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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 139 KB, 584x580, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8560013 No.8560013[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ever called you gay for what you're wearing?

>> No.8560019

yh but they were a fag

>> No.8560021

If they're calling you gay, more often than not, it's because you're acting gay

>> No.8560022

why tumblr so obsessed with handsome males with stupid beards, hair styles and nerd tattoos posing in feminine manner

>> No.8560028


>> No.8560033

yes but mainly because i go to gay clubs

>> No.8560050

before i started working out, p often
it stopped after i started and had decent posture.

>> No.8560063

I have a friend who can pull off the look in op really well, can grow really good facial hair etc.

I was helping him with his style at a party once and a couple girkz thought I was gay, later in the night I was talkin to em and they asked for help with their style (they needed it too), then they mentioned they thought I was gay when I was helping my friend earlier on.

Told them I was straight and they just thought it was weird that a straight man had my interest and ideas about style and fashion.
bc its 'a gay thing'

>why are so many women such fucking plenz

>> No.8560115


>> No.8560145

cause i survive mad fights

>> No.8560298

I dont understand why females are automatically attributed with being more "fashionable" than men, They're just as bad as the average guy but worse in the sense that they shop more and buy more shit

>> No.8560353
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my mom when i wear cut skinnies.
my dad when i wear skinnies.

f-f-feel bad man :(

>anon take those off you look i dont like them, they make you look gay
>anon i cant stand when you wear those pants it makes you seem like a flame

bruh. not into hi-fashun

>> No.8560392

Where to cop similar shirt ?

>> No.8560465
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>mom calls my new Raf's high tops nigger shoes
>calls muh skinny's nut huggers
>doesn't understand denim stretches

>> No.8560471

>mom calls my new Raf's high tops nigger shoes
thats just plain offensive

>> No.8560487

slap her in the face
assert your dominance

>> No.8560491

your mom sounds hilarious

>> No.8560514

this guy looks like shit i cant wait until 5 yrs from now when every one looks back on this dumb trend

>> No.8560518

i have only been called gay based on what i'm not wearing while in bed with another male

>> No.8560544

They're complete idiots, females like that are cancerous blights on society.

>> No.8560550

It's a good reminder to keep a masculine edge despite /fa/'s protests.

>> No.8560555

your mom is based and is trying to stop her 15-20 year old investment from becoming a faggot

>> No.8560662
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This feel

>"why is the neck hole so huge?"
>"anon I'm worried"

>> No.8560717

One time this dude called me gay while I was fucking his asshole. I'm not gay though.

>> No.8560754

>'Do young people nowadays run around like this?'
>Dad said on the parking lot 'look, none of the people dress like Anon'


>> No.8560756

I wore pink shoelaces once when I was like 15 and my mum was like "is there something you want to tell us"

>> No.8560768

so edgy

>> No.8560806


>high tops nigger shoes

ill be using that term from now on thanks anon

>> No.8560807

my roommates asked me if i was gay after seeing me use mouse and a hairdryer to style my hair

>> No.8560826

A girlfriend of my ex-gf told her after seeing me with her:
"That guy you were with is pretty cute, it's a shame he's gay"

>> No.8560839

your mom sounds rad m8

>> No.8560879
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>> No.8561002

>wearing pretty standard denim jacket outfit
>go with a buddy to a big club
>as I'm walking in, there's these two bogans and a girl (track suit and hoodie), chavs if you will
>"hey are you two gay" - "yeah I bet you're poofters"
>say "n-no"
>continue walking to the door as they're shouting and laughing

Not sure if it's cause of what I was wearing or cause it was just me and my buddy or because they were just fuckwits.

>> No.8561170

All the above

>> No.8561182

You probably looked like a poof bro

>> No.8561383

My homophobic dad used to pissed at me for acting like a girl, apparently. I think I was just being feminine in the way I held my phone and stuff like that. I'm not attracted to guys, though. How did this happen? You don't just start being feminine, right?

>> No.8561406

in 10th grade some skater kid asked me if i was gay and i told him to shut the fuck up and my voice was pretty deep at that point so he backed down like a bitch

looking back i was wearing a skintight aa cardigan with a baby blue oxford and messenger bag and gok wan glasses i did look pretty gay lol

>> No.8561441
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>> No.8561484

>mom calls krisvanassche shoes nigger shit
>dad calls rick tees dresses

>> No.8561495

That would look so much better with a shaved head goddamn

>> No.8561816

Because they're all awkward, fat, gay teenagers.

[source]: My best friend is one

>> No.8561951

>ppl like this still exist

>> No.8561958

*in deepest voice u can muster* SHUT THE FUCK OFF????

>> No.8561982

This so much.

"anon you're fashionable what do you think of my new galaxy print leggings?"

>> No.8562028

I feel that some people think that im gay (most of them are grrils) but I am not and sometimes just pisses me off, how do I get rid of this shit, maybe im too kind

>> No.8562053

>ITT: closeted faggots

>> No.8562074


>leave for college start dressing better/get fitter/face matures
>go home having not seen fam for a year
>family compliments my style for being individual but still good
>anon you are so handsome
>wow anon your must do alright with the ladies ;)
they are a pretty bad family most of the time but i am happy to not know the style criticising feels

>> No.8562088

post a fit

>> No.8562097

w2c the t-shirt he's wearing?

>> No.8562124

I've been called gay for how I act
I've been called gay for how I walk
I've been called gay for what I listen
I've been called gay for how my face is
I've been called gay for how my body is
I've been called gay for how talk
I've been called gay for how narcissistic I am.
I've been called gay for how I ignore ugly grills.

But no. I've heard no complains about my clothes. Thanks for asking.

>> No.8562136
File: 37 KB, 599x336, j0qYZMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think plebs (and I mean real plebs, not by /fa/ standards) don't understand. If you look the least bit refined, or if you look after yourself, lower class people will assume you are gay. But you live in a completely different world to them.

>> No.8563384

It's not so much that they assume you're gay, they call you gay to provoke you. They want to make fun of you and being called gay is something that pisses most dudes off.

>> No.8563881

w2c shirt??

>> No.8563953
File: 15 KB, 214x261, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dancin at the disco club
>qt sidles up besides me
>solid 7.5/10
>dancin and stuff
>she's got this big goofy grin on her face
>leans in close to me
>her head is next to mine now
>whispers in my ear
>"you're gay right?"


>> No.8564037

I heard fag/poor a lot when I was 15ish because I wore skinny jeans and plain shirts. Ironically the same people ended up dressing similarly by the end of highschool.

Also I am gay and my straight friends arguably dress better than me.

>> No.8564067

You should have grinned back at her, grabbed her ass, danced up to her and whispered back 'nope.'

>> No.8564088

Never been called gay, but gays have come on to me though. Pretty agressively too, but it's flattering I guess.

>> No.8564894

shut the fuck up

>> No.8565083

check your privileged

>> No.8565138

I don't live in the ghetto. No one called people gay after jr. High. There were like 10 black kids in my 200 student graduating class.

>> No.8565219

no, but I get these stares from people that says "dude ur gay" or maybe I'm just paranoid

oh also there's this one time when my friend said my tee looks like a girl's

>> No.8565272

No, but I am regularily asked why I wear button ups, while most of my friends just wear tees or polos with bright patterns or branding.

>> No.8565323

>grew up on east coast
>moved to west coast
>grandma decided that anything remotely uncommon is a 'west coast style' including all belts wider that 1"

never been called gay, though I've been hit on by plenty of gay guys (fact of life on Capitol Hill)

>> No.8565400

Only my mother.

>> No.8565440

yes. probably because im gay

>> No.8565484

DuPont circle m8 all the gay ppl are there but it honestly has the best straight clubs

>> No.8565487



>> No.8565499

>something about black kids

Your lower middle class upbringing has zero bearing on the discussion

>> No.8565504

lol what about his post makes you think he's lower middle class

>> No.8565517

Because if he didn't have a semi-poor suburban combined 70k a year upbringing, he wouldn't try to brag

Us real money don't brag

>> No.8565518

yes but because i wear women shorts. they are shorter then men shortstherefore unusual. I like the look, the feeling of freshness and freedom and to show off my fit legs.

>you have beautiful legs for a women
>you have nice legs. You are the only man i know who can wear such shorts

>> No.8565522

that's middle class

do you think 120k is rich or something?

>> No.8565527


>> No.8565535

what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8565556

Lmfao 120k is still lower middle class

>> No.8565563

lol u trol me

>> No.8565604

was asked if gay once by friend, also approached by 2 gay males at tha club. doesn't happen anymore though

>> No.8566458

wrong city, m8

>> No.8566691

Friend and I Most effay two guys in school my lift together think we are gay he has an under cut haircut but I have some sorta teenager briber hair which looks best for me should i try under cut do not gay ?

>> No.8566701

>be sucking a cock
>people call me gay for that
what the fuck

>> No.8566707

>You don't just start being feminine, right?
Yes, since you noticed your dad was/is homophobic

Trust me, I'm a psychologist

>> No.8566726

I got in an argument with an old dude once and he called me a queer

I laughed and told him to enjoy life while he could

>> No.8566789

I got called gay a few times in high school for wearing skinny jeans but thats high school

>> No.8566814

>at party
>lights low, depeche mode blaring
>12/10 girls everywhere
>having drinks, good time
>talking about pre/post martin margiela with this guy
>he starts to kiss me out of nowhere
>don't know how to stop this
>make out with this guy
>girls are gathering
>afterwards a girl i know pretty well says "omg anon I didn't know you were the gay!!!"
>"i-i'm not"
>everyone wat.jpg
>"just because you make out with a guy every now and then doesn't make you gay, don't be so homophobic"
>aforementioned girl blew me and snorted coke off my dick later that night

nothing of value was lost
captcha: fayette akwther

>> No.8566834

living the life anon

>> No.8566846

and I said, with a twinkle in my eye, and a smile on my face, "enjoy life while you can."
euphoric indeed
letip +1 to you sirs

>> No.8566908

no, but i've been called ma'am and miss and little kids ask whether i'm a boy or a girl all the time...

>> No.8566917

Well, which one are you?

>> No.8566936
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if faggot counts, then yes

>pic related was the jacket I got called a faggot for wearing

>> No.8566955
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>> No.8566957

i'm a guy, but before I speak I guess a lot of people think i'm a girl. I have long hair and i'm hungry skeletier so I gues I cant really blame them, but still with kids Its ruthless. Adults always apologize.

>> No.8567174

>be male
>look masculine
>talk to grills all the time
>never been asked if i'm gay

>> No.8567183

eh, it's only an insult if you think of it like an insult, they don't really know better

>> No.8567205

My parents make 240k combined

>> No.8567214

Luckily I'm bigger and stronger than most guys, so I've never been called a faggot, even when I can tell theyre thinking it.

>> No.8567227

grills dont exactly like it when you're prettier than them :{

>> No.8567255

when im in formal clothes for work people think im gay
when i wear my normal after hours streetwear shit i get a ton of positive attention from girls
really interesting how much of a difference it makes

>> No.8567258
File: 61 KB, 460x611, 5109779+_1a0d8ea906f8d61090535a9da83762ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got callaed gay for wearing an stylish satchel, or man purso as the ignorants call it

>> No.8567260

Yeah, if you actually dress well and don't act like you suck dick, few people will presume anything. Girls might call you gay if you're so attractive that you're out of their league (safer than getting rejected by a hot guy), but even gay guys won't jump to conclusions.

The closest I've come to being called gay was a gay dude hitting on me and asking "Are you gay, or just a straight guy who dresses nice?"

>> No.8567295

>my parents

>> No.8567310

read the chain, mongoloid

>> No.8567325

yea thats pretty fokken gay m8

>> No.8567405

haha based mom

>> No.8567425

i live in the midwest and guys at my uni wear shorts that cut off at the thigh

i can get away with anything

>> No.8567543

my brother gave me a speech about how he knew his friend was gay cause he "payed a lot of attention to his appearance" as I was combing my hair in a mirror
I don't think my family will ever believe I'm straight

>> No.8567866


This. But it doesn't really bother me. It isn't something that is going to make me confrontational because I'm not insecure about my sexuality. I have qt gf that is way beyond anything they could ever get so yeah, as long as regular people don't think that I guess it's cool.

>> No.8567937

Whenever I buy something I really like my mom comments how gay it looks.
She actually knows quite a few gay guys so I asked her if any of them dress like me. She said no.

wtf mom

>> No.8567939

try getting a gf

>> No.8569132

my thoughts exactly but why'd people lie about their sexuality in an anonymous fashion forum?

>> No.8570008

yeah but then I sucked his dick.

what a faggot.

>> No.8571487

the dupont metro escalator is one of the scariest experiences of my life

>> No.8572874

>she snorted coke off my dick

enjoy malignant flesh on your dick, it will probably fall off.

>> No.8573321

I got called gay twice, on both occasions it was because I rejected a girl not used to rejections.

>> No.8573329

My friends jokingly refer to me as the hipster faggot of the group.

>> No.8573350

hey little guy

>> No.8573382
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>> No.8573406
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>used to be wiggercore
>embarassing looking back but I had black friends and was fitting in till I changed schools
>be adult now
>wear thinnest jeans I've ever owned, I consider them skinny. feelsgoodman but still feelsdifferent
>country brother says "hey you're wearing normal pants now"
>lose virginity while wearing normal pants
>feels like some sort of progress but most of my clothes are still autistic

>> No.8573613

w2c shirt

>> No.8573651

>'actually i fucking hate print leggings but i'm glad you found some you like'
It's amazing what you can get away with as long as you say it with a big ass grin on your face.

>> No.8573687

That didn't happen and you know it

>> No.8573691
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>Lived in small town(1500 people) USA
>Errybody at work thought I was gay
>People that saw me thought I was gay
>said fuck it and just started acting gay to piss them off
>got 1 compliment
>rest of the shit was either subtle insults like "those pants are.... unique" etc

>move to UK
>Hello gorgeous
>That's an amazingly well cut jacket, sir
>Just wanted to say, you look fantastic
>Maximum swagger
>You look fabulous
>Looking smart
>You look really fit in that
>Nice shoes
>Where did you get those shoes
>I love those shoes

>added bonus of muh merrycunt accent

>made a few chicks spaghetti
>implying I knew I had these powers
>have gf
>says I have a big willy

>> No.8575518

Yeah, my two brothers do it all the time

>> No.8575539

Reverse image search you stupid nigger

>> No.8575556

some dude said my white vans looked "gay" while i was giving him a handy

>> No.8575582

Heard a conversation of someone at the office. One guy said any dude who spend over $300 on clothes or buy designer stuff are gay. This is after I've bought Rick's.

Not that I really care but it did made me upset for a little while.

>> No.8575596

no and i would #rek their life i swear

>> No.8575598

are you me?

>> No.8575612

>walking home past shops
>group of lads dressed in typical ladwear audiobly whisper "faggot" under their breaths
>they didnt't even have the balls to say it loud and to my face


>> No.8575616



>> No.8575617

Once, and I took it to heart.

Then ruined the bastard. No one has insulted me since for my clothing :D

>> No.8575623


I got called gay for having a feminine face

>> No.8575652

Yah they about to flatten ur ass

>> No.8575662

those mugs tho damn

>> No.8575679

my dad can beat up ur dad

>> No.8575695

Ruined him analy?

>> No.8575712

>Ruined the bastard


>> No.8575970


pretty expensive for a black shirt with a white pocket but it looks /fa/

anyone know where i can cop a pleb black shirt with a big white pocket under 15$?

ik this one has little retarded animals but yeh