh

>> No.8562755

spending money on other shit. like clothes

shitty phone case > no case

>> No.8562758

>putting a case on your phone
Fucking pleb

>> No.8562760

pussy fucking tipped good i bet hahaha

>> No.8562761

It's this sort of absent-mindedness that allowed your hair to get so fucked up. And most likely, a ton of numbskull-tier life choices.

>> No.8562763
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, laughing koalas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty phone case > no case

>> No.8562768

I don't have glasses, so I guess I can understand if you couldn't see and you'd let your guard down... But if keeping my undercut perfect was that important to me, I'd probably wear contacts and watch the fucker like a hawk, especially if that person wasn't my regular stylist. I mean, if you were a nigga and he fucked up your hairline as bad as he fucked up your undercut, you probably would have chimped out and shot him on the spot.

I feel like you didn't even bitch him out though. God, I really hope you at least didn't tip in the case that you didn't say anything.

>> No.8562776


this is why i never got an undercut cuz the one time you take a chunk off the top is the one time you have to buzz all off. ive been seeing a lot of people with mohawks lately who are obviously not into punk and it means just that: a fucked up undercut.

>> No.8562782

>frameless glasses
It sure as hell looks like him mom bought his glasses for him, so it'd make sense if he takes fashion advice from his mom. It'd also explain why he didn't withhold payment and tear the stylist a new asshole, because his mom was probably paying for it.

>> No.8562783

I'm not completely retarded

No tip ofc


I almost wanted to get it evened out but I wasn't goin anywhere near that fucker again. And I didn't want that mohawk. I figure it'll be a slow process but I'll do it like girls do when they get shitty asymmetrical bob cuts.

Grow it out, trim the long sides slowly until they get even

>> No.8562787

>raging this hard
I bet you didn't say shit to the barber. You probably just payed him, maybe even tipped him, and left like the beta faggot you are.

>> No.8562791


this can make u feel better if u havent seen it b4

>> No.8562800


close enough

you win

>> No.8562803

wtf is this shit

>> No.8562804


OP, my advice: cut your own hair. it's what I do. those hacks don't see my money anymore.

>> No.8562807


>> No.8562817

nice try

you just want me to come back in six months to show off my DIY cut

>> No.8562823

id give to be in your position OP
when i was cutting my hair i wanted to try
shaving off my widows peak and it looked better
whenever i did my hair
but the huuuuge prob that i didnt realized is that
my hair grows fairly quickly or at least in the start of it
so unless i shave this little triangle patch of stubble it looks weird as shit
so no ive been trying to let it grow out
and ive been wearing hats religiously
but now i find out i have a wedding to go to on thursday or something and its not long enough to style it into my hair so now i have to shave off the progress ive been making just so you cant see a small triangle patch of very uneven hair
...fuck me

>> No.8562824

Not him but it's really not that fucking hard to shave the back and the sides. I've done it for years now and have never fucked up unlike your barber...

>> No.8562830

teach me. I've got shears and like...a dozen numbered clips

clip up the top, put on a 2 and go to town on the back and sides?

>> No.8562838

ty for sticking to topic

it's okay man, rock that beanie/snapback/ejfdkfjk

honestly, having to wear a beanie was kind of fun to style fits around

>> No.8562842
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>> No.8562846

Yep, it's easy af.
If you're not confident and can put up with faggots there's plenty of vids on youtube showing how to do it

>> No.8562905
File: 27 KB, 263x395, 946097_573167939427692_1311249739_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like slouchy beanies alot
i just unfortunately dont have any
so i just wear snapbacks
and those dont always go with my fits
esp at a wedding or like today when i went to
also heres a jap mma doc that has a fighter with a decent slouchy beanie and another figher with a similar haircut like yours OP maybe you can make yours like his and make it rock idk
here it is and make sure to turn on CC

>> No.8562922

But OP looks like a bitch, he couldn't pull off something like that

>> No.8562930
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 393999_549266748423257_1432152266_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8562948

guess I'll to go /fit/

>> No.8562950

You will go, but you will not like it.

>> No.8563032
File: 71 KB, 603x603, 1351561337144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont tell him that
its fun and addicting
youre gonna always feel small
because youll never be as big as you want to be..
its like chasing the dragon..

>> No.8563123
File: 91 KB, 1600x1012, roflmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not cutting your own hair
Would understand if you had massively overstyled long hair but a basic undercut man... jesus christ you deserve everything that's coming

>> No.8563145
File: 30 KB, 296x412, 1389467409625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok man. Just google Erik Lamela, a footballer for Tottenham. You can make it work.

>> No.8563156
File: 62 KB, 488x400, erik-lamela-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8563163


so how is that "making it work"?

>> No.8563184

you fucking pussy
i bet after her cut it you:
>oh y-yeah i like it
_it l-looks good ha..ha..ha

>> No.8563189


maybe he realized they can't glue his hair back. he could get mad at them but they would still laugh it off when he leaves.

>> No.8563190


This is what you get for trying to be edgy.

>> No.8563323

>I want to kick a puppy looking at these pictures again.
